--- /dev/null
+relayfs - a high-speed data relay filesystem
+relayfs is a filesystem designed to provide an efficient mechanism for
+tools and facilities to relay large amounts of data from kernel space
+to user space.
+The main idea behind relayfs is that every data flow is put into a
+separate "channel" and each channel is a file. In practice, each
+channel is a separate memory buffer allocated from within kernel space
+upon channel instantiation. Software needing to relay data to user
+space would open a channel or a number of channels, depending on its
+needs, and would log data to that channel. All the buffering and
+locking mechanics are taken care of by relayfs. The actual format and
+protocol used for each channel is up to relayfs' clients.
+relayfs makes no provisions for copying the same data to more than a
+single channel. This is for the clients of the relay to take care of,
+and so is any form of data filtering. The purpose is to keep relayfs
+as simple as possible.
+In addition to the relayfs kernel API described below, relayfs
+implements basic file operations. Here are the file operations that
+are available and some comments regarding their behavior:
+open() enables user to open an _existing_ channel. A channel can be
+ opened in blocking or non-blocking mode, and can be opened
+ for reading as well as for writing. Readers will by default
+ be auto-consuming.
+mmap() results in channel's memory buffer being mmapped into the
+ caller's memory space.
+read() since we are dealing with circular buffers, the user is only
+ allowed to read forward. Some apps may want to loop around
+ read() waiting for incoming data - if there is no data
+ available, read will put the reader on a wait queue until
+ data is available (blocking mode). Non-blocking reads return
+ -EAGAIN if data is not available.
+write() writing from user space operates exactly as relay_write() does
+ (described below).
+close() decrements the channel's refcount. When the refcount reaches
+ 0 i.e. when no process or kernel client has the file open
+ (see relay_close() below), the channel buffer is freed.
+In order for a user application to make use of relayfs files, the
+relayfs filesystem must be mounted. For example,
+ mount -t relayfs relayfs /mountpoint
+The relayfs kernel API
+relayfs channels are implemented as circular buffers subdivided into
+'sub-buffers'. kernel clients write data into the channel using
+relay_write(), and are notified via a set of callbacks when
+significant events occur within the channel. 'Significant events'
+- a sub-buffer has been filled i.e. the current write won't fit into the
+ current sub-buffer, and a 'buffer-switch' is triggered, after which
+ the data is written into the next buffer (if the next buffer is
+ empty). The client is notified of this condition via two callbacks,
+ one providing an opportunity to perform start-of-buffer tasks, the
+ other end-of-buffer tasks.
+- data is ready for the client to process. The client can choose to
+ be notified either on a per-sub-buffer basis (bulk delivery) or
+ per-write basis (packet delivery).
+- data has been written to the channel from user space. The client can
+ use this notification to accept and process 'commands' sent to the
+ channel via write(2).
+- the channel has been opened/closed/mapped/unmapped from user space.
+ The client can use this notification to trigger actions within the
+ kernel application, such as enabling/disabling logging to the
+ channel. It can also return result codes from the callback,
+ indicating that the operation should fail e.g. in order to restrict
+ more than one user space open or mmap.
+- the channel needs resizing, or needs to update its
+ state based on the results of the resize. Resizing the channel is
+ up to the kernel client to actually perform. If the channel is
+ configured for resizing, the client is notified when the unread data
+ in the channel passes a preset threshold, giving it the opportunity
+ to allocate a new channel buffer and replace the old one.
+Reader objects
+Channel readers use an opaque rchan_reader object to read from
+channels. For VFS readers (those using read(2) to read from a
+channel), these objects are automatically created and used internally;
+only kernel clients that need to directly read from channels, or whose
+userspace applications use mmap to access channel data, need to know
+anything about rchan_readers - others may skip this section.
+A relay channel can have any number of readers, each represented by an
+rchan_reader instance, which is used to encapsulate reader settings
+and state. rchan_reader objects should be treated as opaque by kernel
+clients. To create a reader object for directly accessing a channel
+from kernel space, call the add_rchan_reader() kernel API function:
+rchan_reader *add_rchan_reader(rchan_id, auto_consume)
+This function returns an rchan_reader instance if successful, which
+should then be passed to relay_read() when the kernel client is
+interested in reading from the channel.
+The auto_consume parameter indicates whether a read done by this
+reader will automatically 'consume' that portion of the unread channel
+buffer when relay_read() is called (see below for more details).
+To close the reader, call
+which will remove the reader from the list of current readers.
+To create a reader object representing a userspace mmap reader in the
+kernel application, call the add_map_reader() kernel API function:
+rchan_reader *add_map_reader(rchan_id)
+This function returns an rchan_reader instance if successful, whose
+main purpose is as an argument to be passed into
+relay_buffers_consumed() when the kernel client becomes aware that
+data has been read by a user application using mmap to read from the
+channel buffer. There is no auto_consume option in this case, since
+only the kernel client/user application knows when data has been read.
+To close the map reader, call
+which will remove the reader from the list of current readers.
+Consumed count
+A relayfs channel is a circular buffer, which means that if there is
+no reader reading from it or a reader reading too slowly, at some
+point the channel writer will 'lap' the reader and data will be lost.
+In normal use, readers will always be able to keep up with writers and
+the buffer is thus never in danger of becoming full. In many
+applications, it's sufficient to ensure that this is practically
+speaking always the case, by making the buffers large enough. These
+types of applications can basically open the channel as
+RELAY_MODE_CONTINOUS (the default anyway) and not worry about the
+meaning of 'consume' and skip the rest of this section.
+If it's important for the application that a kernel client never allow
+writers to overwrite unread data, the channel should be opened using
+RELAY_MODE_NO_OVERWRITE and must be kept apprised of the count of
+bytes actually read by the (typically) user-space channel readers.
+This count is referred to as the 'consumed count'. read(2) channel
+readers automatically update the channel's 'consumed count' as they
+read. If the usage mode is to have only read(2) readers, which is
+typically the case, the kernel client doesn't need to worry about any
+of the relayfs functions having to do with 'bytes consumed' and can
+skip the rest of this section. (Note that it is possible to have
+multiple read(2) or auto-consuming readers, but like having multiple
+readers on a pipe, these readers will race with each other i.e. it's
+supported, but doesn't make much sense).
+If the kernel client cannot rely on an auto-consuming reader to keep
+the 'consumed count' up-to-date, then it must do so manually, by
+making the appropriate calls to relay_buffers_consumed() or
+relay_bytes_consumed(). In most cases, this should only be necessary
+for bulk mmap clients - almost all packet clients should be covered by
+having auto-consuming read(2) readers. For mmapped bulk clients, for
+instance, there are no auto-consuming VFS readers, so the kernel
+client needs to make the call to relay_buffers_consumed() after
+sub-buffers are read.
+Kernel API
+Here's a summary of the API relayfs provides to in-kernel clients:
+int relay_open(channel_path, bufsize, nbufs, channel_flags,
+ channel_callbacks, start_reserve, end_reserve,
+ rchan_start_reserve, resize_min, resize_max, mode,
+ init_buf, init_buf_size)
+int relay_write(channel_id, *data_ptr, count, time_delta_offset, **wrote)
+rchan_reader *add_rchan_reader(channel_id, auto_consume)
+int remove_rchan_reader(rchan_reader *reader)
+rchan_reader *add_map_reader(channel_id)
+int remove_map_reader(rchan_reader *reader)
+int relay_read(reader, buf, count, wait, *actual_read_offset)
+void relay_buffers_consumed(reader, buffers_consumed)
+void relay_bytes_consumed(reader, bytes_consumed, read_offset)
+int relay_bytes_avail(reader)
+int rchan_full(reader)
+int rchan_empty(reader)
+int relay_info(channel_id, *channel_info)
+int relay_close(channel_id)
+int relay_realloc_buffer(channel_id, nbufs, async)
+int relay_replace_buffer(channel_id)
+int relay_reset(int rchan_id)
+int relay_open(channel_path, bufsize, nbufs,
+ channel_flags, channel_callbacks, start_reserve,
+ end_reserve, rchan_start_reserve, resize_min, resize_max, mode)
+relay_open() is used to create a new entry in relayfs. This new entry
+is created according to channel_path. channel_path contains the
+absolute path to the channel file on relayfs. If, for example, the
+caller sets channel_path to "/xlog/9", a "xlog/9" entry will appear
+within relayfs automatically and the "xlog" directory will be created
+in the filesystem's root. relayfs does not implement any policy on
+its content, except to disallow the opening of two channels using the
+same file. There are, nevertheless a set of guidelines for using
+relayfs. Basically, each facility using relayfs should use a top-level
+directory identifying it. The entry created above, for example,
+presumably belongs to the "xlog" software.
+The remaining parameters for relay_open() are as follows:
+- channel_flags - an ORed combination of attribute values controlling
+ common channel characteristics:
+ - logging scheme - relayfs use 2 mutually exclusive schemes
+ for logging data to a channel. The 'lockless scheme'
+ reserves and writes data to a channel without the need of
+ any type of locking on the channel. This is the preferred
+ scheme, but may not be available on a given architecture (it
+ relies on the presence of a cmpxchg instruction). It's
+ specified by the RELAY_SCHEME_LOCKLESS flag. The 'locking
+ scheme' either obtains a lock on the channel for writing or
+ disables interrupts, depending on whether the channel was
+ opened for SMP or global usage (see below). It's specified
+ by the RELAY_SCHEME_LOCKING flag. While a client may want
+ to explicitly specify a particular scheme to use, it's more
+ convenient to specify RELAY_SCHEME_ANY for this flag, which
+ will allow relayfs to choose the best available scheme i.e.
+ lockless if supported.
+ - overwrite mode (default is RELAY_MODE_CONTINUOUS) -
+ If RELAY_MODE_CONTINUOUS is specified, writes to the channel
+ will succeed regardless of whether there are up-to-date
+ consumers or not. If RELAY_MODE_NO_OVERWRITE is specified,
+ the channel becomes 'full' when the total amount of buffer
+ space unconsumed by readers equals or exceeds the total
+ buffer size. With the buffer in this state, writes to the
+ buffer will fail - clients need to check the return code from
+ relay_write() to determine if this is the case and act
+ accordingly - 0 or a negative value indicate the write failed.
+ - SMP usage - this applies only when the locking scheme is in
+ use. If RELAY_USAGE_SMP is specified, it's assumed that the
+ channel will be used in a per-CPU fashion and consequently,
+ the only locking that will be done for writes is to disable
+ local irqs. If RELAY_USAGE_GLOBAL is specified, it's assumed
+ that writes to the buffer can occur within any CPU context,
+ and spinlock_irq_save will be used to lock the buffer.
+ - delivery mode - if RELAY_DELIVERY_BULK is specified, the
+ client will be notified via its deliver() callback whenever a
+ sub-buffer has been filled. Alternatively,
+ RELAY_DELIVERY_PACKET will cause delivery to occur after the
+ completion of each write. See the description of the channel
+ callbacks below for more details.
+ - timestamping - if RELAY_TIMESTAMP_TSC is specified and the
+ architecture supports it, efficient TSC 'timestamps' can be
+ associated with each write, otherwise more expensive
+ gettimeofday() timestamping is used. At the beginning of
+ each sub-buffer, a gettimeofday() timestamp and the current
+ TSC, if supported, are read, and are passed on to the client
+ via the buffer_start() callback. This allows correlation of
+ the current time with the current TSC for subsequent writes.
+ Each subsequent write is associated with a 'time delta',
+ which is either the current TSC, if the channel is using
+ TSCs, or the difference between the buffer_start gettimeofday
+ timestamp and the gettimeofday time read for the current
+ write. Note that relayfs never writes either a timestamp or
+ time delta into the buffer unless explicitly asked to (see
+ the description of relay_write() for details).
+- bufsize - the size of the 'sub-buffers' making up the circular channel
+ buffer. For the lockless scheme, this must be a power of 2.
+- nbufs - the number of 'sub-buffers' making up the circular
+ channel buffer. This must be a power of 2.
+ The total size of the channel buffer is bufsize * nbufs rounded up
+ to the next kernel page size. If the lockless scheme is used, both
+ bufsize and nbufs must be a power of 2. If the locking scheme is
+ used, the bufsize can be anything and nbufs must be a power of 2. If
+ RELAY_SCHEME_ANY is used, the bufsize and nbufs should be a power of 2.
+ NOTE: if nbufs is 1, relayfs will bypass the normal size
+ checks and will allocate an rvmalloced buffer of size bufsize.
+ This buffer will be freed when relay_close() is called, if the channel
+ isn't still being referenced.
+- callbacks - a table of callback functions called when events occur
+ within the data relay that clients need to know about:
+ - int buffer_start(channel_id, current_write_pos, buffer_id,
+ start_time, start_tsc, using_tsc) -
+ called at the beginning of a new sub-buffer, the
+ buffer_start() callback gives the client an opportunity to
+ write data into space reserved at the beginning of a
+ sub-buffer. The client should only write into the buffer
+ if it specified a value for start_reserve and/or
+ channel_start_reserve (see below) when the channel was
+ opened. In the latter case, the client can determine
+ whether to write its one-time rchan_start_reserve data by
+ examining the value of buffer_id, which will be 0 for the
+ first sub-buffer. The address that the client can write
+ to is contained in current_write_pos (the client by
+ definition knows how much it can write i.e. the value it
+ passed to relay_open() for start_reserve/
+ channel_start_reserve). start_time contains the
+ gettimeofday() value for the start of the buffer and start
+ TSC contains the TSC read at the same time. The using_tsc
+ param indicates whether or not start_tsc is valid (it
+ wouldn't be if TSC timestamping isn't being used).
+ The client should return the number of bytes it wrote to
+ the channel, 0 if none.
+ - int buffer_end(channel_id, current_write_pos, end_of_buffer,
+ end_time, end_tsc, using_tsc)
+ called at the end of a sub-buffer, the buffer_end()
+ callback gives the client an opportunity to perform
+ end-of-buffer processing. Note that the current_write_pos
+ is the position where the next write would occur, but
+ since the current write wouldn't fit (which is the trigger
+ for the buffer_end event), the buffer is considered full
+ even though there may be unused space at the end. The
+ end_of_buffer param pointer value can be used to determine
+ exactly the size of the unused space. The client should
+ only write into the buffer if it specified a value for
+ end_reserve when the channel was opened. If the client
+ doesn't write anything i.e. returns 0, the unused space at
+ the end of the sub-buffer is available via relay_info() -
+ this data may be needed by the client later if it needs to
+ process raw sub-buffers (an alternative would be to save
+ the unused bytes count value in end_reserve space at the
+ end of each sub-buffer during buffer_end processing and
+ read it when needed at a later time. The other
+ alternative would be to use read(2), which makes the
+ unused count invisible to the caller). end_time contains
+ the gettimeofday() value for the end of the buffer and end
+ TSC contains the TSC read at the same time. The using_tsc
+ param indicates whether or not end_tsc is valid (it
+ wouldn't be if TSC timestamping isn't being used).
+ The client should return the number of bytes it wrote to
+ the channel, 0 if none.
+ - void deliver(channel_id, from, len)
+ called when data is ready for the client. This callback
+ is used to notify a client when a sub-buffer is complete
+ (in the case of bulk delivery) or a single write is
+ complete (packet delivery). A bulk delivery client might
+ wish to then signal a daemon that a sub-buffer is ready.
+ A packet delivery client might wish to process the packet
+ or send it elsewhere. The from param is a pointer to the
+ delivered data and len specifies how many bytes are ready.
+ - void user_deliver(channel_id, from, len)
+ called when data has been written to the channel from user
+ space. This callback is used to notify a client when a
+ successful write from userspace has occurred, independent
+ of whether bulk or packet delivery is in use. This can be
+ used to allow userspace programs to communicate with the
+ kernel client through the channel via out-of-band write(2)
+ 'commands' instead of via ioctls, for instance. The from
+ param is a pointer to the delivered data and len specifies
+ how many bytes are ready. Note that this callback occurs
+ after the bytes have been successfully written into the
+ channel, which means that channel readers must be able to
+ deal with the 'command' data which will appear in the
+ channel data stream just as any other userspace or
+ non-userspace write would.
+ - int needs_resize(channel_id, resize_type,
+ suggested_buf_size, suggested_n_bufs)
+ called when a channel's buffers are in danger of becoming
+ full i.e. the number of unread bytes in the channel passes
+ a preset threshold, or when the current capacity of a
+ channel's buffer is no longer needed. Also called to
+ notify the client when a channel's buffer has been
+ replaced. If resize_type is RELAY_RESIZE_EXPAND or
+ RELAY_RESIZE_SHRINK, the kernel client should arrange to
+ call relay_realloc_buffer() with the suggested buffer size
+ and buffer count, which will allocate (but will not
+ replace the old one) a new buffer of the recommended size
+ for the channel. When the allocation has completed,
+ needs_resize() is again called, this time with a
+ resize_type of RELAY_RESIZE_REPLACE. The kernel client
+ should then arrange to call relay_replace_buffer() to
+ actually replace the old channel buffer with the newly
+ allocated buffer. Finally, once the buffer replacement
+ has completed, needs_resize() is again called, this time
+ with a resize_type of RELAY_RESIZE_REPLACED, to inform the
+ client that the replacement is complete and additionally
+ confirming the current sub-buffer size and number of
+ sub-buffers. Note that a resize can be canceled if
+ relay_realloc_buffer() is called with the async param
+ non-zero and the resize conditions no longer hold. In
+ this case, the RELAY_RESIZE_REPLACED suggested number of
+ sub-buffers will be the same as the number of sub-buffers
+ that existed before the RELAY_RESIZE_SHRINK or EXPAND i.e.
+ values indicating that the resize didn't actually occur.
+ - int fileop_notify(channel_id, struct file *filp, enum relay_fileop)
+ called when a userspace file operation has occurred or
+ will occur on a relayfs channel file. These notifications
+ can be used by the kernel client to trigger actions within
+ the kernel client when the corresponding event occurs,
+ such as enabling logging only when a userspace application
+ opens or mmaps a relayfs file and disabling it again when
+ the file is closed or unmapped. The kernel client can
+ also return its own return value, which can affect the
+ outcome of file operation - returning 0 indicates that the
+ operation should succeed, and returning a negative value
+ indicates that the operation should be failed, and that
+ the returned value should be returned to the ultimate
+ caller e.g. returning -EPERM from the open fileop will
+ cause the open to fail with -EPERM. Among other things,
+ the return value can be used to restrict a relayfs file
+ from being opened or mmap'ed more than once. The currently
+ implemented fileops are:
+ RELAY_FILE_OPEN - a relayfs file is being opened. Return
+ 0 to allow it to succeed, negative to
+ have it fail. A negative return value will
+ be passed on unmodified to the open fileop.
+ RELAY_FILE_CLOSE- a relayfs file is being closed. The return
+ value is ignored.
+ RELAY_FILE_MAP - a relayfs file is being mmap'ed. Return 0
+ to allow it to succeed, negative to have
+ it fail. A negative return value will be
+ passed on unmodified to the mmap fileop.
+ RELAY_FILE_UNMAP- a relayfs file is being unmapped. The return
+ value is ignored.
+ - void ioctl(rchan_id, cmd, arg)
+ called when an ioctl call is made using a relayfs file
+ descriptor. The cmd and arg are passed along to this
+ callback unmodified for it to do as it wishes with. The
+ return value from this callback is used as the return value
+ of the ioctl call.
+ If the callbacks param passed to relay_open() is NULL, a set of
+ default do-nothing callbacks will be defined for the channel.
+ Likewise, any NULL rchan_callback function contained in a non-NULL
+ callbacks struct will be filled in with a default callback function
+ that does nothing.
+- start_reserve - the number of bytes to be reserved at the start of
+ each sub-buffer. The client can do what it wants with this number
+ of bytes when the buffer_start() callback is invoked. Typically
+ clients would use this to write per-sub-buffer header data.
+- end_reserve - the number of bytes to be reserved at the end of each
+ sub-buffer. The client can do what it wants with this number of
+ bytes when the buffer_end() callback is invoked. Typically clients
+ would use this to write per-sub-buffer footer data.
+- channel_start_reserve - the number of bytes to be reserved, in
+ addition to start_reserve, at the beginning of the first sub-buffer
+ in the channel. The client can do what it wants with this number of
+ bytes when the buffer_start() callback is invoked. Typically
+ clients would use this to write per-channel header data.
+- resize_min - if set, this signifies that the channel is
+ auto-resizeable. The value specifies the size that the channel will
+ try to maintain as a normal working size, and that it won't go
+ below. The client makes use of the resizing callbacks and
+ relay_realloc_buffer() and relay_replace_buffer() to actually effect
+ the resize.
+- resize_max - if set, this signifies that the channel is
+ auto-resizeable. The value specifies the maximum size the channel
+ can have as a result of resizing.
+- mode - if non-zero, specifies the file permissions that will be given
+ to the channel file. If 0, the default rw user perms will be used.
+- init_buf - if non-NULL, rather than allocating the channel buffer,
+ this buffer will be used as the initial channel buffer. The kernel
+ API function relay_discard_init_buf() can later be used to have
+ relayfs allocate a normal mmappable channel buffer and switch over
+ to using it after copying the init_buf contents into it. Currently,
+ the size of init_buf must be exactly buf_size * n_bufs. The caller
+ is responsible for managing the init_buf memory. This feature is
+ typically used for init-time channel use and should normally be
+ specified as NULL.
+- init_buf_size - the total size of init_buf, if init_buf is specified
+ as non-NULL. Currently, the size of init_buf must be exactly
+ buf_size * n_bufs.
+Upon successful completion, relay_open() returns a channel id
+to be used for all other operations with the relay. All buffers
+managed by the relay are allocated using rvmalloc/rvfree to allow
+for easy mmapping to user-space.
+int relay_write(channel_id, *data_ptr, count, time_delta_offset, **wrote_pos)
+relay_write() reserves space in the channel and writes count bytes of
+data pointed to by data_ptr to it. Automatically performs any
+necessary locking, depending on the scheme and SMP usage in effect (no
+locking is done for the lockless scheme regardless of usage). It
+returns the number of bytes written, or 0/negative on failure. If
+time_delta_offset is >= 0, the internal time delta, the internal time
+delta calculated when the slot was reserved will be written at that
+offset. This is the TSC or gettimeofday() delta between the current
+write and the beginning of the buffer, whichever method is being used
+by the channel. Trying to write a count larger than the bufsize
+specified to relay_open() (taking into account the reserved
+start-of-buffer and end-of-buffer space as well) will fail. If
+wrote_pos is non-NULL, it will receive the location the data was
+written to, which may be needed for some applications but is not
+normally interesting. Most applications should pass in NULL for this
+struct rchan_reader *add_rchan_reader(int rchan_id, int auto_consume)
+add_rchan_reader creates and initializes a reader object for a
+channel. An opaque rchan_reader object is returned on success, and is
+passed to relay_read() when reading the channel. If the boolean
+auto_consume parameter is 1, the reader is defined to be
+auto-consuming. auto-consuming reader objects are automatically
+created and used for VFS read(2) readers.
+void remove_rchan_reader(struct rchan_reader *reader)
+remove_rchan_reader finds and removes the given reader from the
+channel. This function is used only by non-VFS read(2) readers. VFS
+read(2) readers are automatically removed when the corresponding file
+object is closed.
+reader add_map_reader(int rchan_id)
+Creates and initializes an rchan_reader object for channel map
+readers, and is needed for updating relay_bytes/buffers_consumed()
+when kernel clients become aware of the need to do so by their mmap
+user clients.
+int remove_map_reader(reader)
+Finds and removes the given map reader from the channel. This function
+is useful only for map readers.
+int relay_read(reader, buf, count, wait, *actual_read_offset)
+Reads count bytes from the channel, or as much as is available within
+the sub-buffer currently being read. The read offset that will be
+read from is the position contained within the reader object. If the
+wait flag is set, buf is non-NULL, and there is nothing available, it
+will wait until there is. If the wait flag is 0 and there is nothing
+available, -EAGAIN is returned. If buf is NULL, the value returned is
+the number of bytes that would have been read. actual_read_offset is
+the value that should be passed as the read offset to
+relay_bytes_consumed, needed only if the reader is not auto-consuming
+and the channel is MODE_NO_OVERWRITE, but in any case, it must not be
+int relay_bytes_avail(reader)
+Returns the number of bytes available relative to the reader's current
+read position within the corresponding sub-buffer, 0 if there is
+nothing available. Note that this doesn't return the total bytes
+available in the channel buffer - this is enough though to know if
+anything is available, however, or how many bytes might be returned
+from the next read.
+void relay_buffers_consumed(reader, buffers_consumed)
+Adds to the channel's consumed buffer count. buffers_consumed should
+be the number of buffers newly consumed, not the total number
+consumed. NOTE: kernel clients don't need to call this function if
+the reader is auto-consuming or the channel is MODE_CONTINUOUS.
+In order for the relay to detect the 'buffers full' condition for a
+channel, it must be kept up-to-date with respect to the number of
+buffers consumed by the client. If the addition of the value of the
+bufs_consumed param to the current bufs_consumed count for the channel
+would exceed the bufs_produced count for the channel, the channel's
+bufs_consumed count will be set to the bufs_produced count for the
+channel. This allows clients to 'catch up' if necessary.
+void relay_bytes_consumed(reader, bytes_consumed, read_offset)
+Adds to the channel's consumed count. bytes_consumed should be the
+number of bytes actually read e.g. return value of relay_read() and
+the read_offset should be the actual offset the bytes were read from
+e.g. the actual_read_offset set by relay_read(). NOTE: kernel clients
+don't need to call this function if the reader is auto-consuming or
+the channel is MODE_CONTINUOUS.
+In order for the relay to detect the 'buffers full' condition for a
+channel, it must be kept up-to-date with respect to the number of
+bytes consumed by the client. For packet clients, it makes more sense
+to update after each read rather than after each complete sub-buffer
+read. The bytes_consumed count updates bufs_consumed when a buffer
+has been consumed so this count remains consistent.
+int relay_info(channel_id, *channel_info)
+relay_info() fills in an rchan_info struct with channel status and
+attribute information such as usage modes, sub-buffer size and count,
+the allocated size of the entire buffer, buffers produced and
+consumed, current buffer id, count of writes lost due to buffers full
+The virtual address of the channel buffer is also available here, for
+those clients that need it.
+Clients may need to know how many 'unused' bytes there are at the end
+of a given sub-buffer. This would only be the case if the client 1)
+didn't either write this count to the end of the sub-buffer or
+otherwise note it (it's available as the difference between the buffer
+end and current write pos params in the buffer_end callback) (if the
+client returned 0 from the buffer_end callback, it's assumed that this
+is indeed the case) 2) isn't using the read() system call to read the
+buffer. In other words, if the client isn't annotating the stream and
+is reading the buffer by mmaping it, this information would be needed
+in order for the client to 'skip over' the unused bytes at the ends of
+Additionally, for the lockless scheme, clients may need to know
+whether a particular sub-buffer is actually complete. An array of
+boolean values, one per sub-buffer, contains non-zero if the buffer is
+complete, non-zero otherwise.
+int relay_close(channel_id)
+relay_close() is used to close the channel. It finalizes the last
+sub-buffer (the one currently being written to) and marks the channel
+as finalized. The channel buffer and channel data structure are then
+freed automatically when the last reference to the channel is given
+int relay_realloc_buffer(channel_id, nbufs, async)
+Allocates a new channel buffer using the specified sub-buffer count
+(note that resizing can't change sub-buffer sizes). If async is
+non-zero, the allocation is done in the background using a work queue.
+When the allocation has completed, the needs_resize() callback is
+called with a resize_type of RELAY_RESIZE_REPLACE. This function
+doesn't replace the old buffer with the new - see
+This function is called by kernel clients in response to a
+needs_resize() callback call with a resize type of RELAY_RESIZE_EXPAND
+or RELAY_RESIZE_SHRINK. That callback also includes a suggested
+new_bufsize and new_nbufs which should be used when calling this
+Returns 0 on success, or errcode if the channel is busy or if
+the allocation couldn't happen for some reason.
+NOTE: if async is not set, this function should not be called with a
+lock held, as it may sleep.
+int relay_replace_buffer(channel_id)
+Replaces the current channel buffer with the new buffer allocated by
+relay_realloc_buffer and contained in the channel struct. When the
+replacement is complete, the needs_resize() callback is called with
+RELAY_RESIZE_REPLACED. This function is called by kernel clients in
+response to a needs_resize() callback having a resize type of
+Returns 0 on success, or errcode if the channel is busy or if the
+replacement or previous allocation didn't happen for some reason.
+NOTE: This function will not sleep, so can called in any context and
+with locks held. The client should, however, ensure that the channel
+isn't actively being read from or written to.
+int relay_reset(rchan_id)
+relay_reset() has the effect of erasing all data from the buffer and
+restarting the channel in its initial state. The buffer itself is not
+freed, so any mappings are still in effect. NOTE: Care should be
+taken that the channnel isn't actually being used by anything when
+this call is made.
+int rchan_full(reader)
+returns 1 if the channel is full with respect to the reader, 0 if not.
+int rchan_empty(reader)
+returns 1 if the channel is empty with respect to the reader, 0 if not.
+int relay_discard_init_buf(rchan_id)
+allocates an mmappable channel buffer, copies the contents of init_buf
+into it, and sets the current channel buffer to the newly allocated
+buffer. This function is used only in conjunction with the init_buf
+and init_buf_size params to relay_open(), and is typically used when
+the ability to write into the channel at init-time is needed. The
+basic usage is to specify an init_buf and init_buf_size to relay_open,
+then call this function when it's safe to switch over to a normally
+allocated channel buffer. 'Safe' means that the caller is in a
+context that can sleep and that nothing is actively writing to the
+channel. Returns 0 if successful, negative otherwise.
+Writing directly into the channel
+Using the relay_write() API function as described above is the
+preferred means of writing into a channel. In some cases, however,
+in-kernel clients might want to write directly into a relay channel
+rather than have relay_write() copy it into the buffer on the client's
+behalf. Clients wishing to do this should follow the model used to
+implement relay_write itself. The general sequence is:
+- get a pointer to the channel via rchan_get(). This increments the
+ channel's reference count.
+- call relay_lock_channel(). This will perform the proper locking for
+ the channel given the scheme in use and the SMP usage.
+- reserve a slot in the channel via relay_reserve()
+- write directly to the reserved address
+- call relay_commit() to commit the write
+- call relay_unlock_channel()
+- call rchan_put() to release the channel reference
+In particular, clients should make sure they call rchan_get() and
+rchan_put() and not hold on to references to the channel pointer.
+Also, forgetting to use relay_lock_channel()/relay_unlock_channel()
+has no effect if the lockless scheme is being used, but could result
+in corrupted buffer contents if the locking scheme is used.
+Writes made via the write() system call are currently limited to 2
+pages worth of data. There is no such limit on the in-kernel API
+function relay_write().
+User applications can currently only mmap the complete buffer (it
+doesn't really make sense to mmap only part of it, given its purpose).
+Latest version
+The latest version can be found at:
+Example relayfs clients, such as dynamic printk and the Linux Trace
+Toolkit, can also be found there.
+The ideas and specs for relayfs came about as a result of discussions
+on tracing involving the following:
+Michel Dagenais <michel.dagenais@polymtl.ca>
+Richard Moore <richardj_moore@uk.ibm.com>
+Bob Wisniewski <bob@watson.ibm.com>
+Karim Yaghmour <karim@opersys.com>
+Tom Zanussi <zanussi@us.ibm.com>
+Also thanks to Hubertus Franke for a lot of useful suggestions and bug
+reports, and for contributing the klog code.
--- /dev/null
+# Makefile for rcfs routines.
+obj-$(CONFIG_RCFS_FS) += rcfs.o
+rcfs-objs := super.o inode.o dir.o rootdir.o magic.o tc_magic.o socket_fs.o
+rcfs-objs-$(CONFIG_CKRM_TYPE_TASKCLASS) += tc_magic.o
+rcfs-objs-$(CONFIG_CKRM_TYPE_SOCKETCLASS) += socket_fs.o
--- /dev/null
+ * fs/rcfs/dir.c
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) Shailabh Nagar, IBM Corp. 2004
+ * Vivek Kashyap, IBM Corp. 2004
+ *
+ *
+ * Directory operations for rcfs
+ *
+ * Latest version, more details at http://ckrm.sf.net
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ */
+/* Changes
+ *
+ * 08 Mar 2004
+ * Created.
+ */
+#include <linux/module.h>
+#include <linux/fs.h>
+#include <linux/namei.h>
+#include <asm/namei.h>
+#include <linux/namespace.h>
+#include <linux/dcache.h>
+#include <linux/seq_file.h>
+#include <linux/pagemap.h>
+#include <linux/highmem.h>
+#include <linux/init.h>
+#include <linux/string.h>
+#include <linux/smp_lock.h>
+#include <linux/backing-dev.h>
+#include <linux/parser.h>
+#include <asm/uaccess.h>
+#include <linux/rcfs.h>
+#define rcfs_positive(dentry) ((dentry)->d_inode && !d_unhashed((dentry)))
+int rcfs_empty(struct dentry *dentry)
+ struct dentry *child;
+ int ret = 0;
+ spin_lock(&dcache_lock);
+ list_for_each_entry(child, &dentry->d_subdirs, d_child)
+ if (!rcfs_is_magic(child) && rcfs_positive(child))
+ goto out;
+ ret = 1;
+ spin_unlock(&dcache_lock);
+ return ret;
+/* Directory inode operations */
+rcfs_create(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry, int mode,
+ struct nameidata *nd)
+ return rcfs_mknod(dir, dentry, mode | S_IFREG, 0);
+/* Symlinks permitted ?? */
+rcfs_symlink(struct inode * dir, struct dentry *dentry, const char * symname)
+ struct inode *inode;
+ int error = -ENOSPC;
+ inode = rcfs_get_inode(dir->i_sb, S_IFLNK|S_IRWXUGO, 0);
+ if (inode) {
+ int l = strlen(symname)+1;
+ error = page_symlink(inode, symname, l);
+ if (!error) {
+ if (dir->i_mode & S_ISGID)
+ inode->i_gid = dir->i_gid;
+ d_instantiate(dentry, inode);
+ dget(dentry);
+ } else
+ iput(inode);
+ }
+ return error;
+rcfs_create_coredir(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry)
+ struct rcfs_inode_info *ripar, *ridir;
+ int sz;
+ ripar = RCFS_I(dir);
+ ridir = RCFS_I(dentry->d_inode);
+ // Inform RC's - do Core operations
+ if (ckrm_is_core_valid(ripar->core)) {
+ sz = strlen(ripar->name) + strlen(dentry->d_name.name) + 2 ;
+ ridir->name = kmalloc(sz, GFP_KERNEL);
+ if (!ridir->name) {
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ }
+ snprintf(ridir->name, sz,"%s/%s", ripar->name,
+ dentry->d_name.name);
+ ridir->core = (*(ripar->core->classtype->alloc))
+ (ripar->core,ridir->name);
+ }
+ else {
+ printk(KERN_ERR "rcfs_mkdir: Invalid parent core %p\n",
+ ripar->core);
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ return 0;
+rcfs_mkdir(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry, int mode)
+ int retval = 0;
+ ckrm_classtype_t *clstype;
+#if 0
+ struct dentry *pd = list_entry(dir->i_dentry.next, struct dentry,
+ d_alias);
+ if ((!strcmp(pd->d_name.name, "/") &&
+ !strcmp(dentry->d_name.name, "ce"))) {
+ // Call CE's mkdir if it has registered, else fail.
+ if (rcfs_eng_callbacks.mkdir) {
+ return (*rcfs_eng_callbacks.mkdir)(dir, dentry, mode);
+ } else {
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ }
+ if (_rcfs_mknod(dir, dentry, mode | S_IFDIR, 0)) {
+ printk(KERN_ERR "rcfs_mkdir: error in _rcfs_mknod\n");
+ return retval;
+ }
+ dir->i_nlink++;
+ // Inherit parent's ops since _rcfs_mknod assigns noperm ops
+ dentry->d_inode->i_op = dir->i_op;
+ dentry->d_inode->i_fop = dir->i_fop;
+ retval = rcfs_create_coredir(dir, dentry);
+ if (retval) {
+ simple_rmdir(dir,dentry);
+ return retval;
+ // goto mkdir_err;
+ }
+ // create the default set of magic files
+ clstype = (RCFS_I(dentry->d_inode))->core->classtype;
+ rcfs_create_magic(dentry, &(((struct rcfs_magf*)clstype->mfdesc)[1]),
+ clstype->mfcount-1);
+ return retval;
+ dir->i_nlink--;
+ return retval;
+rcfs_rmdir(struct inode * dir, struct dentry * dentry)
+ struct rcfs_inode_info *ri = RCFS_I(dentry->d_inode);
+#if 0
+ struct dentry *pd = list_entry(dir->i_dentry.next,
+ struct dentry, d_alias);
+ if ((!strcmp(pd->d_name.name, "/") &&
+ !strcmp(dentry->d_name.name, "ce"))) {
+ // Call CE's mkdir if it has registered, else fail.
+ if (rcfs_eng_callbacks.rmdir) {
+ return (*rcfs_eng_callbacks.rmdir)(dir, dentry);
+ } else {
+ return simple_rmdir(dir, dentry);
+ }
+ }
+ else if ((!strcmp(pd->d_name.name, "/") &&
+ !strcmp(dentry->d_name.name, "network"))) {
+ return -EPERM;
+ }
+ if (!rcfs_empty(dentry)) {
+ printk(KERN_ERR "rcfs_rmdir: directory not empty\n");
+ goto out;
+ }
+ // Core class removal
+ if (ri->core == NULL) {
+ printk(KERN_ERR "rcfs_rmdir: core==NULL\n");
+ // likely a race condition
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if ((*(ri->core->classtype->free))(ri->core)) {
+ printk(KERN_ERR "rcfs_rmdir: ckrm_free_core_class failed\n");
+ goto out;
+ }
+ ri->core = NULL ; // just to be safe
+ // Clear magic files only after core successfully removed
+ rcfs_clear_magic(dentry);
+ return simple_rmdir(dir, dentry);
+ return -EBUSY;
+rcfs_unlink(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry)
+ // -ENOENT and not -ENOPERM to allow rm -rf to work despite
+ // magic files being present
+ return -ENOENT;
+// rename is allowed on directories only
+rcfs_rename(struct inode *old_dir, struct dentry *old_dentry,
+ struct inode *new_dir, struct dentry *new_dentry)
+ if (S_ISDIR(old_dentry->d_inode->i_mode))
+ return simple_rename(old_dir, old_dentry, new_dir, new_dentry);
+ else
+ return -EINVAL;
+struct inode_operations rcfs_dir_inode_operations = {
+ .create = rcfs_create,
+ .lookup = simple_lookup,
+ .link = simple_link,
+ .unlink = rcfs_unlink,
+ .symlink = rcfs_symlink,
+ .mkdir = rcfs_mkdir,
+ .rmdir = rcfs_rmdir,
+ .mknod = rcfs_mknod,
+ .rename = rcfs_rename,
+rcfs_root_create(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry, int mode,
+ struct nameidata *nd)
+ return -EPERM;
+rcfs_root_symlink(struct inode * dir, struct dentry *dentry,
+ const char * symname)
+ return -EPERM;
+rcfs_root_mkdir(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry, int mode)
+ return -EPERM;
+rcfs_root_rmdir(struct inode * dir, struct dentry * dentry)
+ return -EPERM;
+rcfs_root_unlink(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry)
+ return -EPERM;
+rcfs_root_mknod(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry, int mode, dev_t dev)
+ return -EPERM;
+rcfs_root_rename(struct inode *old_dir, struct dentry *old_dentry,
+ struct inode *new_dir, struct dentry *new_dentry)
+ return -EPERM;
+struct inode_operations rcfs_rootdir_inode_operations = {
+ .create = rcfs_root_create,
+ .lookup = simple_lookup,
+ .link = simple_link,
+ .unlink = rcfs_root_unlink,
+ .symlink = rcfs_root_symlink,
+ .mkdir = rcfs_root_mkdir,
+ .rmdir = rcfs_root_rmdir,
+ .mknod = rcfs_root_mknod,
+ .rename = rcfs_root_rename,
--- /dev/null
+ * fs/rcfs/inode.c
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) Shailabh Nagar, IBM Corp. 2004
+ * Vivek Kashyap, IBM Corp. 2004
+ *
+ *
+ * Resource class filesystem (rcfs) forming the
+ * user interface to Class-based Kernel Resource Management (CKRM).
+ *
+ * Latest version, more details at http://ckrm.sf.net
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ */
+/* Changes
+ *
+ * 05 Mar 2004
+ * Created.
+ * 06 Mar 2004
+ * Parsing for shares added
+ */
+#include <linux/module.h>
+#include <linux/list.h>
+#include <linux/fs.h>
+#include <linux/namei.h>
+#include <asm/namei.h>
+#include <linux/namespace.h>
+#include <linux/dcache.h>
+#include <linux/seq_file.h>
+#include <linux/pagemap.h>
+#include <linux/highmem.h>
+#include <linux/init.h>
+#include <linux/string.h>
+#include <linux/smp_lock.h>
+#include <linux/backing-dev.h>
+#include <linux/parser.h>
+#include <asm/uaccess.h>
+#include <linux/rcfs.h>
+// Address of variable used as flag to indicate a magic file,
+// ; value unimportant
+struct inode *rcfs_get_inode(struct super_block *sb, int mode, dev_t dev)
+ struct inode * inode = new_inode(sb);
+ if (inode) {
+ inode->i_mode = mode;
+ inode->i_uid = current->fsuid;
+ inode->i_gid = current->fsgid;
+ inode->i_blksize = PAGE_CACHE_SIZE;
+ inode->i_blocks = 0;
+ inode->i_atime = inode->i_mtime = inode->i_ctime = CURRENT_TIME;
+ switch (mode & S_IFMT) {
+ default:
+ init_special_inode(inode, mode, dev);
+ break;
+ case S_IFREG:
+ // Treat as default assignment */
+ inode->i_op = &rcfs_file_inode_operations;
+ // inode->i_fop = &rcfs_file_operations;
+ break;
+ case S_IFDIR:
+ // inode->i_op = &rcfs_dir_inode_operations;
+ inode->i_op = &rcfs_rootdir_inode_operations;
+ inode->i_fop = &simple_dir_operations;
+ // directory inodes start off with i_nlink == 2
+ // (for "." entry)
+ inode->i_nlink++;
+ break;
+ case S_IFLNK:
+ inode->i_op = &page_symlink_inode_operations;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return inode;
+_rcfs_mknod(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry, int mode, dev_t dev)
+ struct inode *inode;
+ int error = -EPERM;
+ if (dentry->d_inode)
+ return -EEXIST;
+ inode = rcfs_get_inode(dir->i_sb, mode, dev);
+ if (inode) {
+ if (dir->i_mode & S_ISGID) {
+ inode->i_gid = dir->i_gid;
+ if (S_ISDIR(mode))
+ inode->i_mode |= S_ISGID;
+ }
+ d_instantiate(dentry, inode);
+ dget(dentry);
+ error = 0;
+ }
+ return error;
+rcfs_mknod(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry, int mode, dev_t dev)
+ // User can only create directories, not files
+ if ((mode & S_IFMT) != S_IFDIR)
+ return -EINVAL;
+ return dir->i_op->mkdir(dir, dentry, mode);
+struct dentry *
+rcfs_create_internal(struct dentry *parent, struct rcfs_magf *magf, int magic)
+ struct qstr qstr;
+ struct dentry *mfdentry ;
+ // Get new dentry for name
+ qstr.name = magf->name;
+ qstr.len = strlen(magf->name);
+ qstr.hash = full_name_hash(magf->name,qstr.len);
+ mfdentry = lookup_hash(&qstr,parent);
+ if (!IS_ERR(mfdentry)) {
+ int err;
+ down(&parent->d_inode->i_sem);
+ if (magic && (magf->mode & S_IFDIR))
+ err = parent->d_inode->i_op->mkdir(parent->d_inode,
+ mfdentry, magf->mode);
+ else {
+ err =_rcfs_mknod(parent->d_inode,mfdentry,
+ magf->mode,0);
+ // _rcfs_mknod doesn't increment parent's link count,
+ // i_op->mkdir does.
+ parent->d_inode->i_nlink++;
+ }
+ up(&parent->d_inode->i_sem);
+ if (err) {
+ dput(mfdentry);
+ return mfdentry;
+ }
+ }
+ return mfdentry ;
+rcfs_delete_internal(struct dentry *mfdentry)
+ struct dentry *parent ;
+ if (!mfdentry || !mfdentry->d_parent)
+ return -EINVAL;
+ parent = mfdentry->d_parent;
+ if (!mfdentry->d_inode) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ down(&mfdentry->d_inode->i_sem);
+ if (S_ISDIR(mfdentry->d_inode->i_mode))
+ simple_rmdir(parent->d_inode, mfdentry);
+ else
+ simple_unlink(parent->d_inode, mfdentry);
+ up(&mfdentry->d_inode->i_sem);
+ d_delete(mfdentry);
+ return 0;
+struct inode_operations rcfs_file_inode_operations = {
+ .getattr = simple_getattr,
--- /dev/null
+ * fs/rcfs/magic.c
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) Shailabh Nagar, IBM Corp. 2004
+ * (C) Vivek Kashyap, IBM Corp. 2004
+ * (C) Chandra Seetharaman, IBM Corp. 2004
+ * (C) Hubertus Franke, IBM Corp. 2004
+ *
+ * File operations for common magic files in rcfs,
+ * the user interface for CKRM.
+ *
+ *
+ * Latest version, more details at http://ckrm.sf.net
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ */
+/* Changes
+ *
+ * 23 Apr 2004
+ * Created from code kept earlier in fs/rcfs/magic_*.c
+ *
+ */
+#include <linux/module.h>
+#include <linux/fs.h>
+#include <linux/namei.h>
+#include <asm/namei.h>
+#include <linux/namespace.h>
+#include <linux/dcache.h>
+#include <linux/seq_file.h>
+#include <linux/init.h>
+#include <linux/string.h>
+#include <linux/smp_lock.h>
+#include <linux/parser.h>
+#include <asm/uaccess.h>
+#include <linux/rcfs.h>
+ * Macros
+ *
+ * generic macros to assist in writing magic fileops
+ *
+ *****************************************************/
+#define MAGIC_SHOW(FUNC) \
+static int \
+FUNC ## _show(struct seq_file *s, void *v) \
+{ \
+ int rc=0; \
+ ckrm_core_class_t *core ; \
+ \
+ core = (ckrm_core_class_t *) \
+ (((struct rcfs_inode_info *)s->private)->core); \
+ \
+ if (!ckrm_is_core_valid(core)) { \
+ return -EINVAL; \
+ } \
+ \
+ if (core->classtype->show_ ## FUNC) \
+ rc = (* core->classtype->show_ ## FUNC)(core, s); \
+ \
+ return rc; \
+#define MAGIC_OPEN(FUNC) \
+static int \
+FUNC ## _open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file) \
+{ \
+ struct rcfs_inode_info *ri; \
+ int ret=-EINVAL; \
+ \
+ if (file->f_dentry && file->f_dentry->d_parent) { \
+ \
+ ri = RCFS_I(file->f_dentry->d_parent->d_inode); \
+ ret = single_open(file,FUNC ## _show, (void *)ri); \
+ } \
+ return ret; \
+#define MAGIC_CLOSE(FUNC) \
+static int \
+FUNC ## _close(struct inode *inode, struct file *file) \
+{ \
+ return single_release(inode,file); \
+#define MAGIC_PARSE(FUNC) \
+static int \
+FUNC ## _parse(char *options, char **resstr, char **otherstr) \
+{ \
+ char *p; \
+ \
+ if (!options) \
+ return 1; \
+ \
+ while ((p = strsep(&options, ",")) != NULL) { \
+ substring_t args[MAX_OPT_ARGS]; \
+ int token; \
+ \
+ if (!*p) \
+ continue; \
+ \
+ token = match_token(p, FUNC##_tokens, args); \
+ switch (token) { \
+ case FUNC ## _res_type: \
+ *resstr = match_strdup(args); \
+ break; \
+ case FUNC ## _str: \
+ *otherstr = match_strdup(args); \
+ break; \
+ default: \
+ return 0; \
+ } \
+ } \
+ return 1; \
+static ssize_t \
+FUNC ## _write(struct file *file, const char __user *buf, \
+ size_t count, loff_t *ppos) \
+{ \
+ struct rcfs_inode_info *ri = \
+ RCFS_I(file->f_dentry->d_parent->d_inode); \
+ char *optbuf, *otherstr=NULL, *resname=NULL; \
+ int done, rc = 0; \
+ ckrm_core_class_t *core ; \
+ \
+ core = ri->core; \
+ if (!ckrm_is_core_valid(core)) \
+ return -EINVAL; \
+ \
+ if ((ssize_t) count < 0 \
+ || (ssize_t) count > FUNC ## _max_input_size) \
+ return -EINVAL; \
+ \
+ if (!access_ok(VERIFY_READ, buf, count)) \
+ return -EFAULT; \
+ \
+ down(&(ri->vfs_inode.i_sem)); \
+ \
+ optbuf = kmalloc(FUNC ## _max_input_size, GFP_KERNEL); \
+ __copy_from_user(optbuf, buf, count); \
+ if (optbuf[count-1] == '\n') \
+ optbuf[count-1]='\0'; \
+ \
+ done = FUNC ## _parse(optbuf, &resname, &otherstr); \
+ \
+ if (!done) { \
+ printk(KERN_ERR "Error parsing FUNC \n"); \
+ goto FUNC ## _write_out; \
+ } \
+ \
+ if (core->classtype-> CLSTYPEFUN) { \
+ rc = (*core->classtype->CLSTYPEFUN) \
+ (core, resname, otherstr); \
+ if (rc) { \
+ printk(KERN_ERR "FUNC_write: CLSTYPEFUN error\n"); \
+ goto FUNC ## _write_out; \
+ } \
+ } \
+ \
+FUNC ## _write_out: \
+ up(&(ri->vfs_inode.i_sem)); \
+ kfree(optbuf); \
+ kfree(otherstr); \
+ kfree(resname); \
+ return rc ? rc : count; \
+struct file_operations FUNC ## _fileops = { \
+ .open = FUNC ## _open, \
+ .read = seq_read, \
+ .llseek = seq_lseek, \
+ .release = FUNC ## _close, \
+}; \
+EXPORT_SYMBOL(FUNC ## _fileops);
+struct file_operations FUNC ## _fileops = { \
+ .open = FUNC ## _open, \
+ .read = seq_read, \
+ .llseek = seq_lseek, \
+ .release = FUNC ## _close, \
+ .write = FUNC ## _write, \
+}; \
+EXPORT_SYMBOL(FUNC ## _fileops);
+ * Target
+ *
+ * pseudo file for manually reclassifying members to a class
+ *
+ *******************************************************************************/
+static ssize_t
+target_write(struct file *file, const char __user *buf,
+ size_t count, loff_t *ppos)
+ struct rcfs_inode_info *ri= RCFS_I(file->f_dentry->d_inode);
+ char *optbuf;
+ int rc = -EINVAL;
+ ckrm_classtype_t *clstype;
+ if ((ssize_t) count < 0 || (ssize_t) count > TARGET_MAX_INPUT_SIZE)
+ return -EINVAL;
+ if (!access_ok(VERIFY_READ, buf, count))
+ return -EFAULT;
+ down(&(ri->vfs_inode.i_sem));
+ optbuf = kmalloc(TARGET_MAX_INPUT_SIZE, GFP_KERNEL);
+ __copy_from_user(optbuf, buf, count);
+ if (optbuf[count-1] == '\n')
+ optbuf[count-1]='\0';
+ clstype = ri->core->classtype;
+ if (clstype->forced_reclassify)
+ rc = (* clstype->forced_reclassify)(ri->core,optbuf);
+ up(&(ri->vfs_inode.i_sem));
+ kfree(optbuf);
+ return !rc ? count : rc;
+struct file_operations target_fileops = {
+ .write = target_write,
+ * Config
+ *
+ * Set/get configuration parameters of a class.
+ *
+ *******************************************************************************/
+/* Currently there are no per-class config parameters defined.
+ * Use existing code as a template
+ */
+#define config_max_input_size 300
+enum config_token_t {
+ config_str, config_res_type, config_err
+static match_table_t config_tokens = {
+ {config_res_type,"res=%s"},
+ {config_str, "config=%s"},
+ {config_err, NULL},
+ * Members
+ *
+ * List members of a class
+ *
+ *******************************************************************************/
+ * Stats
+ *
+ * Get/reset class statistics
+ * No standard set of stats defined. Each resource controller chooses
+ * its own set of statistics to maintain and export.
+ *
+ *******************************************************************************/
+#define stats_max_input_size 50
+enum stats_token_t {
+ stats_res_type, stats_str,stats_err
+static match_table_t stats_tokens = {
+ {stats_res_type,"res=%s"},
+ {stats_str, NULL},
+ {stats_err, NULL},
+ * Shares
+ *
+ * Set/get shares of a taskclass.
+ * Share types and semantics are defined by rcfs and ckrm core
+ *
+ *******************************************************************************/
+/* The enums for the share types should match the indices expected by
+ array parameter to ckrm_set_resshare */
+/* Note only the first NUM_SHAREVAL enums correspond to share types,
+ the remaining ones are for token matching purposes */
+enum share_token_t {
+/* Token matching for parsing input to this magic file */
+static match_table_t shares_tokens = {
+ {SHARE_RES_TYPE, "res=%s"},
+ {MY_GUAR, "guarantee=%d"},
+ {MY_LIM, "limit=%d"},
+ {TOT_GUAR,"total_guarantee=%d"},
+ {MAX_LIM, "max_limit=%d"},
+static int
+shares_parse(char *options, char **resstr, struct ckrm_shares *shares)
+ char *p;
+ int option;
+ if (!options)
+ return 1;
+ while ((p = strsep(&options, ",")) != NULL) {
+ substring_t args[MAX_OPT_ARGS];
+ int token;
+ if (!*p)
+ continue;
+ token = match_token(p, shares_tokens, args);
+ switch (token) {
+ *resstr = match_strdup(args);
+ break;
+ case MY_GUAR:
+ if (match_int(args, &option))
+ return 0;
+ shares->my_guarantee = option;
+ break;
+ case MY_LIM:
+ if (match_int(args, &option))
+ return 0;
+ shares->my_limit = option;
+ break;
+ case TOT_GUAR:
+ if (match_int(args, &option))
+ return 0;
+ shares->total_guarantee = option;
+ break;
+ case MAX_LIM:
+ if (match_int(args, &option))
+ return 0;
+ shares->max_limit = option;
+ break;
+ default:
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
+static ssize_t
+shares_write(struct file *file, const char __user *buf,
+ size_t count, loff_t *ppos)
+ struct inode *inode = file->f_dentry->d_inode;
+ struct rcfs_inode_info *ri;
+ char *optbuf;
+ int rc = 0;
+ struct ckrm_core_class *core;
+ int done;
+ char *resname;
+ struct ckrm_shares newshares = {
+ };
+ if ((ssize_t) count < 0 || (ssize_t) count > SHARES_MAX_INPUT_SIZE)
+ return -EINVAL;
+ if (!access_ok(VERIFY_READ, buf, count))
+ return -EFAULT;
+ ri = RCFS_I(file->f_dentry->d_parent->d_inode);
+ if (!ri || !ckrm_is_core_valid((ckrm_core_class_t *)(ri->core))) {
+ printk(KERN_ERR "shares_write: Error accessing core class\n");
+ return -EFAULT;
+ }
+ down(&inode->i_sem);
+ core = ri->core;
+ optbuf = kmalloc(SHARES_MAX_INPUT_SIZE, GFP_KERNEL);
+ __copy_from_user(optbuf, buf, count);
+ if (optbuf[count-1] == '\n')
+ optbuf[count-1]='\0';
+ done = shares_parse(optbuf, &resname, &newshares);
+ if (!done) {
+ printk(KERN_ERR "Error parsing shares\n");
+ rc = -EINVAL;
+ goto write_out;
+ }
+ if (core->classtype->set_shares) {
+ rc = (*core->classtype->set_shares)(core,resname,&newshares);
+ if (rc) {
+ printk(KERN_ERR "shares_write: resctlr share set error\n");
+ goto write_out;
+ }
+ }
+ printk(KERN_ERR "Set %s shares to %d %d %d %d\n",
+ resname,
+ newshares.my_guarantee,
+ newshares.my_limit,
+ newshares.total_guarantee,
+ newshares.max_limit);
+ rc = count ;
+ up(&inode->i_sem);
+ kfree(optbuf);
+ kfree(resname);
+ return rc;
+ * magic file creation/deletion
+ *
+ */
+rcfs_clear_magic(struct dentry *parent)
+ struct dentry *mftmp, *mfdentry ;
+ list_for_each_entry_safe(mfdentry, mftmp, &parent->d_subdirs, d_child) {
+ if (!rcfs_is_magic(mfdentry))
+ continue ;
+ if (rcfs_delete_internal(mfdentry))
+ printk(KERN_ERR "rcfs_clear_magic: error deleting one\n");
+ }
+ return 0;
+rcfs_create_magic(struct dentry *parent, struct rcfs_magf magf[], int count)
+ int i;
+ struct dentry *mfdentry;
+ for (i=0; i<count; i++) {
+ mfdentry = rcfs_create_internal(parent, &magf[i],0);
+ if (IS_ERR(mfdentry)) {
+ rcfs_clear_magic(parent);
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ }
+ RCFS_I(mfdentry->d_inode)->core = RCFS_I(parent->d_inode)->core;
+ mfdentry->d_fsdata = &RCFS_IS_MAGIC;
+ if (magf[i].i_fop)
+ mfdentry->d_inode->i_fop = magf[i].i_fop;
+ if (magf[i].i_op)
+ mfdentry->d_inode->i_op = magf[i].i_op;
+ }
+ return 0;
--- /dev/null
+ * fs/rcfs/rootdir.c
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) Vivek Kashyap, IBM Corp. 2004
+ *
+ *
+ * Functions for creating root directories and magic files
+ * for classtypes and classification engines under rcfs
+ *
+ * Latest version, more details at http://ckrm.sf.net
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ */
+/* Changes
+ *
+ * 08 April 2004
+ * Created.
+ */
+#include <linux/module.h>
+#include <linux/fs.h>
+#include <linux/namei.h>
+#include <asm/namei.h>
+#include <linux/namespace.h>
+#include <linux/dcache.h>
+#include <linux/seq_file.h>
+#include <linux/pagemap.h>
+#include <linux/highmem.h>
+#include <linux/init.h>
+#include <linux/string.h>
+#include <linux/smp_lock.h>
+#include <linux/backing-dev.h>
+#include <linux/parser.h>
+#include <asm/uaccess.h>
+#include <linux/rcfs.h>
+rbce_eng_callback_t rcfs_eng_callbacks = {
+rcfs_register_engine(rbce_eng_callback_t *rcbs)
+ if (!rcbs->mkdir || rcfs_eng_callbacks.mkdir) {
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ rcfs_eng_callbacks = *rcbs;
+ return 0;
+rcfs_unregister_engine(rbce_eng_callback_t *rcbs)
+ if (!rcbs->mkdir || !rcfs_eng_callbacks.mkdir ||
+ (rcbs->mkdir != rcfs_eng_callbacks.mkdir)) {
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ rcfs_eng_callbacks.mkdir = NULL;
+ rcfs_eng_callbacks.rmdir = NULL;
+ return 0;
+/* rcfs_mkroot
+ * Create and return a "root" dentry under /rcfs. Also create associated magic files
+ *
+ * @mfdesc: array of rcfs_magf describing root dir and its magic files
+ * @count: number of entries in mfdesc
+ * @core: core class to be associated with root
+ * @rootde: output parameter to return the newly created root dentry
+ */
+rcfs_mkroot(struct rcfs_magf *mfdesc, int mfcount, struct dentry **rootde)
+ int sz;
+ struct rcfs_magf *rootdesc = &mfdesc[0];
+ struct dentry *dentry ;
+ struct rcfs_inode_info *rootri;
+ if ((mfcount < 0) || (!mfdesc))
+ return -EINVAL;
+ rootdesc = &mfdesc[0];
+ printk("allocating classtype root <%s>\n",rootdesc->name);
+ dentry = rcfs_create_internal(rcfs_rootde, rootdesc,0);
+ if (!dentry) {
+ printk(KERN_ERR "Could not create %s\n",rootdesc->name);
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ }
+ rootri = RCFS_I(dentry->d_inode);
+ sz = strlen(rootdesc->name) + strlen(RCFS_ROOT) + 2;
+ rootri->name = kmalloc(sz, GFP_KERNEL);
+ if (!rootri->name) {
+ printk(KERN_ERR "Error allocating name for %s\n",
+ rootdesc->name);
+ rcfs_delete_internal(dentry);
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ }
+ snprintf(rootri->name,sz,"%s/%s",RCFS_ROOT,rootdesc->name);
+ if (rootdesc->i_fop)
+ dentry->d_inode->i_fop = rootdesc->i_fop;
+ if (rootdesc->i_op)
+ dentry->d_inode->i_op = rootdesc->i_op;
+ // set output parameters
+ *rootde = dentry;
+ return 0;
+rcfs_rmroot(struct dentry *rootde)
+ if (!rootde)
+ return -EINVAL;
+ rcfs_clear_magic(rootde);
+ kfree(RCFS_I(rootde->d_inode)->name);
+ rcfs_delete_internal(rootde);
+ return 0;
+rcfs_register_classtype(ckrm_classtype_t *clstype)
+ int rc ;
+ struct rcfs_inode_info *rootri;
+ struct rcfs_magf *mfdesc;
+ // Initialize mfdesc, mfcount
+ clstype->mfdesc = (void *) genmfdesc[clstype->mfidx]->rootmf;
+ clstype->mfcount = genmfdesc[clstype->mfidx]->rootmflen;
+ mfdesc = (struct rcfs_magf *)clstype->mfdesc;
+ /* rcfs root entry has the same name as the classtype */
+ strncpy(mfdesc[0].name,clstype->name,RCFS_MAGF_NAMELEN) ;
+ rc = rcfs_mkroot(mfdesc,clstype->mfcount,
+ (struct dentry **)&(clstype->rootde));
+ if (rc)
+ return rc;
+ rootri = RCFS_I(((struct dentry *)(clstype->rootde))->d_inode);
+ rootri->core = clstype->default_class;
+ clstype->default_class->name = rootri->name;
+ ckrm_core_grab(clstype->default_class);
+ // Create magic files under root
+ if ((rc = rcfs_create_magic(clstype->rootde, &mfdesc[1],
+ clstype->mfcount-1))) {
+ kfree(rootri->name);
+ rcfs_delete_internal(clstype->rootde);
+ return rc;
+ }
+ return rc;
+rcfs_deregister_classtype(ckrm_classtype_t *clstype)
+ int rc;
+ rc = rcfs_rmroot((struct dentry *)clstype->rootde);
+ if (!rc) {
+ clstype->default_class->name = NULL ;
+ ckrm_core_drop(clstype->default_class);
+ }
+ return rc;
+// Common root and magic file entries.
+// root name, root permissions, magic file names and magic file permissions are needed by
+// all entities (classtypes and classification engines) existing under the rcfs mount point
+// The common sets of these attributes are listed here as a table. Individual classtypes and
+// classification engines can simple specify the index into the table to initialize their
+// magf entries.
+extern struct rcfs_mfdesc tc_mfdesc;
+extern struct rcfs_mfdesc sock_mfdesc;
+// extern struct rcfs_magf rbce_mfdesc;
+struct rcfs_mfdesc *genmfdesc[]={
+ &tc_mfdesc,
+ &sock_mfdesc,
+// Create similar entry for RBCE ?
+//#ifdef CONFIG_CKRM_CE
+// &rbce_mfdesc,
+// NULL,
--- /dev/null
+/* ckrm_socketaq.c
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) Vivek Kashyap, IBM Corp. 2004
+ *
+ * Latest version, more details at http://ckrm.sf.net
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ */
+/* Changes
+ * Initial version
+ */
+ * Socket class type
+ *
+ * Defines the root structure for socket based classes. Currently only inbound
+ * connection control is supported based on prioritized accept queues.
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#include <linux/rcfs.h>
+#include <net/tcp.h>
+extern int rcfs_create(struct inode *,struct dentry *, int, struct nameidata *);
+extern int rcfs_unlink(struct inode *, struct dentry *);
+extern int rcfs_symlink(struct inode *, struct dentry *, const char *);
+extern int rcfs_mknod(struct inode *, struct dentry *, int mode, dev_t);
+extern int rcfs_mkdir(struct inode *, struct dentry *, int);
+extern int rcfs_rmdir(struct inode *, struct dentry *);
+extern int rcfs_rename(struct inode *, struct dentry *, struct inode *,
+ struct dentry *);
+extern int rcfs_create_coredir(struct inode *, struct dentry *);
+int sock_mkdir(struct inode *, struct dentry *, int mode);
+int sock_rmdir(struct inode *, struct dentry *);
+int sock_create_noperm(struct inode *, struct dentry *,int, struct nameidata *);
+int sock_unlink_noperm(struct inode *,struct dentry *);
+int sock_mkdir_noperm(struct inode *,struct dentry *,int);
+int sock_rmdir_noperm(struct inode *,struct dentry *);
+int sock_mknod_noperm(struct inode *,struct dentry *,int, dev_t);
+void sock_set_directory(void);
+extern struct file_operations config_fileops,
+ members_fileops,
+ shares_fileops,
+ stats_fileops,
+ target_fileops;
+struct inode_operations my_iops = {
+ .create = rcfs_create,
+ .lookup = simple_lookup,
+ .link = simple_link,
+ .unlink = rcfs_unlink,
+ .symlink = rcfs_symlink,
+ .mkdir = sock_mkdir,
+ .rmdir = sock_rmdir,
+ .mknod = rcfs_mknod,
+ .rename = rcfs_rename,
+struct inode_operations class_iops = {
+ .create = sock_create_noperm,
+ .lookup = simple_lookup,
+ .link = simple_link,
+ .unlink = sock_unlink_noperm,
+ .symlink = rcfs_symlink,
+ .mkdir = sock_mkdir_noperm,
+ .rmdir = sock_rmdir_noperm,
+ .mknod = sock_mknod_noperm,
+ .rename = rcfs_rename,
+struct inode_operations sub_iops = {
+ .create = sock_create_noperm,
+ .lookup = simple_lookup,
+ .link = simple_link,
+ .unlink = sock_unlink_noperm,
+ .symlink = rcfs_symlink,
+ .mkdir = sock_mkdir_noperm,
+ .rmdir = sock_rmdir_noperm,
+ .mknod = sock_mknod_noperm,
+ .rename = rcfs_rename,
+struct rcfs_magf def_magf = {
+ .i_op = &sub_iops,
+ .i_fop = NULL,
+struct rcfs_magf sock_rootdesc[] = {
+ {
+ // .name = should not be set, copy from classtype name,
+ .i_op = &my_iops,
+ //.i_fop = &simple_dir_operations,
+ .i_fop = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .name = "members",
+ .i_op = &my_iops,
+ .i_fop = &members_fileops,
+ },
+ {
+ .name = "target",
+ .i_op = &my_iops,
+ .i_fop = &target_fileops,
+ },
+struct rcfs_magf sock_magf[] = {
+ {
+ .name = "config",
+ .i_op = &my_iops,
+ .i_fop = &config_fileops,
+ },
+ {
+ .name = "members",
+ .i_op = &my_iops,
+ .i_fop =&members_fileops,
+ },
+ {
+ .name = "shares",
+ .i_op = &my_iops,
+ .i_fop = &shares_fileops,
+ },
+ {
+ .name = "stats",
+ .i_op = &my_iops,
+ .i_fop = &stats_fileops,
+ },
+ {
+ .name = "target",
+ .i_op = &my_iops,
+ .i_fop = &target_fileops,
+ },
+struct rcfs_magf sub_magf[] = {
+ {
+ .name = "config",
+ .i_op = &my_iops,
+ .i_fop = &config_fileops,
+ },
+ {
+ .name = "shares",
+ .i_op = &my_iops,
+ .i_fop = &shares_fileops,
+ },
+ {
+ .name = "stats",
+ .i_op = &my_iops,
+ .i_fop = &stats_fileops,
+ },
+struct rcfs_mfdesc sock_mfdesc = {
+ .rootmf = sock_rootdesc,
+ .rootmflen = (sizeof(sock_rootdesc)/sizeof(struct rcfs_magf)),
+#define SOCK_MAX_MAGF (sizeof(sock_magf)/sizeof(struct rcfs_magf))
+#define LAQ_MAX_SUBMAGF (sizeof(sub_magf)/sizeof(struct rcfs_magf))
+sock_rmdir(struct inode *p, struct dentry *me)
+ struct dentry *mftmp, *mfdentry ;
+ // delete all magic sub directories
+ list_for_each_entry_safe(mfdentry, mftmp, &me->d_subdirs, d_child) {
+ if (S_ISDIR(mfdentry->d_inode->i_mode))
+ rcfs_rmdir(me->d_inode, mfdentry);
+ }
+ // delete ourselves
+ rcfs_rmdir(p,me);
+ return 0;
+sock_mkdir(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry, int mode)
+ int retval = 0;
+ int i,j;
+ struct dentry *pentry, *mfdentry;
+ if (_rcfs_mknod(dir, dentry, mode | S_IFDIR, 0)) {
+ printk(KERN_ERR "rcfs_mkdir: error reaching parent\n");
+ return retval;
+ }
+ // Needed if only _rcfs_mknod is used instead of i_op->mkdir
+ dir->i_nlink++;
+ retval = rcfs_create_coredir(dir, dentry);
+ if (retval)
+ goto mkdir_err;
+ /* create the default set of magic files */
+ for (i =0; i < SOCK_MAX_MAGF; i++) {
+ mfdentry = rcfs_create_internal(dentry, &sock_magf[i],0);
+ mfdentry->d_fsdata = &RCFS_IS_MAGIC;
+ RCFS_I(mfdentry->d_inode)->core =
+ RCFS_I(dentry->d_inode)->core;
+ if (sock_magf[i].i_fop)
+ mfdentry->d_inode->i_fop = sock_magf[i].i_fop;
+ if (sock_magf[i].i_op)
+ mfdentry->d_inode->i_op = sock_magf[i].i_op;
+ }
+ for (i=1; i < LAQ_NUM_ACCEPT_QUEUES; i++) {
+ j = sprintf(def_magf.name, "%d",i);
+ def_magf.name[j] = '\0';
+ pentry = rcfs_create_internal(dentry, &def_magf,0);
+ retval = rcfs_create_coredir(dentry->d_inode, pentry);
+ if (retval)
+ goto mkdir_err;
+ for (j=0; j < LAQ_MAX_SUBMAGF; j++) {
+ mfdentry = rcfs_create_internal(pentry, &sub_magf[j],0);
+ mfdentry->d_fsdata = &RCFS_IS_MAGIC;
+ RCFS_I(mfdentry->d_inode)->core =
+ RCFS_I(pentry->d_inode)->core;
+ if (sub_magf[j].i_fop)
+ mfdentry->d_inode->i_fop = sub_magf[j].i_fop;
+ if (sub_magf[j].i_op)
+ mfdentry->d_inode->i_op = sub_magf[j].i_op;
+ }
+ pentry->d_inode->i_op = &sub_iops;
+ }
+ dentry->d_inode->i_op = &class_iops;
+ return 0;
+ // Needed
+ dir->i_nlink--;
+ return retval;
+char *
+sock_get_name(struct ckrm_core_class *c)
+ char *p = (char *)c->name;
+ while(*p)
+ p++;
+ while( *p != '/' && p != c->name)
+ p--;
+ return ++p;
+sock_create_noperm(struct inode *dir,struct dentry *dentry,int mode, struct nameidata *nd)
+ return -EPERM;
+sock_unlink_noperm(struct inode *dir,struct dentry *dentry)
+ return -EPERM;
+sock_mkdir_noperm(struct inode *dir,struct dentry *dentry, int mode)
+ return -EPERM;
+sock_rmdir_noperm(struct inode *dir,struct dentry *dentry)
+ return -EPERM;
+sock_mknod_noperm(struct inode *dir,struct dentry *dentry,int mode, dev_t dev)
+ return -EPERM;
+#if 0
+ struct dentry *pentry, *dentry;
+ pentry = rcfs_set_magf_byname("listen_aq", (void *)&my_dir_magf[0]);
+ if (pentry) {
+ dentry = rcfs_create_internal(pentry, &my_dir_magf[1],0);
+ if (my_dir_magf[1].i_fop)
+ dentry->d_inode->i_fop = my_dir_magf[1].i_fop;
+ RCFS_I(dentry->d_inode)->core =
+ RCFS_I(pentry->d_inode)->core;
+ dentry = rcfs_create_internal(pentry, &my_dir_magf[2],0);
+ if (my_dir_magf[2].i_fop)
+ dentry->d_inode->i_fop = my_dir_magf[2].i_fop;
+ RCFS_I(dentry->d_inode)->core =
+ RCFS_I(pentry->d_inode)->core;
+ }
+ else {
+ printk(KERN_ERR "Could not create /rcfs/listen_aq\n"
+ "Perhaps /rcfs needs to be mounted\n");
+ }
--- /dev/null
+ * fs/rcfs/super.c
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) Shailabh Nagar, IBM Corp. 2004
+ * Vivek Kashyap, IBM Corp. 2004
+ *
+ * Super block operations for rcfs
+ *
+ *
+ * Latest version, more details at http://ckrm.sf.net
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ */
+/* Changes
+ *
+ * 08 Mar 2004
+ * Created.
+ */
+#include <linux/module.h>
+#include <linux/fs.h>
+#include <linux/namei.h>
+#include <asm/namei.h>
+#include <linux/namespace.h>
+#include <linux/dcache.h>
+#include <linux/seq_file.h>
+#include <linux/pagemap.h>
+#include <linux/highmem.h>
+#include <linux/init.h>
+#include <linux/string.h>
+#include <linux/smp_lock.h>
+#include <linux/backing-dev.h>
+#include <linux/parser.h>
+#include <asm/uaccess.h>
+#include <linux/rcfs.h>
+#include <linux/ckrm.h>
+static kmem_cache_t *rcfs_inode_cachep;
+inline struct rcfs_inode_info *RCFS_I(struct inode *inode)
+ return container_of(inode, struct rcfs_inode_info, vfs_inode);
+static struct inode *
+rcfs_alloc_inode(struct super_block *sb)
+ struct rcfs_inode_info *ri;
+ ri = (struct rcfs_inode_info *) kmem_cache_alloc(rcfs_inode_cachep,
+ if (!ri)
+ return NULL;
+ ri->name = NULL;
+ return &ri->vfs_inode;
+static void
+rcfs_destroy_inode(struct inode *inode)
+ struct rcfs_inode_info *ri = RCFS_I(inode);
+ kfree(ri->name);
+ kmem_cache_free(rcfs_inode_cachep, RCFS_I(inode));
+static void
+rcfs_init_once(void * foo, kmem_cache_t * cachep, unsigned long flags)
+ struct rcfs_inode_info *ri = (struct rcfs_inode_info *) foo;
+ inode_init_once(&ri->vfs_inode);
+ rcfs_inode_cachep = kmem_cache_create("rcfs_inode_cache",
+ sizeof(struct rcfs_inode_info),
+ rcfs_init_once, NULL);
+ if (rcfs_inode_cachep == NULL)
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ return 0;
+void rcfs_destroy_inodecache(void)
+ printk(KERN_WARNING "destroy inodecache was called\n");
+ if (kmem_cache_destroy(rcfs_inode_cachep))
+ printk(KERN_INFO "rcfs_inode_cache: not all structures were freed\n");
+struct super_operations rcfs_super_ops =
+ .alloc_inode = rcfs_alloc_inode,
+ .destroy_inode = rcfs_destroy_inode,
+ .statfs = simple_statfs,
+ .drop_inode = generic_delete_inode,
+struct dentry *rcfs_rootde; /* redundant since one can also get it from sb */
+static struct inode *rcfs_root;
+static struct rcfs_inode_info *rcfs_rootri;
+static int rcfs_mounted;
+static int rcfs_fill_super(struct super_block * sb, void * data, int silent)
+ struct inode * inode;
+ struct dentry * root;
+ struct rcfs_inode_info *rootri;
+ struct ckrm_classtype *clstype;
+ int i,rc;
+ sb->s_fs_info = NULL;
+ if (rcfs_mounted) {
+ return -EPERM;
+ }
+ rcfs_mounted++;
+ sb->s_blocksize = PAGE_CACHE_SIZE;
+ sb->s_blocksize_bits = PAGE_CACHE_SHIFT;
+ sb->s_magic = RCFS_MAGIC;
+ sb->s_op = &rcfs_super_ops;
+ inode = rcfs_get_inode(sb, S_IFDIR | 0755, 0);
+ if (!inode)
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ inode->i_op = &rcfs_rootdir_inode_operations;
+ root = d_alloc_root(inode);
+ if (!root) {
+ iput(inode);
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ }
+ sb->s_root = root;
+ // Link inode and core class
+ rootri = RCFS_I(inode);
+ rootri->name = kmalloc(strlen(RCFS_ROOT) + 1, GFP_KERNEL);
+ if (!rootri->name) {
+ d_delete(root);
+ iput(inode);
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ }
+ strcpy(rootri->name, RCFS_ROOT);
+ rootri->core = NULL;
+ rcfs_root = inode;
+ sb->s_fs_info = rcfs_root = inode;
+ rcfs_rootde = root ;
+ rcfs_rootri = rootri ;
+ // register metatypes
+ for ( i=0; i<CKRM_MAX_CLASSTYPES; i++) {
+ clstype = ckrm_classtypes[i];
+ if (clstype == NULL)
+ continue;
+ printk("A non null classtype\n");
+ if ((rc = rcfs_register_classtype(clstype)))
+ continue ; // could return with an error too
+ }
+ // register CE's with rcfs
+ // check if CE loaded
+ // call rcfs_register_engine for each classtype
+ // AND rcfs_mkroot (preferably subsume latter in former)
+ return 0;
+static struct super_block *rcfs_get_sb(struct file_system_type *fs_type,
+ int flags, const char *dev_name, void *data)
+ return get_sb_nodev(fs_type, flags, data, rcfs_fill_super);
+rcfs_kill_sb(struct super_block *sb)
+ int i,rc;
+ struct ckrm_classtype *clstype;
+ if (sb->s_fs_info != rcfs_root) {
+ generic_shutdown_super(sb);
+ return;
+ }
+ rcfs_mounted--;
+ for ( i=0; i < CKRM_MAX_CLASSTYPES; i++) {
+ clstype = ckrm_classtypes[i];
+ if (clstype == NULL || clstype->rootde == NULL)
+ continue;
+ if ((rc = rcfs_deregister_classtype(clstype))) {
+ printk(KERN_ERR "Error removing classtype %s\n",
+ clstype->name);
+ // return ; // can also choose to stop here
+ }
+ }
+ // do not remove comment block until ce directory issue resolved
+ // deregister CE with rcfs
+ // Check if loaded
+ // if ce is in one directory /rcfs/ce,
+ // rcfs_deregister_engine for all classtypes within above
+ // codebase
+ // followed by
+ // rcfs_rmroot here
+ // if ce in multiple (per-classtype) directories
+ // call rbce_deregister_engine within ckrm_deregister_classtype
+ // following will automatically clear rcfs root entry including its
+ // rcfs_inode_info
+ generic_shutdown_super(sb);
+ // printk(KERN_ERR "Removed all entries\n");
+static struct file_system_type rcfs_fs_type = {
+ .name = "rcfs",
+ .get_sb = rcfs_get_sb,
+ .kill_sb = rcfs_kill_sb,
+struct rcfs_functions my_rcfs_fn = {
+ .mkroot = rcfs_mkroot,
+ .rmroot = rcfs_rmroot,
+ .register_classtype = rcfs_register_classtype,
+ .deregister_classtype = rcfs_deregister_classtype,
+extern struct rcfs_functions rcfs_fn ;
+static int __init init_rcfs_fs(void)
+ int ret;
+ ret = register_filesystem(&rcfs_fs_type);
+ if (ret)
+ goto init_register_err;
+ ret = rcfs_init_inodecache();
+ if (ret)
+ goto init_cache_err;
+ rcfs_fn = my_rcfs_fn ;
+ return ret;
+ unregister_filesystem(&rcfs_fs_type);
+ return ret;
+static void __exit exit_rcfs_fs(void)
+ rcfs_destroy_inodecache();
+ unregister_filesystem(&rcfs_fs_type);
--- /dev/null
+ * fs/rcfs/tc_magic.c
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) Shailabh Nagar, IBM Corp. 2004
+ * (C) Vivek Kashyap, IBM Corp. 2004
+ * (C) Chandra Seetharaman, IBM Corp. 2004
+ * (C) Hubertus Franke, IBM Corp. 2004
+ *
+ *
+ * define magic fileops for taskclass classtype
+ *
+ * Latest version, more details at http://ckrm.sf.net
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ */
+/* Changes
+ *
+ * 23 Apr 2004
+ * Created.
+ *
+ */
+#include <linux/rcfs.h>
+#include <linux/ckrm_tc.h>
+ * Taskclass general
+ *
+ * Define structures for taskclass root directory and its magic files
+ * In taskclasses, there is one set of magic files, created automatically under
+ * the taskclass root (upon classtype registration) and each directory (class)
+ * created subsequently. However, classtypes can also choose to have different
+ * sets of magic files created under their root and other directories under root
+ * using their mkdir function. RCFS only provides helper functions for creating
+ * the root directory and its magic files
+ *
+ *******************************************************************************/
+#define NR_TCROOTMF 6
+struct rcfs_magf tc_rootdesc[NR_TCROOTMF] = {
+ /* First entry must be root */
+ {
+// .name = should not be set, copy from classtype name
+ .i_op = &rcfs_dir_inode_operations,
+ .i_fop = &simple_dir_operations,
+ },
+ /* Rest are root's magic files */
+ {
+ .name = "target",
+ .mode = TC_FILE_MODE,
+ .i_fop = &target_fileops,
+ .i_op = &rcfs_file_inode_operations,
+ },
+ {
+ .name = "config",
+ .mode = TC_FILE_MODE,
+ .i_fop = &config_fileops,
+ .i_op = &rcfs_file_inode_operations,
+ },
+ {
+ .name = "members",
+ .mode = TC_FILE_MODE,
+ .i_fop = &members_fileops,
+ .i_op = &rcfs_file_inode_operations,
+ },
+ {
+ .name = "stats",
+ .mode = TC_FILE_MODE,
+ .i_fop = &stats_fileops,
+ .i_op = &rcfs_file_inode_operations,
+ },
+ {
+ .name = "shares",
+ .mode = TC_FILE_MODE,
+ .i_fop = &shares_fileops,
+ .i_op = &rcfs_file_inode_operations,
+ },
+struct rcfs_mfdesc tc_mfdesc = {
+ .rootmf = tc_rootdesc,
+ .rootmflen = NR_TCROOTMF,
--- /dev/null
+# relayfs Makefile
+obj-$(CONFIG_RELAYFS_FS) += relayfs.o
+relayfs-y := relay.o relay_lockless.o relay_locking.o inode.o resize.o
+relayfs-$(CONFIG_KLOG_CHANNEL) += klog.o
--- /dev/null
+ * VFS-related code for RelayFS, a high-speed data relay filesystem.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2003 - Tom Zanussi <zanussi@us.ibm.com>, IBM Corp
+ * Copyright (C) 2003 - Karim Yaghmour <karim@opersys.com>
+ *
+ * Based on ramfs, Copyright (C) 2002 - Linus Torvalds
+ *
+ * This file is released under the GPL.
+ */
+#include <linux/module.h>
+#include <linux/fs.h>
+#include <linux/mount.h>
+#include <linux/pagemap.h>
+#include <linux/highmem.h>
+#include <linux/init.h>
+#include <linux/string.h>
+#include <linux/smp_lock.h>
+#include <linux/backing-dev.h>
+#include <linux/namei.h>
+#include <linux/poll.h>
+#include <asm/uaccess.h>
+#include <asm/relay.h>
+#define RELAYFS_MAGIC 0x26F82121
+static struct super_operations relayfs_ops;
+static struct address_space_operations relayfs_aops;
+static struct inode_operations relayfs_file_inode_operations;
+static struct file_operations relayfs_file_operations;
+static struct inode_operations relayfs_dir_inode_operations;
+static struct vfsmount * relayfs_mount;
+static int relayfs_mount_count;
+static struct backing_dev_info relayfs_backing_dev_info = {
+ .ra_pages = 0, /* No readahead */
+ .memory_backed = 1, /* Does not contribute to dirty memory */
+static struct inode *
+relayfs_get_inode(struct super_block *sb, int mode, dev_t dev)
+ struct inode * inode;
+ inode = new_inode(sb);
+ if (inode) {
+ inode->i_mode = mode;
+ inode->i_uid = current->fsuid;
+ inode->i_gid = current->fsgid;
+ inode->i_blksize = PAGE_CACHE_SIZE;
+ inode->i_blocks = 0;
+ inode->i_mapping->a_ops = &relayfs_aops;
+ inode->i_mapping->backing_dev_info = &relayfs_backing_dev_info;
+ inode->i_atime = inode->i_mtime = inode->i_ctime = CURRENT_TIME;
+ switch (mode & S_IFMT) {
+ default:
+ init_special_inode(inode, mode, dev);
+ break;
+ case S_IFREG:
+ inode->i_op = &relayfs_file_inode_operations;
+ inode->i_fop = &relayfs_file_operations;
+ break;
+ case S_IFDIR:
+ inode->i_op = &relayfs_dir_inode_operations;
+ inode->i_fop = &simple_dir_operations;
+ /* directory inodes start off with i_nlink == 2 (for "." entry) */
+ inode->i_nlink++;
+ break;
+ case S_IFLNK:
+ inode->i_op = &page_symlink_inode_operations;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return inode;
+ * File creation. Allocate an inode, and we're done..
+ */
+/* SMP-safe */
+static int
+relayfs_mknod(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry, int mode, dev_t dev)
+ struct inode * inode;
+ int error = -ENOSPC;
+ inode = relayfs_get_inode(dir->i_sb, mode, dev);
+ if (inode) {
+ d_instantiate(dentry, inode);
+ dget(dentry); /* Extra count - pin the dentry in core */
+ error = 0;
+ }
+ return error;
+static int
+relayfs_mkdir(struct inode * dir, struct dentry * dentry, int mode)
+ int retval;
+ retval = relayfs_mknod(dir, dentry, mode | S_IFDIR, 0);
+ if (!retval)
+ dir->i_nlink++;
+ return retval;
+static int
+relayfs_create(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry, int mode, struct nameidata *nd)
+ return relayfs_mknod(dir, dentry, mode | S_IFREG, 0);
+static int
+relayfs_symlink(struct inode * dir, struct dentry *dentry, const char * symname)
+ struct inode *inode;
+ int error = -ENOSPC;
+ inode = relayfs_get_inode(dir->i_sb, S_IFLNK|S_IRWXUGO, 0);
+ if (inode) {
+ int l = strlen(symname)+1;
+ error = page_symlink(inode, symname, l);
+ if (!error) {
+ d_instantiate(dentry, inode);
+ dget(dentry);
+ } else
+ iput(inode);
+ }
+ return error;
+ * relayfs_create_entry - create a relayfs directory or file
+ * @name: the name of the file to create
+ * @parent: parent directory
+ * @dentry: result dentry
+ * @entry_type: type of file to create (S_IFREG, S_IFDIR)
+ * @mode: mode
+ * @data: data to associate with the file
+ *
+ * Creates a file or directory with the specifed permissions.
+ */
+static int
+relayfs_create_entry(const char * name, struct dentry * parent, struct dentry **dentry, int entry_type, int mode, void * data)
+ struct qstr qname;
+ struct dentry * d;
+ int error = 0;
+ error = simple_pin_fs("relayfs", &relayfs_mount, &relayfs_mount_count);
+ if (error) {
+ printk(KERN_ERR "Couldn't mount relayfs: errcode %d\n", error);
+ return error;
+ }
+ qname.name = name;
+ qname.len = strlen(name);
+ qname.hash = full_name_hash(name, qname.len);
+ if (parent == NULL)
+ if (relayfs_mount && relayfs_mount->mnt_sb)
+ parent = relayfs_mount->mnt_sb->s_root;
+ if (parent == NULL) {
+ simple_release_fs(&relayfs_mount, &relayfs_mount_count);
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ parent = dget(parent);
+ down(&parent->d_inode->i_sem);
+ d = lookup_hash(&qname, parent);
+ if (IS_ERR(d)) {
+ error = PTR_ERR(d);
+ goto release_mount;
+ }
+ if (d->d_inode) {
+ error = -EEXIST;
+ goto release_mount;
+ }
+ if (entry_type == S_IFREG)
+ error = relayfs_create(parent->d_inode, d, entry_type | mode, NULL);
+ else
+ error = relayfs_mkdir(parent->d_inode, d, entry_type | mode);
+ if (error)
+ goto release_mount;
+ if ((entry_type == S_IFREG) && data) {
+ d->d_inode->u.generic_ip = data;
+ goto exit; /* don't release mount for regular files */
+ }
+ simple_release_fs(&relayfs_mount, &relayfs_mount_count);
+ *dentry = d;
+ up(&parent->d_inode->i_sem);
+ dput(parent);
+ return error;
+ * relayfs_create_file - create a file in the relay filesystem
+ * @name: the name of the file to create
+ * @parent: parent directory
+ * @dentry: result dentry
+ * @data: data to associate with the file
+ * @mode: mode, if not specied the default perms are used
+ *
+ * The file will be created user rw on behalf of current user.
+ */
+relayfs_create_file(const char * name, struct dentry * parent, struct dentry **dentry, void * data, int mode)
+ if (!mode)
+ mode = S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR;
+ return relayfs_create_entry(name, parent, dentry, S_IFREG,
+ mode, data);
+ * relayfs_create_dir - create a directory in the relay filesystem
+ * @name: the name of the directory to create
+ * @parent: parent directory
+ * @dentry: result dentry
+ *
+ * The directory will be created world rwx on behalf of current user.
+ */
+relayfs_create_dir(const char * name, struct dentry * parent, struct dentry **dentry)
+ return relayfs_create_entry(name, parent, dentry, S_IFDIR,
+ * relayfs_remove_file - remove a file in the relay filesystem
+ * @dentry: file dentry
+ *
+ * Remove a file previously created by relayfs_create_file.
+ */
+relayfs_remove_file(struct dentry *dentry)
+ struct dentry *parent;
+ int is_reg;
+ parent = dentry->d_parent;
+ if (parent == NULL)
+ return -EINVAL;
+ is_reg = S_ISREG(dentry->d_inode->i_mode);
+ parent = dget(parent);
+ down(&parent->d_inode->i_sem);
+ if (dentry->d_inode) {
+ simple_unlink(parent->d_inode, dentry);
+ d_delete(dentry);
+ }
+ dput(dentry);
+ up(&parent->d_inode->i_sem);
+ dput(parent);
+ if(is_reg)
+ simple_release_fs(&relayfs_mount, &relayfs_mount_count);
+ return 0;
+ * relayfs_open - open file op for relayfs files
+ * @inode: the inode
+ * @filp: the file
+ *
+ * Associates the channel with the file, and increments the
+ * channel refcount. Reads will be 'auto-consuming'.
+ */
+relayfs_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *filp)
+ struct rchan *rchan;
+ struct rchan_reader *reader;
+ int retval = 0;
+ if (inode->u.generic_ip) {
+ rchan = (struct rchan *)inode->u.generic_ip;
+ if (rchan == NULL)
+ return -EACCES;
+ reader = __add_rchan_reader(rchan, filp, 1, 0);
+ if (reader == NULL)
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ filp->private_data = reader;
+ retval = rchan->callbacks->fileop_notify(rchan->id, filp,
+ if (retval == 0)
+ /* Inc relay channel refcount for file */
+ rchan_get(rchan->id);
+ else {
+ __remove_rchan_reader(reader);
+ retval = -EPERM;
+ }
+ }
+ return retval;
+ * relayfs_mmap - mmap file op for relayfs files
+ * @filp: the file
+ * @vma: the vma describing what to map
+ *
+ * Calls upon relay_mmap_buffer to map the file into user space.
+ */
+relayfs_mmap(struct file *filp, struct vm_area_struct *vma)
+ struct rchan *rchan;
+ rchan = ((struct rchan_reader *)filp->private_data)->rchan;
+ return __relay_mmap_buffer(rchan, vma);
+ * relayfs_file_read - read file op for relayfs files
+ * @filp: the file
+ * @buf: user buf to read into
+ * @count: bytes requested
+ * @offset: offset into file
+ *
+ * Reads count bytes from the channel, or as much as is available within
+ * the sub-buffer currently being read. Reads are 'auto-consuming'.
+ * See relay_read() for details.
+ *
+ * Returns bytes read on success, 0 or -EAGAIN if nothing available,
+ * negative otherwise.
+ */
+relayfs_file_read(struct file *filp, char * buf, size_t count, loff_t *offset)
+ size_t read_count;
+ struct rchan_reader *reader;
+ u32 dummy; /* all VFS readers are auto-consuming */
+ if (offset != &filp->f_pos) /* pread, seeking not supported */
+ return -ESPIPE;
+ if (count == 0)
+ return 0;
+ reader = (struct rchan_reader *)filp->private_data;
+ read_count = relay_read(reader, buf, count,
+ filp->f_flags & (O_NDELAY | O_NONBLOCK) ? 0 : 1, &dummy);
+ return read_count;
+ * relayfs_file_write - write file op for relayfs files
+ * @filp: the file
+ * @buf: user buf to write from
+ * @count: bytes to write
+ * @offset: offset into file
+ *
+ * Reserves a slot in the relay buffer and writes count bytes
+ * into it. The current limit for a single write is 2 pages
+ * worth. The user_deliver() channel callback will be invoked on
+ *
+ * Returns bytes written on success, 0 or -EAGAIN if nothing available,
+ * negative otherwise.
+ */
+relayfs_file_write(struct file *filp, const char *buf, size_t count, loff_t *offset)
+ int write_count;
+ char * write_buf;
+ struct rchan *rchan;
+ int err = 0;
+ void *wrote_pos;
+ struct rchan_reader *reader;
+ reader = (struct rchan_reader *)filp->private_data;
+ if (reader == NULL)
+ return -EPERM;
+ rchan = reader->rchan;
+ if (rchan == NULL)
+ return -EPERM;
+ if (count == 0)
+ return 0;
+ /* Change this if need to write more than 2 pages at once */
+ if (count > 2 * PAGE_SIZE)
+ return -EINVAL;
+ write_buf = (char *)__get_free_pages(GFP_KERNEL, 1);
+ if (write_buf == NULL)
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ if (copy_from_user(write_buf, buf, count))
+ return -EFAULT;
+ if (filp->f_flags & (O_NDELAY | O_NONBLOCK)) {
+ write_count = relay_write(rchan->id, write_buf, count, -1, &wrote_pos);
+ if (write_count == 0)
+ return -EAGAIN;
+ } else {
+ err = wait_event_interruptible(rchan->write_wait,
+ (write_count = relay_write(rchan->id, write_buf, count, -1, &wrote_pos)));
+ if (err)
+ return err;
+ }
+ free_pages((unsigned long)write_buf, 1);
+ rchan->callbacks->user_deliver(rchan->id, wrote_pos, write_count);
+ return write_count;
+ * relayfs_ioctl - ioctl file op for relayfs files
+ * @inode: the inode
+ * @filp: the file
+ * @cmd: the command
+ * @arg: command arg
+ *
+ * Passes the specified cmd/arg to the kernel client. arg may be a
+ * pointer to user-space data, in which case the kernel client is
+ * responsible for copying the data to/from user space appropriately.
+ * The kernel client is also responsible for returning a meaningful
+ * return value for ioctl calls.
+ *
+ * Returns result of relay channel callback, -EPERM if unsuccessful.
+ */
+relayfs_ioctl(struct inode *inode, struct file *filp, unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg)
+ struct rchan *rchan;
+ struct rchan_reader *reader;
+ reader = (struct rchan_reader *)filp->private_data;
+ if (reader == NULL)
+ return -EPERM;
+ rchan = reader->rchan;
+ if (rchan == NULL)
+ return -EPERM;
+ return rchan->callbacks->ioctl(rchan->id, cmd, arg);
+ * relayfs_poll - poll file op for relayfs files
+ * @filp: the file
+ * @wait: poll table
+ *
+ * Poll implemention.
+ */
+static unsigned int
+relayfs_poll(struct file *filp, poll_table *wait)
+ struct rchan_reader *reader;
+ unsigned int mask = 0;
+ reader = (struct rchan_reader *)filp->private_data;
+ if (reader->rchan->finalized)
+ return POLLERR;
+ if (filp->f_mode & FMODE_READ) {
+ poll_wait(filp, &reader->rchan->read_wait, wait);
+ if (!rchan_empty(reader))
+ }
+ if (filp->f_mode & FMODE_WRITE) {
+ poll_wait(filp, &reader->rchan->write_wait, wait);
+ if (!rchan_full(reader))
+ }
+ return mask;
+ * relayfs_release - release file op for relayfs files
+ * @inode: the inode
+ * @filp: the file
+ *
+ * Decrements the channel refcount, as the filesystem is
+ * no longer using it.
+ */
+relayfs_release(struct inode *inode, struct file *filp)
+ struct rchan_reader *reader;
+ struct rchan *rchan;
+ reader = (struct rchan_reader *)filp->private_data;
+ if (reader == NULL || reader->rchan == NULL)
+ return 0;
+ rchan = reader->rchan;
+ rchan->callbacks->fileop_notify(reader->rchan->id, filp,
+ __remove_rchan_reader(reader);
+ /* The channel is no longer in use as far as this file is concerned */
+ rchan_put(rchan);
+ return 0;
+static struct address_space_operations relayfs_aops = {
+ .readpage = simple_readpage,
+ .prepare_write = simple_prepare_write,
+ .commit_write = simple_commit_write
+static struct file_operations relayfs_file_operations = {
+ .open = relayfs_open,
+ .read = relayfs_file_read,
+ .write = relayfs_file_write,
+ .ioctl = relayfs_ioctl,
+ .poll = relayfs_poll,
+ .mmap = relayfs_mmap,
+ .fsync = simple_sync_file,
+ .release = relayfs_release,
+static struct inode_operations relayfs_file_inode_operations = {
+ .getattr = simple_getattr,
+static struct inode_operations relayfs_dir_inode_operations = {
+ .create = relayfs_create,
+ .lookup = simple_lookup,
+ .link = simple_link,
+ .unlink = simple_unlink,
+ .symlink = relayfs_symlink,
+ .mkdir = relayfs_mkdir,
+ .rmdir = simple_rmdir,
+ .mknod = relayfs_mknod,
+ .rename = simple_rename,
+static struct super_operations relayfs_ops = {
+ .statfs = simple_statfs,
+ .drop_inode = generic_delete_inode,
+static int
+relayfs_fill_super(struct super_block * sb, void * data, int silent)
+ struct inode * inode;
+ struct dentry * root;
+ sb->s_blocksize = PAGE_CACHE_SIZE;
+ sb->s_blocksize_bits = PAGE_CACHE_SHIFT;
+ sb->s_magic = RELAYFS_MAGIC;
+ sb->s_op = &relayfs_ops;
+ inode = relayfs_get_inode(sb, S_IFDIR | 0755, 0);
+ if (!inode)
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ root = d_alloc_root(inode);
+ if (!root) {
+ iput(inode);
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ }
+ sb->s_root = root;
+ return 0;
+static struct super_block *
+relayfs_get_sb(struct file_system_type *fs_type,
+ int flags, const char *dev_name, void *data)
+ return get_sb_single(fs_type, flags, data, relayfs_fill_super);
+static struct file_system_type relayfs_fs_type = {
+ .owner = THIS_MODULE,
+ .name = "relayfs",
+ .get_sb = relayfs_get_sb,
+ .kill_sb = kill_litter_super,
+static int __init
+ int err = register_filesystem(&relayfs_fs_type);
+ if (!err)
+ create_klog_channel();
+ return err;
+static void __exit
+ remove_klog_channel();
+ unregister_filesystem(&relayfs_fs_type);
+MODULE_AUTHOR("Tom Zanussi <zanussi@us.ibm.com> and Karim Yaghmour <karim@opersys.com>");
+MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Relay Filesystem");
--- /dev/null
+ * KLOG Generic Logging facility built upon the relayfs infrastructure
+ *
+ * Authors: Hubertus Franke (frankeh@us.ibm.com)
+ * Tom Zanussi (zanussi@us.ibm.com)
+ *
+ * Please direct all questions/comments to zanussi@us.ibm.com
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2003, IBM Corp
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
+ * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ */
+#include <linux/kernel.h>
+#include <linux/smp_lock.h>
+#include <linux/console.h>
+#include <linux/init.h>
+#include <linux/module.h>
+#include <linux/config.h>
+#include <linux/delay.h>
+#include <linux/smp.h>
+#include <linux/sysctl.h>
+#include <linux/relayfs_fs.h>
+#include <linux/klog.h>
+/* klog channel id */
+static int klog_channel = -1;
+/* maximum size of klog formatting buffer beyond which truncation will occur */
+#define KLOG_BUF_SIZE (512)
+/* per-cpu klog formatting buffer */
+static char buf[NR_CPUS][KLOG_BUF_SIZE];
+ * klog_enabled determines whether klog()/klog_raw() actually do write
+ * to the klog channel at any given time. If klog_enabled == 1 they do,
+ * otherwise they don't. Settable using sysctl fs.relayfs.klog_enabled.
+ */
+static int klog_enabled = 1;
+static int klog_enabled = 0;
+ * klog - write a formatted string into the klog channel
+ * @fmt: format string
+ *
+ * Returns number of bytes written, negative number on failure.
+ */
+int klog(const char *fmt, ...)
+ va_list args;
+ int len, err;
+ char *cbuf;
+ unsigned long flags;
+ if (!klog_enabled || klog_channel < 0)
+ return 0;
+ local_irq_save(flags);
+ cbuf = buf[smp_processor_id()];
+ va_start(args, fmt);
+ len = vsnprintf(cbuf, KLOG_BUF_SIZE, fmt, args);
+ va_end(args);
+ err = relay_write(klog_channel, cbuf, len, -1, NULL);
+ local_irq_restore(flags);
+ return err;
+ * klog_raw - directly write into the klog channel
+ * @buf: buffer containing data to write
+ * @len: # bytes to write
+ *
+ * Returns number of bytes written, negative number on failure.
+ */
+int klog_raw(const char *buf,int len)
+ int err = 0;
+ if (klog_enabled && klog_channel >= 0)
+ err = relay_write(klog_channel, buf, len, -1, NULL);
+ return err;
+ * relayfs sysctl data
+ *
+ * Only sys/fs/relayfs/klog_enabled for now.
+ */
+#define CTL_ENABLE_KLOG 100
+#define CTL_RELAYFS 100
+static struct ctl_table_header *relayfs_ctl_table_header;
+static struct ctl_table relayfs_table[] =
+ {
+ .ctl_name = CTL_ENABLE_KLOG,
+ .procname = "klog_enabled",
+ .data = &klog_enabled,
+ .maxlen = sizeof(int),
+ .mode = 0644,
+ .proc_handler = &proc_dointvec,
+ },
+ {
+ 0
+ }
+static struct ctl_table relayfs_dir_table[] =
+ {
+ .ctl_name = CTL_RELAYFS,
+ .procname = "relayfs",
+ .data = NULL,
+ .maxlen = 0,
+ .mode = 0555,
+ .child = relayfs_table,
+ },
+ {
+ 0
+ }
+static struct ctl_table relayfs_root_table[] =
+ {
+ .ctl_name = CTL_FS,
+ .procname = "fs",
+ .data = NULL,
+ .maxlen = 0,
+ .mode = 0555,
+ .child = relayfs_dir_table,
+ },
+ {
+ 0
+ }
+ * create_klog_channel - creates channel /mnt/relay/klog
+ *
+ * Returns channel id on success, negative otherwise.
+ */
+ u32 bufsize, nbufs;
+ u32 channel_flags;
+ bufsize = 1 << (CONFIG_KLOG_CHANNEL_SHIFT - 2);
+ nbufs = 4;
+ klog_channel = relay_open("klog",
+ bufsize,
+ nbufs,
+ channel_flags,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0);
+ if (klog_channel < 0)
+ printk("klog channel creation failed, errcode: %d\n", klog_channel);
+ else {
+ printk("klog channel created (%u bytes)\n", 1 << CONFIG_KLOG_CHANNEL_SHIFT);
+ relayfs_ctl_table_header = register_sysctl_table(relayfs_root_table, 1);
+ }
+ return klog_channel;
+ * remove_klog_channel - destroys channel /mnt/relay/klog
+ *
+ * Returns 0, negative otherwise.
+ */
+ if (relayfs_ctl_table_header)
+ unregister_sysctl_table(relayfs_ctl_table_header);
+ return relay_close(klog_channel);
--- /dev/null
+ * Public API and common code for RelayFS.
+ *
+ * Please see Documentation/filesystems/relayfs.txt for API description.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2002, 2003 - Tom Zanussi (zanussi@us.ibm.com), IBM Corp
+ * Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 - Karim Yaghmour (karim@opersys.com)
+ *
+ * This file is released under the GPL.
+ */
+#include <linux/init.h>
+#include <linux/errno.h>
+#include <linux/stddef.h>
+#include <linux/slab.h>
+#include <linux/module.h>
+#include <linux/sched.h>
+#include <linux/string.h>
+#include <linux/time.h>
+#include <linux/page-flags.h>
+#include <linux/vmalloc.h>
+#include <linux/mm.h>
+#include <linux/mman.h>
+#include <linux/delay.h>
+#include <asm/io.h>
+#include <asm/current.h>
+#include <asm/uaccess.h>
+#include <asm/bitops.h>
+#include <asm/pgtable.h>
+#include <asm/relay.h>
+#include <asm/hardirq.h>
+#include "relay_lockless.h"
+#include "relay_locking.h"
+#include "resize.h"
+/* Relay channel table, indexed by channel id */
+static struct rchan * rchan_table[RELAY_MAX_CHANNELS];
+static rwlock_t rchan_table_lock = RW_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
+/* Relay operation structs, one per scheme */
+static struct relay_ops lockless_ops = {
+ .reserve = lockless_reserve,
+ .commit = lockless_commit,
+ .get_offset = lockless_get_offset,
+ .finalize = lockless_finalize,
+ .reset = lockless_reset,
+ .reset_index = lockless_reset_index
+static struct relay_ops locking_ops = {
+ .reserve = locking_reserve,
+ .commit = locking_commit,
+ .get_offset = locking_get_offset,
+ .finalize = locking_finalize,
+ .reset = locking_reset,
+ .reset_index = locking_reset_index
+ * Low-level relayfs kernel API. These functions should not normally be
+ * used by clients. See high-level kernel API below.
+ */
+ * rchan_get - get channel associated with id, incrementing refcount
+ * @rchan_id: the channel id
+ *
+ * Returns channel if successful, NULL otherwise.
+ */
+struct rchan *
+rchan_get(int rchan_id)
+ struct rchan *rchan;
+ if ((rchan_id < 0) || (rchan_id >= RELAY_MAX_CHANNELS))
+ return NULL;
+ read_lock(&rchan_table_lock);
+ rchan = rchan_table[rchan_id];
+ if (rchan)
+ atomic_inc(&rchan->refcount);
+ read_unlock(&rchan_table_lock);
+ return rchan;
+ * clear_readers - clear non-VFS readers
+ * @rchan: the channel
+ *
+ * Clear the channel pointers of all non-VFS readers open on the channel.
+ */
+static inline void
+clear_readers(struct rchan *rchan)
+ struct list_head *p;
+ struct rchan_reader *reader;
+ read_lock(&rchan->open_readers_lock);
+ list_for_each(p, &rchan->open_readers) {
+ reader = list_entry(p, struct rchan_reader, list);
+ if (!reader->vfs_reader)
+ reader->rchan = NULL;
+ }
+ read_unlock(&rchan->open_readers_lock);
+ * rchan_alloc_id - reserve a channel id and store associated channel
+ * @rchan: the channel
+ *
+ * Returns channel id if successful, -1 otherwise.
+ */
+static inline int
+rchan_alloc_id(struct rchan *rchan)
+ int i;
+ int rchan_id = -1;
+ if (rchan == NULL)
+ return -1;
+ write_lock(&rchan_table_lock);
+ for (i = 0; i < RELAY_MAX_CHANNELS; i++) {
+ if (rchan_table[i] == NULL) {
+ rchan_table[i] = rchan;
+ rchan_id = rchan->id = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (rchan_id != -1)
+ atomic_inc(&rchan->refcount);
+ write_unlock(&rchan_table_lock);
+ return rchan_id;
+ * rchan_free_id - revoke a channel id and remove associated channel
+ * @rchan_id: the channel id
+ */
+static inline void
+rchan_free_id(int rchan_id)
+ struct rchan *rchan;
+ if ((rchan_id < 0) || (rchan_id >= RELAY_MAX_CHANNELS))
+ return;
+ write_lock(&rchan_table_lock);
+ rchan = rchan_table[rchan_id];
+ rchan_table[rchan_id] = NULL;
+ write_unlock(&rchan_table_lock);
+ * rchan_destroy_buf - destroy the current channel buffer
+ * @rchan: the channel
+ */
+static inline void
+rchan_destroy_buf(struct rchan *rchan)
+ if (rchan->buf && !rchan->init_buf)
+ free_rchan_buf(rchan->buf,
+ rchan->buf_page_array,
+ rchan->buf_page_count);
+ * relay_release - perform end-of-buffer processing for last buffer
+ * @rchan: the channel
+ *
+ * Returns 0 if successful, negative otherwise.
+ *
+ * Releases the channel buffer, destroys the channel, and removes the
+ * relay file from the relayfs filesystem. Should only be called from
+ * rchan_put(). If we're here, it means by definition refcount is 0.
+ */
+static int
+relay_release(struct rchan *rchan)
+ if (rchan == NULL)
+ return -EBADF;
+ rchan_destroy_buf(rchan);
+ rchan_free_id(rchan->id);
+ relayfs_remove_file(rchan->dentry);
+ clear_readers(rchan);
+ kfree(rchan);
+ return 0;
+ * rchan_get - decrement channel refcount, releasing it if 0
+ * @rchan: the channel
+ *
+ * If the refcount reaches 0, the channel will be destroyed.
+ */
+rchan_put(struct rchan *rchan)
+ if (atomic_dec_and_test(&rchan->refcount))
+ relay_release(rchan);
+ * relay_reserve - reserve a slot in the channel buffer
+ * @rchan: the channel
+ * @len: the length of the slot to reserve
+ * @td: the time delta between buffer start and current write, or TSC
+ * @err: receives the result flags
+ * @interrupting: 1 if interrupting previous, used only in locking scheme
+ *
+ * Returns pointer to the beginning of the reserved slot, NULL if error.
+ *
+ * The errcode value contains the result flags and is an ORed combination
+ * of the following:
+ *
+ * RELAY_BUFFER_SWITCH_NONE - no buffer switch occurred
+ * RELAY_EVENT_DISCARD_NONE - event should not be discarded
+ * RELAY_BUFFER_SWITCH - buffer switch occurred
+ * RELAY_EVENT_DISCARD - event should be discarded (all buffers are full)
+ * RELAY_EVENT_TOO_LONG - event won't fit into even an empty buffer
+ *
+ * buffer_start and buffer_end callbacks are triggered at this point
+ * if applicable.
+ */
+char *
+relay_reserve(struct rchan *rchan,
+ u32 len,
+ struct timeval *ts,
+ u32 *td,
+ int *err,
+ int *interrupting)
+ if (rchan == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ *interrupting = 0;
+ return rchan->relay_ops->reserve(rchan, len, ts, td, err, interrupting);
+ * wakeup_readers - wake up VFS readers waiting on a channel
+ * @private: the channel
+ *
+ * This is the work function used to defer reader waking. The
+ * reason waking is deferred is that calling directly from commit
+ * causes problems if you're writing from say the scheduler.
+ */
+static void
+wakeup_readers(void *private)
+ struct rchan *rchan = (struct rchan *)private;
+ wake_up_interruptible(&rchan->read_wait);
+ * relay_commit - commit a reserved slot in the buffer
+ * @rchan: the channel
+ * @from: commit the length starting here
+ * @len: length committed
+ * @interrupting: 1 if interrupting previous, used only in locking scheme
+ *
+ * After the write into the reserved buffer has been complted, this
+ * function must be called in order for the relay to determine whether
+ * buffers are complete and to wake up VFS readers.
+ *
+ * delivery callback is triggered at this point if applicable.
+ */
+relay_commit(struct rchan *rchan,
+ char *from,
+ u32 len,
+ int reserve_code,
+ int interrupting)
+ int deliver;
+ if (rchan == NULL)
+ return;
+ deliver = packet_delivery(rchan) ||
+ (reserve_code & RELAY_BUFFER_SWITCH);
+ rchan->relay_ops->commit(rchan, from, len, deliver, interrupting);
+ /* The params are always the same, so no worry about re-queuing */
+ if (deliver && waitqueue_active(&rchan->read_wait)) {
+ PREPARE_WORK(&rchan->wake_readers, wakeup_readers, rchan);
+ schedule_delayed_work(&rchan->wake_readers, 1);
+ }
+ * relay_get_offset - get current and max channel buffer offsets
+ * @rchan: the channel
+ * @max_offset: maximum channel offset
+ *
+ * Returns the current and maximum channel buffer offsets.
+ */
+relay_get_offset(struct rchan *rchan, u32 *max_offset)
+ return rchan->relay_ops->get_offset(rchan, max_offset);
+ * reset_index - try once to reset the current channel index
+ * @rchan: the channel
+ * @old_index: the index read before reset
+ *
+ * Attempts to reset the channel index to 0. It tries once, and
+ * if it fails, returns negative, 0 otherwise.
+ */
+reset_index(struct rchan *rchan, u32 old_index)
+ return rchan->relay_ops->reset_index(rchan, old_index);
+ * close() vm_op implementation for relayfs file mapping.
+ */
+static void
+relay_file_mmap_close(struct vm_area_struct *vma)
+ struct file *filp = vma->vm_file;
+ struct rchan_reader *reader;
+ struct rchan *rchan;
+ reader = (struct rchan_reader *)filp->private_data;
+ rchan = reader->rchan;
+ atomic_dec(&rchan->mapped);
+ rchan->callbacks->fileop_notify(reader->rchan->id, filp,
+ * vm_ops for relay file mappings.
+ */
+static struct vm_operations_struct relay_file_mmap_ops = {
+ .close = relay_file_mmap_close
+/* \begin{Code inspired from BTTV driver} */
+static inline unsigned long
+kvirt_to_pa(unsigned long adr)
+ unsigned long kva, ret;
+ kva = (unsigned long) page_address(vmalloc_to_page((void *) adr));
+ kva |= adr & (PAGE_SIZE - 1);
+ ret = __pa(kva);
+ return ret;
+static int
+relay_mmap_region(struct vm_area_struct *vma,
+ const char *adr,
+ const char *start_pos,
+ unsigned long size)
+ unsigned long start = (unsigned long) adr;
+ unsigned long page, pos;
+ pos = (unsigned long) start_pos;
+ while (size > 0) {
+ page = kvirt_to_pa(pos);
+ if (remap_page_range(vma, start, page, PAGE_SIZE, PAGE_SHARED))
+ return -EAGAIN;
+ start += PAGE_SIZE;
+ pos += PAGE_SIZE;
+ size -= PAGE_SIZE;
+ }
+ return 0;
+/* \end{Code inspired from BTTV driver} */
+ * relay_mmap_buffer: - mmap buffer to process address space
+ * @rchan_id: relay channel id
+ * @vma: vm_area_struct describing memory to be mapped
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * 0 if ok
+ * -EAGAIN, when remap failed
+ * -EINVAL, invalid requested length
+ *
+ * Caller should already have grabbed mmap_sem.
+ */
+__relay_mmap_buffer(struct rchan *rchan,
+ struct vm_area_struct *vma)
+ int err = 0;
+ unsigned long length = vma->vm_end - vma->vm_start;
+ struct file *filp = vma->vm_file;
+ if (rchan == NULL) {
+ err = -EBADF;
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ if (rchan->init_buf) {
+ err = -EPERM;
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ if (length != (unsigned long)rchan->alloc_size) {
+ err = -EINVAL;
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ err = relay_mmap_region(vma,
+ (char *)vma->vm_start,
+ rchan->buf,
+ rchan->alloc_size);
+ if (err == 0) {
+ vma->vm_ops = &relay_file_mmap_ops;
+ err = rchan->callbacks->fileop_notify(rchan->id, filp,
+ if (err == 0)
+ atomic_inc(&rchan->mapped);
+ }
+ return err;
+ * High-level relayfs kernel API. See Documentation/filesystems/relafys.txt.
+ */
+ * rchan_callback implementations defining default channel behavior. Used
+ * in place of corresponding NULL values in client callback struct.
+ */
+ * buffer_end() default callback. Does nothing.
+ */
+static int
+buffer_end_default_callback(int rchan_id,
+ char *current_write_pos,
+ char *end_of_buffer,
+ struct timeval end_time,
+ u32 end_tsc,
+ int using_tsc)
+ return 0;
+ * buffer_start() default callback. Does nothing.
+ */
+static int
+buffer_start_default_callback(int rchan_id,
+ char *current_write_pos,
+ u32 buffer_id,
+ struct timeval start_time,
+ u32 start_tsc,
+ int using_tsc)
+ return 0;
+ * deliver() default callback. Does nothing.
+ */
+static void
+deliver_default_callback(int rchan_id, char *from, u32 len)
+ * user_deliver() default callback. Does nothing.
+ */
+static void
+user_deliver_default_callback(int rchan_id, char *from, u32 len)
+ * needs_resize() default callback. Does nothing.
+ */
+static void
+needs_resize_default_callback(int rchan_id,
+ int resize_type,
+ u32 suggested_buf_size,
+ u32 suggested_n_bufs)
+ * fileop_notify() default callback. Does nothing.
+ */
+static int
+fileop_notify_default_callback(int rchan_id,
+ struct file *filp,
+ enum relay_fileop fileop)
+ return 0;
+ * ioctl() default callback. Does nothing.
+ */
+static int
+ioctl_default_callback(int rchan_id,
+ unsigned int cmd,
+ unsigned long arg)
+ return 0;
+/* relay channel default callbacks */
+static struct rchan_callbacks default_channel_callbacks = {
+ .buffer_start = buffer_start_default_callback,
+ .buffer_end = buffer_end_default_callback,
+ .deliver = deliver_default_callback,
+ .user_deliver = user_deliver_default_callback,
+ .needs_resize = needs_resize_default_callback,
+ .fileop_notify = fileop_notify_default_callback,
+ .ioctl = ioctl_default_callback,
+ * check_attribute_flags - check sanity of channel attributes
+ * @flags: channel attributes
+ * @resizeable: 1 if true
+ *
+ * Returns 0 if successful, negative otherwise.
+ */
+static int
+check_attribute_flags(u32 *attribute_flags, int resizeable)
+ u32 flags = *attribute_flags;
+ if (!(flags & RELAY_DELIVERY_BULK) && !(flags & RELAY_DELIVERY_PACKET))
+ return -EINVAL; /* Delivery mode must be specified */
+ if (!(flags & RELAY_USAGE_SMP) && !(flags & RELAY_USAGE_GLOBAL))
+ return -EINVAL; /* Usage must be specified */
+ if (resizeable) { /* Resizeable can never be continuous */
+ *attribute_flags &= ~RELAY_MODE_CONTINUOUS;
+ *attribute_flags |= RELAY_MODE_NO_OVERWRITE;
+ }
+ if ((flags & RELAY_MODE_CONTINUOUS) &&
+ return -EINVAL; /* Can't have it both ways */
+ if (!(flags & RELAY_MODE_CONTINUOUS) &&
+ *attribute_flags |= RELAY_MODE_CONTINUOUS; /* Default to continuous */
+ if (!(flags & RELAY_SCHEME_ANY))
+ return -EINVAL; /* One or both must be specified */
+ else if (flags & RELAY_SCHEME_LOCKLESS) {
+ if (have_cmpxchg())
+ *attribute_flags &= ~RELAY_SCHEME_LOCKING;
+ else if (flags & RELAY_SCHEME_LOCKING)
+ *attribute_flags &= ~RELAY_SCHEME_LOCKLESS;
+ else
+ return -EINVAL; /* Locking scheme not an alternative */
+ }
+ if (!(flags & RELAY_TIMESTAMP_ANY))
+ return -EINVAL; /* One or both must be specified */
+ else if (flags & RELAY_TIMESTAMP_TSC) {
+ if (have_tsc())
+ *attribute_flags &= ~RELAY_TIMESTAMP_GETTIMEOFDAY;
+ *attribute_flags &= ~RELAY_TIMESTAMP_TSC;
+ else
+ return -EINVAL; /* gettimeofday not an alternative */
+ }
+ return 0;
+ * High-level API functions.
+ */
+ * __relay_reset - internal reset function
+ * @rchan: the channel
+ * @init: 1 if this is a first-time channel initialization
+ *
+ * See relay_reset for description of effect.
+ */
+__relay_reset(struct rchan *rchan, int init)
+ int i;
+ if (init) {
+ rchan->version = RELAYFS_CHANNEL_VERSION;
+ init_MUTEX(&rchan->resize_sem);
+ init_waitqueue_head(&rchan->read_wait);
+ init_waitqueue_head(&rchan->write_wait);
+ atomic_set(&rchan->refcount, 0);
+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&rchan->open_readers);
+ rchan->open_readers_lock = RW_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
+ }
+ rchan->buf_id = rchan->buf_idx = 0;
+ atomic_set(&rchan->suspended, 0);
+ atomic_set(&rchan->mapped, 0);
+ rchan->half_switch = 0;
+ rchan->bufs_produced = 0;
+ rchan->bufs_consumed = 0;
+ rchan->bytes_consumed = 0;
+ rchan->initialized = 0;
+ rchan->finalized = 0;
+ rchan->resize_min = rchan->resize_max = 0;
+ rchan->resizing = 0;
+ rchan->replace_buffer = 0;
+ rchan->resize_buf = NULL;
+ rchan->resize_buf_size = 0;
+ rchan->resize_alloc_size = 0;
+ rchan->resize_n_bufs = 0;
+ rchan->resize_err = 0;
+ rchan->resize_failures = 0;
+ rchan->resize_order = 0;
+ rchan->expand_page_array = NULL;
+ rchan->expand_page_count = 0;
+ rchan->shrink_page_array = NULL;
+ rchan->shrink_page_count = 0;
+ rchan->resize_page_array = NULL;
+ rchan->resize_page_count = 0;
+ rchan->old_buf_page_array = NULL;
+ rchan->expand_buf_id = 0;
+ INIT_WORK(&rchan->wake_readers, NULL, NULL);
+ INIT_WORK(&rchan->wake_writers, NULL, NULL);
+ for (i = 0; i < RELAY_MAX_BUFS; i++)
+ rchan->unused_bytes[i] = 0;
+ rchan->relay_ops->reset(rchan, init);
+ * relay_reset - reset the channel
+ * @rchan: the channel
+ *
+ * Returns 0 if successful, negative if not.
+ *
+ * This has the effect of erasing all data from the buffer and
+ * restarting the channel in its initial state. The buffer itself
+ * is not freed, so any mappings are still in effect.
+ *
+ * NOTE: Care should be taken that the channnel isn't actually
+ * being used by anything when this call is made.
+ */
+relay_reset(int rchan_id)
+ struct rchan *rchan;
+ rchan = rchan_get(rchan_id);
+ if (rchan == NULL)
+ return -EBADF;
+ __relay_reset(rchan, 0);
+ update_readers_consumed(rchan, 0, 0);
+ rchan_put(rchan);
+ return 0;
+ * check_init_buf - check the sanity of init_buf, if present
+ * @init_buf: the initbuf
+ * @init_buf_size: the total initbuf size
+ * @bufsize: the channel's sub-buffer size
+ * @nbufs: the number of sub-buffers in the channel
+ *
+ * Returns 0 if ok, negative otherwise.
+ */
+static int
+check_init_buf(char *init_buf, u32 init_buf_size, u32 bufsize, u32 nbufs)
+ int err = 0;
+ if (init_buf && nbufs == 1) /* 1 sub-buffer makes no sense */
+ err = -EINVAL;
+ if (init_buf && (bufsize * nbufs != init_buf_size))
+ err = -EINVAL;
+ return err;
+ * rchan_create_buf - allocate the initial channel buffer
+ * @rchan: the channel
+ * @size_alloc: the total size of the channel buffer
+ *
+ * Returns 0 if successful, negative otherwise.
+ */
+static inline int
+rchan_create_buf(struct rchan *rchan, int size_alloc)
+ struct page **page_array;
+ int page_count;
+ if ((rchan->buf = (char *)alloc_rchan_buf(size_alloc, &page_array, &page_count)) == NULL) {
+ rchan->buf_page_array = NULL;
+ rchan->buf_page_count = 0;
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ }
+ rchan->buf_page_array = page_array;
+ rchan->buf_page_count = page_count;
+ return 0;
+ * rchan_create - allocate and initialize a channel, including buffer
+ * @chanpath: path specifying the relayfs channel file to create
+ * @bufsize: the size of the sub-buffers within the channel buffer
+ * @nbufs: the number of sub-buffers within the channel buffer
+ * @rchan_flags: flags specifying buffer attributes
+ * @err: err code
+ *
+ * Returns channel if successful, NULL otherwise, err receives errcode.
+ *
+ * Allocates a struct rchan representing a relay channel, according
+ * to the attributes passed in via rchan_flags. Does some basic sanity
+ * checking but doesn't try to do anything smart. In particular, the
+ * number of buffers must be a power of 2, and if the lockless scheme
+ * is being used, the sub-buffer size must also be a power of 2. The
+ * locking scheme can use buffers of any size.
+ */
+static struct rchan *
+rchan_create(const char *chanpath,
+ int bufsize,
+ int nbufs,
+ u32 rchan_flags,
+ char *init_buf,
+ u32 init_buf_size,
+ int *err)
+ int size_alloc;
+ struct rchan *rchan = NULL;
+ *err = 0;
+ rchan = (struct rchan *)kmalloc(sizeof(struct rchan), GFP_KERNEL);
+ if (rchan == NULL) {
+ *err = -ENOMEM;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ rchan->buf = rchan->init_buf = NULL;
+ *err = check_init_buf(init_buf, init_buf_size, bufsize, nbufs);
+ if (*err)
+ goto exit;
+ if (nbufs == 1 && bufsize) {
+ rchan->n_bufs = nbufs;
+ rchan->buf_size = bufsize;
+ size_alloc = bufsize;
+ goto alloc;
+ }
+ if (bufsize <= 0 ||
+ (rchan_flags & RELAY_SCHEME_LOCKLESS && hweight32(bufsize) != 1) ||
+ hweight32(nbufs) != 1 ||
+ nbufs < RELAY_MIN_BUFS ||
+ nbufs > RELAY_MAX_BUFS) {
+ *err = -EINVAL;
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ size_alloc = FIX_SIZE(bufsize * nbufs);
+ if (size_alloc > RELAY_MAX_BUF_SIZE) {
+ *err = -EINVAL;
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ rchan->n_bufs = nbufs;
+ rchan->buf_size = bufsize;
+ if (rchan_flags & RELAY_SCHEME_LOCKLESS) {
+ offset_bits(rchan) = ffs(bufsize) - 1;
+ offset_mask(rchan) = RELAY_BUF_OFFSET_MASK(offset_bits(rchan));
+ bufno_bits(rchan) = ffs(nbufs) - 1;
+ }
+ if (rchan_alloc_id(rchan) == -1) {
+ *err = -ENOMEM;
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ if (init_buf == NULL) {
+ *err = rchan_create_buf(rchan, size_alloc);
+ if (*err) {
+ rchan_free_id(rchan->id);
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ } else
+ rchan->buf = rchan->init_buf = init_buf;
+ rchan->alloc_size = size_alloc;
+ if (rchan_flags & RELAY_SCHEME_LOCKLESS)
+ rchan->relay_ops = &lockless_ops;
+ else
+ rchan->relay_ops = &locking_ops;
+ if (*err) {
+ kfree(rchan);
+ rchan = NULL;
+ }
+ return rchan;
+static char tmpname[NAME_MAX];
+ * rchan_create_dir - create directory for file
+ * @chanpath: path to file, including filename
+ * @residual: filename remaining after parse
+ * @topdir: the directory filename should be created in
+ *
+ * Returns 0 if successful, negative otherwise.
+ *
+ * Inspired by xlate_proc_name() in procfs. Given a file path which
+ * includes the filename, creates any and all directories necessary
+ * to create the file.
+ */
+static int
+rchan_create_dir(const char * chanpath,
+ const char **residual,
+ struct dentry **topdir)
+ const char *cp = chanpath, *next;
+ struct dentry *parent = NULL;
+ int len, err = 0;
+ while (1) {
+ next = strchr(cp, '/');
+ if (!next)
+ break;
+ len = next - cp;
+ strncpy(tmpname, cp, len);
+ tmpname[len] = '\0';
+ err = relayfs_create_dir(tmpname, parent, &parent);
+ if (err && (err != -EEXIST))
+ return err;
+ cp += len + 1;
+ }
+ *residual = cp;
+ *topdir = parent;
+ return err;
+ * rchan_create_file - create file, including parent directories
+ * @chanpath: path to file, including filename
+ * @dentry: result dentry
+ * @data: data to associate with the file
+ *
+ * Returns 0 if successful, negative otherwise.
+ */
+static int
+rchan_create_file(const char * chanpath,
+ struct dentry **dentry,
+ struct rchan * data,
+ int mode)
+ int err;
+ const char * fname;
+ struct dentry *topdir;
+ err = rchan_create_dir(chanpath, &fname, &topdir);
+ if (err && (err != -EEXIST))
+ return err;
+ err = relayfs_create_file(fname, topdir, dentry, (void *)data, mode);
+ return err;
+ * relay_open - create a new file/channel buffer in relayfs
+ * @chanpath: name of file to create, including path
+ * @bufsize: size of sub-buffers
+ * @nbufs: number of sub-buffers
+ * @flags: channel attributes
+ * @callbacks: client callback functions
+ * @start_reserve: number of bytes to reserve at start of each sub-buffer
+ * @end_reserve: number of bytes to reserve at end of each sub-buffer
+ * @rchan_start_reserve: additional reserve at start of first sub-buffer
+ * @resize_min: minimum total buffer size, if set
+ * @resize_max: maximum total buffer size, if set
+ * @mode: the perms to be given to the relayfs file, 0 to accept defaults
+ * @init_buf: initial memory buffer to start out with, NULL if N/A
+ * @init_buf_size: initial memory buffer size to start out with, 0 if N/A
+ *
+ * Returns channel id if successful, negative otherwise.
+ *
+ * Creates a relay channel using the sizes and attributes specified.
+ * The default permissions, used if mode == 0 are S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR. See
+ * Documentation/filesystems/relayfs.txt for details.
+ */
+relay_open(const char *chanpath,
+ int bufsize,
+ int nbufs,
+ u32 flags,
+ struct rchan_callbacks *channel_callbacks,
+ u32 start_reserve,
+ u32 end_reserve,
+ u32 rchan_start_reserve,
+ u32 resize_min,
+ u32 resize_max,
+ int mode,
+ char *init_buf,
+ u32 init_buf_size)
+ int err;
+ struct rchan *rchan;
+ struct dentry *dentry;
+ struct rchan_callbacks *callbacks = NULL;
+ if (chanpath == NULL)
+ return -EINVAL;
+ if (nbufs != 1) {
+ err = check_attribute_flags(&flags, resize_min ? 1 : 0);
+ if (err)
+ return err;
+ }
+ rchan = rchan_create(chanpath, bufsize, nbufs, flags, init_buf, init_buf_size, &err);
+ if (err < 0)
+ return err;
+ /* Create file in fs */
+ if ((err = rchan_create_file(chanpath, &dentry, rchan, mode)) < 0) {
+ rchan_destroy_buf(rchan);
+ rchan_free_id(rchan->id);
+ kfree(rchan);
+ return err;
+ }
+ rchan->dentry = dentry;
+ if (channel_callbacks == NULL)
+ callbacks = &default_channel_callbacks;
+ else
+ callbacks = channel_callbacks;
+ if (callbacks->buffer_end == NULL)
+ callbacks->buffer_end = buffer_end_default_callback;
+ if (callbacks->buffer_start == NULL)
+ callbacks->buffer_start = buffer_start_default_callback;
+ if (callbacks->deliver == NULL)
+ callbacks->deliver = deliver_default_callback;
+ if (callbacks->user_deliver == NULL)
+ callbacks->user_deliver = user_deliver_default_callback;
+ if (callbacks->needs_resize == NULL)
+ callbacks->needs_resize = needs_resize_default_callback;
+ if (callbacks->fileop_notify == NULL)
+ callbacks->fileop_notify = fileop_notify_default_callback;
+ if (callbacks->ioctl == NULL)
+ callbacks->ioctl = ioctl_default_callback;
+ rchan->callbacks = callbacks;
+ /* Just to let the client know the sizes used */
+ rchan->callbacks->needs_resize(rchan->id,
+ rchan->buf_size,
+ rchan->n_bufs);
+ rchan->flags = flags;
+ rchan->start_reserve = start_reserve;
+ rchan->end_reserve = end_reserve;
+ rchan->rchan_start_reserve = rchan_start_reserve;
+ __relay_reset(rchan, 1);
+ if (resize_min > 0 && resize_max > 0 &&
+ resize_max < RELAY_MAX_TOTAL_BUF_SIZE) {
+ rchan->resize_min = resize_min;
+ rchan->resize_max = resize_max;
+ init_shrink_timer(rchan);
+ }
+ rchan_get(rchan->id);
+ return rchan->id;
+ * relay_discard_init_buf - alloc channel buffer and copy init_buf into it
+ * @rchan_id: the channel id
+ *
+ * Returns 0 if successful, negative otherwise.
+ *
+ * NOTE: May sleep. Should also be called only when the channel isn't
+ * actively being written into.
+ */
+relay_discard_init_buf(int rchan_id)
+ struct rchan *rchan;
+ int err = 0;
+ rchan = rchan_get(rchan_id);
+ if (rchan == NULL)
+ return -EBADF;
+ if (rchan->init_buf == NULL) {
+ err = -EINVAL;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ err = rchan_create_buf(rchan, rchan->alloc_size);
+ if (err)
+ goto out;
+ memcpy(rchan->buf, rchan->init_buf, rchan->n_bufs * rchan->buf_size);
+ rchan->init_buf = NULL;
+ rchan_put(rchan);
+ return err;
+ * relay_finalize - perform end-of-buffer processing for last buffer
+ * @rchan_id: the channel id
+ * @releasing: true if called when releasing file
+ *
+ * Returns 0 if successful, negative otherwise.
+ */
+static int
+relay_finalize(int rchan_id)
+ struct rchan *rchan = rchan_get(rchan_id);
+ if (rchan == NULL)
+ return -EBADF;
+ if (rchan->finalized == 0) {
+ rchan->relay_ops->finalize(rchan);
+ rchan->finalized = 1;
+ }
+ if (waitqueue_active(&rchan->read_wait)) {
+ PREPARE_WORK(&rchan->wake_readers, wakeup_readers, rchan);
+ schedule_delayed_work(&rchan->wake_readers, 1);
+ }
+ rchan_put(rchan);
+ return 0;
+ * restore_callbacks - restore default channel callbacks
+ * @rchan: the channel
+ *
+ * Restore callbacks to the default versions.
+ */
+static inline void
+restore_callbacks(struct rchan *rchan)
+ if (rchan->callbacks != &default_channel_callbacks)
+ rchan->callbacks = &default_channel_callbacks;
+ * relay_close - close the channel
+ * @rchan_id: relay channel id
+ *
+ * Finalizes the last sub-buffer and marks the channel as finalized.
+ * The channel buffer and channel data structure are then freed
+ * automatically when the last reference to the channel is given up.
+ */
+relay_close(int rchan_id)
+ int err;
+ struct rchan *rchan;
+ if ((rchan_id < 0) || (rchan_id >= RELAY_MAX_CHANNELS))
+ return -EBADF;
+ err = relay_finalize(rchan_id);
+ if (!err) {
+ read_lock(&rchan_table_lock);
+ rchan = rchan_table[rchan_id];
+ read_unlock(&rchan_table_lock);
+ if (rchan) {
+ restore_callbacks(rchan);
+ if (rchan->resize_min)
+ del_timer(&rchan->shrink_timer);
+ rchan_put(rchan);
+ }
+ }
+ return err;
+ * relay_write - reserve a slot in the channel and write data into it
+ * @rchan_id: relay channel id
+ * @data_ptr: data to be written into reserved slot
+ * @count: number of bytes to write
+ * @td_offset: optional offset where time delta should be written
+ * @wrote_pos: optional ptr returning buf pos written to, ignored if NULL
+ *
+ * Returns the number of bytes written, 0 or negative on failure.
+ *
+ * Reserves space in the channel and writes count bytes of data_ptr
+ * to it. Automatically performs any necessary locking, depending
+ * on the scheme and SMP usage in effect (no locking is done for the
+ * lockless scheme regardless of usage).
+ *
+ * If td_offset is >= 0, the internal time delta calculated when
+ * slot was reserved will be written at that offset.
+ *
+ * If wrote_pos is non-NULL, it will receive the location the data
+ * was written to, which may be needed for some applications but is not
+ * normally interesting.
+ */
+relay_write(int rchan_id,
+ const void *data_ptr,
+ size_t count,
+ int td_offset,
+ void **wrote_pos)
+ unsigned long flags;
+ char *reserved, *write_pos;
+ int bytes_written = 0;
+ int reserve_code, interrupting;
+ struct timeval ts;
+ u32 td;
+ struct rchan *rchan;
+ rchan = rchan_get(rchan_id);
+ if (rchan == NULL)
+ return -EBADF;
+ relay_lock_channel(rchan, flags); /* nop for lockless */
+ write_pos = reserved = relay_reserve(rchan, count, &ts, &td,
+ &reserve_code, &interrupting);
+ if (reserved != NULL) {
+ relay_write_direct(write_pos, data_ptr, count);
+ if ((td_offset >= 0) && (td_offset < count - sizeof(td)))
+ *((u32 *)(reserved + td_offset)) = td;
+ bytes_written = count;
+ } else if (reserve_code == RELAY_WRITE_TOO_LONG)
+ bytes_written = -EINVAL;
+ if (bytes_written > 0)
+ relay_commit(rchan, reserved, bytes_written, reserve_code, interrupting);
+ relay_unlock_channel(rchan, flags); /* nop for lockless */
+ rchan_put(rchan);
+ if (wrote_pos)
+ *wrote_pos = reserved;
+ return bytes_written;
+ * wakeup_writers - wake up VFS writers waiting on a channel
+ * @private: the channel
+ *
+ * This is the work function used to defer writer waking. The
+ * reason waking is deferred is that calling directly from
+ * buffers_consumed causes problems if you're writing from say
+ * the scheduler.
+ */
+static void
+wakeup_writers(void *private)
+ struct rchan *rchan = (struct rchan *)private;
+ wake_up_interruptible(&rchan->write_wait);
+ * __relay_buffers_consumed - internal version of relay_buffers_consumed
+ * @rchan: the relay channel
+ * @bufs_consumed: number of buffers to add to current count for channel
+ *
+ * Internal - updates the channel's consumed buffer count.
+ */
+static void
+__relay_buffers_consumed(struct rchan *rchan, u32 bufs_consumed)
+ rchan->bufs_consumed += bufs_consumed;
+ if (rchan->bufs_consumed > rchan->bufs_produced)
+ rchan->bufs_consumed = rchan->bufs_produced;
+ atomic_set(&rchan->suspended, 0);
+ PREPARE_WORK(&rchan->wake_writers, wakeup_writers, rchan);
+ schedule_delayed_work(&rchan->wake_writers, 1);
+ * __reader_buffers_consumed - update reader/channel consumed buffer count
+ * @reader: channel reader
+ * @bufs_consumed: number of buffers to add to current count for channel
+ *
+ * Internal - updates the reader's consumed buffer count. If the reader's
+ * resulting total is greater than the channel's, update the channel's.
+static void
+__reader_buffers_consumed(struct rchan_reader *reader, u32 bufs_consumed)
+ reader->bufs_consumed += bufs_consumed;
+ if (reader->bufs_consumed > reader->rchan->bufs_consumed)
+ __relay_buffers_consumed(reader->rchan, bufs_consumed);
+ * relay_buffers_consumed - add to the # buffers consumed for the channel
+ * @reader: channel reader
+ * @bufs_consumed: number of buffers to add to current count for channel
+ *
+ * Adds to the channel's consumed buffer count. buffers_consumed should
+ * be the number of buffers newly consumed, not the total number consumed.
+ *
+ * NOTE: kernel clients don't need to call this function if the reader
+ * is auto-consuming or the channel is MODE_CONTINUOUS.
+ */
+relay_buffers_consumed(struct rchan_reader *reader, u32 bufs_consumed)
+ if (reader && reader->rchan)
+ __reader_buffers_consumed(reader, bufs_consumed);
+ * __relay_bytes_consumed - internal version of relay_bytes_consumed
+ * @rchan: the relay channel
+ * @bytes_consumed: number of bytes to add to current count for channel
+ * @read_offset: where the bytes were consumed from
+ *
+ * Internal - updates the channel's consumed count.
+static void
+__relay_bytes_consumed(struct rchan *rchan, u32 bytes_consumed, u32 read_offset)
+ u32 consuming_idx;
+ u32 unused;
+ consuming_idx = read_offset / rchan->buf_size;
+ if (consuming_idx >= rchan->n_bufs)
+ consuming_idx = rchan->n_bufs - 1;
+ rchan->bytes_consumed += bytes_consumed;
+ unused = rchan->unused_bytes[consuming_idx];
+ if (rchan->bytes_consumed + unused >= rchan->buf_size) {
+ __relay_buffers_consumed(rchan, 1);
+ rchan->bytes_consumed = 0;
+ }
+ * __reader_bytes_consumed - update reader/channel consumed count
+ * @reader: channel reader
+ * @bytes_consumed: number of bytes to add to current count for channel
+ * @read_offset: where the bytes were consumed from
+ *
+ * Internal - updates the reader's consumed count. If the reader's
+ * resulting total is greater than the channel's, update the channel's.
+static void
+__reader_bytes_consumed(struct rchan_reader *reader, u32 bytes_consumed, u32 read_offset)
+ u32 consuming_idx;
+ u32 unused;
+ consuming_idx = read_offset / reader->rchan->buf_size;
+ if (consuming_idx >= reader->rchan->n_bufs)
+ consuming_idx = reader->rchan->n_bufs - 1;
+ reader->bytes_consumed += bytes_consumed;
+ unused = reader->rchan->unused_bytes[consuming_idx];
+ if (reader->bytes_consumed + unused >= reader->rchan->buf_size) {
+ reader->bufs_consumed++;
+ reader->bytes_consumed = 0;
+ }
+ if ((reader->bufs_consumed > reader->rchan->bufs_consumed) ||
+ ((reader->bufs_consumed == reader->rchan->bufs_consumed) &&
+ (reader->bytes_consumed > reader->rchan->bytes_consumed)))
+ __relay_bytes_consumed(reader->rchan, bytes_consumed, read_offset);
+ * relay_bytes_consumed - add to the # bytes consumed for the channel
+ * @reader: channel reader
+ * @bytes_consumed: number of bytes to add to current count for channel
+ * @read_offset: where the bytes were consumed from
+ *
+ * Adds to the channel's consumed count. bytes_consumed should be the
+ * number of bytes actually read e.g. return value of relay_read() and
+ * the read_offset should be the actual offset the bytes were read from
+ * e.g. the actual_read_offset set by relay_read(). See
+ * Documentation/filesystems/relayfs.txt for more details.
+ *
+ * NOTE: kernel clients don't need to call this function if the reader
+ * is auto-consuming or the channel is MODE_CONTINUOUS.
+ */
+relay_bytes_consumed(struct rchan_reader *reader, u32 bytes_consumed, u32 read_offset)
+ if (reader && reader->rchan)
+ __reader_bytes_consumed(reader, bytes_consumed, read_offset);
+ * update_readers_consumed - apply offset change to reader
+ * @rchan: the channel
+ *
+ * Apply the consumed counts to all readers open on the channel.
+ */
+update_readers_consumed(struct rchan *rchan, u32 bufs_consumed, u32 bytes_consumed)
+ struct list_head *p;
+ struct rchan_reader *reader;
+ read_lock(&rchan->open_readers_lock);
+ list_for_each(p, &rchan->open_readers) {
+ reader = list_entry(p, struct rchan_reader, list);
+ reader->bufs_consumed = bufs_consumed;
+ reader->bytes_consumed = bytes_consumed;
+ if (reader->vfs_reader)
+ reader->pos.file->f_pos = 0;
+ else
+ reader->pos.f_pos = 0;
+ reader->offset_changed = 1;
+ }
+ read_unlock(&rchan->open_readers_lock);
+ * do_read - utility function to do the actual read to user
+ * @rchan: the channel
+ * @buf: user buf to read into, NULL if just getting info
+ * @count: bytes requested
+ * @read_offset: offset into channel
+ * @new_offset: new offset into channel after read
+ * @actual_read_offset: read offset actually used
+ *
+ * Returns the number of bytes read, 0 if none.
+ */
+static ssize_t
+do_read(struct rchan *rchan, char *buf, size_t count, u32 read_offset, u32 *new_offset, u32 *actual_read_offset)
+ u32 read_bufno, cur_bufno;
+ u32 avail_offset, cur_idx, max_offset, buf_end_offset;
+ u32 avail_count, buf_size;
+ int unused_bytes = 0;
+ size_t read_count = 0;
+ u32 last_buf_byte_offset;
+ *actual_read_offset = read_offset;
+ buf_size = rchan->buf_size;
+ if (unlikely(!buf_size)) BUG();
+ read_bufno = read_offset / buf_size;
+ if (unlikely(read_bufno >= RELAY_MAX_BUFS)) BUG();
+ unused_bytes = rchan->unused_bytes[read_bufno];
+ avail_offset = cur_idx = relay_get_offset(rchan, &max_offset);
+ if (cur_idx == read_offset) {
+ if (atomic_read(&rchan->suspended) == 1) {
+ read_offset += 1;
+ if (read_offset >= max_offset)
+ read_offset = 0;
+ *actual_read_offset = read_offset;
+ } else {
+ *new_offset = read_offset;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ last_buf_byte_offset = (read_bufno + 1) * buf_size - 1;
+ if (read_offset == last_buf_byte_offset) {
+ if (unused_bytes != 1) {
+ read_offset += 1;
+ if (read_offset >= max_offset)
+ read_offset = 0;
+ *actual_read_offset = read_offset;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ read_bufno = read_offset / buf_size;
+ if (unlikely(read_bufno >= RELAY_MAX_BUFS)) BUG();
+ unused_bytes = rchan->unused_bytes[read_bufno];
+ cur_bufno = cur_idx / buf_size;
+ buf_end_offset = (read_bufno + 1) * buf_size - unused_bytes;
+ if (avail_offset > buf_end_offset)
+ avail_offset = buf_end_offset;
+ else if (avail_offset < read_offset)
+ avail_offset = buf_end_offset;
+ avail_count = avail_offset - read_offset;
+ read_count = avail_count >= count ? count : avail_count;
+ if (read_count && buf != NULL)
+ if (copy_to_user(buf, rchan->buf + read_offset, read_count))
+ return -EFAULT;
+ if (read_bufno == cur_bufno)
+ if (read_count && (read_offset + read_count >= buf_end_offset) && (read_offset + read_count <= cur_idx)) {
+ *new_offset = cur_idx;
+ return read_count;
+ }
+ if (read_offset + read_count + unused_bytes > max_offset)
+ *new_offset = 0;
+ else if (read_offset + read_count >= buf_end_offset)
+ *new_offset = read_offset + read_count + unused_bytes;
+ else
+ *new_offset = read_offset + read_count;
+ return read_count;
+ * __relay_read - read bytes from channel, relative to current reader pos
+ * @reader: channel reader
+ * @buf: user buf to read into, NULL if just getting info
+ * @count: bytes requested
+ * @read_offset: offset into channel
+ * @new_offset: new offset into channel after read
+ * @actual_read_offset: read offset actually used
+ * @wait: if non-zero, wait for something to read
+ *
+ * Internal - see relay_read() for details.
+ *
+ * Returns the number of bytes read, 0 if none, negative on failure.
+ */
+static ssize_t
+__relay_read(struct rchan_reader *reader, char *buf, size_t count, u32 read_offset, u32 *new_offset, u32 *actual_read_offset, int wait)
+ int err = 0;
+ size_t read_count = 0;
+ struct rchan *rchan = reader->rchan;
+ if (!wait && !rchan->initialized)
+ return -EAGAIN;
+ if (using_lockless(rchan))
+ read_offset &= idx_mask(rchan);
+ if (read_offset >= rchan->n_bufs * rchan->buf_size) {
+ *new_offset = 0;
+ if (!wait)
+ return -EAGAIN;
+ else
+ return -EINTR;
+ }
+ if (buf != NULL && wait) {
+ err = wait_event_interruptible(rchan->read_wait,
+ ((rchan->finalized == 1) ||
+ (atomic_read(&rchan->suspended) == 1) ||
+ (relay_get_offset(rchan, NULL) != read_offset)));
+ if (rchan->finalized)
+ return 0;
+ if (reader->offset_changed) {
+ reader->offset_changed = 0;
+ return -EINTR;
+ }
+ if (err)
+ return err;
+ }
+ read_count = do_read(rchan, buf, count, read_offset, new_offset, actual_read_offset);
+ if (read_count < 0)
+ err = read_count;
+ if (err)
+ return err;
+ else
+ return read_count;
+ * relay_read - read bytes from channel, relative to current reader pos
+ * @reader: channel reader
+ * @buf: user buf to read into, NULL if just getting info
+ * @count: bytes requested
+ * @wait: if non-zero, wait for something to read
+ * @actual_read_offset: set read offset actually used, must not be NULL
+ *
+ * Reads count bytes from the channel, or as much as is available within
+ * the sub-buffer currently being read. The read offset that will be
+ * read from is the position contained within the reader object. If the
+ * wait flag is set, buf is non-NULL, and there is nothing available,
+ * it will wait until there is. If the wait flag is 0 and there is
+ * nothing available, -EAGAIN is returned. If buf is NULL, the value
+ * returned is the number of bytes that would have been read.
+ * actual_read_offset is the value that should be passed as the read
+ * offset to relay_bytes_consumed, needed only if the reader is not
+ * auto-consuming and the channel is MODE_NO_OVERWRITE, but in any case,
+ * it must not be NULL. See Documentation/filesystems/relayfs.txt for
+ * more details.
+ */
+relay_read(struct rchan_reader *reader, char *buf, size_t count, int wait, u32 *actual_read_offset)
+ u32 new_offset;
+ u32 read_offset;
+ ssize_t read_count;
+ if (reader == NULL || reader->rchan == NULL)
+ return -EBADF;
+ if (actual_read_offset == NULL)
+ return -EINVAL;
+ if (reader->vfs_reader)
+ read_offset = (u32)(reader->pos.file->f_pos);
+ else
+ read_offset = reader->pos.f_pos;
+ *actual_read_offset = read_offset;
+ read_count = __relay_read(reader, buf, count, read_offset,
+ &new_offset, actual_read_offset, wait);
+ if (read_count < 0)
+ return read_count;
+ if (reader->vfs_reader)
+ reader->pos.file->f_pos = new_offset;
+ else
+ reader->pos.f_pos = new_offset;
+ if (reader->auto_consume && ((read_count) || (new_offset != read_offset)))
+ __reader_bytes_consumed(reader, read_count, *actual_read_offset);
+ if (read_count == 0 && !wait)
+ return -EAGAIN;
+ return read_count;
+ * relay_bytes_avail - number of bytes available in current sub-buffer
+ * @reader: channel reader
+ *
+ * Returns the number of bytes available relative to the reader's
+ * current read position within the corresponding sub-buffer, 0 if
+ * there is nothing available. See Documentation/filesystems/relayfs.txt
+ * for more details.
+ */
+relay_bytes_avail(struct rchan_reader *reader)
+ u32 f_pos;
+ u32 new_offset;
+ u32 actual_read_offset;
+ ssize_t bytes_read;
+ if (reader == NULL || reader->rchan == NULL)
+ return -EBADF;
+ if (reader->vfs_reader)
+ f_pos = (u32)reader->pos.file->f_pos;
+ else
+ f_pos = reader->pos.f_pos;
+ new_offset = f_pos;
+ bytes_read = __relay_read(reader, NULL, reader->rchan->buf_size,
+ f_pos, &new_offset, &actual_read_offset, 0);
+ if ((new_offset != f_pos) &&
+ ((bytes_read == -EINTR) || (bytes_read == 0)))
+ bytes_read = -EAGAIN;
+ else if ((bytes_read < 0) && (bytes_read != -EAGAIN))
+ bytes_read = 0;
+ return bytes_read;
+ * rchan_empty - boolean, is the channel empty wrt reader?
+ * @reader: channel reader
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if the channel is empty, 0 otherwise.
+ */
+rchan_empty(struct rchan_reader *reader)
+ ssize_t avail_count;
+ u32 buffers_ready;
+ struct rchan *rchan = reader->rchan;
+ u32 cur_idx, curbuf_bytes;
+ int mapped;
+ if (atomic_read(&rchan->suspended) == 1)
+ return 0;
+ mapped = atomic_read(&rchan->mapped);
+ if (mapped && bulk_delivery(rchan)) {
+ buffers_ready = rchan->bufs_produced - rchan->bufs_consumed;
+ return buffers_ready ? 0 : 1;
+ }
+ if (mapped && packet_delivery(rchan)) {
+ buffers_ready = rchan->bufs_produced - rchan->bufs_consumed;
+ if (buffers_ready)
+ return 0;
+ else {
+ cur_idx = relay_get_offset(rchan, NULL);
+ curbuf_bytes = cur_idx % rchan->buf_size;
+ return curbuf_bytes == rchan->bytes_consumed ? 1 : 0;
+ }
+ }
+ avail_count = relay_bytes_avail(reader);
+ return avail_count ? 0 : 1;
+ * rchan_full - boolean, is the channel full wrt consuming reader?
+ * @reader: channel reader
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if the channel is full, 0 otherwise.
+ */
+rchan_full(struct rchan_reader *reader)
+ u32 buffers_ready;
+ struct rchan *rchan = reader->rchan;
+ if (mode_continuous(rchan))
+ return 0;
+ buffers_ready = rchan->bufs_produced - rchan->bufs_consumed;
+ return buffers_ready > reader->rchan->n_bufs - 1 ? 1 : 0;
+ * relay_info - get status and other information about a relay channel
+ * @rchan_id: relay channel id
+ * @rchan_info: pointer to the rchan_info struct to be filled in
+ *
+ * Fills in an rchan_info struct with channel status and attribute
+ * information. See Documentation/filesystems/relayfs.txt for details.
+ *
+ * Returns 0 if successful, negative otherwise.
+ */
+relay_info(int rchan_id, struct rchan_info *rchan_info)
+ int i;
+ struct rchan *rchan;
+ rchan = rchan_get(rchan_id);
+ if (rchan == NULL)
+ return -EBADF;
+ rchan_info->flags = rchan->flags;
+ rchan_info->buf_size = rchan->buf_size;
+ rchan_info->buf_addr = rchan->buf;
+ rchan_info->alloc_size = rchan->alloc_size;
+ rchan_info->n_bufs = rchan->n_bufs;
+ rchan_info->cur_idx = relay_get_offset(rchan, NULL);
+ rchan_info->bufs_produced = rchan->bufs_produced;
+ rchan_info->bufs_consumed = rchan->bufs_consumed;
+ rchan_info->buf_id = rchan->buf_id;
+ for (i = 0; i < rchan->n_bufs; i++) {
+ rchan_info->unused_bytes[i] = rchan->unused_bytes[i];
+ if (using_lockless(rchan))
+ rchan_info->buffer_complete[i] = (atomic_read(&fill_count(rchan, i)) == rchan->buf_size);
+ else
+ rchan_info->buffer_complete[i] = 0;
+ }
+ rchan_put(rchan);
+ return 0;
+ * __add_rchan_reader - creates and adds a reader to a channel
+ * @rchan: relay channel
+ * @filp: the file associated with rchan, if applicable
+ * @auto_consume: boolean, whether reader's reads automatically consume
+ * @map_reader: boolean, whether reader's reading via a channel mapping
+ *
+ * Returns a pointer to the reader object create, NULL if unsuccessful
+ *
+ * Creates and initializes an rchan_reader object for reading the channel.
+ * If filp is non-NULL, the reader is a VFS reader, otherwise not.
+ *
+ * If the reader is a map reader, it isn't considered a VFS reader for
+ * our purposes. Also, map_readers can't be auto-consuming.
+ */
+struct rchan_reader *
+__add_rchan_reader(struct rchan *rchan, struct file *filp, int auto_consume, int map_reader)
+ struct rchan_reader *reader;
+ u32 will_read;
+ reader = kmalloc(sizeof(struct rchan_reader), GFP_KERNEL);
+ if (reader) {
+ write_lock(&rchan->open_readers_lock);
+ reader->rchan = rchan;
+ if (filp) {
+ reader->vfs_reader = 1;
+ reader->pos.file = filp;
+ } else {
+ reader->vfs_reader = 0;
+ reader->pos.f_pos = 0;
+ }
+ reader->map_reader = map_reader;
+ reader->auto_consume = auto_consume;
+ if (!map_reader) {
+ will_read = rchan->bufs_produced % rchan->n_bufs;
+ if (!will_read && atomic_read(&rchan->suspended))
+ will_read = rchan->n_bufs;
+ reader->bufs_consumed = rchan->bufs_produced - will_read;
+ rchan->bufs_consumed = reader->bufs_consumed;
+ rchan->bytes_consumed = reader->bytes_consumed = 0;
+ reader->offset_changed = 0;
+ }
+ list_add(&reader->list, &rchan->open_readers);
+ write_unlock(&rchan->open_readers_lock);
+ }
+ return reader;
+ * add_rchan_reader - create a reader for a channel
+ * @rchan_id: relay channel handle
+ * @auto_consume: boolean, whether reader's reads automatically consume
+ *
+ * Returns a pointer to the reader object created, NULL if unsuccessful
+ *
+ * Creates and initializes an rchan_reader object for reading the channel.
+ * This function is useful only for non-VFS readers.
+ */
+struct rchan_reader *
+add_rchan_reader(int rchan_id, int auto_consume)
+ struct rchan *rchan = rchan_get(rchan_id);
+ if (rchan == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ return __add_rchan_reader(rchan, NULL, auto_consume, 0);
+ * add_map_reader - create a map reader for a channel
+ * @rchan_id: relay channel handle
+ *
+ * Returns a pointer to the reader object created, NULL if unsuccessful
+ *
+ * Creates and initializes an rchan_reader object for reading the channel.
+ * This function is useful only for map readers.
+ */
+struct rchan_reader *
+add_map_reader(int rchan_id)
+ struct rchan *rchan = rchan_get(rchan_id);
+ if (rchan == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ return __add_rchan_reader(rchan, NULL, 0, 1);
+ * __remove_rchan_reader - destroy a channel reader
+ * @reader: channel reader
+ *
+ * Internal - removes reader from the open readers list, and frees it.
+ */
+__remove_rchan_reader(struct rchan_reader *reader)
+ struct list_head *p;
+ struct rchan_reader *found_reader = NULL;
+ write_lock(&reader->rchan->open_readers_lock);
+ list_for_each(p, &reader->rchan->open_readers) {
+ found_reader = list_entry(p, struct rchan_reader, list);
+ if (found_reader == reader) {
+ list_del(&found_reader->list);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ write_unlock(&reader->rchan->open_readers_lock);
+ if (found_reader)
+ kfree(found_reader);
+ * remove_rchan_reader - destroy a channel reader
+ * @reader: channel reader
+ *
+ * Finds and removes the given reader from the channel. This function
+ * is useful only for non-VFS readers.
+ *
+ * Returns 0 if successful, negative otherwise.
+ */
+remove_rchan_reader(struct rchan_reader *reader)
+ int err = 0;
+ if (reader) {
+ rchan_put(reader->rchan);
+ __remove_rchan_reader(reader);
+ } else
+ err = -EINVAL;
+ return err;
+ * remove_map_reader - destroy a map reader
+ * @reader: channel reader
+ *
+ * Finds and removes the given map reader from the channel. This function
+ * is useful only for map readers.
+ *
+ * Returns 0 if successful, negative otherwise.
+ */
+remove_map_reader(struct rchan_reader *reader)
+ return remove_rchan_reader(reader);
--- /dev/null
+ * RelayFS locking scheme implementation.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 - Karim Yaghmour (karim@opersys.com)
+ * Copyright (C) 2002, 2003 - Tom Zanussi (zanussi@us.ibm.com), IBM Corp
+ *
+ * This file is released under the GPL.
+ */
+#include <asm/relay.h>
+#include "relay_locking.h"
+#include "resize.h"
+ * switch_buffers - switches between read and write buffers.
+ * @cur_time: current time.
+ * @cur_tsc: the TSC associated with current_time, if applicable
+ * @rchan: the channel
+ * @finalizing: if true, don't start a new buffer
+ * @resetting: if true,
+ *
+ * This should be called from with interrupts disabled.
+ */
+static void
+switch_buffers(struct timeval cur_time,
+ u32 cur_tsc,
+ struct rchan *rchan,
+ int finalizing,
+ int resetting,
+ int finalize_buffer_only)
+ char *chan_buf_end;
+ int bytes_written;
+ if (!rchan->half_switch) {
+ bytes_written = rchan->callbacks->buffer_end(rchan->id,
+ cur_write_pos(rchan), write_buf_end(rchan),
+ cur_time, cur_tsc, using_tsc(rchan));
+ if (bytes_written == 0)
+ rchan->unused_bytes[rchan->buf_idx % rchan->n_bufs] =
+ write_buf_end(rchan) - cur_write_pos(rchan);
+ }
+ if (finalize_buffer_only) {
+ rchan->bufs_produced++;
+ return;
+ }
+ chan_buf_end = rchan->buf + rchan->n_bufs * rchan->buf_size;
+ if((write_buf(rchan) + rchan->buf_size >= chan_buf_end) || resetting)
+ write_buf(rchan) = rchan->buf;
+ else
+ write_buf(rchan) += rchan->buf_size;
+ write_buf_end(rchan) = write_buf(rchan) + rchan->buf_size;
+ write_limit(rchan) = write_buf_end(rchan) - rchan->end_reserve;
+ cur_write_pos(rchan) = write_buf(rchan);
+ rchan->buf_start_time = cur_time;
+ rchan->buf_start_tsc = cur_tsc;
+ if (resetting)
+ rchan->buf_idx = 0;
+ else
+ rchan->buf_idx++;
+ rchan->buf_id++;
+ if (!packet_delivery(rchan))
+ rchan->unused_bytes[rchan->buf_idx % rchan->n_bufs] = 0;
+ if (resetting) {
+ rchan->bufs_produced = rchan->bufs_produced + rchan->n_bufs;
+ rchan->bufs_produced -= rchan->bufs_produced % rchan->n_bufs;
+ rchan->bufs_consumed = rchan->bufs_produced;
+ rchan->bytes_consumed = 0;
+ update_readers_consumed(rchan, rchan->bufs_consumed, rchan->bytes_consumed);
+ } else if (!rchan->half_switch)
+ rchan->bufs_produced++;
+ rchan->half_switch = 0;
+ if (!finalizing) {
+ bytes_written = rchan->callbacks->buffer_start(rchan->id, cur_write_pos(rchan), rchan->buf_id, cur_time, cur_tsc, using_tsc(rchan));
+ cur_write_pos(rchan) += bytes_written;
+ }
+ * locking_reserve - reserve a slot in the buffer for an event.
+ * @rchan: the channel
+ * @slot_len: the length of the slot to reserve
+ * @ts: variable that will receive the time the slot was reserved
+ * @tsc: the timestamp counter associated with time
+ * @err: receives the result flags
+ * @interrupting: if this write is interrupting another, set to non-zero
+ *
+ * Returns pointer to the beginning of the reserved slot, NULL if error.
+ *
+ * The err value contains the result flags and is an ORed combination
+ * of the following:
+ *
+ * RELAY_BUFFER_SWITCH_NONE - no buffer switch occurred
+ * RELAY_EVENT_DISCARD_NONE - event should not be discarded
+ * RELAY_BUFFER_SWITCH - buffer switch occurred
+ * RELAY_EVENT_DISCARD - event should be discarded (all buffers are full)
+ * RELAY_EVENT_TOO_LONG - event won't fit into even an empty buffer
+ */
+inline char *
+locking_reserve(struct rchan *rchan,
+ u32 slot_len,
+ struct timeval *ts,
+ u32 *tsc,
+ int *err,
+ int *interrupting)
+ u32 buffers_ready;
+ int bytes_written;
+ if (slot_len >= rchan->buf_size) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (rchan->initialized == 0) {
+ rchan->initialized = 1;
+ get_timestamp(&rchan->buf_start_time,
+ &rchan->buf_start_tsc, rchan);
+ rchan->unused_bytes[0] = 0;
+ bytes_written = rchan->callbacks->buffer_start(
+ rchan->id, cur_write_pos(rchan),
+ rchan->buf_id, rchan->buf_start_time,
+ rchan->buf_start_tsc, using_tsc(rchan));
+ cur_write_pos(rchan) += bytes_written;
+ *tsc = get_time_delta(ts, rchan);
+ return cur_write_pos(rchan);
+ }
+ *tsc = get_time_delta(ts, rchan);
+ if (in_progress_event_size(rchan)) {
+ interrupted_pos(rchan) = cur_write_pos(rchan);
+ cur_write_pos(rchan) = in_progress_event_pos(rchan)
+ + in_progress_event_size(rchan)
+ + interrupting_size(rchan);
+ *interrupting = 1;
+ } else {
+ in_progress_event_pos(rchan) = cur_write_pos(rchan);
+ in_progress_event_size(rchan) = slot_len;
+ interrupting_size(rchan) = 0;
+ }
+ if (cur_write_pos(rchan) + slot_len > write_limit(rchan)) {
+ if (atomic_read(&rchan->suspended) == 1) {
+ in_progress_event_pos(rchan) = NULL;
+ in_progress_event_size(rchan) = 0;
+ interrupting_size(rchan) = 0;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ buffers_ready = rchan->bufs_produced - rchan->bufs_consumed;
+ if (buffers_ready == rchan->n_bufs - 1) {
+ if (!mode_continuous(rchan)) {
+ atomic_set(&rchan->suspended, 1);
+ in_progress_event_pos(rchan) = NULL;
+ in_progress_event_size(rchan) = 0;
+ interrupting_size(rchan) = 0;
+ get_timestamp(ts, tsc, rchan);
+ switch_buffers(*ts, *tsc, rchan, 0, 0, 1);
+ recalc_time_delta(ts, tsc, rchan);
+ rchan->half_switch = 1;
+ cur_write_pos(rchan) = write_buf_end(rchan) - 1;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ get_timestamp(ts, tsc, rchan);
+ switch_buffers(*ts, *tsc, rchan, 0, 0, 0);
+ recalc_time_delta(ts, tsc, rchan);
+ }
+ return cur_write_pos(rchan);
+ * locking_commit - commit a reserved slot in the buffer
+ * @rchan: the channel
+ * @from: commit the length starting here
+ * @len: length committed
+ * @deliver: length committed
+ * @interrupting: not used
+ *
+ * Commits len bytes and calls deliver callback if applicable.
+ */
+inline void
+locking_commit(struct rchan *rchan,
+ char *from,
+ u32 len,
+ int deliver,
+ int interrupting)
+ cur_write_pos(rchan) += len;
+ if (interrupting) {
+ cur_write_pos(rchan) = interrupted_pos(rchan);
+ interrupting_size(rchan) += len;
+ } else {
+ in_progress_event_size(rchan) = 0;
+ if (interrupting_size(rchan)) {
+ cur_write_pos(rchan) += interrupting_size(rchan);
+ interrupting_size(rchan) = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if (deliver) {
+ if (bulk_delivery(rchan)) {
+ u32 cur_idx = cur_write_pos(rchan) - rchan->buf;
+ u32 cur_bufno = cur_idx / rchan->buf_size;
+ from = rchan->buf + cur_bufno * rchan->buf_size;
+ len = cur_idx - cur_bufno * rchan->buf_size;
+ }
+ rchan->callbacks->deliver(rchan->id, from, len);
+ expand_check(rchan);
+ }
+ * locking_finalize: - finalize last buffer at end of channel use
+ * @rchan: the channel
+ */
+inline void
+locking_finalize(struct rchan *rchan)
+ unsigned long int flags;
+ struct timeval time;
+ u32 tsc;
+ local_irq_save(flags);
+ get_timestamp(&time, &tsc, rchan);
+ switch_buffers(time, tsc, rchan, 1, 0, 0);
+ local_irq_restore(flags);
+ * locking_get_offset - get current and max 'file' offsets for VFS
+ * @rchan: the channel
+ * @max_offset: maximum channel offset
+ *
+ * Returns the current and maximum buffer offsets in VFS terms.
+ */
+locking_get_offset(struct rchan *rchan,
+ u32 *max_offset)
+ if (max_offset)
+ *max_offset = rchan->buf_size * rchan->n_bufs - 1;
+ return cur_write_pos(rchan) - rchan->buf;
+ * locking_reset - reset the channel
+ * @rchan: the channel
+ * @init: 1 if this is a first-time channel initialization
+ */
+void locking_reset(struct rchan *rchan, int init)
+ if (init)
+ channel_lock(rchan) = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
+ write_buf(rchan) = rchan->buf;
+ write_buf_end(rchan) = write_buf(rchan) + rchan->buf_size;
+ cur_write_pos(rchan) = write_buf(rchan);
+ write_limit(rchan) = write_buf_end(rchan) - rchan->end_reserve;
+ in_progress_event_pos(rchan) = NULL;
+ in_progress_event_size(rchan) = 0;
+ interrupted_pos(rchan) = NULL;
+ interrupting_size(rchan) = 0;
+ * locking_reset_index - atomically set channel index to the beginning
+ * @rchan: the channel
+ *
+ * If this fails, it means that something else just logged something
+ * and therefore we probably no longer want to do this. It's up to the
+ * caller anyway...
+ *
+ * Returns 0 if the index was successfully set, negative otherwise
+ */
+locking_reset_index(struct rchan *rchan, u32 old_idx)
+ unsigned long flags;
+ struct timeval time;
+ u32 tsc;
+ u32 cur_idx;
+ relay_lock_channel(rchan, flags);
+ cur_idx = locking_get_offset(rchan, NULL);
+ if (cur_idx != old_idx) {
+ relay_unlock_channel(rchan, flags);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ get_timestamp(&time, &tsc, rchan);
+ switch_buffers(time, tsc, rchan, 0, 1, 0);
+ relay_unlock_channel(rchan, flags);
+ return 0;
--- /dev/null
+extern char *
+locking_reserve(struct rchan *rchan,
+ u32 slot_len,
+ struct timeval *time_stamp,
+ u32 *tsc,
+ int *err,
+ int *interrupting);
+extern void
+locking_commit(struct rchan *rchan,
+ char *from,
+ u32 len,
+ int deliver,
+ int interrupting);
+extern void
+locking_resume(struct rchan *rchan);
+extern void
+locking_finalize(struct rchan *rchan);
+extern u32
+locking_get_offset(struct rchan *rchan, u32 *max_offset);
+extern void
+locking_reset(struct rchan *rchan, int init);
+extern int
+locking_reset_index(struct rchan *rchan, u32 old_idx);
+#endif /* _RELAY_LOCKING_H */
--- /dev/null
+ * RelayFS lockless scheme implementation.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 - Karim Yaghmour (karim@opersys.com)
+ * Copyright (C) 2002, 2003 - Tom Zanussi (zanussi@us.ibm.com), IBM Corp
+ * Copyright (C) 2002, 2003 - Bob Wisniewski (bob@watson.ibm.com), IBM Corp
+ *
+ * This file is released under the GPL.
+ */
+#include <asm/relay.h>
+#include "relay_lockless.h"
+#include "resize.h"
+ * compare_and_store_volatile - self-explicit
+ * @ptr: ptr to the word that will receive the new value
+ * @oval: the value we think is currently in *ptr
+ * @nval: the value *ptr will get if we were right
+ */
+inline int
+compare_and_store_volatile(volatile u32 *ptr,
+ u32 oval,
+ u32 nval)
+ u32 prev;
+ barrier();
+ prev = cmpxchg(ptr, oval, nval);
+ barrier();
+ return (prev == oval);
+ * atomic_set_volatile - atomically set the value in ptr to nval.
+ * @ptr: ptr to the word that will receive the new value
+ * @nval: the new value
+ */
+inline void
+atomic_set_volatile(atomic_t *ptr,
+ u32 nval)
+ barrier();
+ atomic_set(ptr, (int)nval);
+ barrier();
+ * atomic_add_volatile - atomically add val to the value at ptr.
+ * @ptr: ptr to the word that will receive the addition
+ * @val: the value to add to *ptr
+ */
+inline void
+atomic_add_volatile(atomic_t *ptr, u32 val)
+ barrier();
+ atomic_add((int)val, ptr);
+ barrier();
+ * atomic_sub_volatile - atomically substract val from the value at ptr.
+ * @ptr: ptr to the word that will receive the subtraction
+ * @val: the value to subtract from *ptr
+ */
+inline void
+atomic_sub_volatile(atomic_t *ptr, s32 val)
+ barrier();
+ atomic_sub((int)val, ptr);
+ barrier();
+ * lockless_commit - commit a reserved slot in the buffer
+ * @rchan: the channel
+ * @from: commit the length starting here
+ * @len: length committed
+ * @deliver: length committed
+ * @interrupting: not used
+ *
+ * Commits len bytes and calls deliver callback if applicable.
+ */
+inline void
+lockless_commit(struct rchan *rchan,
+ char *from,
+ u32 len,
+ int deliver,
+ int interrupting)
+ u32 bufno, idx;
+ idx = from - rchan->buf;
+ if (len > 0) {
+ bufno = RELAY_BUFNO_GET(idx, offset_bits(rchan));
+ atomic_add_volatile(&fill_count(rchan, bufno), len);
+ }
+ if (deliver) {
+ u32 mask = offset_mask(rchan);
+ if (bulk_delivery(rchan)) {
+ from = rchan->buf + RELAY_BUF_OFFSET_CLEAR(idx, mask);
+ len += RELAY_BUF_OFFSET_GET(idx, mask);
+ }
+ rchan->callbacks->deliver(rchan->id, from, len);
+ expand_check(rchan);
+ }
+ * get_buffer_end - get the address of the end of buffer
+ * @rchan: the channel
+ * @buf_idx: index into channel corresponding to address
+ */
+static inline char *
+get_buffer_end(struct rchan *rchan, u32 buf_idx)
+ return rchan->buf
+ + RELAY_BUF_OFFSET_CLEAR(buf_idx, offset_mask(rchan))
+ + RELAY_BUF_SIZE(offset_bits(rchan));
+ * finalize_buffer - utility function consolidating end-of-buffer tasks.
+ * @rchan: the channel
+ * @end_idx: index into buffer to write the end-buffer event at
+ * @size_lost: number of unused bytes at the end of the buffer
+ * @time_stamp: the time of the end-buffer event
+ * @tsc: the timestamp counter associated with time
+ * @resetting: are we resetting the channel?
+ *
+ * This function must be called with local irqs disabled.
+ */
+static inline void
+finalize_buffer(struct rchan *rchan,
+ u32 end_idx,
+ u32 size_lost,
+ struct timeval *time_stamp,
+ u32 *tsc,
+ int resetting)
+ char* cur_write_pos;
+ char* write_buf_end;
+ u32 bufno;
+ int bytes_written;
+ cur_write_pos = rchan->buf + end_idx;
+ write_buf_end = get_buffer_end(rchan, end_idx - 1);
+ bytes_written = rchan->callbacks->buffer_end(rchan->id, cur_write_pos,
+ write_buf_end, *time_stamp, *tsc, using_tsc(rchan));
+ if (bytes_written == 0)
+ rchan->unused_bytes[rchan->buf_idx % rchan->n_bufs] = size_lost;
+ bufno = RELAY_BUFNO_GET(end_idx, offset_bits(rchan));
+ atomic_add_volatile(&fill_count(rchan, bufno), size_lost);
+ if (resetting) {
+ rchan->bufs_produced = rchan->bufs_produced + rchan->n_bufs;
+ rchan->bufs_produced -= rchan->bufs_produced % rchan->n_bufs;
+ rchan->bufs_consumed = rchan->bufs_produced;
+ rchan->bytes_consumed = 0;
+ update_readers_consumed(rchan, rchan->bufs_consumed, rchan->bytes_consumed);
+ } else
+ rchan->bufs_produced++;
+ * lockless_finalize: - finalize last buffer at end of channel use
+ * @rchan: the channel
+ */
+inline void
+lockless_finalize(struct rchan *rchan)
+ u32 event_end_idx;
+ u32 size_lost;
+ unsigned long int flags;
+ struct timeval time;
+ u32 tsc;
+ event_end_idx = RELAY_BUF_OFFSET_GET(idx(rchan), offset_mask(rchan));
+ size_lost = RELAY_BUF_SIZE(offset_bits(rchan)) - event_end_idx;
+ local_irq_save(flags);
+ get_timestamp(&time, &tsc, rchan);
+ finalize_buffer(rchan, idx(rchan) & idx_mask(rchan), size_lost,
+ &time, &tsc, 0);
+ local_irq_restore(flags);
+ * discard_check: - determine whether a write should be discarded
+ * @rchan: the channel
+ * @old_idx: index into buffer where check for space should begin
+ * @write_len: the length of the write to check
+ * @time_stamp: the time of the end-buffer event
+ * @tsc: the timestamp counter associated with time
+ *
+ * The return value contains the result flags and is an ORed combination
+ * of the following:
+ *
+ * RELAY_WRITE_DISCARD_NONE - write should not be discarded
+ * RELAY_BUFFER_SWITCH - buffer switch occurred
+ * RELAY_WRITE_DISCARD - write should be discarded (all buffers are full)
+ * RELAY_WRITE_TOO_LONG - write won't fit into even an empty buffer
+ */
+static inline int
+discard_check(struct rchan *rchan,
+ u32 old_idx,
+ u32 write_len,
+ struct timeval *time_stamp,
+ u32 *tsc)
+ u32 buffers_ready;
+ u32 offset_mask = offset_mask(rchan);
+ u8 offset_bits = offset_bits(rchan);
+ u32 idx_mask = idx_mask(rchan);
+ u32 size_lost;
+ unsigned long int flags;
+ if (write_len > RELAY_BUF_SIZE(offset_bits))
+ if (mode_continuous(rchan))
+ local_irq_save(flags);
+ if (atomic_read(&rchan->suspended) == 1) {
+ local_irq_restore(flags);
+ }
+ if (rchan->half_switch) {
+ local_irq_restore(flags);
+ }
+ buffers_ready = rchan->bufs_produced - rchan->bufs_consumed;
+ if (buffers_ready == rchan->n_bufs - 1) {
+ atomic_set(&rchan->suspended, 1);
+ size_lost = RELAY_BUF_SIZE(offset_bits)
+ - RELAY_BUF_OFFSET_GET(old_idx, offset_mask);
+ finalize_buffer(rchan, old_idx & idx_mask, size_lost,
+ time_stamp, tsc, 0);
+ rchan->half_switch = 1;
+ idx(rchan) = RELAY_BUF_OFFSET_CLEAR((old_idx & idx_mask), offset_mask(rchan)) + RELAY_BUF_SIZE(offset_bits) - 1;
+ local_irq_restore(flags);
+ }
+ local_irq_restore(flags);
+ * switch_buffers - switch over to a new sub-buffer
+ * @rchan: the channel
+ * @slot_len: the length of the slot needed for the current write
+ * @offset: the offset calculated for the new index
+ * @ts: timestamp
+ * @tsc: the timestamp counter associated with time
+ * @old_idx: the value of the buffer control index when we were called
+ * @old_idx: the new calculated value of the buffer control index
+ * @resetting: are we resetting the channel?
+ */
+static inline void
+switch_buffers(struct rchan *rchan,
+ u32 slot_len,
+ u32 offset,
+ struct timeval *ts,
+ u32 *tsc,
+ u32 new_idx,
+ u32 old_idx,
+ int resetting)
+ u32 size_lost = rchan->end_reserve;
+ unsigned long int flags;
+ u32 idx_mask = idx_mask(rchan);
+ u8 offset_bits = offset_bits(rchan);
+ char *cur_write_pos;
+ u32 new_buf_no;
+ u32 start_reserve = rchan->start_reserve;
+ if (resetting)
+ size_lost = RELAY_BUF_SIZE(offset_bits(rchan)) - old_idx % rchan->buf_size;
+ if (offset > 0)
+ size_lost += slot_len - offset;
+ else
+ old_idx += slot_len;
+ local_irq_save(flags);
+ if (!rchan->half_switch)
+ finalize_buffer(rchan, old_idx & idx_mask, size_lost,
+ ts, tsc, resetting);
+ rchan->half_switch = 0;
+ rchan->buf_start_time = *ts;
+ rchan->buf_start_tsc = *tsc;
+ local_irq_restore(flags);
+ cur_write_pos = rchan->buf + RELAY_BUF_OFFSET_CLEAR((new_idx
+ & idx_mask), offset_mask(rchan));
+ if (resetting)
+ rchan->buf_idx = 0;
+ else
+ rchan->buf_idx++;
+ rchan->buf_id++;
+ rchan->unused_bytes[rchan->buf_idx % rchan->n_bufs] = 0;
+ rchan->callbacks->buffer_start(rchan->id, cur_write_pos,
+ rchan->buf_id, *ts, *tsc, using_tsc(rchan));
+ new_buf_no = RELAY_BUFNO_GET(new_idx & idx_mask, offset_bits);
+ atomic_sub_volatile(&fill_count(rchan, new_buf_no),
+ RELAY_BUF_SIZE(offset_bits) - start_reserve);
+ if (atomic_read(&fill_count(rchan, new_buf_no)) < start_reserve)
+ atomic_set_volatile(&fill_count(rchan, new_buf_no),
+ start_reserve);
+ * lockless_reserve_slow - the slow reserve path in the lockless scheme
+ * @rchan: the channel
+ * @slot_len: the length of the slot to reserve
+ * @ts: variable that will receive the time the slot was reserved
+ * @tsc: the timestamp counter associated with time
+ * @old_idx: the value of the buffer control index when we were called
+ * @err: receives the result flags
+ *
+ * Returns pointer to the beginning of the reserved slot, NULL if error.
+ * err values same as for lockless_reserve.
+ */
+static inline char *
+lockless_reserve_slow(struct rchan *rchan,
+ u32 slot_len,
+ struct timeval *ts,
+ u32 *tsc,
+ u32 old_idx,
+ int *err)
+ u32 new_idx, offset;
+ unsigned long int flags;
+ u32 offset_mask = offset_mask(rchan);
+ u32 idx_mask = idx_mask(rchan);
+ u32 start_reserve = rchan->start_reserve;
+ u32 end_reserve = rchan->end_reserve;
+ int discard_event;
+ u32 reserved_idx;
+ char *cur_write_pos;
+ int initializing = 0;
+ discard_event = discard_check(rchan, old_idx, slot_len, ts, tsc);
+ if (discard_event != RELAY_WRITE_DISCARD_NONE) {
+ *err = discard_event;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ local_irq_save(flags);
+ if (rchan->initialized == 0) {
+ rchan->initialized = initializing = 1;
+ idx(rchan) = rchan->start_reserve + rchan->rchan_start_reserve;
+ }
+ local_irq_restore(flags);
+ do {
+ old_idx = idx(rchan);
+ new_idx = old_idx + slot_len;
+ offset = RELAY_BUF_OFFSET_GET(new_idx + end_reserve,
+ offset_mask);
+ if ((offset < slot_len) && (offset > 0)) {
+ reserved_idx = RELAY_BUF_OFFSET_CLEAR(new_idx
+ + end_reserve, offset_mask) + start_reserve;
+ new_idx = reserved_idx + slot_len;
+ } else if (offset < slot_len) {
+ reserved_idx = old_idx;
+ new_idx = RELAY_BUF_OFFSET_CLEAR(new_idx
+ + end_reserve, offset_mask) + start_reserve;
+ } else
+ reserved_idx = old_idx;
+ get_timestamp(ts, tsc, rchan);
+ } while (!compare_and_store_volatile(&idx(rchan), old_idx, new_idx));
+ reserved_idx &= idx_mask;
+ if (initializing == 1) {
+ cur_write_pos = rchan->buf
+ + RELAY_BUF_OFFSET_CLEAR((old_idx & idx_mask),
+ offset_mask(rchan));
+ rchan->buf_start_time = *ts;
+ rchan->buf_start_tsc = *tsc;
+ rchan->unused_bytes[0] = 0;
+ rchan->callbacks->buffer_start(rchan->id, cur_write_pos,
+ rchan->buf_id, *ts, *tsc, using_tsc(rchan));
+ }
+ if (offset < slot_len) {
+ switch_buffers(rchan, slot_len, offset, ts, tsc, new_idx,
+ old_idx, 0);
+ }
+ /* If not using TSC, need to calc time delta */
+ recalc_time_delta(ts, tsc, rchan);
+ return rchan->buf + reserved_idx;
+ * lockless_reserve - reserve a slot in the buffer for an event.
+ * @rchan: the channel
+ * @slot_len: the length of the slot to reserve
+ * @ts: variable that will receive the time the slot was reserved
+ * @tsc: the timestamp counter associated with time
+ * @err: receives the result flags
+ * @interrupting: not used
+ *
+ * Returns pointer to the beginning of the reserved slot, NULL if error.
+ *
+ * The err value contains the result flags and is an ORed combination
+ * of the following:
+ *
+ * RELAY_BUFFER_SWITCH_NONE - no buffer switch occurred
+ * RELAY_EVENT_DISCARD_NONE - event should not be discarded
+ * RELAY_BUFFER_SWITCH - buffer switch occurred
+ * RELAY_EVENT_DISCARD - event should be discarded (all buffers are full)
+ * RELAY_EVENT_TOO_LONG - event won't fit into even an empty buffer
+ */
+inline char *
+lockless_reserve(struct rchan *rchan,
+ u32 slot_len,
+ struct timeval *ts,
+ u32 *tsc,
+ int *err,
+ int *interrupting)
+ u32 old_idx, new_idx, offset;
+ u32 offset_mask = offset_mask(rchan);
+ do {
+ old_idx = idx(rchan);
+ new_idx = old_idx + slot_len;
+ offset = RELAY_BUF_OFFSET_GET(new_idx + rchan->end_reserve,
+ offset_mask);
+ if (offset < slot_len)
+ return lockless_reserve_slow(rchan, slot_len,
+ ts, tsc, old_idx, err);
+ get_time_or_tsc(ts, tsc, rchan);
+ } while (!compare_and_store_volatile(&idx(rchan), old_idx, new_idx));
+ /* If not using TSC, need to calc time delta */
+ recalc_time_delta(ts, tsc, rchan);
+ return rchan->buf + (old_idx & idx_mask(rchan));
+ * lockless_get_offset - get current and max channel offsets
+ * @rchan: the channel
+ * @max_offset: maximum channel offset
+ *
+ * Returns the current and maximum channel offsets.
+ */
+lockless_get_offset(struct rchan *rchan,
+ u32 *max_offset)
+ if (max_offset)
+ *max_offset = rchan->buf_size * rchan->n_bufs - 1;
+ return rchan->initialized ? idx(rchan) & idx_mask(rchan) : 0;
+ * lockless_reset - reset the channel
+ * @rchan: the channel
+ * @init: 1 if this is a first-time channel initialization
+ */
+void lockless_reset(struct rchan *rchan, int init)
+ int i;
+ /* Start first buffer at 0 - (end_reserve + 1) so that it
+ gets initialized via buffer_start callback as well. */
+ idx(rchan) = 0UL - (rchan->end_reserve + 1);
+ idx_mask(rchan) =
+ (1UL << (bufno_bits(rchan) + offset_bits(rchan))) - 1;
+ atomic_set(&fill_count(rchan, 0),
+ (int)rchan->start_reserve +
+ (int)rchan->rchan_start_reserve);
+ for (i = 1; i < rchan->n_bufs; i++)
+ atomic_set(&fill_count(rchan, i),
+ (int)RELAY_BUF_SIZE(offset_bits(rchan)));
+ * lockless_reset_index - atomically set channel index to the beginning
+ * @rchan: the channel
+ * @old_idx: the current index
+ *
+ * If this fails, it means that something else just logged something
+ * and therefore we probably no longer want to do this. It's up to the
+ * caller anyway...
+ *
+ * Returns 0 if the index was successfully set, negative otherwise
+ */
+lockless_reset_index(struct rchan *rchan, u32 old_idx)
+ struct timeval ts;
+ u32 tsc;
+ u32 new_idx;
+ if (compare_and_store_volatile(&idx(rchan), old_idx, 0)) {
+ new_idx = rchan->start_reserve;
+ switch_buffers(rchan, 0, 0, &ts, &tsc, new_idx, old_idx, 1);
+ return 0;
+ } else
+ return -1;
--- /dev/null
+extern char *
+lockless_reserve(struct rchan *rchan,
+ u32 slot_len,
+ struct timeval *time_stamp,
+ u32 *tsc,
+ int * interrupting,
+ int * errcode);
+extern void
+lockless_commit(struct rchan *rchan,
+ char * from,
+ u32 len,
+ int deliver,
+ int interrupting);
+extern void
+lockless_resume(struct rchan *rchan);
+extern void
+lockless_finalize(struct rchan *rchan);
+extern u32
+lockless_get_offset(struct rchan *rchan, u32 *max_offset);
+extern void
+lockless_reset(struct rchan *rchan, int init);
+extern int
+lockless_reset_index(struct rchan *rchan, u32 old_idx);
+#endif/* _RELAY_LOCKLESS_H */
--- /dev/null
+ * RelayFS buffer management and resizing code.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2002, 2003 - Tom Zanussi (zanussi@us.ibm.com), IBM Corp
+ * Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 - Karim Yaghmour (karim@opersys.com)
+ *
+ * This file is released under the GPL.
+ */
+#include <linux/module.h>
+#include <linux/vmalloc.h>
+#include <linux/mm.h>
+#include <asm/relay.h>
+#include "resize.h"
+ * alloc_page_array - alloc array to hold pages, but not pages
+ * @size: the total size of the memory represented by the page array
+ * @page_count: the number of pages the array can hold
+ * @err: 0 on success, negative otherwise
+ *
+ * Returns a pointer to the page array if successful, NULL otherwise.
+ */
+static struct page **
+alloc_page_array(int size, int *page_count, int *err)
+ int n_pages;
+ struct page **page_array;
+ int page_array_size;
+ *err = 0;
+ size = PAGE_ALIGN(size);
+ n_pages = size >> PAGE_SHIFT;
+ page_array_size = n_pages * sizeof(struct page *);
+ page_array = kmalloc(page_array_size, GFP_KERNEL);
+ if (page_array == NULL) {
+ *err = -ENOMEM;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ *page_count = n_pages;
+ memset(page_array, 0, page_array_size);
+ return page_array;
+ * free_page_array - free array to hold pages, but not pages
+ * @page_array: pointer to the page array
+ */
+static inline void
+free_page_array(struct page **page_array)
+ kfree(page_array);
+ * depopulate_page_array - free and unreserve all pages in the array
+ * @page_array: pointer to the page array
+ * @page_count: number of pages to free
+ */
+static void
+depopulate_page_array(struct page **page_array, int page_count)
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < page_count; i++) {
+ ClearPageReserved(page_array[i]);
+ __free_page(page_array[i]);
+ }
+ * populate_page_array - allocate and reserve pages
+ * @page_array: pointer to the page array
+ * @page_count: number of pages to allocate
+ *
+ * Returns 0 if successful, negative otherwise.
+ */
+static int
+populate_page_array(struct page **page_array, int page_count)
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < page_count; i++) {
+ page_array[i] = alloc_page(GFP_KERNEL);
+ if (unlikely(!page_array[i])) {
+ depopulate_page_array(page_array, i);
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ }
+ SetPageReserved(page_array[i]);
+ }
+ return 0;
+ * alloc_rchan_buf - allocate the initial channel buffer
+ * @size: total size of the buffer
+ * @page_array: receives a pointer to the buffer's page array
+ * @page_count: receives the number of pages allocated
+ *
+ * Returns a pointer to the resulting buffer, NULL if unsuccessful
+ */
+void *
+alloc_rchan_buf(unsigned long size, struct page ***page_array, int *page_count)
+ void *mem;
+ int err;
+ *page_array = alloc_page_array(size, page_count, &err);
+ if (!*page_array)
+ return NULL;
+ err = populate_page_array(*page_array, *page_count);
+ if (err) {
+ free_page_array(*page_array);
+ *page_array = NULL;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ mem = vmap(*page_array, *page_count, GFP_KERNEL, PAGE_KERNEL);
+ if (!mem) {
+ depopulate_page_array(*page_array, *page_count);
+ free_page_array(*page_array);
+ *page_array = NULL;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ memset(mem, 0, size);
+ return mem;
+ * free_rchan_buf - free a channel buffer
+ * @buf: pointer to the buffer to free
+ * @page_array: pointer to the buffer's page array
+ * @page_count: number of pages in page array
+ */
+free_rchan_buf(void *buf, struct page **page_array, int page_count)
+ vunmap(buf);
+ depopulate_page_array(page_array, page_count);
+ free_page_array(page_array);
+ * expand_check - check whether the channel needs expanding
+ * @rchan: the channel
+ *
+ * If the channel needs expanding, the needs_resize callback is
+ * called with RELAY_RESIZE_EXPAND.
+ *
+ * Returns the suggested number of sub-buffers for the new
+ * buffer.
+ */
+expand_check(struct rchan *rchan)
+ u32 active_bufs;
+ u32 new_n_bufs = 0;
+ u32 threshold = rchan->n_bufs * RESIZE_THRESHOLD;
+ if (rchan->init_buf)
+ return;
+ if (rchan->resize_min == 0)
+ return;
+ if (rchan->resizing || rchan->replace_buffer)
+ return;
+ active_bufs = rchan->bufs_produced - rchan->bufs_consumed + 1;
+ if (rchan->resize_max && active_bufs == threshold) {
+ new_n_bufs = rchan->n_bufs * 2;
+ }
+ if (new_n_bufs && (new_n_bufs * rchan->buf_size <= rchan->resize_max))
+ rchan->callbacks->needs_resize(rchan->id,
+ rchan->buf_size,
+ new_n_bufs);
+ * can_shrink - check whether the channel can shrink
+ * @rchan: the channel
+ * @cur_idx: the current channel index
+ *
+ * Returns the suggested number of sub-buffers for the new
+ * buffer, 0 if the buffer is not shrinkable.
+ */
+static inline u32
+can_shrink(struct rchan *rchan, u32 cur_idx)
+ u32 active_bufs = rchan->bufs_produced - rchan->bufs_consumed + 1;
+ u32 new_n_bufs = 0;
+ u32 cur_bufno_bytes = cur_idx % rchan->buf_size;
+ if (rchan->resize_min == 0 ||
+ rchan->resize_min >= rchan->n_bufs * rchan->buf_size)
+ goto out;
+ if (active_bufs > 1)
+ goto out;
+ if (cur_bufno_bytes != rchan->bytes_consumed)
+ goto out;
+ new_n_bufs = rchan->resize_min / rchan->buf_size;
+ return new_n_bufs;
+ * shrink_check: - timer function checking whether the channel can shrink
+ * @data: unused
+ *
+ * Every SHRINK_TIMER_SECS, check whether the channel is shrinkable.
+ * If so, we attempt to atomically reset the channel to the beginning.
+ * The needs_resize callback is then called with RELAY_RESIZE_SHRINK.
+ * If the reset fails, it means we really shouldn't be shrinking now
+ * and need to wait until the next time around.
+ */
+static void
+shrink_check(unsigned long data)
+ struct rchan *rchan = (struct rchan *)data;
+ u32 shrink_to_nbufs, cur_idx;
+ del_timer(&rchan->shrink_timer);
+ rchan->shrink_timer.expires = jiffies + SHRINK_TIMER_SECS * HZ;
+ add_timer(&rchan->shrink_timer);
+ if (rchan->init_buf)
+ return;
+ if (rchan->resizing || rchan->replace_buffer)
+ return;
+ if (using_lockless(rchan))
+ cur_idx = idx(rchan);
+ else
+ cur_idx = relay_get_offset(rchan, NULL);
+ shrink_to_nbufs = can_shrink(rchan, cur_idx);
+ if (shrink_to_nbufs != 0 && reset_index(rchan, cur_idx) == 0) {
+ update_readers_consumed(rchan, rchan->bufs_consumed, 0);
+ rchan->callbacks->needs_resize(rchan->id,
+ rchan->buf_size,
+ shrink_to_nbufs);
+ }
+ * init_shrink_timer: - Start timer used to check shrinkability.
+ * @rchan: the channel
+ */
+init_shrink_timer(struct rchan *rchan)
+ if (rchan->resize_min) {
+ init_timer(&rchan->shrink_timer);
+ rchan->shrink_timer.function = shrink_check;
+ rchan->shrink_timer.data = (unsigned long)rchan;
+ rchan->shrink_timer.expires = jiffies + SHRINK_TIMER_SECS * HZ;
+ add_timer(&rchan->shrink_timer);
+ }
+ * alloc_new_pages - allocate new pages for expanding buffer
+ * @rchan: the channel
+ *
+ * Returns 0 on success, negative otherwise.
+ */
+static int
+alloc_new_pages(struct rchan *rchan)
+ int new_pages_size, err;
+ if (unlikely(rchan->expand_page_array)) BUG();
+ new_pages_size = rchan->resize_alloc_size - rchan->alloc_size;
+ rchan->expand_page_array = alloc_page_array(new_pages_size,
+ &rchan->expand_page_count, &err);
+ if (rchan->expand_page_array == NULL) {
+ rchan->resize_err = -ENOMEM;
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ }
+ err = populate_page_array(rchan->expand_page_array,
+ rchan->expand_page_count);
+ if (err) {
+ rchan->resize_err = -ENOMEM;
+ free_page_array(rchan->expand_page_array);
+ rchan->expand_page_array = NULL;
+ }
+ return err;
+ * clear_resize_offset - helper function for buffer resizing
+ * @rchan: the channel
+ *
+ * Clear the saved offset change.
+ */
+static inline void
+clear_resize_offset(struct rchan *rchan)
+ rchan->resize_offset.ge = 0UL;
+ rchan->resize_offset.le = 0UL;
+ rchan->resize_offset.delta = 0;
+ * save_resize_offset - helper function for buffer resizing
+ * @rchan: the channel
+ * @ge: affected region ge this
+ * @le: affected region le this
+ * @delta: apply this delta
+ *
+ * Save a resize offset.
+ */
+static inline void
+save_resize_offset(struct rchan *rchan, u32 ge, u32 le, int delta)
+ rchan->resize_offset.ge = ge;
+ rchan->resize_offset.le = le;
+ rchan->resize_offset.delta = delta;
+ * update_file_offset - apply offset change to reader
+ * @reader: the channel reader
+ * @change_idx: the offset index into the offsets array
+ *
+ * Returns non-zero if the offset was applied.
+ *
+ * Apply the offset delta saved in change_idx to the reader's
+ * current read position.
+ */
+static inline int
+update_file_offset(struct rchan_reader *reader)
+ int applied = 0;
+ struct rchan *rchan = reader->rchan;
+ u32 f_pos;
+ int delta = reader->rchan->resize_offset.delta;
+ if (reader->vfs_reader)
+ f_pos = (u32)reader->pos.file->f_pos;
+ else
+ f_pos = reader->pos.f_pos;
+ if (f_pos == relay_get_offset(rchan, NULL))
+ return 0;
+ if ((f_pos >= rchan->resize_offset.ge - 1) &&
+ (f_pos <= rchan->resize_offset.le)) {
+ if (reader->vfs_reader)
+ reader->pos.file->f_pos += delta;
+ else
+ reader->pos.f_pos += delta;
+ applied = 1;
+ }
+ return applied;
+ * update_file_offsets - apply offset change to readers
+ * @rchan: the channel
+ *
+ * Apply the saved offset deltas to all files open on the channel.
+ */
+static inline void
+update_file_offsets(struct rchan *rchan)
+ struct list_head *p;
+ struct rchan_reader *reader;
+ read_lock(&rchan->open_readers_lock);
+ list_for_each(p, &rchan->open_readers) {
+ reader = list_entry(p, struct rchan_reader, list);
+ if (update_file_offset(reader))
+ reader->offset_changed = 1;
+ }
+ read_unlock(&rchan->open_readers_lock);
+ * setup_expand_buf - setup expand buffer for replacement
+ * @rchan: the channel
+ * @newsize: the size of the new buffer
+ * @oldsize: the size of the old buffer
+ * @old_n_bufs: the number of sub-buffers in the old buffer
+ *
+ * Inserts new pages into the old buffer to create a larger
+ * new channel buffer, splitting them at old_cur_idx, the bottom
+ * half of the old buffer going to the bottom of the new, likewise
+ * for the top half.
+ */
+static void
+setup_expand_buf(struct rchan *rchan, int newsize, int oldsize, u32 old_n_bufs)
+ u32 cur_idx;
+ int cur_bufno, delta, i, j;
+ u32 ge, le;
+ int cur_pageno;
+ u32 free_bufs, free_pages;
+ u32 free_pages_in_cur_buf;
+ u32 free_bufs_to_end;
+ u32 cur_pages = rchan->alloc_size >> PAGE_SHIFT;
+ u32 pages_per_buf = cur_pages / rchan->n_bufs;
+ u32 bufs_ready = rchan->bufs_produced - rchan->bufs_consumed;
+ if (!rchan->resize_page_array || !rchan->expand_page_array ||
+ !rchan->buf_page_array)
+ return;
+ if (bufs_ready >= rchan->n_bufs) {
+ bufs_ready = rchan->n_bufs;
+ free_bufs = 0;
+ } else
+ free_bufs = rchan->n_bufs - bufs_ready - 1;
+ cur_idx = relay_get_offset(rchan, NULL);
+ cur_pageno = cur_idx / PAGE_SIZE;
+ cur_bufno = cur_idx / rchan->buf_size;
+ free_pages_in_cur_buf = (pages_per_buf - 1) - (cur_pageno % pages_per_buf);
+ free_pages = free_bufs * pages_per_buf + free_pages_in_cur_buf;
+ free_bufs_to_end = (rchan->n_bufs - 1) - cur_bufno;
+ if (free_bufs >= free_bufs_to_end) {
+ free_pages = free_bufs_to_end * pages_per_buf + free_pages_in_cur_buf;
+ free_bufs = free_bufs_to_end;
+ }
+ for (i = 0, j = 0; i <= cur_pageno + free_pages; i++, j++)
+ rchan->resize_page_array[j] = rchan->buf_page_array[i];
+ for (i = 0; i < rchan->expand_page_count; i++, j++)
+ rchan->resize_page_array[j] = rchan->expand_page_array[i];
+ for (i = cur_pageno + free_pages + 1; i < rchan->buf_page_count; i++, j++)
+ rchan->resize_page_array[j] = rchan->buf_page_array[i];
+ delta = newsize - oldsize;
+ ge = (cur_pageno + 1 + free_pages) * PAGE_SIZE;
+ le = oldsize;
+ save_resize_offset(rchan, ge, le, delta);
+ rchan->expand_buf_id = rchan->buf_id + 1 + free_bufs;
+ * setup_shrink_buf - setup shrink buffer for replacement
+ * @rchan: the channel
+ *
+ * Removes pages from the old buffer to create a smaller
+ * new channel buffer.
+ */
+static void
+setup_shrink_buf(struct rchan *rchan)
+ int i;
+ int copy_end_page;
+ if (!rchan->resize_page_array || !rchan->shrink_page_array ||
+ !rchan->buf_page_array)
+ return;
+ copy_end_page = rchan->resize_alloc_size / PAGE_SIZE;
+ for (i = 0; i < copy_end_page; i++)
+ rchan->resize_page_array[i] = rchan->buf_page_array[i];
+ * cleanup_failed_alloc - relaybuf_alloc helper
+ */
+static void
+cleanup_failed_alloc(struct rchan *rchan)
+ if (rchan->expand_page_array) {
+ depopulate_page_array(rchan->expand_page_array,
+ rchan->expand_page_count);
+ free_page_array(rchan->expand_page_array);
+ rchan->expand_page_array = NULL;
+ rchan->expand_page_count = 0;
+ } else if (rchan->shrink_page_array) {
+ free_page_array(rchan->shrink_page_array);
+ rchan->shrink_page_array = NULL;
+ rchan->shrink_page_count = 0;
+ }
+ if (rchan->resize_page_array) {
+ free_page_array(rchan->resize_page_array);
+ rchan->resize_page_array = NULL;
+ rchan->resize_page_count = 0;
+ }
+ * relaybuf_alloc - allocate a new resized channel buffer
+ * @private: pointer to the channel struct
+ *
+ * Internal - manages the allocation and remapping of new channel
+ * buffers.
+ */
+static void
+relaybuf_alloc(void *private)
+ struct rchan *rchan = (struct rchan *)private;
+ int i, j, err;
+ u32 old_cur_idx;
+ int free_size;
+ int free_start_page, free_end_page;
+ u32 newsize, oldsize;
+ if (rchan->resize_alloc_size > rchan->alloc_size) {
+ err = alloc_new_pages(rchan);
+ if (err) goto cleanup;
+ } else {
+ free_size = rchan->alloc_size - rchan->resize_alloc_size;
+ BUG_ON(free_size <= 0);
+ rchan->shrink_page_array = alloc_page_array(free_size,
+ &rchan->shrink_page_count, &err);
+ if (rchan->shrink_page_array == NULL)
+ goto cleanup;
+ free_start_page = rchan->resize_alloc_size / PAGE_SIZE;
+ free_end_page = rchan->alloc_size / PAGE_SIZE;
+ for (i = 0, j = free_start_page; j < free_end_page; i++, j++)
+ rchan->shrink_page_array[i] = rchan->buf_page_array[j];
+ }
+ rchan->resize_page_array = alloc_page_array(rchan->resize_alloc_size,
+ &rchan->resize_page_count, &err);
+ if (rchan->resize_page_array == NULL)
+ goto cleanup;
+ old_cur_idx = relay_get_offset(rchan, NULL);
+ clear_resize_offset(rchan);
+ newsize = rchan->resize_alloc_size;
+ oldsize = rchan->alloc_size;
+ if (newsize > oldsize)
+ setup_expand_buf(rchan, newsize, oldsize, rchan->n_bufs);
+ else
+ setup_shrink_buf(rchan);
+ rchan->resize_buf = vmap(rchan->resize_page_array, rchan->resize_page_count, GFP_KERNEL, PAGE_KERNEL);
+ if (rchan->resize_buf == NULL)
+ goto cleanup;
+ rchan->replace_buffer = 1;
+ rchan->resizing = 0;
+ rchan->callbacks->needs_resize(rchan->id, RELAY_RESIZE_REPLACE, 0, 0);
+ return;
+ cleanup_failed_alloc(rchan);
+ rchan->resize_err = -ENOMEM;
+ return;
+ * relaybuf_free - free a resized channel buffer
+ * @private: pointer to the channel struct
+ *
+ * Internal - manages the de-allocation and unmapping of old channel
+ * buffers.
+ */
+static void
+relaybuf_free(void *private)
+ struct free_rchan_buf *free_buf = (struct free_rchan_buf *)private;
+ int i;
+ if (free_buf->unmap_buf)
+ vunmap(free_buf->unmap_buf);
+ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+ if (!free_buf->page_array[i].array)
+ continue;
+ if (free_buf->page_array[i].count)
+ depopulate_page_array(free_buf->page_array[i].array,
+ free_buf->page_array[i].count);
+ free_page_array(free_buf->page_array[i].array);
+ }
+ kfree(free_buf);
+ * calc_order - determine the power-of-2 order of a resize
+ * @high: the larger size
+ * @low: the smaller size
+ *
+ * Returns order
+ */
+static inline int
+calc_order(u32 high, u32 low)
+ int order = 0;
+ if (!high || !low || high <= low)
+ return 0;
+ while (high > low) {
+ order++;
+ high /= 2;
+ }
+ return order;
+ * check_size - check the sanity of the requested channel size
+ * @rchan: the channel
+ * @nbufs: the new number of sub-buffers
+ * @err: return code
+ *
+ * Returns the non-zero total buffer size if ok, otherwise 0 and
+ * sets errcode if not.
+ */
+static inline u32
+check_size(struct rchan *rchan, u32 nbufs, int *err)
+ u32 new_channel_size = 0;
+ *err = 0;
+ if (nbufs > rchan->n_bufs) {
+ rchan->resize_order = calc_order(nbufs, rchan->n_bufs);
+ if (!rchan->resize_order) {
+ *err = -EINVAL;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ new_channel_size = rchan->buf_size * nbufs;
+ if (new_channel_size > rchan->resize_max) {
+ *err = -EINVAL;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ } else if (nbufs < rchan->n_bufs) {
+ if (rchan->n_bufs < 2) {
+ *err = -EINVAL;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ rchan->resize_order = -calc_order(rchan->n_bufs, nbufs);
+ if (!rchan->resize_order) {
+ *err = -EINVAL;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ new_channel_size = rchan->buf_size * nbufs;
+ if (new_channel_size < rchan->resize_min) {
+ *err = -EINVAL;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ } else
+ *err = -EINVAL;
+ return new_channel_size;
+ * __relay_realloc_buffer - allocate a new channel buffer
+ * @rchan: the channel
+ * @new_nbufs: the new number of sub-buffers
+ * @async: do the allocation using a work queue
+ *
+ * Internal - see relay_realloc_buffer() for details.
+ */
+static int
+__relay_realloc_buffer(struct rchan *rchan, u32 new_nbufs, int async)
+ u32 new_channel_size;
+ int err = 0;
+ if (new_nbufs == rchan->n_bufs)
+ return -EINVAL;
+ if (down_trylock(&rchan->resize_sem))
+ return -EBUSY;
+ if (rchan->init_buf) {
+ err = -EPERM;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if (rchan->replace_buffer) {
+ err = -EBUSY;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if (rchan->resizing) {
+ err = -EBUSY;
+ goto out;
+ } else
+ rchan->resizing = 1;
+ if (rchan->resize_failures > MAX_RESIZE_FAILURES) {
+ err = -ENOMEM;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ new_channel_size = check_size(rchan, new_nbufs, &err);
+ if (err)
+ goto out;
+ rchan->resize_n_bufs = new_nbufs;
+ rchan->resize_buf_size = rchan->buf_size;
+ rchan->resize_alloc_size = FIX_SIZE(new_channel_size);
+ if (async) {
+ INIT_WORK(&rchan->work, relaybuf_alloc, rchan);
+ schedule_delayed_work(&rchan->work, 1);
+ } else
+ relaybuf_alloc((void *)rchan);
+ up(&rchan->resize_sem);
+ return err;
+ * relay_realloc_buffer - allocate a new channel buffer
+ * @rchan_id: the channel id
+ * @bufsize: the new sub-buffer size
+ * @nbufs: the new number of sub-buffers
+ *
+ * Allocates a new channel buffer using the specified sub-buffer size
+ * and count. If async is non-zero, the allocation is done in the
+ * background using a work queue. When the allocation has completed,
+ * the needs_resize() callback is called with a resize_type of
+ * RELAY_RESIZE_REPLACE. This function doesn't replace the old buffer
+ * with the new - see relay_replace_buffer(). See
+ * Documentation/filesystems/relayfs.txt for more details.
+ *
+ * Returns 0 on success, or errcode if the channel is busy or if
+ * the allocation couldn't happen for some reason.
+ */
+relay_realloc_buffer(int rchan_id, u32 new_nbufs, int async)
+ int err;
+ struct rchan *rchan;
+ rchan = rchan_get(rchan_id);
+ if (rchan == NULL)
+ return -EBADF;
+ err = __relay_realloc_buffer(rchan, new_nbufs, async);
+ rchan_put(rchan);
+ return err;
+ * expand_cancel_check - check whether the current expand needs canceling
+ * @rchan: the channel
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if the expand should be canceled, 0 otherwise.
+ */
+static int
+expand_cancel_check(struct rchan *rchan)
+ if (rchan->buf_id >= rchan->expand_buf_id)
+ return 1;
+ else
+ return 0;
+ * shrink_cancel_check - check whether the current shrink needs canceling
+ * @rchan: the channel
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if the shrink should be canceled, 0 otherwise.
+ */
+static int
+shrink_cancel_check(struct rchan *rchan, u32 newsize)
+ u32 active_bufs = rchan->bufs_produced - rchan->bufs_consumed + 1;
+ u32 cur_idx = relay_get_offset(rchan, NULL);
+ if (cur_idx >= newsize)
+ return 1;
+ if (active_bufs > 1)
+ return 1;
+ return 0;
+ * switch_rchan_buf - do_replace_buffer helper
+ */
+static void
+switch_rchan_buf(struct rchan *rchan,
+ int newsize,
+ int oldsize,
+ u32 old_nbufs,
+ u32 cur_idx)
+ u32 newbufs, cur_bufno;
+ int i;
+ cur_bufno = cur_idx / rchan->buf_size;
+ rchan->buf = rchan->resize_buf;
+ rchan->alloc_size = rchan->resize_alloc_size;
+ rchan->n_bufs = rchan->resize_n_bufs;
+ if (newsize > oldsize) {
+ u32 ge = rchan->resize_offset.ge;
+ u32 moved_buf = ge / rchan->buf_size;
+ newbufs = (newsize - oldsize) / rchan->buf_size;
+ for (i = moved_buf; i < old_nbufs; i++) {
+ if (using_lockless(rchan))
+ atomic_set(&fill_count(rchan, i + newbufs),
+ atomic_read(&fill_count(rchan, i)));
+ rchan->unused_bytes[i + newbufs] = rchan->unused_bytes[i];
+ }
+ for (i = moved_buf; i < moved_buf + newbufs; i++) {
+ if (using_lockless(rchan))
+ atomic_set(&fill_count(rchan, i),
+ (int)RELAY_BUF_SIZE(offset_bits(rchan)));
+ rchan->unused_bytes[i] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ rchan->buf_idx = cur_bufno;
+ if (!using_lockless(rchan)) {
+ cur_write_pos(rchan) = rchan->buf + cur_idx;
+ write_buf(rchan) = rchan->buf + cur_bufno * rchan->buf_size;
+ write_buf_end(rchan) = write_buf(rchan) + rchan->buf_size;
+ write_limit(rchan) = write_buf_end(rchan) - rchan->end_reserve;
+ } else {
+ idx(rchan) &= idx_mask(rchan);
+ bufno_bits(rchan) += rchan->resize_order;
+ idx_mask(rchan) =
+ (1UL << (bufno_bits(rchan) + offset_bits(rchan))) - 1;
+ }
+ * do_replace_buffer - does the work of channel buffer replacement
+ * @rchan: the channel
+ * @newsize: new channel buffer size
+ * @oldsize: old channel buffer size
+ * @old_n_bufs: old channel sub-buffer count
+ *
+ * Returns 0 if replacement happened, 1 if canceled
+ *
+ * Does the work of switching buffers and fixing everything up
+ * so the channel can continue with a new size.
+ */
+static int
+do_replace_buffer(struct rchan *rchan,
+ int newsize,
+ int oldsize,
+ u32 old_nbufs)
+ u32 cur_idx;
+ int err = 0;
+ int canceled;
+ cur_idx = relay_get_offset(rchan, NULL);
+ if (newsize > oldsize)
+ canceled = expand_cancel_check(rchan);
+ else
+ canceled = shrink_cancel_check(rchan, newsize);
+ if (canceled) {
+ err = -EAGAIN;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ switch_rchan_buf(rchan, newsize, oldsize, old_nbufs, cur_idx);
+ if (rchan->resize_offset.delta)
+ update_file_offsets(rchan);
+ atomic_set(&rchan->suspended, 0);
+ rchan->old_buf_page_array = rchan->buf_page_array;
+ rchan->buf_page_array = rchan->resize_page_array;
+ rchan->buf_page_count = rchan->resize_page_count;
+ rchan->resize_page_array = NULL;
+ rchan->resize_page_count = 0;
+ rchan->resize_buf = NULL;
+ rchan->resize_buf_size = 0;
+ rchan->resize_alloc_size = 0;
+ rchan->resize_n_bufs = 0;
+ rchan->resize_err = 0;
+ rchan->resize_order = 0;
+ rchan->callbacks->needs_resize(rchan->id,
+ rchan->buf_size,
+ rchan->n_bufs);
+ return err;
+ * add_free_page_array - add a page_array to be freed
+ * @free_rchan_buf: the free_rchan_buf struct
+ * @page_array: the page array to free
+ * @page_count: the number of pages to free, 0 to free the array only
+ *
+ * Internal - Used add page_arrays to be freed asynchronously.
+ */
+static inline void
+add_free_page_array(struct free_rchan_buf *free_rchan_buf,
+ struct page **page_array, int page_count)
+ int cur = free_rchan_buf->cur++;
+ free_rchan_buf->page_array[cur].array = page_array;
+ free_rchan_buf->page_array[cur].count = page_count;
+ * free_replaced_buffer - free a channel's old buffer
+ * @rchan: the channel
+ * @oldbuf: the old buffer
+ * @oldsize: old buffer size
+ *
+ * Frees a channel buffer via work queue.
+ */
+static int
+free_replaced_buffer(struct rchan *rchan, char *oldbuf, int oldsize)
+ struct free_rchan_buf *free_buf;
+ free_buf = kmalloc(sizeof(struct free_rchan_buf), GFP_ATOMIC);
+ if (!free_buf)
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ memset(free_buf, 0, sizeof(struct free_rchan_buf));
+ free_buf->unmap_buf = oldbuf;
+ add_free_page_array(free_buf, rchan->old_buf_page_array, 0);
+ rchan->old_buf_page_array = NULL;
+ add_free_page_array(free_buf, rchan->expand_page_array, 0);
+ add_free_page_array(free_buf, rchan->shrink_page_array, rchan->shrink_page_count);
+ rchan->expand_page_array = NULL;
+ rchan->expand_page_count = 0;
+ rchan->shrink_page_array = NULL;
+ rchan->shrink_page_count = 0;
+ INIT_WORK(&free_buf->work, relaybuf_free, free_buf);
+ schedule_delayed_work(&free_buf->work, 1);
+ return 0;
+ * free_canceled_resize - free buffers allocated for a canceled resize
+ * @rchan: the channel
+ *
+ * Frees canceled buffers via work queue.
+ */
+static int
+free_canceled_resize(struct rchan *rchan)
+ struct free_rchan_buf *free_buf;
+ free_buf = kmalloc(sizeof(struct free_rchan_buf), GFP_ATOMIC);
+ if (!free_buf)
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ memset(free_buf, 0, sizeof(struct free_rchan_buf));
+ if (rchan->resize_alloc_size > rchan->alloc_size)
+ add_free_page_array(free_buf, rchan->expand_page_array, rchan->expand_page_count);
+ else
+ add_free_page_array(free_buf, rchan->shrink_page_array, 0);
+ add_free_page_array(free_buf, rchan->resize_page_array, 0);
+ free_buf->unmap_buf = rchan->resize_buf;
+ rchan->expand_page_array = NULL;
+ rchan->expand_page_count = 0;
+ rchan->shrink_page_array = NULL;
+ rchan->shrink_page_count = 0;
+ rchan->resize_page_array = NULL;
+ rchan->resize_page_count = 0;
+ rchan->resize_buf = NULL;
+ INIT_WORK(&free_buf->work, relaybuf_free, free_buf);
+ schedule_delayed_work(&free_buf->work, 1);
+ return 0;
+ * __relay_replace_buffer - replace channel buffer with new buffer
+ * @rchan: the channel
+ *
+ * Internal - see relay_replace_buffer() for details.
+ *
+ * Returns 0 if successful, negative otherwise.
+ */
+static int
+__relay_replace_buffer(struct rchan *rchan)
+ int oldsize;
+ int err = 0;
+ char *oldbuf;
+ if (down_trylock(&rchan->resize_sem))
+ return -EBUSY;
+ if (rchan->init_buf) {
+ err = -EPERM;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if (!rchan->replace_buffer)
+ goto out;
+ if (rchan->resizing) {
+ err = -EBUSY;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if (rchan->resize_buf == NULL) {
+ err = -EINVAL;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ oldbuf = rchan->buf;
+ oldsize = rchan->alloc_size;
+ err = do_replace_buffer(rchan, rchan->resize_alloc_size,
+ oldsize, rchan->n_bufs);
+ if (err == 0)
+ err = free_replaced_buffer(rchan, oldbuf, oldsize);
+ else
+ err = free_canceled_resize(rchan);
+ rchan->replace_buffer = 0;
+ up(&rchan->resize_sem);
+ return err;
+ * relay_replace_buffer - replace channel buffer with new buffer
+ * @rchan_id: the channel id
+ *
+ * Replaces the current channel buffer with the new buffer allocated
+ * by relay_alloc_buffer and contained in the channel struct. When the
+ * replacement is complete, the needs_resize() callback is called with
+ *
+ * Returns 0 on success, or errcode if the channel is busy or if
+ * the replacement or previous allocation didn't happen for some reason.
+ */
+relay_replace_buffer(int rchan_id)
+ int err;
+ struct rchan *rchan;
+ rchan = rchan_get(rchan_id);
+ if (rchan == NULL)
+ return -EBADF;
+ err = __relay_replace_buffer(rchan);
+ rchan_put(rchan);
+ return err;
--- /dev/null
+#ifndef _RELAY_RESIZE_H
+#define _RELAY_RESIZE_H
+ * If the channel usage has been below the low water mark for more than
+ * this amount of time, we can shrink the buffer if necessary.
+ */
+/* This inspired by rtai/shmem */
+#define FIX_SIZE(x) (((x) - 1) & PAGE_MASK) + PAGE_SIZE
+/* Don't attempt resizing again after this many failures */
+/* Trigger resizing if a resizable channel is this full */
+#define RESIZE_THRESHOLD 3 / 4
+ * Used for deferring resized channel free
+ */
+struct free_rchan_buf
+ char *unmap_buf;
+ struct
+ {
+ struct page **array;
+ int count;
+ } page_array[3];
+ int cur;
+ struct work_struct work; /* resize de-allocation work struct */
+extern void *
+alloc_rchan_buf(unsigned long size,
+ struct page ***page_array,
+ int *page_count);
+extern void
+free_rchan_buf(void *buf,
+ struct page **page_array,
+ int page_count);
+extern void
+expand_check(struct rchan *rchan);
+extern void
+init_shrink_timer(struct rchan *rchan);
+#endif/* _RELAY_RESIZE_H */
--- /dev/null
+#include <asm-generic/relay.h>
--- /dev/null
+#ifndef _ASM_ARM_RELAY_H
+#define _ASM_ARM_RELAY_H
+#include <asm-generic/relay.h>
--- /dev/null
+#ifndef _ASM_ARM_RELAY_H
+#define _ASM_ARM_RELAY_H
+#include <asm-generic/relay.h>
--- /dev/null
+#ifndef _ASM_CRIS_RELAY_H
+#define _ASM_CRIS_RELAY_H
+#include <asm-generic/relay.h>
--- /dev/null
+ * linux/include/asm-generic/relay.h
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2002, 2003 - Tom Zanussi (zanussi@us.ibm.com), IBM Corp
+ * Copyright (C) 2002 - Karim Yaghmour (karim@opersys.com)
+ *
+ * Architecture-independent definitions for relayfs
+ */
+#include <linux/relayfs_fs.h>
+ * get_time_delta - utility function for getting time delta
+ * @now: pointer to a timeval struct that may be given current time
+ * @rchan: the channel
+ *
+ * Returns the time difference between the current time and the buffer
+ * start time.
+ */
+static inline u32
+get_time_delta(struct timeval *now, struct rchan *rchan)
+ u32 time_delta;
+ do_gettimeofday(now);
+ time_delta = calc_time_delta(now, &rchan->buf_start_time);
+ return time_delta;
+ * get_timestamp - utility function for getting a time and TSC pair
+ * @now: current time
+ * @tsc: the TSC associated with now
+ * @rchan: the channel
+ *
+ * Sets the value pointed to by now to the current time. Value pointed to
+ * by tsc is not set since there is no generic TSC support.
+ */
+static inline void
+get_timestamp(struct timeval *now,
+ u32 *tsc,
+ struct rchan *rchan)
+ do_gettimeofday(now);
+ * get_time_or_tsc: - Utility function for getting a time or a TSC.
+ * @now: current time
+ * @tsc: current TSC
+ * @rchan: the channel
+ *
+ * Sets the value pointed to by now to the current time.
+ */
+static inline void
+get_time_or_tsc(struct timeval *now,
+ u32 *tsc,
+ struct rchan *rchan)
+ do_gettimeofday(now);
+ * have_tsc - does this platform have a useable TSC?
+ *
+ * Returns 0.
+ */
+static inline int
+ return 0;
--- /dev/null
+#ifndef _ASM_H8300_RELAY_H
+#define _ASM_H8300_RELAY_H
+#include <asm-generic/relay.h>
--- /dev/null
+#ifndef _ASM_I386_RELAY_H
+#define _ASM_I386_RELAY_H
+ * linux/include/asm-i386/relay.h
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2002, 2003 - Tom Zanussi (zanussi@us.ibm.com), IBM Corp
+ * Copyright (C) 2002 - Karim Yaghmour (karim@opersys.com)
+ *
+ * i386 definitions for relayfs
+ */
+#include <linux/relayfs_fs.h>
+#ifdef CONFIG_X86_TSC
+#include <asm/msr.h>
+ * get_time_delta - utility function for getting time delta
+ * @now: pointer to a timeval struct that may be given current time
+ * @rchan: the channel
+ *
+ * Returns either the TSC if TSCs are being used, or the time and the
+ * time difference between the current time and the buffer start time
+ * if TSCs are not being used.
+ */
+static inline u32
+get_time_delta(struct timeval *now, struct rchan *rchan)
+ u32 time_delta;
+ if ((using_tsc(rchan) == 1) && cpu_has_tsc)
+ rdtscl(time_delta);
+ else {
+ do_gettimeofday(now);
+ time_delta = calc_time_delta(now, &rchan->buf_start_time);
+ }
+ return time_delta;
+ * get_timestamp - utility function for getting a time and TSC pair
+ * @now: current time
+ * @tsc: the TSC associated with now
+ * @rchan: the channel
+ *
+ * Sets the value pointed to by now to the current time and the value
+ * pointed to by tsc to the tsc associated with that time, if the
+ * platform supports TSC.
+ */
+static inline void
+get_timestamp(struct timeval *now,
+ u32 *tsc,
+ struct rchan *rchan)
+ do_gettimeofday(now);
+ if ((using_tsc(rchan) == 1) && cpu_has_tsc)
+ rdtscl(*tsc);
+ * get_time_or_tsc - utility function for getting a time or a TSC
+ * @now: current time
+ * @tsc: current TSC
+ * @rchan: the channel
+ *
+ * Sets the value pointed to by now to the current time or the value
+ * pointed to by tsc to the current tsc, depending on whether we're
+ * using TSCs or not.
+ */
+static inline void
+get_time_or_tsc(struct timeval *now,
+ u32 *tsc,
+ struct rchan *rchan)
+ if ((using_tsc(rchan) == 1) && cpu_has_tsc)
+ rdtscl(*tsc);
+ else
+ do_gettimeofday(now);
+ * have_tsc - does this platform have a useable TSC?
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if this platform has a useable TSC counter for
+ * timestamping purposes, 0 otherwise.
+ */
+static inline int
+ if (cpu_has_tsc)
+ return 1;
+ else
+ return 0;
+#else /* No TSC support (#ifdef CONFIG_X86_TSC) */
+#include <asm-generic/relay.h>
+#endif /* #ifdef CONFIG_X86_TSC */
--- /dev/null
+#ifndef _ASM_IA64_RELAY_H
+#define _ASM_IA64_RELAY_H
+#include <asm-generic/relay.h>
--- /dev/null
+#ifndef _ASM_M68K_RELAY_H
+#define _ASM_M68K_RELAY_H
+#include <asm-generic/relay.h>
--- /dev/null
+#include <asm-generic/relay.h>
--- /dev/null
+#ifndef _ASM_RELAY_H
+#define _ASM_RELAY_H
+#include <asm-generic/relay.h>
--- /dev/null
+#ifndef _ASM_RELAY_H
+#define _ASM_RELAY_H
+#include <asm-generic/relay.h>
--- /dev/null
+#include <asm-generic/relay.h>
--- /dev/null
+#ifndef _ASM_PPC_RELAY_H
+#define _ASM_PPC_RELAY_H
+#include <asm-generic/relay.h>
--- /dev/null
+#ifndef _ASM_PPC64_RELAY_H
+#define _ASM_PPC64_RELAY_H
+#include <asm-generic/relay.h>
--- /dev/null
+#ifndef _ASM_S390_RELAY_H
+#define _ASM_S390_RELAY_H
+#include <asm-generic/relay.h>
--- /dev/null
+#ifndef _ASM_SH_RELAY_H
+#define _ASM_SH_RELAY_H
+#include <asm-generic/relay.h>
--- /dev/null
+#include <asm-generic/relay.h>
--- /dev/null
+#ifndef _ASM_SPARC64_RELAY_H
+#define _ASM_SPARC64_RELAY_H
+#include <asm-generic/relay.h>
--- /dev/null
+#ifndef __V850_RELAY_H
+#define __V850_RELAY_H
+#include <asm-generic/relay.h>
--- /dev/null
+#ifndef _ASM_X86_64_RELAY_H
+#define _ASM_X86_64_RELAY_H
+#include <asm-generic/relay.h>
--- /dev/null
+/* ckrm.h - Class-based Kernel Resource Management (CKRM)
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) Hubertus Franke, IBM Corp. 2003,2004
+ * (C) Shailabh Nagar, IBM Corp. 2003
+ * (C) Chandra Seetharaman, IBM Corp. 2003
+ *
+ *
+ * Provides a base header file including macros and basic data structures.
+ *
+ * Latest version, more details at http://ckrm.sf.net
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ */
+/* Changes
+ *
+ * 28 Aug 2003
+ * Created.
+ * 06 Nov 2003
+ * Made modifications to suit the new RBCE module.
+ * 10 Nov 2003
+ * Added callbacks_active and surrounding logic. Added task paramter
+ * for all CE callbacks.
+ * 19 Nov 2004
+ * New Event callback structure
+ */
+#ifndef _LINUX_CKRM_H
+#define _LINUX_CKRM_H
+// Data structure and function to get the list of registered
+// resource controllers.
+// #include <linux/sched.h>
+/* CKRM defines a set of events at particular points in the kernel
+ * at which callbacks registered by various class types are called
+ */
+enum ckrm_event {
+ /* we distinguish various events types
+ *
+ * events can be latched for event callbacks by classtypes
+ *
+ * events can not be latched but can be used to call classification
+ *
+ * (c) event that are used for notification purposes
+ */
+ /* events (a) */
+ /* events (b) */
+ /* events (c) */
+#ifdef __KERNEL__
+extern void ckrm_invoke_event_cb_chain(enum ckrm_event ev, void *arg);
+typedef void (*ckrm_event_cb)(void *arg);
+struct ckrm_hook_cb {
+ ckrm_event_cb fct;
+ struct ckrm_hook_cb *next;
+#define CKRM_DEF_CB(EV,fct) \
+static inline void ckrm_cb_##fct(void) \
+{ \
+ ckrm_invoke_event_cb_chain(CKRM_EVENT_##EV,NULL); \
+#define CKRM_DEF_CB_ARG(EV,fct,argtp) \
+static inline void ckrm_cb_##fct(argtp arg) \
+{ \
+ ckrm_invoke_event_cb_chain(CKRM_EVENT_##EV,(void*)arg); \
+#else // !CONFIG_CKRM
+#define CKRM_DEF_CB(EV,fct) \
+static inline void ckrm_cb_##fct(void) { }
+#define CKRM_DEF_CB_ARG(EV,fct,argtp) \
+static inline void ckrm_cb_##fct(argtp arg) { }
+#endif // CONFIG_CKRM
+ * define the CKRM event functions
+ *-----------------------------------------------------------------*/
+// types we refer at
+struct task_struct;
+struct sock;
+struct user_struct;
+CKRM_DEF_CB_ARG( FORK , fork, struct task_struct *);
+CKRM_DEF_CB_ARG( EXEC , exec, const char* );
+CKRM_DEF_CB ( UID , uid );
+CKRM_DEF_CB ( GID , gid );
+CKRM_DEF_CB ( APPTAG , apptag );
+CKRM_DEF_CB ( LOGIN , login );
+CKRM_DEF_CB_ARG( USERADD , useradd, struct user_struct *);
+CKRM_DEF_CB_ARG( USERDEL , userdel, struct user_struct *);
+CKRM_DEF_CB_ARG( LISTEN_START , listen_start, struct sock * );
+CKRM_DEF_CB_ARG( LISTEN_STOP , listen_stop, struct sock * );
+// and a few special one's
+void ckrm_cb_newtask(struct task_struct *);
+void ckrm_cb_exit(struct task_struct *);
+// some other functions required
+extern void ckrm_init(void);
+extern int get_exe_path_name(struct task_struct *, char *, int);
+#endif // __KERNEL__
+#endif // _LINUX_CKRM_H
--- /dev/null
+/* ckrm_ce.h - Header file to be used by Classification Engine of CKRM
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) Hubertus Franke, IBM Corp. 2003
+ * (C) Shailabh Nagar, IBM Corp. 2003
+ * (C) Chandra Seetharaman, IBM Corp. 2003
+ *
+ * Provides data structures, macros and kernel API of CKRM for
+ * classification engine.
+ *
+ * Latest version, more details at http://ckrm.sf.net
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ */
+/* Changes
+ *
+ * 12 Nov 2003
+ * Created.
+ * 22 Apr 2004
+ * Adopted to classtypes
+ */
+#ifndef _LINUX_CKRM_CE_H
+#define _LINUX_CKRM_CE_H
+#include "ckrm.h" // getting the event names
+/* Action parameters identifying the cause of a task<->class notify callback
+ * these can perculate up to user daemon consuming records send by the classification
+ * engine
+ */
+#ifdef __KERNEL__
+typedef void* (*ce_classify_fct_t)(enum ckrm_event event, void *obj, ... );
+typedef void (*ce_notify_fct_t) (enum ckrm_event event, void *classobj, void *obj);
+typedef struct ckrm_eng_callback {
+ /* general state information */
+ int always_callback; /* set if CE should always be called back regardless of numclasses */
+ /* callbacks which are called without holding locks */
+ unsigned long c_interest; /* set of classification events CE is interested in */
+ ce_classify_fct_t classify; /* generic classify */
+ void (*class_add) (const char *name, void *core); /* class added */
+ void (*class_delete)(const char *name, void *core); /* class deleted */
+ /* callback which are called while holding task_lock(tsk) */
+ unsigned long n_interest; /* set of notification events CE is interested in */
+ ce_notify_fct_t notify; /* notify on class switch */
+} ckrm_eng_callback_t;
+struct inode;
+struct dentry;
+typedef struct rbce_eng_callback {
+ int (*mkdir)(struct inode *, struct dentry *, int); // mkdir
+ int (*rmdir)(struct inode *, struct dentry *); // rmdir
+} rbce_eng_callback_t;
+extern int ckrm_register_engine (const char *name, ckrm_eng_callback_t *);
+extern int ckrm_unregister_engine(const char *name);
+extern void *ckrm_classobj(char *, int *classtype);
+extern int get_exe_path_name(struct task_struct *t, char *filename, int max_size);
+extern int rcfs_register_engine(rbce_eng_callback_t *);
+extern int rcfs_unregister_engine(rbce_eng_callback_t *);
+extern int ckrm_reclassify(int pid);
+#ifndef _LINUX_CKRM_RC_H
+// ckrm kernel has inlined functions for this which are exported
+extern void ckrm_core_grab(void *);
+extern void ckrm_core_drop(void *);
+#endif // CONFIG_CKRM
+#endif // __KERNEL__
+#endif // _LINUX_CKRM_CE_H
--- /dev/null
+/* ckrm_rc.h - Header file to be used by Resource controllers of CKRM
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) Vivek Kashyap , IBM Corp. 2004
+ *
+ * Provides data structures, macros and kernel API of CKRM for
+ * resource controllers.
+ *
+ * Latest version, more details at http://ckrm.sf.net
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef _LINUX_CKRM_NET_H
+#define _LINUX_CKRM_NET_H
+struct ckrm_sock_class;
+struct ckrm_net_struct {
+ int ns_type; // type of net class
+ struct sock *ns_sk; // pointer to socket
+ pid_t ns_tgid; // real process id
+ pid_t ns_pid; // calling thread's pid
+ int ns_family; // IPPROTO_IPV4 || IPPROTO_IPV6
+ // Currently only IPV4 is supported
+ union {
+ __u32 ns_dipv4; // V4 listener's address
+ } ns_daddr;
+ __u16 ns_dport; // listener's port
+ __u16 ns_sport; // sender's port
+ atomic_t ns_refcnt;
+ struct ckrm_sock_class *core;
+ struct list_head ckrm_link;
+#define ns_daddrv4 ns_daddr.ns_dipv4
--- /dev/null
+/* ckrm_rc.h - Header file to be used by Resource controllers of CKRM
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) Hubertus Franke, IBM Corp. 2003
+ * (C) Shailabh Nagar, IBM Corp. 2003
+ * (C) Chandra Seetharaman, IBM Corp. 2003
+ * (C) Vivek Kashyap , IBM Corp. 2004
+ *
+ * Provides data structures, macros and kernel API of CKRM for
+ * resource controllers.
+ *
+ * Latest version, more details at http://ckrm.sf.net
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ */
+/* Changes
+ *
+ * 12 Nov 2003
+ * Created.
+ */
+#ifndef _LINUX_CKRM_RC_H
+#define _LINUX_CKRM_RC_H
+#ifdef __KERNEL__
+#include <linux/list.h>
+#include <linux/ckrm.h>
+#include <linux/ckrm_ce.h>
+#include <linux/seq_file.h>
+/* maximum number of class types */
+/* maximum classtype name length */
+/* maximum resource controllers per classtype */
+/* maximum resource controller name length */
+#define CKRM_MAX_RES_NAME 128
+struct ckrm_core_class;
+struct ckrm_classtype;
+ * Share specifications
+ *******************************************************************************/
+typedef struct ckrm_shares {
+ int my_guarantee;
+ int my_limit;
+ int total_guarantee;
+ int max_limit;
+ int unused_guarantee; // not used as parameters
+ int cur_max_limit; // not used as parameters
+} ckrm_shares_t;
+#define CKRM_SHARE_UNCHANGED (-1) // value to indicate no change
+#define CKRM_SHARE_DONTCARE (-2) // value to indicate don't care.
+#define CKRM_SHARE_DFLT_TOTAL_GUARANTEE (100) // Start off with these values
+#define CKRM_SHARE_DFLT_MAX_LIMIT (100) // to simplify set_res_shares logic
+ *******************************************************************************/
+/* resource controller callback structure */
+typedef struct ckrm_res_ctlr {
+ char res_name[CKRM_MAX_RES_NAME];
+ int res_hdepth; // maximum hierarchy
+ int resid; // (for now) same as the enum resid
+ struct ckrm_classtype *classtype; // classtype owning this resource controller
+ /* allocate/free new resource class object for resource controller */
+ void *(*res_alloc) (struct ckrm_core_class *this, struct ckrm_core_class *parent);
+ void (*res_free) (void *);
+ /* set/get limits/guarantees for a resource controller class */
+ int (*set_share_values) (void* , struct ckrm_shares *shares);
+ int (*get_share_values) (void* , struct ckrm_shares *shares);
+ /* statistics and configuration access */
+ int (*get_stats) (void* , struct seq_file *);
+ int (*reset_stats) (void *);
+ int (*show_config) (void* , struct seq_file *);
+ int (*set_config) (void* , const char *cfgstr);
+ void (*change_resclass)(void *, void *, void *);
+} ckrm_res_ctlr_t;
+ *
+ * A <struct ckrm_classtype> object describes a dimension for CKRM to classify
+ * along. I needs to provide methods to create and manipulate class objects in
+ * this dimension
+ ***************************************************************************************/
+/* list of predefined class types, we always recognize */
+#define CKRM_RESV_CLASSTYPES 2 /* always +1 of last known type */
+typedef struct ckrm_classtype {
+ /* Hubertus: Rearrange slots so that they are more cache friendly during access */
+ /* resource controllers */
+ spinlock_t res_ctlrs_lock; /* protect data below (other than atomics) */
+ int max_res_ctlrs; /* maximum number of resource controller allowed */
+ int max_resid; /* maximum resid used */
+ int resid_reserved; /* maximum number of reserved controllers */
+ long bit_res_ctlrs; /* bitmap of resource ID used */
+ atomic_t nr_resusers[CKRM_MAX_RES_CTLRS];
+ ckrm_res_ctlr_t* res_ctlrs[CKRM_MAX_RES_CTLRS];
+ /* state about my classes */
+ struct ckrm_core_class *default_class; // pointer to default class
+ struct list_head classes; // listhead to link up all classes of this classtype
+ int num_classes; // how many classes do exist
+ /* state about my ce interaction */
+ int ce_regd; // Has a CE been registered for this classtype
+ int ce_cb_active; // are callbacks active
+ atomic_t ce_nr_users; // how many transient calls active
+ struct ckrm_eng_callback ce_callbacks; // callback engine
+ // Begin classtype-rcfs private data. No rcfs/fs specific types used.
+ int mfidx; // Index into genmfdesc array used to initialize
+ // mfdesc and mfcount
+ void *mfdesc; // Array of descriptors of root and magic files
+ int mfcount; // length of above array
+ void *rootde; // root dentry created by rcfs
+ // End rcfs private data
+ char name[CKRM_MAX_TYPENAME_LEN]; // currently same as mfdesc[0]->name but could be different
+ int typeID; /* unique TypeID */
+ int maxdepth; /* maximum depth supported */
+ /* functions to be called on any class type by external API's */
+ struct ckrm_core_class* (*alloc)(struct ckrm_core_class *parent, const char *name); /* alloc class instance */
+ int (*free) (struct ckrm_core_class *cls); /* free class instance */
+ int (*show_members)(struct ckrm_core_class *, struct seq_file *);
+ int (*show_stats) (struct ckrm_core_class *, struct seq_file *);
+ int (*show_config) (struct ckrm_core_class *, struct seq_file *);
+ int (*show_shares) (struct ckrm_core_class *, struct seq_file *);
+ int (*reset_stats) (struct ckrm_core_class *, const char *resname,
+ const char *);
+ int (*set_config) (struct ckrm_core_class *, const char *resname,
+ const char *cfgstr);
+ int (*set_shares) (struct ckrm_core_class *, const char *resname,
+ struct ckrm_shares *shares);
+ int (*forced_reclassify)(struct ckrm_core_class *, const char *);
+ /* functions to be called on a class type by ckrm internals */
+ void (*add_resctrl)(struct ckrm_core_class *, int resid); // class initialization for new RC
+} ckrm_classtype_t;
+ * common part to any class structure (i.e. instance of a classtype)
+ ******************************************************************************************/
+/* basic definition of a hierarchy that is to be used by the the CORE classes
+ * and can be used by the resource class objects
+ */
+typedef struct ckrm_hnode {
+ struct ckrm_core_class *parent;
+ struct list_head siblings; /* linked list of siblings */
+ struct list_head children; /* anchor for children */
+} ckrm_hnode_t;
+typedef struct ckrm_core_class {
+ struct ckrm_classtype *classtype; // what type does this core class belong to
+ void* res_class[CKRM_MAX_RES_CTLRS]; // pointer to array of resource classes
+ spinlock_t class_lock; // to protect the list and the array above
+ struct list_head objlist; // generic list for any object list to be maintained by class
+ struct list_head clslist; // to link up all classes in a single list type wrt to type
+ struct dentry *dentry; // dentry of inode in the RCFS
+ int magic;
+ struct ckrm_hnode hnode; // hierarchy
+ rwlock_t hnode_rwlock; // rw_clock protecting the hnode above.
+ atomic_t refcnt;
+ const char *name;
+ int delayed; // core deletion delayed because of race conditions
+} ckrm_core_class_t;
+/* type coerce between derived class types and ckrm core class type */
+#define class_type(type,coreptr) container_of(coreptr,type,core)
+#define class_core(clsptr) (&(clsptr)->core)
+/* locking classes */
+#define class_lock(coreptr) spin_lock(&(coreptr)->class_lock)
+#define class_unlock(coreptr) spin_unlock(&(coreptr)->class_lock)
+/* what type is a class of ISA */
+#define class_isa(clsptr) (class_core(clsptr)->classtype)
+ ******************************************************************************************/
+#define ckrm_get_res_class(rescls,resid,type) ((type*)((rescls)->res_class[resid]))
+extern int ckrm_register_res_ctlr (struct ckrm_classtype *, ckrm_res_ctlr_t *);
+extern int ckrm_unregister_res_ctlr (ckrm_res_ctlr_t *);
+extern int ckrm_validate_and_grab_core(struct ckrm_core_class *core);
+extern int ckrm_init_core_class(struct ckrm_classtype *clstype,struct ckrm_core_class *dcore,
+ struct ckrm_core_class *parent, const char *name);
+extern int ckrm_release_core_class(struct ckrm_core_class *); // Hubertus .. can disappear after cls del debugging
+extern struct ckrm_res_ctlr *ckrm_resctlr_lookup(struct ckrm_classtype *type, const char *resname);
+#if 0
+// Hubertus ... need to straighten out all these I don't think we will even call thsie ore are we
+/* interface to the RCFS filesystem */
+extern struct ckrm_core_class *ckrm_alloc_core_class(struct ckrm_core_class *, const char *, int);
+// Reclassify the given pid to the given core class by force
+extern void ckrm_forced_reclassify_pid(int, struct ckrm_core_class *);
+// Reclassify the given net_struct to the given core class by force
+extern void ckrm_forced_reclassify_laq(struct ckrm_net_struct *,
+ struct ckrm_core_class *);
+extern void ckrm_lock_hier(struct ckrm_core_class *);
+extern void ckrm_unlock_hier(struct ckrm_core_class *);
+extern struct ckrm_core_class * ckrm_get_next_child(struct ckrm_core_class *,
+ struct ckrm_core_class *);
+extern void child_guarantee_changed(struct ckrm_shares *, int, int);
+extern void child_maxlimit_changed(struct ckrm_shares *, int);
+extern int set_shares(struct ckrm_shares *, struct ckrm_shares *, struct ckrm_shares *);
+/* classtype registration and lookup */
+extern int ckrm_register_classtype (struct ckrm_classtype *clstype);
+extern int ckrm_unregister_classtype(struct ckrm_classtype *clstype);
+extern struct ckrm_classtype* ckrm_find_classtype_by_name(const char *name);
+/* default functions that can be used in classtypes's function table */
+extern int ckrm_class_show_shares(struct ckrm_core_class *core, struct seq_file *seq);
+extern int ckrm_class_show_stats(struct ckrm_core_class *core, struct seq_file *seq);
+extern int ckrm_class_show_config(struct ckrm_core_class *core, struct seq_file *seq);
+extern int ckrm_class_set_config(struct ckrm_core_class *core, const char *resname, const char *cfgstr);
+extern int ckrm_class_set_shares(struct ckrm_core_class *core, const char *resname, struct ckrm_shares *shares);
+extern int ckrm_class_reset_stats(struct ckrm_core_class *core, const char *resname, const char *unused);
+#if 0
+extern void ckrm_ns_hold(struct ckrm_net_struct *);
+extern void ckrm_ns_put(struct ckrm_net_struct *);
+extern void *ckrm_set_rootcore_byname(char *, void *);
+static inline void ckrm_core_grab(struct ckrm_core_class *core)
+ if (core) atomic_inc(&core->refcnt);
+static inline void ckrm_core_drop(struct ckrm_core_class *core)
+ // only make definition available in this context
+ extern void ckrm_free_core_class(struct ckrm_core_class *core);
+ if (core && (atomic_dec_and_test(&core->refcnt)))
+ ckrm_free_core_class(core);
+static inline unsigned int
+ckrm_is_core_valid(ckrm_core_class_t *core)
+ return (core && (core->magic == CKRM_CORE_MAGIC));
+// iterate through all associate resource controllers:
+// requires following arguments (ckrm_core_class *cls,
+// ckrm_res_ctrl *ctlr,
+// void *robj,
+// int bmap)
+#define forall_class_resobjs(cls,rcbs,robj,bmap) \
+ for ( bmap=((cls->classtype)->bit_res_ctlrs) ; \
+ ({ int rid; ((rid=ffs(bmap)-1) >= 0) && \
+ (bmap&=~(1<<rid),((rcbs=cls->classtype->res_ctlrs[rid]) && (robj=cls->res_class[rid]))); }) ; \
+ )
+extern struct ckrm_classtype* ckrm_classtypes[]; /* should provide a different interface */
+ * CKRM event callback specification for the classtypes or resource controllers
+ * typically an array is specified using CKRM_EVENT_SPEC terminated with
+ * CKRM_EVENT_SPEC_LAST and then that array is registered using
+ * ckrm_register_event_set.
+ * Individual registration of event_cb is also possible
+ *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+struct ckrm_event_spec {
+ enum ckrm_event ev;
+ struct ckrm_hook_cb cb;
+#define CKRM_EVENT_SPEC(EV,FCT) { CKRM_EVENT_##EV, { (ckrm_event_cb)FCT, NULL } }
+int ckrm_register_event_set(struct ckrm_event_spec especs[]);
+int ckrm_unregister_event_set(struct ckrm_event_spec especs[]);
+int ckrm_register_event_cb(enum ckrm_event ev, struct ckrm_hook_cb *cb);
+int ckrm_unregister_event_cb(enum ckrm_event ev, struct ckrm_hook_cb *cb);
+ * CE Invocation interface
+ ******************************************************************************************/
+#define ce_protect(ctype) (atomic_inc(&((ctype)->ce_nr_users)))
+#define ce_release(ctype) (atomic_dec(&((ctype)->ce_nr_users)))
+// CE Classification callbacks with
+#define CE_CLASSIFY_NORET(ctype, event, objs_to_classify...) \
+do { \
+ if ((ctype)->ce_cb_active && (test_bit(event,&(ctype)->ce_callbacks.c_interest))) \
+ (*(ctype)->ce_callbacks.classify)(event, objs_to_classify); \
+} while (0)
+#define CE_CLASSIFY_RET(ret, ctype, event, objs_to_classify...) \
+do { \
+ if ((ctype)->ce_cb_active && (test_bit(event,&(ctype)->ce_callbacks.c_interest))) \
+ ret = (*(ctype)->ce_callbacks.classify)(event, objs_to_classify); \
+} while (0)
+#define CE_NOTIFY(ctype, event, cls, objs_to_classify) \
+do { \
+ if ((ctype)->ce_cb_active && (test_bit(event,&(ctype)->ce_callbacks.n_interest))) \
+ (*(ctype)->ce_callbacks.notify)(event,cls,objs_to_classify); \
+} while (0)
+#endif // CONFIG_CKRM
+#endif // __KERNEL__
+#endif // _LINUX_CKRM_RC_H
--- /dev/null
+#include <linux/ckrm_rc.h>
+#define TASK_CLASS_TYPE_NAME "taskclass"
+typedef struct ckrm_task_class {
+ struct ckrm_core_class core;
+} ckrm_task_class_t;
+// Index into genmfdesc array, defined in rcfs/dir_modules.c,
+// which has the mfdesc entry that taskclass wants to use
+#define TC_MF_IDX 0
+extern int ckrm_forced_reclassify_pid(int pid, struct ckrm_task_class *cls);
--- /dev/null
+/* ckrm_tsk.h - No. of tasks resource controller for CKRM
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) Chandra Seetharaman, IBM Corp. 2003
+ *
+ * Provides No. of tasks resource controller for CKRM
+ *
+ * Latest version, more details at http://ckrm.sf.net
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ */
+/* Changes
+ *
+ * 31 Mar 2004
+ * Created.
+ */
+#ifndef _LINUX_CKRM_TSK_H
+#define _LINUX_CKRM_TSK_H
+#include <linux/ckrm_rc.h>
+extern int numtasks_get_ref(void *, int);
+extern int numtasks_get_ref_resid(void *, int, int);
+extern void numtasks_put_ref(void *);
+#define numtasks_get_ref(a, b) 1
+#define numtasks_get_ref_resid(a, b, c) 1
+#define numtasks_put_ref(a)
+#endif // _LINUX_CKRM_RES_H
--- /dev/null
+ * KLOG Generic Logging facility built upon the relayfs infrastructure
+ *
+ * Authors: Hubertus Frankeh (frankeh@us.ibm.com)
+ * Tom Zanussi (zanussi@us.ibm.com)
+ *
+ * Please direct all questions/comments to zanussi@us.ibm.com
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2003, IBM Corp
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
+ * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ */
+#ifndef _LINUX_KLOG_H
+#define _LINUX_KLOG_H
+extern int klog(const char *fmt, ...);
+extern int klog_raw(const char *buf,int len);
+#endif /* _LINUX_KLOG_H */
--- /dev/null
+#ifndef _LINUX_RCFS_H
+#define _LINUX_RCFS_H
+#include <linux/kernel.h>
+#include <linux/fs.h>
+#include <linux/ckrm.h>
+#include <linux/ckrm_rc.h>
+#include <linux/ckrm_ce.h>
+/* The following declarations cannot be included in any of ckrm*.h files without
+ jumping hoops. Remove later when rearrangements done */
+// Hubertus .. taken out
+//extern ckrm_res_callback_t ckrm_res_ctlrs[CKRM_MAX_RES_CTLRS];
+#define RCFS_MAGIC 0x4feedbac
+extern int RCFS_IS_MAGIC;
+#define rcfs_is_magic(dentry) ((dentry)->d_fsdata == &RCFS_IS_MAGIC)
+typedef struct rcfs_inode_info {
+ ckrm_core_class_t *core;
+ char *name;
+ struct inode vfs_inode;
+} rcfs_inode_info_t;
+struct rcfs_magf {
+ char name[RCFS_MAGF_NAMELEN];
+ int mode;
+ struct inode_operations *i_op;
+ struct file_operations *i_fop;
+struct rcfs_mfdesc {
+ struct rcfs_magf *rootmf; // Root directory and its magic files
+ int rootmflen; // length of above array
+ // Can have a different magf describing magic files for non-root entries too
+extern struct rcfs_mfdesc *genmfdesc[];
+inline struct rcfs_inode_info *RCFS_I(struct inode *inode);
+int rcfs_empty(struct dentry *);
+struct inode *rcfs_get_inode(struct super_block *, int, dev_t);
+int rcfs_mknod(struct inode *, struct dentry *, int, dev_t);
+int _rcfs_mknod(struct inode *, struct dentry *, int , dev_t);
+int rcfs_mkdir(struct inode *, struct dentry *, int);
+ckrm_core_class_t *rcfs_make_core(struct dentry *, struct ckrm_core_class *);
+struct dentry *rcfs_set_magf_byname(char *, void *);
+struct dentry * rcfs_create_internal(struct dentry *, struct rcfs_magf *, int);
+int rcfs_delete_internal(struct dentry *);
+int rcfs_create_magic(struct dentry *, struct rcfs_magf *, int);
+int rcfs_clear_magic(struct dentry *);
+extern struct super_operations rcfs_super_ops;
+extern struct address_space_operations rcfs_aops;
+extern struct inode_operations rcfs_dir_inode_operations;
+extern struct inode_operations rcfs_rootdir_inode_operations;
+extern struct inode_operations rcfs_file_inode_operations;
+extern struct file_operations target_fileops;
+extern struct file_operations shares_fileops;
+extern struct file_operations stats_fileops;
+extern struct file_operations config_fileops;
+extern struct file_operations members_fileops;
+extern struct file_operations rcfs_file_operations;
+// Callbacks into rcfs from ckrm
+typedef struct rcfs_functions {
+ int (* mkroot)(struct rcfs_magf *,int, struct dentry **);
+ int (* rmroot)(struct dentry *);
+ int (* register_classtype)(ckrm_classtype_t *);
+ int (* deregister_classtype)(ckrm_classtype_t *);
+} rcfs_fn_t;
+int rcfs_register_classtype(ckrm_classtype_t *);
+int rcfs_deregister_classtype(ckrm_classtype_t *);
+int rcfs_mkroot(struct rcfs_magf *, int , struct dentry **);
+int rcfs_rmroot(struct dentry *);
+#define RCFS_ROOT "/rcfs" // Hubertus .. we should use the mount point instead of hardcoded
+extern struct dentry *rcfs_rootde;
+#endif /* _LINUX_RCFS_H */
--- /dev/null
+ * linux/include/linux/relayfs_fs.h
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2002, 2003 - Tom Zanussi (zanussi@us.ibm.com), IBM Corp
+ * Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 - Karim Yaghmour (karim@opersys.com)
+ *
+ * RelayFS definitions and declarations
+ *
+ * Please see Documentation/filesystems/relayfs.txt for more info.
+ */
+#include <linux/config.h>
+#include <linux/types.h>
+#include <linux/sched.h>
+#include <linux/wait.h>
+#include <linux/list.h>
+#include <linux/fs.h>
+ * Tracks changes to rchan struct
+ */
+ * Maximum number of simultaneously open channels
+ */
+ * Relay properties
+ */
+#define RELAY_MIN_BUFS 2
+#define RELAY_MIN_BUFSIZE 4096
+#define RELAY_MAX_BUFS 256
+#define RELAY_MAX_BUF_SIZE 0x1000000
+#define RELAY_MAX_TOTAL_BUF_SIZE 0x8000000
+ * Lockless scheme utility macros
+ */
+#define RELAY_MAX_BUFNO(bufno_bits) (1UL << (bufno_bits))
+#define RELAY_BUF_SIZE(offset_bits) (1UL << (offset_bits))
+#define RELAY_BUF_OFFSET_MASK(offset_bits) (RELAY_BUF_SIZE(offset_bits) - 1)
+#define RELAY_BUFNO_GET(index, offset_bits) ((index) >> (offset_bits))
+#define RELAY_BUF_OFFSET_GET(index, mask) ((index) & (mask))
+#define RELAY_BUF_OFFSET_CLEAR(index, mask) ((index) & ~(mask))
+ * Flags returned by relay_reserve()
+ */
+ * Relay attribute flags
+ */
+#define RELAY_USAGE_SMP 0x40
+#define RELAY_USAGE_GLOBAL 0x80
+ * Flags for needs_resize() callback
+ */
+#define RELAY_RESIZE_NONE 0x0
+ * Values for fileop_notify() callback
+ */
+enum relay_fileop
+ * Data structure returned by relay_info()
+ */
+struct rchan_info
+ u32 flags; /* relay attribute flags for channel */
+ u32 buf_size; /* channel's sub-buffer size */
+ char *buf_addr; /* address of channel start */
+ u32 alloc_size; /* total buffer size actually allocated */
+ u32 n_bufs; /* number of sub-buffers in channel */
+ u32 cur_idx; /* current write index into channel */
+ u32 bufs_produced; /* current count of sub-buffers produced */
+ u32 bufs_consumed; /* current count of sub-buffers consumed */
+ u32 buf_id; /* buf_id of current sub-buffer */
+ int buffer_complete[RELAY_MAX_BUFS]; /* boolean per sub-buffer */
+ int unused_bytes[RELAY_MAX_BUFS]; /* count per sub-buffer */
+ * Relay channel client callbacks
+ */
+struct rchan_callbacks
+ /*
+ * buffer_start - called at the beginning of a new sub-buffer
+ * @rchan_id: the channel id
+ * @current_write_pos: position in sub-buffer client should write to
+ * @buffer_id: the id of the new sub-buffer
+ * @start_time: the timestamp associated with the start of sub-buffer
+ * @start_tsc: the TSC associated with the timestamp, if using_tsc
+ * @using_tsc: boolean, indicates whether start_tsc is valid
+ *
+ * Return value should be the number of bytes written by the client.
+ *
+ * See Documentation/filesystems/relayfs.txt for details.
+ */
+ int (*buffer_start) (int rchan_id,
+ char *current_write_pos,
+ u32 buffer_id,
+ struct timeval start_time,
+ u32 start_tsc,
+ int using_tsc);
+ /*
+ * buffer_end - called at the end of a sub-buffer
+ * @rchan_id: the channel id
+ * @current_write_pos: position in sub-buffer of end of data
+ * @end_of_buffer: the position of the end of the sub-buffer
+ * @end_time: the timestamp associated with the end of the sub-buffer
+ * @end_tsc: the TSC associated with the end_time, if using_tsc
+ * @using_tsc: boolean, indicates whether end_tsc is valid
+ *
+ * Return value should be the number of bytes written by the client.
+ *
+ * See Documentation/filesystems/relayfs.txt for details.
+ */
+ int (*buffer_end) (int rchan_id,
+ char *current_write_pos,
+ char *end_of_buffer,
+ struct timeval end_time,
+ u32 end_tsc,
+ int using_tsc);
+ /*
+ * deliver - called when data is ready for the client
+ * @rchan_id: the channel id
+ * @from: the start of the delivered data
+ * @len: the length of the delivered data
+ *
+ * See Documentation/filesystems/relayfs.txt for details.
+ */
+ void (*deliver) (int rchan_id, char *from, u32 len);
+ /*
+ * user_deliver - called when data has been written from userspace
+ * @rchan_id: the channel id
+ * @from: the start of the delivered data
+ * @len: the length of the delivered data
+ *
+ * See Documentation/filesystems/relayfs.txt for details.
+ */
+ void (*user_deliver) (int rchan_id, char *from, u32 len);
+ /*
+ * needs_resize - called when a resizing event occurs
+ * @rchan_id: the channel id
+ * @resize_type: the type of resizing event
+ * @suggested_buf_size: the suggested new sub-buffer size
+ * @suggested_buf_size: the suggested new number of sub-buffers
+ *
+ * See Documentation/filesystems/relayfs.txt for details.
+ */
+ void (*needs_resize)(int rchan_id,
+ int resize_type,
+ u32 suggested_buf_size,
+ u32 suggested_n_bufs);
+ /*
+ * fileop_notify - called on open/close/mmap/munmap of a relayfs file
+ * @rchan_id: the channel id
+ * @filp: relayfs file pointer
+ * @fileop: which file operation is in progress
+ *
+ * The return value can direct the outcome of the operation.
+ *
+ * See Documentation/filesystems/relayfs.txt for details.
+ */
+ int (*fileop_notify)(int rchan_id,
+ struct file *filp,
+ enum relay_fileop fileop);
+ /*
+ * ioctl - called in ioctl context from userspace
+ * @rchan_id: the channel id
+ * @cmd: ioctl cmd
+ * @arg: ioctl cmd arg
+ *
+ * The return value is returned as the value from the ioctl call.
+ *
+ * See Documentation/filesystems/relayfs.txt for details.
+ */
+ int (*ioctl) (int rchan_id, unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg);
+ * Lockless scheme-specific data
+ */
+struct lockless_rchan
+ u8 bufno_bits; /* # bits used for sub-buffer id */
+ u8 offset_bits; /* # bits used for offset within sub-buffer */
+ u32 index; /* current index = sub-buffer id and offset */
+ u32 offset_mask; /* used to obtain offset portion of index */
+ u32 index_mask; /* used to mask off unused bits index */
+ atomic_t fill_count[RELAY_MAX_BUFS]; /* fill count per sub-buffer */
+ * Locking scheme-specific data
+ */
+struct locking_rchan
+ char *write_buf; /* start of write sub-buffer */
+ char *write_buf_end; /* end of write sub-buffer */
+ char *current_write_pos; /* current write pointer */
+ char *write_limit; /* takes reserves into account */
+ char *in_progress_event_pos; /* used for interrupted writes */
+ u16 in_progress_event_size; /* used for interrupted writes */
+ char *interrupted_pos; /* used for interrupted writes */
+ u16 interrupting_size; /* used for interrupted writes */
+ spinlock_t lock; /* channel lock for locking scheme */
+struct relay_ops;
+ * Offset resizing data structure
+ */
+struct resize_offset
+ u32 ge;
+ u32 le;
+ int delta;
+ * Relay channel data structure
+ */
+struct rchan
+ u32 version; /* the version of this struct */
+ char *buf; /* the channel buffer */
+ union
+ {
+ struct lockless_rchan lockless;
+ struct locking_rchan locking;
+ } scheme; /* scheme-specific channel data */
+ int id; /* the channel id */
+ struct rchan_callbacks *callbacks; /* client callbacks */
+ u32 flags; /* relay channel attributes */
+ u32 buf_id; /* current sub-buffer id */
+ u32 buf_idx; /* current sub-buffer index */
+ atomic_t mapped; /* map count */
+ atomic_t suspended; /* channel suspended i.e full? */
+ int half_switch; /* used internally for suspend */
+ struct timeval buf_start_time; /* current sub-buffer start time */
+ u32 buf_start_tsc; /* current sub-buffer start TSC */
+ u32 buf_size; /* sub-buffer size */
+ u32 alloc_size; /* total buffer size allocated */
+ u32 n_bufs; /* number of sub-buffers */
+ u32 bufs_produced; /* count of sub-buffers produced */
+ u32 bufs_consumed; /* count of sub-buffers consumed */
+ u32 bytes_consumed; /* bytes consumed in cur sub-buffer */
+ int initialized; /* first buffer initialized? */
+ int finalized; /* channel finalized? */
+ u32 start_reserve; /* reserve at start of sub-buffers */
+ u32 end_reserve; /* reserve at end of sub-buffers */
+ u32 rchan_start_reserve; /* additional reserve sub-buffer 0 */
+ struct dentry *dentry; /* channel file dentry */
+ wait_queue_head_t read_wait; /* VFS read wait queue */
+ wait_queue_head_t write_wait; /* VFS write wait queue */
+ struct work_struct wake_readers; /* reader wake-up work struct */
+ struct work_struct wake_writers; /* reader wake-up work struct */
+ atomic_t refcount; /* channel refcount */
+ struct relay_ops *relay_ops; /* scheme-specific channel ops */
+ int unused_bytes[RELAY_MAX_BUFS]; /* unused count per sub-buffer */
+ struct semaphore resize_sem; /* serializes alloc/repace */
+ struct work_struct work; /* resize allocation work struct */
+ struct list_head open_readers; /* open readers for this channel */
+ rwlock_t open_readers_lock; /* protection for open_readers list */
+ char *init_buf; /* init channel buffer, if non-NULL */
+ u32 resize_min; /* minimum resized total buffer size */
+ u32 resize_max; /* maximum resized total buffer size */
+ char *resize_buf; /* for autosize alloc/free */
+ u32 resize_buf_size; /* resized sub-buffer size */
+ u32 resize_n_bufs; /* resized number of sub-buffers */
+ u32 resize_alloc_size; /* resized actual total size */
+ int resizing; /* is resizing in progress? */
+ int resize_err; /* resizing err code */
+ int resize_failures; /* number of resize failures */
+ int replace_buffer; /* is the alloced buffer ready? */
+ struct resize_offset resize_offset; /* offset change */
+ struct timer_list shrink_timer; /* timer used for shrinking */
+ int resize_order; /* size of last resize */
+ u32 expand_buf_id; /* subbuf id expand will occur at */
+ struct page **buf_page_array; /* array of current buffer pages */
+ int buf_page_count; /* number of current buffer pages */
+ struct page **expand_page_array;/* new pages to be inserted */
+ int expand_page_count; /* number of new pages */
+ struct page **shrink_page_array;/* old pages to be freed */
+ int shrink_page_count; /* number of old pages */
+ struct page **resize_page_array;/* will become current pages */
+ int resize_page_count; /* number of resize pages */
+ struct page **old_buf_page_array; /* hold for freeing */
+} ____cacheline_aligned;
+ * Relay channel reader struct
+ */
+struct rchan_reader
+ struct list_head list; /* for list inclusion */
+ struct rchan *rchan; /* the channel we're reading from */
+ int auto_consume; /* does this reader auto-consume? */
+ u32 bufs_consumed; /* buffers this reader has consumed */
+ u32 bytes_consumed; /* bytes consumed in cur sub-buffer */
+ int offset_changed; /* have channel offsets changed? */
+ int vfs_reader; /* are we a VFS reader? */
+ int map_reader; /* are we an mmap reader? */
+ union
+ {
+ struct file *file;
+ u32 f_pos;
+ } pos; /* current read offset */
+ * These help make union member access less tedious
+ */
+#define channel_buffer(rchan) ((rchan)->buf)
+#define idx(rchan) ((rchan)->scheme.lockless.index)
+#define bufno_bits(rchan) ((rchan)->scheme.lockless.bufno_bits)
+#define offset_bits(rchan) ((rchan)->scheme.lockless.offset_bits)
+#define offset_mask(rchan) ((rchan)->scheme.lockless.offset_mask)
+#define idx_mask(rchan) ((rchan)->scheme.lockless.index_mask)
+#define bulk_delivery(rchan) (((rchan)->flags & RELAY_DELIVERY_BULK) ? 1 : 0)
+#define packet_delivery(rchan) (((rchan)->flags & RELAY_DELIVERY_PACKET) ? 1 : 0)
+#define using_lockless(rchan) (((rchan)->flags & RELAY_SCHEME_LOCKLESS) ? 1 : 0)
+#define using_locking(rchan) (((rchan)->flags & RELAY_SCHEME_LOCKING) ? 1 : 0)
+#define using_tsc(rchan) (((rchan)->flags & RELAY_TIMESTAMP_TSC) ? 1 : 0)
+#define using_gettimeofday(rchan) (((rchan)->flags & RELAY_TIMESTAMP_GETTIMEOFDAY) ? 1 : 0)
+#define usage_smp(rchan) (((rchan)->flags & RELAY_USAGE_SMP) ? 1 : 0)
+#define usage_global(rchan) (((rchan)->flags & RELAY_USAGE_GLOBAL) ? 1 : 0)
+#define mode_continuous(rchan) (((rchan)->flags & RELAY_MODE_CONTINUOUS) ? 1 : 0)
+#define fill_count(rchan, i) ((rchan)->scheme.lockless.fill_count[(i)])
+#define write_buf(rchan) ((rchan)->scheme.locking.write_buf)
+#define read_buf(rchan) ((rchan)->scheme.locking.read_buf)
+#define write_buf_end(rchan) ((rchan)->scheme.locking.write_buf_end)
+#define read_buf_end(rchan) ((rchan)->scheme.locking.read_buf_end)
+#define cur_write_pos(rchan) ((rchan)->scheme.locking.current_write_pos)
+#define read_limit(rchan) ((rchan)->scheme.locking.read_limit)
+#define write_limit(rchan) ((rchan)->scheme.locking.write_limit)
+#define in_progress_event_pos(rchan) ((rchan)->scheme.locking.in_progress_event_pos)
+#define in_progress_event_size(rchan) ((rchan)->scheme.locking.in_progress_event_size)
+#define interrupted_pos(rchan) ((rchan)->scheme.locking.interrupted_pos)
+#define interrupting_size(rchan) ((rchan)->scheme.locking.interrupting_size)
+#define channel_lock(rchan) ((rchan)->scheme.locking.lock)
+ * calc_time_delta - utility function for time delta calculation
+ * @now: current time
+ * @start: start time
+ *
+ * Returns the time delta produced by subtracting start time from now.
+ */
+static inline u32
+calc_time_delta(struct timeval *now,
+ struct timeval *start)
+ return (now->tv_sec - start->tv_sec) * 1000000
+ + (now->tv_usec - start->tv_usec);
+ * recalc_time_delta - utility function for time delta recalculation
+ * @now: current time
+ * @new_delta: the new time delta calculated
+ * @cpu: the associated CPU id
+ */
+static inline void
+recalc_time_delta(struct timeval *now,
+ u32 *new_delta,
+ struct rchan *rchan)
+ if (using_tsc(rchan) == 0)
+ *new_delta = calc_time_delta(now, &rchan->buf_start_time);
+ * have_cmpxchg - does this architecture have a cmpxchg?
+ *
+ * Returns 1 if this architecture has a cmpxchg useable by
+ * the lockless scheme, 0 otherwise.
+ */
+static inline int
+#if defined(__HAVE_ARCH_CMPXCHG)
+ return 1;
+ return 0;
+ * relay_write_direct - write data directly into destination buffer
+ */
+#define relay_write_direct(DEST, SRC, SIZE) \
+ memcpy(DEST, SRC, SIZE);\
+ DEST += SIZE;\
+} while (0);
+ * relay_lock_channel - lock the relay channel if applicable
+ *
+ * This macro only affects the locking scheme. If the locking scheme
+ * is in use and the channel usage is SMP, does a local_irq_save. If the
+ * locking sheme is in use and the channel usage is GLOBAL, uses
+ * spin_lock_irqsave. FLAGS is initialized to 0 since we know that
+ * it is being initialized prior to use and we avoid the compiler warning.
+ */
+#define relay_lock_channel(RCHAN, FLAGS) \
+ FLAGS = 0;\
+ if (using_locking(RCHAN)) {\
+ if (usage_smp(RCHAN)) {\
+ local_irq_save(FLAGS); \
+ } else {\
+ spin_lock_irqsave(&(RCHAN)->scheme.locking.lock, FLAGS); \
+ }\
+ }\
+} while (0);
+ * relay_unlock_channel - unlock the relay channel if applicable
+ *
+ * This macro only affects the locking scheme. See relay_lock_channel.
+ */
+#define relay_unlock_channel(RCHAN, FLAGS) \
+ if (using_locking(RCHAN)) {\
+ if (usage_smp(RCHAN)) {\
+ local_irq_restore(FLAGS); \
+ } else {\
+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&(RCHAN)->scheme.locking.lock, FLAGS); \
+ }\
+ }\
+} while (0);
+ * Define cmpxchg if we don't have it
+ */
+#define cmpxchg(p,o,n) 0
+ * High-level relayfs kernel API, fs/relayfs/relay.c
+ */
+extern int
+relay_open(const char *chanpath,
+ int bufsize,
+ int nbufs,
+ u32 flags,
+ struct rchan_callbacks *channel_callbacks,
+ u32 start_reserve,
+ u32 end_reserve,
+ u32 rchan_start_reserve,
+ u32 resize_min,
+ u32 resize_max,
+ int mode,
+ char *init_buf,
+ u32 init_buf_size);
+extern int
+relay_close(int rchan_id);
+extern int
+relay_write(int rchan_id,
+ const void *data_ptr,
+ size_t count,
+ int td_offset,
+ void **wrote_pos);
+extern ssize_t
+relay_read(struct rchan_reader *reader,
+ char *buf,
+ size_t count,
+ int wait,
+ u32 *actual_read_offset);
+extern int
+relay_discard_init_buf(int rchan_id);
+extern struct rchan_reader *
+add_rchan_reader(int rchan_id, int autoconsume);
+extern int
+remove_rchan_reader(struct rchan_reader *reader);
+extern struct rchan_reader *
+add_map_reader(int rchan_id);
+extern int
+remove_map_reader(struct rchan_reader *reader);
+extern int
+relay_info(int rchan_id, struct rchan_info *rchan_info);
+extern void
+relay_buffers_consumed(struct rchan_reader *reader, u32 buffers_consumed);
+extern void
+relay_bytes_consumed(struct rchan_reader *reader, u32 bytes_consumed, u32 read_offset);
+extern ssize_t
+relay_bytes_avail(struct rchan_reader *reader);
+extern int
+relay_realloc_buffer(int rchan_id, u32 new_nbufs, int in_background);
+extern int
+relay_replace_buffer(int rchan_id);
+extern int
+rchan_empty(struct rchan_reader *reader);
+extern int
+rchan_full(struct rchan_reader *reader);
+extern void
+update_readers_consumed(struct rchan *rchan, u32 bufs_consumed, u32 bytes_consumed);
+extern int
+__relay_mmap_buffer(struct rchan *rchan, struct vm_area_struct *vma);
+extern struct rchan_reader *
+__add_rchan_reader(struct rchan *rchan, struct file *filp, int auto_consume, int map_reader);
+extern void
+__remove_rchan_reader(struct rchan_reader *reader);
+ * Low-level relayfs kernel API, fs/relayfs/relay.c
+ */
+extern struct rchan *
+rchan_get(int rchan_id);
+extern void
+rchan_put(struct rchan *rchan);
+extern char *
+relay_reserve(struct rchan *rchan,
+ u32 data_len,
+ struct timeval *time_stamp,
+ u32 *time_delta,
+ int *errcode,
+ int *interrupting);
+extern void
+relay_commit(struct rchan *rchan,
+ char *from,
+ u32 len,
+ int reserve_code,
+ int interrupting);
+extern u32
+relay_get_offset(struct rchan *rchan, u32 *max_offset);
+extern int
+relay_reset(int rchan_id);
+ * VFS functions, fs/relayfs/inode.c
+ */
+extern int
+relayfs_create_dir(const char *name,
+ struct dentry *parent,
+ struct dentry **dentry);
+extern int
+relayfs_create_file(const char * name,
+ struct dentry *parent,
+ struct dentry **dentry,
+ void * data,
+ int mode);
+extern int
+relayfs_remove_file(struct dentry *dentry);
+extern int
+reset_index(struct rchan *rchan, u32 old_index);
+ * klog functions, fs/relayfs/klog.c
+ */
+extern int
+extern int
+ * Scheme-specific channel ops
+ */
+struct relay_ops
+ char * (*reserve) (struct rchan *rchan,
+ u32 slot_len,
+ struct timeval *time_stamp,
+ u32 *tsc,
+ int * errcode,
+ int * interrupting);
+ void (*commit) (struct rchan *rchan,
+ char *from,
+ u32 len,
+ int deliver,
+ int interrupting);
+ u32 (*get_offset) (struct rchan *rchan,
+ u32 *max_offset);
+ void (*resume) (struct rchan *rchan);
+ void (*finalize) (struct rchan *rchan);
+ void (*reset) (struct rchan *rchan,
+ int init);
+ int (*reset_index) (struct rchan *rchan,
+ u32 old_index);
+#endif /* _LINUX_RELAYFS_FS_H */
--- /dev/null
+#include <linux/config.h>
+struct task_delay_info {
+ /* delay statistics in usecs */
+ unsigned long runs;
+ unsigned long waitcpu_total;
+ unsigned long runcpu_total;
+ unsigned long iowait_total;
+ unsigned long mem_iowait_total;
+ unsigned long num_iowaits;
+ unsigned long num_memwaits;
--- /dev/null
+# Makefile for CKRM
+ifeq ($(CONFIG_CKRM),y)
+ obj-y = ckrm.o ckrmutils.o
+obj-$(CONFIG_CKRM_TYPE_TASKCLASS) += ckrm_tc.o
+obj-$(CONFIG_CKRM_RES_NUMTASKS) += ckrm_tasks.o
+obj-$(CONFIG_CKRM_TYPE_SOCKETCLASS) += ckrm_sockc.o
+obj-$(CONFIG_CKRM_RES_LISTENAQ) += ckrm_listenaq.o
--- /dev/null
+/* ckrm.c - Class-based Kernel Resource Management (CKRM)
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) Hubertus Franke, IBM Corp. 2003, 2004
+ * (C) Shailabh Nagar, IBM Corp. 2003, 2004
+ * (C) Chandra Seetharaman, IBM Corp. 2003
+ * (C) Vivek Kashyap, IBM Corp. 2004
+ *
+ *
+ * Provides kernel API of CKRM for in-kernel,per-resource controllers
+ * (one each for cpu, memory, io, network) and callbacks for
+ * classification modules.
+ *
+ * Latest version, more details at http://ckrm.sf.net
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ */
+/* Changes
+ *
+ * 28 Aug 2003
+ * Created.
+ * 06 Nov 2003
+ * Made modifications to suit the new RBCE module.
+ * 10 Nov 2003
+ * Fixed a bug in fork and exit callbacks. Added callbacks_active and
+ * surrounding logic. Added task paramter for all CE callbacks.
+ * 23 Mar 2004
+ * moved to referenced counted class objects and correct locking
+ * 19 Apr 2004
+ * Integrated ckrm hooks, classtypes, ...
+ *
+ */
+#include <linux/config.h>
+#include <linux/init.h>
+#include <linux/linkage.h>
+#include <linux/kernel.h>
+#include <linux/errno.h>
+#include <asm/uaccess.h>
+#include <linux/mm.h>
+#include <asm/errno.h>
+#include <linux/string.h>
+#include <linux/list.h>
+#include <linux/spinlock.h>
+#include <linux/module.h>
+#include <linux/ckrm_rc.h>
+#include <linux/rcfs.h>
+#include <net/sock.h>
+#include <linux/ip.h>
+rwlock_t ckrm_class_lock = RW_LOCK_UNLOCKED; // protect classlists
+struct rcfs_functions rcfs_fn ;
+ * Helper Functions *
+ **************************************************************************/
+ * Return TRUE if the given core class pointer is valid.
+ */
+ * Return TRUE if the given resource is registered.
+ */
+inline unsigned int
+is_res_regd(struct ckrm_classtype *clstype, int resid)
+ return ( (resid>=0) && (resid < clstype->max_resid) &&
+ test_bit(resid, &clstype->bit_res_ctlrs)
+ );
+struct ckrm_res_ctlr*
+ckrm_resctlr_lookup(struct ckrm_classtype *clstype, const char *resname)
+ int resid = -1;
+ for (resid=0; resid < clstype->max_resid; resid++) {
+ if (test_bit(resid, &clstype->bit_res_ctlrs)) {
+ struct ckrm_res_ctlr *rctrl = clstype->res_ctlrs[resid];
+ if (!strncmp(resname, rctrl->res_name,CKRM_MAX_RES_NAME))
+ return rctrl;
+ }
+ }
+ return NULL;
+/* given a classname return the class handle and its classtype*/
+void *
+ckrm_classobj(char *classname, int *classTypeID)
+ int i;
+ *classTypeID = -1;
+ if (!classname || !*classname) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ read_lock(&ckrm_class_lock);
+ for ( i=0 ; i<CKRM_MAX_CLASSTYPES; i++) {
+ struct ckrm_classtype *ctype = ckrm_classtypes[i];
+ struct ckrm_core_class *core;
+ if (ctype == NULL)
+ continue;
+ list_for_each_entry(core, &ctype->classes, clslist) {
+ if (core->name && !strcmp(core->name, classname)) {
+ // FIXME: should grep reference..
+ read_unlock(&ckrm_class_lock);
+ *classTypeID = ctype->typeID;
+ return core;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ read_unlock(&ckrm_class_lock);
+ return NULL;
+ * Internal Functions/macros *
+ **************************************************************************/
+static inline void
+set_callbacks_active(struct ckrm_classtype *ctype)
+ ctype->ce_cb_active = ((atomic_read(&ctype->ce_nr_users) > 0) &&
+ (ctype->ce_callbacks.always_callback || (ctype->num_classes > 1)));
+ckrm_validate_and_grab_core(struct ckrm_core_class *core)
+ int rc = 0;
+ read_lock(&ckrm_class_lock);
+ if (likely(ckrm_is_core_valid(core))) {
+ ckrm_core_grab(core);
+ rc = 1;
+ }
+ read_unlock(&ckrm_class_lock);
+ return rc;
+ * Interfaces for classification engine *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+ * Registering a callback structure by the classification engine.
+ *
+ * Returns typeId of class on success -errno for failure.
+ */
+ckrm_register_engine(const char *typename, ckrm_eng_callback_t *ecbs)
+ struct ckrm_classtype *ctype;
+ ctype = ckrm_find_classtype_by_name(typename);
+ if (ctype == NULL)
+ return (-ENOENT);
+ ce_protect(ctype);
+ if (atomic_read(&ctype->ce_nr_users) != 1) {
+ // Some engine is acive, deregister it first.
+ ce_release(ctype);
+ return (-EBUSY);
+ }
+ /* we require that either classify and class_delete are set (due to object reference)
+ * or that notify is set (in case no real classification is supported only notification
+ * also require that the function pointer be set the momement the mask is non-null
+ */
+ if ( ! (((ecbs->classify) && (ecbs->class_delete)) || (ecbs->notify)) ||
+ (ecbs->c_interest && ecbs->classify == NULL) ||
+ (ecbs->n_interest && ecbs->notify == NULL) )
+ {
+ ce_release(ctype);
+ return (-EINVAL);
+ }
+ /* Is any other engine registered for this classtype ? */
+ if (ctype->ce_regd) {
+ ce_release(ctype);
+ return (-EINVAL);
+ }
+ ctype->ce_regd = 1;
+ ctype->ce_callbacks = *ecbs;
+ set_callbacks_active(ctype);
+ if (ctype->ce_callbacks.class_add)
+ (*ctype->ce_callbacks.class_add)(ctype->default_class->name,ctype->default_class);
+ return ctype->typeID;
+ * Unregistering a callback structure by the classification engine.
+ *
+ * Returns 0 on success -errno for failure.
+ */
+ckrm_unregister_engine(const char *typename)
+ struct ckrm_classtype *ctype;
+ ctype = ckrm_find_classtype_by_name(typename);
+ if (ctype == NULL)
+ return (-ENOENT);
+ ctype->ce_cb_active = 0;
+ if (atomic_dec_and_test(&ctype->ce_nr_users) != 1) {
+ // Somebody is currently using the engine, cannot deregister.
+ atomic_inc(&ctype->ce_nr_users);
+ return (-EBUSY);
+ }
+ ctype->ce_regd = 0;
+ memset(&ctype->ce_callbacks, 0, sizeof(ckrm_eng_callback_t));
+ return 0;
+ * Interfaces to manipulate class (core or resource) hierarchies
+ ****************************************************************************/
+ */
+static void
+ckrm_add_child(struct ckrm_core_class *parent, struct ckrm_core_class *child)
+ struct ckrm_hnode *cnode = &child->hnode;
+ if (!ckrm_is_core_valid(child)) {
+ printk(KERN_ERR "Invalid child %p given in ckrm_add_child\n", child);
+ return;
+ }
+ class_lock(child);
+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&cnode->children);
+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&cnode->siblings);
+ if (parent) {
+ struct ckrm_hnode *pnode;
+ if (!ckrm_is_core_valid(parent)) {
+ printk(KERN_ERR "Invalid parent %p given in ckrm_add_child\n",
+ parent);
+ parent = NULL;
+ } else {
+ pnode = &parent->hnode;
+ write_lock(&parent->hnode_rwlock);
+ list_add(&cnode->siblings, &pnode->children);
+ write_unlock(&parent->hnode_rwlock);
+ }
+ }
+ cnode->parent = parent;
+ class_unlock(child);
+ return;
+ */
+static int
+ckrm_remove_child(struct ckrm_core_class *child)
+ struct ckrm_hnode *cnode, *pnode;
+ struct ckrm_core_class *parent;
+ if (!ckrm_is_core_valid(child)) {
+ printk(KERN_ERR "Invalid child %p given in ckrm_remove_child\n", child);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ cnode = &child->hnode;
+ parent = cnode->parent;
+ if (!ckrm_is_core_valid(parent)) {
+ printk(KERN_ERR "Invalid parent %p in ckrm_remove_child\n", parent);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ pnode = &parent->hnode;
+ class_lock(child);
+ /* ensure that the node does not have children */
+ if (!list_empty(&cnode->children)) {
+ class_unlock(child);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ write_lock(&parent->hnode_rwlock);
+ list_del(&cnode->siblings);
+ write_unlock(&parent->hnode_rwlock);
+ cnode->parent = NULL;
+ class_unlock(child);
+ return 1;
+ckrm_lock_hier(struct ckrm_core_class *parent)
+ if (ckrm_is_core_valid(parent)) {
+ read_lock(&parent->hnode_rwlock);
+ }
+ckrm_unlock_hier(struct ckrm_core_class *parent)
+ if (ckrm_is_core_valid(parent)) {
+ read_unlock(&parent->hnode_rwlock);
+ }
+ * hnode_rwlock of the parent core class must held in read mode.
+ * external callers should 've called ckrm_lock_hier before calling this
+ * function.
+ */
+#define hnode_2_core(ptr) ((ptr) ? container_of(ptr, struct ckrm_core_class, hnode) : NULL)
+struct ckrm_core_class *
+ckrm_get_next_child(struct ckrm_core_class *parent,
+ struct ckrm_core_class *child)
+ struct list_head *cnode;
+ struct ckrm_hnode *next_cnode;
+ struct ckrm_core_class *next_childcore;
+ if (!ckrm_is_core_valid(parent)) {
+ printk(KERN_ERR "Invalid parent %p in ckrm_get_next_child\n", parent);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (list_empty(&parent->hnode.children)) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (child) {
+ if (!ckrm_is_core_valid(child)) {
+ printk(KERN_ERR "Invalid child %p in ckrm_get_next_child\n", child);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ cnode = child->hnode.siblings.next;
+ } else {
+ cnode = parent->hnode.children.next;
+ }
+ if (cnode == &parent->hnode.children) { // back at the anchor
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ next_cnode = container_of(cnode, struct ckrm_hnode, siblings);
+ next_childcore = hnode_2_core(next_cnode);
+ if (!ckrm_is_core_valid(next_childcore)) {
+ printk(KERN_ERR "Invalid next child %p in ckrm_get_next_child\n",
+ next_childcore);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return next_childcore;
+static void
+ckrm_alloc_res_class(struct ckrm_core_class *core,
+ struct ckrm_core_class *parent,
+ int resid)
+ struct ckrm_classtype *clstype;
+ /*
+ * Allocate a resource class only if the resource controller has
+ * registered with core and the engine requests for the class.
+ */
+ if (!ckrm_is_core_valid(core))
+ return ;
+ clstype = core->classtype;
+ core->res_class[resid] = NULL;
+ if (test_bit(resid, &clstype->bit_res_ctlrs)) {
+ ckrm_res_ctlr_t *rcbs;
+ atomic_inc(&clstype->nr_resusers[resid]);
+ rcbs = clstype->res_ctlrs[resid];
+ if (rcbs && rcbs->res_alloc) {
+ core->res_class[resid] =(*rcbs->res_alloc)(core,parent);
+ if (core->res_class[resid])
+ return;
+ printk(KERN_ERR "Error creating res class\n");
+ }
+ atomic_dec(&clstype->nr_resusers[resid]);
+ }
+ * Initialize a core class
+ *
+ */
+#define CLS_DEBUG(fmt, args...) do { /* printk("%s: " fmt, __FUNCTION__ , ## args); */ } while (0)
+ckrm_init_core_class(struct ckrm_classtype *clstype,
+ struct ckrm_core_class *dcore,
+ struct ckrm_core_class *parent,
+ const char *name)
+ // Hubertus ... should replace name with dentry or add dentry ?
+ int i;
+ // Hubertus .. how is this used in initialization
+ CLS_DEBUG("name %s => %p\n", name?name:"default",dcore);
+ if ((dcore != clstype->default_class) && ( !ckrm_is_core_valid(parent))) {
+ printk("error not a valid parent %p\n", parent);
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+#if 0 // Hubertus .. dynamic allocation still breaks when RCs registers. See def in ckrm_rc.h
+ dcore->res_class = NULL;
+ if (clstype->max_resid > 0) {
+ dcore->res_class = (void**)kmalloc(clstype->max_resid * sizeof(void*) , GFP_KERNEL);
+ if (dcore->res_class == NULL) {
+ printk("error no mem\n");
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ }
+ }
+ dcore->classtype = clstype;
+ dcore->magic = CKRM_CORE_MAGIC;
+ dcore->name = name;
+ dcore->class_lock = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
+ dcore->hnode_rwlock = RW_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
+ dcore->delayed = 0;
+ atomic_set(&dcore->refcnt, 0);
+ write_lock(&ckrm_class_lock);
+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&dcore->objlist);
+ list_add(&dcore->clslist,&clstype->classes);
+ clstype->num_classes++;
+ set_callbacks_active(clstype);
+ write_unlock(&ckrm_class_lock);
+ ckrm_add_child(parent, dcore);
+ for (i = 0; i < clstype->max_resid; i++)
+ ckrm_alloc_res_class(dcore,parent,i);
+ // fix for race condition seen in stress with numtasks
+ if (parent)
+ ckrm_core_grab(parent);
+ ckrm_core_grab( dcore );
+ return 0;
+static void
+ckrm_free_res_class(struct ckrm_core_class *core, int resid)
+ /*
+ * Free a resource class only if the resource controller has
+ * registered with core
+ */
+ if (core->res_class[resid]) {
+ ckrm_res_ctlr_t *rcbs;
+ struct ckrm_classtype *clstype = core->classtype;
+ atomic_inc(&clstype->nr_resusers[resid]);
+ rcbs = clstype->res_ctlrs[resid];
+ if (rcbs->res_free) {
+ (*rcbs->res_free)(core->res_class[resid]);
+ atomic_dec(&clstype->nr_resusers[resid]); // for inc in alloc
+ core->res_class[resid] = NULL;
+ }
+ atomic_dec(&clstype->nr_resusers[resid]);
+ }
+ * Free a core class
+ * requires that all tasks were previously reassigned to another class
+ *
+ * Returns 0 on success -errno on failure.
+ */
+ckrm_free_core_class(struct ckrm_core_class *core)
+ int i;
+ struct ckrm_classtype *clstype = core->classtype;
+ struct ckrm_core_class *parent = core->hnode.parent;
+ CLS_DEBUG("core=%p:%s parent=%p:%s\n",core,core->name,parent,parent->name);
+ if (core->delayed) {
+ /* this core was marked as late */
+ printk("class <%s> finally deleted %lu\n",core->name,jiffies);
+ }
+ if (ckrm_remove_child(core) == 0) {
+ printk("Core class removal failed. Chilren present\n");
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < clstype->max_resid; i++) {
+ ckrm_free_res_class(core,i);
+ }
+ write_lock(&ckrm_class_lock);
+ // Clear the magic, so we would know if this core is reused.
+ core->magic = 0;
+#if 0 // Dynamic not yet enabled
+ core->res_class = NULL;
+ // Remove this core class from its linked list.
+ list_del(&core->clslist);
+ clstype->num_classes--;
+ set_callbacks_active(clstype);
+ write_unlock(&ckrm_class_lock);
+ // fix for race condition seen in stress with numtasks
+ if (parent)
+ ckrm_core_drop(parent);
+ kfree(core);
+ckrm_release_core_class(struct ckrm_core_class *core)
+ if (!ckrm_is_core_valid(core)) {
+ // Invalid core
+ return (-EINVAL);
+ }
+ if (core == core->classtype->default_class)
+ return 0;
+ /* need to make sure that the classgot really dropped */
+ if (atomic_read(&core->refcnt) != 1) {
+ CLS_DEBUG("class <%s> deletion delayed refcnt=%d jif=%ld\n",
+ core->name,atomic_read(&core->refcnt),jiffies);
+ core->delayed = 1; /* just so we have a ref point */
+ }
+ ckrm_core_drop(core);
+ return 0;
+ * Interfaces for the resource controller *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+ * Registering a callback structure by the resource controller.
+ *
+ * Returns the resource id(0 or +ve) on success, -errno for failure.
+ */
+static int
+ckrm_register_res_ctlr_intern(struct ckrm_classtype *clstype, ckrm_res_ctlr_t *rcbs)
+ int resid, ret,i;
+ if (!rcbs)
+ return -EINVAL;
+ resid = rcbs->resid;
+ spin_lock(&clstype->res_ctlrs_lock);
+ printk(KERN_WARNING "resid is %d name is %s %s\n",
+ resid, rcbs->res_name,clstype->res_ctlrs[resid]->res_name);
+ if (resid >= 0) {
+ if ((resid < CKRM_MAX_RES_CTLRS) && (clstype->res_ctlrs[resid] == NULL)) {
+ clstype->res_ctlrs[resid] = rcbs;
+ atomic_set(&clstype->nr_resusers[resid], 0);
+ set_bit(resid, &clstype->bit_res_ctlrs);
+ ret = resid;
+ if (resid >= clstype->max_resid) {
+ clstype->max_resid = resid + 1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ ret = -EBUSY;
+ }
+ spin_unlock(&clstype->res_ctlrs_lock);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ for (i = clstype->resid_reserved; i < clstype->max_res_ctlrs; i++) {
+ if (clstype->res_ctlrs[i] == NULL) {
+ clstype->res_ctlrs[i] = rcbs;
+ rcbs->resid = i;
+ atomic_set(&clstype->nr_resusers[i], 0);
+ set_bit(i, &clstype->bit_res_ctlrs);
+ if (i >= clstype->max_resid) {
+ clstype->max_resid = i + 1;
+ }
+ spin_unlock(&clstype->res_ctlrs_lock);
+ return i;
+ }
+ }
+ spin_unlock(&clstype->res_ctlrs_lock);
+ return (-ENOMEM);
+ckrm_register_res_ctlr(struct ckrm_classtype *clstype, ckrm_res_ctlr_t *rcbs)
+ struct ckrm_core_class *core;
+ int resid;
+ resid = ckrm_register_res_ctlr_intern(clstype,rcbs);
+ if (resid >= 0) {
+ /* run through all classes and create the resource class object and
+ * if necessary "initialize" class in context of this resource
+ */
+ read_lock(&ckrm_class_lock);
+ list_for_each_entry(core, &clstype->classes, clslist) {
+ printk("CKRM .. create res clsobj for resouce <%s> class <%s> par=%p\n",
+ rcbs->res_name, core->name, core->hnode.parent);
+ ckrm_alloc_res_class(core, core->hnode.parent, resid);
+ if (clstype->add_resctrl) // FIXME: this should be mandatory
+ (*clstype->add_resctrl)(core,resid);
+ }
+ read_unlock(&ckrm_class_lock);
+ }
+ return resid;
+ * Unregistering a callback structure by the resource controller.
+ *
+ * Returns 0 on success -errno for failure.
+ */
+ckrm_unregister_res_ctlr(struct ckrm_res_ctlr *rcbs)
+ struct ckrm_classtype *clstype = rcbs->classtype;
+ int resid = rcbs->resid;
+ if ((clstype == NULL) || (resid < 0))
+ return -EINVAL;
+ if (atomic_read(&clstype->nr_resusers[resid]))
+ return -EBUSY;
+ // FIXME: probably need to also call deregistration function
+ spin_lock(&clstype->res_ctlrs_lock);
+ clstype->res_ctlrs[resid] = NULL;
+ clear_bit(resid, &clstype->bit_res_ctlrs);
+ clstype->max_resid = fls(clstype->bit_res_ctlrs);
+ rcbs->resid = -1;
+ spin_unlock(&clstype->res_ctlrs_lock);
+ return 0;
+ * Class Type Registration
+ *******************************************************************/
+/* Hubertus ... we got to do some locking here */
+struct ckrm_classtype* ckrm_classtypes[CKRM_MAX_CLASSTYPES];
+EXPORT_SYMBOL(ckrm_classtypes); // really should build a better interface for this
+ckrm_register_classtype(struct ckrm_classtype *clstype)
+ int tid = clstype->typeID;
+ if (tid != -1) {
+ if ((tid < 0) || (tid > CKRM_MAX_CLASSTYPES) || (ckrm_classtypes[tid]))
+ return -EINVAL;
+ } else {
+ int i;
+ if (ckrm_classtypes[i] == NULL) {
+ tid = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (tid == -1)
+ return -EBUSY;
+ clstype->typeID = tid;
+ ckrm_classtypes[tid] = clstype;
+ /* Hubertus .. we need to call the callbacks of the RCFS client */
+ if (rcfs_fn.register_classtype) {
+ (* rcfs_fn.register_classtype)(clstype);
+ // No error return for now ;
+ }
+ return tid;
+ckrm_unregister_classtype(struct ckrm_classtype *clstype)
+ int tid = clstype->typeID;
+ if ((tid < 0) || (tid > CKRM_MAX_CLASSTYPES) || (ckrm_classtypes[tid] != clstype))
+ return -EINVAL;
+ if (rcfs_fn.deregister_classtype) {
+ (* rcfs_fn.deregister_classtype)(clstype);
+ // No error return for now
+ }
+ ckrm_classtypes[tid] = NULL;
+ clstype->typeID = -1;
+ return 0;
+struct ckrm_classtype*
+ckrm_find_classtype_by_name(const char *name)
+ int i;
+ for ( i=0 ; i<CKRM_MAX_CLASSTYPES; i++) {
+ struct ckrm_classtype *ctype = ckrm_classtypes[i];
+ if (ctype && !strncmp(ctype->name,name,CKRM_MAX_TYPENAME_LEN))
+ return ctype;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ * Event callback invocation
+ *******************************************************************/
+struct ckrm_hook_cb* ckrm_event_callbacks[CKRM_NONLATCHABLE_EVENTS];
+/* Registration / Deregistration / Invocation functions */
+ckrm_register_event_cb(enum ckrm_event ev, struct ckrm_hook_cb *cb)
+ struct ckrm_hook_cb **cbptr;
+ return 1;
+ cbptr = &ckrm_event_callbacks[ev];
+ while (*cbptr != NULL)
+ cbptr = &((*cbptr)->next);
+ *cbptr = cb;
+ return 0;
+ckrm_unregister_event_cb(enum ckrm_event ev, struct ckrm_hook_cb *cb)
+ struct ckrm_hook_cb **cbptr;
+ return -1;
+ cbptr = &ckrm_event_callbacks[ev];
+ while ((*cbptr != NULL) && (*cbptr != cb))
+ cbptr = &((*cbptr)->next);
+ if (*cbptr)
+ (*cbptr)->next = cb->next;
+ return (*cbptr == NULL);
+ckrm_register_event_set(struct ckrm_event_spec especs[])
+ struct ckrm_event_spec *espec = especs;
+ for ( espec = especs ; espec->ev != -1 ; espec++ )
+ ckrm_register_event_cb(espec->ev,&espec->cb);
+ return 0;
+ckrm_unregister_event_set(struct ckrm_event_spec especs[])
+ struct ckrm_event_spec *espec = especs;
+ for ( espec = especs ; espec->ev != -1 ; espec++ )
+ ckrm_unregister_event_cb(espec->ev,&espec->cb);
+ return 0;
+#define ECC_PRINTK(fmt, args...) // printk("%s: " fmt, __FUNCTION__ , ## args)
+ckrm_invoke_event_cb_chain(enum ckrm_event ev, void *arg)
+ struct ckrm_hook_cb *cb, *anchor;
+ ECC_PRINTK("%d %x\n",current,ev,arg);
+ if ((anchor = ckrm_event_callbacks[ev]) != NULL) {
+ for ( cb = anchor ; cb ; cb = cb->next )
+ (*cb->fct)(arg);
+ }
+ * Generic Functions that can be used as default functions
+ * in almost all classtypes
+ * (a) function iterator over all resource classes of a class
+ * (b) function invoker on a named resource
+ *******************************************************************/
+ckrm_class_show_shares(struct ckrm_core_class *core, struct seq_file *seq)
+ int i;
+ struct ckrm_res_ctlr *rcbs;
+ struct ckrm_classtype *clstype = core->classtype;
+ struct ckrm_shares shares;
+ for (i = 0; i < clstype->max_resid; i++) {
+ atomic_inc(&clstype->nr_resusers[i]);
+ rcbs = clstype->res_ctlrs[i];
+ if (rcbs && rcbs->get_share_values) {
+ (*rcbs->get_share_values)(core->res_class[i], &shares);
+ seq_printf(seq,"res=%s,guarantee=%d,limit=%d,total_guarantee=%d,max_limit=%d\n",
+ rcbs->res_name,
+ shares.my_guarantee,
+ shares.my_limit,
+ shares.total_guarantee,
+ shares.max_limit);
+ }
+ atomic_dec(&clstype->nr_resusers[i]);
+ }
+ return 0;
+ckrm_class_show_stats(struct ckrm_core_class *core, struct seq_file *seq)
+ int i;
+ struct ckrm_res_ctlr *rcbs;
+ struct ckrm_classtype *clstype = core->classtype;
+ for (i = 0; i < clstype->max_resid; i++) {
+ atomic_inc(&clstype->nr_resusers[i]);
+ rcbs = clstype->res_ctlrs[i];
+ if (rcbs && rcbs->get_stats)
+ (*rcbs->get_stats)(core->res_class[i], seq);
+ atomic_dec(&clstype->nr_resusers[i]);
+ }
+ return 0;
+ckrm_class_show_config(struct ckrm_core_class *core, struct seq_file *seq)
+ int i;
+ struct ckrm_res_ctlr *rcbs;
+ struct ckrm_classtype *clstype = core->classtype;
+ for (i = 0; i < clstype->max_resid; i++) {
+ atomic_inc(&clstype->nr_resusers[i]);
+ rcbs = clstype->res_ctlrs[i];
+ if (rcbs && rcbs->show_config)
+ (*rcbs->show_config)(core->res_class[i], seq);
+ atomic_dec(&clstype->nr_resusers[i]);
+ }
+ return 0;
+ckrm_class_set_config(struct ckrm_core_class *core, const char *resname, const char *cfgstr)
+ struct ckrm_classtype *clstype = core->classtype;
+ struct ckrm_res_ctlr *rcbs = ckrm_resctlr_lookup(clstype,resname);
+ int rc;
+ if (rcbs == NULL || rcbs->set_config == NULL)
+ return -EINVAL;
+ rc = (*rcbs->set_config)(core->res_class[rcbs->resid],cfgstr);
+ return rc;
+ckrm_class_set_shares(struct ckrm_core_class *core, const char *resname,
+ struct ckrm_shares *shares)
+ struct ckrm_classtype *clstype = core->classtype;
+ struct ckrm_res_ctlr *rcbs;
+ int rc;
+ printk("ckrm_class_set_shares(%s,%s)\n",core->name,resname);
+ rcbs = ckrm_resctlr_lookup(clstype,resname);
+ if (rcbs == NULL || rcbs->set_share_values == NULL)
+ return -EINVAL;
+ rc = (*rcbs->set_share_values)(core->res_class[rcbs->resid],shares);
+ return rc;
+ckrm_class_reset_stats(struct ckrm_core_class *core, const char *resname, const char *unused)
+ struct ckrm_classtype *clstype = core->classtype;
+ struct ckrm_res_ctlr *rcbs = ckrm_resctlr_lookup(clstype,resname);
+ int rc;
+ if (rcbs == NULL || rcbs->reset_stats == NULL)
+ return -EINVAL;
+ rc = (*rcbs->reset_stats)(core->res_class[rcbs->resid]);
+ return rc;
+ * Initialization
+ *******************************************************************/
+ckrm_cb_newtask(struct task_struct *tsk)
+ tsk->ce_data = NULL;
+ spin_lock_init(&tsk->ckrm_tsklock);
+ ckrm_invoke_event_cb_chain(CKRM_EVENT_NEWTASK,tsk);
+ckrm_cb_exit(struct task_struct *tsk)
+ ckrm_invoke_event_cb_chain(CKRM_EVENT_EXIT,tsk);
+ tsk->ce_data = NULL;
+void __init
+ printk("CKRM Initialization\n");
+ // register/initialize the Metatypes
+ {
+ extern void ckrm_meta_init_taskclass(void);
+ ckrm_meta_init_taskclass();
+ }
+ {
+ extern void ckrm_meta_init_sockclass(void);
+ ckrm_meta_init_sockclass();
+ }
+ // prepare init_task and then rely on inheritance of properties
+ ckrm_cb_newtask(&init_task);
+ printk("CKRM Initialization done\n");
--- /dev/null
+/* ckrm_socketaq.c - accept queue resource controller
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) Vivek Kashyap, IBM Corp. 2004
+ *
+ * Latest version, more details at http://ckrm.sf.net
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ */
+/* Changes
+ * Initial version
+ */
+/* Code Description: TBD
+ *
+ */
+#include <linux/module.h>
+#include <linux/init.h>
+#include <linux/slab.h>
+#include <asm/errno.h>
+#include <linux/list.h>
+#include <linux/spinlock.h>
+#include <linux/ckrm.h>
+#include <linux/ckrm_rc.h>
+#include <net/tcp.h>
+#include <linux/ckrm_net.h>
+#define hnode_2_core(ptr) \
+ ((ptr) ? container_of(ptr, struct ckrm_core_class, hnode) : NULL)
+#define CKRM_SAQ_MAX_DEPTH 3 // 0 => /rcfs
+ // 1 => socket_aq
+ // 2 => socket_aq/listen_class
+ // 3 => socket_aq/listen_class/accept_queues
+ // 4 => Not allowed
+typedef struct ckrm_laq_res {
+ spinlock_t reslock;
+ atomic_t refcnt;
+ struct ckrm_shares shares;
+ struct ckrm_core_class *core;
+ struct ckrm_core_class *pcore;
+ int my_depth;
+ int my_id;
+} ckrm_laq_res_t;
+static int my_resid = -1;
+extern struct ckrm_core_class *rcfs_create_under_netroot(char *, int, int);
+extern struct ckrm_core_class *rcfs_make_core(struct dentry *,
+ struct ckrm_core_class * ) ;
+laq_res_hold(struct ckrm_laq_res *res)
+ atomic_inc(&res->refcnt);
+ return;
+laq_res_put(struct ckrm_laq_res *res)
+ if (atomic_dec_and_test(&res->refcnt))
+ kfree(res);
+ return;
+/* Initialize rescls values
+ */
+static void
+laq_res_initcls(void *my_res)
+ ckrm_laq_res_t *res = my_res;
+ res->shares.my_guarantee = CKRM_SHARE_DONTCARE;
+ res->shares.my_limit = CKRM_SHARE_DONTCARE;
+ res->shares.total_guarantee = CKRM_SHARE_DFLT_TOTAL_GUARANTEE;
+ res->shares.max_limit = CKRM_SHARE_DFLT_MAX_LIMIT;
+ res->shares.unused_guarantee = CKRM_SHARE_DFLT_TOTAL_GUARANTEE;
+ res->shares.cur_max_limit = 0;
+static int
+atoi(char *s)
+ int k = 0;
+ while(*s)
+ k = *s++ - '0' + (k * 10);
+ return k;
+static char *
+laq_get_name(struct ckrm_core_class *c)
+ char *p = (char *)c->name;
+ while(*p)
+ p++;
+ while( *p != '/' && p != c->name)
+ p--;
+ return ++p;
+static void *
+laq_res_alloc(struct ckrm_core_class *core, struct ckrm_core_class *parent)
+ ckrm_laq_res_t *res, *pres;
+ int pdepth;
+ if (parent)
+ pres = ckrm_get_res_class(parent, my_resid, ckrm_laq_res_t);
+ else
+ pres = NULL;
+ if (core == core->classtype->default_class)
+ pdepth = 1;
+ else {
+ if (!parent)
+ return NULL;
+ pdepth = 1 + pres->my_depth;
+ }
+ res = kmalloc(sizeof(ckrm_laq_res_t), GFP_ATOMIC);
+ if (res) {
+ memset(res, 0, sizeof(res));
+ spin_lock_init(&res->reslock);
+ laq_res_hold(res);
+ res->my_depth = pdepth;
+ if (pdepth == 2) // listen class
+ res->my_id = 0;
+ else if (pdepth == 3)
+ res->my_id = atoi(laq_get_name(core));
+ res->core = core;
+ res->pcore = parent;
+ // rescls in place, now initialize contents other than
+ // hierarchy pointers
+ laq_res_initcls(res); // acts as initialising value
+ }
+ return res;
+static void
+laq_res_free(void *my_res)
+ ckrm_laq_res_t *res = (ckrm_laq_res_t *)my_res;
+ ckrm_laq_res_t *parent;
+ if (!res)
+ return;
+ if (res->my_depth != 3) {
+ kfree(res);
+ return;
+ }
+ parent = ckrm_get_res_class(res->pcore, my_resid, ckrm_laq_res_t);
+ if (!parent) // Should never happen
+ return;
+ spin_lock(&parent->reslock);
+ spin_lock(&res->reslock);
+ // return child's guarantee to parent node
+ // Limits have no meaning for accept queue control
+ child_guarantee_changed(&parent->shares, res->shares.my_guarantee, 0);
+ spin_unlock(&res->reslock);
+ laq_res_put(res);
+ spin_unlock(&parent->reslock);
+ return;
+ * SHARES ***
+ **************************************************************************/
+laq_set_aq_values(ckrm_laq_res_t *my_res, ckrm_laq_res_t *parent, int updatep)
+ struct ckrm_net_struct *ns;
+ struct ckrm_core_class *core = parent->core;
+ struct tcp_opt *tp;
+ if (my_res->my_depth < 2)
+ return;
+ // XXX Instead of holding a class_lock introduce a rw
+ // lock to be write locked by listen callbacks and read locked here.
+ // - VK
+ class_lock(core);
+ list_for_each_entry(ns, &core->objlist,ckrm_link) {
+ tp = tcp_sk(ns->ns_sk);
+ if (updatep)
+ tp->acceptq[0].aq_ratio =
+ parent->shares.total_guarantee/
+ parent->shares.unused_guarantee;
+ tp->acceptq[my_res->my_id].aq_ratio =
+ my_res->shares.total_guarantee/
+ parent->shares.my_guarantee;
+ }
+ class_unlock(core);
+ return;
+static int
+laq_set_share_values(void *my_res, struct ckrm_shares *shares)
+ ckrm_laq_res_t *res = my_res;
+ ckrm_laq_res_t *parent, *child;
+ struct ckrm_hnode *chnode;
+ int rc = 0;
+ if (!res)
+ return -EINVAL;
+ if (!res->pcore) {
+ // something is badly wrong
+ printk(KERN_ERR "socketaq internal inconsistency\n");
+ return -EBADF;
+ }
+ parent = ckrm_get_res_class(res->pcore, my_resid, ckrm_laq_res_t);
+ if (!parent) // socket_class does not have a share interface
+ return -EINVAL;
+ // Ensure that we ignore limit values
+ shares->my_limit = shares->max_limit = CKRM_SHARE_UNCHANGED;
+ switch (res->my_depth) {
+ case 0: printk(KERN_ERR "socketaq bad entry\n");
+ rc = -EBADF;
+ break;
+ case 1: // can't be written to. this is internal default.
+ // return -EINVAL
+ rc = -EINVAL;
+ break;
+ case 2: // nothing to inherit
+ if (!shares->total_guarantee) {
+ rc = -EINVAL;
+ break;
+ }
+ ckrm_lock_hier(res->pcore);
+ spin_lock(&res->reslock);
+ rc = set_shares(shares, &res->shares, NULL);
+ if (!rc) {
+ list_for_each_entry(chnode,
+ &res->core->hnode.children,siblings){
+ child=hnode_2_core(chnode)->res_class[my_resid];
+ laq_set_aq_values(child,res,(child->my_id==1));
+ }
+ }
+ spin_unlock(&res->reslock);
+ ckrm_unlock_hier(res->pcore);
+ break;
+ case 3: // accept queue itself. Check against parent.
+ ckrm_lock_hier(parent->pcore);
+ spin_lock(&parent->reslock);
+ rc = set_shares(shares, &res->shares, &parent->shares);
+ if (!rc) {
+ laq_set_aq_values(res,parent,1);
+ }
+ spin_unlock(&parent->reslock);
+ ckrm_unlock_hier(parent->pcore);
+ break;
+ }
+ return rc;
+static int
+laq_get_share_values(void *my_res, struct ckrm_shares *shares)
+ ckrm_laq_res_t *res = my_res;
+ if (!res)
+ return -EINVAL;
+ *shares = res->shares;
+ return 0;
+ * STATS ***
+ **************************************************************************/
+laq_print_aq_stats(struct seq_file *sfile, struct tcp_acceptq_info *taq, int i)
+ seq_printf(sfile, "Class %d connections:\n\taccepted: %u\n\t"
+ "queued: %u\n\twait_time: %lu\n\t",
+ i, taq->acceptq_count, taq->acceptq_qcount,
+ taq->acceptq_wait_time);
+ if (i)
+ return;
+ for (i = 1; i < NUM_ACCEPT_QUEUES; i++) {
+ taq[0].acceptq_wait_time += taq[i].acceptq_wait_time;
+ taq[0].acceptq_qcount += taq[i].acceptq_qcount;
+ taq[0].acceptq_count += taq[i].acceptq_count;
+ }
+ seq_printf(sfile, "Totals :\n\taccepted: %u\n\t"
+ "queued: %u\n\twait_time: %lu\n",
+ taq->acceptq_count, taq->acceptq_qcount,
+ taq->acceptq_wait_time);
+ return;
+laq_get_aq_stats(ckrm_laq_res_t *pres, ckrm_laq_res_t *mres,
+ struct tcp_acceptq_info *taq)
+ struct ckrm_net_struct *ns;
+ struct ckrm_core_class *core = pres->core;
+ struct tcp_opt *tp;
+ int a = mres->my_id;
+ int z;
+ if (a == 0)
+ else
+ z = a+1;
+ // XXX Instead of holding a class_lock introduce a rw
+ // lock to be write locked by listen callbacks and read locked here.
+ // - VK
+ class_lock(pres->core);
+ list_for_each_entry(ns, &core->objlist,ckrm_link) {
+ tp = tcp_sk(ns->ns_sk);
+ for (; a< z; a++) {
+ taq->acceptq_wait_time += tp->acceptq[a].aq_wait_time;
+ taq->acceptq_qcount += tp->acceptq[a].aq_qcount;
+ taq->acceptq_count += tp->acceptq[a].aq_count;
+ taq++;
+ }
+ }
+ class_unlock(pres->core);
+static int
+laq_get_stats(void *my_res, struct seq_file *sfile)
+ ckrm_laq_res_t *res = my_res;
+ ckrm_laq_res_t *parent;
+ struct tcp_acceptq_info taq[NUM_ACCEPT_QUEUES];
+ int rc = 0;
+ if (!res)
+ return -EINVAL;
+ if (!res->pcore) {
+ // something is badly wrong
+ printk(KERN_ERR "socketaq internal inconsistency\n");
+ return -EBADF;
+ }
+ parent = ckrm_get_res_class(res->pcore, my_resid, ckrm_laq_res_t);
+ if (!parent) { // socket_class does not have a stat interface
+ printk(KERN_ERR "socketaq internal fs inconsistency\n");
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ memset(taq, 0, sizeof(struct tcp_acceptq_info) * NUM_ACCEPT_QUEUES);
+ switch (res->my_depth) {
+ default:
+ case 0: printk(KERN_ERR "socket class bad entry\n");
+ rc = -EBADF;
+ break;
+ case 1: // can't be read from. this is internal default.
+ // return -EINVAL
+ rc = -EINVAL;
+ break;
+ case 2: // return the default and total
+ ckrm_lock_hier(res->core); // block any deletes
+ laq_get_aq_stats(res, res, &taq[0]);
+ laq_print_aq_stats(sfile, &taq[0], 0);
+ ckrm_unlock_hier(res->core); // block any deletes
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ ckrm_lock_hier(parent->core); // block any deletes
+ laq_get_aq_stats(parent, res, &taq[res->my_id]);
+ laq_print_aq_stats(sfile, &taq[res->my_id], res->my_id);
+ ckrm_unlock_hier(parent->core); // block any deletes
+ break;
+ }
+ return rc;
+ * The network connection is reclassified to this class. Update its shares.
+ * The socket lock is held.
+ */
+static void
+laq_change_resclass(void *n, void *old, void *r)
+ struct ckrm_net_struct *ns = (struct ckrm_net_struct *)n;
+ struct ckrm_laq_res *res = (struct ckrm_laq_res *)r;
+ struct ckrm_hnode *chnode = NULL;
+ if (res->my_depth != 2)
+ return;
+ // a change to my_depth == 3 ie. the accept classes cannot happen.
+ // there is no target file
+ if (res->my_depth == 2) { // it is one of the socket classes
+ struct ckrm_laq_res *reschild;
+ struct sock *sk = ns->ns_sk;
+ struct tcp_opt *tp = tcp_sk(sk);
+ // share rule: hold parent resource lock. then self.
+ // However, since my_depth == 1 is a generic class it is not
+ // needed here. Self lock is enough.
+ spin_lock(&res->reslock);
+ tp->acceptq[0].aq_ratio = res->shares.total_guarantee/
+ res->shares.unused_guarantee;
+ list_for_each_entry(chnode,&res->core->hnode.children,siblings){
+ reschild = hnode_2_core(chnode)->res_class[my_resid];
+ spin_lock(&reschild->reslock);
+ tp->acceptq[reschild->my_id].aq_ratio=
+ reschild->shares.total_guarantee/
+ res->shares.my_guarantee;
+ spin_unlock(&reschild->reslock);
+ }
+ spin_unlock(&res->reslock);
+ }
+ return;
+struct ckrm_res_ctlr laq_rcbs = {
+ .res_name = "laq",
+ .resid = -1 , // dynamically assigned
+ .res_alloc = laq_res_alloc,
+ .res_free = laq_res_free,
+ .set_share_values = laq_set_share_values,
+ .get_share_values = laq_get_share_values,
+ .get_stats = laq_get_stats,
+ .change_resclass = laq_change_resclass,
+ // .res_initcls = laq_res_initcls, // LAQ_HUBERTUS: no need for this !!
+int __init
+ struct ckrm_classtype *clstype;
+ int resid;
+ clstype = ckrm_find_classtype_by_name("socket_class");
+ if (clstype == NULL) {
+ printk(KERN_INFO " Unknown ckrm classtype<socket_class>");
+ return -ENOENT;
+ }
+ if (my_resid == -1) {
+ resid = ckrm_register_res_ctlr(clstype,&laq_rcbs);
+ if (resid >= 0)
+ my_resid = resid;
+ printk("........init_ckrm_listen_aq_res -> %d\n",my_resid);
+ }
+ return 0;
+void __exit
+ ckrm_unregister_res_ctlr(&laq_rcbs);
+ my_resid = -1;
--- /dev/null
+/* ckrm_sock.c - Class-based Kernel Resource Management (CKRM)
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) Hubertus Franke, IBM Corp. 2003,2004
+ * (C) Shailabh Nagar, IBM Corp. 2003
+ * (C) Chandra Seetharaman, IBM Corp. 2003
+ * (C) Vivek Kashyap, IBM Corp. 2004
+ *
+ *
+ * Provides kernel API of CKRM for in-kernel,per-resource controllers
+ * (one each for cpu, memory, io, network) and callbacks for
+ * classification modules.
+ *
+ * Latest version, more details at http://ckrm.sf.net
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ */
+/* Changes
+ *
+ * 28 Aug 2003
+ * Created.
+ * 06 Nov 2003
+ * Made modifications to suit the new RBCE module.
+ * 10 Nov 2003
+ * Fixed a bug in fork and exit callbacks. Added callbacks_active and
+ * surrounding logic. Added task paramter for all CE callbacks.
+ * 23 Mar 2004
+ * moved to referenced counted class objects and correct locking
+ * 12 Apr 2004
+ * introduced adopted to emerging classtype interface
+ */
+#include <linux/config.h>
+#include <linux/init.h>
+#include <linux/linkage.h>
+#include <linux/kernel.h>
+#include <linux/errno.h>
+#include <asm/uaccess.h>
+#include <linux/mm.h>
+#include <asm/errno.h>
+#include <linux/string.h>
+#include <linux/list.h>
+#include <linux/spinlock.h>
+#include <linux/module.h>
+#include <linux/ckrm_rc.h>
+#include <linux/parser.h>
+#include <net/tcp.h>
+#include <linux/ckrm_net.h>
+struct ckrm_sock_class {
+ struct ckrm_core_class core;
+static struct ckrm_sock_class sockclass_dflt_class = {
+#define SOCKET_CLASS_TYPE_NAME "socket_class"
+const char *dflt_sockclass_name = SOCKET_CLASS_TYPE_NAME;
+static struct ckrm_core_class *sock_alloc_class(struct ckrm_core_class *parent, const char *name);
+static int sock_free_class(struct ckrm_core_class *core);
+static int sock_forced_reclassify(ckrm_core_class_t *target, const char *resname);
+static int sock_show_members(struct ckrm_core_class *core, struct seq_file *seq);
+static void sock_add_resctrl(struct ckrm_core_class *core, int resid);
+static void sock_reclassify_class(struct ckrm_sock_class *cls);
+struct ckrm_classtype CT_sockclass = {
+ .mfidx = 1,
+ .maxdepth = 3,
+ .resid_reserved = 0,
+ .max_res_ctlrs = CKRM_MAX_RES_CTLRS,
+ .max_resid = 0,
+ .bit_res_ctlrs = 0L,
+ .res_ctlrs_lock = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED,
+ .classes = LIST_HEAD_INIT(CT_sockclass.classes),
+ .default_class = &sockclass_dflt_class.core,
+ // private version of functions
+ .alloc = &sock_alloc_class,
+ .free = &sock_free_class,
+ .show_members = &sock_show_members,
+ .forced_reclassify = &sock_forced_reclassify,
+ // use of default functions
+ .show_shares = &ckrm_class_show_shares,
+ .show_stats = &ckrm_class_show_stats,
+ .show_config = &ckrm_class_show_config,
+ .set_config = &ckrm_class_set_config,
+ .set_shares = &ckrm_class_set_shares,
+ .reset_stats = &ckrm_class_reset_stats,
+ // mandatory private version .. no dflt available
+ .add_resctrl = &sock_add_resctrl,
+/* helper functions */
+ckrm_ns_hold(struct ckrm_net_struct *ns)
+ atomic_inc(&ns->ns_refcnt);
+ return;
+ckrm_ns_put(struct ckrm_net_struct *ns)
+ if (atomic_dec_and_test(&ns->ns_refcnt))
+ kfree(ns);
+ return;
+ * Change the class of a netstruct
+ *
+ * Change the task's task class to "newcls" if the task's current
+ * class (task->taskclass) is same as given "oldcls", if it is non-NULL.
+ *
+ */
+static void
+sock_set_class(struct ckrm_net_struct *ns, struct ckrm_sock_class *newcls,
+ struct ckrm_sock_class *oldcls, enum ckrm_event event)
+ int i;
+ struct ckrm_res_ctlr *rcbs;
+ struct ckrm_classtype *clstype;
+ void *old_res_class, *new_res_class;
+ if ((newcls == oldcls) || (newcls == NULL)) {
+ ns->core = (void *)oldcls;
+ return;
+ }
+ class_lock(class_core(newcls));
+ ns->core = newcls;
+ list_add(&ns->ckrm_link, &class_core(newcls)->objlist);
+ class_unlock(class_core(newcls));
+ clstype = class_isa(newcls);
+ for (i = 0; i < clstype->max_resid; i++) {
+ atomic_inc(&clstype->nr_resusers[i]);
+ old_res_class = oldcls ? class_core(oldcls)->res_class[i] : NULL;
+ new_res_class = newcls ? class_core(newcls)->res_class[i] : NULL;
+ rcbs = clstype->res_ctlrs[i];
+ if (rcbs && rcbs->change_resclass && (old_res_class != new_res_class))
+ (*rcbs->change_resclass)(ns, old_res_class, new_res_class);
+ atomic_dec(&clstype->nr_resusers[i]);
+ }
+ return;
+static void
+sock_add_resctrl(struct ckrm_core_class *core, int resid)
+ struct ckrm_net_struct *ns;
+ struct ckrm_res_ctlr *rcbs;
+ if ((resid < 0) || (resid >= CKRM_MAX_RES_CTLRS) || ((rcbs = core->classtype->res_ctlrs[resid]) == NULL))
+ return;
+ class_lock(core);
+ list_for_each_entry(ns, &core->objlist, ckrm_link) {
+ if (rcbs->change_resclass)
+ (*rcbs->change_resclass)(ns, NULL, core->res_class[resid]);
+ }
+ class_unlock(core);
+ * Functions called from classification points *
+ **************************************************************************/
+static void
+cb_sockclass_listen_start(struct sock *sk)
+ struct ckrm_net_struct *ns = NULL;
+ struct ckrm_sock_class *newcls = NULL;
+ struct ckrm_res_ctlr *rcbs;
+ struct ckrm_classtype *clstype;
+ int i = 0;
+ // XXX - TBD ipv6
+ if (sk->sk_family == IPPROTO_IPV6)
+ return;
+ // to store the socket address
+ ns = (struct ckrm_net_struct *)
+ kmalloc(sizeof(struct ckrm_net_struct), GFP_ATOMIC);
+ if (!ns)
+ return;
+ memset(ns,0, sizeof(ns));
+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ns->ckrm_link);
+ ns->ns_family = sk->sk_family;
+ if (ns->ns_family == IPPROTO_IPV6) // IPv6 not supported yet.
+ return;
+ ns->ns_daddrv4 = inet_sk(sk)->rcv_saddr;
+ ns->ns_dport = inet_sk(sk)->num;
+ ns->ns_pid = current->pid;
+ ns->ns_tgid = current->tgid;
+ ce_protect(&CT_sockclass);
+ CE_CLASSIFY_RET(newcls,&CT_sockclass,CKRM_EVENT_LISTEN_START,ns,current);
+ ce_release(&CT_sockclass);
+ if (newcls == NULL) {
+ newcls = &sockclass_dflt_class;
+ ckrm_core_grab(class_core(newcls));
+ }
+ class_lock(class_core(newcls));
+ list_add(&ns->ckrm_link, &class_core(newcls)->objlist);
+ ckrm_ns_put(ns);
+ ns->core = newcls;
+ class_unlock(class_core(newcls));
+ // the socket is already locked
+ // take a reference on socket on our behalf
+ sock_hold(sk);
+ sk->sk_ns = (void *)ns;
+ ns->ns_sk = sk;
+ // modify its shares
+ clstype = class_isa(newcls);
+ for (i = 0; i < clstype->max_resid; i++) {
+ atomic_inc(&clstype->nr_resusers[i]);
+ rcbs = clstype->res_ctlrs[i];
+ if (rcbs && rcbs->change_resclass) {
+ (*rcbs->change_resclass)((void *)ns,
+ NULL,class_core(newcls)->res_class[i]);
+ }
+ atomic_dec(&clstype->nr_resusers[i]);
+ }
+ return;
+static void
+cb_sockclass_listen_stop(struct sock *sk)
+ struct ckrm_net_struct *ns = NULL;
+ struct ckrm_sock_class *newcls = NULL;
+ // XXX - TBD ipv6
+ if (sk->sk_family == IPPROTO_IPV6)
+ return;
+ ns = (struct ckrm_net_struct *)sk->sk_ns;
+ if (!ns) // listen_start called before socket_aq was loaded
+ return;
+ newcls = ns->core;
+ if (newcls) {
+ class_lock(class_core(newcls));
+ list_del(&ns->ckrm_link);
+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ns->ckrm_link);
+ class_unlock(class_core(newcls));
+ ckrm_core_drop(class_core(newcls));
+ }
+ // the socket is already locked
+ sk->sk_ns = NULL;
+ sock_put(sk);
+ // Should be the last count and free it
+ ckrm_ns_put(ns);
+ return;
+static struct ckrm_event_spec sock_events_callbacks[] = {
+ CKRM_EVENT_SPEC( LISTEN_START, cb_sockclass_listen_start ),
+ CKRM_EVENT_SPEC( LISTEN_STOP, cb_sockclass_listen_stop ),
+ { -1 }
+ * Class Object Creation / Destruction
+ **************************************************************************/
+static struct ckrm_core_class *
+sock_alloc_class(struct ckrm_core_class *parent, const char *name)
+ struct ckrm_sock_class *sockcls;
+ sockcls = kmalloc(sizeof(struct ckrm_sock_class), GFP_KERNEL);
+ if (sockcls == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ ckrm_init_core_class(&CT_sockclass,class_core(sockcls),parent,name);
+ ce_protect(&CT_sockclass);
+ if (CT_sockclass.ce_cb_active && CT_sockclass.ce_callbacks.class_add)
+ (*CT_sockclass.ce_callbacks.class_add)(name,sockcls);
+ ce_release(&CT_sockclass);
+ return class_core(sockcls);
+static int
+sock_free_class(struct ckrm_core_class *core)
+ struct ckrm_sock_class *sockcls;
+ if (!ckrm_is_core_valid(core)) {
+ // Invalid core
+ return (-EINVAL);
+ }
+ if (core == core->classtype->default_class) {
+ // reset the name tag
+ core->name = dflt_sockclass_name;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ sockcls = class_type(struct ckrm_sock_class, core);
+ ce_protect(&CT_sockclass);
+ if (CT_sockclass.ce_cb_active && CT_sockclass.ce_callbacks.class_delete)
+ (*CT_sockclass.ce_callbacks.class_delete)(core->name,sockcls);
+ sock_reclassify_class ( sockcls );
+ ce_release(&CT_sockclass);
+ ckrm_release_core_class(core); // Hubertus .... could just drop the class .. error message
+ return 0;
+static int
+sock_show_members(struct ckrm_core_class *core, struct seq_file *seq)
+ struct list_head *lh;
+ struct ckrm_net_struct *ns = NULL;
+ class_lock(core);
+ list_for_each(lh, &core->objlist) {
+ ns = container_of(lh, struct ckrm_net_struct,ckrm_link);
+ seq_printf(seq, "%d.%d.%d.%d\\%d\n",
+ NIPQUAD(ns->ns_daddrv4),ns->ns_dport);
+ }
+ class_unlock(core);
+ return 0;
+static int
+sock_forced_reclassify_ns(struct ckrm_net_struct *tns, struct ckrm_core_class *core)
+ struct ckrm_net_struct *ns = NULL;
+ struct sock *sk = NULL;
+ struct ckrm_sock_class *oldcls, *newcls;
+ int rc = -EINVAL;
+ if (!ckrm_is_core_valid(core)) {
+ return rc;
+ }
+ newcls = class_type(struct ckrm_sock_class, core);
+ // lookup the listening sockets
+ // returns with a reference count set on socket
+ sk = tcp_v4_lookup_listener(tns->ns_daddrv4,tns->ns_dport,0);
+ if (!sk) {
+ printk(KERN_INFO "No such listener 0x%x:%d\n",
+ tns->ns_daddrv4, tns->ns_dport);
+ return rc;
+ }
+ lock_sock(sk);
+ if (!sk->sk_ns) {
+ goto out;
+ }
+ ns = sk->sk_ns;
+ ckrm_ns_hold(ns);
+ oldcls = ns->core;
+ if ((oldcls == NULL) || (oldcls == newcls)) {
+ ckrm_ns_put(ns);
+ goto out;
+ }
+ // remove the net_struct from the current class
+ class_lock(class_core(oldcls));
+ list_del(&ns->ckrm_link);
+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ns->ckrm_link);
+ ns->core = NULL;
+ class_unlock(class_core(oldcls));
+ sock_set_class(ns, newcls, oldcls, CKRM_EVENT_MANUAL);
+ ckrm_ns_put(ns);
+ rc = 0;
+ release_sock(sk);
+ sock_put(sk);
+ return rc;
+enum sock_target_token_t {
+static match_table_t sock_target_tokens = {
+ {IPV4, "ipv4=%s"},
+ {IPV6, "ipv6=%s"},
+char *
+v4toi(char *s, char c, __u32 *v)
+ unsigned int k = 0, n = 0;
+ while(*s && (*s != c)) {
+ if (*s == '.') {
+ n <<= 8;
+ n |= k;
+ k = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ k = k *10 + *s - '0';
+ s++;
+ }
+ n <<= 8;
+ *v = n | k;
+ return s;
+static int
+sock_forced_reclassify(struct ckrm_core_class *target,const char *options)
+ char *p,*p2;
+ struct ckrm_net_struct ns;
+ __u32 v4addr, tmp;
+ if (!options)
+ return 1;
+ while ((p = strsep((char**)&options, ",")) != NULL) {
+ substring_t args[MAX_OPT_ARGS];
+ int token;
+ if (!*p)
+ continue;
+ token = match_token(p, sock_target_tokens, args);
+ switch (token) {
+ case IPV4:
+ p2 = p;
+ while(*p2 && (*p2 != '='))
+ ++p2;
+ p2++;
+ p2 = v4toi(p2, '\\',&(v4addr));
+ ns.ns_daddrv4 = htonl(v4addr);
+ ns.ns_family = 4; //IPPROTO_IPV4
+ p2 = v4toi(++p2, ':',&tmp); ns.ns_dport = (__u16)tmp;
+ p2 = v4toi(++p2,'\0',&ns.ns_pid);
+ sock_forced_reclassify_ns(&ns,target);
+ break;
+ case IPV6:
+ printk(KERN_INFO "rcfs: IPV6 not supported yet\n");
+ return 0;
+ default:
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
+ * Listen_aq reclassification.
+ */
+static void
+sock_reclassify_class(struct ckrm_sock_class *cls)
+ struct ckrm_net_struct *ns, *tns;
+ struct ckrm_core_class *core = class_core(cls);
+ LIST_HEAD(local_list);
+ if (!cls)
+ return;
+ if (!ckrm_validate_and_grab_core(core))
+ return;
+ class_lock(core);
+ // we have the core refcnt
+ if (list_empty(&core->objlist)) {
+ class_unlock(core);
+ ckrm_core_drop(core);
+ return;
+ }
+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&local_list);
+ list_splice_init(&core->objlist, &local_list);
+ class_unlock(core);
+ ckrm_core_drop(core);
+ list_for_each_entry_safe(ns, tns, &local_list, ckrm_link) {
+ ckrm_ns_hold(ns);
+ list_del(&ns->ckrm_link);
+ if (ns->ns_sk) {
+ lock_sock(ns->ns_sk);
+ sock_set_class(ns, &sockclass_dflt_class, NULL, CKRM_EVENT_MANUAL);
+ release_sock(ns->ns_sk);
+ }
+ ckrm_ns_put(ns);
+ }
+ return ;
+void __init
+ printk("...... Initializing ClassType<%s> ........\n",CT_sockclass.name);
+ // intialize the default class
+ ckrm_init_core_class(&CT_sockclass, class_core(&sockclass_dflt_class),
+ NULL,dflt_sockclass_name);
+ // register classtype and initialize default task class
+ ckrm_register_classtype(&CT_sockclass);
+ ckrm_register_event_set(sock_events_callbacks);
+ // note registeration of all resource controllers will be done later dynamically
+ // as these are specified as modules
+#if 1
+ * Debugging Network Classes: Utility functions
+ **************************************************************************************/
--- /dev/null
+/* ckrm_numtasks.c - "Number of tasks" resource controller for CKRM
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) Chandra Seetharaman, IBM Corp. 2003
+ *
+ * Latest version, more details at http://ckrm.sf.net
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ */
+/* Changes
+ *
+ * 31 Mar 2004: Created
+ *
+ */
+ * Code Description: TBD
+ */
+#include <linux/module.h>
+#include <linux/init.h>
+#include <linux/slab.h>
+#include <asm/errno.h>
+#include <linux/list.h>
+#include <linux/spinlock.h>
+#include <linux/ckrm.h>
+#include <linux/ckrm_rc.h>
+#include <linux/ckrm_tc.h>
+#define TOTAL_NUM_TASKS (131072) // 128 K
+#define NUMTASKS_NAME "numtasks"
+typedef struct ckrm_numtasks {
+ struct ckrm_core_class *core; // the core i am part of...
+ struct ckrm_core_class *parent; // parent of the core above.
+ struct ckrm_shares shares;
+ spinlock_t cnt_lock; // always grab parent's lock first and then child's
+ int cnt_guarantee; // num_tasks guarantee in local units
+ int cnt_unused; // has to borrow if more than this is needed
+ int cnt_limit; // no tasks over this limit.
+ atomic_t cnt_cur_alloc; // current alloc from self
+ atomic_t cnt_borrowed; // borrowed from the parent
+ int over_guarantee; //turn on/off when cur_alloc goes over/under guarantee
+ // internally maintained statictics to compare with max numbers
+ int limit_failures; // no. of failures 'cause the request was over the limit
+ int borrow_sucesses; // no. of successful borrows
+ int borrow_failures; // no. of borrow faileures
+ // Maximum the specific statictics has reached.
+ int max_limit_failures;
+ int max_borrow_sucesses;
+ int max_borrow_failures;
+ // Total number of specific statistics
+ int tot_limit_failures;
+ int tot_borrow_sucesses;
+ int tot_borrow_failures;
+} ckrm_numtasks_t;
+struct ckrm_res_ctlr numtasks_rcbs;
+/* Initialize rescls values
+ * May be called on each rcfs unmount or as part of error recovery
+ * to make share values sane.
+ * Does not traverse hierarchy reinitializing children.
+ */
+static void
+numtasks_res_initcls_one(ckrm_numtasks_t *res)
+ res->shares.my_guarantee = CKRM_SHARE_DONTCARE;
+ res->shares.my_limit = CKRM_SHARE_DONTCARE;
+ res->shares.total_guarantee = CKRM_SHARE_DFLT_TOTAL_GUARANTEE;
+ res->shares.max_limit = CKRM_SHARE_DFLT_MAX_LIMIT;
+ res->shares.unused_guarantee = CKRM_SHARE_DFLT_TOTAL_GUARANTEE;
+ res->shares.cur_max_limit = 0;
+ res->cnt_guarantee = CKRM_SHARE_DONTCARE;
+ res->cnt_unused = CKRM_SHARE_DONTCARE;
+ res->cnt_limit = CKRM_SHARE_DONTCARE;
+ res->over_guarantee = 0;
+ res->limit_failures = 0;
+ res->borrow_sucesses = 0;
+ res->borrow_failures = 0;
+ res->max_limit_failures = 0;
+ res->max_borrow_sucesses = 0;
+ res->max_borrow_failures = 0;
+ res->tot_limit_failures = 0;
+ res->tot_borrow_sucesses = 0;
+ res->tot_borrow_failures = 0;
+ atomic_set(&res->cnt_cur_alloc, 0);
+ atomic_set(&res->cnt_borrowed, 0);
+ return;
+#if 0
+static void
+numtasks_res_initcls(void *my_res)
+ ckrm_numtasks_t *res = my_res;
+ /* Write a version which propagates values all the way down
+ and replace rcbs callback with that version */
+numtasks_get_ref(void *arg, int force)
+ int rc, resid = numtasks_rcbs.resid;
+ ckrm_numtasks_t *res;
+ ckrm_core_class_t *core = arg;
+ if ((resid < 0) || (core == NULL))
+ return 1;
+ res = ckrm_get_res_class(core, resid, ckrm_numtasks_t);
+ if (res == NULL)
+ return 1;
+ atomic_inc(&res->cnt_cur_alloc);
+ rc = 1;
+ if (((res->parent) && (res->cnt_unused == CKRM_SHARE_DONTCARE)) ||
+ (atomic_read(&res->cnt_cur_alloc) > res->cnt_unused)) {
+ rc = 0;
+ if (!force && (res->cnt_limit != CKRM_SHARE_DONTCARE) &&
+ (atomic_read(&res->cnt_cur_alloc) > res->cnt_limit)) {
+ res->limit_failures++;
+ res->tot_limit_failures++;
+ } else if (res->parent != NULL) {
+ if ((rc = numtasks_get_ref(res->parent, force)) == 1) {
+ atomic_inc(&res->cnt_borrowed);
+ res->borrow_sucesses++;
+ res->tot_borrow_sucesses++;
+ res->over_guarantee = 1;
+ } else {
+ res->borrow_failures++;
+ res->tot_borrow_failures++;
+ }
+ } else {
+ rc = force;
+ }
+ } else if (res->over_guarantee) {
+ res->over_guarantee = 0;
+ if (res->max_limit_failures < res->limit_failures) {
+ res->max_limit_failures = res->limit_failures;
+ }
+ if (res->max_borrow_sucesses < res->borrow_sucesses) {
+ res->max_borrow_sucesses = res->borrow_sucesses;
+ }
+ if (res->max_borrow_failures < res->borrow_failures) {
+ res->max_borrow_failures = res->borrow_failures;
+ }
+ res->limit_failures = 0;
+ res->borrow_sucesses = 0;
+ res->borrow_failures = 0;
+ }
+ if (!rc) {
+ atomic_dec(&res->cnt_cur_alloc);
+ }
+ return rc;
+numtasks_put_ref(void *arg)
+ int resid = numtasks_rcbs.resid;
+ ckrm_numtasks_t *res;
+ ckrm_core_class_t *core = arg;
+ if ((resid == -1) || (core == NULL)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ res = ckrm_get_res_class(core, resid, ckrm_numtasks_t);
+ if (res == NULL)
+ return;
+ atomic_dec(&res->cnt_cur_alloc);
+ if (atomic_read(&res->cnt_borrowed) > 0) {
+ atomic_dec(&res->cnt_borrowed);
+ numtasks_put_ref(res->parent);
+ }
+ return;
+static void *
+numtasks_res_alloc(struct ckrm_core_class *core, struct ckrm_core_class *parent)
+ ckrm_numtasks_t *res;
+ res = kmalloc(sizeof(ckrm_numtasks_t), GFP_ATOMIC);
+ if (res) {
+ res->core = core;
+ res->parent = parent;
+ numtasks_res_initcls_one(res);
+ res->cnt_lock = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
+ if (parent == NULL) {
+ // I am part of root class. so set the max tasks to available
+ // default
+ res->cnt_guarantee = TOTAL_NUM_TASKS;
+ res->cnt_unused = TOTAL_NUM_TASKS;
+ res->cnt_limit = TOTAL_NUM_TASKS;
+ }
+ } else {
+ printk(KERN_ERR "numtasks_res_alloc: failed GFP_ATOMIC alloc\n");
+ }
+ return res;
+ * No locking of this resource class object necessary as we are not
+ * supposed to be assigned (or used) when/after this function is called.
+ */
+static void
+numtasks_res_free(void *my_res)
+ ckrm_numtasks_t *res = my_res, *parres, *childres;
+ ckrm_core_class_t *child = NULL;
+ int i, borrowed, maxlimit, resid = numtasks_rcbs.resid;
+ if (!res)
+ return;
+ // Assuming there will be no children when this function is called
+ parres = ckrm_get_res_class(res->parent, resid, ckrm_numtasks_t);
+ if (unlikely(atomic_read(&res->cnt_cur_alloc) != 0 ||
+ atomic_read(&res->cnt_borrowed))) {
+ printk(KERN_ERR "numtasks_res_free: resource still alloc'd %p\n", res);
+ if ((borrowed = atomic_read(&res->cnt_borrowed)) > 0) {
+ for (i = 0; i < borrowed; i++) {
+ numtasks_put_ref(parres->core);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // return child's limit/guarantee to parent node
+ spin_lock(&parres->cnt_lock);
+ child_guarantee_changed(&parres->shares, res->shares.my_guarantee, 0);
+ // run thru parent's children and get the new max_limit of the parent
+ ckrm_lock_hier(parres->core);
+ maxlimit = 0;
+ while ((child = ckrm_get_next_child(parres->core, child)) != NULL) {
+ childres = ckrm_get_res_class(child, resid, ckrm_numtasks_t);
+ if (maxlimit < childres->shares.my_limit) {
+ maxlimit = childres->shares.my_limit;
+ }
+ }
+ ckrm_unlock_hier(parres->core);
+ if (parres->shares.cur_max_limit < maxlimit) {
+ parres->shares.cur_max_limit = maxlimit;
+ }
+ spin_unlock(&parres->cnt_lock);
+ kfree(res);
+ return;
+ * Recalculate the guarantee and limit in real units... and propagate the
+ * same to children.
+ * Caller is responsible for protecting res and for the integrity of parres
+ */
+static void
+recalc_and_propagate(ckrm_numtasks_t *res, ckrm_numtasks_t *parres)
+ ckrm_core_class_t *child = NULL;
+ ckrm_numtasks_t *childres;
+ int resid = numtasks_rcbs.resid;
+ if (parres) {
+ struct ckrm_shares *par = &parres->shares;
+ struct ckrm_shares *self = &res->shares;
+ // calculate cnt_guarantee and cnt_limit
+ //
+ if (parres->cnt_guarantee == CKRM_SHARE_DONTCARE) {
+ res->cnt_guarantee = CKRM_SHARE_DONTCARE;
+ } else {
+ res->cnt_guarantee = (self->my_guarantee * parres->cnt_guarantee)
+ / par->total_guarantee;
+ }
+ if (parres->cnt_limit == CKRM_SHARE_DONTCARE) {
+ res->cnt_limit = CKRM_SHARE_DONTCARE;
+ } else {
+ res->cnt_limit = (self->my_limit * parres->cnt_limit)
+ / par->max_limit;
+ }
+ // Calculate unused units
+ if (res->cnt_guarantee == CKRM_SHARE_DONTCARE) {
+ res->cnt_unused = CKRM_SHARE_DONTCARE;
+ } else {
+ res->cnt_unused = (self->unused_guarantee *
+ res->cnt_guarantee) / self->total_guarantee;
+ }
+ }
+ // propagate to children
+ ckrm_lock_hier(res->core);
+ while ((child = ckrm_get_next_child(res->core, child)) != NULL) {
+ childres = ckrm_get_res_class(child, resid, ckrm_numtasks_t);
+ spin_lock(&childres->cnt_lock);
+ recalc_and_propagate(childres, res);
+ spin_unlock(&childres->cnt_lock);
+ }
+ ckrm_unlock_hier(res->core);
+ return;
+static int
+numtasks_set_share_values(void *my_res, struct ckrm_shares *new)
+ ckrm_numtasks_t *parres, *res = my_res;
+ struct ckrm_shares *cur = &res->shares, *par;
+ int rc = -EINVAL, resid = numtasks_rcbs.resid;
+ if (!res)
+ return rc;
+ if (res->parent) {
+ parres = ckrm_get_res_class(res->parent, resid, ckrm_numtasks_t);
+ spin_lock(&parres->cnt_lock);
+ spin_lock(&res->cnt_lock);
+ par = &parres->shares;
+ } else {
+ spin_lock(&res->cnt_lock);
+ par = NULL;
+ parres = NULL;
+ }
+ rc = set_shares(new, cur, par);
+ if ((rc == 0) && parres) {
+ // Calculate parent's unused units
+ if (parres->cnt_guarantee == CKRM_SHARE_DONTCARE) {
+ parres->cnt_unused = CKRM_SHARE_DONTCARE;
+ } else {
+ parres->cnt_unused = (par->unused_guarantee *
+ parres->cnt_guarantee) / par->total_guarantee;
+ }
+ recalc_and_propagate(res, parres);
+ }
+ spin_unlock(&res->cnt_lock);
+ if (res->parent) {
+ spin_unlock(&parres->cnt_lock);
+ }
+ return rc;
+static int
+numtasks_get_share_values(void *my_res, struct ckrm_shares *shares)
+ ckrm_numtasks_t *res = my_res;
+ if (!res)
+ return -EINVAL;
+ *shares = res->shares;
+ return 0;
+static int
+numtasks_get_stats(void *my_res, struct seq_file *sfile)
+ ckrm_numtasks_t *res = my_res;
+ if (!res)
+ return -EINVAL;
+ seq_printf(sfile, "Number of tasks resource:\n");
+ seq_printf(sfile, "Total Over limit failures: %d\n",
+ res->tot_limit_failures);
+ seq_printf(sfile, "Total Over guarantee sucesses: %d\n",
+ res->tot_borrow_sucesses);
+ seq_printf(sfile, "Total Over guarantee failures: %d\n",
+ res->tot_borrow_failures);
+ seq_printf(sfile, "Maximum Over limit failures: %d\n",
+ res->max_limit_failures);
+ seq_printf(sfile, "Maximum Over guarantee sucesses: %d\n",
+ res->max_borrow_sucesses);
+ seq_printf(sfile, "Maximum Over guarantee failures: %d\n",
+ res->max_borrow_failures);
+ seq_printf(sfile, "cur_alloc %d; borrowed %d; cnt_guar %d; cnt_limit %d "
+ "unused_guarantee %d, cur_max_limit %d\n",
+ atomic_read(&res->cnt_cur_alloc),
+ atomic_read(&res->cnt_borrowed),
+ res->cnt_guarantee,
+ res->cnt_limit,
+ res->shares.unused_guarantee,
+ res->shares.cur_max_limit);
+ return 0;
+static int
+numtasks_show_config(void *my_res, struct seq_file *sfile)
+ ckrm_numtasks_t *res = my_res;
+ if (!res)
+ return -EINVAL;
+ seq_printf(sfile, "res=%s,parameter=somevalue\n",NUMTASKS_NAME);
+ return 0;
+static int
+numtasks_set_config(void *my_res, const char *cfgstr)
+ ckrm_numtasks_t *res = my_res;
+ if (!res)
+ return -EINVAL;
+ printk("numtasks config='%s'\n",cfgstr);
+ return 0;
+static void
+numtasks_change_resclass(void *task, void *old, void *new)
+ ckrm_numtasks_t *oldres = old;
+ ckrm_numtasks_t *newres = new;
+ if (oldres != (void *) -1) {
+ struct task_struct *tsk = task;
+ if (!oldres) {
+ struct ckrm_core_class *old_core = &(tsk->parent->taskclass->core);
+ oldres = ckrm_get_res_class(old_core, numtasks_rcbs.resid,
+ ckrm_numtasks_t);
+ }
+ numtasks_put_ref(oldres->core);
+ }
+ if (newres) {
+ (void) numtasks_get_ref(newres->core, 1);
+ }
+struct ckrm_res_ctlr numtasks_rcbs = {
+ .res_name = NUMTASKS_NAME,
+ .res_hdepth = 1,
+ .resid = -1,
+ .res_alloc = numtasks_res_alloc,
+ .res_free = numtasks_res_free,
+ .set_share_values = numtasks_set_share_values,
+ .get_share_values = numtasks_get_share_values,
+ .get_stats = numtasks_get_stats,
+ .show_config = numtasks_show_config,
+ .set_config = numtasks_set_config,
+ .change_resclass = numtasks_change_resclass,
+int __init
+ struct ckrm_classtype *clstype;
+ int resid = numtasks_rcbs.resid;
+ clstype = ckrm_find_classtype_by_name("taskclass");
+ if (clstype == NULL) {
+ printk(KERN_INFO " Unknown ckrm classtype<taskclass>");
+ return -ENOENT;
+ }
+ if (resid == -1) {
+ resid = ckrm_register_res_ctlr(clstype,&numtasks_rcbs);
+ printk("........init_ckrm_numtasks_res -> %d\n",resid);
+ }
+ return 0;
+void __exit
+ ckrm_unregister_res_ctlr(&numtasks_rcbs);
+ numtasks_rcbs.resid = -1;
--- /dev/null
+/* ckrm_tc.c - Class-based Kernel Resource Management (CKRM)
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) Hubertus Franke, IBM Corp. 2003,2004
+ * (C) Shailabh Nagar, IBM Corp. 2003
+ * (C) Chandra Seetharaman, IBM Corp. 2003
+ * (C) Vivek Kashyap, IBM Corp. 2004
+ *
+ *
+ * Provides kernel API of CKRM for in-kernel,per-resource controllers
+ * (one each for cpu, memory, io, network) and callbacks for
+ * classification modules.
+ *
+ * Latest version, more details at http://ckrm.sf.net
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ */
+/* Changes
+ *
+ * 28 Aug 2003
+ * Created.
+ * 06 Nov 2003
+ * Made modifications to suit the new RBCE module.
+ * 10 Nov 2003
+ * Fixed a bug in fork and exit callbacks. Added callbacks_active and
+ * surrounding logic. Added task paramter for all CE callbacks.
+ * 23 Mar 2004
+ * moved to referenced counted class objects and correct locking
+ * 12 Apr 2004
+ * introduced adopted to emerging classtype interface
+ */
+#include <linux/config.h>
+#include <linux/init.h>
+#include <linux/linkage.h>
+#include <linux/kernel.h>
+#include <linux/errno.h>
+#include <asm/uaccess.h>
+#include <linux/mm.h>
+#include <asm/errno.h>
+#include <linux/string.h>
+#include <linux/list.h>
+#include <linux/spinlock.h>
+#include <linux/module.h>
+#include <linux/ckrm_rc.h>
+#include <linux/ckrm_tc.h>
+#define TC_DEBUG(fmt, args...) do { /* printk("%s: " fmt, __FUNCTION__ , ## args); */ } while (0)
+static struct ckrm_task_class taskclass_dflt_class = {
+const char *dflt_taskclass_name = TASK_CLASS_TYPE_NAME;
+static struct ckrm_core_class *ckrm_alloc_task_class(struct ckrm_core_class *parent, const char *name);
+static int ckrm_free_task_class(struct ckrm_core_class *core);
+static int tc_forced_reclassify(ckrm_core_class_t *target, const char *resname);
+static int tc_show_members(struct ckrm_core_class *core, struct seq_file *seq);
+static void tc_add_resctrl(struct ckrm_core_class *core, int resid);
+struct ckrm_classtype CT_taskclass = {
+ .mfidx = TC_MF_IDX,
+ .maxdepth = 3, // Hubertus .. just to start
+ .resid_reserved = 4, // Hubertus .. reservation
+ .max_res_ctlrs = CKRM_MAX_RES_CTLRS,
+ .max_resid = 0,
+ .bit_res_ctlrs = 0L,
+ .res_ctlrs_lock = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED,
+ .classes = LIST_HEAD_INIT(CT_taskclass.classes),
+ .default_class = &taskclass_dflt_class.core,
+ // private version of functions
+ .alloc = &ckrm_alloc_task_class,
+ .free = &ckrm_free_task_class,
+ .show_members = &tc_show_members,
+ .forced_reclassify = &tc_forced_reclassify,
+ // use of default functions
+ .show_shares = &ckrm_class_show_shares,
+ .show_stats = &ckrm_class_show_stats,
+ .show_config = &ckrm_class_show_config,
+ .set_config = &ckrm_class_set_config,
+ .set_shares = &ckrm_class_set_shares,
+ .reset_stats = &ckrm_class_reset_stats,
+ // mandatory private version .. no dflt available
+ .add_resctrl = &tc_add_resctrl,
+ * Helper Functions *
+ **************************************************************************/
+static inline void
+ckrm_init_task_lock(struct task_struct *tsk)
+ tsk->ckrm_tsklock = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
+// Hubertus .. following functions should move to ckrm_rc.h
+static inline void
+ckrm_task_lock(struct task_struct *tsk)
+ spin_lock(&tsk->ckrm_tsklock);
+static inline void
+ckrm_task_unlock(struct task_struct *tsk)
+ spin_unlock(&tsk->ckrm_tsklock);
+ * Change the task class of the given task.
+ *
+ * Change the task's task class to "newcls" if the task's current
+ * class (task->taskclass) is same as given "oldcls", if it is non-NULL.
+ *
+ * Caller is responsible to make sure the task structure stays put through
+ * this function.
+ *
+ * This function should be called with the following locks NOT held
+ * - tsk->ckrm_task_lock
+ * - core->ckrm_lock, if core is NULL then ckrm_dflt_class.ckrm_lock
+ * - tsk->taskclass->ckrm_lock
+ *
+ * Function is also called with a ckrm_core_grab on the new core, hence
+ * it needs to be dropped if no assignment takes place.
+ */
+static void
+ckrm_set_taskclass(struct task_struct *tsk, ckrm_task_class_t *newcls,
+ ckrm_task_class_t *oldcls, enum ckrm_event event)
+ int i;
+ ckrm_classtype_t *clstype;
+ ckrm_res_ctlr_t *rcbs;
+ ckrm_task_class_t *curcls;
+ void *old_res_class, *new_res_class;
+ int drop_old_cls;
+ ckrm_task_lock(tsk);
+ curcls = tsk->taskclass;
+ // check whether compare_and_exchange should
+ if (oldcls && (oldcls != curcls)) {
+ ckrm_task_unlock(tsk);
+ if (newcls) {
+ /* compensate for previous grab */
+ TC_DEBUG("(%s:%d): Race-condition caught <%s> %d\n",
+ tsk->comm,tsk->pid,class_core(newcls)->name,event);
+ ckrm_core_drop(class_core(newcls));
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // make sure we have a real destination core
+ if (!newcls) {
+ newcls = &taskclass_dflt_class;
+ ckrm_core_grab(class_core(newcls));
+ }
+ // take out of old class
+ // remember that we need to drop the oldcore
+ if ((drop_old_cls = (curcls != NULL))) {
+ class_lock(class_core(curcls));
+ if (newcls == curcls) {
+ // we are already in the destination class.
+ // we still need to drop oldcore
+ class_unlock(class_core(curcls));
+ ckrm_task_unlock(tsk);
+ goto out;
+ }
+ list_del(&tsk->taskclass_link);
+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&tsk->taskclass_link);
+ tsk->taskclass = NULL;
+ class_unlock(class_core(curcls));
+ }
+ // put into new class
+ class_lock(class_core(newcls));
+ tsk->taskclass = newcls;
+ list_add(&tsk->taskclass_link, &class_core(newcls)->objlist);
+ class_unlock(class_core(newcls));
+ if (newcls == curcls) {
+ ckrm_task_unlock(tsk);
+ goto out;
+ }
+ CE_NOTIFY(&CT_taskclass,event,newcls,tsk);
+ ckrm_task_unlock(tsk);
+ clstype = class_isa(newcls); // Hubertus .. can hardcode ckrm_CT_taskclass
+ if (clstype->bit_res_ctlrs) { // avoid running through the entire list if non is registered
+ for (i = 0; i < clstype->max_resid; i++) {
+ if (clstype->res_ctlrs[i] == NULL)
+ continue;
+ atomic_inc(&clstype->nr_resusers[i]);
+ old_res_class = curcls ? class_core(curcls)->res_class[i] : NULL;
+ new_res_class = newcls ? class_core(newcls)->res_class[i] : NULL;
+ rcbs = clstype->res_ctlrs[i];
+ if (rcbs && rcbs->change_resclass && (old_res_class != new_res_class))
+ (*rcbs->change_resclass)(tsk, old_res_class, new_res_class);
+ atomic_dec(&clstype->nr_resusers[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ out:
+ if (drop_old_cls)
+ ckrm_core_drop(class_core(curcls));
+ return;
+// HF SUGGEST: we could macro-tize this for other types DEF_FUNC_ADD_RESCTRL(funcname,link)
+// would DEF_FUNC_ADD_RESCTRL(tc_add_resctrl,taskclass_link)
+static void
+tc_add_resctrl(struct ckrm_core_class *core, int resid)
+ struct task_struct *tsk;
+ struct ckrm_res_ctlr *rcbs;
+ if ((resid < 0) || (resid >= CKRM_MAX_RES_CTLRS) || ((rcbs = core->classtype->res_ctlrs[resid]) == NULL))
+ return;
+ class_lock(core);
+ list_for_each_entry(tsk, &core->objlist, taskclass_link) {
+ if (rcbs->change_resclass)
+ (*rcbs->change_resclass)(tsk, (void *) -1, core->res_class[resid]);
+ }
+ class_unlock(core);
+ * Functions called from classification points *
+ **************************************************************************/
+#define ECB_PRINTK(fmt, args...) // do { if (CT_taskclass.ce_regd) printk("%s: " fmt, __FUNCTION__ , ## args); } while (0)
+#define CE_CLASSIFY_TASK(event, tsk) \
+do { \
+ struct ckrm_task_class *newcls = NULL, *oldcls = tsk->taskclass; \
+ \
+ CE_CLASSIFY_RET(newcls,&CT_taskclass,event,tsk); \
+ if (newcls) { \
+ /* called synchrously. no need to get task struct */ \
+ ckrm_set_taskclass(tsk, newcls, oldcls, event); \
+ } \
+} while (0)
+#define CE_CLASSIFY_TASK_PROTECT(event, tsk) \
+do { \
+ ce_protect(&CT_taskclass); \
+ CE_CLASSIFY_TASK(event,tsk); \
+ ce_release(&CT_taskclass); \
+} while (0)
+static void
+cb_taskclass_newtask(struct task_struct *tsk)
+ tsk->taskclass = NULL;
+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&tsk->taskclass_link);
+static void
+cb_taskclass_fork(struct task_struct *tsk)
+ struct ckrm_task_class *cls = NULL;
+ ECB_PRINTK("%p:%d:%s\n",tsk,tsk->pid,tsk->comm);
+ ce_protect(&CT_taskclass);
+ CE_CLASSIFY_RET(cls,&CT_taskclass,CKRM_EVENT_FORK,tsk);
+ if (cls == NULL) {
+ ckrm_task_lock(tsk->parent);
+ cls = tsk->parent->taskclass;
+ ckrm_core_grab(class_core(cls));
+ ckrm_task_unlock(tsk->parent);
+ }
+ if (!list_empty(&tsk->taskclass_link))
+ printk("BUG in cb_fork.. tsk (%s:%d> already linked\n",
+ tsk->comm,tsk->pid);
+ ckrm_set_taskclass(tsk, cls, NULL, CKRM_EVENT_FORK);
+ ce_release(&CT_taskclass);
+static void
+cb_taskclass_exit(struct task_struct *tsk)
+ ckrm_task_class_t *cls;
+ // Remove the task from the current core class
+ ECB_PRINTK("%p:%d:%s\n",tsk,tsk->pid,tsk->comm);
+ ckrm_task_lock(tsk);
+ if ((cls = tsk->taskclass) != NULL) {
+ class_lock(class_core(cls));
+ tsk->taskclass = NULL;
+ list_del(&tsk->taskclass_link);
+ class_unlock(class_core(cls));
+ ckrm_core_drop(class_core(cls));
+ } else {
+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&tsk->taskclass_link);
+ }
+ ckrm_task_unlock(tsk);
+static void
+cb_taskclass_exec(const char *filename)
+ ECB_PRINTK("%p:%d:%s <%s>\n",current,current->pid,current->comm,filename);
+static void
+ ECB_PRINTK("%p:%d:%s\n",current,current->pid,current->comm);
+static void
+ ECB_PRINTK("%p:%d:%s\n",current,current->pid,current->comm);
+static struct ckrm_event_spec taskclass_events_callbacks[] = {
+ CKRM_EVENT_SPEC( NEWTASK, cb_taskclass_newtask ),
+ CKRM_EVENT_SPEC( EXEC , cb_taskclass_exec ),
+ CKRM_EVENT_SPEC( FORK , cb_taskclass_fork ),
+ CKRM_EVENT_SPEC( EXIT , cb_taskclass_exit ),
+ CKRM_EVENT_SPEC( UID , cb_taskclass_uid ),
+ CKRM_EVENT_SPEC( GID , cb_taskclass_gid ),
+ { -1 }
+ *
+ * Asynchronous callback functions (driven by RCFS)
+ *
+ * Async functions force a setting of the task structure
+ * synchronous callbacks are protected against race conditions
+ * by using a cmpxchg on the core before setting it.
+ * Async calls need to be serialized to ensure they can't
+ * race against each other
+ *
+ ***********************************************************************/
+DECLARE_MUTEX(async_serializer); // serialize all async functions
+ * Go through the task list and reclassify all tasks according to the current
+ * classification rules.
+ *
+ * We have the problem that we can not hold any lock (including the
+ * tasklist_lock) while classifying. Two methods possible
+ *
+ * (a) go through entire pidrange (0..pidmax) and if a task exists at
+ * that pid then reclassify it
+ * (b) go several time through task list and build a bitmap for a particular
+ * subrange of pid otherwise the memory requirements ight be too much.
+ *
+ * We use a hybrid by comparing ratio nr_threads/pidmax
+ */
+static void
+ extern int pid_max;
+ struct task_struct *proc, *thread;
+ int i;
+ int curpidmax = pid_max;
+ int ratio;
+ int use_bitmap;
+ ratio = curpidmax / nr_threads;
+ if (curpidmax <= PID_MAX_DEFAULT) {
+ use_bitmap = 1;
+ } else {
+ use_bitmap = (ratio >= 2);
+ }
+ ce_protect(&CT_taskclass);
+ retry:
+ if (use_bitmap == 0) {
+ // go through it in one walk
+ read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
+ for ( i=0 ; i<curpidmax ; i++ ) {
+ if ((thread = find_task_by_pid(i)) == NULL)
+ continue;
+ get_task_struct(thread);
+ read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
+ put_task_struct(thread);
+ read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
+ }
+ read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
+ } else {
+ unsigned long *bitmap;
+ int bitmapsize;
+ int order = 0;
+ int num_loops;
+ int pid, do_next;
+ bitmap = (unsigned long*) __get_free_pages(GFP_KERNEL,order);
+ if (bitmap == NULL) {
+ use_bitmap = 0;
+ goto retry;
+ }
+ bitmapsize = 8 * (1 << (order + PAGE_SHIFT));
+ num_loops = (curpidmax + bitmapsize - 1) / bitmapsize;
+ do_next = 1;
+ for ( i=0 ; i < num_loops && do_next; i++) {
+ int pid_start = i*bitmapsize;
+ int pid_end = pid_start + bitmapsize;
+ int num_found = 0;
+ int pos;
+ memset(bitmap, 0, bitmapsize/8); // start afresh
+ do_next = 0;
+ read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
+ do_each_thread(proc, thread) {
+ pid = thread->pid;
+ if ((pid < pid_start) || (pid >= pid_end)) {
+ if (pid >= pid_end) {
+ do_next = 1;
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ pid -= pid_start;
+ set_bit(pid, bitmap);
+ num_found++;
+ } while_each_thread(proc, thread);
+ read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
+ if (num_found == 0)
+ continue;
+ pos = 0;
+ for ( ; num_found-- ; ) {
+ pos = find_next_bit(bitmap, bitmapsize, pos);
+ pid = pos + pid_start;
+ read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
+ if ((thread = find_task_by_pid(pid)) != NULL) {
+ get_task_struct(thread);
+ read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
+ put_task_struct(thread);
+ } else {
+ read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ce_release(&CT_taskclass);
+ckrm_reclassify(int pid)
+ struct task_struct *tsk;
+ int rc = 0;
+ down(&async_serializer); // protect again race condition
+ if (pid < 0) {
+ // do we want to treat this as process group .. should YES ToDo
+ rc = -EINVAL;
+ } else if (pid == 0) {
+ // reclassify all tasks in the system
+ ckrm_reclassify_all_tasks();
+ } else {
+ // reclassify particular pid
+ read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
+ if ((tsk = find_task_by_pid(pid)) != NULL) {
+ get_task_struct(tsk);
+ read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
+ put_task_struct(tsk);
+ } else {
+ read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
+ rc = -EINVAL;
+ }
+ }
+ up(&async_serializer);
+ return rc;
+ * Reclassify all tasks in the given core class.
+ */
+static void
+ckrm_reclassify_class_tasks(struct ckrm_task_class *cls)
+ int ce_regd;
+ struct ckrm_hnode *cnode;
+ struct ckrm_task_class *parcls;
+ int num = 0;
+ if (!ckrm_validate_and_grab_core(&cls->core))
+ return;
+ down(&async_serializer); // protect again race condition
+ TC_DEBUG("start %p:%s:%d:%d\n",cls,cls->core.name,
+ atomic_read(&cls->core.refcnt),atomic_read(&cls->core.hnode.parent->refcnt));
+ // If no CE registered for this classtype, following will be needed repeatedly;
+ ce_regd = class_core(cls)->classtype->ce_regd;
+ cnode = &(class_core(cls)->hnode);
+ parcls = class_type(ckrm_task_class_t, cnode->parent);
+ class_lock(class_core(cls));
+ if (!list_empty(&class_core(cls)->objlist)) {
+ struct ckrm_task_class *newcls = NULL;
+ struct task_struct *tsk =
+ list_entry(class_core(cls)->objlist.next,
+ struct task_struct, taskclass_link);
+ get_task_struct(tsk);
+ class_unlock(class_core(cls));
+ if (ce_regd) {
+ if (cls == newcls) {
+ // don't allow reclassifying to the same class
+ // as we are in the process of cleaning up this class
+ ckrm_core_drop(class_core(newcls)); // to compensate CE's grab
+ newcls = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ if (newcls == NULL) {
+ newcls = parcls;
+ ckrm_core_grab(class_core(newcls));
+ }
+ ckrm_set_taskclass(tsk, newcls, cls, CKRM_EVENT_RECLASSIFY);
+ put_task_struct(tsk);
+ num++;
+ goto next_task;
+ }
+ TC_DEBUG("stop %p:%s:%d:%d %d\n",cls,cls->core.name,
+ atomic_read(&cls->core.refcnt),atomic_read(&cls->core.hnode.parent->refcnt),num);
+ class_unlock(class_core(cls));
+ ckrm_core_drop(class_core(cls));
+ up(&async_serializer);
+ return ;
+ * Change the core class of the given task.
+ */
+ckrm_forced_reclassify_pid(pid_t pid, struct ckrm_task_class *cls)
+ struct task_struct *tsk;
+ if (!ckrm_validate_and_grab_core(class_core(cls)))
+ return - EINVAL;
+ read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
+ if ((tsk = find_task_by_pid(pid)) == NULL) {
+ read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
+ ckrm_core_drop(class_core(cls));
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ get_task_struct(tsk);
+ read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
+ down(&async_serializer); // protect again race condition
+ ce_protect(&CT_taskclass);
+ ckrm_set_taskclass(tsk, cls, NULL, CKRM_EVENT_MANUAL);
+ ce_release(&CT_taskclass);
+ put_task_struct(tsk);
+ up(&async_serializer);
+ return 0;
+static struct ckrm_core_class *
+ckrm_alloc_task_class(struct ckrm_core_class *parent, const char *name)
+ struct ckrm_task_class *taskcls;
+ taskcls = kmalloc(sizeof(struct ckrm_task_class), GFP_KERNEL);
+ if (taskcls == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ ckrm_init_core_class(&CT_taskclass,
+ class_core(taskcls),parent,name);
+ ce_protect(&CT_taskclass);
+ if (CT_taskclass.ce_cb_active && CT_taskclass.ce_callbacks.class_add)
+ (*CT_taskclass.ce_callbacks.class_add)(name,taskcls);
+ ce_release(&CT_taskclass);
+ return class_core(taskcls);
+static int
+ckrm_free_task_class(struct ckrm_core_class *core)
+ struct ckrm_task_class *taskcls;
+ if (!ckrm_is_core_valid(core)) {
+ // Invalid core
+ return (-EINVAL);
+ }
+ if (core == core->classtype->default_class) {
+ // reset the name tag
+ core->name = dflt_taskclass_name;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ TC_DEBUG("%p:%s:%d\n",core,core->name,atomic_read(&core->refcnt));
+ taskcls = class_type(struct ckrm_task_class, core);
+ ce_protect(&CT_taskclass);
+ if (CT_taskclass.ce_cb_active && CT_taskclass.ce_callbacks.class_delete)
+ (*CT_taskclass.ce_callbacks.class_delete)(core->name,taskcls);
+ ckrm_reclassify_class_tasks( taskcls );
+ ce_release(&CT_taskclass);
+ ckrm_release_core_class(core); // Hubertus .... could just drop the class .. error message
+ return 0;
+void __init
+ printk("...... Initializing ClassType<%s> ........\n",CT_taskclass.name);
+ // intialize the default class
+ ckrm_init_core_class(&CT_taskclass, class_core(&taskclass_dflt_class),
+ NULL,dflt_taskclass_name);
+ // register classtype and initialize default task class
+ ckrm_register_classtype(&CT_taskclass);
+ ckrm_register_event_set(taskclass_events_callbacks);
+ // note registeration of all resource controllers will be done later dynamically
+ // as these are specified as modules
+static int
+tc_show_members(struct ckrm_core_class *core, struct seq_file *seq)
+ struct list_head *lh;
+ struct task_struct *tsk;
+ class_lock(core);
+ list_for_each(lh, &core->objlist) {
+ tsk = container_of(lh, struct task_struct, taskclass_link);
+ seq_printf(seq,"%ld\n", (long)tsk->pid);
+ }
+ class_unlock(core);
+ return 0;
+static int
+tc_forced_reclassify(struct ckrm_core_class *target,const char *obj)
+ pid_t pid;
+ int rc = -EINVAL;
+ pid = (pid_t) simple_strtoul(obj,NULL,10);
+ if (pid > 0) {
+ rc = ckrm_forced_reclassify_pid(pid,
+ class_type(ckrm_task_class_t,target));
+ }
+ return rc;
+#if 1
+ * Debugging Task Classes: Utility functions
+ **************************************************************************************/
+check_tasklist_sanity(struct ckrm_task_class *cls)
+ struct ckrm_core_class *core = class_core(cls);
+ struct list_head *lh1, *lh2;
+ int count = 0;
+ if (core) {
+ class_lock(core);
+ if (list_empty(&core->objlist)) {
+ class_lock(core);
+ printk("check_tasklist_sanity: class %s empty list\n",
+ core->name);
+ return;
+ }
+ list_for_each_safe(lh1, lh2, &core->objlist) {
+ struct task_struct *tsk = container_of(lh1, struct task_struct, taskclass_link);
+ if (count++ > 20000) {
+ printk("list is CORRUPTED\n");
+ break;
+ }
+ if (tsk->taskclass != cls) {
+ const char *tclsname;
+ tclsname = (tsk->taskclass) ? class_core(tsk->taskclass)->name
+ : "NULL";
+ printk("sanity: task %s:%d has ckrm_core |%s| but in list |%s|\n",
+ tsk->comm,tsk->pid,tclsname,core->name);
+ }
+ }
+ class_unlock(core);
+ }
+ckrm_debug_free_task_class(struct ckrm_task_class *tskcls)
+ struct task_struct *proc, *thread;
+ int count = 0;
+ printk("Analyze Error <%s> %d\n",
+ class_core(tskcls)->name,atomic_read(&(class_core(tskcls)->refcnt)));
+ read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
+ class_lock(class_core(tskcls));
+ do_each_thread(proc, thread) {
+ count += (tskcls == thread->taskclass);
+ if ((thread->taskclass == tskcls) || (tskcls == NULL)) {
+ const char *tclsname;
+ tclsname = (thread->taskclass) ? class_core(thread->taskclass)->name : "NULL";
+ printk("%d thread=<%s:%d> -> <%s> <%lx>\n",
+ count,thread->comm,thread->pid,tclsname, thread->flags & PF_EXITING);
+ }
+ } while_each_thread(proc, thread);
+ class_unlock(class_core(tskcls));
+ read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
+ printk("End Analyze Error <%s> %d\n",
+ class_core(tskcls)->name,atomic_read(&(class_core(tskcls)->refcnt)));
--- /dev/null
+/* ckrmutils.c - Utility functions for CKRM
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) Chandra Seetharaman, IBM Corp. 2003
+ * (C) Hubertus Franke , IBM Corp. 2004
+ *
+ * Provides simple utility functions for the core module, CE and resource
+ * controllers.
+ *
+ * Latest version, more details at http://ckrm.sf.net
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ */
+/* Changes
+ *
+ * 13 Nov 2003
+ * Created
+ */
+#include <linux/mm.h>
+#include <linux/err.h>
+#include <linux/mount.h>
+#include <linux/module.h>
+#include <linux/ckrm_rc.h>
+get_exe_path_name(struct task_struct *tsk, char *buf, int buflen)
+ struct vm_area_struct * vma;
+ struct vfsmount *mnt;
+ struct mm_struct * mm = get_task_mm(tsk);
+ struct dentry *dentry;
+ char *lname;
+ int rc = 0;
+ *buf = '\0';
+ if (!mm) {
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ down_read(&mm->mmap_sem);
+ vma = mm->mmap;
+ while (vma) {
+ if ((vma->vm_flags & VM_EXECUTABLE) &&
+ vma->vm_file) {
+ dentry = dget(vma->vm_file->f_dentry);
+ mnt = mntget(vma->vm_file->f_vfsmnt);
+ lname = d_path(dentry, mnt, buf, buflen);
+ if (! IS_ERR(lname)) {
+ strncpy(buf, lname, strlen(lname) + 1);
+ } else {
+ rc = (int) PTR_ERR(lname);
+ }
+ mntput(mnt);
+ dput(dentry);
+ break;
+ }
+ vma = vma->vm_next;
+ }
+ up_read(&mm->mmap_sem);
+ mmput(mm);
+ return rc;
+ * must be called with cnt_lock of parres held
+ * Caller is responsible for making sure that the new guarantee doesn't
+ * overflow parent's total guarantee.
+ */
+child_guarantee_changed(struct ckrm_shares *parent, int cur, int new)
+ if (new == cur || !parent) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (new != CKRM_SHARE_DONTCARE) {
+ parent->unused_guarantee -= new;
+ }
+ if (cur != CKRM_SHARE_DONTCARE) {
+ parent->unused_guarantee += cur;
+ }
+ return;
+ * must be called with cnt_lock of parres held
+ * Caller is responsible for making sure that the new limit is not more
+ * than parent's max_limit
+ */
+child_maxlimit_changed(struct ckrm_shares *parent, int new_limit)
+ if (parent && parent->cur_max_limit < new_limit) {
+ parent->cur_max_limit = new_limit;
+ }
+ return;
+ * Caller is responsible for holding any lock to protect the data
+ * structures passed to this function
+ */
+set_shares(struct ckrm_shares *new, struct ckrm_shares *cur,
+ struct ckrm_shares *par)
+ int rc = -EINVAL;
+ int cur_usage_guar = cur->total_guarantee - cur->unused_guarantee;
+ int increase_by = new->my_guarantee - cur->my_guarantee;
+ // Check total_guarantee for correctness
+ if (new->total_guarantee <= CKRM_SHARE_DONTCARE) {
+ goto set_share_err;
+ } else if (new->total_guarantee == CKRM_SHARE_UNCHANGED) {
+ ;// do nothing
+ } else if (cur_usage_guar > new->total_guarantee) {
+ goto set_share_err;
+ }
+ // Check max_limit for correctness
+ if (new->max_limit <= CKRM_SHARE_DONTCARE) {
+ goto set_share_err;
+ } else if (new->max_limit == CKRM_SHARE_UNCHANGED) {
+ ; // do nothing
+ } else if (cur->cur_max_limit > new->max_limit) {
+ goto set_share_err;
+ }
+ // Check my_guarantee for correctness
+ if (new->my_guarantee == CKRM_SHARE_UNCHANGED) {
+ ; // do nothing
+ } else if (new->my_guarantee == CKRM_SHARE_DONTCARE) {
+ ; // do nothing
+ } else if (par && increase_by > par->unused_guarantee) {
+ goto set_share_err;
+ }
+ // Check my_limit for correctness
+ if (new->my_limit == CKRM_SHARE_UNCHANGED) {
+ ; // do nothing
+ } else if (new->my_limit == CKRM_SHARE_DONTCARE) {
+ ; // do nothing
+ } else if (par && new->my_limit > par->max_limit) {
+ // I can't get more limit than my parent's limit
+ goto set_share_err;
+ }
+ // make sure guarantee is lesser than limit
+ if (new->my_limit == CKRM_SHARE_DONTCARE) {
+ ; // do nothing
+ } else if (new->my_limit == CKRM_SHARE_UNCHANGED) {
+ if (new->my_guarantee == CKRM_SHARE_DONTCARE) {
+ ; // do nothing
+ } else if (new->my_guarantee == CKRM_SHARE_UNCHANGED) {
+ ; // do nothing earlier setting would 've taken care of it
+ } else if (new->my_guarantee > cur->my_limit) {
+ goto set_share_err;
+ }
+ } else { // new->my_limit has a valid value
+ if (new->my_guarantee == CKRM_SHARE_DONTCARE) {
+ ; // do nothing
+ } else if (new->my_guarantee == CKRM_SHARE_UNCHANGED) {
+ if (cur->my_guarantee > new->my_limit) {
+ goto set_share_err;
+ }
+ } else if (new->my_guarantee > new->my_limit) {
+ goto set_share_err;
+ }
+ }
+ if (new->my_guarantee != CKRM_SHARE_UNCHANGED) {
+ child_guarantee_changed(par, cur->my_guarantee,
+ new->my_guarantee);
+ cur->my_guarantee = new->my_guarantee;
+ }
+ if (new->my_limit != CKRM_SHARE_UNCHANGED) {
+ child_maxlimit_changed(par, new->my_limit);
+ cur->my_limit = new->my_limit;
+ }
+ if (new->total_guarantee != CKRM_SHARE_UNCHANGED) {
+ cur->unused_guarantee = new->total_guarantee - cur_usage_guar;
+ cur->total_guarantee = new->total_guarantee;
+ }
+ if (new->max_limit != CKRM_SHARE_UNCHANGED) {
+ cur->max_limit = new->max_limit;
+ }
+ rc = 0;
+ return rc;