#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright (c) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 Nicira Networks # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at: # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # A daemon to monitor the external_ids columns of the Bridge and # Interface OVSDB tables for changes that require interrogating XAPI. # Its responsibilities include: # # - Set the "bridge-id" key in the Bridge table. # - Set the "iface-id" key in the Interface table. # - Set the fail-mode on internal bridges. import argparse import os import signal import subprocess import sys import time import XenAPI import ovs.dirs from ovs.db import error from ovs.db import types import ovs.util import ovs.daemon import ovs.db.idl root_prefix = '' # Prefix for absolute file names, for testing. vlog = ovs.vlog.Vlog("ovs-xapi-sync") vsctl = "/usr/bin/ovs-vsctl" session = None force_run = False # Set up a session to interact with XAPI. # # On system start-up, OVS comes up before XAPI, so we can't log into the # session until later. Try to do this on-demand, since we won't # actually do anything interesting until XAPI is up. def init_session(): global session if session is not None: return True try: session = XenAPI.xapi_local() session.xenapi.login_with_password("", "") except XenAPI.Failure, e: session = None vlog.warn("Couldn't login to XAPI (%s)" % e) return False return True def get_network_by_bridge(br_name): if not init_session(): vlog.warn("Failed to get bridge id %s because" " XAPI session could not be initialized" % br_name) return None for n in session.xenapi.network.get_all(): rec = session.xenapi.network.get_record(n) if rec['bridge'] == br_name: return rec return None # By default, the "bridge-id" external id in the Bridge table is the # same as "xs-network-uuids". This may be overridden by defining a # "nicira-bridge-id" key in the "other_config" field of the network # record of XAPI. If nicira-bridge-id is undefined returns default. # On error returns None. def get_bridge_id(br_name, default=None): rec = get_network_by_bridge(br_name) if rec: return rec['other_config'].get('nicira-bridge-id', default) return None # By default, the "iface-id" external id in the Interface table is the # same as "xs-vif-uuid". This may be overridden by defining a # "nicira-iface-id" key in the "other_config" field of the VIF # record of XAPI. def get_iface_id(if_name, xs_vif_uuid): if not if_name.startswith("vif") and not if_name.startswith("tap"): # Treat whatever was passed into 'xs_vif_uuid' as a default # value for non-VIFs. return xs_vif_uuid if not init_session(): vlog.warn("Failed to get interface id %s because" " XAPI session could not be initialized" % if_name) return xs_vif_uuid try: vif = session.xenapi.VIF.get_by_uuid(xs_vif_uuid) rec = session.xenapi.VIF.get_record(vif) return rec['other_config'].get('nicira-iface-id', xs_vif_uuid) except XenAPI.Failure: vlog.warn("Could not find XAPI entry for VIF %s" % if_name) return xs_vif_uuid def call_vsctl(args): cmd = [vsctl, "--timeout=30", "-vANY:console:off"] + args exitcode = subprocess.call(cmd) if exitcode != 0: vlog.warn("Couldn't call ovs-vsctl") def set_or_delete(d, key, value): if value is None: if key in d: del d[key] return True else: if d.get(key) != value: d[key] = value return True return False def set_external_id(row, key, value): external_ids = row.external_ids if set_or_delete(external_ids, key, value): row.external_ids = external_ids # XenServer does not call interface-reconfigure on internal networks, # which is where the fail-mode would normally be set. def update_fail_mode(row): rec = get_network_by_bridge(row.name) if not rec: return fail_mode = rec['other_config'].get('vswitch-controller-fail-mode') if not fail_mode: pools = session.xenapi.pool.get_all() if len(pools) == 1: prec = session.xenapi.pool.get_record(pools[0]) fail_mode = prec['other_config'].get( 'vswitch-controller-fail-mode') if fail_mode not in ['standalone', 'secure']: fail_mode = 'standalone' if row.fail_mode != fail_mode: row.fail_mode = fail_mode def update_in_band_mgmt(row): rec = get_network_by_bridge(row.name) if not rec: return dib = rec['other_config'].get('vswitch-disable-in-band') other_config = row.other_config if dib and dib not in ['true', 'false']: vlog.warn('"%s" isn\'t a valid setting for ' "other_config:disable-in-band on %s" % (dib, row.name)) elif set_or_delete(other_config, 'disable-in-band', dib): row.other_config = other_config def update_bridge_id(row): id_ = get_bridge_id(row.name, row.external_ids.get("xs-network-uuids")) if not id_: return set_external_id(row, "bridge-id", id_.split(";")[0]) def keep_table_columns(schema, table_name, columns): table = schema.tables.get(table_name) if not table: raise error.Error("schema has no %s table" % table_name) new_columns = {} for column_name in columns: column = table.columns.get(column_name) if not column: raise error.Error("%s table schema lacks %s column" % (table_name, column_name)) new_columns[column_name] = column table.columns = new_columns return table def prune_schema(schema): new_tables = {} new_tables["Bridge"] = keep_table_columns( schema, "Bridge", ("name", "external_ids", "other_config", "fail_mode")) new_tables["Interface"] = keep_table_columns( schema, "Interface", ("name", "external_ids")) schema.tables = new_tables def handler(signum, _): global force_run if (signum == signal.SIGHUP): force_run = True def main(): global force_run parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("database", metavar="DATABASE", help="A socket on which ovsdb-server is listening.") parser.add_argument("--root-prefix", metavar="DIR", help="Use DIR as alternate root directory" " (for testing).") ovs.vlog.add_args(parser) ovs.daemon.add_args(parser) args = parser.parse_args() ovs.vlog.handle_args(args) ovs.daemon.handle_args(args) global root_prefix if args.root_prefix: root_prefix = args.root_prefix remote = args.database schema_file = "%s/vswitch.ovsschema" % ovs.dirs.PKGDATADIR schema = ovs.db.schema.DbSchema.from_json(ovs.json.from_file(schema_file)) prune_schema(schema) idl = ovs.db.idl.Idl(remote, schema) ovs.daemon.daemonize() # This daemon is usually started before XAPI, but to complete our # tasks, we need it. Wait here until it's up. cookie_file = root_prefix + "/var/run/xapi_init_complete.cookie" while not os.path.exists(cookie_file): time.sleep(1) signal.signal(signal.SIGHUP, handler) bridges = {} # Map from bridge name to xs_network_uuids iface_ids = {} # Map from xs-vif-uuid to iface-id while True: if not force_run and not idl.run(): poller = ovs.poller.Poller() idl.wait(poller) poller.block() continue if force_run: vlog.info("Forced to re-run as the result of a SIGHUP") bridges = {} iface_ids = {} force_run = False txn = ovs.db.idl.Transaction(idl) new_bridges = {} for row in idl.tables["Bridge"].rows.itervalues(): old_xnu = bridges.get(row.name) new_xnu = row.external_ids.get("xs-network-uuids", "") if old_xnu is None: # New bridge. update_fail_mode(row) update_in_band_mgmt(row) update_bridge_id(row) new_bridges[row.name] = new_xnu bridges = new_bridges iface_by_name = {} for row in idl.tables["Interface"].rows.itervalues(): iface_by_name[row.name] = row new_iface_ids = {} for row in idl.tables["Interface"].rows.itervalues(): # Match up paired vif and tap devices. if row.name.startswith("vif"): vif = row tap = iface_by_name.get("tap%s" % row.name[3:]) elif row.name.startswith("tap"): tap = row vif = iface_by_name.get("vif%s" % row.name[3:]) else: tap = vif = None # Several tap external-ids need to be copied from the vif. if row == tap and vif: keys = ["attached-mac", "xs-network-uuid", "xs-vif-uuid", "xs-vm-uuid"] for k in keys: set_external_id(row, k, vif.external_ids.get(k)) # Map from xs-vif-uuid to iface-id. # # (A tap's xs-vif-uuid comes from its vif. That falls out # naturally from the copy loop above.) xvu = row.external_ids.get("xs-vif-uuid") if xvu: iface_id = (new_iface_ids.get(xvu) or iface_ids.get(xvu) or get_iface_id(row.name, xvu)) new_iface_ids[xvu] = iface_id else: # No xs-vif-uuid therefore no iface-id. iface_id = None set_external_id(row, "iface-id", iface_id) # When there's a vif and a tap, the tap is active (used for # traffic). When there's just a vif, the vif is active. # # A tap on its own shouldn't happen, and we don't know # anything about other kinds of devices, so we don't use # an iface-status for those devices at all. if vif and tap: set_external_id(tap, "iface-status", "active") set_external_id(vif, "iface-status", "inactive") elif vif: set_external_id(vif, "iface-status", "active") else: set_external_id(row, "iface-status", None) iface_ids = new_iface_ids txn.commit_block() if __name__ == '__main__': try: main() except SystemExit: # Let system.exit() calls complete normally raise except: vlog.exception("traceback") sys.exit(ovs.daemon.RESTART_EXIT_CODE)