# set checkboxes if a final column with checkboxes is desired
# pass columns as the initial set of columns
# if None then this is taken from the query's fields
- def __init__ (self, query, query_all_uuid=None, checkboxes=False, columns=None, datatables_options={}, **settings):
+ def __init__ (self, query=None, query_all_uuid=None, checkboxes=False, columns=None, datatables_options={}, **settings):
Plugin.__init__ (self, **settings)
self.query = query
self.query_all_uuid = query_all_uuid
if columns is not None:
- else:
+ elif self.query:
+ else:
+ self.columns = []
def template_file (self):
-#old# main_plugin = Stack (
-#old# page=page,
-#old# title="Slice view for %s"%slicename,
-#old# domid='thestack',
-#old# togglable=False,
-#old# sons=[
-#old# Raw (page=page,togglable=False, toggled=True,html="<h2> Slice page for %s</h2>"%slicename),
-#old# Messages (
-#old# page=page,
-#old# title="Runtime messages for slice %s"%slicename,
-#old# domid="msgs-pre",
-#old# levels="ALL",
-#old# ),
-#old# Tabs (
-#old# page=page,
-#old# title="2 tabs : w/ and w/o checkboxes",
-#old# domid='thetabs',
-#old# # active_domid='checkboxes',
-#old# active_domid='gmap',
-#old# sons=[
-#old# Hazelnut (
-#old# page=page,
-#old# title='a sample and simple hazelnut',
-#old# domid='simple',
-#old# # tab's sons preferably turn this off
-#old# togglable=False,
-#old# # this is the query at the core of the slice list
-#old# query=main_query,
-#old# ),
-#old# Hazelnut (
-#old# page=page,
-#old# title='with checkboxes',
-#old# domid='checkboxes',
-#old# # tab's sons preferably turn this off
-#old# togglable=False,
-#old# # this is the query at the core of the slice list
-#old# query=main_query,
-#old# checkboxes=True,
-#old# datatables_options = {
-#old# # for now we turn off sorting on the checkboxes columns this way
-#old# # this of course should be automatic in hazelnut
-#old# 'aoColumns' : [ None, None, None, None, {'bSortable': False} ],
-#old# 'iDisplayLength' : 25,
-#old# 'bLengthChange' : True,
-#old# },
-#old# ),
-#old# GoogleMap (
-#old# page=page,
-#old# title='geographic view',
-#old# domid='gmap',
-#old# # tab's sons preferably turn this off
-#old# togglable=False,
-#old# query=main_query,
-#old# # center on Paris
-#old# latitude=49.,
-#old# longitude=2.2,
-#old# zoom=3,
-#old# ),
-#old# Raw (
-#old## SensLabMap (
-#old# page=page,
-#old# title='3D view (disabled)',
-#old# domid='smap',
-#old## # tab's sons preferably turn this off
-#old# togglable=False,
-#old## query=main_query,
-#old# html="""<p class='well'>
-#old#Thierry: I am commeting off the use of <button class="btn btn-danger">SensLabMap</button> which,
-#old# although rudimentarily ported to the django framework,
-#old#causes a weird behaviour especially wrt scrolling.
-#old#On my Mac <button class="btn btn-warning"> I cannot use the mouse to scroll</button> any longer
-#old#if I keep this active, so for now it's disabled
-#old# ),
-#old# ]),
-#old# Hazelnut (
-#old# page=page,
-#old# title='a hazelnut not in tabs',
-#old# domid='standalone',
-#old# # this is the query at the core of the slice list
-#old# query=main_query,
-#old# columns=['hrn','hostname'],
-#old# ),
-#old# # you don't *have to* set a domid, but if you plan on using toggled=persistent then it's required
-#old# # because domid is the key for storing toggle status in the browser
-#old# QueryCode (
-#old# page=page,
-#old# title='xmlrpc code (toggled=False)',
-#old# query=main_query,
-#old## domid='xmlrpc',
-#old# toggled=False,
-#old# ),
-#old# QuickFilter (
-#old# page=page,
-#old# title="QuickFilter - requires metadata (toggled=False)",
-#old# criterias=quickfilter_criterias,
-#old# domid='filters',
-#old# toggled=False,
-#old# ),
-#old# Messages (
-#old# page=page,
-#old# title="Runtime messages (again)",
-#old# domid="msgs-post",
-#old# )
-#old# ])
# variables that will get passed to the view-unfold1.html template
template_env = {}