import os, sys import uuid sys.path.append('./sec') from util import * from excep import * from sec import * from db import * from pl_to_geni import * ROOT_AUTH = 'planetlab' #need to know the higher most node class TreeNodeInfo: def __init__(self): = '' # hrn self.login_base = None self.node_data = None def serial(self): dic = {'name', 'login_base':self.login_base, 'node_data':None} if self.node_data: dic['node_data'] = {} if self.node_data.has_key('key_info'): dic['node_data']['key_info'] = self.node_data['key_info'].serial() if self.node_data.has_key('db_info'): dic['node_data']['db_info'] = self.node_data['db_info'].serial() return dic class KeyInfo: def __init__(self): self.folder = '' self.id_file = '' self.id_key_file = '' self.acc_file = '' self.cred_file = '' self.last_update = '' def serial(self): return {'folder': self.folder, 'id_file': self.id_file, 'id_key_file': self.id_key_file, 'acc_file': self.acc_file, 'cred_file': self.cred_file, 'last_update': self.last_update} class DbInfo: def __init__(self): self.table_name = '' #ex: planetlab.br_sr self.db_name = '' #ex: plDB self.address = '' self.port = 0 self.user = '' self.password = '' def serial(self): return {'table_name':self.table_name, 'db_name':self.db_name, 'address':self.address, 'port':self.port, 'user':self.user, 'password':self.password} class TreeNode: def __init__(self): = None self.children = [] def serial(self): children = [] if len(self.children)>0: for c in self.children: children.append(c.serial()) if return {'children':children, 'info'} else: return {'children':children, 'info':None} class InterfaceTree: def __init__(self, type, filename, auth_addr): #the tree for keeping the site names managed by this interface instance self.my_tree = None self.type = type self.filename = filename self.auth_addr = auth_addr self.tree_init() #check a hrn if exists in the tree, return the info of it, if not found return None #hrn:string def tree_lookup(self, hrn) : tree= self.my_tree if not tree: #tree empty return None found = True hrn_arr = geni_to_arr(hrn) tmp_tree = tree if != hrn_arr[0] : found = False else : cur_name = hrn_arr[0] + '' for i in range(1, len(hrn_arr)): cur_name = cur_name + '.' + hrn_arr[i] child_found = False child = {} for j in range(len(tmp_tree.children)) : if tmp_tree.children[j] == cur_name : child_found = True child = tmp_tree.children[j] break if child_found == False: found = False break else: tmp_tree = child if found == True: return else: return None def is_leaf(self, hrn): tree= self.my_tree if not tree: #tree empty return None found = True hrn_arr = geni_to_arr(hrn) tmp_tree = tree if != hrn_arr[0] : found = False else : cur_name = hrn_arr[0] + '' for i in range(1, len(hrn_arr)): cur_name = cur_name + '.' + hrn_arr[i] child_found = False child = {} for j in range(len(tmp_tree.children)) : if tmp_tree.children[j] == cur_name : child_found = True child = tmp_tree.children[j] break if child_found == False: found = False break else: tmp_tree = child if found == True: return tmp_tree.children == [] else: return None #add a new branch into the tree, branch is indicated by info #info: TreeNodeInfo def tree_add(self, info): tree= self.my_tree inserted = False hrn_arr = geni_to_arr( tmp_tree = tree if hrn_arr == []: raise TreeException("Wrong input hrn: " else: if tree == None: if len(hrn_arr) == 1: #insert the node tree = TreeNode() = info inserted = True else: cur_name = hrn_arr[0] + '' if == cur_name: for i in range(1, len(hrn_arr)): cur_name = cur_name + '.' + hrn_arr[i] child_found = False child = {} for j in range(len(tmp_tree.children)) : if tmp_tree.children[j] == cur_name : child_found = True child = tmp_tree.children[j] break if child_found == False: if len(hrn_arr) - i == 1: #insert the remaining of hrn new_child = TreeNode() = info tmp_tree.children.append(new_child) inserted = True break else: tmp_tree = child if inserted == False: print "The hrn '""' should be at leaf position to be inserted.\n" return inserted #remove the branch indicated by hrn from the tree #hrn: string def tree_remove(self, hrn): tree= self.my_tree removed = False hrn_arr = geni_to_arr(hrn) tmp_tree = tree if == hrn_arr[0] : cur_name = hrn_arr[0] + '' for i in range(1, len(hrn_arr)): cur_name = cur_name + '.' + hrn_arr[i] child_found = False child = {} for j in range(len(tmp_tree.children)) : if tmp_tree.children[j] == cur_name : child_found = True child = tmp_tree.children[j] break if child_found == False: break else: if i == len(hrn_arr)-1: tmp_tree.children.remove(child) removed = True else: tmp_tree = child return removed #initialize the tree with the file data def tree_init(self): filename = self.filename type = self.type try: #check if dict file exists if not os.path.exists(filename+'_dict'): if not os.path.exists(filename): print 'Error: File not found.\n' raise NonExistingFile(filename) else: self.__file_to_treedict(filename) self.my_tree = self.__deserialize_tree(eval(open(filename+'_dict').read())) else: self.my_tree = self.__deserialize_tree(eval(open(filename+'_dict').read())) #create the tables and key folders if they do not exist already self.__sync_with_db_rec(type, self.my_tree) except: print 'Error in initialzing the tree.\n' os._exit(1) def save_tree(self): open(self.filename+'_dict', 'w').write(str(self.my_tree.serial())) def __sync_with_db_rec(self, type, treenode): self.__sync_with_db(type, treenode) for child in treenode.children: self.__sync_with_db_rec(type, child) #if do not exist, creates the (key folder, private key and self signed cert) and the db table for the node, fills the table with the children info #type: 'slice' or 'component' indicating the registry type #hierarchy:hrn so far #treenode: node to be synched def __sync_with_db(self, type, treenode): curdir = os.getcwd() key_req = False table_req = False if not = {} #create key folder, private key and self signed cert hrn = dirname = type+'/'+(hrn).replace('.','/') hrn_suffix = get_leaf(hrn) if os.path.exists(dirname): os.system('rm -rf '+dirname) os.makedirs(dirname) os.chdir(dirname) create_self_cert(hrn_suffix) k = KeyInfo() k.folder = dirname k.id_file = hrn_suffix+'.cert' k.id_key_file = hrn_suffix +'.pkey' #for the top authority create the acc and cred files if obtain_authority(hrn) == '': id_cert = crypto.load_certificate(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, open(k.id_file).read()) id_pkey = crypto.load_privatekey(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, open(k.id_key_file).read()) uu_id = str(uuid.uuid4().int) regtype = '' if type == 'slice': regtype = 'slc' else: regtype = 'comp' rights = '(0-0)(1-0)(2-0)(3-0)(4-0)(5-0)(6-0)(7-0)(8-0)(9-0)' rights = rights + '#0:reg:'+regtype+':'+hrn k.acc_file = 'acc_file' k.cred_file = 'cred_file' acc = create_acc(id_cert, id_pkey, id_cert.get_pubkey(), hrn, uu_id) cred = create_cred(id_cert, id_pkey, id_cert.get_pubkey(), 'Registry credentials', rights) open(k.acc_file, 'w').write(crypto.dump_certificate(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, acc)) open(k.cred_file, 'w').write(crypto.dump_certificate(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, cred))['key_info'] = k os.chdir(curdir) #create the table and set in the treenode data structure suffix = '' if type == 'slice': suffix = SR_SUFFIX else: suffix = CR_SUFFIX tablename = hrn.replace('.','$') + suffix cnx = get_plDB_conn() querystr = "CREATE TABLE "+tablename+" ( \ hrn text, \ type text, \ uuid text, \ userlist text, \ rights text, \ description text, \ pubkey text, \ wrapperURL text, \ disabled text, \ pointer integer);" cnx.query('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS '+tablename) #drop the table if it exists cnx.query(querystr) d = DbInfo() d.table_name = tablename get_plDB_info(d)['db_info'] = d #if the authority resides in PL as site, then fill it with the PL data if treenode.children == []: populate_pl_data(hrn_suffix, tablename, type) = hrn_suffix #insert the record into parent's table if obtain_authority(hrn) != '': rectype = '' regtype = '' if type == 'slice': rectype = 'SA' regtype = 'slc' else: rectype = 'MA' regtype = 'comp' uu_id = '' if treenode.children != []: uu_id = str(uuid.uuid4().int) rights = '(2-0)(4-0)(6-0)(7-0)(8-0)(9-0)(0-1)(1-1)(2-1)(3-1)(4-1)(5-1)(6-1)(7-1)(8-1)(9-1)' rights = rights + '#0:reg:'+regtype+':'+obtain_authority(hrn)+'#1:reg:'+regtype+':'+hrn id_file =['key_info'].folder+'/'+['key_info'].id_file pubkey = X509.load_cert(id_file).get_pubkey().as_pem(cipher=None) wrapper = 'local' pointer = -1 if treenode.children == []: #get pointer if authority resides in PL as site pointer = cnx.query("SELECT site_id FROM sites WHERE login_base='"+hrn_suffix+"'").dictresult()[0]['site_id'] disabled = 'f' record = {'hrn':get_leaf(hrn), 'type':rectype, 'uuid':uu_id, 'rights':rights, 'pubkey':pubkey, 'wrapperURL':wrapper, 'pointer':pointer, 'disabled':disabled} querystr = generate_querystr('INSERT', obtain_authority(hrn).replace('.','$')+suffix, record) cnx.query(querystr) #gets a tree in the form of a dictionary, # ex: {'info':{'name':'planetlab', 'node_data':{'key_info':{...}, 'db_info':{...}}}, 'children':[x1, x2, ..]} #returns the tree in the TreeNode class format def __deserialize_tree(self, treenode_dict): node = TreeNode() = TreeNodeInfo() = treenode_dict['info']['name'] = treenode_dict['info']['login_base'] if treenode_dict['info']['node_data']: = {} if treenode_dict['info']['node_data'].has_key('key_info'):['key_info'] = KeyInfo() keyinf = treenode_dict['info']['node_data']['key_info']['key_info'].folder = keyinf['folder']['key_info'].id_file = keyinf['id_file']['key_info'].id_key_file = keyinf['id_key_file']['key_info'].acc_file = keyinf['acc_file']['key_info'].cred_file = keyinf['cred_file']['key_info'].last_update = keyinf['last_update'] if treenode_dict['info']['node_data'].has_key('db_info'):['db_info'] = DbInfo() dbinf = treenode_dict['info']['node_data']['db_info']['db_info'].table_name = dbinf['table_name']['db_info'].db_name = dbinf['db_name']['db_info'].address = dbinf['address']['db_info'].port = dbinf['port']['db_info'].user = dbinf['user']['db_info'].password = dbinf['password'] for child in treenode_dict['children']: node.children.append(self.__deserialize_tree(child)) return node #gets a file name for tree and constructs an output file which contains the tree in dictionary format #write to file: ex: {'info':{'name':'planetlab', 'node_data':{'key_info':{...}, 'db_info':{...}}}, 'children':[x1, x2, ..]} def __file_to_treedict(self, filename): lines = open(filename).readlines() hierarchy = '' (node, line) = self.__file_to_treedict_rec(lines, 0, hierarchy, 0) open(filename+'_dict', 'w').write(str(node)) #helper function #return: (node, line) def __file_to_treedict_rec(self, lines, indent, hierarchy, line): node = {'info':{'name':'', 'login_base':'', 'node_data':None}, 'children':[]} #count #tabs j = 0 while lines[line][j] == '\t': j = j+1 if indent != j: print 'Error in file to dictionary conversion.\n' return None name = lines[line].split(' ')[0] name = name[j:len(name)] if hierarchy == '': node['info']['name'] = name else: node['info']['name'] = hierarchy + '.' + name node['info']['login_base'] = name #next indent count j = 0 if line+1 != len(lines): while lines[line+1][j] == '\t': j = j+1 if j > indent+1: print 'Error in file to dictionary conversion.\n' return None indent2 = j line = line+1 while indent2 > indent: (child, line) = self.__file_to_treedict_rec(lines, indent2, node['info']['name'], line) node['children'].append(child) j = 0 if line != len(lines): while lines[line][j] == '\t': j = j+1 indent2 = j return (node, line) #determines the key info of a given hrn within the tree, performs calls back to 'server' to obtain updated certs #if the hrn does not exist in the tree hierarchy None is returned #server: the server instance is passed for calls to getCredential/getAccounting if necessary #type is credential or accounting; one of them at a time is determined by the function #returns an array containing the self-signed certificate, private key, and acc or cred chain in string def determine_keyinfo(self, hrn, server, type): tree = self reg_type = self.type info = tree.tree_lookup(hrn) if info == None: return None else: keyinfo = info.node_data['key_info'] folder = keyinfo.folder id_file = folder+'/'+keyinfo.id_file id_key_file = folder+'/'+keyinfo.id_key_file #check the id file if not os.path.exists(folder) or not os.path.exists(id_file): print 'Id file for '+hrn+' does not exist.\n' return None else: #check acc or cred acc_str = None cred_str = None renew_res = renew_cert(type, folder, reg_type, hrn, server, tree, tree.auth_addr, server.sec) if renew_res == None: return None if type == 'accounting': keyinfo.acc_file = 'acc_file' acc_str = open(keyinfo.folder+'/'+keyinfo.acc_file).read() else: keyinfo.cred_file = 'cred_file' cred_str = open(keyinfo.folder+'/'+keyinfo.cred_file).read() id = crypto.load_certificate(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, open(id_file).read()) id_key = crypto.load_privatekey(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, open(id_key_file).read()) return [id, id_key, acc_str, cred_str]