--- /dev/null
+from __future__ import print_function
+from argparse import ArgumentParser
+from sfa.util.config import Config
+from sfa.storage.alchemy import alchemy
+from sfa.storage.model import RegRecord
+from sfa.trust.hierarchy import Hierarchy
+WARNING : This script is not exactly thoroughly tested
+* backup the sfa db
+* backup the /var/lib/sfa/authorities tree
+* make sure to keep all this for a while
+ in case for example the old uuids turn out to be needed
+Regenerates gids; mostly useful when your root gid is old or obsolete
+for any other reason (like, it's still md5 signed)
+all : regenerate everything no matter what, including toplevel gid
+safe : regenerate everything *except* toplevel
+incremental : was useful during development mostly;
+authorities : a new gid is issued
+users : a new gid is created with email, pubkey, and uuid restored from the previous ones
+. do the backups - see above
+. shutdown your sfa service
+. rm -rf /var/lib/sfa/authorities
+. run the script (run directly with python, no entry point is installed in PATH)
+. restart the service
+. on the client side, trash any old sscert or gids or similar
+class SfaResetGids:
+ def __init__(self, session, tophrn):
+ self.session = session
+ self.tophrn = tophrn
+ def load_local_records(self):
+ """
+ read the database for records that start with tophrn.*
+ and sort them by hrn
+ """
+ # just making sure we don't mess with anything else
+ # than our own local business
+ self.records = self.session.query(RegRecord)\
+ .filter(RegRecord.hrn.op('~')("{}.*".format(self.tophrn)))\
+ .order_by(RegRecord.hrn)
+ def regenerate(self, policy='safe'):
+ """
+ For all local records, gid gets regenerated
+ policy parameter works as follows
+ * all :
+ all gids get renewed, including toplevel hrn, no matter what
+ * safe :
+ gid for toplevel hrn gets regenerated only if not yet existing
+ in SFA_DATA_DIR (i.e. /var/lib/sfa/authorities/<hrn>/hrn.{gid,key})
+ all others are redone
+ * incremental :
+ recreate only for entities not present in SFA_DATA_DIR
+ """
+ count_auths, count_users = 0, 0
+ hierarchy = Hierarchy()
+ for record in self.records:
+ ########## not an autority nor a user : ignored
+ if 'authority' not in record.type and 'user' not in record.type:
+ message = ''
+ if record.gid:
+ message = '[GID cleared]'
+ record.gid = None
+ print("SKP (non-auth) {} {} : {}"
+ .format(message, record.type, record.hrn))
+ continue
+ ########## toplevel : be careful
+ if record.hrn == self.tophrn:
+ if policy != 'all':
+ print("SKP (toplevel) - type={} - policy={}"
+ .format(record.type, policy))
+ continue
+ ########## user : rebuild a gid from pubkey and email
+ if record.type == 'user':
+ hrn = str(record.hrn)
+ gid = record.get_gid_object()
+ uuid = gid.get_uuid()
+ pub = gid.get_pubkey()
+ email = gid.get_email()
+ print("pub {} uuid {}... email {}".format(pub, str(uuid)[:6], email))
+ new_gid = hierarchy.create_gid(hrn, uuid, pub, email=email)
+ new_gid_str = new_gid.save_to_string()
+ record.gid = new_gid_str
+ print("NEW {} {} [{}]".format(record.type, record.hrn, email))
+ count_users += 1
+ continue
+ ########## authorities
+ if policy in ('all', 'safe'):
+ redo = True
+ else:
+ redo = not hierarchy.auth_exists(record.hrn)
+ if not redo:
+ print("IGN (existing) {}".format(record.hrn))
+ else:
+ print("NEW {} {}".format(record.type, record.hrn))
+ # because we have it sorted we should not need create_parents
+ gid = hierarchy.create_auth(str(record.hrn))
+ record.gid = gid
+ count_auths += 1
+ #
+ print("Committing to the DB {} new auth gids and {} new user gids"
+ .format(count_auths, count_users))
+ self.session.commit()
+ return True
+ def main(self):
+ parser = ArgumentParser()
+ parser.add_argument("--policy", choices=('all', 'safe', 'incremental'),
+ default='safe')
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ self.load_local_records()
+ return 0 if self.regenerate(args.policy) else 1
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ session = alchemy.session()
+ tophrn = Config().SFA_REGISTRY_ROOT_AUTH
+ SfaResetGids(session, tophrn).main()