// We are currently using a DataTable display, but another browsing component could be better
var metaTable = this.elmt('table').dataTable({
- bFilter : false,
- bPaginate : false,
- bInfo : false,
- sScrollX : '100%', // Horizontal scrolling
- sScrollY : '200px',
- //bJQueryUI : true, // Use jQuery UI
- bProcessing : true, // Loading
- aaSorting : [[ 1, "asc" ]], // sort by column fields on load
- aoColumnDefs: [
- { 'bSortable': false, 'aTargets': [ 0 ]},
- { 'sWidth': '8px', 'aTargets': [ 0 ] },
- { 'sWidth': '8px', 'aTargets': [ 4 ] } // XXX NB OF COLS
- ]
+// Thierry : I'm turning off all the dataTables options for now, so that
+// the table displays more properly again, might need more tuning though
+// bFilter : false,
+// bPaginate : false,
+// bInfo : false,
+// sScrollX : '100%', // Horizontal scrolling
+// sScrollY : '200px',
+// //bJQueryUI : true, // Use jQuery UI
+// bProcessing : true, // Loading
+// aaSorting : [[ 1, "asc" ]], // sort by column fields on load
+// aoColumnDefs: [
+// { 'bSortable': false, 'aTargets': [ 0 ]},
+// { 'sWidth': '8px', 'aTargets': [ 0 ] },
+// { 'sWidth': '8px', 'aTargets': [ 4 ] } // XXX NB OF COLS
+// ]
// Actions on the newly added fields