/* * Copyright (c) 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 Nicira, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "byte-order.h" #include "classifier.h" #include "command-line.h" #include "daemon.h" #include "compiler.h" #include "dirs.h" #include "dynamic-string.h" #include "nx-match.h" #include "odp-util.h" #include "ofp-actions.h" #include "ofp-errors.h" #include "ofp-msgs.h" #include "ofp-parse.h" #include "ofp-print.h" #include "ofp-util.h" #include "ofpbuf.h" #include "ofproto/ofproto.h" #include "openflow/nicira-ext.h" #include "openflow/openflow.h" #include "packets.h" #include "poll-loop.h" #include "random.h" #include "stream-ssl.h" #include "timeval.h" #include "unixctl.h" #include "util.h" #include "vconn.h" #include "vlog.h" #include "meta-flow.h" #include "sort.h" VLOG_DEFINE_THIS_MODULE(ofctl); /* --strict: Use strict matching for flow mod commands? Additionally governs * use of nx_pull_match() instead of nx_pull_match_loose() in parse-nx-match. */ static bool strict; /* --readd: If true, on replace-flows, re-add even flows that have not changed * (to reset flow counters). */ static bool readd; /* -F, --flow-format: Allowed protocols. By default, any protocol is * allowed. */ static enum ofputil_protocol allowed_protocols = OFPUTIL_P_ANY; /* -P, --packet-in-format: Packet IN format to use in monitor and snoop * commands. Either one of NXPIF_* to force a particular packet_in format, or * -1 to let ovs-ofctl choose the default. */ static int preferred_packet_in_format = -1; /* -m, --more: Additional verbosity for ofp-print functions. */ static int verbosity; /* --timestamp: Print a timestamp before each received packet on "monitor" and * "snoop" command? */ static bool timestamp; /* --sort, --rsort: Sort order. */ enum sort_order { SORT_ASC, SORT_DESC }; struct sort_criterion { const struct mf_field *field; /* NULL means to sort by priority. */ enum sort_order order; }; static struct sort_criterion *criteria; static size_t n_criteria, allocated_criteria; static const struct command all_commands[]; static void usage(void) NO_RETURN; static void parse_options(int argc, char *argv[]); static bool recv_flow_stats_reply(struct vconn *, ovs_be32 send_xid, struct ofpbuf **replyp, struct ofputil_flow_stats *, struct ofpbuf *ofpacts); int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { set_program_name(argv[0]); parse_options(argc, argv); signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); run_command(argc - optind, argv + optind, all_commands); return 0; } static void add_sort_criterion(enum sort_order order, const char *field) { struct sort_criterion *sc; if (n_criteria >= allocated_criteria) { criteria = x2nrealloc(criteria, &allocated_criteria, sizeof *criteria); } sc = &criteria[n_criteria++]; if (!field || !strcasecmp(field, "priority")) { sc->field = NULL; } else { sc->field = mf_from_name(field); if (!sc->field) { ovs_fatal(0, "%s: unknown field name", field); } } sc->order = order; } static void parse_options(int argc, char *argv[]) { enum { OPT_STRICT = UCHAR_MAX + 1, OPT_READD, OPT_TIMESTAMP, OPT_SORT, OPT_RSORT, DAEMON_OPTION_ENUMS, VLOG_OPTION_ENUMS }; static struct option long_options[] = { {"timeout", required_argument, NULL, 't'}, {"strict", no_argument, NULL, OPT_STRICT}, {"readd", no_argument, NULL, OPT_READD}, {"flow-format", required_argument, NULL, 'F'}, {"packet-in-format", required_argument, NULL, 'P'}, {"more", no_argument, NULL, 'm'}, {"timestamp", no_argument, NULL, OPT_TIMESTAMP}, {"sort", optional_argument, NULL, OPT_SORT}, {"rsort", optional_argument, NULL, OPT_RSORT}, {"help", no_argument, NULL, 'h'}, {"version", no_argument, NULL, 'V'}, DAEMON_LONG_OPTIONS, VLOG_LONG_OPTIONS, STREAM_SSL_LONG_OPTIONS, {NULL, 0, NULL, 0}, }; char *short_options = long_options_to_short_options(long_options); for (;;) { unsigned long int timeout; int c; c = getopt_long(argc, argv, short_options, long_options, NULL); if (c == -1) { break; } switch (c) { case 't': timeout = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 10); if (timeout <= 0) { ovs_fatal(0, "value %s on -t or --timeout is not at least 1", optarg); } else { time_alarm(timeout); } break; case 'F': allowed_protocols = ofputil_protocols_from_string(optarg); if (!allowed_protocols) { ovs_fatal(0, "%s: invalid flow format(s)", optarg); } break; case 'P': preferred_packet_in_format = ofputil_packet_in_format_from_string(optarg); if (preferred_packet_in_format < 0) { ovs_fatal(0, "unknown packet-in format `%s'", optarg); } break; case 'm': verbosity++; break; case 'h': usage(); case 'V': ovs_print_version(OFP10_VERSION, OFP10_VERSION); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); case OPT_STRICT: strict = true; break; case OPT_READD: readd = true; break; case OPT_TIMESTAMP: timestamp = true; break; case OPT_SORT: add_sort_criterion(SORT_ASC, optarg); break; case OPT_RSORT: add_sort_criterion(SORT_DESC, optarg); break; DAEMON_OPTION_HANDLERS VLOG_OPTION_HANDLERS STREAM_SSL_OPTION_HANDLERS case '?': exit(EXIT_FAILURE); default: abort(); } } if (n_criteria) { /* Always do a final sort pass based on priority. */ add_sort_criterion(SORT_DESC, "priority"); } free(short_options); } static void usage(void) { printf("%s: OpenFlow switch management utility\n" "usage: %s [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARG...]\n" "\nFor OpenFlow switches:\n" " show SWITCH show OpenFlow information\n" " dump-desc SWITCH print switch description\n" " dump-tables SWITCH print table stats\n" " mod-port SWITCH IFACE ACT modify port behavior\n" " get-frags SWITCH print fragment handling behavior\n" " set-frags SWITCH FRAG_MODE set fragment handling behavior\n" " dump-ports SWITCH [PORT] print port statistics\n" " dump-ports-desc SWITCH print port descriptions\n" " dump-flows SWITCH print all flow entries\n" " dump-flows SWITCH FLOW print matching FLOWs\n" " dump-aggregate SWITCH print aggregate flow statistics\n" " dump-aggregate SWITCH FLOW print aggregate stats for FLOWs\n" " queue-stats SWITCH [PORT [QUEUE]] dump queue stats\n" " add-flow SWITCH FLOW add flow described by FLOW\n" " add-flows SWITCH FILE add flows from FILE\n" " mod-flows SWITCH FLOW modify actions of matching FLOWs\n" " del-flows SWITCH [FLOW] delete matching FLOWs\n" " replace-flows SWITCH FILE replace flows with those in FILE\n" " diff-flows SOURCE1 SOURCE2 compare flows from two sources\n" " packet-out SWITCH IN_PORT ACTIONS PACKET...\n" " execute ACTIONS on PACKET\n" " monitor SWITCH [MISSLEN] [invalid_ttl] [watch:[...]]\n" " print packets received from SWITCH\n" " snoop SWITCH snoop on SWITCH and its controller\n" "\nFor OpenFlow switches and controllers:\n" " probe TARGET probe whether TARGET is up\n" " ping TARGET [N] latency of N-byte echos\n" " benchmark TARGET N COUNT bandwidth of COUNT N-byte echos\n" "where SWITCH or TARGET is an active OpenFlow connection method.\n", program_name, program_name); vconn_usage(true, false, false); daemon_usage(); vlog_usage(); printf("\nOther options:\n" " --strict use strict match for flow commands\n" " --readd replace flows that haven't changed\n" " -F, --flow-format=FORMAT force particular flow format\n" " -P, --packet-in-format=FRMT force particular packet in format\n" " -m, --more be more verbose printing OpenFlow\n" " --timestamp (monitor, snoop) print timestamps\n" " -t, --timeout=SECS give up after SECS seconds\n" " --sort[=field] sort in ascending order\n" " --rsort[=field] sort in descending order\n" " -h, --help display this help message\n" " -V, --version display version information\n"); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } static void ofctl_exit(struct unixctl_conn *conn, int argc OVS_UNUSED, const char *argv[] OVS_UNUSED, void *exiting_) { bool *exiting = exiting_; *exiting = true; unixctl_command_reply(conn, NULL); } static void run(int retval, const char *message, ...) PRINTF_FORMAT(2, 3); static void run(int retval, const char *message, ...) { if (retval) { va_list args; va_start(args, message); ovs_fatal_valist(retval, message, args); } } /* Generic commands. */ static void open_vconn_socket(const char *name, struct vconn **vconnp) { char *vconn_name = xasprintf("unix:%s", name); VLOG_DBG("connecting to %s", vconn_name); run(vconn_open_block(vconn_name, 0, vconnp), "connecting to %s", vconn_name); free(vconn_name); } static enum ofputil_protocol open_vconn__(const char *name, const char *default_suffix, struct vconn **vconnp) { char *datapath_name, *datapath_type, *socket_name; enum ofputil_protocol protocol; char *bridge_path; int ofp_version; struct stat s; bridge_path = xasprintf("%s/%s.%s", ovs_rundir(), name, default_suffix); ofproto_parse_name(name, &datapath_name, &datapath_type); socket_name = xasprintf("%s/%s.%s", ovs_rundir(), datapath_name, default_suffix); free(datapath_name); free(datapath_type); if (strchr(name, ':')) { run(vconn_open_block(name, 0, vconnp), "connecting to %s", name); } else if (!stat(name, &s) && S_ISSOCK(s.st_mode)) { open_vconn_socket(name, vconnp); } else if (!stat(bridge_path, &s) && S_ISSOCK(s.st_mode)) { open_vconn_socket(bridge_path, vconnp); } else if (!stat(socket_name, &s)) { if (!S_ISSOCK(s.st_mode)) { ovs_fatal(0, "cannot connect to %s: %s is not a socket", name, socket_name); } open_vconn_socket(socket_name, vconnp); } else { ovs_fatal(0, "%s is not a bridge or a socket", name); } free(bridge_path); free(socket_name); ofp_version = vconn_get_version(*vconnp); protocol = ofputil_protocol_from_ofp_version(ofp_version); if (!protocol) { ovs_fatal(0, "%s: unsupported OpenFlow version 0x%02x", name, ofp_version); } return protocol; } static enum ofputil_protocol open_vconn(const char *name, struct vconn **vconnp) { return open_vconn__(name, "mgmt", vconnp); } static void send_openflow_buffer(struct vconn *vconn, struct ofpbuf *buffer) { ofpmsg_update_length(buffer); run(vconn_send_block(vconn, buffer), "failed to send packet to switch"); } static void dump_transaction(const char *vconn_name, struct ofpbuf *request) { struct vconn *vconn; struct ofpbuf *reply; ofpmsg_update_length(request); open_vconn(vconn_name, &vconn); run(vconn_transact(vconn, request, &reply), "talking to %s", vconn_name); ofp_print(stdout, reply->data, reply->size, verbosity + 1); ofpbuf_delete(reply); vconn_close(vconn); } static void dump_trivial_transaction(const char *vconn_name, enum ofpraw raw) { struct ofpbuf *request; request = ofpraw_alloc(raw, OFP10_VERSION, 0); dump_transaction(vconn_name, request); } static void dump_stats_transaction(struct vconn *vconn, struct ofpbuf *request) { const struct ofp_header *request_oh = request->data; ovs_be32 send_xid = request_oh->xid; enum ofpraw request_raw; enum ofpraw reply_raw; bool done = false; ofpraw_decode_partial(&request_raw, request->data, request->size); reply_raw = ofpraw_stats_request_to_reply(request_raw, request_oh->version); send_openflow_buffer(vconn, request); while (!done) { ovs_be32 recv_xid; struct ofpbuf *reply; run(vconn_recv_block(vconn, &reply), "OpenFlow packet receive failed"); recv_xid = ((struct ofp_header *) reply->data)->xid; if (send_xid == recv_xid) { enum ofpraw raw; ofp_print(stdout, reply->data, reply->size, verbosity + 1); ofpraw_decode(&raw, reply->data); if (ofptype_from_ofpraw(raw) == OFPTYPE_ERROR) { done = true; } else if (raw == reply_raw) { done = !ofpmp_more(reply->data); } else { ovs_fatal(0, "received bad reply: %s", ofp_to_string(reply->data, reply->size, verbosity + 1)); } } else { VLOG_DBG("received reply with xid %08"PRIx32" " "!= expected %08"PRIx32, recv_xid, send_xid); } ofpbuf_delete(reply); } } static void dump_trivial_stats_transaction(const char *vconn_name, enum ofpraw raw) { struct ofpbuf *request; struct vconn *vconn; open_vconn(vconn_name, &vconn); request = ofpraw_alloc(raw, vconn_get_version(vconn), 0); dump_stats_transaction(vconn, request); vconn_close(vconn); } /* Sends 'request', which should be a request that only has a reply if an error * occurs, and waits for it to succeed or fail. If an error does occur, prints * it and exits with an error. * * Destroys all of the 'requests'. */ static void transact_multiple_noreply(struct vconn *vconn, struct list *requests) { struct ofpbuf *request, *reply; LIST_FOR_EACH (request, list_node, requests) { ofpmsg_update_length(request); } run(vconn_transact_multiple_noreply(vconn, requests, &reply), "talking to %s", vconn_get_name(vconn)); if (reply) { ofp_print(stderr, reply->data, reply->size, verbosity + 2); exit(1); } ofpbuf_delete(reply); } /* Sends 'request', which should be a request that only has a reply if an error * occurs, and waits for it to succeed or fail. If an error does occur, prints * it and exits with an error. * * Destroys 'request'. */ static void transact_noreply(struct vconn *vconn, struct ofpbuf *request) { struct list requests; list_init(&requests); list_push_back(&requests, &request->list_node); transact_multiple_noreply(vconn, &requests); } static void fetch_switch_config(struct vconn *vconn, struct ofp_switch_config *config_) { struct ofp_switch_config *config; struct ofpbuf *request; struct ofpbuf *reply; enum ofptype type; request = ofpraw_alloc(OFPRAW_OFPT_GET_CONFIG_REQUEST, OFP10_VERSION, 0); run(vconn_transact(vconn, request, &reply), "talking to %s", vconn_get_name(vconn)); if (ofptype_pull(&type, reply) || type != OFPTYPE_GET_CONFIG_REPLY) { ovs_fatal(0, "%s: bad reply to config request", vconn_get_name(vconn)); } config = ofpbuf_pull(reply, sizeof *config); *config_ = *config; ofpbuf_delete(reply); } static void set_switch_config(struct vconn *vconn, const struct ofp_switch_config *config) { struct ofpbuf *request; request = ofpraw_alloc(OFPRAW_OFPT_SET_CONFIG, OFP10_VERSION, 0); ofpbuf_put(request, config, sizeof *config); transact_noreply(vconn, request); } static void ofctl_show(int argc OVS_UNUSED, char *argv[]) { const char *vconn_name = argv[1]; struct vconn *vconn; struct ofpbuf *request; struct ofpbuf *reply; bool trunc; request = ofpraw_alloc(OFPRAW_OFPT_FEATURES_REQUEST, OFP10_VERSION, 0); open_vconn(vconn_name, &vconn); run(vconn_transact(vconn, request, &reply), "talking to %s", vconn_name); trunc = ofputil_switch_features_ports_trunc(reply); ofp_print(stdout, reply->data, reply->size, verbosity + 1); ofpbuf_delete(reply); vconn_close(vconn); if (trunc) { /* The Features Reply may not contain all the ports, so send a * Port Description stats request, which doesn't have size * constraints. */ dump_trivial_stats_transaction(vconn_name, OFPRAW_OFPST_PORT_DESC_REQUEST); } dump_trivial_transaction(vconn_name, OFPRAW_OFPT_GET_CONFIG_REQUEST); } static void ofctl_dump_desc(int argc OVS_UNUSED, char *argv[]) { dump_trivial_stats_transaction(argv[1], OFPRAW_OFPST_DESC_REQUEST); } static void ofctl_dump_tables(int argc OVS_UNUSED, char *argv[]) { dump_trivial_stats_transaction(argv[1], OFPRAW_OFPST_TABLE_REQUEST); } static bool fetch_port_by_features(const char *vconn_name, const char *port_name, unsigned int port_no, struct ofputil_phy_port *pp, bool *trunc) { struct ofputil_switch_features features; const struct ofp_header *oh; struct ofpbuf *request, *reply; struct vconn *vconn; enum ofperr error; enum ofptype type; struct ofpbuf b; bool found = false; /* Fetch the switch's ofp_switch_features. */ request = ofpraw_alloc(OFPRAW_OFPT_FEATURES_REQUEST, OFP10_VERSION, 0); open_vconn(vconn_name, &vconn); run(vconn_transact(vconn, request, &reply), "talking to %s", vconn_name); vconn_close(vconn); oh = reply->data; if (ofptype_decode(&type, reply->data) || type != OFPTYPE_FEATURES_REPLY) { ovs_fatal(0, "%s: received bad features reply", vconn_name); } *trunc = false; if (ofputil_switch_features_ports_trunc(reply)) { *trunc = true; goto exit; } error = ofputil_decode_switch_features(oh, &features, &b); if (error) { ovs_fatal(0, "%s: failed to decode features reply (%s)", vconn_name, ofperr_to_string(error)); } while (!ofputil_pull_phy_port(oh->version, &b, pp)) { if (port_no != UINT_MAX ? port_no == pp->port_no : !strcmp(pp->name, port_name)) { found = true; goto exit; } } exit: ofpbuf_delete(reply); return found; } static bool fetch_port_by_stats(const char *vconn_name, const char *port_name, unsigned int port_no, struct ofputil_phy_port *pp) { struct ofpbuf *request; struct vconn *vconn; ovs_be32 send_xid; bool done = false; bool found = false; request = ofpraw_alloc(OFPRAW_OFPST_PORT_DESC_REQUEST, OFP10_VERSION, 0); send_xid = ((struct ofp_header *) request->data)->xid; open_vconn(vconn_name, &vconn); send_openflow_buffer(vconn, request); while (!done) { ovs_be32 recv_xid; struct ofpbuf *reply; run(vconn_recv_block(vconn, &reply), "OpenFlow packet receive failed"); recv_xid = ((struct ofp_header *) reply->data)->xid; if (send_xid == recv_xid) { struct ofp_header *oh = reply->data; enum ofptype type; struct ofpbuf b; uint16_t flags; ofpbuf_use_const(&b, oh, ntohs(oh->length)); if (ofptype_pull(&type, &b) || type != OFPTYPE_PORT_DESC_STATS_REPLY) { ovs_fatal(0, "received bad reply: %s", ofp_to_string(reply->data, reply->size, verbosity + 1)); } flags = ofpmp_flags(oh); done = !(flags & OFPSF_REPLY_MORE); if (found) { /* We've already found the port, but we need to drain * the queue of any other replies for this request. */ continue; } while (!ofputil_pull_phy_port(oh->version, &b, pp)) { if (port_no != UINT_MAX ? port_no == pp->port_no : !strcmp(pp->name, port_name)) { found = true; break; } } } else { VLOG_DBG("received reply with xid %08"PRIx32" " "!= expected %08"PRIx32, recv_xid, send_xid); } ofpbuf_delete(reply); } vconn_close(vconn); return found; } /* Opens a connection to 'vconn_name', fetches the port structure for * 'port_name' (which may be a port name or number), and copies it into * '*pp'. */ static void fetch_ofputil_phy_port(const char *vconn_name, const char *port_name, struct ofputil_phy_port *pp) { unsigned int port_no; bool found; bool trunc; /* Try to interpret the argument as a port number. */ if (!str_to_uint(port_name, 10, &port_no)) { port_no = UINT_MAX; } /* Try to find the port based on the Features Reply. If it looks * like the results may be truncated, then use the Port Description * stats message introduced in OVS 1.7. */ found = fetch_port_by_features(vconn_name, port_name, port_no, pp, &trunc); if (trunc) { found = fetch_port_by_stats(vconn_name, port_name, port_no, pp); } if (!found) { ovs_fatal(0, "%s: couldn't find port `%s'", vconn_name, port_name); } } /* Returns the port number corresponding to 'port_name' (which may be a port * name or number) within the switch 'vconn_name'. */ static uint16_t str_to_port_no(const char *vconn_name, const char *port_name) { uint16_t port_no; if (ofputil_port_from_string(port_name, &port_no)) { return port_no; } else { struct ofputil_phy_port pp; fetch_ofputil_phy_port(vconn_name, port_name, &pp); return pp.port_no; } } static bool try_set_protocol(struct vconn *vconn, enum ofputil_protocol want, enum ofputil_protocol *cur) { for (;;) { struct ofpbuf *request, *reply; enum ofputil_protocol next; request = ofputil_encode_set_protocol(*cur, want, &next); if (!request) { return *cur == want; } run(vconn_transact_noreply(vconn, request, &reply), "talking to %s", vconn_get_name(vconn)); if (reply) { char *s = ofp_to_string(reply->data, reply->size, 2); VLOG_DBG("%s: failed to set protocol, switch replied: %s", vconn_get_name(vconn), s); free(s); ofpbuf_delete(reply); return false; } *cur = next; } } static enum ofputil_protocol set_protocol_for_flow_dump(struct vconn *vconn, enum ofputil_protocol cur_protocol, enum ofputil_protocol usable_protocols) { char *usable_s; int i; for (i = 0; i < ofputil_n_flow_dump_protocols; i++) { enum ofputil_protocol f = ofputil_flow_dump_protocols[i]; if (f & usable_protocols & allowed_protocols && try_set_protocol(vconn, f, &cur_protocol)) { return f; } } usable_s = ofputil_protocols_to_string(usable_protocols); if (usable_protocols & allowed_protocols) { ovs_fatal(0, "switch does not support any of the usable flow " "formats (%s)", usable_s); } else { char *allowed_s = ofputil_protocols_to_string(allowed_protocols); ovs_fatal(0, "none of the usable flow formats (%s) is among the " "allowed flow formats (%s)", usable_s, allowed_s); } } static struct vconn * prepare_dump_flows(int argc, char *argv[], bool aggregate, struct ofpbuf **requestp) { enum ofputil_protocol usable_protocols, protocol; struct ofputil_flow_stats_request fsr; struct vconn *vconn; parse_ofp_flow_stats_request_str(&fsr, aggregate, argc > 2 ? argv[2] : ""); usable_protocols = ofputil_flow_stats_request_usable_protocols(&fsr); protocol = open_vconn(argv[1], &vconn); protocol = set_protocol_for_flow_dump(vconn, protocol, usable_protocols); *requestp = ofputil_encode_flow_stats_request(&fsr, protocol); return vconn; } static void ofctl_dump_flows__(int argc, char *argv[], bool aggregate) { struct ofpbuf *request; struct vconn *vconn; vconn = prepare_dump_flows(argc, argv, aggregate, &request); dump_stats_transaction(vconn, request); vconn_close(vconn); } static int compare_flows(const void *afs_, const void *bfs_) { const struct ofputil_flow_stats *afs = afs_; const struct ofputil_flow_stats *bfs = bfs_; const struct match *a = &afs->match; const struct match *b = &bfs->match; const struct sort_criterion *sc; for (sc = criteria; sc < &criteria[n_criteria]; sc++) { const struct mf_field *f = sc->field; int ret; if (!f) { unsigned int a_pri = afs->priority; unsigned int b_pri = bfs->priority; ret = a_pri < b_pri ? -1 : a_pri > b_pri; } else { bool ina, inb; ina = mf_are_prereqs_ok(f, &a->flow) && !mf_is_all_wild(f, &a->wc); inb = mf_are_prereqs_ok(f, &b->flow) && !mf_is_all_wild(f, &b->wc); if (ina != inb) { /* Skip the test for sc->order, so that missing fields always * sort to the end whether we're sorting in ascending or * descending order. */ return ina ? -1 : 1; } else { union mf_value aval, bval; mf_get_value(f, &a->flow, &aval); mf_get_value(f, &b->flow, &bval); ret = memcmp(&aval, &bval, f->n_bytes); } } if (ret) { return sc->order == SORT_ASC ? ret : -ret; } } return 0; } static void ofctl_dump_flows(int argc, char *argv[]) { if (!n_criteria) { return ofctl_dump_flows__(argc, argv, false); } else { struct ofputil_flow_stats *fses; size_t n_fses, allocated_fses; struct ofpbuf *request; struct ofpbuf ofpacts; struct ofpbuf *reply; struct vconn *vconn; ovs_be32 send_xid; struct ds s; size_t i; vconn = prepare_dump_flows(argc, argv, false, &request); send_xid = ((struct ofp_header *) request->data)->xid; send_openflow_buffer(vconn, request); fses = NULL; n_fses = allocated_fses = 0; reply = NULL; ofpbuf_init(&ofpacts, 0); for (;;) { struct ofputil_flow_stats *fs; if (n_fses >= allocated_fses) { fses = x2nrealloc(fses, &allocated_fses, sizeof *fses); } fs = &fses[n_fses]; if (!recv_flow_stats_reply(vconn, send_xid, &reply, fs, &ofpacts)) { break; } fs->ofpacts = xmemdup(fs->ofpacts, fs->ofpacts_len); n_fses++; } ofpbuf_uninit(&ofpacts); qsort(fses, n_fses, sizeof *fses, compare_flows); ds_init(&s); for (i = 0; i < n_fses; i++) { ds_clear(&s); ofp_print_flow_stats(&s, &fses[i]); puts(ds_cstr(&s)); } ds_destroy(&s); for (i = 0; i < n_fses; i++) { free(fses[i].ofpacts); } free(fses); vconn_close(vconn); } } static void ofctl_dump_aggregate(int argc, char *argv[]) { return ofctl_dump_flows__(argc, argv, true); } static void ofctl_queue_stats(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct ofpbuf *request; struct vconn *vconn; struct ofputil_queue_stats_request oqs; open_vconn(argv[1], &vconn); if (argc > 2 && argv[2][0] && strcasecmp(argv[2], "all")) { oqs.port_no = str_to_port_no(argv[1], argv[2]); } else { oqs.port_no = OFPP_ALL; } if (argc > 3 && argv[3][0] && strcasecmp(argv[3], "all")) { oqs.queue_id = atoi(argv[3]); } else { oqs.queue_id = OFPQ_ALL; } request = ofputil_encode_queue_stats_request(vconn_get_version(vconn), &oqs); dump_stats_transaction(vconn, request); vconn_close(vconn); } static enum ofputil_protocol open_vconn_for_flow_mod(const char *remote, const struct ofputil_flow_mod *fms, size_t n_fms, struct vconn **vconnp) { enum ofputil_protocol usable_protocols; enum ofputil_protocol cur_protocol; char *usable_s; int i; /* Figure out what flow formats will work. */ usable_protocols = ofputil_flow_mod_usable_protocols(fms, n_fms); if (!(usable_protocols & allowed_protocols)) { char *allowed_s = ofputil_protocols_to_string(allowed_protocols); usable_s = ofputil_protocols_to_string(usable_protocols); ovs_fatal(0, "none of the usable flow formats (%s) is among the " "allowed flow formats (%s)", usable_s, allowed_s); } /* If the initial flow format is allowed and usable, keep it. */ cur_protocol = open_vconn(remote, vconnp); if (usable_protocols & allowed_protocols & cur_protocol) { return cur_protocol; } /* Otherwise try each flow format in turn. */ for (i = 0; i < sizeof(enum ofputil_protocol) * CHAR_BIT; i++) { enum ofputil_protocol f = 1 << i; if (f != cur_protocol && f & usable_protocols & allowed_protocols && try_set_protocol(*vconnp, f, &cur_protocol)) { return f; } } usable_s = ofputil_protocols_to_string(usable_protocols); ovs_fatal(0, "switch does not support any of the usable flow " "formats (%s)", usable_s); } static void ofctl_flow_mod__(const char *remote, struct ofputil_flow_mod *fms, size_t n_fms) { enum ofputil_protocol protocol; struct vconn *vconn; size_t i; protocol = open_vconn_for_flow_mod(remote, fms, n_fms, &vconn); for (i = 0; i < n_fms; i++) { struct ofputil_flow_mod *fm = &fms[i]; transact_noreply(vconn, ofputil_encode_flow_mod(fm, protocol)); free(fm->ofpacts); } vconn_close(vconn); } static void ofctl_flow_mod_file(int argc OVS_UNUSED, char *argv[], uint16_t command) { struct ofputil_flow_mod *fms = NULL; size_t n_fms = 0; parse_ofp_flow_mod_file(argv[2], command, &fms, &n_fms); ofctl_flow_mod__(argv[1], fms, n_fms); free(fms); } static void ofctl_flow_mod(int argc, char *argv[], uint16_t command) { if (argc > 2 && !strcmp(argv[2], "-")) { ofctl_flow_mod_file(argc, argv, command); } else { struct ofputil_flow_mod fm; parse_ofp_flow_mod_str(&fm, argc > 2 ? argv[2] : "", command, false); ofctl_flow_mod__(argv[1], &fm, 1); } } static void ofctl_add_flow(int argc, char *argv[]) { ofctl_flow_mod(argc, argv, OFPFC_ADD); } static void ofctl_add_flows(int argc, char *argv[]) { ofctl_flow_mod_file(argc, argv, OFPFC_ADD); } static void ofctl_mod_flows(int argc, char *argv[]) { ofctl_flow_mod(argc, argv, strict ? OFPFC_MODIFY_STRICT : OFPFC_MODIFY); } static void ofctl_del_flows(int argc, char *argv[]) { ofctl_flow_mod(argc, argv, strict ? OFPFC_DELETE_STRICT : OFPFC_DELETE); } static void set_packet_in_format(struct vconn *vconn, enum nx_packet_in_format packet_in_format) { struct ofpbuf *spif; spif = ofputil_make_set_packet_in_format(vconn_get_version(vconn), packet_in_format); transact_noreply(vconn, spif); VLOG_DBG("%s: using user-specified packet in format %s", vconn_get_name(vconn), ofputil_packet_in_format_to_string(packet_in_format)); } static int monitor_set_invalid_ttl_to_controller(struct vconn *vconn) { struct ofp_switch_config config; enum ofp_config_flags flags; fetch_switch_config(vconn, &config); flags = ntohs(config.flags); if (!(flags & OFPC_INVALID_TTL_TO_CONTROLLER)) { /* Set the invalid ttl config. */ flags |= OFPC_INVALID_TTL_TO_CONTROLLER; config.flags = htons(flags); set_switch_config(vconn, &config); /* Then retrieve the configuration to see if it really took. OpenFlow * doesn't define error reporting for bad modes, so this is all we can * do. */ fetch_switch_config(vconn, &config); flags = ntohs(config.flags); if (!(flags & OFPC_INVALID_TTL_TO_CONTROLLER)) { ovs_fatal(0, "setting invalid_ttl_to_controller failed (this " "switch probably doesn't support mode)"); return -EOPNOTSUPP; } } return 0; } /* Converts hex digits in 'hex' to an OpenFlow message in '*msgp'. The * caller must free '*msgp'. On success, returns NULL. On failure, returns * an error message and stores NULL in '*msgp'. */ static const char * openflow_from_hex(const char *hex, struct ofpbuf **msgp) { struct ofp_header *oh; struct ofpbuf *msg; msg = ofpbuf_new(strlen(hex) / 2); *msgp = NULL; if (ofpbuf_put_hex(msg, hex, NULL)[0] != '\0') { ofpbuf_delete(msg); return "Trailing garbage in hex data"; } if (msg->size < sizeof(struct ofp_header)) { ofpbuf_delete(msg); return "Message too short for OpenFlow"; } oh = msg->data; if (msg->size != ntohs(oh->length)) { ofpbuf_delete(msg); return "Message size does not match length in OpenFlow header"; } *msgp = msg; return NULL; } static void ofctl_send(struct unixctl_conn *conn, int argc, const char *argv[], void *vconn_) { struct vconn *vconn = vconn_; struct ds reply; bool ok; int i; ok = true; ds_init(&reply); for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { const char *error_msg; struct ofpbuf *msg; int error; error_msg = openflow_from_hex(argv[i], &msg); if (error_msg) { ds_put_format(&reply, "%s\n", error_msg); ok = false; continue; } fprintf(stderr, "send: "); ofp_print(stderr, msg->data, msg->size, verbosity); error = vconn_send_block(vconn, msg); if (error) { ofpbuf_delete(msg); ds_put_format(&reply, "%s\n", strerror(error)); ok = false; } else { ds_put_cstr(&reply, "sent\n"); } } if (ok) { unixctl_command_reply(conn, ds_cstr(&reply)); } else { unixctl_command_reply_error(conn, ds_cstr(&reply)); } ds_destroy(&reply); } struct barrier_aux { struct vconn *vconn; /* OpenFlow connection for sending barrier. */ struct unixctl_conn *conn; /* Connection waiting for barrier response. */ }; static void ofctl_barrier(struct unixctl_conn *conn, int argc OVS_UNUSED, const char *argv[] OVS_UNUSED, void *aux_) { struct barrier_aux *aux = aux_; struct ofpbuf *msg; int error; if (aux->conn) { unixctl_command_reply_error(conn, "already waiting for barrier reply"); return; } msg = ofputil_encode_barrier_request(vconn_get_version(aux->vconn)); error = vconn_send_block(aux->vconn, msg); if (error) { ofpbuf_delete(msg); unixctl_command_reply_error(conn, strerror(error)); } else { aux->conn = conn; } } static void ofctl_set_output_file(struct unixctl_conn *conn, int argc OVS_UNUSED, const char *argv[], void *aux OVS_UNUSED) { int fd; fd = open(argv[1], O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_WRONLY, 0666); if (fd < 0) { unixctl_command_reply_error(conn, strerror(errno)); return; } fflush(stderr); dup2(fd, STDERR_FILENO); close(fd); unixctl_command_reply(conn, NULL); } static void ofctl_block(struct unixctl_conn *conn, int argc OVS_UNUSED, const char *argv[] OVS_UNUSED, void *blocked_) { bool *blocked = blocked_; if (!*blocked) { *blocked = true; unixctl_command_reply(conn, NULL); } else { unixctl_command_reply(conn, "already blocking"); } } static void ofctl_unblock(struct unixctl_conn *conn, int argc OVS_UNUSED, const char *argv[] OVS_UNUSED, void *blocked_) { bool *blocked = blocked_; if (*blocked) { *blocked = false; unixctl_command_reply(conn, NULL); } else { unixctl_command_reply(conn, "already unblocked"); } } static void monitor_vconn(struct vconn *vconn) { struct barrier_aux barrier_aux = { vconn, NULL }; struct unixctl_server *server; bool exiting = false; bool blocked = false; int error; daemon_save_fd(STDERR_FILENO); daemonize_start(); error = unixctl_server_create(NULL, &server); if (error) { ovs_fatal(error, "failed to create unixctl server"); } unixctl_command_register("exit", "", 0, 0, ofctl_exit, &exiting); unixctl_command_register("ofctl/send", "OFMSG...", 1, INT_MAX, ofctl_send, vconn); unixctl_command_register("ofctl/barrier", "", 0, 0, ofctl_barrier, &barrier_aux); unixctl_command_register("ofctl/set-output-file", "FILE", 1, 1, ofctl_set_output_file, NULL); unixctl_command_register("ofctl/block", "", 0, 0, ofctl_block, &blocked); unixctl_command_register("ofctl/unblock", "", 0, 0, ofctl_unblock, &blocked); daemonize_complete(); for (;;) { struct ofpbuf *b; int retval; unixctl_server_run(server); while (!blocked) { enum ofptype type; retval = vconn_recv(vconn, &b); if (retval == EAGAIN) { break; } run(retval, "vconn_recv"); if (timestamp) { time_t now = time_wall(); char s[32]; strftime(s, sizeof s, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S: ", gmtime(&now)); fputs(s, stderr); } ofptype_decode(&type, b->data); ofp_print(stderr, b->data, b->size, verbosity + 2); ofpbuf_delete(b); if (barrier_aux.conn && type == OFPTYPE_BARRIER_REPLY) { unixctl_command_reply(barrier_aux.conn, NULL); barrier_aux.conn = NULL; } } if (exiting) { break; } vconn_run(vconn); vconn_run_wait(vconn); if (!blocked) { vconn_recv_wait(vconn); } unixctl_server_wait(server); poll_block(); } vconn_close(vconn); unixctl_server_destroy(server); } static void ofctl_monitor(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct vconn *vconn; int i; open_vconn(argv[1], &vconn); for (i = 2; i < argc; i++) { const char *arg = argv[i]; if (isdigit((unsigned char) *arg)) { struct ofp_switch_config config; fetch_switch_config(vconn, &config); config.miss_send_len = htons(atoi(arg)); set_switch_config(vconn, &config); } else if (!strcmp(arg, "invalid_ttl")) { monitor_set_invalid_ttl_to_controller(vconn); } else if (!strncmp(arg, "watch:", 6)) { struct ofputil_flow_monitor_request fmr; struct ofpbuf *msg; parse_flow_monitor_request(&fmr, arg + 6); msg = ofpbuf_new(0); ofputil_append_flow_monitor_request(&fmr, msg); dump_stats_transaction(vconn, msg); } else { ovs_fatal(0, "%s: unsupported \"monitor\" argument", arg); } } if (preferred_packet_in_format >= 0) { set_packet_in_format(vconn, preferred_packet_in_format); } else { struct ofpbuf *spif, *reply; spif = ofputil_make_set_packet_in_format(vconn_get_version(vconn), NXPIF_NXM); run(vconn_transact_noreply(vconn, spif, &reply), "talking to %s", vconn_get_name(vconn)); if (reply) { char *s = ofp_to_string(reply->data, reply->size, 2); VLOG_DBG("%s: failed to set packet in format to nxm, controller" " replied: %s. Falling back to the switch default.", vconn_get_name(vconn), s); free(s); ofpbuf_delete(reply); } } monitor_vconn(vconn); } static void ofctl_snoop(int argc OVS_UNUSED, char *argv[]) { struct vconn *vconn; open_vconn__(argv[1], "snoop", &vconn); monitor_vconn(vconn); } static void ofctl_dump_ports(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct ofpbuf *request; struct vconn *vconn; uint16_t port; open_vconn(argv[1], &vconn); port = argc > 2 ? str_to_port_no(argv[1], argv[2]) : OFPP_NONE; request = ofputil_encode_dump_ports_request(vconn_get_version(vconn), port); dump_stats_transaction(vconn, request); vconn_close(vconn); } static void ofctl_dump_ports_desc(int argc OVS_UNUSED, char *argv[]) { dump_trivial_stats_transaction(argv[1], OFPRAW_OFPST_PORT_DESC_REQUEST); } static void ofctl_probe(int argc OVS_UNUSED, char *argv[]) { struct ofpbuf *request; struct vconn *vconn; struct ofpbuf *reply; open_vconn(argv[1], &vconn); request = make_echo_request(vconn_get_version(vconn)); run(vconn_transact(vconn, request, &reply), "talking to %s", argv[1]); if (reply->size != sizeof(struct ofp_header)) { ovs_fatal(0, "reply does not match request"); } ofpbuf_delete(reply); vconn_close(vconn); } static void ofctl_packet_out(int argc, char *argv[]) { enum ofputil_protocol protocol; struct ofputil_packet_out po; struct ofpbuf ofpacts; struct vconn *vconn; int i; ofpbuf_init(&ofpacts, 64); parse_ofpacts(argv[3], &ofpacts); po.buffer_id = UINT32_MAX; po.in_port = str_to_port_no(argv[1], argv[2]); po.ofpacts = ofpacts.data; po.ofpacts_len = ofpacts.size; protocol = open_vconn(argv[1], &vconn); for (i = 4; i < argc; i++) { struct ofpbuf *packet, *opo; const char *error_msg; error_msg = eth_from_hex(argv[i], &packet); if (error_msg) { ovs_fatal(0, "%s", error_msg); } po.packet = packet->data; po.packet_len = packet->size; opo = ofputil_encode_packet_out(&po, protocol); transact_noreply(vconn, opo); ofpbuf_delete(packet); } vconn_close(vconn); ofpbuf_uninit(&ofpacts); } static void ofctl_mod_port(int argc OVS_UNUSED, char *argv[]) { struct ofp_config_flag { const char *name; /* The flag's name. */ enum ofputil_port_config bit; /* Bit to turn on or off. */ bool on; /* Value to set the bit to. */ }; static const struct ofp_config_flag flags[] = { { "up", OFPUTIL_PC_PORT_DOWN, false }, { "down", OFPUTIL_PC_PORT_DOWN, true }, { "stp", OFPUTIL_PC_NO_STP, false }, { "receive", OFPUTIL_PC_NO_RECV, false }, { "receive-stp", OFPUTIL_PC_NO_RECV_STP, false }, { "flood", OFPUTIL_PC_NO_FLOOD, false }, { "forward", OFPUTIL_PC_NO_FWD, false }, { "packet-in", OFPUTIL_PC_NO_PACKET_IN, false }, }; const struct ofp_config_flag *flag; enum ofputil_protocol protocol; struct ofputil_port_mod pm; struct ofputil_phy_port pp; struct vconn *vconn; const char *command; bool not; fetch_ofputil_phy_port(argv[1], argv[2], &pp); pm.port_no = pp.port_no; memcpy(pm.hw_addr, pp.hw_addr, ETH_ADDR_LEN); pm.config = 0; pm.mask = 0; pm.advertise = 0; if (!strncasecmp(argv[3], "no-", 3)) { command = argv[3] + 3; not = true; } else if (!strncasecmp(argv[3], "no", 2)) { command = argv[3] + 2; not = true; } else { command = argv[3]; not = false; } for (flag = flags; flag < &flags[ARRAY_SIZE(flags)]; flag++) { if (!strcasecmp(command, flag->name)) { pm.mask = flag->bit; pm.config = flag->on ^ not ? flag->bit : 0; goto found; } } ovs_fatal(0, "unknown mod-port command '%s'", argv[3]); found: protocol = open_vconn(argv[1], &vconn); transact_noreply(vconn, ofputil_encode_port_mod(&pm, protocol)); vconn_close(vconn); } static void ofctl_get_frags(int argc OVS_UNUSED, char *argv[]) { struct ofp_switch_config config; struct vconn *vconn; open_vconn(argv[1], &vconn); fetch_switch_config(vconn, &config); puts(ofputil_frag_handling_to_string(ntohs(config.flags))); vconn_close(vconn); } static void ofctl_set_frags(int argc OVS_UNUSED, char *argv[]) { struct ofp_switch_config config; enum ofp_config_flags mode; struct vconn *vconn; ovs_be16 flags; if (!ofputil_frag_handling_from_string(argv[2], &mode)) { ovs_fatal(0, "%s: unknown fragment handling mode", argv[2]); } open_vconn(argv[1], &vconn); fetch_switch_config(vconn, &config); flags = htons(mode) | (config.flags & htons(~OFPC_FRAG_MASK)); if (flags != config.flags) { /* Set the configuration. */ config.flags = flags; set_switch_config(vconn, &config); /* Then retrieve the configuration to see if it really took. OpenFlow * doesn't define error reporting for bad modes, so this is all we can * do. */ fetch_switch_config(vconn, &config); if (flags != config.flags) { ovs_fatal(0, "%s: setting fragment handling mode failed (this " "switch probably doesn't support mode \"%s\")", argv[1], ofputil_frag_handling_to_string(mode)); } } vconn_close(vconn); } static void ofctl_ping(int argc, char *argv[]) { size_t max_payload = 65535 - sizeof(struct ofp_header); unsigned int payload; struct vconn *vconn; int i; payload = argc > 2 ? atoi(argv[2]) : 64; if (payload > max_payload) { ovs_fatal(0, "payload must be between 0 and %zu bytes", max_payload); } open_vconn(argv[1], &vconn); for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { struct timeval start, end; struct ofpbuf *request, *reply; const struct ofp_header *rpy_hdr; enum ofptype type; request = ofpraw_alloc(OFPRAW_OFPT_ECHO_REQUEST, OFP10_VERSION, payload); random_bytes(ofpbuf_put_uninit(request, payload), payload); xgettimeofday(&start); run(vconn_transact(vconn, ofpbuf_clone(request), &reply), "transact"); xgettimeofday(&end); rpy_hdr = reply->data; if (ofptype_pull(&type, reply) || type != OFPTYPE_ECHO_REPLY || reply->size != payload || memcmp(request->l3, reply->l3, payload)) { printf("Reply does not match request. Request:\n"); ofp_print(stdout, request, request->size, verbosity + 2); printf("Reply:\n"); ofp_print(stdout, reply, reply->size, verbosity + 2); } printf("%zu bytes from %s: xid=%08"PRIx32" time=%.1f ms\n", reply->size, argv[1], ntohl(rpy_hdr->xid), (1000*(double)(end.tv_sec - start.tv_sec)) + (.001*(end.tv_usec - start.tv_usec))); ofpbuf_delete(request); ofpbuf_delete(reply); } vconn_close(vconn); } static void ofctl_benchmark(int argc OVS_UNUSED, char *argv[]) { size_t max_payload = 65535 - sizeof(struct ofp_header); struct timeval start, end; unsigned int payload_size, message_size; struct vconn *vconn; double duration; int count; int i; payload_size = atoi(argv[2]); if (payload_size > max_payload) { ovs_fatal(0, "payload must be between 0 and %zu bytes", max_payload); } message_size = sizeof(struct ofp_header) + payload_size; count = atoi(argv[3]); printf("Sending %d packets * %u bytes (with header) = %u bytes total\n", count, message_size, count * message_size); open_vconn(argv[1], &vconn); xgettimeofday(&start); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { struct ofpbuf *request, *reply; request = ofpraw_alloc(OFPRAW_OFPT_ECHO_REQUEST, OFP10_VERSION, payload_size); ofpbuf_put_zeros(request, payload_size); run(vconn_transact(vconn, request, &reply), "transact"); ofpbuf_delete(reply); } xgettimeofday(&end); vconn_close(vconn); duration = ((1000*(double)(end.tv_sec - start.tv_sec)) + (.001*(end.tv_usec - start.tv_usec))); printf("Finished in %.1f ms (%.0f packets/s) (%.0f bytes/s)\n", duration, count / (duration / 1000.0), count * message_size / (duration / 1000.0)); } static void ofctl_help(int argc OVS_UNUSED, char *argv[] OVS_UNUSED) { usage(); } /* replace-flows and diff-flows commands. */ /* A flow table entry, possibly with two different versions. */ struct fte { struct cls_rule rule; /* Within a "struct classifier". */ struct fte_version *versions[2]; }; /* One version of a Flow Table Entry. */ struct fte_version { ovs_be64 cookie; uint16_t idle_timeout; uint16_t hard_timeout; uint16_t flags; struct ofpact *ofpacts; size_t ofpacts_len; }; /* Frees 'version' and the data that it owns. */ static void fte_version_free(struct fte_version *version) { if (version) { free(version->ofpacts); free(version); } } /* Returns true if 'a' and 'b' are the same, false if they differ. * * Ignores differences in 'flags' because there's no way to retrieve flags from * an OpenFlow switch. We have to assume that they are the same. */ static bool fte_version_equals(const struct fte_version *a, const struct fte_version *b) { return (a->cookie == b->cookie && a->idle_timeout == b->idle_timeout && a->hard_timeout == b->hard_timeout && ofpacts_equal(a->ofpacts, a->ofpacts_len, b->ofpacts, b->ofpacts_len)); } /* Clears 's', then if 's' has a version 'index', formats 'fte' and version * 'index' into 's', followed by a new-line. */ static void fte_version_format(const struct fte *fte, int index, struct ds *s) { const struct fte_version *version = fte->versions[index]; ds_clear(s); if (!version) { return; } cls_rule_format(&fte->rule, s); if (version->cookie != htonll(0)) { ds_put_format(s, " cookie=0x%"PRIx64, ntohll(version->cookie)); } if (version->idle_timeout != OFP_FLOW_PERMANENT) { ds_put_format(s, " idle_timeout=%"PRIu16, version->idle_timeout); } if (version->hard_timeout != OFP_FLOW_PERMANENT) { ds_put_format(s, " hard_timeout=%"PRIu16, version->hard_timeout); } ds_put_char(s, ' '); ofpacts_format(version->ofpacts, version->ofpacts_len, s); ds_put_char(s, '\n'); } static struct fte * fte_from_cls_rule(const struct cls_rule *cls_rule) { return cls_rule ? CONTAINER_OF(cls_rule, struct fte, rule) : NULL; } /* Frees 'fte' and its versions. */ static void fte_free(struct fte *fte) { if (fte) { fte_version_free(fte->versions[0]); fte_version_free(fte->versions[1]); cls_rule_destroy(&fte->rule); free(fte); } } /* Frees all of the FTEs within 'cls'. */ static void fte_free_all(struct classifier *cls) { struct cls_cursor cursor; struct fte *fte, *next; cls_cursor_init(&cursor, cls, NULL); CLS_CURSOR_FOR_EACH_SAFE (fte, next, rule, &cursor) { classifier_remove(cls, &fte->rule); fte_free(fte); } classifier_destroy(cls); } /* Searches 'cls' for an FTE matching 'rule', inserting a new one if * necessary. Sets 'version' as the version of that rule with the given * 'index', replacing any existing version, if any. * * Takes ownership of 'version'. */ static void fte_insert(struct classifier *cls, const struct match *match, unsigned int priority, struct fte_version *version, int index) { struct fte *old, *fte; fte = xzalloc(sizeof *fte); cls_rule_init(&fte->rule, match, priority); fte->versions[index] = version; old = fte_from_cls_rule(classifier_replace(cls, &fte->rule)); if (old) { fte_version_free(old->versions[index]); fte->versions[!index] = old->versions[!index]; cls_rule_destroy(&old->rule); free(old); } } /* Reads the flows in 'filename' as flow table entries in 'cls' for the version * with the specified 'index'. Returns the flow formats able to represent the * flows that were read. */ static enum ofputil_protocol read_flows_from_file(const char *filename, struct classifier *cls, int index) { enum ofputil_protocol usable_protocols; struct ds s; FILE *file; file = !strcmp(filename, "-") ? stdin : fopen(filename, "r"); if (file == NULL) { ovs_fatal(errno, "%s: open", filename); } ds_init(&s); usable_protocols = OFPUTIL_P_ANY; while (!ds_get_preprocessed_line(&s, file)) { struct fte_version *version; struct ofputil_flow_mod fm; parse_ofp_str(&fm, OFPFC_ADD, ds_cstr(&s), true); version = xmalloc(sizeof *version); version->cookie = fm.new_cookie; version->idle_timeout = fm.idle_timeout; version->hard_timeout = fm.hard_timeout; version->flags = fm.flags & (OFPFF_SEND_FLOW_REM | OFPFF10_EMERG); version->ofpacts = fm.ofpacts; version->ofpacts_len = fm.ofpacts_len; usable_protocols &= ofputil_usable_protocols(&fm.match); fte_insert(cls, &fm.match, fm.priority, version, index); } ds_destroy(&s); if (file != stdin) { fclose(file); } return usable_protocols; } static bool recv_flow_stats_reply(struct vconn *vconn, ovs_be32 send_xid, struct ofpbuf **replyp, struct ofputil_flow_stats *fs, struct ofpbuf *ofpacts) { struct ofpbuf *reply = *replyp; for (;;) { int retval; bool more; /* Get a flow stats reply message, if we don't already have one. */ if (!reply) { enum ofptype type; enum ofperr error; do { run(vconn_recv_block(vconn, &reply), "OpenFlow packet receive failed"); } while (((struct ofp_header *) reply->data)->xid != send_xid); error = ofptype_decode(&type, reply->data); if (error || type != OFPTYPE_FLOW_STATS_REPLY) { ovs_fatal(0, "received bad reply: %s", ofp_to_string(reply->data, reply->size, verbosity + 1)); } } /* Pull an individual flow stats reply out of the message. */ retval = ofputil_decode_flow_stats_reply(fs, reply, false, ofpacts); switch (retval) { case 0: *replyp = reply; return true; case EOF: more = ofpmp_more(reply->l2); ofpbuf_delete(reply); reply = NULL; if (!more) { *replyp = NULL; return false; } break; default: ovs_fatal(0, "parse error in reply (%s)", ofperr_to_string(retval)); } } } /* Reads the OpenFlow flow table from 'vconn', which has currently active flow * format 'protocol', and adds them as flow table entries in 'cls' for the * version with the specified 'index'. */ static void read_flows_from_switch(struct vconn *vconn, enum ofputil_protocol protocol, struct classifier *cls, int index) { struct ofputil_flow_stats_request fsr; struct ofputil_flow_stats fs; struct ofpbuf *request; struct ofpbuf ofpacts; struct ofpbuf *reply; ovs_be32 send_xid; fsr.aggregate = false; match_init_catchall(&fsr.match); fsr.out_port = OFPP_NONE; fsr.table_id = 0xff; fsr.cookie = fsr.cookie_mask = htonll(0); request = ofputil_encode_flow_stats_request(&fsr, protocol); send_xid = ((struct ofp_header *) request->data)->xid; send_openflow_buffer(vconn, request); reply = NULL; ofpbuf_init(&ofpacts, 0); while (recv_flow_stats_reply(vconn, send_xid, &reply, &fs, &ofpacts)) { struct fte_version *version; version = xmalloc(sizeof *version); version->cookie = fs.cookie; version->idle_timeout = fs.idle_timeout; version->hard_timeout = fs.hard_timeout; version->flags = 0; version->ofpacts_len = fs.ofpacts_len; version->ofpacts = xmemdup(fs.ofpacts, fs.ofpacts_len); fte_insert(cls, &fs.match, fs.priority, version, index); } ofpbuf_uninit(&ofpacts); } static void fte_make_flow_mod(const struct fte *fte, int index, uint16_t command, enum ofputil_protocol protocol, struct list *packets) { const struct fte_version *version = fte->versions[index]; struct ofputil_flow_mod fm; struct ofpbuf *ofm; minimatch_expand(&fte->rule.match, &fm.match); fm.priority = fte->rule.priority; fm.cookie = htonll(0); fm.cookie_mask = htonll(0); fm.new_cookie = version->cookie; fm.table_id = 0xff; fm.command = command; fm.idle_timeout = version->idle_timeout; fm.hard_timeout = version->hard_timeout; fm.buffer_id = UINT32_MAX; fm.out_port = OFPP_NONE; fm.flags = version->flags; if (command == OFPFC_ADD || command == OFPFC_MODIFY || command == OFPFC_MODIFY_STRICT) { fm.ofpacts = version->ofpacts; fm.ofpacts_len = version->ofpacts_len; } else { fm.ofpacts = NULL; fm.ofpacts_len = 0; } ofm = ofputil_encode_flow_mod(&fm, protocol); list_push_back(packets, &ofm->list_node); } static void ofctl_replace_flows(int argc OVS_UNUSED, char *argv[]) { enum { FILE_IDX = 0, SWITCH_IDX = 1 }; enum ofputil_protocol usable_protocols, protocol; struct cls_cursor cursor; struct classifier cls; struct list requests; struct vconn *vconn; struct fte *fte; classifier_init(&cls); usable_protocols = read_flows_from_file(argv[2], &cls, FILE_IDX); protocol = open_vconn(argv[1], &vconn); protocol = set_protocol_for_flow_dump(vconn, protocol, usable_protocols); read_flows_from_switch(vconn, protocol, &cls, SWITCH_IDX); list_init(&requests); /* Delete flows that exist on the switch but not in the file. */ cls_cursor_init(&cursor, &cls, NULL); CLS_CURSOR_FOR_EACH (fte, rule, &cursor) { struct fte_version *file_ver = fte->versions[FILE_IDX]; struct fte_version *sw_ver = fte->versions[SWITCH_IDX]; if (sw_ver && !file_ver) { fte_make_flow_mod(fte, SWITCH_IDX, OFPFC_DELETE_STRICT, protocol, &requests); } } /* Add flows that exist in the file but not on the switch. * Update flows that exist in both places but differ. */ cls_cursor_init(&cursor, &cls, NULL); CLS_CURSOR_FOR_EACH (fte, rule, &cursor) { struct fte_version *file_ver = fte->versions[FILE_IDX]; struct fte_version *sw_ver = fte->versions[SWITCH_IDX]; if (file_ver && (readd || !sw_ver || !fte_version_equals(sw_ver, file_ver))) { fte_make_flow_mod(fte, FILE_IDX, OFPFC_ADD, protocol, &requests); } } transact_multiple_noreply(vconn, &requests); vconn_close(vconn); fte_free_all(&cls); } static void read_flows_from_source(const char *source, struct classifier *cls, int index) { struct stat s; if (source[0] == '/' || source[0] == '.' || (!strchr(source, ':') && !stat(source, &s))) { read_flows_from_file(source, cls, index); } else { enum ofputil_protocol protocol; struct vconn *vconn; protocol = open_vconn(source, &vconn); protocol = set_protocol_for_flow_dump(vconn, protocol, OFPUTIL_P_ANY); read_flows_from_switch(vconn, protocol, cls, index); vconn_close(vconn); } } static void ofctl_diff_flows(int argc OVS_UNUSED, char *argv[]) { bool differences = false; struct cls_cursor cursor; struct classifier cls; struct ds a_s, b_s; struct fte *fte; classifier_init(&cls); read_flows_from_source(argv[1], &cls, 0); read_flows_from_source(argv[2], &cls, 1); ds_init(&a_s); ds_init(&b_s); cls_cursor_init(&cursor, &cls, NULL); CLS_CURSOR_FOR_EACH (fte, rule, &cursor) { struct fte_version *a = fte->versions[0]; struct fte_version *b = fte->versions[1]; if (!a || !b || !fte_version_equals(a, b)) { fte_version_format(fte, 0, &a_s); fte_version_format(fte, 1, &b_s); if (strcmp(ds_cstr(&a_s), ds_cstr(&b_s))) { if (a_s.length) { printf("-%s", ds_cstr(&a_s)); } if (b_s.length) { printf("+%s", ds_cstr(&b_s)); } differences = true; } } } ds_destroy(&a_s); ds_destroy(&b_s); fte_free_all(&cls); if (differences) { exit(2); } } /* Undocumented commands for unit testing. */ static void ofctl_parse_flows__(struct ofputil_flow_mod *fms, size_t n_fms) { enum ofputil_protocol usable_protocols; enum ofputil_protocol protocol = 0; char *usable_s; size_t i; usable_protocols = ofputil_flow_mod_usable_protocols(fms, n_fms); usable_s = ofputil_protocols_to_string(usable_protocols); printf("usable protocols: %s\n", usable_s); free(usable_s); if (!(usable_protocols & allowed_protocols)) { ovs_fatal(0, "no usable protocol"); } for (i = 0; i < sizeof(enum ofputil_protocol) * CHAR_BIT; i++) { protocol = 1 << i; if (protocol & usable_protocols & allowed_protocols) { break; } } assert(IS_POW2(protocol)); printf("chosen protocol: %s\n", ofputil_protocol_to_string(protocol)); for (i = 0; i < n_fms; i++) { struct ofputil_flow_mod *fm = &fms[i]; struct ofpbuf *msg; msg = ofputil_encode_flow_mod(fm, protocol); ofp_print(stdout, msg->data, msg->size, verbosity); ofpbuf_delete(msg); free(fm->ofpacts); } } /* "parse-flow FLOW": parses the argument as a flow (like add-flow) and prints * it back to stdout. */ static void ofctl_parse_flow(int argc OVS_UNUSED, char *argv[]) { struct ofputil_flow_mod fm; parse_ofp_flow_mod_str(&fm, argv[1], OFPFC_ADD, false); ofctl_parse_flows__(&fm, 1); } /* "parse-flows FILENAME": reads the named file as a sequence of flows (like * add-flows) and prints each of the flows back to stdout. */ static void ofctl_parse_flows(int argc OVS_UNUSED, char *argv[]) { struct ofputil_flow_mod *fms = NULL; size_t n_fms = 0; parse_ofp_flow_mod_file(argv[1], OFPFC_ADD, &fms, &n_fms); ofctl_parse_flows__(fms, n_fms); free(fms); } static void ofctl_parse_nxm__(bool oxm) { struct ds in; ds_init(&in); while (!ds_get_test_line(&in, stdin)) { struct ofpbuf nx_match; struct match match; ovs_be64 cookie, cookie_mask; enum ofperr error; int match_len; /* Convert string to nx_match. */ ofpbuf_init(&nx_match, 0); if (oxm) { match_len = oxm_match_from_string(ds_cstr(&in), &nx_match); } else { match_len = nx_match_from_string(ds_cstr(&in), &nx_match); } /* Convert nx_match to match. */ if (strict) { if (oxm) { error = oxm_pull_match(&nx_match, &match); } else { error = nx_pull_match(&nx_match, match_len, &match, &cookie, &cookie_mask); } } else { if (oxm) { error = oxm_pull_match_loose(&nx_match, &match); } else { error = nx_pull_match_loose(&nx_match, match_len, &match, &cookie, &cookie_mask); } } if (!error) { char *out; /* Convert match back to nx_match. */ ofpbuf_uninit(&nx_match); ofpbuf_init(&nx_match, 0); if (oxm) { match_len = oxm_put_match(&nx_match, &match); out = oxm_match_to_string(nx_match.data, match_len); } else { match_len = nx_put_match(&nx_match, &match, cookie, cookie_mask); out = nx_match_to_string(nx_match.data, match_len); } puts(out); free(out); } else { printf("nx_pull_match() returned error %s\n", ofperr_get_name(error)); } ofpbuf_uninit(&nx_match); } ds_destroy(&in); } /* "parse-nxm": reads a series of NXM nx_match specifications as strings from * stdin, does some internal fussing with them, and then prints them back as * strings on stdout. */ static void ofctl_parse_nxm(int argc OVS_UNUSED, char *argv[] OVS_UNUSED) { return ofctl_parse_nxm__(false); } /* "parse-oxm": reads a series of OXM nx_match specifications as strings from * stdin, does some internal fussing with them, and then prints them back as * strings on stdout. */ static void ofctl_parse_oxm(int argc OVS_UNUSED, char *argv[] OVS_UNUSED) { return ofctl_parse_nxm__(true); } static void print_differences(const char *prefix, const void *a_, size_t a_len, const void *b_, size_t b_len) { const uint8_t *a = a_; const uint8_t *b = b_; size_t i; for (i = 0; i < MIN(a_len, b_len); i++) { if (a[i] != b[i]) { printf("%s%2zu: %02"PRIx8" -> %02"PRIx8"\n", prefix, i, a[i], b[i]); } } for (i = a_len; i < b_len; i++) { printf("%s%2zu: (none) -> %02"PRIx8"\n", prefix, i, b[i]); } for (i = b_len; i < a_len; i++) { printf("%s%2zu: %02"PRIx8" -> (none)\n", prefix, i, a[i]); } } /* "parse-ofp10-actions": reads a series of OpenFlow 1.0 action specifications * as hex bytes from stdin, converts them to ofpacts, prints them as strings * on stdout, and then converts them back to hex bytes and prints any * differences from the input. */ static void ofctl_parse_ofp10_actions(int argc OVS_UNUSED, char *argv[] OVS_UNUSED) { struct ds in; ds_init(&in); while (!ds_get_preprocessed_line(&in, stdin)) { struct ofpbuf of10_out; struct ofpbuf of10_in; struct ofpbuf ofpacts; enum ofperr error; size_t size; struct ds s; /* Parse hex bytes. */ ofpbuf_init(&of10_in, 0); if (ofpbuf_put_hex(&of10_in, ds_cstr(&in), NULL)[0] != '\0') { ovs_fatal(0, "Trailing garbage in hex data"); } /* Convert to ofpacts. */ ofpbuf_init(&ofpacts, 0); size = of10_in.size; error = ofpacts_pull_openflow10(&of10_in, of10_in.size, &ofpacts); if (error) { printf("bad OF1.1 actions: %s\n\n", ofperr_get_name(error)); ofpbuf_uninit(&ofpacts); ofpbuf_uninit(&of10_in); continue; } ofpbuf_push_uninit(&of10_in, size); /* Print cls_rule. */ ds_init(&s); ofpacts_format(ofpacts.data, ofpacts.size, &s); puts(ds_cstr(&s)); ds_destroy(&s); /* Convert back to ofp10 actions and print differences from input. */ ofpbuf_init(&of10_out, 0); ofpacts_put_openflow10(ofpacts.data, ofpacts.size, &of10_out); print_differences("", of10_in.data, of10_in.size, of10_out.data, of10_out.size); putchar('\n'); ofpbuf_uninit(&ofpacts); ofpbuf_uninit(&of10_in); ofpbuf_uninit(&of10_out); } ds_destroy(&in); } /* "parse-ofp10-match": reads a series of ofp10_match specifications as hex * bytes from stdin, converts them to cls_rules, prints them as strings on * stdout, and then converts them back to hex bytes and prints any differences * from the input. * * The input hex bytes may contain "x"s to represent "don't-cares", bytes whose * values are ignored in the input and will be set to zero when OVS converts * them back to hex bytes. ovs-ofctl actually sets "x"s to random bits when * it does the conversion to hex, to ensure that in fact they are ignored. */ static void ofctl_parse_ofp10_match(int argc OVS_UNUSED, char *argv[] OVS_UNUSED) { struct ds expout; struct ds in; ds_init(&in); ds_init(&expout); while (!ds_get_preprocessed_line(&in, stdin)) { struct ofpbuf match_in, match_expout; struct ofp10_match match_out; struct ofp10_match match_normal; struct match match; char *p; /* Parse hex bytes to use for expected output. */ ds_clear(&expout); ds_put_cstr(&expout, ds_cstr(&in)); for (p = ds_cstr(&expout); *p; p++) { if (*p == 'x') { *p = '0'; } } ofpbuf_init(&match_expout, 0); if (ofpbuf_put_hex(&match_expout, ds_cstr(&expout), NULL)[0] != '\0') { ovs_fatal(0, "Trailing garbage in hex data"); } if (match_expout.size != sizeof(struct ofp10_match)) { ovs_fatal(0, "Input is %zu bytes, expected %zu", match_expout.size, sizeof(struct ofp10_match)); } /* Parse hex bytes for input. */ for (p = ds_cstr(&in); *p; p++) { if (*p == 'x') { *p = "0123456789abcdef"[random_uint32() & 0xf]; } } ofpbuf_init(&match_in, 0); if (ofpbuf_put_hex(&match_in, ds_cstr(&in), NULL)[0] != '\0') { ovs_fatal(0, "Trailing garbage in hex data"); } if (match_in.size != sizeof(struct ofp10_match)) { ovs_fatal(0, "Input is %zu bytes, expected %zu", match_in.size, sizeof(struct ofp10_match)); } /* Convert to cls_rule and print. */ ofputil_match_from_ofp10_match(match_in.data, &match); match_print(&match); /* Convert back to ofp10_match and print differences from input. */ ofputil_match_to_ofp10_match(&match, &match_out); print_differences("", match_expout.data, match_expout.size, &match_out, sizeof match_out); /* Normalize, then convert and compare again. */ ofputil_normalize_match(&match); ofputil_match_to_ofp10_match(&match, &match_normal); print_differences("normal: ", &match_out, sizeof match_out, &match_normal, sizeof match_normal); putchar('\n'); ofpbuf_uninit(&match_in); ofpbuf_uninit(&match_expout); } ds_destroy(&in); ds_destroy(&expout); } /* "parse-ofp11-match": reads a series of ofp11_match specifications as hex * bytes from stdin, converts them to "struct match"es, prints them as strings * on stdout, and then converts them back to hex bytes and prints any * differences from the input. */ static void ofctl_parse_ofp11_match(int argc OVS_UNUSED, char *argv[] OVS_UNUSED) { struct ds in; ds_init(&in); while (!ds_get_preprocessed_line(&in, stdin)) { struct ofpbuf match_in; struct ofp11_match match_out; struct match match; enum ofperr error; /* Parse hex bytes. */ ofpbuf_init(&match_in, 0); if (ofpbuf_put_hex(&match_in, ds_cstr(&in), NULL)[0] != '\0') { ovs_fatal(0, "Trailing garbage in hex data"); } if (match_in.size != sizeof(struct ofp11_match)) { ovs_fatal(0, "Input is %zu bytes, expected %zu", match_in.size, sizeof(struct ofp11_match)); } /* Convert to match. */ error = ofputil_match_from_ofp11_match(match_in.data, &match); if (error) { printf("bad ofp11_match: %s\n\n", ofperr_get_name(error)); ofpbuf_uninit(&match_in); continue; } /* Print match. */ match_print(&match); /* Convert back to ofp11_match and print differences from input. */ ofputil_match_to_ofp11_match(&match, &match_out); print_differences("", match_in.data, match_in.size, &match_out, sizeof match_out); putchar('\n'); ofpbuf_uninit(&match_in); } ds_destroy(&in); } /* "parse-ofp11-actions": reads a series of OpenFlow 1.1 action specifications * as hex bytes from stdin, converts them to ofpacts, prints them as strings * on stdout, and then converts them back to hex bytes and prints any * differences from the input. */ static void ofctl_parse_ofp11_actions(int argc OVS_UNUSED, char *argv[] OVS_UNUSED) { struct ds in; ds_init(&in); while (!ds_get_preprocessed_line(&in, stdin)) { struct ofpbuf of11_out; struct ofpbuf of11_in; struct ofpbuf ofpacts; enum ofperr error; size_t size; struct ds s; /* Parse hex bytes. */ ofpbuf_init(&of11_in, 0); if (ofpbuf_put_hex(&of11_in, ds_cstr(&in), NULL)[0] != '\0') { ovs_fatal(0, "Trailing garbage in hex data"); } /* Convert to ofpacts. */ ofpbuf_init(&ofpacts, 0); size = of11_in.size; error = ofpacts_pull_openflow11_actions(&of11_in, of11_in.size, &ofpacts); if (error) { printf("bad OF1.1 actions: %s\n\n", ofperr_get_name(error)); ofpbuf_uninit(&ofpacts); ofpbuf_uninit(&of11_in); continue; } ofpbuf_push_uninit(&of11_in, size); /* Print cls_rule. */ ds_init(&s); ofpacts_format(ofpacts.data, ofpacts.size, &s); puts(ds_cstr(&s)); ds_destroy(&s); /* Convert back to ofp11 actions and print differences from input. */ ofpbuf_init(&of11_out, 0); ofpacts_put_openflow11_actions(ofpacts.data, ofpacts.size, &of11_out); print_differences("", of11_in.data, of11_in.size, of11_out.data, of11_out.size); putchar('\n'); ofpbuf_uninit(&ofpacts); ofpbuf_uninit(&of11_in); ofpbuf_uninit(&of11_out); } ds_destroy(&in); } /* "parse-ofp11-instructions": reads a series of OpenFlow 1.1 instruction * specifications as hex bytes from stdin, converts them to ofpacts, prints * them as strings on stdout, and then converts them back to hex bytes and * prints any differences from the input. */ static void ofctl_parse_ofp11_instructions(int argc OVS_UNUSED, char *argv[] OVS_UNUSED) { struct ds in; ds_init(&in); while (!ds_get_preprocessed_line(&in, stdin)) { struct ofpbuf of11_out; struct ofpbuf of11_in; struct ofpbuf ofpacts; enum ofperr error; size_t size; struct ds s; /* Parse hex bytes. */ ofpbuf_init(&of11_in, 0); if (ofpbuf_put_hex(&of11_in, ds_cstr(&in), NULL)[0] != '\0') { ovs_fatal(0, "Trailing garbage in hex data"); } /* Convert to ofpacts. */ ofpbuf_init(&ofpacts, 0); size = of11_in.size; error = ofpacts_pull_openflow11_instructions(&of11_in, of11_in.size, &ofpacts); if (error) { printf("bad OF1.1 instructions: %s\n\n", ofperr_get_name(error)); ofpbuf_uninit(&ofpacts); ofpbuf_uninit(&of11_in); continue; } ofpbuf_push_uninit(&of11_in, size); /* Print cls_rule. */ ds_init(&s); ofpacts_format(ofpacts.data, ofpacts.size, &s); puts(ds_cstr(&s)); ds_destroy(&s); /* Convert back to ofp11 instructions and print differences from * input. */ ofpbuf_init(&of11_out, 0); ofpacts_put_openflow11_instructions(ofpacts.data, ofpacts.size, &of11_out); print_differences("", of11_in.data, of11_in.size, of11_out.data, of11_out.size); putchar('\n'); ofpbuf_uninit(&ofpacts); ofpbuf_uninit(&of11_in); ofpbuf_uninit(&of11_out); } ds_destroy(&in); } /* "check-vlan VLAN_TCI VLAN_TCI_MASK": converts the specified vlan_tci and * mask values to and from various formats and prints the results. */ static void ofctl_check_vlan(int argc OVS_UNUSED, char *argv[]) { struct match match; char *string_s; struct ofputil_flow_mod fm; struct ofpbuf nxm; struct match nxm_match; int nxm_match_len; char *nxm_s; struct ofp10_match of10_raw; struct match of10_match; struct ofp11_match of11_raw; struct match of11_match; enum ofperr error; match_init_catchall(&match); match.flow.vlan_tci = htons(strtoul(argv[1], NULL, 16)); match.wc.masks.vlan_tci = htons(strtoul(argv[2], NULL, 16)); /* Convert to and from string. */ string_s = match_to_string(&match, OFP_DEFAULT_PRIORITY); printf("%s -> ", string_s); fflush(stdout); parse_ofp_str(&fm, -1, string_s, false); printf("%04"PRIx16"/%04"PRIx16"\n", ntohs(fm.match.flow.vlan_tci), ntohs(fm.match.wc.masks.vlan_tci)); free(string_s); /* Convert to and from NXM. */ ofpbuf_init(&nxm, 0); nxm_match_len = nx_put_match(&nxm, &match, htonll(0), htonll(0)); nxm_s = nx_match_to_string(nxm.data, nxm_match_len); error = nx_pull_match(&nxm, nxm_match_len, &nxm_match, NULL, NULL); printf("NXM: %s -> ", nxm_s); if (error) { printf("%s\n", ofperr_to_string(error)); } else { printf("%04"PRIx16"/%04"PRIx16"\n", ntohs(nxm_match.flow.vlan_tci), ntohs(nxm_match.wc.masks.vlan_tci)); } free(nxm_s); ofpbuf_uninit(&nxm); /* Convert to and from OXM. */ ofpbuf_init(&nxm, 0); nxm_match_len = oxm_put_match(&nxm, &match); nxm_s = oxm_match_to_string(nxm.data, nxm_match_len); error = oxm_pull_match(&nxm, &nxm_match); printf("OXM: %s -> ", nxm_s); if (error) { printf("%s\n", ofperr_to_string(error)); } else { uint16_t vid = ntohs(nxm_match.flow.vlan_tci) & (VLAN_VID_MASK | VLAN_CFI); uint16_t mask = ntohs(nxm_match.wc.masks.vlan_tci) & (VLAN_VID_MASK | VLAN_CFI); printf("%04"PRIx16"/%04"PRIx16",", vid, mask); if (vid && vlan_tci_to_pcp(nxm_match.wc.masks.vlan_tci)) { printf("%02"PRIx8"\n", vlan_tci_to_pcp(nxm_match.flow.vlan_tci)); } else { printf("--\n"); } } free(nxm_s); ofpbuf_uninit(&nxm); /* Convert to and from OpenFlow 1.0. */ ofputil_match_to_ofp10_match(&match, &of10_raw); ofputil_match_from_ofp10_match(&of10_raw, &of10_match); printf("OF1.0: %04"PRIx16"/%d,%02"PRIx8"/%d -> %04"PRIx16"/%04"PRIx16"\n", ntohs(of10_raw.dl_vlan), (of10_raw.wildcards & htonl(OFPFW10_DL_VLAN)) != 0, of10_raw.dl_vlan_pcp, (of10_raw.wildcards & htonl(OFPFW10_DL_VLAN_PCP)) != 0, ntohs(of10_match.flow.vlan_tci), ntohs(of10_match.wc.masks.vlan_tci)); /* Convert to and from OpenFlow 1.1. */ ofputil_match_to_ofp11_match(&match, &of11_raw); ofputil_match_from_ofp11_match(&of11_raw, &of11_match); printf("OF1.1: %04"PRIx16"/%d,%02"PRIx8"/%d -> %04"PRIx16"/%04"PRIx16"\n", ntohs(of11_raw.dl_vlan), (of11_raw.wildcards & htonl(OFPFW11_DL_VLAN)) != 0, of11_raw.dl_vlan_pcp, (of11_raw.wildcards & htonl(OFPFW11_DL_VLAN_PCP)) != 0, ntohs(of11_match.flow.vlan_tci), ntohs(of11_match.wc.masks.vlan_tci)); } /* "print-error ENUM": Prints the type and code of ENUM for every OpenFlow * version. */ static void ofctl_print_error(int argc OVS_UNUSED, char *argv[]) { enum ofperr error; int version; error = ofperr_from_name(argv[1]); if (!error) { ovs_fatal(0, "unknown error \"%s\"", argv[1]); } for (version = 0; version <= UINT8_MAX; version++) { const char *name = ofperr_domain_get_name(version); if (!name) { continue; } printf("%s: %d,%d\n", ofperr_domain_get_name(version), ofperr_get_type(error, version), ofperr_get_code(error, version)); } } /* "ofp-print HEXSTRING [VERBOSITY]": Converts the hex digits in HEXSTRING into * binary data, interpreting them as an OpenFlow message, and prints the * OpenFlow message on stdout, at VERBOSITY (level 2 by default). */ static void ofctl_ofp_print(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct ofpbuf packet; ofpbuf_init(&packet, strlen(argv[1]) / 2); if (ofpbuf_put_hex(&packet, argv[1], NULL)[0] != '\0') { ovs_fatal(0, "trailing garbage following hex bytes"); } ofp_print(stdout, packet.data, packet.size, argc > 2 ? atoi(argv[2]) : 2); ofpbuf_uninit(&packet); } /* "encode-hello BITMAP...": Encodes each BITMAP as an OpenFlow hello message * and dumps each message in hex. */ static void ofctl_encode_hello(int argc OVS_UNUSED, char *argv[]) { uint32_t bitmap = strtol(argv[1], NULL, 0); struct ofpbuf *hello; hello = ofputil_encode_hello(bitmap); ovs_hex_dump(stdout, hello->data, hello->size, 0, false); ofp_print(stdout, hello->data, hello->size, verbosity); ofpbuf_delete(hello); } static const struct command all_commands[] = { { "show", 1, 1, ofctl_show }, { "monitor", 1, 3, ofctl_monitor }, { "snoop", 1, 1, ofctl_snoop }, { "dump-desc", 1, 1, ofctl_dump_desc }, { "dump-tables", 1, 1, ofctl_dump_tables }, { "dump-flows", 1, 2, ofctl_dump_flows }, { "dump-aggregate", 1, 2, ofctl_dump_aggregate }, { "queue-stats", 1, 3, ofctl_queue_stats }, { "add-flow", 2, 2, ofctl_add_flow }, { "add-flows", 2, 2, ofctl_add_flows }, { "mod-flows", 2, 2, ofctl_mod_flows }, { "del-flows", 1, 2, ofctl_del_flows }, { "replace-flows", 2, 2, ofctl_replace_flows }, { "diff-flows", 2, 2, ofctl_diff_flows }, { "packet-out", 4, INT_MAX, ofctl_packet_out }, { "dump-ports", 1, 2, ofctl_dump_ports }, { "dump-ports-desc", 1, 1, ofctl_dump_ports_desc }, { "mod-port", 3, 3, ofctl_mod_port }, { "get-frags", 1, 1, ofctl_get_frags }, { "set-frags", 2, 2, ofctl_set_frags }, { "probe", 1, 1, ofctl_probe }, { "ping", 1, 2, ofctl_ping }, { "benchmark", 3, 3, ofctl_benchmark }, { "help", 0, INT_MAX, ofctl_help }, /* Undocumented commands for testing. */ { "parse-flow", 1, 1, ofctl_parse_flow }, { "parse-flows", 1, 1, ofctl_parse_flows }, { "parse-nx-match", 0, 0, ofctl_parse_nxm }, { "parse-nxm", 0, 0, ofctl_parse_nxm }, { "parse-oxm", 0, 0, ofctl_parse_oxm }, { "parse-ofp10-actions", 0, 0, ofctl_parse_ofp10_actions }, { "parse-ofp10-match", 0, 0, ofctl_parse_ofp10_match }, { "parse-ofp11-match", 0, 0, ofctl_parse_ofp11_match }, { "parse-ofp11-actions", 0, 0, ofctl_parse_ofp11_actions }, { "parse-ofp11-instructions", 0, 0, ofctl_parse_ofp11_instructions }, { "check-vlan", 2, 2, ofctl_check_vlan }, { "print-error", 1, 1, ofctl_print_error }, { "ofp-print", 1, 2, ofctl_ofp_print }, { "encode-hello", 1, 1, ofctl_encode_hello }, { NULL, 0, 0, NULL }, };