exists("production." . $name) ) { print "Exception: No such file %s" . $name . "\n"; return NULL; } $name = "production." . $name; $fname = $this->__file($name); $o = unserialize(file_get_contents($fname)); return $o; } public function dump($name, $obj) { if ( ! file_exists(PICKLE_PATH) ) { if ( ! mkdir(PICKLE_PATH, 0777, True) ) { print "Exception: Unable to create directory :" . PICKLE_PATH . "\n"; } } $name = "production." . $name; $fname = $this->__file($name); return file_put_contents($fname, serialize($obj)); } private function __file($name) { return sprintf("%s/%s.phpserial", PICKLE_PATH, $name); } public function exists($name) { return file_exists($this->__file($name)); } public function remove($name) { return unlink($this->__file($name)); } public function if_cached_else($cond, $name, $function) { if ( $cond and $this->exists("production.%s" % $name) ) { $o = $this->load($name); } else { $o = $function(); if ($cond) { $this->dump($name, $o); # cache the object using 'name' } } return o; } } ?>