# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """This module contains functions called from console script entry points.""" import sys from os import getcwd from os.path import dirname, exists, join import pkg_resources pkg_resources.require("TurboGears>=1.0.7") import cherrypy import turbogears cherrypy.lowercase_api = True class ConfigurationError(Exception): pass def start(): """Start the CherryPy application server.""" setupdir = dirname(dirname(__file__)) curdir = getcwd() # First look on the command line for a desired config file, # if it's not on the command line, then look for 'setup.py' # in the current directory. If there, load configuration # from a file called 'dev.cfg'. If it's not there, the project # is probably installed and we'll look first for a file called # 'prod.cfg' in the current directory and then for a default # config file called 'default.cfg' packaged in the egg. if len(sys.argv) > 1: configfile = sys.argv[1] elif exists(join(setupdir, "setup.py")): configfile = join(setupdir, "dev.cfg") elif exists(join(curdir, "prod.cfg")): configfile = join(curdir, "prod.cfg") else: try: configfile = pkg_resources.resource_filename( pkg_resources.Requirement.parse("MonitorWeb"), "config/default.cfg") except pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound: raise ConfigurationError("Could not find default configuration.") turbogears.update_config(configfile=configfile, modulename="monitorweb.config") from monitorweb.controllers import Root turbogears.start_server(Root())