/* * Copyright (c) 2008, 2009, 2010 Nicira Networks. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "command-line.h" #include "compiler.h" #include "dirs.h" #include "dpif.h" #include "dynamic-string.h" #include "netdev.h" #include "netlink.h" #include "odp-util.h" #include "ofp-print.h" #include "ofpbuf.h" #include "openflow/nicira-ext.h" #include "openflow/openflow.h" #include "packets.h" #include "random.h" #include "socket-util.h" #include "timeval.h" #include "util.h" #include "vconn-ssl.h" #include "vconn.h" #include "vlog.h" #define THIS_MODULE VLM_ofctl #define DEFAULT_IDLE_TIMEOUT 60 #define MOD_PORT_CMD_UP "up" #define MOD_PORT_CMD_DOWN "down" #define MOD_PORT_CMD_FLOOD "flood" #define MOD_PORT_CMD_NOFLOOD "noflood" /* Settings that may be configured by the user. */ struct settings { bool strict; /* Use strict matching for flow mod commands */ }; struct command { const char *name; int min_args; int max_args; void (*handler)(const struct settings *, int argc, char *argv[]); }; static struct command all_commands[]; static void usage(void) NO_RETURN; static void parse_options(int argc, char *argv[], struct settings *); int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct settings s; struct command *p; set_program_name(argv[0]); time_init(); vlog_init(); parse_options(argc, argv, &s); signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); argc -= optind; argv += optind; if (argc < 1) ovs_fatal(0, "missing command name; use --help for help"); for (p = all_commands; p->name != NULL; p++) { if (!strcmp(p->name, argv[0])) { int n_arg = argc - 1; if (n_arg < p->min_args) ovs_fatal(0, "'%s' command requires at least %d arguments", p->name, p->min_args); else if (n_arg > p->max_args) ovs_fatal(0, "'%s' command takes at most %d arguments", p->name, p->max_args); else { p->handler(&s, argc, argv); if (ferror(stdout)) { ovs_fatal(0, "write to stdout failed"); } if (ferror(stderr)) { ovs_fatal(0, "write to stderr failed"); } exit(0); } } } ovs_fatal(0, "unknown command '%s'; use --help for help", argv[0]); return 0; } static void parse_options(int argc, char *argv[], struct settings *s) { enum { OPT_STRICT = UCHAR_MAX + 1, VLOG_OPTION_ENUMS }; static struct option long_options[] = { {"timeout", required_argument, 0, 't'}, {"strict", no_argument, 0, OPT_STRICT}, {"help", no_argument, 0, 'h'}, {"version", no_argument, 0, 'V'}, VLOG_LONG_OPTIONS, VCONN_SSL_LONG_OPTIONS {0, 0, 0, 0}, }; char *short_options = long_options_to_short_options(long_options); /* Set defaults that we can figure out before parsing options. */ s->strict = false; for (;;) { unsigned long int timeout; int c; c = getopt_long(argc, argv, short_options, long_options, NULL); if (c == -1) { break; } switch (c) { case 't': timeout = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 10); if (timeout <= 0) { ovs_fatal(0, "value %s on -t or --timeout is not at least 1", optarg); } else { time_alarm(timeout); } break; case 'h': usage(); case 'V': OVS_PRINT_VERSION(OFP_VERSION, OFP_VERSION); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); case OPT_STRICT: s->strict = true; break; VLOG_OPTION_HANDLERS VCONN_SSL_OPTION_HANDLERS case '?': exit(EXIT_FAILURE); default: abort(); } } free(short_options); } static void usage(void) { printf("%s: OpenFlow switch management utility\n" "usage: %s [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARG...]\n" "\nFor OpenFlow switches:\n" " show SWITCH show OpenFlow information\n" " status SWITCH [KEY] report statistics (about KEY)\n" " dump-desc SWITCH print switch description\n" " dump-tables SWITCH print table stats\n" " mod-port SWITCH IFACE ACT modify port behavior\n" " dump-ports SWITCH print port statistics\n" " dump-flows SWITCH print all flow entries\n" " dump-flows SWITCH FLOW print matching FLOWs\n" " dump-aggregate SWITCH print aggregate flow statistics\n" " dump-aggregate SWITCH FLOW print aggregate stats for FLOWs\n" " add-flow SWITCH FLOW add flow described by FLOW\n" " add-flows SWITCH FILE add flows from FILE\n" " mod-flows SWITCH FLOW modify actions of matching FLOWs\n" " del-flows SWITCH [FLOW] delete matching FLOWs\n" " monitor SWITCH MISSLEN EXP print packets received from SWITCH\n" " execute SWITCH CMD [ARG...] execute CMD with ARGS on SWITCH\n" "\nFor OpenFlow switches and controllers:\n" " probe VCONN probe whether VCONN is up\n" " ping VCONN [N] latency of N-byte echos\n" " benchmark VCONN N COUNT bandwidth of COUNT N-byte echos\n" "where each SWITCH is an active OpenFlow connection method.\n", program_name, program_name); vconn_usage(true, false, false); vlog_usage(); printf("\nOther options:\n" " --strict use strict match for flow commands\n" " -t, --timeout=SECS give up after SECS seconds\n" " -h, --help display this help message\n" " -V, --version display version information\n"); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } static void run(int retval, const char *message, ...) PRINTF_FORMAT(2, 3); static void run(int retval, const char *message, ...) { if (retval) { va_list args; fprintf(stderr, "%s: ", program_name); va_start(args, message); vfprintf(stderr, message, args); va_end(args); if (retval == EOF) { fputs(": unexpected end of file\n", stderr); } else { fprintf(stderr, ": %s\n", strerror(retval)); } exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } /* Generic commands. */ static void open_vconn(const char *name, struct vconn **vconnp) { struct dpif *dpif; struct stat s; if (strstr(name, ":")) { run(vconn_open_block(name, OFP_VERSION, vconnp), "connecting to %s", name); } else if (!stat(name, &s) && S_ISSOCK(s.st_mode)) { char *vconn_name = xasprintf("unix:%s", name); VLOG_INFO("connecting to %s", vconn_name); run(vconn_open_block(vconn_name, OFP_VERSION, vconnp), "connecting to %s", vconn_name); free(vconn_name); } else if (!dpif_open(name, &dpif)) { char dpif_name[IF_NAMESIZE + 1]; char *socket_name; char *vconn_name; run(dpif_port_get_name(dpif, ODPP_LOCAL, dpif_name, sizeof dpif_name), "obtaining name of %s", dpif_name); dpif_close(dpif); if (strcmp(dpif_name, name)) { VLOG_INFO("datapath %s is named %s", name, dpif_name); } socket_name = xasprintf("%s/%s.mgmt", ovs_rundir, dpif_name); if (stat(socket_name, &s)) { ovs_fatal(errno, "cannot connect to %s: stat failed on %s", name, socket_name); } else if (!S_ISSOCK(s.st_mode)) { ovs_fatal(0, "cannot connect to %s: %s is not a socket", name, socket_name); } vconn_name = xasprintf("unix:%s", socket_name); VLOG_INFO("connecting to %s", vconn_name); run(vconn_open_block(vconn_name, OFP_VERSION, vconnp), "connecting to %s", vconn_name); free(socket_name); free(vconn_name); } else { ovs_fatal(0, "%s is not a valid connection method", name); } } static void * alloc_stats_request(size_t body_len, uint16_t type, struct ofpbuf **bufferp) { struct ofp_stats_request *rq; rq = make_openflow((offsetof(struct ofp_stats_request, body) + body_len), OFPT_STATS_REQUEST, bufferp); rq->type = htons(type); rq->flags = htons(0); return rq->body; } static void send_openflow_buffer(struct vconn *vconn, struct ofpbuf *buffer) { update_openflow_length(buffer); run(vconn_send_block(vconn, buffer), "failed to send packet to switch"); } static void dump_transaction(const char *vconn_name, struct ofpbuf *request) { struct vconn *vconn; struct ofpbuf *reply; update_openflow_length(request); open_vconn(vconn_name, &vconn); run(vconn_transact(vconn, request, &reply), "talking to %s", vconn_name); ofp_print(stdout, reply->data, reply->size, 1); vconn_close(vconn); } static void dump_trivial_transaction(const char *vconn_name, uint8_t request_type) { struct ofpbuf *request; make_openflow(sizeof(struct ofp_header), request_type, &request); dump_transaction(vconn_name, request); } static void dump_stats_transaction(const char *vconn_name, struct ofpbuf *request) { uint32_t send_xid = ((struct ofp_header *) request->data)->xid; struct vconn *vconn; bool done = false; open_vconn(vconn_name, &vconn); send_openflow_buffer(vconn, request); while (!done) { uint32_t recv_xid; struct ofpbuf *reply; run(vconn_recv_block(vconn, &reply), "OpenFlow packet receive failed"); recv_xid = ((struct ofp_header *) reply->data)->xid; if (send_xid == recv_xid) { struct ofp_stats_reply *osr; ofp_print(stdout, reply->data, reply->size, 1); osr = ofpbuf_at(reply, 0, sizeof *osr); done = !osr || !(ntohs(osr->flags) & OFPSF_REPLY_MORE); } else { VLOG_DBG("received reply with xid %08"PRIx32" " "!= expected %08"PRIx32, recv_xid, send_xid); } ofpbuf_delete(reply); } vconn_close(vconn); } static void dump_trivial_stats_transaction(const char *vconn_name, uint8_t stats_type) { struct ofpbuf *request; alloc_stats_request(0, stats_type, &request); dump_stats_transaction(vconn_name, request); } static void do_show(const struct settings *s OVS_UNUSED, int argc OVS_UNUSED, char *argv[]) { dump_trivial_transaction(argv[1], OFPT_FEATURES_REQUEST); dump_trivial_transaction(argv[1], OFPT_GET_CONFIG_REQUEST); } static void do_status(const struct settings *s OVS_UNUSED, int argc, char *argv[]) { struct nicira_header *request, *reply; struct vconn *vconn; struct ofpbuf *b; request = make_openflow(sizeof *request, OFPT_VENDOR, &b); request->vendor = htonl(NX_VENDOR_ID); request->subtype = htonl(NXT_STATUS_REQUEST); if (argc > 2) { ofpbuf_put(b, argv[2], strlen(argv[2])); update_openflow_length(b); } open_vconn(argv[1], &vconn); run(vconn_transact(vconn, b, &b), "talking to %s", argv[1]); vconn_close(vconn); if (b->size < sizeof *reply) { ovs_fatal(0, "short reply (%zu bytes)", b->size); } reply = b->data; if (reply->header.type != OFPT_VENDOR || reply->vendor != ntohl(NX_VENDOR_ID) || reply->subtype != ntohl(NXT_STATUS_REPLY)) { ofp_print(stderr, b->data, b->size, 2); ovs_fatal(0, "bad reply"); } fwrite(reply + 1, b->size - sizeof *reply, 1, stdout); } static void do_dump_desc(const struct settings *s OVS_UNUSED, int argc OVS_UNUSED, char *argv[]) { dump_trivial_stats_transaction(argv[1], OFPST_DESC); } static void do_dump_tables(const struct settings *s OVS_UNUSED, int argc OVS_UNUSED, char *argv[]) { dump_trivial_stats_transaction(argv[1], OFPST_TABLE); } static uint32_t str_to_u32(const char *str) { char *tail; uint32_t value; errno = 0; value = strtoul(str, &tail, 0); if (errno == EINVAL || errno == ERANGE || *tail) { ovs_fatal(0, "invalid numeric format %s", str); } return value; } static void str_to_mac(const char *str, uint8_t mac[6]) { if (sscanf(str, ETH_ADDR_SCAN_FMT, ETH_ADDR_SCAN_ARGS(mac)) != ETH_ADDR_SCAN_COUNT) { ovs_fatal(0, "invalid mac address %s", str); } } static uint32_t str_to_ip(const char *str_, uint32_t *ip) { char *str = xstrdup(str_); char *save_ptr = NULL; const char *name, *netmask; struct in_addr in_addr; int n_wild, retval; name = strtok_r(str, "/", &save_ptr); retval = name ? lookup_ip(name, &in_addr) : EINVAL; if (retval) { ovs_fatal(0, "%s: could not convert to IP address", str); } *ip = in_addr.s_addr; netmask = strtok_r(NULL, "/", &save_ptr); if (netmask) { uint8_t o[4]; if (sscanf(netmask, "%"SCNu8".%"SCNu8".%"SCNu8".%"SCNu8, &o[0], &o[1], &o[2], &o[3]) == 4) { uint32_t nm = (o[0] << 24) | (o[1] << 16) | (o[2] << 8) | o[3]; int i; /* Find first 1-bit. */ for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) { if (nm & (1u << i)) { break; } } n_wild = i; /* Verify that the rest of the bits are 1-bits. */ for (; i < 32; i++) { if (!(nm & (1u << i))) { ovs_fatal(0, "%s: %s is not a valid netmask", str, netmask); } } } else { int prefix = atoi(netmask); if (prefix <= 0 || prefix > 32) { ovs_fatal(0, "%s: network prefix bits not between 1 and 32", str); } n_wild = 32 - prefix; } } else { n_wild = 0; } free(str); return n_wild; } static void * put_action(struct ofpbuf *b, size_t size, uint16_t type) { struct ofp_action_header *ah = ofpbuf_put_zeros(b, size); ah->type = htons(type); ah->len = htons(size); return ah; } static struct ofp_action_output * put_output_action(struct ofpbuf *b, uint16_t port) { struct ofp_action_output *oao = put_action(b, sizeof *oao, OFPAT_OUTPUT); oao->port = htons(port); return oao; } static void put_dl_addr_action(struct ofpbuf *b, uint16_t type, const char *addr) { struct ofp_action_dl_addr *oada = put_action(b, sizeof *oada, type); str_to_mac(addr, oada->dl_addr); } static bool parse_port_name(const char *name, uint16_t *port) { struct pair { const char *name; uint16_t value; }; static const struct pair pairs[] = { #define DEF_PAIR(NAME) {#NAME, OFPP_##NAME} DEF_PAIR(IN_PORT), DEF_PAIR(TABLE), DEF_PAIR(NORMAL), DEF_PAIR(FLOOD), DEF_PAIR(ALL), DEF_PAIR(CONTROLLER), DEF_PAIR(LOCAL), DEF_PAIR(NONE), #undef DEF_PAIR }; static const int n_pairs = ARRAY_SIZE(pairs); size_t i; for (i = 0; i < n_pairs; i++) { if (!strcasecmp(name, pairs[i].name)) { *port = pairs[i].value; return true; } } return false; } static void str_to_action(char *str, struct ofpbuf *b) { char *act, *arg; char *saveptr = NULL; bool drop = false; int n_actions; for (act = strtok_r(str, ", \t\r\n", &saveptr), n_actions = 0; act; act = strtok_r(NULL, ", \t\r\n", &saveptr), n_actions++) { uint16_t port; if (drop) { ovs_fatal(0, "Drop actions must not be followed by other actions"); } /* Arguments are separated by colons */ arg = strchr(act, ':'); if (arg) { *arg = '\0'; arg++; } if (!strcasecmp(act, "mod_vlan_vid")) { struct ofp_action_vlan_vid *va; va = put_action(b, sizeof *va, OFPAT_SET_VLAN_VID); va->vlan_vid = htons(str_to_u32(arg)); } else if (!strcasecmp(act, "mod_vlan_pcp")) { struct ofp_action_vlan_pcp *va; va = put_action(b, sizeof *va, OFPAT_SET_VLAN_PCP); va->vlan_pcp = str_to_u32(arg); } else if (!strcasecmp(act, "strip_vlan")) { struct ofp_action_header *ah; ah = put_action(b, sizeof *ah, OFPAT_STRIP_VLAN); ah->type = htons(OFPAT_STRIP_VLAN); } else if (!strcasecmp(act, "mod_dl_src")) { put_dl_addr_action(b, OFPAT_SET_DL_SRC, arg); } else if (!strcasecmp(act, "mod_dl_dst")) { put_dl_addr_action(b, OFPAT_SET_DL_DST, arg); } else if (!strcasecmp(act, "mod_nw_src")) { struct ofp_action_nw_addr *na; na = put_action(b, sizeof *na, OFPAT_SET_NW_SRC); str_to_ip(arg, &na->nw_addr); } else if (!strcasecmp(act, "mod_nw_dst")) { struct ofp_action_nw_addr *na; na = put_action(b, sizeof *na, OFPAT_SET_NW_DST); str_to_ip(arg, &na->nw_addr); } else if (!strcasecmp(act, "mod_tp_src")) { struct ofp_action_tp_port *ta; ta = put_action(b, sizeof *ta, OFPAT_SET_TP_SRC); ta->tp_port = htons(str_to_u32(arg)); } else if (!strcasecmp(act, "mod_tp_dst")) { struct ofp_action_tp_port *ta; ta = put_action(b, sizeof *ta, OFPAT_SET_TP_DST); ta->tp_port = htons(str_to_u32(arg)); } else if (!strcasecmp(act, "output")) { put_output_action(b, str_to_u32(arg)); } else if (!strcasecmp(act, "drop")) { /* A drop action in OpenFlow occurs by just not setting * an action. */ drop = true; if (n_actions) { ovs_fatal(0, "Drop actions must not be preceded by other " "actions"); } } else if (!strcasecmp(act, "CONTROLLER")) { struct ofp_action_output *oao; oao = put_output_action(b, OFPP_CONTROLLER); /* Unless a numeric argument is specified, we send the whole * packet to the controller. */ if (arg && (strspn(act, "0123456789") == strlen(act))) { oao->max_len = htons(str_to_u32(arg)); } else { oao->max_len = htons(UINT16_MAX); } } else if (parse_port_name(act, &port)) { put_output_action(b, port); } else if (strspn(act, "0123456789") == strlen(act)) { put_output_action(b, str_to_u32(act)); } else { ovs_fatal(0, "Unknown action: %s", act); } } } struct protocol { const char *name; uint16_t dl_type; uint8_t nw_proto; }; static bool parse_protocol(const char *name, const struct protocol **p_out) { static const struct protocol protocols[] = { { "ip", ETH_TYPE_IP, 0 }, { "arp", ETH_TYPE_ARP, 0 }, { "icmp", ETH_TYPE_IP, IP_TYPE_ICMP }, { "tcp", ETH_TYPE_IP, IP_TYPE_TCP }, { "udp", ETH_TYPE_IP, IP_TYPE_UDP }, }; const struct protocol *p; for (p = protocols; p < &protocols[ARRAY_SIZE(protocols)]; p++) { if (!strcmp(p->name, name)) { *p_out = p; return true; } } *p_out = NULL; return false; } struct field { const char *name; uint32_t wildcard; enum { F_U8, F_U16, F_MAC, F_IP } type; size_t offset, shift; }; static bool parse_field(const char *name, const struct field **f_out) { #define F_OFS(MEMBER) offsetof(struct ofp_match, MEMBER) static const struct field fields[] = { { "in_port", OFPFW_IN_PORT, F_U16, F_OFS(in_port), 0 }, { "dl_vlan", OFPFW_DL_VLAN, F_U16, F_OFS(dl_vlan), 0 }, { "dl_src", OFPFW_DL_SRC, F_MAC, F_OFS(dl_src), 0 }, { "dl_dst", OFPFW_DL_DST, F_MAC, F_OFS(dl_dst), 0 }, { "dl_type", OFPFW_DL_TYPE, F_U16, F_OFS(dl_type), 0 }, { "nw_src", OFPFW_NW_SRC_MASK, F_IP, F_OFS(nw_src), OFPFW_NW_SRC_SHIFT }, { "nw_dst", OFPFW_NW_DST_MASK, F_IP, F_OFS(nw_dst), OFPFW_NW_DST_SHIFT }, { "nw_proto", OFPFW_NW_PROTO, F_U8, F_OFS(nw_proto), 0 }, { "tp_src", OFPFW_TP_SRC, F_U16, F_OFS(tp_src), 0 }, { "tp_dst", OFPFW_TP_DST, F_U16, F_OFS(tp_dst), 0 }, { "icmp_type", OFPFW_ICMP_TYPE, F_U16, F_OFS(icmp_type), 0 }, { "icmp_code", OFPFW_ICMP_CODE, F_U16, F_OFS(icmp_code), 0 } }; const struct field *f; for (f = fields; f < &fields[ARRAY_SIZE(fields)]; f++) { if (!strcmp(f->name, name)) { *f_out = f; return true; } } *f_out = NULL; return false; } static void str_to_flow(char *string, struct ofp_match *match, struct ofpbuf *actions, uint8_t *table_idx, uint16_t *out_port, uint16_t *priority, uint16_t *idle_timeout, uint16_t *hard_timeout) { char *save_ptr = NULL; char *name; uint32_t wildcards; if (table_idx) { *table_idx = 0xff; } if (out_port) { *out_port = OFPP_NONE; } if (priority) { *priority = OFP_DEFAULT_PRIORITY; } if (idle_timeout) { *idle_timeout = DEFAULT_IDLE_TIMEOUT; } if (hard_timeout) { *hard_timeout = OFP_FLOW_PERMANENT; } if (actions) { char *act_str = strstr(string, "action"); if (!act_str) { ovs_fatal(0, "must specify an action"); } *(act_str-1) = '\0'; act_str = strchr(act_str, '='); if (!act_str) { ovs_fatal(0, "must specify an action"); } act_str++; str_to_action(act_str, actions); } memset(match, 0, sizeof *match); wildcards = OFPFW_ALL; for (name = strtok_r(string, "=, \t\r\n", &save_ptr); name; name = strtok_r(NULL, "=, \t\r\n", &save_ptr)) { const struct protocol *p; if (parse_protocol(name, &p)) { wildcards &= ~OFPFW_DL_TYPE; match->dl_type = htons(p->dl_type); if (p->nw_proto) { wildcards &= ~OFPFW_NW_PROTO; match->nw_proto = p->nw_proto; } } else { const struct field *f; char *value; value = strtok_r(NULL, ", \t\r\n", &save_ptr); if (!value) { ovs_fatal(0, "field %s missing value", name); } if (table_idx && !strcmp(name, "table")) { *table_idx = atoi(value); } else if (out_port && !strcmp(name, "out_port")) { *out_port = atoi(value); } else if (priority && !strcmp(name, "priority")) { *priority = atoi(value); } else if (idle_timeout && !strcmp(name, "idle_timeout")) { *idle_timeout = atoi(value); } else if (hard_timeout && !strcmp(name, "hard_timeout")) { *hard_timeout = atoi(value); } else if (parse_field(name, &f)) { void *data = (char *) match + f->offset; if (!strcmp(value, "*") || !strcmp(value, "ANY")) { wildcards |= f->wildcard; } else { wildcards &= ~f->wildcard; if (f->wildcard == OFPFW_IN_PORT && parse_port_name(value, (uint16_t *) data)) { /* Nothing to do. */ } else if (f->type == F_U8) { *(uint8_t *) data = str_to_u32(value); } else if (f->type == F_U16) { *(uint16_t *) data = htons(str_to_u32(value)); } else if (f->type == F_MAC) { str_to_mac(value, data); } else if (f->type == F_IP) { wildcards |= str_to_ip(value, data) << f->shift; } else { NOT_REACHED(); } } } else { ovs_fatal(0, "unknown keyword %s", name); } } } match->wildcards = htonl(wildcards); } static void do_dump_flows(const struct settings *s OVS_UNUSED, int argc, char *argv[]) { struct ofp_flow_stats_request *req; uint16_t out_port; struct ofpbuf *request; req = alloc_stats_request(sizeof *req, OFPST_FLOW, &request); str_to_flow(argc > 2 ? argv[2] : "", &req->match, NULL, &req->table_id, &out_port, NULL, NULL, NULL); memset(&req->pad, 0, sizeof req->pad); req->out_port = htons(out_port); dump_stats_transaction(argv[1], request); } static void do_dump_aggregate(const struct settings *s OVS_UNUSED, int argc, char *argv[]) { struct ofp_aggregate_stats_request *req; struct ofpbuf *request; uint16_t out_port; req = alloc_stats_request(sizeof *req, OFPST_AGGREGATE, &request); str_to_flow(argc > 2 ? argv[2] : "", &req->match, NULL, &req->table_id, &out_port, NULL, NULL, NULL); memset(&req->pad, 0, sizeof req->pad); req->out_port = htons(out_port); dump_stats_transaction(argv[1], request); } static void do_add_flow(const struct settings *s OVS_UNUSED, int argc OVS_UNUSED, char *argv[]) { struct vconn *vconn; struct ofpbuf *buffer; struct ofp_flow_mod *ofm; uint16_t priority, idle_timeout, hard_timeout; struct ofp_match match; /* Parse and send. str_to_flow() will expand and reallocate the data in * 'buffer', so we can't keep pointers to across the str_to_flow() call. */ make_openflow(sizeof *ofm, OFPT_FLOW_MOD, &buffer); str_to_flow(argv[2], &match, buffer, NULL, NULL, &priority, &idle_timeout, &hard_timeout); ofm = buffer->data; ofm->match = match; ofm->command = htons(OFPFC_ADD); ofm->idle_timeout = htons(idle_timeout); ofm->hard_timeout = htons(hard_timeout); ofm->buffer_id = htonl(UINT32_MAX); ofm->priority = htons(priority); ofm->reserved = htonl(0); open_vconn(argv[1], &vconn); send_openflow_buffer(vconn, buffer); vconn_close(vconn); } static void do_add_flows(const struct settings *s OVS_UNUSED, int argc OVS_UNUSED, char *argv[]) { struct vconn *vconn; FILE *file; char line[1024]; file = fopen(argv[2], "r"); if (file == NULL) { ovs_fatal(errno, "%s: open", argv[2]); } open_vconn(argv[1], &vconn); while (fgets(line, sizeof line, file)) { struct ofpbuf *buffer; struct ofp_flow_mod *ofm; uint16_t priority, idle_timeout, hard_timeout; struct ofp_match match; char *comment; /* Delete comments. */ comment = strchr(line, '#'); if (comment) { *comment = '\0'; } /* Drop empty lines. */ if (line[strspn(line, " \t\n")] == '\0') { continue; } /* Parse and send. str_to_flow() will expand and reallocate the data * in 'buffer', so we can't keep pointers to across the str_to_flow() * call. */ ofm = make_openflow(sizeof *ofm, OFPT_FLOW_MOD, &buffer); str_to_flow(line, &match, buffer, NULL, NULL, &priority, &idle_timeout, &hard_timeout); ofm = buffer->data; ofm->match = match; ofm->command = htons(OFPFC_ADD); ofm->idle_timeout = htons(idle_timeout); ofm->hard_timeout = htons(hard_timeout); ofm->buffer_id = htonl(UINT32_MAX); ofm->priority = htons(priority); ofm->reserved = htonl(0); send_openflow_buffer(vconn, buffer); } vconn_close(vconn); fclose(file); } static void do_mod_flows(const struct settings *s, int argc OVS_UNUSED, char *argv[]) { uint16_t priority, idle_timeout, hard_timeout; struct vconn *vconn; struct ofpbuf *buffer; struct ofp_flow_mod *ofm; struct ofp_match match; /* Parse and send. str_to_flow() will expand and reallocate the data in * 'buffer', so we can't keep pointers to across the str_to_flow() call. */ make_openflow(sizeof *ofm, OFPT_FLOW_MOD, &buffer); str_to_flow(argv[2], &match, buffer, NULL, NULL, &priority, &idle_timeout, &hard_timeout); ofm = buffer->data; ofm->match = match; if (s->strict) { ofm->command = htons(OFPFC_MODIFY_STRICT); } else { ofm->command = htons(OFPFC_MODIFY); } ofm->idle_timeout = htons(idle_timeout); ofm->hard_timeout = htons(hard_timeout); ofm->buffer_id = htonl(UINT32_MAX); ofm->priority = htons(priority); ofm->reserved = htonl(0); open_vconn(argv[1], &vconn); send_openflow_buffer(vconn, buffer); vconn_close(vconn); } static void do_del_flows(const struct settings *s, int argc, char *argv[]) { struct vconn *vconn; uint16_t priority; uint16_t out_port; struct ofpbuf *buffer; struct ofp_flow_mod *ofm; /* Parse and send. */ ofm = make_openflow(sizeof *ofm, OFPT_FLOW_MOD, &buffer); str_to_flow(argc > 2 ? argv[2] : "", &ofm->match, NULL, NULL, &out_port, &priority, NULL, NULL); if (s->strict) { ofm->command = htons(OFPFC_DELETE_STRICT); } else { ofm->command = htons(OFPFC_DELETE); } ofm->idle_timeout = htons(0); ofm->hard_timeout = htons(0); ofm->buffer_id = htonl(UINT32_MAX); ofm->out_port = htons(out_port); ofm->priority = htons(priority); ofm->reserved = htonl(0); open_vconn(argv[1], &vconn); send_openflow_buffer(vconn, buffer); vconn_close(vconn); } static void do_monitor(const struct settings *s OVS_UNUSED, int argc OVS_UNUSED, char *argv[]) { struct vconn *vconn; open_vconn(argv[1], &vconn); if (argc > 2) { int miss_send_len = atoi(argv[2]); int send_flow_exp = argc > 3 ? atoi(argv[3]) : 0; struct ofp_switch_config *osc; struct ofpbuf *buf; osc = make_openflow(sizeof *osc, OFPT_SET_CONFIG, &buf); osc->flags = htons(send_flow_exp ? OFPC_SEND_FLOW_EXP : 0); osc->miss_send_len = htons(miss_send_len); send_openflow_buffer(vconn, buf); } for (;;) { struct ofpbuf *b; run(vconn_recv_block(vconn, &b), "vconn_recv"); ofp_print(stderr, b->data, b->size, 2); ofpbuf_delete(b); } } static void do_dump_ports(const struct settings *s OVS_UNUSED, int argc OVS_UNUSED, char *argv[]) { dump_trivial_stats_transaction(argv[1], OFPST_PORT); } static void do_probe(const struct settings *s OVS_UNUSED, int argc OVS_UNUSED, char *argv[]) { struct ofpbuf *request; struct vconn *vconn; struct ofpbuf *reply; make_openflow(sizeof(struct ofp_header), OFPT_ECHO_REQUEST, &request); open_vconn(argv[1], &vconn); run(vconn_transact(vconn, request, &reply), "talking to %s", argv[1]); if (reply->size != sizeof(struct ofp_header)) { ovs_fatal(0, "reply does not match request"); } ofpbuf_delete(reply); vconn_close(vconn); } static void do_mod_port(const struct settings *s OVS_UNUSED, int argc OVS_UNUSED, char *argv[]) { struct ofpbuf *request, *reply; struct ofp_switch_features *osf; struct ofp_port_mod *opm; struct vconn *vconn; char *endptr; int n_ports; int port_idx; int port_no; /* Check if the argument is a port index. Otherwise, treat it as * the port name. */ port_no = strtol(argv[2], &endptr, 10); if (port_no == 0 && endptr == argv[2]) { port_no = -1; } /* Send a "Features Request" to get the information we need in order * to modify the port. */ make_openflow(sizeof(struct ofp_header), OFPT_FEATURES_REQUEST, &request); open_vconn(argv[1], &vconn); run(vconn_transact(vconn, request, &reply), "talking to %s", argv[1]); osf = reply->data; n_ports = (reply->size - sizeof *osf) / sizeof *osf->ports; for (port_idx = 0; port_idx < n_ports; port_idx++) { if (port_no != -1) { /* Check argument as a port index */ if (osf->ports[port_idx].port_no == htons(port_no)) { break; } } else { /* Check argument as an interface name */ if (!strncmp((char *)osf->ports[port_idx].name, argv[2], sizeof osf->ports[0].name)) { break; } } } if (port_idx == n_ports) { ovs_fatal(0, "couldn't find monitored port: %s", argv[2]); } opm = make_openflow(sizeof(struct ofp_port_mod), OFPT_PORT_MOD, &request); opm->port_no = osf->ports[port_idx].port_no; memcpy(opm->hw_addr, osf->ports[port_idx].hw_addr, sizeof opm->hw_addr); opm->config = htonl(0); opm->mask = htonl(0); opm->advertise = htonl(0); printf("modifying port: %s\n", osf->ports[port_idx].name); if (!strncasecmp(argv[3], MOD_PORT_CMD_UP, sizeof MOD_PORT_CMD_UP)) { opm->mask |= htonl(OFPPC_PORT_DOWN); } else if (!strncasecmp(argv[3], MOD_PORT_CMD_DOWN, sizeof MOD_PORT_CMD_DOWN)) { opm->mask |= htonl(OFPPC_PORT_DOWN); opm->config |= htonl(OFPPC_PORT_DOWN); } else if (!strncasecmp(argv[3], MOD_PORT_CMD_FLOOD, sizeof MOD_PORT_CMD_FLOOD)) { opm->mask |= htonl(OFPPC_NO_FLOOD); } else if (!strncasecmp(argv[3], MOD_PORT_CMD_NOFLOOD, sizeof MOD_PORT_CMD_NOFLOOD)) { opm->mask |= htonl(OFPPC_NO_FLOOD); opm->config |= htonl(OFPPC_NO_FLOOD); } else { ovs_fatal(0, "unknown mod-port command '%s'", argv[3]); } send_openflow_buffer(vconn, request); ofpbuf_delete(reply); vconn_close(vconn); } static void do_ping(const struct settings *s OVS_UNUSED, int argc, char *argv[]) { size_t max_payload = 65535 - sizeof(struct ofp_header); unsigned int payload; struct vconn *vconn; int i; payload = argc > 2 ? atoi(argv[2]) : 64; if (payload > max_payload) { ovs_fatal(0, "payload must be between 0 and %zu bytes", max_payload); } open_vconn(argv[1], &vconn); for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { struct timeval start, end; struct ofpbuf *request, *reply; struct ofp_header *rq_hdr, *rpy_hdr; rq_hdr = make_openflow(sizeof(struct ofp_header) + payload, OFPT_ECHO_REQUEST, &request); random_bytes(rq_hdr + 1, payload); gettimeofday(&start, NULL); run(vconn_transact(vconn, ofpbuf_clone(request), &reply), "transact"); gettimeofday(&end, NULL); rpy_hdr = reply->data; if (reply->size != request->size || memcmp(rpy_hdr + 1, rq_hdr + 1, payload) || rpy_hdr->xid != rq_hdr->xid || rpy_hdr->type != OFPT_ECHO_REPLY) { printf("Reply does not match request. Request:\n"); ofp_print(stdout, request, request->size, 2); printf("Reply:\n"); ofp_print(stdout, reply, reply->size, 2); } printf("%zu bytes from %s: xid=%08"PRIx32" time=%.1f ms\n", reply->size - sizeof *rpy_hdr, argv[1], rpy_hdr->xid, (1000*(double)(end.tv_sec - start.tv_sec)) + (.001*(end.tv_usec - start.tv_usec))); ofpbuf_delete(request); ofpbuf_delete(reply); } vconn_close(vconn); } static void do_benchmark(const struct settings *s OVS_UNUSED, int argc OVS_UNUSED, char *argv[]) { size_t max_payload = 65535 - sizeof(struct ofp_header); struct timeval start, end; unsigned int payload_size, message_size; struct vconn *vconn; double duration; int count; int i; payload_size = atoi(argv[2]); if (payload_size > max_payload) { ovs_fatal(0, "payload must be between 0 and %zu bytes", max_payload); } message_size = sizeof(struct ofp_header) + payload_size; count = atoi(argv[3]); printf("Sending %d packets * %u bytes (with header) = %u bytes total\n", count, message_size, count * message_size); open_vconn(argv[1], &vconn); gettimeofday(&start, NULL); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { struct ofpbuf *request, *reply; struct ofp_header *rq_hdr; rq_hdr = make_openflow(message_size, OFPT_ECHO_REQUEST, &request); memset(rq_hdr + 1, 0, payload_size); run(vconn_transact(vconn, request, &reply), "transact"); ofpbuf_delete(reply); } gettimeofday(&end, NULL); vconn_close(vconn); duration = ((1000*(double)(end.tv_sec - start.tv_sec)) + (.001*(end.tv_usec - start.tv_usec))); printf("Finished in %.1f ms (%.0f packets/s) (%.0f bytes/s)\n", duration, count / (duration / 1000.0), count * message_size / (duration / 1000.0)); } static void do_execute(const struct settings *s OVS_UNUSED, int argc, char *argv[]) { struct vconn *vconn; struct ofpbuf *request; struct nicira_header *nicira; struct nx_command_reply *ncr; uint32_t xid; int i; nicira = make_openflow(sizeof *nicira, OFPT_VENDOR, &request); xid = nicira->header.xid; nicira->vendor = htonl(NX_VENDOR_ID); nicira->subtype = htonl(NXT_COMMAND_REQUEST); ofpbuf_put(request, argv[2], strlen(argv[2])); for (i = 3; i < argc; i++) { ofpbuf_put_zeros(request, 1); ofpbuf_put(request, argv[i], strlen(argv[i])); } update_openflow_length(request); open_vconn(argv[1], &vconn); run(vconn_send_block(vconn, request), "send"); for (;;) { struct ofpbuf *reply; uint32_t status; run(vconn_recv_xid(vconn, xid, &reply), "recv_xid"); if (reply->size < sizeof *ncr) { ovs_fatal(0, "reply is too short (%zu bytes < %zu bytes)", reply->size, sizeof *ncr); } ncr = reply->data; if (ncr->nxh.header.type != OFPT_VENDOR || ncr->nxh.vendor != htonl(NX_VENDOR_ID) || ncr->nxh.subtype != htonl(NXT_COMMAND_REPLY)) { ovs_fatal(0, "reply is invalid"); } status = ntohl(ncr->status); if (status & NXT_STATUS_STARTED) { /* Wait for a second reply. */ continue; } else if (status & NXT_STATUS_EXITED) { fprintf(stderr, "process terminated normally with exit code %d", status & NXT_STATUS_EXITSTATUS); } else if (status & NXT_STATUS_SIGNALED) { fprintf(stderr, "process terminated by signal %d", status & NXT_STATUS_TERMSIG); } else if (status & NXT_STATUS_ERROR) { fprintf(stderr, "error executing command"); } else { fprintf(stderr, "process terminated for unknown reason"); } if (status & NXT_STATUS_COREDUMP) { fprintf(stderr, " (core dumped)"); } putc('\n', stderr); fwrite(ncr + 1, reply->size - sizeof *ncr, 1, stdout); break; } } static void do_help(const struct settings *s OVS_UNUSED, int argc OVS_UNUSED, char *argv[] OVS_UNUSED) { usage(); } static struct command all_commands[] = { { "show", 1, 1, do_show }, { "status", 1, 2, do_status }, { "monitor", 1, 3, do_monitor }, { "dump-desc", 1, 1, do_dump_desc }, { "dump-tables", 1, 1, do_dump_tables }, { "dump-flows", 1, 2, do_dump_flows }, { "dump-aggregate", 1, 2, do_dump_aggregate }, { "add-flow", 2, 2, do_add_flow }, { "add-flows", 2, 2, do_add_flows }, { "mod-flows", 2, 2, do_mod_flows }, { "del-flows", 1, 2, do_del_flows }, { "dump-ports", 1, 1, do_dump_ports }, { "mod-port", 3, 3, do_mod_port }, { "probe", 1, 1, do_probe }, { "ping", 1, 2, do_ping }, { "benchmark", 3, 3, do_benchmark }, { "execute", 2, INT_MAX, do_execute }, { "help", 0, INT_MAX, do_help }, { NULL, 0, 0, NULL }, };