* \brief We use js function closure to be able to pass the query (array)
* to the callback function used when data is received
- success_closure: function(query, publish_uuid, callback /*domid*/) {
+ success_closure: function(query, publish_uuid, callback) {
return function(data, textStatus) {
- manifold.asynchroneous_success(data, query, publish_uuid, callback /*domid*/);
+ manifold.asynchroneous_success(data, query, publish_uuid, callback);
// manifold.raise_record_event(sq.query_uuid, IN_PROGRESS);
- $.post(manifold.proxy_url, {'json': query_json} , manifold.success_closure(query, null, callback /*domid*/));
+ $.post(manifold.proxy_url, {'json': query_json} , manifold.success_closure(query, null, callback));
- // Executes all async. queries
- // input queries are specified as a list of {'query_uuid': <query_uuid>, 'id': <possibly null>}
- asynchroneous_exec : function (query_publish_dom_tuples) {
+ // Executes all async. queries - intended for the javascript header to initialize queries
+ // input queries are specified as a list of {'query_uuid': <query_uuid> }
+ asynchroneous_exec : function (query_exec_tuples) {
// start spinners - be robust if the spin stuff was not loaded for any reason
// turned off because each plugin is responsible for doing that through on_query_in_progress
// try {
// } catch (err) { messages.debug("Cannot turn on spins " + err); }
// Loop through input array, and use publish_uuid to publish back results
- $.each(query_publish_dom_tuples, function(index, tuple) {
+ $.each(query_exec_tuples, function(index, tuple) {
var query=manifold.find_query(tuple.query_uuid);
var query_json=JSON.stringify (query);
var publish_uuid=tuple.publish_uuid;
// not quite sure what happens if we send a string directly, as POST data is named..
// this gets reconstructed on the proxy side with ManifoldQuery.fill_from_POST
$.post(manifold.proxy_url, {'json':query_json},
- manifold.success_closure(query, publish_uuid, tuple.callback /*domid*/));
+ manifold.success_closure(query, publish_uuid, tuple.callback));
* \brief Forward a query to the manifold backend
* \param query (dict) the query to be executed asynchronously
* \param callback (function) the function to be called when the query terminates
- * Deprecated:
- * \param domid (string) the domid to be notified about the results (null for using the pub/sub system
- forward: function(query, callback /*domid*/) {
+ forward: function(query, callback) {
var query_json = JSON.stringify(query);
$.post(manifold.proxy_url, {'json': query_json} ,
- manifold.success_closure(query, query.query_uuid, callback/*domid*/));
+ manifold.success_closure(query, query.query_uuid, callback));
- // if set domid allows the result to be directed to just one plugin
+ // if set callback is provided it is called
// most of the time publish_uuid will be query.query_uuid
// however in some cases we wish to publish the result under a different uuid
// e.g. an updater wants to publish its result as if from the original (get) query
- asynchroneous_success : function (data, query, publish_uuid, callback /*domid*/) {
+ asynchroneous_success : function (data, query, publish_uuid, callback) {
// xxx should have a nicer declaration of that enum in sync with the python code somehow
var start = new Date();
if (manifold.asynchroneous_debug)
messages.debug(">>>>>>>>>> asynchroneous_success query.object=" + query.object);
- /* If a callback has been specified, we redirect results to it */
- if (!!callback) {
- callback(data);
- if (manifold.asynchroneous_debug) {
- duration=new Date()-start;
- messages.debug ("<<<<<<<<<< asynchroneous_success " + query.object + " -- callback ended " + duration + " ms");
- }
- return;
- }
if (data.code == 2) { // ERROR
// We need to make sense of error codes here
alert("Your session has expired, please log in again");
if (publish_uuid)
$.publish("/results/" + publish_uuid + "/failed", [data.code, data.description] );
-/* DEMO - Debug Messages desactivated
- $("#notifications").notify("create", "sticky", {
- title: 'Warning',
- text: data.description
- },{
- expires: false,
- speed: 1000
- });
+ // If a callback has been specified, we redirect results to it
+ if (!!callback) {
+ callback(data);
+ if (manifold.asynchroneous_debug) {
+ duration=new Date()-start;
+ messages.debug ("<<<<<<<<<< asynchroneous_success " + query.object + " -- callback ended " + duration + " ms");
+ }
+ return;
+ }
if (manifold.asynchroneous_debug)
messages.debug ("========== asynchroneous_success " + query.object + " -- before process_query_records");