if ( imagename != 0 ) { end_image() }
-year_hist <- function (t, year, from, to, max, type="week", title="Histogram for Tickets in")
+year_hist <- function (t, year, from, to, max, type="week", title="Histogram for Tickets in", fmt="%b-%d")
dates <-seq(as.Date(from), as.Date(to), type)
- months <- format(dates, "%b-%d")
+ months <- format(dates, fmt)
h<-hist(t$start, breaks=hbreaks, plot=FALSE)
main<-sprintf(paste(title, "%s: MEAN %s\n"), year, mean(h$counts))
+ print(h$counts);
if ( max == 0 ) {
max = max(h$counts)
abline(mean(h$counts), 0, col='grey')
+ return (h);
year_hist_unique <- function (t, year, from, to, max, type="week", title="Histogram for Tickets in")
abline(v=ts, col=col, lty=lty)
return (ts);
+tstamp <- function (date, format="%Y-%m-%d")
+ ts <- unclass(as.POSIXct(date, format=format, origin="1970-01-01"))[1]
+ return (ts)
for index,node in enumerate(HistoryNodeRecord.query.all()):
frequency[node.hostname] = 0
- #if index > 3: sys.exit(1)
if node.hostname == 'planetlab-02.kyushu.jgn2.jp':
for h in node.versions:
print h.last_checked, h.status
count += 1
pairs.append((datetime.now(), node.versions[-1].last_checked))
while i > 0:
i = find_next(node.versions, i, 'down')
i2 = find_next(node.versions, i, 'offline')
frequency[node.hostname] += 1
# list of all times
for p in pairs:
--- /dev/null
+available_nodes <- function (ns, from, to, type, fmt="%b")
+ # find 'type' range of days
+ dates <-seq(as.Date(from), as.Date(to), type)
+ months <- format(dates, fmt)
+ hbreaks<-unclass(as.POSIXct(dates))
+ xx<-NULL;
+ yy<-NULL;
+ for ( i in seq(1,length(hbreaks)-1) )
+ {
+ # get range from ns
+ ns_sub <- ns[which(ns$date > hbreaks[i] & ns$date <= hbreaks[i+1] & ns$status == 'BOOT'),]
+ nodes <- length(ns_sub$date)
+ xx<- c(xx, hbreaks[i])
+ yy<- c(yy, nodes)
+ }
+ m<- months[1:length(months)-1]
+ return (rbind(xx,yy,m))
+open_tickets <- function (t, from, to, type, fmt="%b")
+ # find 'type' range of days
+ dates <-seq(as.Date(from), as.Date(to), type)
+ months <- format(dates, fmt)
+ hbreaks<-unclass(as.POSIXct(dates))
+ xx<-NULL;
+ yy<-NULL;
+ for ( i in seq(1,length(hbreaks)-1) )
+ {
+ # identify any tickets with a start time in range, lastreply in range
+ # or where both start is less and lastreply is greater than the range
+ t_sub <- t[which( (t$start < hbreaks[i] & t$lastreply > hbreaks[i+1]) |
+ (t$start > hbreaks[i] & t$start <= hbreaks[i+1]) |
+ (t$lastreply > hbreaks[i] & t$lastreply <= hbreaks[i+1]) ),]
+ tickets <- length(t_sub$start)
+ #if ( nrow(t_sub) > 0 ){
+ # for ( j in seq(1,nrow(t_sub)) )
+ # {
+ # #print(sprintf("id %s, date %s", t_sub[i,'ticket_id'], t_sub[i,'s1']))
+ # print(sprintf("id %s, date %s", t_sub[j,]$ticket_id, t_sub[j, 's1']))
+ # }
+ #}
+ xx<- c(xx, hbreaks[i])
+ yy<- c(yy, tickets)
+ }
+ m<- months[1:length(months)-1]
+ return (rbind(xx,yy,m))
+online_nodes <- function (fb)
+ breaks <- unique(fb$timestamp)
+ n<-NULL
+ o<-NULL
+ x<-NULL
+ for (i in seq(1,length(breaks)) )
+ {
+ ts <- breaks[i]
+ sub <- fb[which(fb$timestamp == ts),]
+ node_count <- length(unique(sub$hostname))
+ online_count <- length(unique(sub$hostname[which(sub$state=='BOOT')]))
+ x<-c(x,ts)
+ n<-c(n,node_count)
+ o<-c(o,online_count)
+ }
+ print(length(x))
+ print(length(n))
+ print(length(o))
+ return (rbind(x,n,o))
+lowess_smooth <- function (x, y, delta=(60*60*24), f=0.02)
+ a<-lowess(x, y, delta=delta, f=f)
+ return (a);
+ns <- read.csv('node-status-jun09-feb10.csv', sep=',', header=TRUE)
+an <- available_nodes(ns, "2009-06-10", "2010-02-28", 'day')
+an_x<-an[1,][which(as.numeric(an[2,]) > 100)]
+an_y<-an[2,][which(as.numeric(an[2,]) > 100)]
+#fb7 <- read.csv('findbad_raw_2007.csv', sep=',', header=TRUE)
+#fb8 <- read.csv('findbad_raw_2008.csv', sep=',', header=TRUE)
+#fb9 <- read.csv('findbad_raw_2009.csv', sep=',', header=TRUE)
+#fball <- rbind(fb7,fb8,fb9)
+z7<- online_nodes(fb7)
+z8<- online_nodes(fb8)
+z9<- online_nodes(fb9)
+zx <- c(z7[1,],z8[1,],z9[1,])
+zy_reg <- c(z7[2,], z8[2,],z9[2,])
+zy_avail <- c(z7[3,], z8[3,],z9[3,])
+a_reg<-lowess_smooth(zx, zy_reg)
+plot(a_reg$x, a_reg$y,
+ ylim=c(0,700), xlim=c(min(x1[length(x1)/2]), max(x1)), type='l', pch='.', axes=F,
+ ylab="Online Node Count", xlab="")
+sx <- zx[which(zy_avail > 330)]
+sy <- zy_avail[which(zy_avail > 330)]
+sx <- c(sx[1:2037],sx[2061:length(sx)])
+sy <- c(sy[1:2037],sy[2061:length(sy)])
+sx <- c(sx[1:1699],sx[1701:1707],sx[1709:length(sx)])
+sy <- c(sy[1:1699],sy[1701:1707],sy[1709:length(sy)])
+lines(sx, sy, col='grey80', pch='.')
+lines(an_x, an_y, col='grey80', pch='.')
+a_avail<-lowess_smooth(zx, zy_avail)
+lines(a_avail$x, a_avail$y, col='red', pch='.')
+a_avail_m3<-lowess_smooth(an_x, an_y)
+lines(a_avail_m3$x, a_avail_m3$y, col='red', pch='.')
+axis(2, las=1)
+x_online_node_list <- c(tstamp("2004-6-1"), tstamp("2005-6-1"), tstamp("2006-6-1"), tstamp("2007-11-1"))
+y_online_node_list <- c(330, 480, 500, 550)
+lines(x_online_node_list, y_online_node_list, col='grey80')
+#abline_at_date('2005-01-01', 'grey60')
+#abline_at_date('2006-01-01', 'grey60')
+#abline_at_date('2007-01-01', 'grey60')
+#abline_at_date('2008-01-01', 'grey60')
+#abline_at_date('2009-01-01', 'grey60')
+#abline_at_date('2010-01-01', 'grey60')
+tstamp_20041112 <-abline_at_date("2004-11-12", col='grey60', lty=2)
+tstamp_20050301 <-abline_at_date("2005-03-01", col='grey60', lty=2)
+tstamp_20050615 <-abline_at_date("2005-06-15", col='grey60', lty=2)
+tstamp_20051023 <-abline_at_date("2005-10-23", col='grey60', lty=2)
+tstamp_20070101 <-abline_at_date("2007-01-01", col='grey60', lty=2)
+tstamp_20070501 <-abline_at_date("2007-05-01", col='grey60', lty=2)
+tstamp_20080601 <-abline_at_date("2008-06-01", col='grey60', lty=2)
+tstamp_20080815 <-abline_at_date("2008-08-15", col='grey60', lty=2)
+tstamp_20090501 <-abline_at_date("2009-05-01", col='grey60', lty=2)
+tstamp_20100201 <-abline_at_date("2010-02-01", col='white', lty=2)
+text(x=c( tstamp_20041112+(tstamp_20050301-tstamp_20041112)/2,
+ tstamp_20050301+(tstamp_20050615-tstamp_20050301)/2,
+ tstamp_20050615+(tstamp_20051023-tstamp_20050615)/2,
+ tstamp_20051023+(tstamp_20070101-tstamp_20051023)/2,
+ tstamp_20070101+(tstamp_20070501-tstamp_20070101)/2,
+ tstamp_20080601+(tstamp_20080815-tstamp_20080601)/2,
+ tstamp_20090501+(tstamp_20100201-tstamp_20090501)/2 ),
+ y=c(700),
+ labels=c('3.0', '3.1', '3.1S', '3.2', '4.0', '4.2', '4.3'))
+#axis(1, labels=ot[3,l/2:l], at=ot[1,l/2:l], cex.axis=0.7)
+#axis(2, las=1)
+#mtext("2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009", 1,2)
+uptime_nodes_m3 <- function (uh, from, to)
+ # find 'type' range of days
+ dates <-seq(as.Date(from), as.Date(to), 'day')
+ months <- format(dates, '%b')
+ hbreaks<-unclass(as.POSIXct(dates))
+ xx<-NULL;
+ yy<-NULL;
+ date_index <- NULL;
+ q_list <- NULL;
+ print(length(hbreaks))
+ for ( i in seq(1,length(hbreaks)-1) )
+ {
+ print (sprintf("round %s of %s", i, length(hbreaks)-1))
+ # get range from t
+ print (sprintf("ts %s ", hbreaks[i] ))
+ uh_sub <- uh[which(uh$date > hbreaks[i] & uh$date <= hbreaks[i+1] ),]
+ if ( length(uh_sub$uptime ) <= 1 ) { next }
+ d<- uh_sub$uptime
+ print (sprintf("min: %s, median: %s, max: %s", min(d), median(d), max(d)))
+ print (sprintf("length: %s", length(d)))
+ q<-quantile(d)
+ print(q)
+ date_index <- c(date_index, i)
+ xx<- c(xx, hbreaks[i])
+ q_list <- rbind(q_list, q)
+ }
+ m<- months[date_index]
+ return (cbind(xx,q_list, m))
+ #
+uh <- read.csv('node_uptime_history.csv', header=TRUE, sep=',')
+dm <- uptime_nodes_m3(uh, "2009-06-10", "2010-02-28")
+ plot(dm[,1], as.numeric(dm[,5])/(60*60*24), type='l', lty=1, xlab="",
+ ylim=c(min(as.numeric(dm[,2])/(60*60*24)),max(as.numeric(dm[,5])/(60*60*24))), xlim=c(min(x1[length(x1)/2]), max(x1)), axes=F, ylab="Uptime (days)", col='orange')
+ lines(dm[,1], as.numeric(dm[,4])/(60*60*24), lty=1, col='red')
+ lines(dm[,1], as.numeric(dm[,3])/(60*60*24), lty=1, col='black')
+ lines(dm[,1], as.numeric(dm[,6])/(60*60*24), lty=1, col='orange')
+ lines(dm[,1], as.numeric(dm[,2])/(60*60*24), lty=1, col='blue')
+ #axis(1, labels=dm[,7], at=dm[,1])
+ #axis(2, las=1)
+ #m<-round(max(as.numeric(dm[,4])/(60*60*24)), 2)
+ #axis(2, labels=m, at=m, las=1)
+ #abline(h=m, lty=2, col='grey40')
+axis(1, labels=ot[3,l2:l], at=ot[1,l2:l], cex.axis=0.7)
+axis(2, las=1)
+mtext("2007 2008 2009", 1,2)
+tstamp_20041112 <-abline_at_date("2004-11-12", col='grey60', lty=2)
+tstamp_20050301 <-abline_at_date("2005-03-01", col='grey60', lty=2)
+tstamp_20050615 <-abline_at_date("2005-06-15", col='grey60', lty=2)
+tstamp_20051023 <-abline_at_date("2005-10-23", col='grey60', lty=2)
+tstamp_20070101 <-abline_at_date("2007-01-01", col='grey60', lty=2)
+tstamp_20070501 <-abline_at_date("2007-05-01", col='grey60', lty=2)
+tstamp_20080601 <-abline_at_date("2008-06-01", col='grey60', lty=2)
+tstamp_20080815 <-abline_at_date("2008-08-15", col='grey60', lty=2)
+tstamp_20090501 <-abline_at_date("2009-05-01", col='grey60', lty=2)
+tstamp_20100201 <-abline_at_date("2010-02-01", col='white', lty=2)
+text(x=c( tstamp_20041112+(tstamp_20050301-tstamp_20041112)/2,
+ tstamp_20050301+(tstamp_20050615-tstamp_20050301)/2,
+ tstamp_20050615+(tstamp_20051023-tstamp_20050615)/2,
+ tstamp_20051023+(tstamp_20070101-tstamp_20051023)/2,
+ tstamp_20070101+(tstamp_20070501-tstamp_20070101)/2,
+ tstamp_20080601+(tstamp_20080815-tstamp_20080601)/2,
+ tstamp_20090501+(tstamp_20100201-tstamp_20090501)/2 ),
+ y=c(120),
+ labels=c('3.0', '3.1', '3.1S', '3.2', '4.0', '4.2', '4.3'))
--- /dev/null
+# system("./extract_all.py 2007-* > ../findbad_raw_2007.csv")
+# system("./extract_all.py 2008-* > ../findbad_raw_2008.csv")
+# system("./extract_all.py 2009-* > ../findbad_raw_2009.csv")
+fb7 <- read.csv('findbad_raw_2007.csv', sep=',', header=TRUE)
+fb8 <- read.csv('findbad_raw_2008.csv', sep=',', header=TRUE)
+fb9 <- read.csv('findbad_raw_2009.csv', sep=',', header=TRUE)
+online_nodes <- function (fb)
+ breaks <- unique(fb$timestamp)
+ n<-NULL
+ o<-NULL
+ x<-NULL
+ for (i in seq(1,length(breaks)) )
+ {
+ ts <- breaks[i]
+ sub <- fb[which(fb$timestamp == ts),]
+ node_count <- length(unique(sub$hostname))
+ online_count <- length(unique(sub$hostname[which(sub$state=='BOOT')]))
+ x<-c(x,ts)
+ n<-c(n,node_count)
+ o<-c(o,online_count)
+ }
+ print(length(x))
+ print(length(n))
+ print(length(o))
+ return (rbind(x,n,o))
+z7<- online_nodes(fb7)
+z8<- online_nodes(fb8)
+z9<- online_nodes(fb9)
+plot(c(z7[1,],z8[1,],z9[1,]), log(c(z7[2,], z8[2,],z9[2,])),
+ ylim=c(0,7), xlim=c(min(x1), max(x1)), type='p', pch='.', axes=F)
+points(c(z7[1,],z8[1,],z9[1,]) , log(c(z7[3,], z8[3,],z9[3,])), pch='.')
+t_july08 <-unclass(as.POSIXct("2008-07-01", origin="1970-01-01"))[1]
+breaks <- unique(fb8$timestamp[which(fb8$timestamp < t_july08)])
+fb8_boot <- fb8$timestamp[which(fb8$state=="BOOT" & fb8$timestamp < t_july08)]
+h8<-hist(fb8_boot, breaks=breaks[which(!is.na(breaks) & breaks!=0)])
+breaks <- unique(as.numeric(as.character(fb9$timestamp)))
+fb9_boot <- as.numeric(as.character(fb9$timestamp[which(fb9$state=="BOOT")]))
+hist(fb9_boot, breaks=breaks[which(!is.na(breaks) & breaks >= 1230775020)])
x_start<-unclass(as.POSIXct("2008-05-07", origin="1970-01-01"))[1]
x_end <-unclass(as.POSIXct("2009-06-1", origin="1970-01-01"))[1]
-plot(dnc2$start[which(!is.na(dnc2$available))], dnc2$registered[which(!is.na(dnc2$available))],
- type='l', col='blue', ylim=c(0,900), xlim=c(x_start, x_end),
- xlab="Date", ylab="Node Count", axes=F)
-lines(dnc2$start[which(!is.na(dnc2$available))], dnc2$available[which(!is.na(dnc2$available))], type='l', col='red', ylim=c(0,900))
+start_image("daily-node-count.png", height=400)
+#plot(dnc2$start[which(!is.na(dnc2$available))], dnc2$registered[which(!is.na(dnc2$available))],
+# type='l', col='blue', ylim=c(0,1000), xlim=c(x_start, x_end),
+# xlab="Date", ylab="Node Count", axes=F)
+plot(dnc2$start[which(!is.na(dnc2$available))], dnc2$available[which(!is.na(dnc2$available))],
+ type='l', col='red', ylim=c(0,600), xlim=c(x_start, x_end),
+ xlab="Date", ylab="Online Node Count", axes=F)
+#lines(dnc2$start[which(!is.na(dnc2$available))], dnc2$available[which(!is.na(dnc2$available))],
+#type='l', col='red', ylim=c(0,1000))
+axis(2, las=1)
axis(1, labels=months, at=hbreaks)
- tstamp_1015+(tstamp_1105-tstamp_1015)/2,
+ tstamp_1015+(tstamp_1214-tstamp_1015)/2,
labels=c("Kernel bug", 'fix1', 'fix2', 'fix3', 'Notice bug', 'fix4')) #, 'fix 2', 'fix 3', 'fix 4'))
-legend(unclass(as.POSIXct("2009-03-13", origin="1970-01-01"))[1], 200,
+mtext("2008 2009", 1,2)
+legend(unclass(as.POSIXct("2009-03-13", origin="1970-01-01"))[1], 100,
- legend=c("Registered", "Available", 'Kernel Update', 'MyOps Event'),
- pch=c('-', '-', '-', '-'),
- col=c('blue', 'red', 'grey20', 'grey70'),
- lty=c(1, 1, 2, 1), merge=T)
+ legend=c("Online", 'Kernel Update', 'MyOps Event'),
+ pch=c('-', '-', '-'),
+ col=c('red', 'grey20', 'grey70'),
+ lty=c(1, 2, 1), merge=T)
+ #legend=c("Registered", "Online", 'Kernel Update', 'MyOps Event'),
+ #pch=c('-', '-', '-', '-'),
+ #col=c('blue', 'red', 'grey20', 'grey70'),
+ #lty=c(1, 1, 2, 1), merge=T)
--- /dev/null
+nsh <- read.csv('node_status_history.csv', sep=',', header=TRUE)
+# system("./harvest_nodehistory.py > node_status_history_nopcu.csv")
+nsh_nopcu <- read.csv('node_status_history_nopcu.csv', sep=',', header=TRUE)
+nsh_m1 <- read.csv('node_status_history_m1.csv', sep=',', header=TRUE)
+# system("stats-m1/harvest_nodehistory_m1.py > ./node_status_history_m1_nopcu.csv")
+nsh_m1_nopcu <- read.csv('node_status_history_m1_nopcu.csv', sep=',', header=TRUE)
+nsh_m1_nopcu_may <- read.csv('node_status_history_m1_nopcu_may08sep08.csv', sep=',', header=TRUE)
+node_hist_image <- function (t, year, from, to, max=0, type="week", title="")
+ dates <-seq(as.Date(from), as.Date(to), type)
+ months <- format(dates, "%b-%d")
+ hbreaks<-unclass(as.POSIXct(dates))
+ image <- matrix(data=0, nrow=max(as.numeric(t$hostname)), ncol=length(hbreaks))
+ for ( i in seq(1, length(hbreaks)) )
+ {
+ # find the range : d plus a day
+ d <- hbreaks[i]
+ d_end <- d+60*60*24
+ # find unique hosts in this day range
+ t_sub <- t[which(t$start > d & t$start <= d_end & t$status == 'down'),]
+ unique_hosts <- unique(t_sub$hostname)
+ if (length(unique_hosts) == 0 ) { next }
+ host_n_list <- unique_hosts
+ host_s_list <- as.character(unique_hosts)
+ for ( hi in seq(1, length(unique_hosts)) )
+ {
+ host_s <- host_s_list[hi]
+ host_n <- host_n_list[hi]
+ # events for this host after d (to avoid already identified events)
+ ev <- t[which(t$hostname == host_s & t$start > d ),]
+ print (sprintf("events length for host %s %s", host_s, length(ev$start)));
+ # get down events for this host
+ down_ev_index_list <- which(ev$status == 'down')
+ for ( e_i in down_ev_index_list )
+ {
+ if ( e_i == length(ev$status) ) {
+ # then the node ends down, so fill in the rest with 1.
+ for ( j in seq(i,length(hbreaks)) ) {
+ image[host_n,j] <- 1
+ }
+ } else {
+ # then there is a subsequent 'good' event
+ good_ev <- ev[e_i+1,]
+ down_ev <- ev[e_i,]
+ dbreaks <- seq(d,good_ev$start+60*60*24,60*60*24)
+ # for every index for time d, to good_ev$start
+ l<-length(dbreaks)
+ print (sprintf("length %s",l));
+ for ( j in seq(i,i+l) )
+ {
+ image[host_n,j] <- 1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ myImagePlot(image, xLabels=months, yLabels=c(""), title=title)
+ return (image);
+node_hist_dist <- function (t, year, from, to, max=0, type="week", title="")
+ dates <-seq(as.Date(from), as.Date(to), type)
+ months <- format(dates, "%b-%d")
+ hbreaks<-unclass(as.POSIXct(dates))
+ current_ts <- unclass(as.POSIXct(Sys.Date()))
+ dist <- NULL
+ unique_hosts <- unique(t$hostname)
+ host_n_list <- unique_hosts
+ host_s_list <- as.character(unique_hosts)
+ down <- 0
+ for ( hi in seq(1, length(unique_hosts)) )
+ {
+ host_s <- host_s_list[hi]
+ host_n <- host_n_list[hi]
+ # events for this host after d (to avoid already identified events)
+ ev <- t[which( t$hostname == host_s ),]
+ print (sprintf("events length for host %s %s", host_s, length(ev$start)));
+ # get down events for this host
+ down_ev_index_list <- which(ev$status == 'down')
+ for ( e_i in down_ev_index_list )
+ {
+ # when equal, there is no resolution so leave it as down
+ if ( e_i != length(ev$status) ) {
+ good_ev <- ev[e_i+1,]
+ down_ev <- ev[e_i,]
+ dist <- c(dist, good_ev$start - down_ev$start)
+ } else if ( e_i == length(ev$status) && length(ev$status) == 1) {
+ print (sprintf("DOWN FOREVER! %s", length(ev$start) ))
+ down <- down + 1
+ dist <- c(dist, 10*current_ts - ev$start)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ print(down);
+ return (dist);
+nsh_image <- node_hist_image(nsh, '2009', '2009-06-01', '2010-02-28', 0, 'day')
+nsh_image_m1 <- node_hist_image(nsh_m1, '2009', '2008-10-01', '2009-03-28', 0, 'day')
+nsh_short <- nsh[which(nsh$start > unclass(as.POSIXct("2009-06-01", origin="1970-01-01"))[1]),]
+nsh_short <- nsh_short[which(nsh_short$start < unclass(as.POSIXct("2009-10-31", origin="1970-01-01"))[1]),]
+nsh_short <- nsh_nopcu
+nsh_dist <- node_hist_dist(nsh_short, '2009', '2009-06-01', '2010-02-28', 0, 'day')
+d<- ecdf(nsh_dist/(60*60*24))
+#nsh_m1_short <- nsh_m1[which(nsh_m1$start > unclass(as.POSIXct("2008-10-01", origin="1970-01-01"))[1]),]
+nsh_m1_short <- nsh_m1_nopcu
+# NOTE: something happened betweeen 10-2 and 10-3
+t_1015 <- unclass(as.POSIXct("2008-10-15", origin="1970-01-01"))[1]
+t_0224 <- unclass(as.POSIXct("2009-02-24", origin="1970-01-01"))[1]
+nsh_m1_short <- nsh_m1_nopcu[which(nsh_m1_nopcu$start > t_1015 & nsh_m1_nopcu$start <= t_0224),]
+nsh_m1_short <- nsh_m1_nopcu
+nsh_dist_m1 <- node_hist_dist(nsh_m1_short, '2008', '2008-10-01', '2009-03-22', 0, 'day')
+d_m1<- ecdf(nsh_dist_m1/(60*60*24))
+t_0530 <- unclass(as.POSIXct("2008-05-30", origin="1970-01-01"))[1]
+t_0815 <- unclass(as.POSIXct("2008-08-15", origin="1970-01-01"))[1]
+nsh_m1_short <- nsh_m1_nopcu_may[which(nsh_m1_nopcu_may$start > t_0530 & nsh_m1_nopcu_may$start <= t_0815),]
+nsh_dist_m1 <- node_hist_dist(nsh_m1_short, '2008', '2008-05-10', '2008-08-15', 0, 'day')
+d_m1_may <- ecdf(nsh_dist_m1/(60*60*24))
+# d<-ecdf(nsh_dist[which(nsh_dist/(60*60*24) < 90 )]/(60*60*24)),
+# 180 ~= 6 months.
+plot(d, xlim=c(0,180), ylim=c(0,1), axes=F, xlab="Days to Resolve", ylab="Percentile",
+ col.hor='red', col.vert='red', pch='.', col.points='red', main="")
+plot(d_m1, xlim=c(0,180), ylim=c(0,1), xlab="Days to Resolve", ylab="Percentile",
+ col.hor='blue', col.vert='blue', pch='.', col.points='blue', add=TRUE)
+plot(d_m1_may, xlim=c(0,180), ylim=c(0,1), xlab="Days to Resolve", ylab="Percentile",
+ col.hor='green', col.vert='green', pch='.', col.points='green', add=TRUE)
+weeks <- c(0,7,14,21,28,60,90,120,150,180)
+axis(1, labels=weeks, at=weeks)
+percentages <- c(0,0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.85, 0.95, 1)
+axis(2, las=1, labels=percentages, at=percentages)
+abline(v=c(7,14,21,28), col='grey80', lty=2)
+abline(h=c(0.5, 0.6, 0.75, 0.85, 0.95 ), col='grey80', lty=2)
+abline(v=c(91), col='grey80', lty=2)
+legend(100, 0.1,
+ cex=0.7,
+ legend=c("Typical MyOps -- July2009-Feb2010", "Notice Bug -- Oct2008-Mar2009", "Kernel Bug -- May2008-Sept2008"),
+ pch=c('-', '-', '-'),
+ col=c('red', 'blue', 'green'),
+ lty=c(1, 1, 1), merge=T)
--- /dev/null
+# data collected from M3 fb db
+# system("./harvest_nodestatus.py > node-status-jun09-feb10.csv")
+ns <- read.csv('node-status-jun09-feb10.csv', sep=',', header=TRUE)
+available_nodes <- function (ns, from, to, type, fmt="%b")
+ # find 'type' range of days
+ dates <-seq(as.Date(from), as.Date(to), type)
+ months <- format(dates, fmt)
+ hbreaks<-unclass(as.POSIXct(dates))
+ xx<-NULL;
+ yy<-NULL;
+ for ( i in seq(1,length(hbreaks)-1) )
+ {
+ # get range from ns
+ ns_sub <- ns[which(ns$date > hbreaks[i] & ns$date <= hbreaks[i+1] & ns$status == 'BOOT'),]
+ nodes <- length(ns_sub$date)
+ xx<- c(xx, hbreaks[i])
+ yy<- c(yy, nodes)
+ }
+ m<- months[1:length(months)-1]
+ return (rbind(xx,yy,m))
+an <- available_nodes(ns, "2009-06-10", "2010-02-28", 'day')
+x_start<-unclass(as.POSIXct("2009-06-10", origin="1970-01-01"))[1]
+x_end <-unclass(as.POSIXct("2010-02-28", origin="1970-01-01"))[1]
+sx<-an[1,][which(as.numeric(an[2,]) > 100)]
+sy<-an[2,][which(as.numeric(an[2,]) > 100)]
+plot(sx, sy,
+ type='l', col='blue', ylim=c(0,1000), xlim=c(x_start, x_end),
+ xlab="Date", ylab="Node Count", axes=F)
+axis(2, las=1)
+axis(1, labels=months, at=hbreaks)
--- /dev/null
+available_nodes <- function (ns, from, to, type, fmt="%b")
+ # find 'type' range of days
+ dates <-seq(as.Date(from), as.Date(to), type)
+ months <- format(dates, fmt)
+ hbreaks<-unclass(as.POSIXct(dates))
+ xx<-NULL;
+ yy<-NULL;
+ for ( i in seq(1,length(hbreaks)-1) )
+ {
+ # get range from ns
+ ns_sub <- ns[which(ns$date > hbreaks[i] & ns$date <= hbreaks[i+1] & ns$status == 'BOOT'),]
+ nodes <- length(ns_sub$date)
+ xx<- c(xx, hbreaks[i])
+ yy<- c(yy, nodes)
+ }
+ m<- months[1:length(months)-1]
+ return (rbind(xx,yy,m))
+open_tickets <- function (t, from, to, type, fmt="%b")
+ # find 'type' range of days
+ dates <-seq(as.Date(from), as.Date(to), type)
+ months <- format(dates, fmt)
+ hbreaks<-unclass(as.POSIXct(dates))
+ xx<-NULL;
+ yy<-NULL;
+ for ( i in seq(1,length(hbreaks)-1) )
+ {
+ # identify any tickets with a start time in range, lastreply in range
+ # or where both start is less and lastreply is greater than the range
+ t_sub <- t[which( (t$start < hbreaks[i] & t$lastreply > hbreaks[i+1]) |
+ (t$start > hbreaks[i] & t$start <= hbreaks[i+1]) |
+ (t$lastreply > hbreaks[i] & t$lastreply <= hbreaks[i+1]) ),]
+ tickets <- length(t_sub$start)
+ #if ( nrow(t_sub) > 0 ){
+ # for ( j in seq(1,nrow(t_sub)) )
+ # {
+ # #print(sprintf("id %s, date %s", t_sub[i,'ticket_id'], t_sub[i,'s1']))
+ # print(sprintf("id %s, date %s", t_sub[j,]$ticket_id, t_sub[j, 's1']))
+ # }
+ #}
+ xx<- c(xx, hbreaks[i])
+ yy<- c(yy, tickets)
+ }
+ m<- months[1:length(months)-1]
+ return (rbind(xx,yy,m))
+online_nodes <- function (fb)
+ breaks <- unique(fb$timestamp)
+ n<-NULL
+ o<-NULL
+ x<-NULL
+ for (i in seq(1,length(breaks)) )
+ {
+ ts <- breaks[i]
+ sub <- fb[which(fb$timestamp == ts),]
+ node_count <- length(unique(sub$hostname))
+ online_count <- length(unique(sub$hostname[which(sub$state=='BOOT')]))
+ x<-c(x,ts)
+ n<-c(n,node_count)
+ o<-c(o,online_count)
+ }
+ print(length(x))
+ print(length(n))
+ print(length(o))
+ return (rbind(x,n,o))
+lowess_smooth <- function (x, y, delta=(60*60*24), f=0.02)
+ a<-lowess(x, y, delta=delta, f=f)
+ return (a);
+# system("parse_rt_data.py 3 > rt_data.csv");
+t <- read.csv('rt_data_2004-2010.csv', sep=',', header=TRUE)
+t2 <- t[which(t$complete == 1),]
+ot <- open_tickets(t2, '2004/1/1', '2010/2/28', 'day', "%b")
+a_ot<-lowess_smooth(x1, y1)
+plot(x1, y1, col='grey80', type='l', axes=F,
+ ylab="Open Tickets (tickets/day)", xlab="Date",
+ ylim=c(0,120)) # , ylim=c(0,260))
+lines(a_ot$x, round(a_ot$y), col='black')
+#axis(1, labels=ot[3,], at=ot[1,], cex.axis=0.7)
+axis(2, las=1)
+#mtext("2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009", 1,2)
+#abline_at_date('2005-01-01', 'grey60')
+#abline_at_date('2006-01-01', 'grey60')
+#abline_at_date('2007-01-01', 'grey60')
+#abline_at_date('2008-01-01', 'grey60')
+#abline_at_date('2009-01-01', 'grey60')
+#abline_at_date('2010-01-01', 'grey60')
+abline(h=25, lty=2, col='grey80')
+abline(h=40, lty=2, col='grey80')
+tstamp_20041112 <-abline_at_date("2004-11-12", col='grey60', lty=2)
+tstamp_20050301 <-abline_at_date("2005-03-01", col='grey60', lty=2)
+tstamp_20050615 <-abline_at_date("2005-06-15", col='grey60', lty=2)
+tstamp_20051023 <-abline_at_date("2005-10-23", col='grey60', lty=2)
+tstamp_20070101 <-abline_at_date("2007-01-01", col='grey60', lty=2)
+tstamp_20070501 <-abline_at_date("2007-05-01", col='grey60', lty=2)
+tstamp_20080601 <-abline_at_date("2008-06-01", col='grey60', lty=2)
+tstamp_20080815 <-abline_at_date("2008-08-15", col='grey60', lty=2)
+tstamp_20090501 <-abline_at_date("2009-05-01", col='grey60', lty=2)
+tstamp_20100201 <-abline_at_date("2010-02-01", col='white', lty=2)
+text(x=c( tstamp_20041112+(tstamp_20050301-tstamp_20041112)/2,
+ tstamp_20050301+(tstamp_20050615-tstamp_20050301)/2,
+ tstamp_20050615+(tstamp_20051023-tstamp_20050615)/2,
+ tstamp_20051023+(tstamp_20070101-tstamp_20051023)/2,
+ tstamp_20070101+(tstamp_20070501-tstamp_20070101)/2,
+ tstamp_20080601+(tstamp_20080815-tstamp_20080601)/2,
+ tstamp_20090501+(tstamp_20100201-tstamp_20090501)/2 ),
+ y=c(120),
+ labels=c('3.0', '3.1', '3.1S', '3.2', '4.0', '4.2', '4.3'))
+for ( s in c(7) )
+ d<- median_time_to_resolve_window(t2, "2004/1/1", "2010/2/28", s, "%b")
+ plot(d[,1], exp(as.numeric(d[,5]))/24, type='l', lty=1, xlab="",
+ axes=F, ylim=c(0.01, 15), ylab="Resolution Time by", col='grey50',
+ xlim=c(min(x1), max(x1)))
+ mtext("Quartile (days)", 2, 2)
+ lines(d[,1], exp(as.numeric(d[,4]))/24, lty=1, col='black')
+ lines(d[,1], exp(as.numeric(d[,3]))/24, lty=1, col='grey50')
+ #axis(1, labels=d[,7], at=d[,1])
+ axis(1, labels=ot[3,], at=ot[1,], cex.axis=0.7)
+ mtext("2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009", 1,2)
+ axis(2, las=1)
+ m<-round(max(exp(as.numeric(d[,4]))/24), 2)
+ axis(2, labels=m, at=m, las=1)
+ abline(h=m, lty=2, col='grey40')
+tstamp_20041112 <-abline_at_date("2004-11-12", col='grey60', lty=2)
+tstamp_20050301 <-abline_at_date("2005-03-01", col='grey60', lty=2)
+tstamp_20050615 <-abline_at_date("2005-06-15", col='grey60', lty=2)
+tstamp_20051023 <-abline_at_date("2005-10-23", col='grey60', lty=2)
+tstamp_20070101 <-abline_at_date("2007-01-01", col='grey60', lty=2)
+tstamp_20070501 <-abline_at_date("2007-05-01", col='grey60', lty=2)
+tstamp_20080601 <-abline_at_date("2008-06-01", col='grey60', lty=2)
+tstamp_20080815 <-abline_at_date("2008-08-15", col='grey60', lty=2)
+tstamp_20090501 <-abline_at_date("2009-05-01", col='grey60', lty=2)
+tstamp_20100201 <-abline_at_date("2010-02-01", col='white', lty=2)
+text(x=c( tstamp_20041112+(tstamp_20050301-tstamp_20041112)/2,
+ tstamp_20050301+(tstamp_20050615-tstamp_20050301)/2,
+ tstamp_20050615+(tstamp_20051023-tstamp_20050615)/2,
+ tstamp_20051023+(tstamp_20070101-tstamp_20051023)/2,
+ tstamp_20070101+(tstamp_20070501-tstamp_20070101)/2,
+ tstamp_20080601+(tstamp_20080815-tstamp_20080601)/2,
+ tstamp_20090501+(tstamp_20100201-tstamp_20090501)/2 ),
+ y=c(15),
+ labels=c('3.0', '3.1', '3.1S', '3.2', '4.0', '4.2', '4.3'))
#h<-hist(log(d2), plot=F, breaks=50)
#lines(h$breaks[which(h$counts!=0)], h$counts[which(h$counts!=0)])
# this doesn't work as I would like. I think the bins aren't as I expect
#h <- hist(d, plot=F, breaks=c(seq(0,max(d)+1, .1)))
#plot(h$counts, log="x", pch=20, col="blue",
-tstamp_45 <-unclass(as.POSIXct("2005-01-01", origin="1960-01-01"))[1]
-tstamp_56 <-unclass(as.POSIXct("2006-01-01", origin="1960-01-01"))[1]
-tstamp_67 <-unclass(as.POSIXct("2007-01-01", origin="1960-01-01"))[1]
-tstamp_78 <-unclass(as.POSIXct("2008-01-01", origin="1960-01-01"))[1]
-tstamp_89 <-unclass(as.POSIXct("2009-01-01", origin="1960-01-01"))[1]
-tstamp_90 <-unclass(as.POSIXct("2010-01-01", origin="1960-01-01"))[1]
+tstamp_45 <-unclass(as.POSIXct("2005-01-01", origin="1970-01-01"))[1]
+tstamp_56 <-unclass(as.POSIXct("2006-01-01", origin="1970-01-01"))[1]
+tstamp_67 <-unclass(as.POSIXct("2007-01-01", origin="1970-01-01"))[1]
+tstamp_78 <-unclass(as.POSIXct("2008-01-01", origin="1970-01-01"))[1]
+tstamp_89 <-unclass(as.POSIXct("2009-01-01", origin="1970-01-01"))[1]
+tstamp_90 <-unclass(as.POSIXct("2010-01-01", origin="1970-01-01"))[1]
t_4 <- t2[which( t2$start < tstamp_45 ),]
year_hist(t_9, "2009", "2008/12/28", "2010/1/30", 85)
+h4<-year_hist(t_4, "2004", "2003/12/28", "2005/2/7", 0, type='month', fmt="%b")
+h5<-year_hist(t_5, "2005", "2005/1/2", "2006/2/7", 0, type='month', fmt="%b")
+h6<-year_hist(t_6, "2006", "2006/1/1", "2007/2/7", 0, type='month', fmt="%b")
+h7<-year_hist(t_7, "2007", "2006/12/31", "2008/2/7", 0, type='month', fmt="%b")
+h8<-year_hist(t_8, "2008", "2007/12/30", "2009/2/7", 0, type='month', fmt="%b")
+h9<-year_hist(t_9, "2009", "2008/12/28", "2010/1/30", 0, type='month', fmt="%b")
+hall<-year_hist(t2, "200x", "2004/1/1", "2010/3/28", 0, type='month', fmt="%b")
+threshold <- function (hall, d, from, to, type, fmt="%b")
+ dates <-seq(as.Date(from), as.Date(to), type)
+ months <- format(dates, fmt)
+ hbreaks<-unclass(as.POSIXct(dates))
+ x<-seq(1,length(hall$breaks))
+ a_x<-x[which(hall$counts>d)]
+ a_y<-hall$counts[which(hall$counts>d)]
+ b_x<-x[which(hall$counts<d)]
+ b_y<-hall$counts[which(hall$counts<d)]
+ plot(a_x, a_y, type='p', col='red', ylim=c(0,260), xlim=c(0,81), axes=F)
+ points(b_x, b_y, type='p', col='blue', ylim=c(0,260), xlim=c(0,81))
+ axis(1, labels=months, at=x)
+ axis(2)
+ abline(v=seq(13,length(months),12))
+years <- 7
+b<- seq(1,years*12,12)
+for (i in seq(1,years) )
+ if ( i+1 > length(b) ) {
+ yy<- rbind(yy,hall$counts[b[i]:length(hall$counts)])
+ } else {
+ yy<- rbind(yy,hall$counts[b[i]:b[i+1]-1])
+ }
+yy[7,3:12]<-0 # no data for beyond feb.
+y2<-NULL ; for ( i in seq(1,12) ) { y2<-c(y2,sum(yy[,i])) }
+start_image('rt_aggregate_months.png', width=600, height=300)
+barplot(y2, space=.1, width=.9, col=c('blue','red', 'red', 'red', 'red',
+ 'blue', 'blue', 'red', 'red', 'red', 'blue', 'blue'),
+ xlab="Months", ylab="Sum of Tickets over 6 years")
+axis(1, labels=c('Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug',
+ 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'), at=c(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11)+.5)
+cc<-NULL ;
+for (i in 1:length(yy))
+ if ( t(yy)[i] < 80 )
+ {
+ cc<- c(cc, 'blue')
+ } else {
+ cc<- c(cc, 'red')
+ }
+barplot(yy, col=cc)
+# skip 2007
+start_image('rt_aggregate_months_no2007.png', width=600, height=300)
+y3<-NULL ; for ( i in seq(1,12) ) { y3<-c(y3,sum(yy[1:3,i], yy[5:7,i])) }
+barplot(y3, , space=.1, width=.9, col=c('blue','blue', 'red', 'red', 'red',
+ 'blue', 'blue', 'red', 'red', 'red', 'blue', 'blue'),
+ xlab="Months", ylab="Sum of Tickets over 6 years")
+axis(1, labels=c('Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug',
+ 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'), at=c(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11)+.5)
return (h);
+median_time_to_resolve_window <- function (t, from, to, window, fmt="%b")
+ # find 'type' range of days
+ dates <-seq(as.Date(from), as.Date(to), 'week')
+ months <- format(dates, fmt)
+ hbreaks<-unclass(as.POSIXct(dates))
+ xx<-NULL;
+ yy<-NULL;
+ yy_sd_high<-NULL;
+ yy_sd_low<-NULL;
+ date_index <- NULL;
+ q_list <- NULL;
+ x<-seq(-20,20,0.01)
+ for ( i in seq(1,length(hbreaks)-window-1) )
+ {
+ print (sprintf("round %s of %s", i, length(hbreaks)-window-1))
+ # get range from t
+ t_sub <- t[which(t$start > hbreaks[i] & t$start<= hbreaks[i+window]),]
+ if ( length(t_sub$start) <= 1 ) { next }
+ # take log, then sn.mle -> h
+ d <- (t_sub$lastreply - t_sub$start)/(60*60) # hours
+ d <- log(d) # log(hours)
+ # sn.mle
+ print (sprintf("length: %s", length(d)))
+ q<-quantile(d)
+ print(q)
+ date_index <- c(date_index, round(i+window/2))
+ xx<- c(xx, hbreaks[round(i+window/2)])
+ q_list <- rbind(q_list, q)
+ }
+ m<- months[date_index]
+ return (cbind(xx,q_list, m))
+mean_time_to_resolve_window <- function (t, from, to, window, fmt="%b")
+ # find 'type' range of days
+ dates <-seq(as.Date(from), as.Date(to), 'week')
+ months <- format(dates, fmt)
+ hbreaks<-unclass(as.POSIXct(dates))
+ xx<-NULL;
+ yy<-NULL;
+ yy_sd_high<-NULL;
+ yy_sd_low<-NULL;
+ date_list <- NULL;
+ x<-seq(-20,20,0.01)
+ for ( i in seq(1,length(hbreaks)-window-1) )
+ {
+ print (sprintf("round %s of %s", i, length(hbreaks)-window-1))
+ # get range from t
+ t_sub <- t[which(t$start > hbreaks[i] & t$start<= hbreaks[i+window]),]
+ if ( length(t_sub$start) <= 1 ) { next }
+ # take log, then sn.mle -> h
+ d <- (t_sub$lastreply - t_sub$start)/(60*60) # hours
+ d <- log(d) # log(hours)
+ # sn.mle
+ print (sprintf("length: %s", length(d)))
+ avg<-mean(d)
+ s<-sd(d)
+ r<-shapiro.test(d) #, mean=avg, sd=s)
+ if ( r$statistic < 0.9 ){
+ print (r);
+ }
+ m<-dnorm(x, mean=avg, sd=s)
+ print(avg)
+ # find max of y
+ y_peak <- x[which(m==max(m))]
+ print(y_peak)
+ # plot point date, max(y)
+ xx<- c(xx, hbreaks[round(i+window/2)])
+ yy<- c(yy, y_peak)
+ yy_sd_high<- y_peak + s
+ yy_sd_low <- y_peak - s
+ date_list <- c(date_list, dates[i])
+ # plot whisker2(x0,y0,y0_hi,y0_lo)
+ }
+ l<-length(months)-window-1
+ m<- months[1:l]
+ return (rbind(xx,yy,yy_sd_high, yy_sd_low, m))
+sknorm_time_to_resolve_window <- function (t, from, to, window, fmt="%b")
+ # find 'type' range of days
+ dates <-seq(as.Date(from), as.Date(to), 'week')
+ months <- format(dates, fmt)
+ hbreaks<-unclass(as.POSIXct(dates))
+ xx<-NULL;
+ yy<-NULL;
+ yy_sd_high<-NULL;
+ yy_sd_low<-NULL;
+ date_list <- NULL;
+ x<-seq(-20,20,0.01)
+ for ( i in seq(1,length(hbreaks)-window-1) )
+ {
+ print (sprintf("round %s of %s", i, length(hbreaks)-window-1))
+ # get range from t
+ t_sub <- t[which(t$start > hbreaks[i] & t$start<= hbreaks[i+window]),]
+ if ( length(t_sub$start) <= 1 ) { next }
+ # take log, then sn.mle -> h
+ d <- (t_sub$lastreply - t_sub$start)/(60*60) # hours
+ d <- log(d) # log(hours)
+ # sn.mle
+ print (sprintf("length: %s", length(d)))
+ h<-sn.em(y=d)
+ if ( abs(h$cp['skewness']) > 0.95 )
+ {
+ print(h)
+ next # just skip it
+ }
+ # find dsn() using h parameters -> y
+ m<-dsn(x, dp=cp.to.dp(h$cp))
+ # find max of y
+ y_peak <- x[which(m==max(m))]
+ # plot point date, max(y)
+ xx<- c(xx, hbreaks[round(i+window/2)])
+ yy<- c(yy, y_peak)
+ yy_sd_high<- y_peak + h$cp['s.d.']
+ yy_sd_low <- y_peak - h$cp['s.d.']
+ date_list <- c(date_list, dates[i])
+ # plot whisker2(x0,y0,y0_hi,y0_lo)
+ }
+ l<-length(months)-window-1
+ m<- months[1:l]
+ return (rbind(xx,yy,yy_sd_high, yy_sd_low, m))
+# NOTE: Try something simpler, like median of the log of ttr.
+# it's going to be a lot of work to explain lsn distributions. something
+# more obvious would be a lot easier.
+for ( s in c(7)) #,14,21) )
+ d<- median_time_to_resolve_window(t2, "2004/1/1", "2010/2/28", s, "%b%y")
+ plot(d[,1], exp(as.numeric(d[,5]))/24, type='l', lty=1, xlab="",
+ axes=F, ylim=c(0.01, 15), ylab="Days to Resolve", col='orange')
+ lines(d[,1], exp(as.numeric(d[,4]))/24, lty=1, col='red')
+ lines(d[,1], exp(as.numeric(d[,3]))/24, lty=1, col='black')
+ axis(1, labels=d[,7], at=d[,1])
+ axis(2, las=1)
+ m<-round(max(exp(as.numeric(d[,4]))/24), 2)
+ axis(2, labels=m, at=m, las=1)
+ abline(h=m, lty=2, col='grey40')
+# monitor
+ d2<- median_time_to_resolve_window(m2, "2007/02/1", "2010/2/28", s, "%b%y")
+ plot(d[,1], exp(as.numeric(d[,2]))/24, type='l', lty=1, xlab="",
+ axes=F, ylim=c(0.01, 165), ylab="Days to Resolve", col='white')
+ lines(d2[,1], exp(as.numeric(d2[,5]))/24, lty=1, col='red')
+ lines(d2[,1], exp(as.numeric(d2[,4]))/24, lty=1, col='red')
+ lines(d2[,1], exp(as.numeric(d2[,3]))/24, lty=1, col='black')
+ axis(1, labels=d[,7], at=d[,1])
+ axis(2, las=1)
+ m<-round(max(exp(as.numeric(d2[,4]))/24), 2)
+ axis(2, labels=m, at=m, las=1)
+ abline(h=m, lty=2, col='grey40')
+mean_time_to_resolve <- function (t, from, to, type, fmt="%b")
+ # find 'type' range of days
+ dates <-seq(as.Date(from), as.Date(to), type)
+ months <- format(dates, fmt)
+ hbreaks<-unclass(as.POSIXct(dates))
+ xx<-NULL;
+ yy<-NULL;
+ yy_sd_high<-NULL;
+ yy_sd_low<-NULL;
+ date_list <- NULL;
+ for ( i in seq(1,length(hbreaks)-1) )
+ {
+ # get range from t
+ t_sub <- t[which(t$start > hbreaks[i] & t$start<= hbreaks[i+1]),]
+ if ( length(t_sub$start) == 0 ) { next }
+ # take log, then sn.mle -> h
+ d <- (t_sub$lastreply - t_sub$start)/(60*60) # hours
+ d <- log(d) # log(hours)
+ # sn.mle
+ h<-sn.em(y=d)
+ if ( abs(h$cp['skewness']) > 0.95 )
+ {
+ print(h)
+ }
+ # find dsn() using h parameters -> y
+ x<-seq(-8,10,0.01)
+ m<-dsn(x, dp=cp.to.dp(h$cp))
+ # find max of y
+ y_peak <- x[which(m==max(m))]
+ # plot point date, max(y)
+ xx<- c(xx, hbreaks[i])
+ yy<- c(yy, y_peak)
+ yy_sd_high<- y_peak + h$cp['s.d.']
+ yy_sd_low <- y_peak - h$cp['s.d.']
+ date_list <- c(date_list, dates[i])
+ # plot whisker2(x0,y0,y0_hi,y0_lo)
+ }
+ m<- months[1:length(months)-1]
+ return (rbind(xx,yy,yy_sd_high, yy_sd_low, m))
+for ( s in c("10 days", "2 weeks", "3 weeks", "month", "2 months"))
+#for ( s in c("month") )
+ d<- mean_time_to_resolve(t2, "2004/1/1", "2010/2/28", s, "%b%y")
+ plot(d[1,], exp(as.numeric(d[2,]))/24, type='l', axes=F)
+ points(d[1,], exp(as.numeric(d[2,]))/24, pch=23)
+ axis(1, labels=d[5,], at=d[1,])
+ axis(2)
tstamp <-unclass(as.POSIXct("2007-05-01", origin="1960-01-01"))
-t_7a <- t_7[which(t_7$start < tstamp),]
+t_7a <- t_7[t_rep <- read.csv('rt_replies.csv', sep=',', header=TRUE)
+t2_rep <- t_rep[which(t_rep$complete == 1),]
+t2_rep <- t_rep[which(t_rep$diff != 0),]
+which(t_7$start < tstamp),]
t_7b <- t_7[which(t_7$start >= tstamp),]
arrows(x0, y0, x0, y0_low, code=2, angle=90, length=length, col=col)
+# NOTE: ** monthly averages might make a more compelling case than annual averages.
lines(mx_tt_resolve_list, mdays_tt_resolve, col='blue')
points(mx_tt_resolve_list, mdays_tt_resolve, pch=c(24))
-ticks<-c(0,0.01, 0.1, 0.5,1,2,4,7,21, 28, 7*8, 7*16)
+ticks<-c(0,0.01, 0.1, 0.5,1,2,4,7,14,21, 28, 60, 120)
axis(1, labels=c('2004', '2005', '2006', '2007', '2008', '2009'), at=x_tick_list)
-axis(2, labels=ticks, at=ticks)
+axis(2, las=1, labels=ticks, at=ticks)
mtext("Days to Resolve Message", 2, line=3)
#axis(2, labels=ticks, at=ticks)
#for (i in 1:length(days_y_sd_list) ) {
mdays_tt_resolve_high[i], mdays_tt_resolve_low[i], col='blue')
+abline(h=120,col='grey80', lty=2)
+abline(h=21,col='grey80', lty=2)
+abline(h=7,col='grey80', lty=2)
+abline(h=2,col='grey80', lty=2)
+abline(h=0.5,col='grey80', lty=2)
+abline(h=0.1,col='grey80', lty=2)
legend(1, .05,
+# system("./parse_rt_replies.py 3> rt_replies.csv")
+t_rep <- read.csv('rt_replies.csv', sep=',', header=TRUE)
+t2_rep <- t_rep[which(t_rep$complete == 1),]
+t2_rep <- t_rep[which(t_rep$diff != 0),]
+mean_diff_time <- function (t, from, to, type, fmt="%b")
+ # find 'type' range of days
+ dates <-seq(as.Date(from), as.Date(to), type)
+ months <- format(dates, fmt)
+ hbreaks<-unclass(as.POSIXct(dates))
+ xx<-NULL;
+ yy<-NULL;
+ yy_sd_high<-NULL;
+ yy_sd_low<-NULL;
+ date_list <- NULL;
+ for ( i in seq(1,length(hbreaks)-1) )
+ {
+ # get range from t
+ t_sub <- t[which(t$prev > hbreaks[i] & t$prev <= hbreaks[i+1]),]
+ if ( length(t_sub$start) == 0 ) { next }
+ # take log, then sn.mle -> h
+ d <- (abs(t_sub$diff)/(60*60))
+ d <- log(d) # log(hours)
+ # sn.mle
+ h<-sn.em(y=d)
+ if ( abs(h$cp['skewness']) > 0.95 )
+ {
+ print(h)
+ }
+ # find dsn() using h parameters -> y
+ x<-seq(-8,10,0.01)
+ m<-dsn(x, dp=cp.to.dp(h$cp))
+ # find max of y
+ y_peak <- x[which(m==max(m))]
+ # plot point date, max(y)
+ xx<- c(xx, hbreaks[i])
+ yy<- c(yy, y_peak)
+ yy_sd_high<- y_peak + h$cp['s.d.']
+ yy_sd_low <- y_peak - h$cp['s.d.']
+ date_list <- c(date_list, dates[i])
+ # plot whisker2(x0,y0,y0_hi,y0_lo)
+ }
+ m<- months[1:length(months)-1]
+ return (rbind(xx,yy,yy_sd_high, yy_sd_low, m))
+for ( s in c("2 weeks", "3 weeks", "month", "2 months"))
+#for ( s in c("month") )
+ d<- mean_diff_time(t2_rep, "2004/1/1", "2010/2/28", s, "%b%y")
+ plot(d[1,], exp(as.numeric(d[2,]))/24, type='l', axes=F)
+ points(d[1,], exp(as.numeric(d[2,]))/24, pch=23)
+ axis(1, labels=d[5,], at=d[1,])
+ axis(2)
--- /dev/null
+# system("parse_rt_data.py 3 > rt_data.csv");
+t <- read.csv('rt_data_2004-2010.csv', sep=',', header=TRUE)
+t2 <- t[which(t$complete == 1),]
+open_tickets <- function (t, from, to, type, fmt="%b")
+ # find 'type' range of days
+ dates <-seq(as.Date(from), as.Date(to), type)
+ months <- format(dates, fmt)
+ hbreaks<-unclass(as.POSIXct(dates))
+ xx<-NULL;
+ yy<-NULL;
+ for ( i in seq(1,length(hbreaks)-1) )
+ {
+ # get range from t
+ t_sub <- t[which(t$start > hbreaks[i] & t$lastreply <= hbreaks[i+1]),]
+ tickets <- length(t_sub$start)
+ #if ( nrow(t_sub) > 0 ){
+ # for ( j in seq(1,nrow(t_sub)) )
+ # {
+ # #print(sprintf("id %s, date %s", t_sub[i,'ticket_id'], t_sub[i,'s1']))
+ # print(sprintf("id %s, date %s", t_sub[j,]$ticket_id, t_sub[j, 's1']))
+ # }
+ #}
+ xx<- c(xx, hbreaks[i])
+ yy<- c(yy, tickets)
+ }
+ m<- months[1:length(months)-1]
+ return (rbind(xx,yy,m))
+ot <- open_tickets(t2, '2004/1/1', '2010/2/28', 'week', "%b%y")
+plot(ot[1,], ot[2,], axes=F)
+y<- ot[2,]
+axis(1, labels=ot[3,], at=ot[1,])
+ot <- open_tickets(t2, '2004/1/1', '2010/2/28', 'day', "%b%y")
+# remove zero
+lines(x1, y1, axes=F, pch='.')
+axis(1, labels=ot[3,], at=ot[1,])
+#lines(ot[1,], ot[2,])
+a<-lowess(x1, y1, delta=(60*60*24), f=0.03)
+#y<-rollmedian(y1, 5)
+lines(x, y, col='red')
+lines(x, round(y), col='blue')
+#lines(x, ceiling(y), col='blue')
+abline_at_date('2005-01-01', 'grey40')
+abline_at_date('2006-01-01', 'grey40')
+abline_at_date('2007-01-01', 'grey40')
+abline_at_date('2008-01-01', 'grey40')
+abline_at_date('2009-01-01', 'grey40')
+abline_at_date('2010-01-01', 'grey40')
y<- rbind(support=s_list, monitor=m_list)
barplot(y, space=0.5, width=1, ylim=c(0,2000), xlim=c(0,9),
col=c('grey35', 'grey85'),
- legend=F, ylab="Messages with One or More Replies", xlab="Year")
+ legend=F, ylab="Tickets with One or More Replies", xlab="Year", axes=F)
scale_by <- 1500 / 700
lines(x_online_node_list, y_online_node_list*scale_by)
points(x_online_node_list, y_online_node_list*scale_by, pch=c(22))
ticks<-c(0, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700)
axis(1, labels=c('2004', '2005', '2006', '2007', '2008', '2009'), at=x_online_node_list)
-axis(4, labels=ticks, at=ticks*scale_by)
+axis(2, las=1)
+axis(4, las=1, labels=ticks, at=ticks*scale_by)
mtext("Online Node Count", 4, line=3)
legend(6.5, 2000,
- legend=c("Online Node Count", "MyOps Messages", "Support Messages"),
+ legend=c("Online Node Count", "MyOps Tickets", "Support Tickets"),
fill=c(0, 'grey85', 'grey40'),
lty=c(1,0,0), merge=T)
+t_list <- s_list + m_list
+plot(x_online_node_list, t_list / y_online_node_list, ylim=c(0,5), space=0.5, width=1, legend=F, ylab="Tickets per Online Node", xlab="Year", xlim=c(0,9), axes=F, type='l')
+points(x_online_node_list, t_list / y_online_node_list, ylim=c(0,5), xlim=c(0,9), pch=c(23))
+axis(1, labels=c('2004', '2005', '2006', '2007', '2008', '2009'), at=x_online_node_list)
+legend(5.5, 1,
+ cex=0.7,
+ legend=c("Tickets per Online Node"),
+ pch=c(23),
+ #fill=c('grey85'),
+ lty=c(1), merge=T)
--- /dev/null
+available_nodes <- function (ns, from, to, type, fmt="%b")
+ # find 'type' range of days
+ dates <-seq(as.Date(from), as.Date(to), type)
+ months <- format(dates, fmt)
+ hbreaks<-unclass(as.POSIXct(dates))
+ xx<-NULL;
+ yy<-NULL;
+ for ( i in seq(1,length(hbreaks)-1) )
+ {
+ # get range from ns
+ ns_sub <- ns[which(ns$date > hbreaks[i] & ns$date <= hbreaks[i+1] & ns$status == 'BOOT'),]
+ nodes <- length(ns_sub$date)
+ xx<- c(xx, hbreaks[i])
+ yy<- c(yy, nodes)
+ }
+ m<- months[1:length(months)-1]
+ return (rbind(xx,yy,m))
+open_tickets <- function (t, from, to, type, fmt="%b")
+ # find 'type' range of days
+ dates <-seq(as.Date(from), as.Date(to), type)
+ months <- format(dates, fmt)
+ hbreaks<-unclass(as.POSIXct(dates))
+ xx<-NULL;
+ yy<-NULL;
+ for ( i in seq(1,length(hbreaks)-1) )
+ {
+ # identify any tickets with a start time in range, lastreply in range
+ # or where both start is less and lastreply is greater than the range
+ t_sub <- t[which( (t$start < hbreaks[i] & t$lastreply > hbreaks[i+1]) |
+ (t$start > hbreaks[i] & t$start <= hbreaks[i+1]) |
+ (t$lastreply > hbreaks[i] & t$lastreply <= hbreaks[i+1]) ),]
+ tickets <- length(t_sub$start)
+ #if ( nrow(t_sub) > 0 ){
+ # for ( j in seq(1,nrow(t_sub)) )
+ # {
+ # #print(sprintf("id %s, date %s", t_sub[i,'ticket_id'], t_sub[i,'s1']))
+ # print(sprintf("id %s, date %s", t_sub[j,]$ticket_id, t_sub[j, 's1']))
+ # }
+ #}
+ xx<- c(xx, hbreaks[i])
+ yy<- c(yy, tickets)
+ }
+ m<- months[1:length(months)-1]
+ return (rbind(xx,yy,m))
+online_nodes <- function (fb)
+ breaks <- unique(fb$timestamp)
+ n<-NULL
+ o<-NULL
+ x<-NULL
+ for (i in seq(1,length(breaks)) )
+ {
+ ts <- breaks[i]
+ sub <- fb[which(fb$timestamp == ts),]
+ node_count <- length(unique(sub$hostname))
+ online_count <- length(unique(sub$hostname[which(sub$state=='BOOT')]))
+ x<-c(x,ts)
+ n<-c(n,node_count)
+ o<-c(o,online_count)
+ }
+ print(length(x))
+ print(length(n))
+ print(length(o))
+ return (rbind(x,n,o))
+lowess_smooth <- function (x, y, delta=(60*60*24), f=0.02)
+ a<-lowess(x, y, delta=delta, f=f)
+ return (a);
+ns <- read.csv('node-status-jun09-feb10.csv', sep=',', header=TRUE)
+an <- available_nodes(ns, "2009-06-10", "2010-02-28", 'day')
+an_x<-an[1,][which(as.numeric(an[2,]) > 100)]
+an_y<-an[2,][which(as.numeric(an[2,]) > 100)]
+#fb7 <- read.csv('findbad_raw_2007.csv', sep=',', header=TRUE)
+#fb8 <- read.csv('findbad_raw_2008.csv', sep=',', header=TRUE)
+#fb9 <- read.csv('findbad_raw_2009.csv', sep=',', header=TRUE)
+z7<- online_nodes(fb7)
+z8<- online_nodes(fb8)
+z9<- online_nodes(fb9)
+zx <- c(z7[1,],z8[1,],z9[1,])
+zy_reg <- c(z7[2,], z8[2,],z9[2,])
+zy_avail <- c(z7[3,], z8[3,],z9[3,])
+a_reg<-lowess_smooth(zx, zy_reg)
+plot(a_reg$x, a_reg$y,
+ ylim=c(0,700), xlim=c(min(x1), max(x1)), type='l', pch='.', axes=F,
+ ylab="Online Node Count", xlab="")
+sx <- zx[which(zy_avail > 330)]
+sy <- zy_avail[which(zy_avail > 330)]
+sx <- c(sx[1:2037],sx[2061:length(sx)])
+sy <- c(sy[1:2037],sy[2061:length(sy)])
+sx <- c(sx[1:1699],sx[1701:1707],sx[1709:length(sx)])
+sy <- c(sy[1:1699],sy[1701:1707],sy[1709:length(sy)])
+lines(sx, sy, col='grey80', pch='.')
+lines(an_x, an_y, col='grey80', pch='.')
+a_avail<-lowess_smooth(zx, zy_avail)
+lines(a_avail$x, a_avail$y, col='red', pch='.')
+a_avail_m3<-lowess_smooth(an_x, an_y)
+lines(a_avail_m3$x, a_avail_m3$y, col='red', pch='.')
+axis(2, las=1)
+x_online_node_list <- c(tstamp("2004-6-1"), tstamp("2005-6-1"), tstamp("2006-6-1"), tstamp("2007-11-1"))
+y_online_node_list <- c(330, 480, 500, 550)
+lines(x_online_node_list, y_online_node_list, col='grey80')
+#abline_at_date('2005-01-01', 'grey60')
+#abline_at_date('2006-01-01', 'grey60')
+#abline_at_date('2007-01-01', 'grey60')
+#abline_at_date('2008-01-01', 'grey60')
+#abline_at_date('2009-01-01', 'grey60')
+#abline_at_date('2010-01-01', 'grey60')
+tstamp_20041201 <-abline_at_date("2004-12-01", col='grey60', lty=2)
+tstamp_20050301 <-abline_at_date("2005-03-01", col='grey60', lty=2)
+tstamp_20050701 <-abline_at_date("2005-07-01", col='grey60', lty=2)
+tstamp_20051101 <-abline_at_date("2005-11-01", col='grey60', lty=2)
+tstamp_20051201 <-abline_at_date("2005-12-01", col='grey60', lty=2)
+tstamp_20070101 <-abline_at_date("2007-01-01", col='grey60', lty=2)
+tstamp_20070501 <-abline_at_date("2007-05-01", col='grey60', lty=2)
+tstamp_20080601 <-abline_at_date("2008-06-01", col='grey60', lty=2)
+tstamp_20080815 <-abline_at_date("2008-08-15", col='grey60', lty=2)
+tstamp_20090501 <-abline_at_date("2009-05-01", col='grey60', lty=2)
+tstamp_20100201 <-abline_at_date("2010-02-01", col='white', lty=2)
+text(x=c( tstamp_20041201+(tstamp_20050301-tstamp_20041201)/2,
+ tstamp_20050301+(tstamp_20050701-tstamp_20050301)/2,
+ tstamp_20050701+(tstamp_20051101-tstamp_20050701)/2,
+ tstamp_20051201+(tstamp_20070101-tstamp_20051201)/2,
+ tstamp_20070101+(tstamp_20070501-tstamp_20070101)/2,
+ tstamp_20080601+(tstamp_20080815-tstamp_20080601)/2,
+ tstamp_20090501+(tstamp_20100201-tstamp_20090501)/2 ),
+ y=c(700),
+ labels=c('3.0', '3.1', '3.1S', '3.2', '4.0', '4.2', '4.3'))
+# system("parse_rt_data.py 3 > rt_data.csv");
+t <- read.csv('rt_data_2004-2010.csv', sep=',', header=TRUE)
+t2 <- t[which(t$complete == 1),]
+ot <- open_tickets(t2, '2004/1/1', '2010/2/28', 'day', "%b")
+a_ot<-lowess_smooth(x1, y1)
+plot(x1, y1, col='grey80', type='l', axes=F, ylab="Open Tickets", xlab="Date") # , ylim=c(0,260))
+lines(a_ot$x, round(a_ot$y), col='red')
+axis(1, labels=ot[3,], at=ot[1,], cex.axis=0.7)
+axis(2, las=1)
+mtext("2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009", 1,2)
+abline_at_date('2005-01-01', 'grey60')
+abline_at_date('2006-01-01', 'grey60')
+abline_at_date('2007-01-01', 'grey60')
+abline_at_date('2008-01-01', 'grey60')
+abline_at_date('2009-01-01', 'grey60')
+abline_at_date('2010-01-01', 'grey60')
+abline(h=25, lty=2, col='grey80')
+abline(h=40, lty=2, col='grey80')
+m <- read.csv('rt_monitor_data.csv', sep=',', header=TRUE)
+m2 <- m[which(m$complete == 1),]
+otm <- open_tickets(m2, '2004/1/1', '2010/2/28', 'day', "%b")
+a<-lowess(xm, ym, delta=(60*60*24), f=0.02)
+lines(x, round(y), col='blue')
+#t_july08 <-unclass(as.POSIXct("2008-07-01", origin="1970-01-01"))[1]
+#breaks <- unique(fb8$timestamp[which(fb8$timestamp < t_july08)])
+#fb8_boot <- fb8$timestamp[which(fb8$state=="BOOT" & fb8$timestamp < t_july08)]
+#h8<-hist(fb8_boot, breaks=breaks[which(!is.na(breaks) & breaks!=0)])
+#breaks <- unique(as.numeric(as.character(fb9$timestamp)))
+#fb9_boot <- as.numeric(as.character(fb9$timestamp[which(fb9$state=="BOOT")]))
+#hist(fb9_boot, breaks=breaks[which(!is.na(breaks) & breaks >= 1230775020)])