from django.shortcuts import render_to_response
from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required
+from portal.templateviews import LoginRequiredView,LogoutOnManifoldExceptionView
from import Page
from manifold.core.query import Query, AnalyzedQuery
from manifold.manifoldresult import ManifoldException
from manifold.metadata import MetaData as Metadata
-# need to remove this dep.
-from trash.trashutils import quickfilter_criterias
-from myslice.viewutils import topmenu_items, the_user, logout_on_manifold_exception
+from myslice.viewutils import topmenu_items, the_user
from plugins.raw.raw import Raw
from plugins.stack.stack import Stack
debug = True
-def slice_view (request, slicename=tmp_default_slice):
- page = Page(request)
- page.expose_js_metadata()
- metadata = page.get_metadata()
- resource_md = metadata.details_by_object('resource')
- resource_fields = [column['name'] for column in resource_md['column']]
- user_md = metadata.details_by_object('user')
- user_fields = ['user_hrn'] # [column['name'] for column in user_md['column']]
- # TODO The query to run is embedded in the URL
- main_query = Query.get('slice').filter_by('slice_hrn', '=', slicename)
- 'slice_hrn',
- 'resource.resource_hrn', 'resource.hostname', 'resource.type', 'resource.network_hrn',
- #'lease.urn',
- 'user.user_hrn',
- #'application.measurement_point.counter'
- )
- query_resource_all = Query.get('resource').select(resource_fields)
- query_user_all = Query.get('user').select(user_fields)
- aq = AnalyzedQuery(main_query, metadata=metadata)
- page.enqueue_query(main_query, analyzed_query=aq)
- page.enqueue_query(query_resource_all)
- page.enqueue_query(query_user_all)
- # Prepare the display according to all metadata
- # (some parts will be pending, others can be triggered by users).
- #
- # For example slice measurements will not be requested by default...
+class SliceView (LoginRequiredView, LogoutOnManifoldExceptionView):
- # Create the base layout (Stack)...
- main_plugin = Stack (
- page=page,
- title="Slice !!view for %s"%slicename,
- sons=[],
- )
+# def __init__ (self, slicename=None):
+# self.slicename = slicename or tmp_default_slice
- # ... responsible for the slice properties...
- main_plugin.insert (
- Raw (page=page,togglable=False, toggled=True,html="<h2> Slice page for %s</h2>"%slicename)
- )
- main_plugin.insert(
- Raw (page=page,togglable=False, toggled=True,html='<b>Description:</b> TODO')
- )
- sq_plugin = Tabs (
- page=page,
- title="Slice view for %s"%slicename,
- togglable=False,
- sons=[],
- )
- # ... and for the relations
- # XXX Let's hardcode resources for now
- sq_resource = aq.subquery('resource')
- sq_user = aq.subquery('user')
- sq_lease = aq.subquery('lease')
- sq_measurement = aq.subquery('measurement')
+ def get_or_logout (self,request, slicename=tmp_default_slice):
- ############################################################################
- #
- # A stack inserted in the subquery tab that will hold all operations
- # related to resources
- #
- stack_resources = Stack(
- page = page,
- title = 'Resources',
- sons=[],
- )
- resource_query_editor = QueryEditor(
- page = page,
- query = sq_resource,
- )
- stack_resources.insert(resource_query_editor)
- resource_active_filters = ActiveFilters(
- page = page,
- query = sq_resource,
- )
- stack_resources.insert(resource_active_filters)
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Different displays = DataTables + GoogleMaps
- #
- tab_resource_plugins = Tabs(
- page = page,
- sons = []
- )
- tab_resource_plugins.insert(Hazelnut(
- page = page,
- title = 'List',
- domid = 'checkboxes',
- # this is the query at the core of the slice list
- query = sq_resource,
- query_all = query_resource_all,
- checkboxes = True,
- datatables_options = {
- # for now we turn off sorting on the checkboxes columns this way
- # this of course should be automatic in hazelnut
- 'aoColumns' : [None, None, None, None, {'bSortable': False}],
- 'iDisplayLength' : 25,
- 'bLengthChange' : True,
- },
- ))
- tab_resource_plugins.insert(GoogleMaps(
- page = page,
- title = 'Geographic view',
- domid = 'gmap',
- # tab's sons preferably turn this off
- togglable = False,
- query = sq_resource,
- query_all = query_resource_all,
- checkboxes = True,
- # center on Paris
- latitude = 49.,
- longitude = 2.2,
- zoom = 3,
- ))
- stack_resources.insert(tab_resource_plugins)
- sq_plugin.insert(stack_resources)
- ############################################################################
- #
- tab_users = Tabs(
- page = page,
- title = 'Users',
- domid = 'thetabs2',
- # activeid = 'checkboxes',
- active_domid = 'checkboxes2',
- )
- sq_plugin.insert(tab_users)
- tab_users.insert(Hazelnut(
- page = page,
- title = 'List',
- domid = 'checkboxes2',
- # tab's sons preferably turn this off
- togglable = False,
- # this is the query at the core of the slice list
- query = sq_user,
- query_all = query_user_all,
- checkboxes = True,
- datatables_options = {
- # for now we turn off sorting on the checkboxes columns this way
- # this of course should be automatic in hazelnut
- 'aoColumns' : [None, None, None, None, {'bSortable': False}],
- 'iDisplayLength' : 25,
- 'bLengthChange' : True,
- },
- ))
- tab_measurements = Tabs (
- page = page,
- title = 'Measurements',
- domid = 'thetabs3',
- # activeid = 'checkboxes',
- active_domid = 'checkboxes3',
- )
- sq_plugin.insert(tab_measurements)
- tab_measurements.insert(Hazelnut(
- page = page,
- title = 'List',
- domid = 'checkboxes3',
- # tab's sons preferably turn this off
- togglable = False,
- # this is the query at the core of the slice list
- query = sq_measurement,
- checkboxes = True,
- datatables_options = {
- # for now we turn off sorting on the checkboxes columns this way
- # this of course should be automatic in hazelnut
- 'aoColumns' : [None, None, None, None, {'bSortable': False}],
- 'iDisplayLength' : 25,
- 'bLengthChange' : True,
- },
- ))
- main_plugin.insert(sq_plugin)
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # ResourcesSelected
- #
- main_plugin.insert(ResourcesSelected(
- page = page,
- title = 'Pending operations',
- query = main_query,
- togglable = True,
- ))
- main_plugin.insert(Messages(
- page = page,
- title = "Runtime messages for slice %s"%slicename,
- domid = "msgs-pre",
- levels = "ALL",
- ))
-# main_plugin.insert(Updater(
-# page = page,
-# title = "wont show up as non togglable by default",
-# query = main_query,
-# label = "Update slice",
-# ))
+ page = Page(request)
+ page.expose_js_metadata()
- # variables that will get passed to the view-unfold1.html template
- template_env = {}
+ metadata = page.get_metadata()
+ resource_md = metadata.details_by_object('resource')
+ resource_fields = [column['name'] for column in resource_md['column']]
- # define 'unfold1_main' to the template engine - the main contents
- template_env [ 'unfold1_main' ] = main_plugin.render(request)
- # more general variables expected in the template
- template_env [ 'title' ] = '%(slicename)s'%locals()
- # the menu items on the top
- template_env [ 'topmenu_items' ] = topmenu_items('Slice', request)
- # so we can sho who is logged
- template_env [ 'username' ] = the_user (request)
- # don't forget to run the requests
- page.expose_queries ()
- # xxx create another plugin with the same query and a different layout (with_datatables)
- # show that it worls as expected, one single api call to backend and 2 refreshed views
- # the prelude object in page contains a summary of the requirements() for all plugins
- # define {js,css}_{files,chunks}
- prelude_env = page.prelude_env()
- template_env.update(prelude_env)
- result=render_to_response ('view-unfold1.html',template_env,
- context_instance=RequestContext(request))
- return result
+ user_md = metadata.details_by_object('user')
+ user_fields = ['user_hrn'] # [column['name'] for column in user_md['column']]
+ # TODO The query to run is embedded in the URL
+ main_query = Query.get('slice').filter_by('slice_hrn', '=', slicename)
+ 'slice_hrn',
+ 'resource.resource_hrn', 'resource.hostname', 'resource.type', 'resource.network_hrn',
+ #'lease.urn',
+ 'user.user_hrn',
+ #'application.measurement_point.counter'
+ )
+ query_resource_all = Query.get('resource').select(resource_fields)
+ query_user_all = Query.get('user').select(user_fields)
+ aq = AnalyzedQuery(main_query, metadata=metadata)
+ page.enqueue_query(main_query, analyzed_query=aq)
+ page.enqueue_query(query_resource_all)
+ page.enqueue_query(query_user_all)
+ # Prepare the display according to all metadata
+ # (some parts will be pending, others can be triggered by users).
+ #
+ # For example slice measurements will not be requested by default...
+ # Create the base layout (Stack)...
+ main_plugin = Stack (
+ page=page,
+ title="Slice !!view for %s"%slicename,
+ sons=[],
+ )
+ # ... responsible for the slice properties...
+ main_plugin.insert (
+ Raw (page=page,togglable=False, toggled=True,html="<h2> Slice page for %s</h2>"%slicename)
+ )
+ main_plugin.insert(
+ Raw (page=page,togglable=False, toggled=True,html='<b>Description:</b> TODO')
+ )
+ sq_plugin = Tabs (
+ page=page,
+ title="Slice view for %s"%slicename,
+ togglable=False,
+ sons=[],
+ )
+ # ... and for the relations
+ # XXX Let's hardcode resources for now
+ sq_resource = aq.subquery('resource')
+ sq_user = aq.subquery('user')
+ sq_lease = aq.subquery('lease')
+ sq_measurement = aq.subquery('measurement')
+ ############################################################################
+ #
+ # A stack inserted in the subquery tab that will hold all operations
+ # related to resources
+ #
+ stack_resources = Stack(
+ page = page,
+ title = 'Resources',
+ sons=[],
+ )
+ resource_query_editor = QueryEditor(
+ page = page,
+ query = sq_resource,
+ )
+ stack_resources.insert(resource_query_editor)
+ resource_active_filters = ActiveFilters(
+ page = page,
+ query = sq_resource,
+ )
+ stack_resources.insert(resource_active_filters)
+ # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Different displays = DataTables + GoogleMaps
+ #
+ tab_resource_plugins = Tabs(
+ page = page,
+ sons = []
+ )
+ tab_resource_plugins.insert(Hazelnut(
+ page = page,
+ title = 'List',
+ domid = 'checkboxes',
+ # this is the query at the core of the slice list
+ query = sq_resource,
+ query_all = query_resource_all,
+ checkboxes = True,
+ datatables_options = {
+ # for now we turn off sorting on the checkboxes columns this way
+ # this of course should be automatic in hazelnut
+ 'aoColumns' : [None, None, None, None, {'bSortable': False}],
+ 'iDisplayLength' : 25,
+ 'bLengthChange' : True,
+ },
+ ))
+ tab_resource_plugins.insert(GoogleMaps(
+ page = page,
+ title = 'Geographic view',
+ domid = 'gmap',
+ # tab's sons preferably turn this off
+ togglable = False,
+ query = sq_resource,
+ query_all = query_resource_all,
+ checkboxes = True,
+ # center on Paris
+ latitude = 49.,
+ longitude = 2.2,
+ zoom = 3,
+ ))
+ stack_resources.insert(tab_resource_plugins)
+ sq_plugin.insert(stack_resources)
+ ############################################################################
+ #
+ tab_users = Tabs(
+ page = page,
+ title = 'Users',
+ domid = 'thetabs2',
+ # activeid = 'checkboxes',
+ active_domid = 'checkboxes2',
+ )
+ sq_plugin.insert(tab_users)
+ tab_users.insert(Hazelnut(
+ page = page,
+ title = 'List',
+ domid = 'checkboxes2',
+ # tab's sons preferably turn this off
+ togglable = False,
+ # this is the query at the core of the slice list
+ query = sq_user,
+ query_all = query_user_all,
+ checkboxes = True,
+ datatables_options = {
+ # for now we turn off sorting on the checkboxes columns this way
+ # this of course should be automatic in hazelnut
+ 'aoColumns' : [None, None, None, None, {'bSortable': False}],
+ 'iDisplayLength' : 25,
+ 'bLengthChange' : True,
+ },
+ ))
+ tab_measurements = Tabs (
+ page = page,
+ title = 'Measurements',
+ domid = 'thetabs3',
+ # activeid = 'checkboxes',
+ active_domid = 'checkboxes3',
+ )
+ sq_plugin.insert(tab_measurements)
+ tab_measurements.insert(Hazelnut(
+ page = page,
+ title = 'List',
+ domid = 'checkboxes3',
+ # tab's sons preferably turn this off
+ togglable = False,
+ # this is the query at the core of the slice list
+ query = sq_measurement,
+ checkboxes = True,
+ datatables_options = {
+ # for now we turn off sorting on the checkboxes columns this way
+ # this of course should be automatic in hazelnut
+ 'aoColumns' : [None, None, None, None, {'bSortable': False}],
+ 'iDisplayLength' : 25,
+ 'bLengthChange' : True,
+ },
+ ))
+ main_plugin.insert(sq_plugin)
+ # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # ResourcesSelected
+ #
+ main_plugin.insert(ResourcesSelected(
+ page = page,
+ title = 'Pending operations',
+ query = main_query,
+ togglable = True,
+ ))
+ main_plugin.insert(Messages(
+ page = page,
+ title = "Runtime messages for slice %s"%slicename,
+ domid = "msgs-pre",
+ levels = "ALL",
+ ))
+ # main_plugin.insert(Updater(
+ # page = page,
+ # title = "wont show up as non togglable by default",
+ # query = main_query,
+ # label = "Update slice",
+ # ))
+ # variables that will get passed to the view-unfold1.html template
+ template_env = {}
+ # define 'unfold1_main' to the template engine - the main contents
+ template_env [ 'unfold1_main' ] = main_plugin.render(request)
+ # more general variables expected in the template
+ template_env [ 'title' ] = '%(slicename)s'%locals()
+ # the menu items on the top
+ template_env [ 'topmenu_items' ] = topmenu_items('Slice', request)
+ # so we can sho who is logged
+ template_env [ 'username' ] = the_user (request)
+ # don't forget to run the requests
+ page.expose_queries ()
+ # xxx create another plugin with the same query and a different layout (with_datatables)
+ # show that it worls as expected, one single api call to backend and 2 refreshed views
+ # the prelude object in page contains a summary of the requirements() for all plugins
+ # define {js,css}_{files,chunks}
+ prelude_env = page.prelude_env()
+ template_env.update(prelude_env)
+ result=render_to_response ('view-unfold1.html',template_env,
+ context_instance=RequestContext(request))
+ return result