-// Jquery for the Registration page. /views/register/tmpl/deafult.php
- jQuery("#commentForm").validate({
- rules: {
- password: {
- required: true
- },
- confirmpassword: {
- required: true, equalTo: "#password"
- }
+ * Description: implements a form
+ * Copyright (c) 2013 UPMC Sorbonne Universite
+ * License: GPLv3
+ */
+ * It's a best practice to pass jQuery to an IIFE (Immediately Invoked Function
+ * Expression) that maps it to the dollar sign so it can't be overwritten by
+ * another library in the scope of its execution.
+ */
+ /***************************************************************************
+ * Method calling logic
+ ***************************************************************************/
+ $.fn.CreateForm = function( method ) {
+ if ( methods[method] ) {
+ return methods[method].apply( this, Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments, 1 ));
+ } else if ( typeof method === 'object' || ! method ) {
+ return methods.init.apply( this, arguments );
+ } else {
+ return undefined;
+ //$.error( 'Method ' + method + ' does not exist on jQuery.CreateForm' );
+ }
+ };
+ /***************************************************************************
+ * Public methods
+ ***************************************************************************/
+ var methods = {
+ /**
+ * @brief Plugin initialization
+ * @param options : an associative array of setting values
+ * @return : a jQuery collection of objects on which the plugin is
+ * applied, which allows to maintain chainability of calls
+ */
+ init : function ( options ) {
+ return this.each(function() {
+ var $this = $(this);
+ /* An object that will hold private variables and methods */
+ var form = new CreateForm(options);
+ $this.data('plugin', form);
+ $(this).on('validate.Form', form.validate);
+ $(this).on('validate', form.validate);
+ }); // this.each
+ }, // init
+ };
+ /***************************************************************************
+ * CreateForm object
+ ***************************************************************************/
+ function CreateForm(options) {
+ /* save a reference to this */
+ var obj = this;
+ /* member variables */
+ this.options = options;
+ /* methods */
+ this.on_result = function(data) {
- });
- // upload button
- jQuery("#question").change(function(){
- if(this.value=="upload"){
- jQuery("#upload_key").show();
- }else{
- jQuery("#upload_key").hide();
+ /**
+ * \brief Validate the form
+ * \param validate_callback (function) a callback to be triggered when validation is done
+ * \return True if all fields match validation regex
+ */
+ this.validate = function(validate_callback) {
+ var frm = document.forms['form_'+options.plugin_uuid]
+ // $this = $('#' + options.plugin_uuid); // useless
+ // Loop on the fields and test regexp if present
+ var err = false;
+ var params = {}
+ $.each(options.columns, function(i, column) {
+ var value = frm.elements[column['field']].value;
+ var rx = column['validate_rx'];
+ var str = '';
+ if (rx && !value.match(rx)) {
+ str = column['validate_err'];
+ err = true;
+ }
+ params[column['field']] = value;
+ $('#err-' + options.plugin_uuid + '-' + column['field']).html(str);
+ });
+ /* If the form correctly validates, we issue a create query */
+ if (!err) {
+ /* Inform user about ongoing query: spinner */
+ /* Issue json query and wait for callback */
+ // this.on_result()
+ }
+ /* Note, if the create has already been done (or fails, or ... ?)
+ * shall we proceed to an update ? */
+ /* We always return false. Only the query callback is in charge of
+ * advancing to next step */
+ return false;
- });
+ }
+})( jQuery );
* Description: implements a wizard-like interface
- * Copyright (c) 2012 UPMC Sorbonne Universite
+ * Copyright (c) 2013 UPMC Sorbonne Universite
+ * Based on SmartWizard 2.0 plugin by Dipu (http://www.techlaboratory.net)
* License: GPLv3
* Expression) that maps it to the dollar sign so it can't be overwritten by
* another library in the scope of its execution.
- // routing calls
+ /***************************************************************************
+ * Method calling logic
+ ***************************************************************************/
$.fn.Wizard = function( method ) {
if ( methods[method] ) {
return methods[method].apply( this, Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments, 1 ));
} else if ( typeof method === 'object' || ! method ) {
return methods.init.apply( this, arguments );
} else {
- $.error( 'Method ' + method + ' does not exist on jQuery.Wizard' );
+ //$.error( 'Method ' + method + ' does not exist on jQuery.Wizard' );
+ return undefined;
var methods = {
+ /**
+ * @brief Plugin initialization
+ * @param options : an associative array of setting values
+ * @return : a jQuery collection of objects on which the plugin is
+ * applied, which allows to maintain chainability of calls
+ */
init : function ( options ) {
+ /* Default settings */
+ var options = $.extend({}, $.fn.Wizard.defaults, options);
return this.each(function() {
var $this = $(this);
+ var obj = $(wizard, this);
- // Initialize the smart-wizard third-party jquery plugin
- $(wizard, this).smartWizard({
- selected : options.start_step - 1,
- errorSteps : [5],
- onLeaveStep : leaveAStepCallback,
-// onFinish : onFinishCallback
- });
- // XXX Mark some steps as done !
- $(wizard, this).smartWizard('setDone',{stepnum: 1, isdone:true});
+ /* An object that will hold private variables and methods */
+ var form = new Wizard(options, obj);
+ $this.data('Wizard', form);
- function leaveAStepCallback(obj){
- var step_num= obj.attr('rel')-1; // get the current step number
- func = options.validate_step_js[step_num];
- if (func == 'null')
- return true;
- return window[func]();
- }
+ form.init();
- function onFinishCallback(){
- window.location.href('/');
- }
+// // Initialize the smart-wizard third-party jquery plugin
+// $(wizard, this).smartWizard({
+// selected : options.start_step - 1,
+// errorSteps : [5],
+// onLeaveStep : leaveAStepCallback,
+//// onFinish : onFinishCallback
+// });
+// // XXX Mark some steps as done !
+// $(wizard, this).smartWizard('setDone',{stepnum: 1, isdone:true});
+// function leaveAStepCallback(obj){
+// var step_num= obj.attr('rel')-1; // get the current step number
+// func = options.validate_step_js[step_num];
+// if (func == 'null')
+// return true;
+// return window[func]();
+// }
+// function onFinishCallback(){
+// window.location.href('/');
+// }
}); // this.each
} // init
+ /***************************************************************************
+ * Wizard object
+ ***************************************************************************/
+ /**
+ * \param options (dict) : a dictionary of options
+ * \param obj (jQuery ref) : handler to the wizard plugin
+ */
+ function Wizard(options, obj) {
+ /* save a reference to this */
+ var $this = this;
+ /* member variables */
+ this.options = options;
+ /* methods */
+ /**
+ * \brief get a handle on a wizard step by id
+ \param stepIdx (integer) : step identifier (0-based)
+ \returns jQuery selector
+ */
+ this.get_step = function(stepIdx)
+ {
+ return $('.plugin', $(stepIdx.attr('href')));
+ }
+ this.get_plugin = function(step)
+ {
+ return step.data().plugin;
+ }
+ this.onLeaveStep = function(stepIdx)
+ {
+ /* does the plugin has a validate entry ? */
+ var step = this.get_step(stepIdx);
+ var plugin = this.get_plugin(step);
+ if (plugin.validate) {
+ plugin.validate();
+ }
+ }
+ this.init1 = function() {
+ $this.curStepIdx = options.selected;
+ $this.steps = $("ul > li > a[href^='#step-']", obj); // Get all anchors in this array
+ $this.contentWidth = 0;
+ //this.loader,msgBox,elmActionBar,elmStepContainer,btNext,btPrevious,btFinish;
+ $this.elmActionBar = $('.actionBar',obj);
+ if($this.elmActionBar.length == 0){
+ $this.elmActionBar = $('<div></div>').addClass("actionBar");
+ }
+ $this.msgBox = $('.msgBox',obj);
+ if($this.msgBox.length == 0){
+ $this.msgBox = $('<div class="msgBox"><div class="content"></div><a href="#" class="close">X</a></div>');
+ $this.elmActionBar.append($this.msgBox);
+ }
+ $('.close',$this.msgBox).click(function() {
+ $this.msgBox.fadeOut("normal");
+ return false;
+ });
+ } // this.init1
+ this.init = function() {
+ this.init1();
+ /* additonal init */
+ this.options.onLeaveStep = this.onLeaveStep;
+ var allDivs =obj.children('div'); //$("div", obj);
+ obj.children('ul').addClass("anchor");
+ allDivs.addClass("content");
+ // Create Elements
+ loader = $('<div>Loading</div>').addClass("loader");
+ elmActionBar = $('<div></div>').addClass("actionBar");
+ elmStepContainer = $('<div></div>').addClass("stepContainer");
+ btNext = $('<a>'+options.labelNext+'</a>').attr("href","#").addClass("buttonNext");
+ btPrevious = $('<a>'+options.labelPrevious+'</a>').attr("href","#").addClass("buttonPrevious");
+ btFinish = $('<a>'+options.labelFinish+'</a>').attr("href","#").addClass("buttonFinish");
+ // highlight steps with errors
+ if(options.errorSteps && options.errorSteps.length>0){
+ $.each(options.errorSteps, function(i, n){
+ $this.setError(n,true);
+ });
+ }
+ elmStepContainer.append(allDivs);
+ elmActionBar.append(loader);
+ obj.append(elmStepContainer);
+ obj.append(elmActionBar);
+ if (options.includeFinishButton) {
+ elmActionBar.append(btFinish);
+ }
+ elmActionBar.append(btNext).append(btPrevious);
+ contentWidth = elmStepContainer.width();
+ $(btNext).click(function() {
+ if($(this).hasClass('buttonDisabled')){
+ return false;
+ }
+ $this.doForwardProgress();
+ return false;
+ });
+ $(btPrevious).click(function() {
+ if($(this).hasClass('buttonDisabled')){
+ return false;
+ }
+ $this.doBackwardProgress();
+ return false;
+ });
+ $(btFinish).click(function() {
+ if(!$(this).hasClass('buttonDisabled')){
+ if($.isFunction(options.onFinish)) {
+ if(!options.onFinish.call(this,$(this.steps))){
+ return false;
+ }
+ }else{
+ var frm = $(obj).parents('form');
+ if(frm && frm.length){
+ frm.submit();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ });
+ $(this.steps).bind("click", function(e){
+ if(steps.index(this) == $this.curStepIdx){
+ return false;
+ }
+ var nextStepIdx = steps.index(this);
+ var isDone = steps.eq(nextStepIdx).attr("isDone") - 0;
+ if(isDone == 1){
+ $this.LoadContent(nextStepIdx);
+ }
+ return false;
+ });
+ // Enable keyboard navigation
+ if(options.keyNavigation){
+ $(document).keyup(function(e){
+ if(e.which==39){ // Right Arrow
+ $this.doForwardProgress();
+ }else if(e.which==37){ // Left Arrow
+ $this.doBackwardProgress();
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ // Prepare the steps
+ this.prepareSteps();
+ // Show the first slected step
+ this.LoadContent($this.curStepIdx);
+ }
+ this.prepareSteps = function() {
+ if (!options.enableAllSteps) {
+ $(this.steps, obj).removeClass("selected").removeClass("done").addClass("disabled");
+ $(this.steps, obj).attr("isDone",0);
+ } else {
+ $(this.steps, obj).removeClass("selected").removeClass("disabled").addClass("done");
+ $(this.steps, obj).attr("isDone",1);
+ }
+ $(this.steps, obj).each(function(i){
+ $($(this).attr("href"), obj).hide();
+ $(this).attr("rel",i+1);
+ });
+ }
+ this.LoadContent = function(stepIdx) {
+ var selStep = this.steps.eq(stepIdx);
+ var ajaxurl = options.contentURL;
+ var hasContent = selStep.data('hasContent');
+ stepNum = stepIdx+1;
+ if(ajaxurl && ajaxurl.length>0){
+ if(options.contentCache && hasContent){
+ this.showStep(stepIdx);
+ }else{
+ $.ajax({
+ url: ajaxurl,
+ type: "POST",
+ data: ({step_number : stepNum}),
+ dataType: "text",
+ beforeSend: function(){ loader.show(); },
+ error: function(){loader.hide();},
+ success: function(res){
+ loader.hide();
+ if(res && res.length>0){
+ selStep.data('hasContent',true);
+ $($(selStep, obj).attr("href"), obj).html(res);
+ this.showStep(stepIdx);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }else{
+ this.showStep(stepIdx);
+ }
+ } // this.LoadContent
+ this.showStep = function(stepIdx)
+ {
+ var selStep = this.steps.eq(stepIdx);
+ var curStep = this.steps.eq($this.curStepIdx);
+ if(stepIdx != $this.curStepIdx){
+ if($.isFunction(options.onLeaveStep)) {
+ if(!options.onLeaveStep.call(this,$(curStep))){
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (options.updateHeight)
+ elmStepContainer.height($($(selStep, obj).attr("href"), obj).outerHeight());
+ if(options.transitionEffect == 'slide'){
+ $($(curStep, obj).attr("href"), obj).slideUp("fast",function(e){
+ $($(selStep, obj).attr("href"), obj).slideDown("fast");
+ $this.curStepIdx = stepIdx;
+ $this.SetupStep(curStep,selStep);
+ });
+ } else if(options.transitionEffect == 'fade'){
+ $($(curStep, obj).attr("href"), obj).fadeOut("fast",function(e){
+ $($(selStep, obj).attr("href"), obj).fadeIn("fast");
+ $this.curStepIdx = stepIdx;
+ $this.SetupStep(curStep,selStep);
+ });
+ } else if(options.transitionEffect == 'slideleft'){
+ var nextElmLeft = 0;
+ var curElementLeft = 0;
+ if(stepIdx > $this.curStepIdx){
+ nextElmLeft1 = contentWidth + 10;
+ nextElmLeft2 = 0;
+ curElementLeft = 0 - $($(curStep, obj).attr("href"), obj).outerWidth();
+ } else {
+ nextElmLeft1 = 0 - $($(selStep, obj).attr("href"), obj).outerWidth() + 20;
+ nextElmLeft2 = 0;
+ curElementLeft = 10 + $($(curStep, obj).attr("href"), obj).outerWidth();
+ }
+ if(stepIdx == $this.curStepIdx){
+ nextElmLeft1 = $($(selStep, obj).attr("href"), obj).outerWidth() + 20;
+ nextElmLeft2 = 0;
+ curElementLeft = 0 - $($(curStep, obj).attr("href"), obj).outerWidth();
+ }else{
+ $($(curStep, obj).attr("href"), obj).animate({left:curElementLeft},"fast",function(e){
+ $($(curStep, obj).attr("href"), obj).hide();
+ });
+ }
+ $($(selStep, obj).attr("href"), obj).css("left",nextElmLeft1);
+ $($(selStep, obj).attr("href"), obj).show();
+ $($(selStep, obj).attr("href"), obj).animate({left:nextElmLeft2},"fast",function(e){
+ $this.curStepIdx = stepIdx;
+ $this.SetupStep(curStep,selStep);
+ });
+ } else{
+ $($(curStep, obj).attr("href"), obj).hide();
+ $($(selStep, obj).attr("href"), obj).show();
+ $this.curStepIdx = stepIdx;
+ $this.SetupStep(curStep,selStep);
+ }
+ return true;
+ } // this.showStep
+ this.SetupStep = function(curStep,selStep)
+ {
+ $(curStep, obj).removeClass("selected");
+ $(curStep, obj).addClass("done");
+ $(selStep, obj).removeClass("disabled");
+ $(selStep, obj).removeClass("done");
+ $(selStep, obj).addClass("selected");
+ $(selStep, obj).attr("isDone",1);
+ $this.adjustButton();
+ if($.isFunction(options.onShowStep)) {
+ if(!options.onShowStep.call(this,$(selStep))){
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ this.doForwardProgress = function()
+ {
+ var nextStepIdx = $this.curStepIdx + 1;
+ if(this.steps.length <= nextStepIdx){
+ if(!options.cycleSteps){
+ return false;
+ }
+ nextStepIdx = 0;
+ }
+ this.LoadContent(nextStepIdx);
+ }
+ this.doBackwardProgress = function()
+ {
+ var nextStepIdx = $this.curStepIdx-1;
+ if(0 > nextStepIdx){
+ if(!options.cycleSteps){
+ return false;
+ }
+ nextStepIdx = this.steps.length - 1;
+ }
+ this.LoadContent(nextStepIdx);
+ }
+ this.adjustButton = function()
+ {
+ if(!options.cycleSteps){
+ if(0 >= $this.curStepIdx){
+ $(btPrevious).addClass("buttonDisabled");
+ }else{
+ $(btPrevious).removeClass("buttonDisabled");
+ }
+ if(($this.steps.length-1) <= $this.curStepIdx){
+ $(btNext).addClass("buttonDisabled");
+ }else{
+ $(btNext).removeClass("buttonDisabled");
+ }
+ }
+ // Finish Button
+ if(!$this.steps.hasClass('disabled') || options.enableFinishButton){
+ $(btFinish).removeClass("buttonDisabled");
+ }else{
+ $(btFinish).addClass("buttonDisabled");
+ }
+ }
+ this.showMessage = function(msg)
+ {
+ $('.content',msgBox).html(msg);
+ msgBox.show();
+ }
+ this.setError = function(stepnum,iserror)
+ {
+ if(iserror){
+ $(this.steps.eq(stepnum-1), obj).addClass('error')
+ }else{
+ $(this.steps.eq(stepnum-1), obj).removeClass("error");
+ }
+ }
+ this.setDone = function(stepnum,isdone)
+ {
+ if(isdone){
+ $(this.steps.eq(stepnum-1), obj).removeClass("selected").removeClass("disabled").addClass('done')
+ }else{
+ $(this.steps.eq(stepnum-1), obj).removeClass("done");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Default Properties and Events
+ $.fn.Wizard.defaults = {
+ selected: 0, // Selected Step, 0 = first step
+ keyNavigation: true, // Enable/Disable key navigation(left and right keys are used if enabled)
+ enableAllSteps: false,
+ updateHeight: true,
+ transitionEffect: 'fade', // Effect on navigation, none/fade/slide/slideleft
+ contentURL:null, // content url, Enables Ajax content loading
+ contentCache:true, // cache step contents, if false content is fetched always from ajax url
+ cycleSteps: false, // cycle step navigation
+ includeFinishButton: true, // whether to show a Finish button
+ enableFinishButton: false, // make finish button enabled always
+ errorSteps:[], // Array Steps with errors
+ labelNext:'Next',
+ labelPrevious:'Previous',
+ labelFinish:'Finish',
+ onLeaveStep: null, // triggers when leaving a step
+ onShowStep: null, // triggers when showing a step
+ onFinish: null // triggers when Finish button is clicked
+ };
})( jQuery );