return lower_first_name, lower_last_name
+ # XXX JORDAN: This function writes an error in the log but returns normally :))
def choose_sets_chars_for_login(self, lower_first_name, lower_last_name):
logger.error("LDAP LdapGenerateUniqueLogin failed : \
impossible to generate unique login for %s %s"
% (lower_first_name, lower_last_name))
+ logger.debug("JORDAN choose_sets_chars_for_login %d %s" % (index, login))
return index, login
def generate_password(self):
if index >= 9:
logger.error("LoginException : Generation login error \
with minimum four characters")
+ break
login = \
- index]
+ logger.debug("JORDAN trying login: %r" % login)
login_filter = '(uid=' + login + ')'
except KeyError:
print "lower_first_name - lower_last_name too short"
:rtype: string
+ logger.debug("JORDAN make_ldap_filters_from_record: %r" % record)
req_ldap = ''
req_ldapdict = {}
if record :
:rtype: dict
+ logger.debug("JORDAN make_ldap_attributes_from_record: %r" % record)
attrs = {}
attrs['objectClass'] = ["top", "person", "inetOrgPerson",
return attrs
def LdapAddUser(self, record) :
"""Add SFA user to LDAP if it is not in LDAP yet.
logger.debug(" \r\n \t LDAP LdapAddUser \r\n\r\n ================\r\n ")
user_ldap_attrs = self.make_ldap_attributes_from_record(record)
+ logger.debug("JORDAN LdapAddUser (ctd) user_ldap_attrs=%r" % user_ldap_attrs)
#Check if user already in LDAP wih email, first name and last name
filter_by = self.make_ldap_filters_from_record(user_ldap_attrs)
+ logger.debug("JORDAN LdapAddUser (ctd) filter_by = %r" % filter_by)
user_exist = self.LdapSearch(filter_by)
+ logger.debug("JORDAN LdapAddUser (ctd) user_exist = %r" % user_exist)
if user_exist:
logger.warning(" \r\n \t LDAP LdapAddUser user %s %s \
already exists" % (user_ldap_attrs['sn'],
#Bind to the server
result = self.conn.connect()
+ logger.debug("JORDAN LdapAddUser (ctd) result = %r" % result)
.. seealso:: make_ldap_filters_from_record for req_ldap format.
+ logger.debug("JORDAN LdapSearch, req_ldap=%r, expected_fields=%r" % (req_ldap, expected_fields))
result = self.conn.connect(bind=False)
if (result['bool']):
:rtype: dict or list
+ logger.debug("JORDAN LdapFindUser record=%r, is_user_enabled=%r, expected_fields=%r" % (record, is_user_enabled, expected_fields))
custom_record = {}
if is_user_enabled:
custom_record['enabled'] = is_user_enabled
if ldap_user:
- hrn = self.driver.testbed_shell.root_auth + '.' \
- + ldap_user['uid']
- user = self.driver.get_user_record(hrn)
+# hrn = self.driver.testbed_shell.root_auth + '.' \
+# + ldap_user['uid']
+ for hrn in slice_record['reg-researchers']:
+ user = self.driver.get_user_record(hrn)
+ if user:
+ break
logger.debug(" IOTLABSLICES \tverify_slice hrn %s USER %s"
% (hrn, user))
# % (users_dict, users_by_email))
existing_user_ids = []
- existing_user_emails = []
+ existing_users_by_email = dict()
existing_users = []
# Check if user is in Iotlab LDAP using its hrn.
# Assuming Iotlab is centralised : one LDAP for all sites,
user['login'] = user['uid']
# XXX LOIC Fix we already have all informations comming from Allocate
- #existing_user_emails.append(
- # users_dict[user['email']]['email'])
+ existing_users_by_email[user['email']] = user
logger.debug("User is in iotlab LDAP slice_record[user] = %s" % slice_user)
# User from another known trusted federated site. Check
# except KeyError:
# pass
- # users to be added, removed or updated
- #One user in one iotlab slice : there should be no need
- #to remove/ add any user from/to a slice.
- #However a user from SFA which is not registered in Iotlab yet
- #should be added to the LDAP.
- added_user_emails = set(requested_user_emails).\
- difference(set(existing_user_emails))
- #self.verify_keys(existing_slice_users, updated_users_list, \
- #peer, append)
- # XXX JORDAN the uid of the user is put in slice_record['login']
- added_persons = []
- # add new users
- #requested_user_email is in existing_user_emails
- if len(added_user_emails) == 0:
- slice_record['login'] = existing_users[0]['uid']
- #slice_record['login'] = users_dict[requested_user_emails[0]]['uid']
- logger.debug(" IOTLABSLICES \tverify_person QUICK DIRTY %s"
- % (slice_record))
- # XXX JORDAN uid == 'register'
- # XXX JORDAN i have no added_user_emails
- for added_user_email in added_user_emails:
- added_user = users_dict[added_user_email]
- logger.debug(" IOTLABSLICES \r\n \r\n \t verify_person \
- added_user %s" % (added_user))
- person = {}
- person['peer_person_id'] = None
- k_list = ['first_name', 'last_name', 'person_id']
- for k in k_list:
- if k in added_user:
- person[k] = added_user[k]
- # bug user without key
- if added_user['keys']:
- person['pkey'] = added_user['keys'][0]
- person['mail'] = added_user['email']
- person['email'] = added_user['email']
- person['key_ids'] = added_user.get('key_ids', [])
- ret = self.driver.AddPerson(person)
- if 'uid' in ret:
- # meaning bool is True and the AddPerson was successful
- person['uid'] = ret['uid']
- slice_record['login'] = person['uid']
+ # The function returns a list of added persons (to the LDAP ?)
+ added_persons = list()
+ # We go though each requested user and make sure it exists both in the
+ # LDAP and in the local DB
+ for user_email in requested_user_emails:
+ user = users_by_email[user_email]
+ person = {
+ 'peer_person_id': None,
+ 'mail' : user['email'],
+ 'email' : user['email'],
+ 'key_ids' : user.get('key_ids', []),
+ 'hrn' : users_by_email[user['email']]['hrn'],
+ }
+ if 'first_name' in user:
+ person['first_name'] = user['first_name']
+ if 'last_name' in user:
+ person['last_name'] = user['last_name']
+ if 'person_id' in user:
+ person['person_id'] = user['person_id']
+ if user['keys']:
+ # XXX Only one key is kept for IoTLAB
+ person['pkey'] = user['keys'][0]
+ # LDAP
+ if users_by_email not in existing_users_by_email.keys():
+ ret = self.driver.AddPerson(person)
+ if 'uid' in ret:
+ person['uid'] = ret['uid']
+ added_persons.append(person)
+ else:
+ logger.debug(" IOTLABSLICES ret message %s" %(ret))
- # error message in ret
- logger.debug(" IOTLABSLICES ret message %s" %(ret))
+ person['uid'] = existing_users_by_email[user['email']]['uid']
- logger.debug(" IOTLABSLICES \r\n \r\n \t THE SECOND verify_person\
- person %s" % (person))
- #Update slice_Record with the id now known to LDAP
+ # Local DB
+ self.driver.add_person_to_db(person)
+ # Set the login in the slice_record XXX
+ slice_record['login'] = existing_users[0]['uid']
- added_persons.append(person)
return added_persons
+#DEPRECATED| # users to be added, removed or updated
+#DEPRECATED| #One user in one iotlab slice : there should be no need
+#DEPRECATED| #to remove/ add any user from/to a slice.
+#DEPRECATED| #However a user from SFA which is not registered in Iotlab yet
+#DEPRECATED| #should be added to the LDAP.
+#DEPRECATED| added_user_emails = set(requested_user_emails).\
+#DEPRECATED| difference(set(existing_user_emails))
+#DEPRECATED| #self.verify_keys(existing_slice_users, updated_users_list, \
+#DEPRECATED| #peer, append)
+#DEPRECATED| # XXX JORDAN the uid of the user is put in slice_record['login']
+#DEPRECATED| added_persons = []
+#DEPRECATED| # add new users
+#DEPRECATED| #requested_user_email is in existing_user_emails
+#DEPRECATED| if len(added_user_emails) == 0:
+#DEPRECATED| slice_record['login'] = existing_users[0]['uid']
+#DEPRECATED| #slice_record['login'] = users_dict[requested_user_emails[0]]['uid']
+#DEPRECATED| logger.debug(" IOTLABSLICES \tverify_person QUICK DIRTY %s"
+#DEPRECATED| % (slice_record))
+#DEPRECATED| # XXX JORDAN uid == 'register'
+#DEPRECATED| logger.debug("JORDAN USERS BY EMAIL: %r" % users_by_email)
+#DEPRECATED| # XXX JORDAN i have no added_user_emails
+#DEPRECATED| logger.debug("JORDAN: added_user_emails: %r" % added_user_emails)
+#DEPRECATED| for added_user_email in added_user_emails:
+#DEPRECATED| added_user = users_dict[added_user_email]
+#DEPRECATED| logger.debug(" IOTLABSLICES \r\n \r\n \t verify_person \
+#DEPRECATED| added_user %s" % (added_user))
+#DEPRECATED| person = {}
+#DEPRECATED| person['peer_person_id'] = None
+#DEPRECATED| k_list = ['first_name', 'last_name', 'person_id']
+#DEPRECATED| for k in k_list:
+#DEPRECATED| if k in added_user:
+#DEPRECATED| person[k] = added_user[k]
+#DEPRECATED| # bug user without key
+#DEPRECATED| if added_user['keys']:
+#DEPRECATED| person['pkey'] = added_user['keys'][0]
+#DEPRECATED| person['mail'] = added_user['email']
+#DEPRECATED| person['email'] = added_user['email']
+#DEPRECATED| person['key_ids'] = added_user.get('key_ids', [])
+#DEPRECATED| # This is the only call to AddPerson. We need to be sure to provide
+#DEPRECATED| # the right hrn, by default it used to be done in the function like
+#DEPRECATED| # this:
+#DEPRECATED| # person['hrn'] = self.testbed_shell.root_auth + '.' + ret['uid']
+#DEPRECATED| person['hrn'] = users_by_email[added_user['email']]['hrn']
+#DEPRECATED| # This only deals with the LDAP (now)
+#DEPRECATED| ret = self.driver.AddPerson(person)
+#DEPRECATED| # This will check if we have a record in the local DB and add it if necessary
+#DEPRECATED| self.__add_person_to_db(person)
+#DEPRECATED| if 'uid' in ret:
+#DEPRECATED| # meaning bool is True and the AddPerson was successful
+#DEPRECATED| person['uid'] = ret['uid']
+#DEPRECATED| slice_record['login'] = person['uid']
+#DEPRECATED| # error message in ret
+#DEPRECATED| logger.debug(" IOTLABSLICES ret message %s" %(ret))
+#DEPRECATED| logger.debug(" IOTLABSLICES \r\n \r\n \t THE SECOND verify_person\
+#DEPRECATED| person %s" % (person))
+#DEPRECATED| #Update slice_Record with the id now known to LDAP
+#DEPRECATED| added_persons.append(person)
+#DEPRECATED| return added_persons
def verify_keys(self, persons, users, peer, options=None):