--- /dev/null
+__version__ = "$Revision: 1.4 $"[11:-4]
+import HTML
+import sys
+from string import join
+class Document:
+ generator = HTML.META(name="generator",
+ content="HyperText package (Python)")
+ body_element = HTML.BODY
+ def __init__(self, *content, **attrs):
+ from HTML import HEAD, HTML
+ self.doctype = self.DOCTYPE
+ self.body = apply(self.body_element, content, attrs)
+ self.head = HEAD(self.generator)
+ if hasattr(self, 'style'): self.head.append(self.style)
+ if hasattr(self, 'title'): self.head.append(self.title)
+ self.html = HTML(self.head, self.body)
+ self.setup()
+ def setup(self): pass
+ def append(self, *items): map(self.body.content.append, items)
+ def __str__(self, indent=0, perlevel=2):
+ return join([self.doctype.__str__(indent, perlevel),
+ self.html.__str__(indent, perlevel)], '')
+ def writeto(self, fp=sys.stdout, indent=0, perlevel=2):
+ self.doctype.writeto(fp, indent, perlevel)
+ self.html.writeto(fp, indent, perlevel)
+class FramesetDocument(Document):
+ body_element = HTML.FRAMESET
+class CGIMixIn:
+ def setup(self):
+ self.content_type = "text/html"
+ self.headers = []
+ self.nobody = 0
+ def _str_content_type(self):
+ return 'Content-Type: %s\r\n\r\n' % self.content_type
+ def __str__(self, indent=0, perlevel=2):
+ s = self.headers[:]
+ s.append(self._str_content_type())
+ if not self.nobody:
+ s.append(self.doctype.__str__(indent, perlevel))
+ s.append(self.html.__str__(indent, perlevel))
+ return join(s, '')
+ def writeto(self, fp=sys.stdout, indent=0, perlevel=2):
+ fp.writelines(self.headers)
+ fp.write(self._str_content_type())
+ if not self.nobody:
+ self.doctype.writeto(fp, indent, perlevel)
+ self.html.writeto(fp, indent, perlevel)
+class HTTPMixIn(CGIMixIn):
+ def setup(self):
+ CGIMixIn.setup(self)
+ if not hasattr(self, 'response'):
+ self.response = (200, 'Output follows')
+ self.date = None
+ http_response_str = "%s %s %s\r\nServer: %s %s\r\nDate: %s\r\n"
+ def _str_http_response(self):
+ if hasattr(self, 'request'):
+ apply(self.request.log_request, self.response)
+ return self.http_response_str \
+ % (self.request.request_version,
+ self.response[0],
+ self.response[1],
+ self.request.server_version,
+ self.request.sys_version,
+ self.date)
+ else:
+ return self.http_response_str \
+ % ('HTTP/1.0',
+ self.response[0],
+ self.response[1],
+ "Dunno/0.0",
+ "BeatzMe/0.0",
+ self.date)
+ def __str__(self, indent=0, perlevel=2):
+ return join([self._str_http_response(),
+ CGIMixIn.__str__(self, indent, perlevel)], '')
+ def writeto(self, fp=sys.stdout, indent=0, perlevel=2):
+ fp.write(self._str_http_response())
+ CGIMixIn.writeto(self, fp, indent, perlevel)
--- /dev/null
+from HTML40 import *
--- /dev/null
+"""HTML40 -- generate HTML conformant to the 4.0 standard. See:
+ http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/
+All HTML 4.0 elements are implemented except for a few which are
+deprecated. All attributes should be implemented. HTML is generally
+case-insensitive, whereas Python is not. All elements have been coded
+in UPPER CASE, with attributes in lower case. General usage:
+ e = ELEMENT(*content, **attr)
+i.e., the positional arguments become the content of the element, and
+the keyword arguments set element attributes. All attributes MUST be
+specified with keyword arguments, and the content MUST be a series of
+positional arguments; if you use content="spam", it will set this as
+the attribute content, not as the element content. Multiple content
+arguments are simply joined with no separator. Example:
+>>> t = TABLE(TR(TH('SPAM'), TH('EGGS')), TR(TD('foo','bar', colspan=2)) )
+>>> print t
+ <TR>
+ <TH>EGGS</TH></TR>
+ <TR>
+ <TD colspan="2">foobar</TD></TR></TABLE>
+As with HTMLgen and other HTML generators, you can print the object
+and it makes one monster string and writes that to stdout. Unlike
+HTMLgen, these objects all have a writeto(fp=stdout, indent=0,
+perlevel=2) method. This method may save memory, and it might be
+faster possibly (many fewer string joins), plus you get progressive
+output. If you want to alter the indentation on the string output,
+>> print t.__str__(indent=5, perlevel=6)
+ <TR>
+ <TH>EGGS</TH></TR>
+ <TR>
+ <TD colspan="2">foobar</TD></TR></TABLE>
+The output from either method (__str__ or writeto) SHOULD be the
+lexically equivalent, regardless of indentation; not all elements are
+made pretty, only those which are insensitive to the addition of
+whitespace before or after the start/end tags. If you don't like the
+indenting, use writeto(perlevel=0) (or __str__(perlevel=0)).
+Element attributes can be set through the normal Python dictionary
+operations on the object (they are not Python attributes).
+Note: There are a few HTML attributes with a dash in them. In these
+cases, substitute an underscore and the output will be corrected. HTML
+4.0 also defines a class attribute, which conflicts with Python's
+class statement; use klass instead. The new LABEL element has a for
+attribute which also conflicts; use label_for instead.
+>>> print META(http_equiv='refresh',content='60;/index2.html')
+<META http-equiv="refresh" content="60;/index2.html">
+The output order of attributes is indeterminate (based on hash order),
+but this is of no particular importance. The extent of attribute
+checking is limited to checking that the attribute is legal for that
+element; the values themselves are not checked, but must be
+convertible to a string. The content items must be convertible to
+strings and/or have a writeto() method. Some elements may have a few
+attributes they shouldn't, particularly those which use intrinsic
+Valid attributes are defined for each element with dictionaries, with
+the keys being the attributes. If the value is false, it's a boolean;
+otherwise the value is printed.
+Subclassing: If all you need to do is have some defaults, override the
+defaults dictionary. You will also need to set name to the correct
+element name. Example:
+>>> class Refresh(META): defaults = {'http_equiv': 'refresh'}; name = 'META'
+>>> print Refresh(content='10; /index2.html')
+<META http-equiv="refresh" content="10; /index2.html">
+Weirdness with Netscape 4.x: It recognizes a border attribute for the
+FRAMESET element, though it is not defined in the HTML 4.0 spec. It
+seems to recognize the frameborder attribute for FRAME, but border
+only changes from a 3D shaded border to a flat, unresizable grey
+border. Because of this, there is a border attribute defined for
+FRAMESET. Similarly, HTML 4.0 does not define a border attribute for
+INPUT (for use with type="image"), but one has been added anyway.
+Historical notes: My first experience with an HTML generator was with
+the one which comes with "Internet Programming with Python" by Aaron
+Watters, Guido van Rossum, and James C. Ahlstrom. I hate to dis it,
+but the thing really drove me nuts after awhile. Horrible to debug
+anything, but maybe my understanding of it was incomplete. I then
+discovered HTMLgen by Robin Friedrich:
+It worked much better, for me at least, good enough for a major
+project. There were, however, some frustrations: Subclassing could
+sometimes be difficult (in fairness, I think that was by design), and
+there were some missing features I wanted. Plus the thing's huge, as
+Python modules go. These are relatively minor gripes, and if you don't
+like this module, definitely use HTMLgen.
+Mainly I did this because the methodology to do it just sorta dawned
+on me. The result is, I think, some pretty clean code. Really, there's
+hardly any actual code at all. Hey, and when was the last time saw a
+subclass inherit from only one parent class with only a pass statement
+and no attributes defined? There's 27 of them here. There's almost no
+logic to it at all; it's pretty much all driven by dictionaries.
+Yes, there are a number of features missing which are present in
+HTMLgen, namely the document classes. All the high-level abstractions
+are going in another module or two.
+__version__ = "$Revision: 1.8 $"[11:-4]
+import string
+from string import lower, join, replace
+from sys import stdout
+coreattrs = {'id': 1, 'klass': 1, 'style': 1, 'title': 1}
+i18n = {'lang': 1, 'dir': 1}
+intrinsic_events = {'onload': 1, 'onunload': 1, 'onclick': 1,
+ 'ondblclick': 1, 'onmousedown': 1, 'onmouseup': 1,
+ 'onmouseover': 1, 'onmousemove': 1, 'onmouseout': 1,
+ 'onfocus': 1, 'onblur': 1, 'onkeypress': 1,
+ 'onkeydown': 1, 'onkeyup': 1, 'onsubmit': 1,
+ 'onreset': 1, 'onselect': 1, 'onchange': 1 }
+attrs = coreattrs.copy()
+alternate_text = {'alt': 1}
+image_maps = {'shape': 1, 'coords': 1}
+anchor_reference = {'href': 1}
+target_frame_info = {'target': 1}
+tabbing_navigation = {'tabindex': 1}
+access_keys = {'accesskey': 1}
+tabbing_and_access = tabbing_navigation.copy()
+visual_presentation = {'height': 1, 'width': 1, 'border': 1, 'align': 1,
+ 'hspace': 1, 'vspace': 1}
+cellhalign = {'align': 1, 'char': 1, 'charoff': 1}
+cellvalign = {'valign': 1}
+font_modifiers = {'size': 1, 'color': 1, 'face': 1}
+links_and_anchors = {'href': 1, 'hreflang': 1, 'type': 1, 'rel': 1, 'rev': 1}
+borders_and_rules = {'frame': 1, 'rules': 1, 'border': 1}
+from SGML import Markup, Comment
+from XML import XMLPI
+ 'HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" ' \
+ '"http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/loose.dtd"')
+DOCTYPE_frameset = Markup("DOCTYPE",
+ 'HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Frameset//EN" ' \
+ '"http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-HTML/frameset.dtd"')
+class Element(XMLPI):
+ defaults = {}
+ attr_translations = {'klass': 'class',
+ 'label_for': 'for',
+ 'http_equiv': 'http-equiv',
+ 'accept_charset': 'accept-charset'}
+ def __init__(self, *content, **attr):
+ self.dict = {}
+ if not hasattr(self, 'name'): self.name = self.__class__.__name__
+ if self.defaults: self.update(self.defaults)
+ self.update(attr)
+ if not self.content_model and content:
+ raise TypeError, "No content for this element"
+ self.content = list(content)
+ def update(self, d2):
+ for k, v in d2.items(): self[k] = v
+ def __setitem__(self, k, v):
+ kl = lower(k)
+ if self.attlist.has_key(kl): self.dict[kl] = v
+ else: raise KeyError, "Invalid attribute for this element"
+ start_tag_string = "<%s %s>"
+ start_tag_no_attr_string = "<%s>"
+ end_tag_string = "</%s>"
+ def str_attribute(self, k):
+ return self.attlist.get(k, 1) and '%s="%s"' % \
+ (self.attr_translations.get(k, k), str(self[k])) \
+ or self[k] and k or ''
+ def start_tag(self):
+ a = self.str_attribute_list()
+ return a and self.start_tag_string % (self.name, a) \
+ or self.start_tag_no_attr_string % self.name
+ def end_tag(self):
+ return self.content_model and self.end_tag_string % self.name or ''
+class PrettyTagsMixIn:
+ def writeto(self, fp=stdout, indent=0, perlevel=2):
+ myindent = '\n' + " "*indent
+ fp.write(myindent+self.start_tag())
+ for c in self.content:
+ if hasattr(c, 'writeto'):
+ getattr(c, 'writeto')(fp, indent+perlevel, perlevel)
+ else:
+ fp.write(str(c))
+ fp.write(self.end_tag())
+ def __str__(self, indent=0, perlevel=2):
+ myindent = (perlevel and '\n' or '') + " "*indent
+ s = [myindent, self.start_tag()]
+ for c in self.content:
+ try: s.append(apply(c.__str__, (indent+perlevel, perlevel)))
+ except: s.append(str(c))
+ s.append(self.end_tag())
+ return join(s,'')
+class CommonElement(Element): attlist = attrs
+class PCElement(PrettyTagsMixIn, CommonElement): pass
+class A(CommonElement):
+ attlist = {'name': 1, 'charset': 1}
+ attlist.update(CommonElement.attlist)
+ attlist.update(links_and_anchors)
+ attlist.update(image_maps)
+ attlist.update(target_frame_info)
+ attlist.update(tabbing_and_access)
+class ABBR(CommonElement): pass
+class ACRONYM(CommonElement): pass
+class CITE(CommonElement): pass
+class CODE(CommonElement): pass
+class DFN(CommonElement): pass
+class EM(CommonElement): pass
+class KBD(CommonElement): pass
+class PRE(CommonElement): pass
+class SAMP(CommonElement): pass
+class STRONG(CommonElement): pass
+class VAR(CommonElement): pass
+class ADDRESS(CommonElement): pass
+class B(CommonElement): pass
+class BIG(CommonElement): pass
+class I(CommonElement): pass
+class S(CommonElement): pass
+class SMALL(CommonElement): pass
+class STRIKE(CommonElement): pass
+class TT(CommonElement): pass
+class U(CommonElement): pass
+class SUB(CommonElement): pass
+class SUP(CommonElement): pass
+class DD(PCElement): pass
+class DL(PCElement): pass
+class DT(PCElement): pass
+class NOFRAMES(PCElement): pass
+class NOSCRIPTS(PCElement): pass
+class P(PCElement): pass
+class AREA(PCElement):
+ attlist = {'name': 1, 'nohref': 0}
+ attlist.update(PCElement.attlist)
+ attlist.update(image_maps)
+ attlist.update(anchor_reference)
+ attlist.update(tabbing_and_access)
+ attlist.update(alternate_text)
+class MAP(AREA): pass
+class BASE(PrettyTagsMixIn, Element):
+ attlist = anchor_reference.copy()
+ attlist.update(target_frame_info)
+ content_model = None
+class BDO(Element):
+ attlist = coreattrs.copy()
+ attlist.update(i18n)
+class BLOCKQUOTE(CommonElement):
+ attlist = {'cite': 1}
+ attlist.update(CommonElement.attlist)
+class Q(BLOCKQUOTE): pass
+class BR(PrettyTagsMixIn, Element):
+ attlist = coreattrs
+ content_model = None
+class BUTTON(CommonElement):
+ attlist = {'name': 1, 'value': 1, 'type': 1, 'disabled': 0}
+ attlist.update(CommonElement.attlist)
+ attlist.update(tabbing_and_access)
+class CAPTION(Element):
+ attlist = {'align': 1}
+ attlist.update(attrs)
+class COLGROUP(PCElement):
+ attlist = {'span': 1, 'width': 1}
+ attlist.update(PCElement.attlist)
+ attlist.update(cellhalign)
+ attlist.update(cellvalign)
+class COL(COLGROUP): content_model = None
+class DEL(Element):
+ attlist = {'cite': 1, 'datetime': 1}
+ attlist.update(attrs)
+class INS(DEL): pass
+class FIELDSET(PCElement): pass
+class LEGEND(PCElement):
+ attlist = {'align': 1}
+ attlist.update(PCElement.attlist)
+ attlist.update(access_keys)
+class BASEFONT(Element):
+ attlist = {'id': 1}
+ attlist.update(font_modifiers)
+ content_model = None
+class FONT(Element):
+ attlist = font_modifiers.copy()
+ attlist.update(coreattrs)
+ attlist.update(i18n)
+class FORM(PCElement):
+ attlist = {'action': 1, 'method': 1, 'enctype': 1, 'accept_charset': 1,
+ 'target': 1}
+ attlist.update(PCElement.attlist)
+class FRAME(PrettyTagsMixIn, Element):
+ attlist = {'longdesc': 1, 'name': 1, 'src': 1, 'frameborder': 1,
+ 'marginwidth': 1, 'marginheight': 1, 'noresize': 0,
+ 'scrolling': 1}
+ attlist.update(coreattrs)
+ content_model = None
+class FRAMESET(PrettyTagsMixIn, Element):
+ attlist = {'rows': 1, 'cols': 1, 'border': 1}
+ attlist.update(coreattrs)
+ attlist.update(intrinsic_events)
+class Heading(PCElement):
+ attlist = {'align': 1}
+ attlist.update(attrs)
+ def __init__(self, level, *content, **attr):
+ self.level = level
+ apply(PCElement.__init__, (self,)+content, attr)
+ def start_tag(self):
+ a = self.str_attribute_list()
+ return a and "<H%d %s>" % (self.level, a) or "<H%d>" % self.level
+ def end_tag(self):
+ return self.content_model and "</H%d>\n" % self.level or ''
+class HEAD(PrettyTagsMixIn, Element):
+ attlist = {'profile': 1}
+ attlist.update(i18n)
+class HR(Element):
+ attlist = {'align': 1, 'noshade': 0, 'size': 1, 'width': 1}
+ attlist.update(coreattrs)
+ attlist.update(intrinsic_events)
+ content_model = None
+class HTML(PrettyTagsMixIn, Element):
+ attlist = i18n
+class TITLE(HTML): pass
+class BODY(PCElement):
+ attlist = {'background': 1, 'text': 1, 'link': 1, 'vlink': 1, 'alink': 1,
+ 'bgcolor': 1}
+ attlist.update(PCElement.attlist)
+class IFRAME(PrettyTagsMixIn, Element):
+ attlist = {'longdesc': 1, 'name': 1, 'src': 1, 'frameborder': 1,
+ 'marginwidth': 1, 'marginheight': 1, 'scrolling': 1,
+ 'align': 1, 'height': 1, 'width': 1}
+ attlist.update(coreattrs)
+class IMG(CommonElement):
+ attlist = {'src': 1, 'longdesc': 1, 'usemap': 1, 'ismap': 0}
+ attlist.update(PCElement.attlist)
+ attlist.update(visual_presentation)
+ attlist.update(alternate_text)
+ content_model = None
+class INPUT(CommonElement):
+ attlist = {'type': 1, 'name': 1, 'value': 1, 'checked': 0, 'disabled': 0,
+ 'readonly': 0, 'size': 1, 'maxlength': 1, 'src': 1,
+ 'usemap': 1, 'accept': 1, 'border': 1}
+ attlist.update(CommonElement.attlist)
+ attlist.update(tabbing_and_access)
+ attlist.update(alternate_text)
+ content_model = None
+class LABEL(CommonElement):
+ attlist = {'label_for': 1}
+ attlist.update(CommonElement.attlist)
+ attlist.update(access_keys)
+class UL(PCElement):
+ attlist = {'compact': 0}
+ attlist.update(CommonElement.attlist)
+class OL(UL):
+ attlist = {'start': 1}
+ attlist.update(UL.attlist)
+class LI(UL):
+ attlist = {'value': 1, 'type': 1}
+ attlist.update(UL.attlist)
+class LINK(PCElement):
+ attlist = {'charset': 1, 'media': 1}
+ attlist.update(PCElement.attlist)
+ attlist.update(links_and_anchors)
+ content_model = None
+class META(PrettyTagsMixIn, Element):
+ attlist = {'http_equiv': 1, 'name': 1, 'content': 1, 'scheme': 1}
+ attlist.update(i18n)
+ content_model = None
+class OBJECT(PCElement):
+ attlist = {'declare': 0, 'classid': 1, 'codebase': 1, 'data': 1,
+ 'type': 1, 'codetype': 1, 'archive': 1, 'standby': 1,
+ 'height': 1, 'width': 1, 'usemap': 1}
+ attlist.update(PCElement.attlist)
+ attlist.update(tabbing_navigation)
+class SELECT(PCElement):
+ attlist = {'name': 1, 'size': 1, 'multiple': 0, 'disabled': 0}
+ attlist.update(CommonElement.attlist)
+ attlist.update(tabbing_navigation)
+class OPTGROUP(PCElement):
+ attlist = {'disabled': 0, 'label': 1}
+ attlist.update(CommonElement.attlist)
+ attlist = {'value': 1, 'selected': 0}
+ attlist.update(OPTGROUP.attlist)
+class PARAM(Element):
+ attlist = {'id': 1, 'name': 1, 'value': 1, 'valuetype': 1, 'type': 1}
+class SCRIPT(Element):
+ attlist = {'charset': 1, 'type': 1, 'src': 1, 'defer': 0}
+class SPAN(CommonElement):
+ attlist = {'align': 1}
+ attlist.update(CommonElement.attlist)
+class DIV(PrettyTagsMixIn, SPAN): pass
+class STYLE(PrettyTagsMixIn, Element):
+ attlist = {'type': 1, 'media': 1, 'title': 1}
+ attlist.update(i18n)
+class TABLE(PCElement):
+ attlist = {'cellspacing': 1, 'cellpadding': 1, 'summary': 1, 'align': 1,
+ 'bgcolor': 1, 'width': 1}
+ attlist.update(CommonElement.attlist)
+ attlist.update(borders_and_rules)
+class TBODY(PCElement):
+ attlist = CommonElement.attlist.copy()
+ attlist.update(cellhalign)
+ attlist.update(cellvalign)
+class THEAD(TBODY): pass
+class TFOOT(TBODY): pass
+class TR(TBODY): pass
+class TH(TBODY):
+ attlist = {'abbv': 1, 'axis': 1, 'headers': 1, 'scope': 1,
+ 'rowspan': 1, 'colspan': 1, 'nowrap': 0, 'width': 1,
+ 'height': 1}
+ attlist.update(TBODY.attlist)
+class TD(TH): pass
+class TEXTAREA(CommonElement):
+ attlist = {'name': 1, 'rows': 1, 'cols': 1, 'disabled': 0, 'readonly': 0}
+ attlist.update(CommonElement.attlist)
+ attlist.update(tabbing_and_access)
+def CENTER(*content, **attr):
+ c = apply(DIV, content, attr)
+ c['align'] = 'center'
+ return c
+def H1(content=[], **attr): return apply(Heading, (1, content), attr)
+def H2(content=[], **attr): return apply(Heading, (2, content), attr)
+def H3(content=[], **attr): return apply(Heading, (3, content), attr)
+def H4(content=[], **attr): return apply(Heading, (4, content), attr)
+def H5(content=[], **attr): return apply(Heading, (5, content), attr)
+def H6(content=[], **attr): return apply(Heading, (6, content), attr)
+class CSSRule(PrettyTagsMixIn, Element):
+ attlist = {'font': 1, 'font_family': 1, 'font_face': 1, 'font_size': 1,
+ 'border': 1, 'border_width': 1, 'color': 1,
+ 'background': 1, 'background_color': 1, 'background_image': 1,
+ 'text_align': 1, 'text_decoration': 1, 'text_indent': 1,
+ 'line_height': 1, 'margin_left': 1, 'margin_right': 1,
+ 'clear': 1, 'list_style_type': 1}
+ content = []
+ content_model = None
+ def __init__(self, selector, **decl):
+ self.dict = {}
+ self.update(decl)
+ self.name = selector
+ start_tag_string = "%s { %s }"
+ def end_tag(self): return ''
+ def str_attribute(self, k):
+ kt = replace(k, '_', '-')
+ if self.attlist[k]: return '%s: %s' % (kt, str(self[k]))
+ else: return self[k] and kt or ''
+ def str_attribute_list(self):
+ return join(map(self.str_attribute, self.dict.keys()), '; ')
+nbsp = " "
+def quote_body(s):
+ r=replace; return r(r(r(s, '&', '&'), '<', '<'), '>', '>')
+safe = string.letters + string.digits + '_,.-'
+def url_encode(s):
+ l = []
+ for c in s:
+ if c in safe: l.append(c)
+ elif c == ' ': l.append('+')
+ else: l.append("%%%02x" % ord(c))
+ return join(l, '')
+def URL(*args, **kwargs):
+ url_path = join(args, '/')
+ a = []
+ for k, v in kwargs.items():
+ a.append("%s=%s" % (url_encode(k), url_encode(v)))
+ url_vals = join(a, '&')
+ return url_vals and join([url_path, url_vals],'?') or url_path
+def Options(options, selected=[], **attrs):
+ opts = []
+ for o, v in options:
+ opt = apply(OPTION, (o,), attrs)
+ opt['value'] = v
+ if v in selected: opt['selected'] = 1
+ opts.append(opt)
+ return opts
+def Select(options, selected=[], **attrs):
+ return apply(SELECT, tuple(apply(Options, (options, selected))), attrs)
+def Href(url, text, **attrs):
+ h = apply(A, (text,), attrs)
+ h['href'] = url
+ return h
+def Mailto(address, text, subject='', **attrs):
+ if subject:
+ url = "mailto:%s?subject=%s" % (address, subject)
+ else:
+ url = "mailto:%s" % address
+ return apply(Href, (url, text), attrs)
+def Image(src, **attrs):
+ i = apply(IMG, (), a)
+ i['src'] = src
+ return i
+def StyledTR(element, row, klasses):
+ r = TR()
+ for i in range(len(row)):
+ r.append(klasses[i] and element(row[i], klass=klasses[i]) \
+ or element(row[i]))
+ return r
+def StyledVTable(klasses, *rows, **attrs):
+ t = apply(TABLE, (), attrs)
+ t.append(COL(span=len(klasses)))
+ for row in rows:
+ r = StyledTR(TD, row[1:], klasses[1:])
+ h = klasses[0] and TH(row[0], klass=klasses[0]) \
+ or TH(row[0])
+ r.content.insert(0,h)
+ t.append(r)
+ return t
+def VTable(*rows, **attrs):
+ t = apply(TABLE, (), attrs)
+ t.append(COL(span=len(rows[0])))
+ for row in rows:
+ r = apply(TR, tuple(map(TD, row[1:])))
+ r.content.insert(0, TH(row[0]))
+ t.append(r)
+ return t
+def StyledHTable(klasses, headers, *rows, **attrs):
+ t = apply(TABLE, (), attrs)
+ t.append(COL(span=len(headers)))
+ t.append(StyledTR(TH, headers, klasses))
+ for row in rows: t.append(StyledTR(TD, row, klasses))
+ return t
+def HTable(headers, *rows, **attrs):
+ t = apply(TABLE, (), attrs)
+ t.append(COL(span=len(headers)))
+ t.append(TR, tuple(map(TH, headers)))
+ for row in rows: t.append(TR(apply(TD, row)))
+ return t
+def DefinitionList(*items, **attrs):
+ dl = apply(DL, (), attrs)
+ for dt, dd in items: dl.append(DT(dt), DD(dd))
+ return dl
--- /dev/null
+__version__ = "$Revision: 1.1 $"[11:-4]
+from sys import stdout
+from string import lower, join, replace
+class Markup:
+ content_model = 1
+ def __init__(self, name, *content):
+ self.name = name
+ self.dict = {}
+ self.content = list(content)
+ start_tag_string = "<!%s "
+ def append(self, *items): map(self.content.append, items)
+ def start_tag(self): return self.start_tag_string % self.name
+ def end_tag(self): return ">\n"
+ def writeto(self, fp=stdout, indent=0, perlevel=0):
+ fp.write(self.start_tag())
+ for c in self.content:
+ if hasattr(c, 'writeto'):
+ getattr(c, 'writeto')(fp, indent+perlevel, perlevel)
+ else:
+ fp.write(str(c))
+ fp.write(self.end_tag())
+ def __str__(self, indent=0, perlevel=0):
+ # we don't actually indent here, it's for later.
+ c = map(str, self.content)
+ return join([self.start_tag()]+c+[self.end_tag()],'')
+def Comment(*comment): return apply(Markup, ('--',)+comment+(' --',))
--- /dev/null
+from XHTML10 import *
--- /dev/null
+"""XHTML10 -- generate XHTML conformant to the 1.0 standard. See:
+ http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/
+Implemented similarly to HTML40; see the docs in that module.
+__version__ = "$Revision: 1.4 $"[11:-4]
+import string
+from string import lower, join, replace
+from sys import stdout
+coreattrs = {'id': 1, 'klass': 1, 'style': 1, 'title': 1}
+i18n = {'lang': 1, 'dir': 1}
+intrinsic_events = {'onload': 1, 'onunload': 1, 'onclick': 1,
+ 'ondblclick': 1, 'onmousedown': 1, 'onmouseup': 1,
+ 'onmouseover': 1, 'onmousemove': 1, 'onmouseout': 1,
+ 'onfocus': 1, 'onblur': 1, 'onkeypress': 1,
+ 'onkeydown': 1, 'onkeyup': 1, 'onsubmit': 1,
+ 'onreset': 1, 'onselect': 1, 'onchange': 1 }
+attrs = coreattrs.copy()
+alternate_text = {'alt': 1}
+image_maps = {'shape': 1, 'coords': 1}
+anchor_reference = {'href': 1}
+target_frame_info = {'target': 1}
+tabbing_navigation = {'tabindex': 1}
+access_keys = {'accesskey': 1}
+tabbing_and_access = tabbing_navigation.copy()
+visual_presentation = {'height': 1, 'width': 1, 'border': 1, 'align': 1,
+ 'hspace': 1, 'vspace': 1}
+cellhalign = {'align': 1, 'char': 1, 'charoff': 1}
+cellvalign = {'valign': 1}
+font_modifiers = {'size': 1, 'color': 1, 'face': 1}
+links_and_anchors = {'href': 1, 'hreflang': 1, 'type': 1, 'rel': 1, 'rev': 1}
+borders_and_rules = {'frame': 1, 'rules': 1, 'border': 1}
+from SGML import Markup, Comment
+from XML import XMLPI
+ 'html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ' \
+ '"DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"')
+DOCTYPE_frameset = Markup("DOCTYPE",
+ 'html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Frameset//EN" ' \
+ '"DTD/xhtml1-frameset.dtd"')
+class Element(XMLPI):
+ defaults = {}
+ def __init__(self, *content, **attr):
+ self.dict = {}
+ if not hasattr(self, 'name'): self.name = lower(self.__class__.__name__)
+ if self.defaults: self.update(self.defaults)
+ self.update(attr)
+ if not self.content_model and content:
+ raise TypeError, "No content for this element"
+ self.content = list(content)
+ def update(self, d2):
+ for k, v in d2.items(): self[k] = v
+ def __setitem__(self, k, v):
+ kl = lower(k)
+ if self.attlist.has_key(kl): self.dict[kl] = v
+ else: raise KeyError, "Invalid attribute for this element"
+ start_tag_string = "<%s %s>"
+ start_tag_no_attr_string = "<%s>"
+ end_tag_string = "</%s>"
+ def start_tag(self):
+ a = self.str_attribute_list()
+ return a and self.start_tag_string % (self.name, a) \
+ or self.start_tag_no_attr_string % self.name
+ def end_tag(self):
+ return self.end_tag_string % self.name
+class PrettyTagsMixIn:
+ def writeto(self, fp=stdout, indent=0, perlevel=2):
+ myindent = '\n' + " "*indent
+ fp.write(myindent+self.start_tag())
+ for c in self.content:
+ if hasattr(c, 'writeto'):
+ getattr(c, 'writeto')(fp, indent+perlevel, perlevel)
+ else:
+ fp.write(str(c))
+ fp.write(self.end_tag())
+ def __str__(self, indent=0, perlevel=2):
+ myindent = (perlevel and '\n' or '') + " "*indent
+ s = [myindent, self.start_tag()]
+ for c in self.content:
+ try: s.append(apply(c.__str__, (indent+perlevel, perlevel)))
+ except: s.append(str(c))
+ s.append(self.end_tag())
+ return join(s,'')
+class CommonElement(Element): attlist = attrs
+class PCElement(PrettyTagsMixIn, CommonElement): pass
+class A(CommonElement):
+ attlist = {'charset': 1}
+ attlist.update(CommonElement.attlist)
+ attlist.update(links_and_anchors)
+ attlist.update(image_maps)
+ attlist.update(target_frame_info)
+ attlist.update(tabbing_and_access)
+class ABBR(CommonElement): pass
+class ACRONYM(CommonElement): pass
+class CITE(CommonElement): pass
+class CODE(CommonElement): pass
+class DFN(CommonElement): pass
+class EM(CommonElement): pass
+class KBD(CommonElement): pass
+class PRE(CommonElement): pass
+class SAMP(CommonElement): pass
+class STRONG(CommonElement): pass
+class VAR(CommonElement): pass
+class ADDRESS(CommonElement): pass
+class B(CommonElement): pass
+class BIG(CommonElement): pass
+class I(CommonElement): pass
+class S(CommonElement): pass
+class SMALL(CommonElement): pass
+class STRIKE(CommonElement): pass
+class TT(CommonElement): pass
+class U(CommonElement): pass
+class SUB(CommonElement): pass
+class SUP(CommonElement): pass
+class DD(PCElement): pass
+class DL(PCElement): pass
+class DT(PCElement): pass
+class NOFRAMES(PCElement): pass
+class NOSCRIPTS(PCElement): pass
+class P(PCElement): pass
+class AREA(PCElement):
+ attlist = {'nohref': 0}
+ attlist.update(PCElement.attlist)
+ attlist.update(image_maps)
+ attlist.update(anchor_reference)
+ attlist.update(tabbing_and_access)
+ attlist.update(alternate_text)
+class MAP(AREA): pass
+class BASE(PrettyTagsMixIn, Element):
+ attlist = anchor_reference.copy()
+ attlist.update(target_frame_info)
+ content_model = None
+class BDO(Element):
+ attlist = coreattrs.copy()
+ attlist.update(i18n)
+class BLOCKQUOTE(CommonElement):
+ attlist = {'cite': 1}
+ attlist.update(CommonElement.attlist)
+class Q(BLOCKQUOTE): pass
+class BR(PrettyTagsMixIn, Element):
+ attlist = coreattrs
+ content_model = None
+class BUTTON(CommonElement):
+ attlist = {'value': 1, 'type': 1, 'disabled': 0}
+ attlist.update(CommonElement.attlist)
+ attlist.update(tabbing_and_access)
+class CAPTION(Element):
+ attlist = {'align': 1}
+ attlist.update(attrs)
+class COLGROUP(PCElement):
+ attlist = {'span': 1, 'width': 1}
+ attlist.update(PCElement.attlist)
+ attlist.update(cellhalign)
+ attlist.update(cellvalign)
+class COL(COLGROUP): content_model = None
+class DEL(Element):
+ attlist = {'cite': 1, 'datetime': 1}
+ attlist.update(attrs)
+class INS(DEL): pass
+class FIELDSET(PCElement): pass
+class LEGEND(PCElement):
+ attlist = {'align': 1}
+ attlist.update(PCElement.attlist)
+ attlist.update(access_keys)
+class BASEFONT(Element):
+ attlist = {'id': 1}
+ attlist.update(font_modifiers)
+ content_model = None
+class FONT(Element):
+ attlist = font_modifiers.copy()
+ attlist.update(coreattrs)
+ attlist.update(i18n)
+class FORM(PCElement):
+ attlist = {'action': 1, 'method': 1, 'enctype': 1, 'accept_charset': 1,
+ 'target': 1}
+ attlist.update(PCElement.attlist)
+class FRAME(PrettyTagsMixIn, Element):
+ attlist = {'longdesc': 1, 'src': 1, 'frameborder': 1,
+ 'marginwidth': 1, 'marginheight': 1, 'noresize': 0,
+ 'scrolling': 1}
+ attlist.update(coreattrs)
+ content_model = None
+class FRAMESET(PrettyTagsMixIn, Element):
+ attlist = {'rows': 1, 'cols': 1, 'border': 1}
+ attlist.update(coreattrs)
+ attlist.update(intrinsic_events)
+class Heading(PCElement):
+ attlist = {'align': 1}
+ attlist.update(attrs)
+ def __init__(self, level, *content, **attr):
+ self.level = level
+ apply(PCElement.__init__, (self,)+content, attr)
+ def start_tag(self):
+ a = self.str_attribute_list()
+ return a and "<H%d %s>" % (self.level, a) or "<H%d>" % self.level
+ def end_tag(self):
+ return self.content_model and "</H%d>\n" % self.level or ''
+class HEAD(PrettyTagsMixIn, Element):
+ attlist = {'profile': 1}
+ attlist.update(i18n)
+class HR(Element):
+ attlist = {'align': 1, 'noshade': 0, 'size': 1, 'width': 1}
+ attlist.update(coreattrs)
+ attlist.update(intrinsic_events)
+ content_model = None
+class HTML(PrettyTagsMixIn, Element):
+ attlist = i18n
+class TITLE(HTML): pass
+class BODY(PCElement):
+ attlist = {'background': 1, 'text': 1, 'link': 1, 'vlink': 1, 'alink': 1,
+ 'bgcolor': 1}
+ attlist.update(PCElement.attlist)
+class IFRAME(PrettyTagsMixIn, Element):
+ attlist = {'longdesc': 1, 'src': 1, 'frameborder': 1,
+ 'marginwidth': 1, 'marginheight': 1, 'scrolling': 1,
+ 'align': 1, 'height': 1, 'width': 1}
+ attlist.update(coreattrs)
+class IMG(CommonElement):
+ attlist = {'src': 1, 'longdesc': 1, 'usemap': 1, 'ismap': 0}
+ attlist.update(PCElement.attlist)
+ attlist.update(visual_presentation)
+ attlist.update(alternate_text)
+ content_model = None
+class INPUT(CommonElement):
+ attlist = {'type': 1, 'value': 1, 'checked': 0, 'disabled': 0,
+ 'readonly': 0, 'size': 1, 'maxlength': 1, 'src': 1,
+ 'usemap': 1, 'accept': 1, 'border': 1}
+ attlist.update(CommonElement.attlist)
+ attlist.update(tabbing_and_access)
+ attlist.update(alternate_text)
+ content_model = None
+class LABEL(CommonElement):
+ attlist = {'label_for': 1}
+ attlist.update(CommonElement.attlist)
+ attlist.update(access_keys)
+class UL(PCElement):
+ attlist = {'compact': 0}
+ attlist.update(CommonElement.attlist)
+class OL(UL):
+ attlist = {'start': 1}
+ attlist.update(UL.attlist)
+class LI(UL):
+ attlist = {'value': 1, 'type': 1}
+ attlist.update(UL.attlist)
+class LINK(PCElement):
+ attlist = {'charset': 1, 'media': 1}
+ attlist.update(PCElement.attlist)
+ attlist.update(links_and_anchors)
+ content_model = None
+class META(PrettyTagsMixIn, Element):
+ attlist = {'http_equiv': 1, 'content': 1, 'scheme': 1}
+ attlist.update(i18n)
+ content_model = None
+class OBJECT(PCElement):
+ attlist = {'declare': 0, 'classid': 1, 'codebase': 1, 'data': 1,
+ 'type': 1, 'codetype': 1, 'archive': 1, 'standby': 1,
+ 'height': 1, 'width': 1, 'usemap': 1}
+ attlist.update(PCElement.attlist)
+ attlist.update(tabbing_navigation)
+class SELECT(PCElement):
+ attlist = {'size': 1, 'multiple': 0, 'disabled': 0}
+ attlist.update(CommonElement.attlist)
+ attlist.update(tabbing_navigation)
+class OPTGROUP(PCElement):
+ attlist = {'disabled': 0, 'label': 1}
+ attlist.update(CommonElement.attlist)
+ attlist = {'value': 1, 'selected': 0}
+ attlist.update(OPTGROUP.attlist)
+class PARAM(Element):
+ attlist = {'id': 1, 'value': 1, 'valuetype': 1, 'type': 1}
+class SCRIPT(Element):
+ attlist = {'charset': 1, 'type': 1, 'src': 1, 'defer': 0}
+class SPAN(CommonElement):
+ attlist = {'align': 1}
+ attlist.update(CommonElement.attlist)
+class DIV(PrettyTagsMixIn, SPAN): pass
+class STYLE(PrettyTagsMixIn, Element):
+ attlist = {'type': 1, 'media': 1, 'title': 1}
+ attlist.update(i18n)
+class TABLE(PCElement):
+ attlist = {'cellspacing': 1, 'cellpadding': 1, 'summary': 1, 'align': 1,
+ 'bgcolor': 1, 'width': 1}
+ attlist.update(CommonElement.attlist)
+ attlist.update(borders_and_rules)
+class TBODY(PCElement):
+ attlist = CommonElement.attlist.copy()
+ attlist.update(cellhalign)
+ attlist.update(cellvalign)
+class THEAD(TBODY): pass
+class TFOOT(TBODY): pass
+class TR(TBODY): pass
+class TH(TBODY):
+ attlist = {'abbv': 1, 'axis': 1, 'headers': 1, 'scope': 1,
+ 'rowspan': 1, 'colspan': 1, 'nowrap': 0, 'width': 1,
+ 'height': 1}
+ attlist.update(TBODY.attlist)
+class TD(TH): pass
+class TEXTAREA(CommonElement):
+ attlist = {'rows': 1, 'cols': 1, 'disabled': 0, 'readonly': 0}
+ attlist.update(CommonElement.attlist)
+ attlist.update(tabbing_and_access)
+def CENTER(*content, **attr):
+ c = apply(DIV, content, attr)
+ c['align'] = 'center'
+ return c
+def H1(content=[], **attr): return apply(Heading, (1, content), attr)
+def H2(content=[], **attr): return apply(Heading, (2, content), attr)
+def H3(content=[], **attr): return apply(Heading, (3, content), attr)
+def H4(content=[], **attr): return apply(Heading, (4, content), attr)
+def H5(content=[], **attr): return apply(Heading, (5, content), attr)
+def H6(content=[], **attr): return apply(Heading, (6, content), attr)
+class CSSRule(PrettyTagsMixIn, Element):
+ attlist = {'font': 1, 'font_family': 1, 'font_face': 1, 'font_size': 1,
+ 'border': 1, 'border_width': 1, 'color': 1,
+ 'background': 1, 'background_color': 1, 'background_image': 1,
+ 'text_align': 1, 'text_decoration': 1, 'text_indent': 1,
+ 'line_height': 1, 'margin_left': 1, 'margin_right': 1,
+ 'clear': 1, 'list_style_type': 1}
+ content = []
+ content_model = None
+ def __init__(self, selector, **decl):
+ self.dict = {}
+ self.update(decl)
+ self.name = selector
+ start_tag_string = "%s { %s }"
+ def end_tag(self): return ''
+ def str_attribute(self, k):
+ kt = replace(k, '_', '-')
+ if self.attlist[k]: return '%s: %s' % (kt, str(self[k]))
+ else: return self[k] and kt or ''
+ def str_attribute_list(self):
+ return join(map(self.str_attribute, self.dict.keys()), '; ')
+nbsp = " "
+def quote_body(s):
+ r=replace; return r(r(r(s, '&', '&'), '<', '<'), '>', '>')
+safe = string.letters + string.digits + '_,.-'
+def url_encode(s):
+ l = []
+ for c in s:
+ if c in safe: l.append(c)
+ elif c == ' ': l.append('+')
+ else: l.append("%%%02x" % ord(c))
+ return join(l, '')
+def URL(*args, **kwargs):
+ url_path = join(args, '/')
+ a = []
+ for k, v in kwargs.items():
+ a.append("%s=%s" % (url_encode(k), url_encode(v)))
+ url_vals = join(a, '&')
+ return url_vals and join([url_path, url_vals],'?') or url_path
+def Options(options, selected=[], **attrs):
+ opts = []
+ for o, v in options:
+ opt = apply(OPTION, (o,), attrs)
+ opt['value'] = v
+ if v in selected: opt['selected'] = 1
+ opts.append(opt)
+ return opts
+def Select(options, selected=[], **attrs):
+ return apply(SELECT, tuple(apply(Options, (options, selected))), attrs)
+def Href(url, text, **attrs):
+ h = apply(A, (text,), attrs)
+ h['href'] = url
+ return h
+def Mailto(address, text, subject='', **attrs):
+ if subject:
+ url = "mailto:%s?subject=%s" % (address, subject)
+ else:
+ url = "mailto:%s" % address
+ return apply(Href, (url, text), attrs)
+def Image(src, **attrs):
+ i = apply(IMG, (), a)
+ i['src'] = src
+ return i
+def StyledTR(element, row, klasses):
+ r = TR()
+ for i in range(len(row)):
+ r.append(klasses[i] and element(row[i], klass=klasses[i]) \
+ or element(row[i]))
+ return r
+def StyledVTable(klasses, *rows, **attrs):
+ t = apply(TABLE, (), attrs)
+ t.append(COL(span=len(klasses)))
+ for row in rows:
+ r = StyledTR(TD, row[1:], klasses[1:])
+ h = klasses[0] and TH(row[0], klass=klasses[0]) \
+ or TH(row[0])
+ r.content.insert(0,h)
+ t.append(r)
+ return t
+def VTable(*rows, **attrs):
+ t = apply(TABLE, (), attrs)
+ t.append(COL(span=len(rows[0])))
+ for row in rows:
+ r = apply(TR, tuple(map(TD, row[1:])))
+ r.content.insert(0, TH(row[0]))
+ t.append(r)
+ return t
+def StyledHTable(klasses, headers, *rows, **attrs):
+ t = apply(TABLE, (), attrs)
+ t.append(COL(span=len(headers)))
+ t.append(StyledTR(TH, headers, klasses))
+ for row in rows: t.append(StyledTR(TD, row, klasses))
+ return t
+def HTable(headers, *rows, **attrs):
+ t = apply(TABLE, (), attrs)
+ t.append(COL(span=len(headers)))
+ t.append(TR, tuple(map(TH, headers)))
+ for row in rows: t.append(TR(apply(TD, row)))
+ return t
+def DefinitionList(*items, **attrs):
+ dl = apply(DL, (), attrs)
+ for dt, dd in items: dl.append(DT(dt), DD(dd))
+ return dl
--- /dev/null
+__version__ = "$Revision: 1.2 $"[11:-4]
+from SGML import Markup, Comment
+from string import lower, join, replace
+class XMLPI(Markup):
+ attlist = {}
+ defaults = {'version': '1.0'}
+ attr_translations = {'id': 'ID',
+ 'klass': 'class',
+ 'label_for': 'for',
+ 'http_equiv': 'http-equiv',
+ 'accept_charset': 'accept-charset'}
+ def __init__(self, **attr):
+ self.dict = {}
+ self.content = ()
+ self.name = 'xml'
+ self.dict.update(self.defaults)
+ self.dict.update(attr)
+ def __getitem__(self, k): return self.dict[k]
+ def str_attribute(self, k):
+ k2 = self.attr_translations.get(k, k)
+ return '%s="%s"' % \
+ (k2, self.attlist.get(k, 1) and str(self[k]) or k2) \
+ def str_attribute_list(self):
+ return join(map(self.str_attribute, self.dict.keys()))
+ start_tag_string = "<?%s %s"
+ end_tag_string = " ?>\n"
+ def start_tag(self):
+ a = self.str_attribute_list()
+ return self.start_tag_string % (self.name, a)
+ def end_tag(self):
+ return self.end_tag_string
--- /dev/null
+Copyright 1999 by Comstar.net, Inc., Atlanta, GA, US.
+ All Rights Reserved
+Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
+documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,
+provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that
+both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in
+supporting documentation, and that the name of Comstar.net, Inc.
+or COMSTAR not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to
+distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission.
+if __name__=="__main__": print __doc__