pcucontrol-GITPATH := git://git.planet-lab.org/pcucontrol.git@pcucontrol-1.0-13
rvm-ruby-BRANCH := planetlab
-rvm-ruby-GITPATH := git://git.onelab.eu/rvm-ruby.git@rvm-ruby-1.22.9-1
+rvm-ruby-GITPATH := git://git.onelab.eu/rvm-ruby.git@planetlab
oml-GITPATH := git://git.onelab.eu/oml.git@oml-2.6.1-1
bootcd-GITPATH := git://git.planet-lab.org/bootcd.git@bootcd-5.2-4
# for OMF resource controller as a gem : rvm-ruby has right version of ruby and related gem stuff
-ifneq "$(DISTRONAME)" "$(filter $(DISTRONAME),f18 f20)"
rvm-ruby-MODULES := rvm-ruby
rvm-ruby-SPEC := rpm/rvm-ruby.spec
rvm-ruby-STOCK-DEVEL-RPMS := chrpath libyaml-devel libffi-devel libxslt-devel
# Since Oct 22. 2013, f18 has a new release of openssl that ruby is not too happy to build against
# turning this off for now, Christoph Dwertmann to monitor the status of this bug/incompatibility upstream
ALL += rvm-ruby
# OML measurement library