Merge with head
authorClaudio-Daniel Freire <>
Thu, 6 Oct 2011 00:34:11 +0000 (02:34 +0200)
committerClaudio-Daniel Freire <>
Thu, 6 Oct 2011 00:34:11 +0000 (02:34 +0200)
examples/Multicast/ [new file with mode: 0644]
examples/POPI/popi-0.9-rpy2.patch [new file with mode: 0644]
examples/POPI/popi-0.9.tar.gz [new file with mode: 0644]
examples/POPI/popi-tun-classfilter-2MB-q500-pl-hibw.xml [new file with mode: 0644]
examples/POPI/popi-tun-classfilter-2MB-q500-pl.xml [new file with mode: 0644]
examples/POPI/ [new file with mode: 0644]
examples/POPI/ [new file with mode: 0644]
examples/POPI/ [new file with mode: 0755]

diff --git a/examples/Multicast/ b/examples/Multicast/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..d31a5da
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,783 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import getpass
+import os
+import os.path
+import re
+import sys
+import shutil
+import signal
+import tempfile
+import time
+import struct
+import socket
+import operator
+import ipaddr
+import gzip
+import random
+import traceback
+import math
+import subprocess
+from import ExperimentDescription, FactoriesProvider
+from nepi.core.execute import ExperimentController
+from nepi.util import proxy
+from nepi.util.constants import DeploymentConfiguration as DC, ATTR_NEPI_TESTBED_ENVIRONMENT_SETUP
+from nepi.testbeds.planetlab import util as plutil
+from optparse import OptionParser
+class PlanetLabMulticastOverlay:
+    testbed_id = "planetlab"
+    slicename = "inria_nepi"
+    plchost = ""
+    plkey = os.environ.get(
+            "PL_SSH_KEY",
+            "%s/.ssh/id_rsa_planetlab" % (os.environ['HOME'],) )
+    pluser = os.environ.get("PL_USER")
+    plpass = os.environ.get("PL_PASS")
+    vnet = ""
+    user = os.getlogin()
+    port_base = 2000 + (os.getpid() % 1000) * 13
+    def setUp(self):
+        self.root_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+        self.__class__.port_base = self.__class__.port_base + 100
+        print "Using:"
+        print "\tDISPLAY:", os.environ['DISPLAY']
+        print "\tPLC:", self.plchost
+        print "\tUsername:", self.pluser
+        print "\tslice:", self.slicename
+        api = plutil.getAPI(self.pluser, self.plpass, hostname=self.plchost)
+        self.vnet = plutil.getVnet(api, self.slicename).split('/')[0].strip()
+        print "\tvnet:", self.vnet
+    def tearDown(self):
+        try:
+            shutil.rmtree(self.root_dir)
+        except:
+            # retry
+            time.sleep(0.1)
+            shutil.rmtree(self.root_dir)
+    def make_experiment_desc(self):
+        testbed_id = self.testbed_id
+        slicename = self.slicename
+        plchost = self.plchost
+        pl_ssh_key = self.plkey
+        pl_user = self.pluser
+        pl_pwd = self.plpass
+        plroot_dir = os.path.join(self.root_dir,"pl")
+        if not os.path.exists(plroot_dir):
+            os.makedirs(plroot_dir)
+        exp_desc = ExperimentDescription()
+        pl_provider = FactoriesProvider(testbed_id)
+        pl_desc = exp_desc.add_testbed_description(pl_provider)
+        pl_desc.set_attribute_value(DC.ROOT_DIRECTORY, plroot_dir )
+        pl_desc.set_attribute_value("homeDirectory", self.root_dir)
+        pl_desc.set_attribute_value("slice", slicename)
+        pl_desc.set_attribute_value("sliceSSHKey", pl_ssh_key)
+        pl_desc.set_attribute_value("authUser", pl_user)
+        pl_desc.set_attribute_value("authPass", pl_pwd)
+        pl_desc.set_attribute_value("plcHost", plchost)
+        pl_desc.set_attribute_value("tapPortBase", self.port_base)
+        pl_desc.set_attribute_value("p2pDeployment", not self.no_p2p_deploy)
+        pl_desc.set_attribute_value("dedicatedSlice", True)
+        pl_desc.set_attribute_value("plLogLevel", "INFO")
+        return pl_desc, exp_desc
+    def make_pl_tapnode(self, pl, ip, inet = None, label = None, hostname = None, routes = None, mcast = False, mcastrouter = False, types = None):
+        if not isinstance(ip, list):
+            ips = [ip]
+        else:
+            ips = ip
+        node1 = pl.create("Node")
+        if label: 
+            node1.set_attribute_value("label", label)
+        if hostname: 
+            node1.set_attribute_value("hostname", hostname)
+        iface1 = pl.create("NodeInterface")
+        if label:
+            iface1.set_attribute_value("label", label+"iface")
+        if types is None:
+            types = ["TapInterface"] * len(ips)
+        tap1 = []
+        tap1ip = []
+        for i,(ip,devtype) in enumerate(zip(ips,types)):
+            _tap1 = pl.create(devtype)
+            _tap1.set_attribute_value("multicast", True)
+            _tap1.enable_trace("pcap") # for error output
+            if label:
+                _tap1.set_attribute_value("label", label+"tap"+(str(i+1) if i else ""))
+            _tap1ip = _tap1.add_address()
+            _tap1ip.set_attribute_value("Address", ip)
+            _tap1ip.set_attribute_value("NetPrefix", 32)
+            _tap1ip.set_attribute_value("Broadcast", False)
+            node1.connector("devs").connect(_tap1.connector("node"))
+            tap1.append(_tap1)
+            tap1ip.append(_tap1ip)
+        inet = inet or pl.create("Internet")
+        node1.connector("devs").connect(iface1.connector("node"))
+        iface1.connector("inet").connect(inet.connector("devs"))
+        for destip, destprefix, nexthop in routes:
+            r1 = node1.add_route()
+            r1.set_attribute_value("Destination", destip)
+            r1.set_attribute_value("NetPrefix", destprefix)
+            r1.set_attribute_value("NextHop", nexthop)
+        if mcast:
+            fwd = pl.create("MulticastForwarder")
+            fwd.enable_trace("stderr")
+            fwd.connector("node").connect(node1.connector("apps"))
+            if mcastrouter:
+                mrt = pl.create("MulticastRouter")
+                mrt.connector("fwd").connect(fwd.connector("router"))
+                mrt.enable_trace("stderr")
+        return node1, iface1, tap1, tap1ip, inet
+    def add_vlc_base(self, pl, node):
+        app = pl.create("Application")
+        app.set_attribute_value("rpmFusion", True)
+        app.set_attribute_value("depends", "vlc")
+        app.set_attribute_value("command", "sudo -S dbus-uuidgen --ensure ; vlc --version")
+        app.enable_trace("stdout")
+        app.enable_trace("stderr")
+        node.connector("apps").connect(app.connector("node"))
+        return app
+    def add_vlc_restreamer(self, pl, node):
+        hostname = node.get_attribute_value("hostname")
+        app = self.add_vlc_base(pl, node)
+        app.set_attribute_value("label","vlc_restreamer_%d" % (node.guid,))
+        app.set_attribute_value("command",
+            "sudo -S dbus-uuidgen --ensure ; "
+            "vlc -vvv -I dummy"
+            " udp/ts://@"
+            " --sout '#std{access=http,mux=ts,dst="+hostname+":8080}'")
+        return app
+    def add_vlc_dumper(self, pl, node, hostname=None, labelprefix = "vlc_dumper", precmd = "sleep 5 ; "):
+        app = self.add_vlc_base(pl, node)
+        mylabel = "%s_%d" % (labelprefix, node.guid,)
+        if hostname is None:
+            hostname = node.get_attribute_value("hostname")
+        app.set_attribute_value("label",mylabel)
+        app.set_attribute_value("command",
+            precmd+
+            "sudo -S dbus-uuidgen --ensure ; "
+            "vlc -vvv -I dummy"
+            " http://"+hostname+":8080"
+            " --sout '#std{access=file,mux=ts,dst={#["+mylabel+"].trace[output].[name]#}}'")
+        app.enable_trace("output")
+        return app
+    def add_vlc_source(self, pl, node, iflabels):
+        app = self.add_vlc_base(pl, node)
+        app.set_attribute_value("label","vlc_source_%d" % (node.guid,))
+        app.set_attribute_value("sources", self.movie_source)
+        app.set_attribute_value("command",
+            "sudo -S dbus-uuidgen --ensure ; "
+            "vlc -vvv -I dummy "
+            +os.path.basename(self.movie_source)
+            +" --sout '#duplicate{"
+            +','.join([
+                "dst=std{access=udp,dst=,mux=ts,ttl=64,miface-addr={#[%s].addr[0].[Address]#}}" % (iflabel,)
+                for iflabel in iflabels
+            ])
+            +"}'")
+        return app
+    def add_net_monitor(self, pl, node):
+        app = pl.create("Application")
+        app.set_attribute_value("label","network_monitor_%d" % (node.guid,))
+        app.set_attribute_value("command", 
+            r"""head -n 2 /proc/net/dev ; while true ; do cat /proc/net/dev | sed -r 's/.*/'"$(date -R)"': \0/' | grep eth0 ; sleep 1 ; done""")
+        app.enable_trace("stdout")
+        node.connector("apps").connect(app.connector("node"))
+        return app
+    def add_ip_address(self, iface, address, netprefix):
+        ip = iface.add_address()
+        ip.set_attribute_value("Address", address)
+        ip.set_attribute_value("NetPrefix", netprefix)
+    def add_route(self, node, destination, netprefix, nexthop):
+        route = node.add_route()
+        route.set_attribute_value("Destination", destination)
+        route.set_attribute_value("NetPrefix", netprefix)
+        route.set_attribute_value("NextHop", nexthop)
+    def make_ns_in_pl(self, pl, exp, node1, iface1, root):
+        ns3_testbed_id = "ns3"
+        # Add NS3 support in node1
+        plnepi = pl.create("NepiDependency")
+        plns3 = pl.create("NS3Dependency")
+        plnepi.connector("node").connect(node1.connector("deps"))
+        plns3.connector("node").connect(node1.connector("deps"))
+        # Create NS3 testbed running in node1
+        ns3_provider = FactoriesProvider(ns3_testbed_id)
+        ns_desc = exp.add_testbed_description(ns3_provider)
+        ns_desc.set_attribute_value("rootDirectory", root)
+        ns_desc.set_attribute_value("SimulatorImplementationType", "ns3::RealtimeSimulatorImpl")
+        ns_desc.set_attribute_value("ChecksumEnabled", True)
+        ns_desc.set_attribute_value(DC.DEPLOYMENT_HOST, "{#[%s].addr[0].[Address]#}" % (
+            iface1.get_attribute_value("label"),))
+        ns_desc.set_attribute_value(DC.DEPLOYMENT_USER, 
+            pl.get_attribute_value("slice"))
+        ns_desc.set_attribute_value(DC.DEPLOYMENT_KEY, 
+            pl.get_attribute_value("sliceSSHKey"))
+        ns_desc.set_attribute_value(DC.DEPLOYMENT_MODE, DC.MODE_DAEMON)
+        ns_desc.set_attribute_value(DC.DEPLOYMENT_COMMUNICATION, DC.ACCESS_SSH)
+        ns_desc.set_attribute_value(DC.DEPLOYMENT_ENVIRONMENT_SETUP,
+            "{#[%s].[%s]#}" % (
+                node1.get_attribute_value("label"),
+        ns_desc.set_attribute_value(DC.LOG_LEVEL, DC.DEBUG_LEVEL)
+        return ns_desc
+    def add_ip_address(self, iface, address, netprefix, broadcast = False):
+        ip = iface.add_address()
+        ip.set_attribute_value("Address", address)
+        ip.set_attribute_value("NetPrefix", netprefix)
+        ip.set_attribute_value("Broadcast", broadcast)
+        return ip
+    def add_route(self, node, destination, netprefix, nexthop):
+        route = node.add_route()
+        route.set_attribute_value("Destination", destination)
+        route.set_attribute_value("NetPrefix", netprefix)
+        route.set_attribute_value("NextHop", nexthop)
+        return route
+    def add_ns_fdnd(self, ns_desc, node):
+        fdnd = ns_desc.create("ns3::FdNetDevice")
+        node.connector("devs").connect(fdnd.connector("node"))
+        #fdnd.enable_trace("FdPcapTrace")
+        return fdnd
+    def add_ns_node(self, ns_desc):
+        node = ns_desc.create("ns3::Node")
+        ipv4 = ns_desc.create("ns3::Ipv4L3Protocol")
+        arp  = ns_desc.create("ns3::ArpL3Protocol")
+        icmp = ns_desc.create("ns3::Icmpv4L4Protocol")
+        udp = ns_desc.create("ns3::UdpL4Protocol")
+        node.connector("protos").connect(ipv4.connector("node"))
+        node.connector("protos").connect(arp.connector("node"))
+        node.connector("protos").connect(icmp.connector("node"))
+        node.connector("protos").connect(udp.connector("node"))
+        return node
+    def add_ns_wifi_dev(self, ns_desc, node, access_point = False):
+        wifi = ns_desc.create("ns3::WifiNetDevice")
+        node.connector("devs").connect(wifi.connector("node"))
+        phy = ns_desc.create("ns3::YansWifiPhy")
+        error = ns_desc.create("ns3::NistErrorRateModel")
+        manager = ns_desc.create("ns3::ArfWifiManager")
+        if access_point:
+            mac = ns_desc.create("ns3::ApWifiMac")
+        else:
+            mac = ns_desc.create("ns3::StaWifiMac")
+        phy.set_attribute_value("Standard", "WIFI_PHY_STANDARD_80211a")
+        mac.set_attribute_value("Standard", "WIFI_PHY_STANDARD_80211a")
+        phy.connector("err").connect(error.connector("phy"))
+        wifi.connector("phy").connect(phy.connector("dev"))
+        wifi.connector("mac").connect(mac.connector("dev"))
+        wifi.connector("manager").connect(manager.connector("dev"))
+        #phy.enable_trace("YansWifiPhyPcapTrace")
+        return wifi, phy
+    def add_ns_constant_mobility(self, ns_desc, node, x, y, z):
+        mobility = ns_desc.create("ns3::ConstantPositionMobilityModel") 
+        position = "%d:%d:%d" % (x, y, z)
+        mobility.set_attribute_value("Position", position)
+        node.connector("mobility").connect(mobility.connector("node"))
+        return mobility
+    def add_ns_wifi_channel(self, ns_desc):
+        channel = ns_desc.create("ns3::YansWifiChannel")
+        delay = ns_desc.create("ns3::ConstantSpeedPropagationDelayModel")
+        loss  = ns_desc.create("ns3::LogDistancePropagationLossModel")
+        channel.connector("delay").connect(delay.connector("chan"))
+        channel.connector("loss").connect(loss.connector("prev"))
+        return channel
+    def make_netns_testbed(self, exp_desc):
+        netns_provider = FactoriesProvider("netns")
+        netns_desc = exp_desc.add_testbed_description(netns_provider)
+        netns_desc.set_attribute_value("homeDirectory", self.root_dir)
+        netns_desc.set_attribute_value(DC.DEPLOYMENT_MODE, DC.MODE_DAEMON)
+        netns_root_dir = os.path.join(self.root_dir, "netns")
+        os.mkdir(netns_root_dir)
+        netns_desc.set_attribute_value(DC.ROOT_DIRECTORY, netns_root_dir)
+        netns_desc.set_attribute_value(DC.LOG_LEVEL, DC.DEBUG_LEVEL)
+        netns_desc.set_attribute_value(DC.USE_SUDO, True)
+        return netns_desc
+    def add_netns_node(self, netns_desc, forwardX = True, label = None):
+        node = netns_desc.create("Node")
+        node.set_attribute_value("forward_X11", forwardX)
+        if label:
+            node.set_attribute_value("label", label)
+        return node
+    def add_netns_app(self, netns_desc, command, node):
+        app = netns_desc.create("Application")
+        app.set_attribute_value("command", command)
+        app.set_attribute_value("user", self.user)
+        app.connector("node").connect(node.connector("apps"))
+        return app
+    def add_pl_netns_connection(self, 
+            pl_tap, 
+            netns_desc, netns_node, netns_addr, netns_prefix = 30,
+            taplabel = None):
+        pl_tap.set_attribute_value("tun_cipher", "PLAIN") 
+        pl_tap.set_attribute_value("multicast", True) 
+        #pl_tap.enable_trace("pcap")
+        #pl_tap.enable_trace("packets")
+        pl_tapip = pl_tap.addresses[0].get_attribute_value("Address")
+        netns_tap = netns_desc.create("TunNodeInterface")
+        netns_tap.set_attribute_value("up", True)
+        netns_tap.set_attribute_value("mtu", 1448)
+        self.add_ip_address(netns_tap, netns_addr, netns_prefix)
+        if taplabel:
+            netns_tap.set_attribute_value("label", taplabel)
+        netns_node.connector("devs").connect(netns_tap.connector("node"))
+        netns_tunchannel = netns_desc.create("TunChannel")
+        netns_tunchannel.set_attribute_value("tun_cipher", "PLAIN") 
+        netns_tunchannel.connector("->fd").connect(netns_tap.connector("fd->"))
+        pl_tap.connector("tcp").connect(netns_tunchannel.connector("tcp"))
+        pl_tap.set_attribute_value("tun_cipher", "PLAIN") 
+        pl_tap.set_attribute_value("pointopoint", netns_addr)
+    def add_pl_ns_connection(self, pl_desc, pl_node, pl_addr,
+            ns, ns_node, ns_addr, prefix = 30,
+            fd = False):
+        pl_tap = pl_desc.create("TapInterface")
+        if fd:
+            pl_tap.set_attribute_value("tun_cipher", "PLAIN") 
+        self.add_ip_address(pl_tap, pl_addr, prefix)
+        pl_node.connector("devs").connect(pl_tap.connector("node"))
+        ns_fdnd = ns.create("ns3::FdNetDevice")
+        ns_node.connector("devs").connect(ns_fdnd.connector("node"))
+        self.add_ip_address(ns_fdnd, ns_addr, prefix)
+        if fd:
+            pl_tap.connector("fd->").connect(ns_fdnd.connector("->fd"))
+        else:
+            tunchannel = ns.create("ns3::Nepi::TunChannel")
+            tunchannel.connector("fd->").connect(ns_fdnd.connector("->fd"))
+            pl_tap.connector("udp").connect(tunchannel.connector("udp"))
+    def make_pl_overlay(self, numnodes):
+        ns3_testbed_id = "ns3"
+        pl, exp = self.make_experiment_desc()
+        # We'll make a distribution spanning tree using prefix matching as a distance
+        api = plutil.getAPI(self.pluser, self.plpass, hostname=self.plchost)
+        nodes = plutil.getNodes(api, numnodes, operatingSystem = 'f12')
+        root = min(nodes, key=operator.attrgetter('hostname'))
+        links = list(plutil.getSpanningTree(nodes, root=root))
+        for node in nodes:
+            node.vif_ips = set()
+            node.children = []
+            node.childips = set()
+        # Build an explicit tree
+        for slave, master in links:
+            master.children.append(slave)
+        # We have to assign IPs and routes.
+        # The IP will be assigned sequentially, depth-first.
+        # This will result in rather compact routing rules
+        nextip = [128-numnodes]
+        def traverse(traverse, node, parent=None, base=struct.unpack('!L',socket.inet_aton(self.vnet))[0]):
+            if nextip[0] >= 254:
+                raise RuntimeError, "Too many IPs to assign!"
+            node.vif_addr = base | (nextip[0])
+            nips = 1+len(node.children) # one vif per child, plus one for the parent
+            nextip[0] += nips
+            for i in xrange(nips):
+                node.vif_ips.add(node.vif_addr+i)
+            if parent:
+                parent.childips.update(node.vif_ips)
+            for i,child in enumerate(node.children):
+                traverse(traverse, child, node, base)
+            if parent:
+                parent.childips.update(node.childips)
+        traverse(traverse, root)
+        def printtree(printtree, node, indent=''):
+            print indent, '-', socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack('!L',node.vif_addr)), '\t',,,, '\t', node.hostname
+            for child in node.children:
+                childips = map(ipaddr.IPAddress, child.childips)
+                childnets = ipaddr.collapse_address_list(childips)
+                cip = ipaddr.IPAddress(child.vif_addr)
+                for cnet in childnets:
+                    print indent, '|- R', cnet, '->', cip
+                printtree(printtree, child, indent+' | ')
+        printtree(printtree, root)
+        inet = pl.create("Internet")
+        ns_chosen = []
+        leaves = []
+        def maketree(maketree, node, parent=None, parentIp=None):
+            routes = []
+            ctaps = []
+            for i,child in enumerate(node.children):
+                childips = map(ipaddr.IPAddress, child.childips)
+                childnets = ipaddr.collapse_address_list(childips)
+                cip = ipaddr.IPAddress(child.vif_addr)
+                pip = ipaddr.IPAddress(node.vif_addr+1+i)
+                for cnet in childnets:
+                    routes.append((cnet.ip.exploded, cnet.prefixlen, cip.exploded))
+                ctaps.append( maketree(maketree, child, node, pip) )
+            if parentIp:
+                routes.append((self.vnet,24,parentIp))
+            if not parent:
+                label = "root"
+            else:
+                label = None
+            # NS node, first leaf
+            if not ns_chosen and not node.children:
+                ns_chosen.append(True)
+                label = "ns_root"
+            ips = [ ipaddr.IPAddress(node.vif_addr+i) for i in xrange(1+len(node.children)) ]
+            node1, iface1, tap1, tap1ip, _ = self.make_pl_tapnode(pl, ips, inet, 
+                hostname = node.hostname,
+                routes = routes,
+                mcastrouter = bool(node.children),
+                mcast = True,
+                label = label,
+                types = ( [ "TapInterface" ] * len(ips) if parent else [ "TunInterface" ] + [ "TapInterface" ] * (len(ips)-1) ) 
+                )
+            for tap, ctap in zip(tap1[1:], ctaps):
+                tap.connector("udp").connect(ctap.connector("udp"))
+            # Store leaves
+            if not node.children:
+                leaves.append((node, node1))
+            self.add_net_monitor(pl, node1)
+            self.add_vlc_dumper(pl, node1)
+            self.add_vlc_restreamer(pl, node1)
+            #if not parent:
+            #    taplabels = [
+            #        t.get_attribute_value("label")
+            #        for t in tap1[1:]
+            #    ]
+            #    self.add_vlc_source(pl, node1, taplabels)
+            return tap1[0]
+        roottap = maketree(maketree, root)
+        vnet_i = int(ipaddr.IPAddress(self.vnet))
+        ## NS3 ##
+        pl_ns_root = exp.get_element_by_label("ns_root")
+        pl_ns_root_iface = exp.get_element_by_label("ns_rootiface")
+        ns = self.make_ns_in_pl(pl, exp, pl_ns_root, pl_ns_root_iface, "ns3")
+        wifi_chan = self.add_ns_wifi_channel(ns)
+        # AP node
+        ap_node = self.add_ns_node(ns)
+        self.add_ns_constant_mobility(ns, ap_node, 0, 0, 0)
+        ap_wifi, ap_phy = self.add_ns_wifi_dev(ns, ap_node, access_point = True)
+        ap_phy.connector("chan").connect(wifi_chan.connector("phys"))
+        # connect AP to PL
+        pl_addr = str(ipaddr.IPAddress(vnet_i | 254))
+        ns_addr = str(ipaddr.IPAddress(vnet_i | 253))
+        self.add_pl_ns_connection(pl, pl_ns_root, pl_addr, ns, ap_node, ns_addr, fd = True)
+        wifi_net_prefix = 32-int(math.floor(math.log(256-nextip[0]&0xff) / math.log(2)))
+        wifi_net = vnet_i | (256 - (1<<(32-wifi_net_prefix)))
+        # AP ip
+        ap_addr = str(ipaddr.IPAddress(vnet_i | 253))
+        ap_addr_prefix = 32-int(math.ceil(math.log(self.nsta+3) / math.log(2)))
+        self.add_ip_address(ap_wifi, ap_addr, ap_addr_prefix)
+        # route for PL->wifi
+        self.add_route(pl_ns_root, 
+            str(ipaddr.IPAddress(wifi_net)), wifi_net_prefix,
+            ap_addr)
+        print "NS-3 AP\t%s/%s <--> PL AP %s" % (ap_addr, ap_addr_prefix, pl_addr)
+        print " |"
+        nextpip = (vnet_i | 255) >> (32-ap_addr_prefix) << (32-ap_addr_prefix)
+        nextdip = vnet_i | 252
+        ap_net = nextpip - (1<<(32-ap_addr_prefix))
+        r = 50
+        # STA nodes
+        for i in xrange(self.nsta):
+            stai = self.add_ns_node(ns)
+            angi = (360/self.nsta)*i
+            xi = r*math.cos(angi)
+            yi = r*math.sin(angi)
+            self.add_ns_constant_mobility(ns, stai, xi, yi, 0)
+            wifi, phy = self.add_ns_wifi_dev(ns, stai, access_point = False)
+            phy.connector("chan").connect(wifi_chan.connector("phys"))
+            wifi_addr = str(ipaddr.IPAddress(vnet_i | nextdip))
+            nextdip -= 1
+            nextpip -= 4
+            while nextpip & 3:
+                nextpip -= 1
+            plns_net_i = nextpip
+            plns_net = str(ipaddr.IPAddress(plns_net_i))
+            pl_addr2 = str(ipaddr.IPAddress(plns_net_i | 1))
+            ns_addr2 = str(ipaddr.IPAddress(plns_net_i | 2))
+            # route from AP (after others)
+            print " | R %s/%s -> %s" % ( plns_net,30,ns_addr2 )
+            self.add_route(ap_node, plns_net, 30, wifi_addr)
+            print " +---\t(|) %16s/%s" % (wifi_addr,ap_addr_prefix)
+            print " |         %16s (ns3) <---> (pl) %16s/30" % (ns_addr2, pl_addr2)
+            print " |\t       \t\t                 <--  R %s/24" % (self.vnet, )
+            print " |\t       \t R %s/30 -> %s" % (plns_net, pl_addr2)
+            print " |\t       \t R %s <-- %s/24" % (ap_addr, plns_net)
+            self.add_ip_address(wifi, wifi_addr, ap_addr_prefix)
+            self.add_route(stai, plns_net, 30, pl_addr2)
+            self.add_route(stai, self.vnet, 24, ap_addr)
+            pl_nodei, _, pl_ifacei, _, _ = self.make_pl_tapnode(pl, [], inet, 
+                routes = [(self.vnet, 24, ns_addr2)],
+                mcast = False,
+                label = "ns_plnode_%d" % (i+1,)
+                )
+            self.add_pl_ns_connection(
+                pl, pl_nodei, pl_addr2,
+                ns, stai, ns_addr2,
+                prefix = 30)
+            self.add_vlc_dumper(pl, pl_nodei,
+                hostname = pl_addr2,
+                labelprefix = "vlc_dumper_ns",
+                precmd = "sleep 15 ; ")
+            # Validate (post-fact to let the user see the diagram above)
+            if nextpip < wifi_net:
+                raise RuntimeError, "Not enough IPs for wifi section"
+        # route back to PL (after others)
+        print " | R %s/%s -> %s" % ( self.vnet,24,pl_addr )
+        self.add_route(ap_node, self.vnet, 24, pl_addr)
+        ## NETNS ##
+        netns_addr = str(ipaddr.IPAddress(vnet_i | 1))
+        root1 = exp.get_element_by_label("root")
+        netns = self.make_netns_testbed(exp)
+        netns_node = self.add_netns_node(netns)
+        netns_term = self.add_netns_app(netns, "xterm", netns_node)
+        if self.movie_source:
+            cmd = (
+                "vlc -I dummy "
+                +os.path.abspath(self.movie_source)
+                +" --sout '#std{access=udp{ttl=64,miface-addr="+netns_addr+"},dst=,mux=ts}'"
+            )
+        else:
+            cmd = self.movie_command % {
+                "dst" : "std{access=udp{ttl=64,miface-addr="+netns_addr+"},dst=,mux=ts}"
+            }
+        netns_vlc  = self.add_netns_app(netns, cmd, netns_node)
+        # connection PL1/NETNS
+        self.add_pl_netns_connection(
+            roottap,
+            netns, netns_node, netns_addr,
+            24,
+            taplabel="netns_source")
+        self.add_route(netns_node, 
+            "", 0, 
+            str(ipaddr.IPAddress(root.vif_addr)) )
+        # pick random hostname to stream from
+        interactive_source_host = random.sample(leaves,1)[0][0].hostname
+        xml = exp.to_xml()
+        test_dir = "./results"
+        #sys.exit(1)
+        try:
+            controller = ExperimentController(xml, self.root_dir)
+            controller.start()
+            # launch vlc client to monitor activity
+            time.sleep(5)
+            proc = subprocess.Popen([
+                "vlc", "-I", "dummy", "http://%s:8080" % (interactive_source_host,)])
+            print >>sys.stderr, "Close xterm to shut down or Ctrl+C"
+            try:
+                while not controller.is_finished(netns_term.guid):
+                    time.sleep(5)
+            except KeyboardInterrupt:
+                # ping netns
+                try:
+                    controller.traces_info()
+                except:
+                    pass
+                try:
+                    controller.traces_info()
+                except:
+                    pass
+            # kill streamer
+            os.kill(, signal.SIGTERM)
+            # download results
+            traces_info = controller.traces_info()
+            for progress, (testbed_guid, guids) in enumerate(traces_info.iteritems()):
+                for subprogress, (guid, traces) in enumerate(guids.iteritems()):
+                    for name, data in traces.iteritems():
+                        path = data["filepath"]
+                        elem = exp.get_element(guid)
+                        if elem is not None:
+                            label = elem.get_attribute_value("label")
+                            if label is not None:
+                                path = "%s-%s" % (label,path)
+                        if not path:
+                            continue
+                        print >>sys.stderr, ("%.2f%% Downloading trace" % (progress + (subprogress * 1.0 / len(guids)) * 100.0 / len(traces_info))), path
+                        filepath = os.path.join(test_dir, path)
+                        try:
+                            trace = controller.trace(guid, name)
+                        except:
+                            traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr)
+                            continue
+                        try:
+                            if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(filepath)):
+                                os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(filepath))
+                        except:
+                            traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr)
+                        try:
+                            if len(trace) >= 2**20:
+                                # Bigger than 1M, compress
+                                tracefile = gzip.GzipFile(filepath+".gz", "wb")
+                            else:
+                                tracefile = open(filepath,"wb")
+                            try:
+                                tracefile.write(trace)
+                            finally:
+                                tracefile.close()
+                        except:
+                            traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr)
+        finally:
+            try:
+                controller.stop()
+            except:
+                traceback.print_exc()
+            try:
+                controller.shutdown()
+            except:
+                traceback.print_exc()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    usage = "usage: %prog -m movie -u user"
+    parser = OptionParser(usage=usage)
+    parser.add_option("-u", "--user", dest="user", help="Valid linux system user (not root).", type="str")
+    parser.add_option("-U", "--pluser", dest="pluser", help="PlanetLab PLC username", type="str")
+    parser.add_option("-m", "--movie", dest="movie", help="Path to movie file to play", type="str")
+    parser.add_option("-n", "--nsta", dest="nsta", default=3, help="Number of wifi stations attached to the overlay", type="int")
+    parser.add_option("-N", "--nodes", dest="nodes", default=5, help="Number of overlay nodes", type="int")
+    parser.add_option("-s", "--slicename", dest="slicename", help="PlanetLab slice", type="str")
+    parser.add_option("-H", "--plchost", dest="plchost", help="PlanetLab's PLC hostname", type="str")
+    parser.add_option("-k", "--plkey", dest="plkey", help="Slice SSH key", type="str")
+    parser.add_option("-P", "--no-p2p", dest="nop2p", help="Disable peer-to-peer deployment. Not recommended for first deployment.", 
+        action="store_true", default=False)
+    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+    if options.user == 'root':
+        parser.error("Missing or invalid 'user' option.")
+    exp = PlanetLabMulticastOverlay()
+    if not or"/dev/"):
+        # use camera
+        if not
+   = "/dev/video0"
+        exp.movie_source = None
+        exp.movie_command = (
+            "vlc -I dummy -vvv --color "
+            "v4l:///dev/video0:size=320x240:channel=0:adev=/dev/dsp:audio=0 "
+            "--sout '#transcode{vcodec=mpeg4,acodec=aac,vb=100,ab=16,venc=ffmpeg{keyint=80,hq=rd},deinterlace}:"
+            "%(dst)s'"
+        )
+    else:
+        exp.movie_source =
+    exp.no_p2p_deploy = options.nop2p
+    exp.nsta = options.nsta
+    if options.user:
+        exp.user = options.user
+    if options.plchost:
+        exp.plchost = options.plchost
+    if options.slicename:
+        exp.slicename = options.slicename
+    if options.plkey:
+        exp.plkey = options.plkey
+    if options.pluser:
+        exp.pluser = options.pluser
+    if not exp.plpass:
+        exp.plpass = getpass.getpass("Password for %s: " % (exp.pluser,))
+    # Fix some distro's environment to work well with netns
+    if re.match(r"[^:]*:\d+$", os.environ['DISPLAY']):
+        os.environ['DISPLAY'] += '.0'
+    if not os.environ.get('XAUTHORITY'):
+        os.environ['XAUTHORITY'] = os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], '.Xauthority')
+    try:
+        exp.setUp()
+        exp.make_pl_overlay(options.nodes)
+    finally:
+        exp.tearDown()
diff --git a/examples/POPI/popi-0.9-rpy2.patch b/examples/POPI/popi-0.9-rpy2.patch
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..269e1d2
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+diff -ur popi-0.9/ popi-0.9-rpy2/
+--- popi-0.9/      2011-08-17 15:30:31.000000000 +0200
++++ popi-0.9-rpy2/ 2011-09-16 05:28:16.547000068 +0200
+@@ -5,10 +5,13 @@
+ # $Header: /data/cvsroot/plportest/anadata/,v 2007/11/26 08:46:29 lgh Exp $
+ import random
+-from rpy import *
++import rpy2.rpy_classic
++from rpy2.rpy_classic import *
+ from math import sqrt, log
+ from sets import Set
+ safe_eff = [None,1.365,1.208,1.116,1.110,1.104,1.064,1.064]
+ def calc_rlrank(lrs, opt_ranktype):
+@@ -66,7 +69,7 @@
+         riag = [ rlranks[i] for i in range(0, len(rlranks)) if partition[i] == igrp ]    # rlranks in a group
+         if len(riag) == 1:
+             continue
+-        threshold = r.qtukey(alpha, len(riag), 1000)*sqrt(1.0/12/nb)*len(riag)/len(rlranks)
++        threshold = r.qtukey(alpha, len(riag), 1000)[0]*sqrt(1.0/12/nb)*len(riag)/len(rlranks)
+         range_    = max(riag) - min(riag)
+         if verbose:
+             print "   ", igrp, len(riag), min(riag), max(riag), range_, "%.3f" % threshold,
+@@ -99,7 +102,7 @@
+         return True
+     # t = r.qtukey(alpha, len(arrs), 1000)*sqrt(1.0/12/nb)*(len(arrs)+1)/ksum
+-    t = r.qtukey(alpha, km, 1000) * sqrt((km*km-1)/12.0/nb) / ksum
++    t = r.qtukey(alpha, km, 1000)[0] * sqrt((km*km-1)/12.0/nb) / ksum
+     if km <= len(safe_eff):
+         t = t * safe_eff[km-1]
+     if max(arrs) - min(arrs) > t:
+Binary files popi-0.9/rlranklib.pyc and popi-0.9-rpy2/rlranklib.pyc differ
diff --git a/examples/POPI/popi-0.9.tar.gz b/examples/POPI/popi-0.9.tar.gz
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..9f11707
Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/POPI/popi-0.9.tar.gz differ
diff --git a/examples/POPI/popi-tun-classfilter-2MB-q500-pl-hibw.xml b/examples/POPI/popi-tun-classfilter-2MB-q500-pl-hibw.xml
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..976fb55
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+    <testbeds>
+        <testbed guid="1" testbed_id="planetlab" testbed_version="0.1">
+            <graphical_info height="580.0" width="872.882843778" x="-317.0" y="-124.0"/>
+            <attributes>
+                <attribute name="slice" type="STRING" value="##plslice##"/>
+                <attribute name="plLogLevel" type="STRING" value="INFO"/>
+                <attribute name="logLevel" type="STRING" value="Debug"/>
+                <attribute name="dedicatedSlice" type="BOOL" value="True"/>
+                <attribute name="plcUrl" type="STRING" value="https://%(hostname)s:443/PLCAPI/"/>
+                <attribute name="recoveryPolicy" type="STRING" value="Recover"/>
+                <attribute name="p2pDeployment" type="BOOL" value="False"/>
+                <attribute name="label" type="STRING" value=""/>
+                <attribute name="tapPortBase" type="INTEGER" value="16000"/>
+                <attribute name="authUser" type="STRING" value="##pluser##"/>
+                <attribute name="sliceSSHKey" type="STRING" value="##plkey##"/>
+                <attribute name="authPass" type="STRING" value="##plpass##"/>
+                <attribute name="plcHost" type="STRING" value=""/>
+            </attributes>
+            <elements>
+                <element factory_id="Node" guid="2">
+                    <graphical_info height="100.0" width="100.0" x="-256.0" y="-223.0"/>
+                    <attributes>
+                        <attribute name="maxBandwidth" type="DOUBLE" value="1024.0"/>
+                        <attribute name="minCpu" type="DOUBLE" value="30.0"/>
+                        <attribute name="operatingSystem" type="STRING" value="f12"/>
+                    </attributes>
+                    <routes>
+                        <route Destination="" Metric="0" NetPrefix="27" NextHop=""/>
+                    </routes>
+                    <connections>
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new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..c73848d
--- /dev/null
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+                    </factory_attributes>
+                    <attributes>
+                        <attribute name="up" type="BOOL" value="True"/>
+                        <attribute name="maxAddresses" type="INTEGER" value="1"/>
+                        <attribute name="label" type="STRING" value="tap-cli"/>
+                        <attribute name="bwlimit" type="INTEGER" value="256"/>
+                    </attributes>
+                    <addresses>
+                        <address Address="" NetPrefix="27"/>
+                    </addresses>
+                    <connections>
+                        <connection connector="node" other_connector="devs" other_guid="2"/>
+                        <connection connector="udp" other_connector="udp" other_guid="22"/>
+                    </connections>
+                </element>
+                <element factory_id="TunInterface" guid="22">
+                    <graphical_info height="100.0" width="100.0" x="-56.0" y="-105.0"/>
+                    <factory_attributes>
+                        <factory_attribute name="maxAddresses" type="INTEGER" value="1"/>
+                    </factory_attributes>
+                    <attributes>
+                        <attribute name="up" type="BOOL" value="True"/>
+                        <attribute name="maxAddresses" type="INTEGER" value="1"/>
+                        <attribute name="bwlimit" type="INTEGER" value="256"/>
+                    </attributes>
+                    <addresses>
+                        <address Address="" NetPrefix="27"/>
+                    </addresses>
+                    <connections>
+                        <connection connector="node" other_connector="devs" other_guid="15"/>
+                        <connection connector="udp" other_connector="udp" other_guid="21"/>
+                    </connections>
+                </element>
+                <element factory_id="TunInterface" guid="23">
+                    <graphical_info height="100.0" width="100.0" x="77.0" y="-104.0"/>
+                    <factory_attributes>
+                        <factory_attribute name="maxAddresses" type="INTEGER" value="1"/>
+                    </factory_attributes>
+                    <attributes>
+                        <attribute name="up" type="BOOL" value="True"/>
+                        <attribute name="maxAddresses" type="INTEGER" value="1"/>
+                        <attribute name="bwlimit" type="INTEGER" value="##bwlimit##"/>
+                    </attributes>
+                    <addresses>
+                        <address Address="" NetPrefix="27"/>
+                    </addresses>
+                    <connections>
+                        <connection connector="node" other_connector="devs" other_guid="15"/>
+                        <connection connector="fd-&gt;" other_connector="-&gt;fd" other_guid="26"/>
+                    </connections>
+                </element>
+                <element factory_id="TunInterface" guid="24">
+                    <graphical_info height="100.0" width="100.0" x="264.0" y="-107.0"/>
+                    <factory_attributes>
+                        <factory_attribute name="maxAddresses" type="INTEGER" value="1"/>
+                    </factory_attributes>
+                    <attributes>
+                        <attribute name="up" type="BOOL" value="True"/>
+                        <attribute name="maxAddresses" type="INTEGER" value="1"/>
+                        <attribute name="label" type="STRING" value="tap-srv"/>
+                        <attribute name="bwlimit" type="INTEGER" value="256"/>
+                    </attributes>
+                    <addresses>
+                        <address Address="" NetPrefix="27"/>
+                    </addresses>
+                    <connections>
+                        <connection connector="node" other_connector="devs" other_guid="3"/>
+                        <connection connector="udp" other_connector="udp" other_guid="26"/>
+                    </connections>
+                </element>
+                <element factory_id="ClassQueueFilter" guid="26">
+                    <graphical_info height="100.0" width="100.0" x="174.0" y="19.0"/>
+                    <attributes>
+                        <attribute name="args" type="STRING" value="size=500,classes=##classes##"/>
+                    </attributes>
+                    <traces>
+                        <trace name="dropped_stats"/>
+                    </traces>
+                    <connections>
+                        <connection connector="udp" other_connector="udp" other_guid="24"/>
+                        <connection connector="-&gt;fd" other_connector="fd-&gt;" other_guid="23"/>
+                    </connections>
+                </element>
+            </elements>
+        </testbed>
+    </testbeds>
diff --git a/examples/POPI/ b/examples/POPI/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..0280654
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import os
+import os.path
+import re
+import time
+import commands
+import subprocess
+import collections
+import signal
+import traceback
+import shutil
+import sys
+import cPickle
+import gzip
+from nepi.core.execute import ExperimentController
+class PopiExperiment(object):
+    def run(self, duration, xml_filepath, testset, results_dir, iteration):
+        app_guid = 8
+        testset_dir = os.path.join(results_dir, testset)
+        # create test results file
+        test_dir = os.path.join(testset_dir, str(iteration))
+        # replace results values in xml
+        replacements = cPickle.loads(os.environ['POPI_REPLACEMENTS'].strip().decode("base64"))
+        file = open(xml_filepath)
+        xml2 = xml =
+        file.close()
+        for key,value in replacements.iteritems():
+            xml2 = xml2.replace("##%s##" % (key,), value)
+        # launch experiment
+        controller = ExperimentController(xml2, results_dir)
+        try:
+            controller.start()
+            t0 = time.time()
+            t1 = t0
+            while (t1-t0) < duration and not controller.is_finished(app_guid):
+                time.sleep(10)
+            # download results
+            for testbed_guid, guids in controller.traces_info().iteritems():
+                for guid, traces in guids.iteritems():
+                    for name, data in traces.iteritems():
+                        path = data["filepath"]
+                        print >>sys.stderr, "Downloading trace", path
+                        filepath = os.path.join(test_dir, path)
+                        try:
+                            trace = controller.trace(guid, name)
+                        except:
+                            traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr)
+                            continue
+                        try:
+                            if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(filepath)):
+                                os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(filepath))
+                        except:
+                            traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr)
+                        try:
+                            if len(trace) >= 2**20:
+                                # Bigger than 1M, compress
+                                tracefile = gzip.GzipFile(filepath+".gz", "wb")
+                            else:
+                                tracefile = open(filepath,"wb")
+                            try:
+                                tracefile.write(trace)
+                            finally:
+                                tracefile.close()
+                        except:
+                            traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr)
+        finally:
+            # clean up
+            try:
+                controller.stop()
+            except:
+                pass
+            try:
+                controller.shutdown()
+            except:
+                pass
+    def results_append(self, file, testset, sta_pcap, ap_pcap):
+        line = "%s %s %s\n" % (testset, sta_pcap, ap_pcap)
+        file.write(line)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    experiment = PopiExperiment()
+    duration = int(sys.argv[1])
+    xml_filepath = sys.argv[2]
+    testset = sys.argv[3]
+    results_dir = sys.argv[4]
+    iteration = sys.argv[5]
+, xml_filepath, testset, results_dir, iteration)
diff --git a/examples/POPI/ b/examples/POPI/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..dcb07e5
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from nepi.core.execute import ExperimentController
+from optparse import OptionParser, SUPPRESS_HELP
+import collections
+import commands
+import os
+import shutil
+import signal
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import time
+import traceback
+import getpass
+import cPickle
+class PopiExample(object):
+    _testsets = dict({
+        "popi":  "./popi-tun-classfilter-2MB-q500-pl.xml",
+        "popi_hibw":  "./popi-tun-classfilter-2MB-q500-pl-hibw.xml",
+        })
+    classes = {
+        'tcpx4' : 'udp:tcp*4:icmp:',
+        'icmpx4' : 'udp:tcp:icmp*4:',
+        'udpx4' : 'udp*4:tcp:icmp:',
+        'u1t4i16' : 'udp:tcp*4:icmp*16:',
+        'u4t4i16' : 'udp*4:tcp*4:icmp*16:',
+        'u1t16i16' : 'udp*4:tcp*16:icmp*16:',
+        'u1t1t1' : 'udp:tcp:icmp:',
+    }
+    bwlimits = {
+        '32K' : '32',
+        '64K' : '64',
+        '128K' : '128',
+        '256K' : '256',
+        '384K' : '384',
+    #    '512K' : '512',
+    #    '768K' : '768',
+    #    '1M' : '1024',
+    #    '2M' : '2048',
+    }
+    testsets = dict([
+        ("%s-%s-%s" % (tset,clsname,bwname), (xml, {'classes':cls, 'bwlimit':bw}))
+        for tset,xml in _testsets.iteritems()
+        for clsname,cls in classes.iteritems()
+        for bwname,bw in bwlimits.iteritems()
+    ])
+    def __init__(self):
+        usage = "usage: %prog -u user -t times -d results_dir -f remove -e experiment -s start"
+        parser = OptionParser(usage=usage)
+        parser.add_option("-u", "--user", dest="pluser", help="PlanetLab PLC user (email)", type="str")
+        parser.add_option("-p", "--pass", dest="plpass", help="PlanetLab PLC user (password) - leave empty for interactive prompt", type="str")
+        parser.add_option("-k", "--key", dest="plkey", help="PlanetLab PLC private key to use", type="str")
+        parser.add_option("-S", "--slice", dest="plslice", help="PlanetLab slice into which to deploy experiments", type="str")
+        parser.add_option("-t", "--times", dest="times", help="Number of times to run each scenario", type="int")
+        parser.add_option("-d", "--dir", dest="results_dir", help="Results directory", type="str")
+        parser.add_option("-f", "--remove", dest="remove", help="Remove previous results directory",  action="store_true", default=False)
+        parser.add_option("-e", "--experiment", dest="experiment", help="Experiment to execute [%s]" % ('|'.join(self._testsets.keys()),),  type="str")
+        parser.add_option("-s", "--start", dest="start", help="Start experiment at specific iteration",  type="int")
+        (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+        if not options.pluser:
+            print >>sys.stderr, "Must specify --user"
+            sys.exit(1)
+        else:
+            self.pluser = options.pluser
+        if not options.plslice:
+            print >>sys.stderr, "Must specify --slice"
+            sys.exit(1)
+        else:
+            self.plslice = options.plslice
+        if not options.plkey:
+            print >>sys.stderr, "Must specify --key"
+            sys.exit(1)
+        else:
+            self.plkey = options.plkey
+        if not options.plpass:
+            self.plpass = getpass.getpass("Password for %s: " % (self.pluser,))
+        self.times = options.times if options.times else 5
+        self.results_dir = options.results_dir if options.results_dir else "results"
+        self.remove = options.remove
+        if options.experiment:
+            if ',' in options.experiment:
+                options.experiment = options.experiment.split(',')
+            else:
+                options.experiment = [ options.experiment ]
+        else:
+            options.experiment = self.testsets.keys()
+        self.experiments = [x for x in options.experiment if x in self.testsets]
+        self.start = options.start if options.start else 0
+    def run(self):
+        duration = 3600
+        if self.remove:
+            try:
+                shutil.rmtree(self.results_dir)
+            except:
+                traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr)
+        try:
+            os.mkdir(self.results_dir)
+        except:
+            traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr)
+        for j,testset in enumerate(self.experiments):
+            xml_filepath, replacements = self.testsets[testset]
+            replacements = dict(replacements)
+            replacements['pluser'] = self.pluser
+            replacements['plpass'] = self.plpass
+            replacements['plslice'] = self.plslice
+            replacements['plkey'] = self.plkey
+            for i in xrange(self.start, self.times):
+                testset_dir = os.path.join(self.results_dir, testset, str(i))
+                os.makedirs(testset_dir)
+                print >>sys.stderr, "%3d%% - " % ((j+i*1.0/(self.times-self.start))*100/len(self.experiments),), testset, "...",
+                # launch experiment
+                command = "python %d '%s' '%s' '%s' %d" % \
+                        (duration, xml_filepath, testset, self.results_dir, i)
+                # send by environment, we don't want passwords in the commandline
+                env = dict(os.environ)
+                env['POPI_REPLACEMENTS'] = cPickle.dumps(replacements,2).encode("base64").strip()
+                for trials in xrange(5):
+                    logfile = open(os.path.join(testset_dir,"log"), "w")
+                    p = subprocess.Popen(
+                        command, 
+                        shell = True, 
+                        env = env,
+                        stdout = logfile,
+                        stderr = logfile,
+                        stdin = open("/dev/null","rb") )
+                    # we wait two time the estimated dirantion of the movie (120s)
+                    for i in xrange(0, duration * 2, 10):
+                        time.sleep(10)
+                        returncode = p.poll()
+                        if returncode is not None:
+                            break
+                    time.sleep(10)
+                    try:
+                        os.kill(, signal.SIGKILL)
+                    except:
+                        pass
+                    logfile.close()
+                    retfile = open(os.path.join(testset_dir,"retcode"), "w")
+                    if returncode:
+                        rettext = "FAIL %s" % (returncode,)
+                    else:
+                        rettext = "SUCCESS"
+                    retfile.write(rettext)
+                    retfile.close()
+                    print >>sys.stderr, rettext,
+                    if not returncode:
+                        print >>sys.stderr
+                        break
+                    else:
+                        time.sleep(60)
+                else:
+                    print >>sys.stderr, "Giving up"
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    example = PopiExample()
diff --git a/examples/POPI/ b/examples/POPI/
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..92ec590
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# description: run nef demo script 
+PYTHONPATH="../../../nepi/src:../../../nepi/test/lib:../../../netns/src:../../../python-passfd/src:../../../python-unshare/src" python $*
index 4eb7ea2..6dcf490 100644 (file)
@@ -2,11 +2,6 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
 import getpass
-from import ExperimentDescription, FactoriesProvider
-from nepi.core.execute import ExperimentController
-from nepi.util import proxy
-from nepi.util.constants import DeploymentConfiguration as DC, ATTR_NEPI_TESTBED_ENVIRONMENT_SETUP
-from nepi.testbeds.planetlab import util as plutil
 from optparse import OptionParser
 import os
 import sys
@@ -21,6 +16,14 @@ import gzip
 import random
 import math
+from import ExperimentDescription, FactoriesProvider
+from nepi.core.execute import ExperimentController
+from nepi.util import proxy
+from nepi.util.constants import DeploymentConfiguration as DC, ATTR_NEPI_TESTBED_ENVIRONMENT_SETUP
+from nepi.testbeds.planetlab import util as plutil
 class PlanetLabMulticastOverlay:
     testbed_id = "planetlab"
     slicename = "inria_nepi12"
index e9abf11..e3668ec 100644 (file)
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ class TunIface(object):
         self.up = None
         self.mtu = None
         self.snat = False
-        self.txqueuelen = None
+        self.txqueuelen = 1000
         self.pointopoint = None
         self.multicast = False
         self.bwlimit = None
index 9c6c362..d995aff 100644 (file)
@@ -642,7 +642,9 @@ else:
 if options.multicast_fwd:
     print >>sys.stderr, "Connecting to mcast filter"
     mcfwd_sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
-    tunchannel.nonblock(mcfwd_sock.fileno())
+    #disable nonblocking, cannot handle EWOULDBLOCK
+    #tunchannel.nonblock(mcfwd_sock.fileno())
+    mcfwd_sock.settimeout(0.1) # 100ms tops - packet lost if it blocks more than that
 # be careful to roll back stuff on exceptions
 tun_path, tun_name = modeinfo['alloc'](tun_path, tun_name)
@@ -693,6 +695,7 @@ try:
                 multicast_fwd = options.multicast_fwd,
                 vif_addr = socket.inet_aton(options.vif_addr),
                 connected = [], writev=writev,
+                retrycodes=(os.errno.EWOULDBLOCK, os.errno.EAGAIN, os.errno.EINTR),
                 len=len, ord=ord):
             if _up_accept:
                 rv = _up_accept(packet, direction)
@@ -720,6 +723,9 @@ try:
                         if connected:
                                 writev(sockno, vif_addr,fwd)
+                            except OSError,e:
+                                if e.errno not in retrycodes:
+                                    traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr)
             return 1