.TH ofp\-discover 8 "May 2008" "OpenFlow" "OpenFlow Manual" .SH NAME ofp\-discover \- controller discovery utility .SH SYNOPSIS .B ofp\-discover [\fIoptions\fR] \fInetdev\fR [\fInetdev\fR...] .SH DESCRIPTION The \fBofp\-discover\fR program attempts to discover the location of an OpenFlow controller on one of the network devices listed on the command line. It repeatedly broadcasts a DHCP request with vendor class identifier \fBOpenFlow\fR on each network device until it receives an acceptable DHCP response. It will accept any valid DHCP reply that has the same vendor class identifier and includes a vendor-specific option with code 1 whose contents are a string specifying the location of the controller in the same format used on the \fBsecchan\fR command line (e.g. \fBssl:\fR). When \fBofp\-discover\fR receives an acceptable response, it prints the details of the response on \fBstdout\fR. Then, by default, it configures the network device on which the response was received with the received IP address, netmask, and default gateway, and detaches itself to the background. .SH OPTIONS .TP \fB--accept-vconn=\fIregex\fR By default, \fBofp\-discover\fR accepts any controller location advertised over DHCP. With this option, only controllers whose names match POSIX extended regular expression \fIregex\fR will be accepted. Specifying \fBssl:.*\fR for \fIregex\fR, for example, would cause only SSL controller connections to be accepted. The \fIregex\fR is implicitly anchored at the beginning of the controller location string, as if it begins with \fB^\fR. .TP \fB--exit-without-bind\fR By default, \fBofp\-discover\fR binds the network device that receives the first acceptable response to the IP address received over DHCP. With this option, the configuration of the network device is not changed at all, except to bring it up if it is initially down, and \fBofp\-discover\fR will exit immediately after it receives an acceptable DHCP response. This option is mutually exclusive with \fB--exit-after-bind\fR and \fB--no-detach\fR. .TP \fB--exit-after-bind\fR By default, after it receives an acceptable DHCP response, \fBofp\-discover\fR detaches itself from the foreground session and runs in the background maintaining the DHCP lease as necessary. With this option, \fBofp\-discover\fR will exit immediately after it receives an acceptable DHCP response and configures the network device with the received IP address. The address obtained via DHCP could therefore be used past the expiration of its lease. This option is mutually exclusive with \fB--exit-without-bind\fR and \fB--no-detach\fR. .TP \fB--no-detach\fR By default, \fBofp\-discover\fR runs in the foreground until it obtains an acceptable DHCP response, then it detaches itself from the foreground session and run as a background process. This option prevents \fBofp\-discover\fR from detaching, causing it to run in the foreground even after it obtains a DHCP response. This option is mutually exclusive with \fB--exit-without-bind\fR and \fB--exit-after-bind\fR. .TP \fB-P\fR[\fIpidfile\fR], \fB--pidfile\fR[\fB=\fIpidfile\fR] Causes a file (by default, \fBofp\-discover.pid\fR) to be created indicating the PID of the running process. If \fIpidfile\fR is not specified, or if it does not begin with \fB/\fR, then it is created in \fB@RUNDIR@\fR. The \fIpidfile\fR is created when \fBofp\-discover\fR detaches, so this this option has no effect when one of \fB--exit-without-bind\fR, \fB--exit-after-bind\fR, or \fB--no-detach\fR is also given. .TP \fB-f\fR, \fB--force\fR By default, when \fB-P\fR or \fB--pidfile\fR is specified and the specified pidfile already exists and is locked by a running process, \fBcontroller\fR refuses to start. Specify \fB-f\fR or \fB--force\fR to cause it to instead overwrite the pidfile. When \fB-P\fR or \fB--pidfile\fR is not specified, this option has no effect. .TP .BR \-h ", " \-\^\-help Prints a brief help message to the console. .TP \fB-v\fR \fImodule\fR[\fB:\fIfacility\fR[\fB:\fIlevel\fR]], \fB--verbose=\fImodule\fR[\fB:\fIfacility\fR[\fB:\fIlevel\fR]] Sets the logging level for \fImodule\fR in \fIfacility\fR to \fIlevel\fR. The \fImodule\fR may be any valid module name (as displayed by the \fB--list\fR action on \fBvlogconf\fR(8)), or the special name \fBANY\fR to set the logging levels for all modules. The \fIfacility\fR may be \fBsyslog\fR or \fBconsole\fR to set the levels for logging to the system log or to the console, respectively, or \fBANY\fR to set the logging levels for both facilities. If it is omitted, \fIfacility\fR defaults to \fBANY\fR. The \fIlevel\fR must be one of \fBemer\fR, \fBerr\fR, \fBwarn\fR, or \fBdbg\fR, designating the minimum severity of a message for it to be logged. If it is omitted, \fIlevel\fR defaults to \fBdbg\fR. .TP \fB-v\fR, \fB--verbose\fR Sets the maximum logging verbosity level, equivalent to \fB--verbose=ANY:ANY:dbg\fR. .TP \fB-vPATTERN:\fIfacility\fB:\fIpattern\fR, \fB--verbose=PATTERN:\fIfacility\fB:\fIpattern\fR Sets the log pattern for \fIfacility\fR to \fIpattern\fR. Refer to \fBvlogconf\fR(8) for a description of the valid syntax for \fIpattern\fR. .TP .BR \-V ", " \-\^\-version Prints version information to the console. .SH BUGS If the network devices specified on the command line have been added to an OpenFlow switch with \fBdpctl addif\fR, then controller discovery will fail because \fBofp\-discover\fR will not be able to see DHCP responses, even though tools such as \fBtcpdump\fR(8) and \fBwireshark\fR(1) can see them on the wire. This is because of the structure of the Linux kernel networking stack, which hands packets first to programs that listen for all arriving packets, then to OpenFlow, then to programs that listen for a specific kind of packet. OpenFlow consumes all the packets handed to it, so tools like \fBtcpdump\fR that look at all packets will see packets arriving on OpenFlow interfaces, but \fRofp\-discover\fR, which listens only for arriving IP packets, will not. .SH "SEE ALSO" .BR secchan (8), .BR ofp-pki (8)