dict_info.in_set = checked;
dict_info.marker.content = this.get_marker_content(dict_info.record, checked);
- // Update opened infowindow
- // XXX Factor this code
- this.infowindow.close();
- this.infowindow.open(this.map, dict_info.marker);
- this.infowindow.setContent(dict_info.marker.content);
- this.els('map-button').unbind('click').click(this, this._button_click);
+// Thierry - this code seems to cause the googlmap area to go all grayed out
+// once all the quesries have come back
+// BEG turning off temporarily
+// // Update opened infowindow
+// // XXX Factor this code
+// this.infowindow.close();
+// this.infowindow.open(this.map, dict_info.marker);
+// this.infowindow.setContent(dict_info.marker.content);
+// this.els('map-button').unbind('click').click(this, this._button_click);
+// END turning off temporarily
//var button = this.checkbox(record, checked);
//this.el('checkbox', this.id_from_record(method, record)).html(button);