#from crispy_forms.layout import Submit
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
-class UserRegisterForm(forms.Form): # Not ModelForm
- """
- Form for registering a new user account.
- Validates that the requested username is not already in use, and
- requires the password to be entered twice to catch typos.
- Subclasses should feel free to add any additional validation they
- need, but should avoid defining a ``save()`` method -- the actual
- saving of collected user data is delegated to the active
- registration backend.
- """
- required_css_class = 'required'
- first_name = forms.RegexField(regex=r'^[\w+\s.@+-]+$',
- max_length=30,
- label=_("First name"),
- error_messages={'invalid': _("This value may contain only letters, numbers and @/./+/-/_ characters.")})
- last_name = forms.RegexField(regex=r'^[\w+\s.@+-]+$',
- max_length=30,
- label=_("Last name"),
- error_messages={'invalid': _("This value may contain only letters, numbers and @/./+/-/_ characters.")})
- affiliation = forms.RegexField(regex=r'^[\w+\s.@+-]+$',
- max_length=30,
- label=_("Affiliation"),
- error_messages={'invalid': _("This value may contain only letters, numbers and @/./+/-/_ characters.")})
- email = forms.EmailField(label=_("E-mail"))
- password1 = forms.CharField(widget=forms.PasswordInput,
- label=_("Password"))
- password2 = forms.CharField(widget=forms.PasswordInput,
- label=_("Password (again)"))
- keypair = forms.CharField( widget=forms.FileInput )
- #my_keypairs = forms.ChoiceField(widget = forms.Select(),
- # choices = ([('1','generate'), ('2','upload')]))
- tos = forms.BooleanField(widget=forms.CheckboxInput,
- label=_(u'I have read and agree to the Terms of Service'),
- error_messages={'required': _("You must agree to the terms to register")})
-# def clean_username(self):
-# """
-# Validate that the username is alphanumeric and is not already
-# in use.
-# """
-# existing = User.objects.filter(username__iexact=self.cleaned_data['username'])
-# if existing.exists():
-# raise forms.ValidationError(_("A user with that username already exists."))
-# else:
-# return self.cleaned_data['username']
- def clean_email(self):
- """
- Validate that the supplied email address is unique for the
- site.
- """
- if PendingUser.objects.filter(email__iexact=self.cleaned_data['email']):
- raise forms.ValidationError(_("This email address is already in use. Please supply a different email address."))
- return self.cleaned_data['email']
- def clean(self):
- """
- Verifiy that the values entered into the two password fields
- match. Note that an error here will end up in
- ``non_field_errors()`` because it doesn't apply to a single
- field.
- """
- if 'password1' in self.cleaned_data and 'password2' in self.cleaned_data:
- if self.cleaned_data['password1'] != self.cleaned_data['password2']:
- raise forms.ValidationError(_("The two password fields didn't match."))
- return self.cleaned_data
+# DEPRECATED # class UserRegisterForm(forms.Form): # Not ModelForm
+# DEPRECATED # Form for registering a new user account.
+# DEPRECATED # Validates that the requested username is not already in use, and
+# DEPRECATED # requires the password to be entered twice to catch typos.
+# DEPRECATED # Subclasses should feel free to add any additional validation they
+# DEPRECATED # need, but should avoid defining a ``save()`` method -- the actual
+# DEPRECATED # saving of collected user data is delegated to the active
+# DEPRECATED # registration backend.
+# DEPRECATED # required_css_class = 'required'
+# DEPRECATED # first_name = forms.RegexField(regex=r'^[\w+\s.@+-]+$',
+# DEPRECATED # max_length=30,
+# DEPRECATED # label=_("First name"),
+# DEPRECATED # error_messages={'invalid': _("This value may contain only letters, numbers and @/./+/-/_ characters.")})
+# DEPRECATED # last_name = forms.RegexField(regex=r'^[\w+\s.@+-]+$',
+# DEPRECATED # max_length=30,
+# DEPRECATED # label=_("Last name"),
+# DEPRECATED # error_messages={'invalid': _("This value may contain only letters, numbers and @/./+/-/_ characters.")})
+# DEPRECATED # affiliation = forms.RegexField(regex=r'^[\w+\s.@+-]+$',
+# DEPRECATED # max_length=30,
+# DEPRECATED # label=_("Affiliation"),
+# DEPRECATED # error_messages={'invalid': _("This value may contain only letters, numbers and @/./+/-/_ characters.")})
+# DEPRECATED # email = forms.EmailField(label=_("E-mail"))
+# DEPRECATED # password1 = forms.CharField(widget=forms.PasswordInput,
+# DEPRECATED # label=_("Password"))
+# DEPRECATED # password2 = forms.CharField(widget=forms.PasswordInput,
+# DEPRECATED # label=_("Password (again)"))
+# DEPRECATED # keypair = forms.CharField( widget=forms.FileInput )
+# DEPRECATED # #my_keypairs = forms.ChoiceField(widget = forms.Select(),
+# DEPRECATED # # choices = ([('1','generate'), ('2','upload')]))
+# DEPRECATED # tos = forms.BooleanField(widget=forms.CheckboxInput,
+# DEPRECATED # label=_(u'I have read and agree to the Terms of Service'),
+# DEPRECATED # error_messages={'required': _("You must agree to the terms to register")})
+# DEPRECATED # # def clean_username(self):
+# DEPRECATED # # """
+# DEPRECATED # # Validate that the username is alphanumeric and is not already
+# DEPRECATED # # in use.
+# DEPRECATED # # """
+# DEPRECATED # # existing = User.objects.filter(username__iexact=self.cleaned_data['username'])
+# DEPRECATED # # if existing.exists():
+# DEPRECATED # # raise forms.ValidationError(_("A user with that username already exists."))
+# DEPRECATED # # else:
+# DEPRECATED # # return self.cleaned_data['username']
+# DEPRECATED # def clean_email(self):
+# DEPRECATED # Validate that the supplied email address is unique for the
+# DEPRECATED # site.
+# DEPRECATED # if PendingUser.objects.filter(email__iexact=self.cleaned_data['email']):
+# DEPRECATED # raise forms.ValidationError(_("This email address is already in use. Please supply a different email address."))
+# DEPRECATED # return self.cleaned_data['email']
+# DEPRECATED # def clean(self):
+# DEPRECATED # Verifiy that the values entered into the two password fields
+# DEPRECATED # match. Note that an error here will end up in
+# DEPRECATED # ``non_field_errors()`` because it doesn't apply to a single
+# DEPRECATED # field.
+# DEPRECATED # if 'password1' in self.cleaned_data and 'password2' in self.cleaned_data:
+# DEPRECATED # if self.cleaned_data['password1'] != self.cleaned_data['password2']:
+# DEPRECATED # raise forms.ValidationError(_("The two password fields didn't match."))
+# DEPRECATED # return self.cleaned_data
# DEPRECATED # class Meta:
# DEPRECATED # model = PendingUser
return context
-class UserRegisterView(RegistrationView):
- """
- A registration backend which follows a simple workflow:
- 1. User signs up, inactive account is created.
- 2. Email is sent to user with activation link.
- 3. User clicks activation link, account is now active.
- Using this backend requires that
- * ``registration`` be listed in the ``INSTALLED_APPS`` setting
- (since this backend makes use of models defined in this
- application).
- * The setting ``ACCOUNT_ACTIVATION_DAYS`` be supplied, specifying
- (as an integer) the number of days from registration during
- which a user may activate their account (after that period
- expires, activation will be disallowed).
- * The creation of the templates
- ``registration/activation_email_subject.txt`` and
- ``registration/activation_email.txt``, which will be used for
- the activation email. See the notes for this backends
- ``register`` method for details regarding these templates.
- Additionally, registration can be temporarily closed by adding the
- setting ``REGISTRATION_OPEN`` and setting it to
- ``False``. Omitting this setting, or setting it to ``True``, will
- be interpreted as meaning that registration is currently open and
- permitt ed.
- Internally, this is accomplished via storing an activation key in
- an instance of ``registration.models.RegistrationProfile``. See
- that model and its custom manager for full documentation of its
- fields and supported operations.
- """
- form_class = UserRegisterForm
- def register(self, request, **cleaned_data):
- """
- Given a username, email address and password, register a new
- user account, which will initially be inactive.
- Along with the new ``User`` object, a new
- ``registration.models.RegistrationProfile`` will be created,
- tied to that ``User``, containing the activation key which
- will be used for this account.
- An email will be sent to the supplied email address; this
- email should contain an activation link. The email will be
- rendered using two templates. See the documentation for
- ``RegistrationProfile.send_activation_email()`` for
- information about these templates and the contexts provided to
- them.
- After the ``User`` and ``RegistrationProfile`` are created and
- the activation email is sent, the signal
- ``registration.signals.user_registered`` will be sent, with
- the new ``User`` as the keyword argument ``user`` and the
- class of this backend as the sender.
- """
- first_name = cleaned_data['first_name']
- last_name = cleaned_data['last_name']
- affiliation= cleaned_data['affiliation']
- email = cleaned_data['email']
- password = cleaned_data['password1']
- #password2 = cleaned_data['password2']
- keypair = cleaned_data['keypair']
- #if Site._meta.installed:
- # site = Site.objects.get_current()
- #else:
- # site = RequestSite(request)
- site = None
- new_user = PendingUser.objects.create_inactive_user(first_name, last_name, email, password, site)
- signals.user_registered.send(sender=self.__class__,
- user=new_user,
- request=request)
- return new_user
- def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
- context = super(UserRegisterView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
- context['topmenu_items'] = topmenu_items('Register', self.request)
- context['username'] = the_user (self.request)
- return context
- def registration_allowed(self, request):
- """
- Indicate whether account registration is currently permitted,
- based on the value of the setting ``REGISTRATION_OPEN``. This
- is determined as follows:
- * If ``REGISTRATION_OPEN`` is not specified in settings, or is
- set to ``True``, registration is permitted.
- * If ``REGISTRATION_OPEN`` is both specified and set to
- ``False``, registration is not permitted.
- """
- return getattr(settings, 'REGISTRATION_OPEN', True)
- def get_success_url(self, request, user):
- """
- Return the name of the URL to redirect to after successful
- user registration.
- """
- return ('user_register_complete', (), {})
-class UserValidateView(ActivationView):
- def activate(self, request, activation_key):
- """
- Given an an activation key, look up and activate the user
- account corresponding to that key (if possible).
- After successful activation, the signal
- ``registration.signals.user_activated`` will be sent, with the
- newly activated ``User`` as the keyword argument ``user`` and
- the class of this backend as the sender.
- """
- activated_user = RegistrationProfile.objects.activate_user(activation_key)
- if activated_user:
- signals.user_activated.send(sender=self.__class__,
- user=activated_user,
- request=request)
- return activated_user
- def get_success_url(self, request, user):
- return ('registration_activation_complete', (), {})
+# DEPRECATED #class UserRegisterView(RegistrationView):
+# DEPRECATED # A registration backend which follows a simple workflow:
+# DEPRECATED # 1. User signs up, inactive account is created.
+# DEPRECATED # 2. Email is sent to user with activation link.
+# DEPRECATED # 3. User clicks activation link, account is now active.
+# DEPRECATED # Using this backend requires that
+# DEPRECATED # * ``registration`` be listed in the ``INSTALLED_APPS`` setting
+# DEPRECATED # (since this backend makes use of models defined in this
+# DEPRECATED # application).
+# DEPRECATED # * The setting ``ACCOUNT_ACTIVATION_DAYS`` be supplied, specifying
+# DEPRECATED # (as an integer) the number of days from registration during
+# DEPRECATED # which a user may activate their account (after that period
+# DEPRECATED # expires, activation will be disallowed).
+# DEPRECATED # * The creation of the templates
+# DEPRECATED # ``registration/activation_email_subject.txt`` and
+# DEPRECATED # ``registration/activation_email.txt``, which will be used for
+# DEPRECATED # the activation email. See the notes for this backends
+# DEPRECATED # ``register`` method for details regarding these templates.
+# DEPRECATED # Additionally, registration can be temporarily closed by adding the
+# DEPRECATED # setting ``REGISTRATION_OPEN`` and setting it to
+# DEPRECATED # ``False``. Omitting this setting, or setting it to ``True``, will
+# DEPRECATED # be interpreted as meaning that registration is currently open and
+# DEPRECATED # permitt ed.
+# DEPRECATED # Internally, this is accomplished via storing an activation key in
+# DEPRECATED # an instance of ``registration.models.RegistrationProfile``. See
+# DEPRECATED # that model and its custom manager for full documentation of its
+# DEPRECATED # fields and supported operations.
+# DEPRECATED ## DEPRECATED # form_class = UserRegisterForm
+# DEPRECATED # def register(self, request, **cleaned_data):
+# DEPRECATED # Given a username, email address and password, register a new
+# DEPRECATED # user account, which will initially be inactive.
+# DEPRECATED # Along with the new ``User`` object, a new
+# DEPRECATED # ``registration.models.RegistrationProfile`` will be created,
+# DEPRECATED # tied to that ``User``, containing the activation key which
+# DEPRECATED # will be used for this account.
+# DEPRECATED # An email will be sent to the supplied email address; this
+# DEPRECATED # email should contain an activation link. The email will be
+# DEPRECATED # rendered using two templates. See the documentation for
+# DEPRECATED # ``RegistrationProfile.send_activation_email()`` for
+# DEPRECATED # information about these templates and the contexts provided to
+# DEPRECATED # them.
+# DEPRECATED # After the ``User`` and ``RegistrationProfile`` are created and
+# DEPRECATED # the activation email is sent, the signal
+# DEPRECATED # ``registration.signals.user_registered`` will be sent, with
+# DEPRECATED # the new ``User`` as the keyword argument ``user`` and the
+# DEPRECATED # class of this backend as the sender.
+# DEPRECATED # first_name = cleaned_data['first_name']
+# DEPRECATED # last_name = cleaned_data['last_name']
+# DEPRECATED # affiliation= cleaned_data['affiliation']
+# DEPRECATED # email = cleaned_data['email']
+# DEPRECATED # password = cleaned_data['password1']
+# DEPRECATED # #password2 = cleaned_data['password2']
+# DEPRECATED # keypair = cleaned_data['keypair']
+# DEPRECATED # #if Site._meta.installed:
+# DEPRECATED # # site = Site.objects.get_current()
+# DEPRECATED # #else:
+# DEPRECATED # # site = RequestSite(request)
+# DEPRECATED # site = None
+# DEPRECATED # new_user = PendingUser.objects.create_inactive_user(first_name, last_name, email, password, site)
+# DEPRECATED # signals.user_registered.send(sender=self.__class__,
+# DEPRECATED # user=new_user,
+# DEPRECATED # request=request)
+# DEPRECATED # return new_user
+# DEPRECATED # def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
+# DEPRECATED # context = super(UserRegisterView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
+# DEPRECATED # context['topmenu_items'] = topmenu_items('Register', self.request)
+# DEPRECATED # context['username'] = the_user (self.request)
+# DEPRECATED # return context
+# DEPRECATED # def registration_allowed(self, request):
+# DEPRECATED # Indicate whether account registration is currently permitted,
+# DEPRECATED # based on the value of the setting ``REGISTRATION_OPEN``. This
+# DEPRECATED # is determined as follows:
+# DEPRECATED # * If ``REGISTRATION_OPEN`` is not specified in settings, or is
+# DEPRECATED # set to ``True``, registration is permitted.
+# DEPRECATED # * If ``REGISTRATION_OPEN`` is both specified and set to
+# DEPRECATED # ``False``, registration is not permitted.
+# DEPRECATED # return getattr(settings, 'REGISTRATION_OPEN', True)
+# DEPRECATED # def get_success_url(self, request, user):
+# DEPRECATED # Return the name of the URL to redirect to after successful
+# DEPRECATED # user registration.
+# DEPRECATED # return ('user_register_complete', (), {})
+# DEPRECATED #class UserValidateView(ActivationView):
+# DEPRECATED # def activate(self, request, activation_key):
+# DEPRECATED # Given an an activation key, look up and activate the user
+# DEPRECATED # account corresponding to that key (if possible).
+# DEPRECATED # After successful activation, the signal
+# DEPRECATED # ``registration.signals.user_activated`` will be sent, with the
+# DEPRECATED # newly activated ``User`` as the keyword argument ``user`` and
+# DEPRECATED # the class of this backend as the sender.
+# DEPRECATED # activated_user = RegistrationProfile.objects.activate_user(activation_key)
+# DEPRECATED # if activated_user:
+# DEPRECATED # signals.user_activated.send(sender=self.__class__,
+# DEPRECATED # user=activated_user,
+# DEPRECATED # request=request)
+# DEPRECATED # return activated_user
+# DEPRECATED # def get_success_url(self, request, user):
+# DEPRECATED # return ('registration_activation_complete', (), {})
# DEPRECATED #from portal.portalpage import PortalPage
# DEPRECATED #from plugins.wizard import Wizard
# DEPRECATED #from plugins.form import CreateForm
return HttpResponse(message)
def register_4m_f4f(request):
- #return render(request, 'register_4m_f4f.html')
-#def reg_4m_f4f_process(request):
- if 'submit' in request.POST:
+ errors = []
+ if request.method == 'POST':
#get_email = PendingUser.objects.get(email)
- reg_fname = request.POST['firstname']
- reg_lname = request.POST['lastname']
- reg_aff = request.POST['affiliation']
- reg_email = request.POST['email'].lower()
+ reg_fname = request.POST.get('firstname', '')
+ reg_lname = request.POST.get('lastname', '')
+ reg_aff = request.POST.get('affiliation','')
+ reg_email = request.POST.get('email','').lower()
#POST value validation
if (re.search(r'^[\w+\s.@+-]+$', reg_fname)==None):
- messages.error(request, 'First Name may contain only letters, numbers, spaces and @/./+/-/_ characters.')
+ errors.append('First Name may contain only letters, numbers, spaces and @/./+/-/_ characters.')
#return HttpResponse("Only Letters, Numbers, - and _ allowd in First Name")
- return render(request, 'register_4m_f4f.html')
+ #return render(request, 'register_4m_f4f.html')
if (re.search(r'^[\w+\s.@+-]+$', reg_lname) == None):
- messages.error(request, 'Last Name may contain only letters, numbers, spaces and @/./+/-/_ characters.')
+ errors.append('Last Name may contain only letters, numbers, spaces and @/./+/-/_ characters.')
#return HttpResponse("Only Letters, Numbers, - and _ is allowed in Last name")
- return render(request, 'register_4m_f4f.html')
+ #return render(request, 'register_4m_f4f.html')
if (re.search(r'^[\w+\s.@+-]+$', reg_aff) == None):
- messages.error(request, 'Affiliation may contain only letters, numbers, spaces and @/./+/-/_ characters.')
+ errors.append('Affiliation may contain only letters, numbers, spaces and @/./+/-/_ characters.')
#return HttpResponse("Only Letters, Numbers and _ is allowed in Affiliation")
- return render(request, 'register_4m_f4f.html')
+ #return render(request, 'register_4m_f4f.html')
if PendingUser.objects.filter(email__iexact=reg_email):
- messages.error(request, 'Email already registered.Please provide a new email address.')
+ errors.append('Email already registered.Please provide a new email address.')
#return HttpResponse("Email Already exists")
- return render(request, 'register_4m_f4f.html')
+ #return render(request, 'register_4m_f4f.html')
if 'generate' in request.POST['question']:
#import os
#from M2Crypto import Rand, RSA, BIO
keypair = re.sub("\n", "\\n",keypair)
keypair = ''.join(keypair.split())
- return HttpResponse('Please upload a valid RSA public key [.txt or .pub].')
+ errors.append('Please upload a valid RSA public key [.txt or .pub].')
- b = PendingUser(first_name=reg_fname, last_name=reg_lname, affiliation=reg_aff,
- email=reg_email, password=request.POST['password'], keypair=keypair)
- b.save()
- return render(request, 'user_register_complete.html')
- return render(request, 'register_4m_f4f.html')
+ #b = PendingUser(first_name=reg_fname, last_name=reg_lname, affiliation=reg_aff,
+ # email=reg_email, password=request.POST['password'], keypair=keypair)
+ #b.save()
+ if not errors:
+ b = PendingUser(first_name=reg_fname, last_name=reg_lname, affiliation=reg_aff,
+ email=reg_email, password=request.POST['password'], keypair=keypair)
+ b.save()
+ return render(request, 'user_register_complete.html')
+ return render(request, 'register_4m_f4f.html',{
+ 'topmenu_items': topmenu_items('Register', request),
+ 'errors': errors,
+ 'firstname': request.POST.get('firstname', ''),
+ 'lastname': request.POST.get('lastname', ''),
+ 'affiliation': request.POST.get('affiliation', ''),
+ 'email': request.POST.get('email', ''),
+ 'password': request.POST.get('password', ''),
+ })
# view for contact form