Site Status

Site name Enabled Penalty Slices/Max Nodes/Total Status
${site.loginbase} n/a ${site.slices_used}/${site.slices_total} ${site.nodes_up} / ${site.nodes_total}

PCU Status

PCU Name Missing Fields DNS Status Port Status Test Results Model Nodes
${pcu_name(pcu.plc_pcu_stats)} 80
There no PCUs associated with this host.
Legend: DNS Status
Legend for 'DNS Status'
DNS-OK This indicates that the DNS name and registered IP address match.
DNS-MISMATCH Sometimes, the registered IP and DNS IP address do not match. In these cases it is not clear which is correct, so an error is flagged.
DNS-NOENTRY While a hostname is provided in the registration, the hostname is not actually registered in DNS.
NOHOSTNAME While we prefer that a hostname be registered, it is not strictly required, since simply the IP address, if it is static, is enough to access the PCU.
  Port Status
Legend for 'Port Status'
Open Green port numbers are believed to be open.
Filtered Gold port numbers are believed to be filtered or simply offline.
Closed Finally, red ports appear to be closed.
  Test Results
Legend for 'Test Results'
OK The PCU is accessible, and short of actually rebooting the node, everything appears to work.
NetDown The PCU is inaccessible from the PlanetLab address block, or it is simply offline.
Not_Run Previous errors, such as DNS or an incomplete configuration prevented the actual test from begin performed.
Other Errors Other errors are reported by the test that are more specific to the block encountered by the script.


There are no registered nodes for this site.

Hostname last_contact Last_checked Port Status
${node.hostname} 80

Convenience Calls

ssh -o PasswordAuthentication=yes -o PubkeyAuthentication=no ${pcu.plc_pcu_stats['username']}@${pcu_name(pcu.plc_pcu_stats)} telnet ${pcu_name(pcu.plc_pcu_stats)} http://${pcu_name(pcu.plc_pcu_stats)}
curl -s --form 'user=${pcu.plc_pcu_stats['username']}' --form 'password=${pcu.plc_pcu_stats['password']}' --insecure https://${pcu_name(pcu.plc_pcu_stats)}/cgi-bin/webcgi/index
/usr/share/monitor/pcucontrol/models/ -r ${pcu.plc_pcu_stats['ip']} -u ${pcu.plc_pcu_stats['username']} -p '${pcu.plc_pcu_stats['password']}'
/usr/share/monitor/pcucontrol/models/hpilo/ -f /usr/share/monitor/pcucontrol/models/hpilo/iloxml/Reset_Server.xml -s ${pcu_name(pcu.plc_pcu_stats)} -u ${pcu.plc_pcu_stats['username']} -p '${pcu.plc_pcu_stats['password']} ' | grep MESSAGE"
/usr/share/monitor/pcucontrol/models/intelamt/remoteControl -A -verbose 'http://${pcu_name(pcu.plc_pcu_stats)}:16992/RemoteControlService' -user admin -pass '${pcu.plc_pcu_stats['password']}'