.\" -*- nroff -*- .de IQ . br . ns . IP "\\$1" .. .TH ovs\-bugtool 8 "@VERSION@" "Open vSwitch" "Open vSwitch Manual" .\" This program's name: .ds PN ovs\-bugtool . .SH NAME ovs\-bugtool \- Open vSwitch bug reporting utility . .SH SYNOPSIS .B ovs\-bugtool . .SH DESCRIPTION Generate a debug bundle with useful information about Open vSwitch on this system and places it in \fB/var/log/ovs-bugtool\fR. . .SH OPTIONS . .IP "\fB\-\-all\fR" Use all available capabilities. . .IP "\fB\-\-capabilities\fR" List \fBovs\-bugtool\fR capabilities. . .IP "\fB\-\-debug\fR" Print verbose debugging output. . .IP "\fB\-\-entries=\fIlist\fR" Use the capabilities specified in a comma-separated list. . .IP "\fB\-\-log\-days=\fIdays\fR" Include the logs rotated in the previous \fIdays\fR days in the debug bundle. The number of log files included has a big impact on the eventual bundle size. The default value is 20 days. . .IP "\fB\-\-output=\fIfiletype\fR" Generate a debug bundle with the specified file type. Options include \fBtar\fR, \fBtar.gz\fR, \fBtar.bz2\fR, and \fBzip\fR. . .IP "\fB\-\-ovs\fR" Use only Open vSwitch relevant capabilities. . .IP "\fB\-\-silent\fR" Suppress output. . .IP "\fB\-\-unlimited\fR" Do not exclude files which are too large. Also skip checking free disk space. By default up to 90 percent of the free disk space can be used. . .IP "\fB\-\-yestoall\fR" Answer yes to all prompts. . .SH BUGS \fBovs\-bugtool\fR makes many assumptions about file locations and the availability of system utilities. It has been tested on Debian and Red Hat and derived distributions. On other distributions it is likely to be less useful.