--- /dev/null
+import threading
+def runcmd(command, args, username, password, timeout = None):
+ result = [None]
+ result_ready = threading.Condition()
+ def set_result(x):
+ result_ready.acquire()
+ try:
+ result[0] = x
+ finally:
+ result_ready.notify()
+ result_ready.release()
+ def do_command(command, username, password):
+ try:
+ # Popen4 is a popen-type class that combines stdout and stderr
+ p = popen2.Popen4(command)
+ # read all output data
+ p.tochild.write("%s\n" % username)
+ p.tochild.write("%s\n" % password)
+ p.tochild.close()
+ data = p.fromchild.read()
+ while True:
+ # might get interrupted by a signal in poll() or waitpid()
+ try:
+ retval = p.wait()
+ set_result((retval, data))
+ break
+ except OSError, ex:
+ if ex.errno == errno.EINTR:
+ continue
+ raise ex
+ except Exception, ex:
+ set_result(ex)
+ if args:
+ command = " ".join([command] + args)
+ worker = threading.Thread(target = do_command, args = (command, username, password, ))
+ worker.setDaemon(True)
+ result_ready.acquire()
+ worker.start()
+ result_ready.wait(timeout)
+ try:
+ if result == [None]:
+ raise Exception, "command timed-out: '%s'" % command
+ finally:
+ result_ready.release()
+ result = result[0]
+ if isinstance(result, Exception):
+ raise result
+ else:
+ (retval, data) = result
+ if os.WIFEXITED(retval) and os.WEXITSTATUS(retval) == 0:
+ return data
+ else:
+ out = "system command ('%s') " % command
+ if os.WIFEXITED(retval):
+ out += "failed, rc = %d" % os.WEXITSTATUS(retval)
+ else:
+ out += "killed by signal %d" % os.WTERMSIG(retval)
+ if data:
+ out += "; output follows:\n" + data
+ raise Exception, out
+def racadm_reboot(host, username, password, dryrun):
+ ip = socket.gethostbyname(host)
+ try:
+ cmd = "/usr/sbin/racadm"
+ os.stat(cmd)
+ if not dryrun:
+ output = runcmd(cmd, ["-r %s -i serveraction powercycle" % ip],
+ username, password)
+ else:
+ output = runcmd(cmd, ["-r %s -i getsysinfo" % ip],
+ username, password)
+ print "RUNCMD: %s" % output
+ return 0
+ except Exception, err:
+ logger.debug("runcmd raised exception %s" % err)
+ return -1
+from optparse import OptionParser
+parser = OptionParser()
+parser.set_defaults(ip="", user="", password="")
+parser.add_option("-r", "", dest="ip", metavar="nodename.edu",
+ help="A single node name to add to the nodegroup")
+parser.add_option("-u", "", dest="user", metavar="username",
+ help="")
+parser.add_option("-p", "", dest="password", metavar="password",
+ help="")
+(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ print options
+ if options.ip is not "" and \
+ options.user is not "" and \
+ options.password is not "":
+ racadm_reboot(options.ip, options.user, options.password, False)
+ else:
+ parser.print_help()