From: Ciro Scognamiglio Date: Tue, 6 May 2014 14:27:24 +0000 (+0200) Subject: Merge branch 'onelab' of ssh:// into onelab X-Git-Tag: myslice-1.1~121 X-Git-Url:;h=5ed0a2e28c3614767633a3361544949a303b91f9;hp=fe15cb41122a93959ee2091692ee7f799f34d81c;p=unfold.git Merge branch 'onelab' of ssh:// into onelab --- diff --git a/plugins/scheduler2/static/img/no-data.png b/plugins/scheduler2/static/img/no-data.png new file mode 100755 index 00000000..450ac558 Binary files /dev/null and b/plugins/scheduler2/static/img/no-data.png differ diff --git a/plugins/scheduler2/static/js/angular/angular.min.js b/plugins/scheduler2/static/js/angular/angular.min.js index a71d0c7d..19b29560 100755 --- a/plugins/scheduler2/static/js/angular/angular.min.js +++ b/plugins/scheduler2/static/js/angular/angular.min.js @@ -1,211 +1,1005 @@ -/* - AngularJS v1.3.0-beta.4 - (c) 2010-2014 Google, Inc. - License: MIT -*/ -(function(R,U,s){'use strict';function A(b){return function(){var a=arguments[0],c,a="["+(b?b+":":"")+a+"]"+(b?b+"/":"")+a;for(c=1;c").append(b).html();try{return 3===b[0].nodeType?P(c):c.match(/^(<[^>]+>)/)[1].replace(/^<([\w\-]+)/, -function(a,b){return"<"+P(b)})}catch(d){return P(c)}}function $b(b){try{return decodeURIComponent(b)}catch(a){}}function ac(b){var a={},c,d;r((b||"").split("&"),function(b){b&&(c=b.split("="),d=$b(c[0]),w(d)&&(b=w(c[1])?$b(c[1]):!0,a[d]?M(a[d])?a[d].push(b):a[d]=[a[d],b]:a[d]=b))});return a}function bc(b){var a=[];r(b,function(b,d){M(b)?r(b,function(b){a.push(ya(d,!0)+(!0===b?"":"="+ya(b,!0)))}):a.push(ya(d,!0)+(!0===b?"":"="+ya(b,!0)))});return a.length?a.join("&"):""}function Ab(b){return ya(b, -!0).replace(/%26/gi,"&").replace(/%3D/gi,"=").replace(/%2B/gi,"+")}function ya(b,a){return encodeURIComponent(b).replace(/%40/gi,"@").replace(/%3A/gi,":").replace(/%24/g,"$").replace(/%2C/gi,",").replace(/%20/g,a?"%20":"+")}function cd(b,a){function c(a){a&&d.push(a)}var d=[b],e,f,h=["ng:app","ng-app","x-ng-app","data-ng-app"],g=/\sng[:\-]app(:\s*([\w\d_]+);?)?\s/;r(h,function(a){h[a]=!0;c(U.getElementById(a));a=a.replace(":","\\:");b.querySelectorAll&&(r(b.querySelectorAll("."+a),c),r(b.querySelectorAll("."+ -a+"\\:"),c),r(b.querySelectorAll("["+a+"]"),c))});r(d,function(a){if(!e){var b=g.exec(" "+a.className+" ");b?(e=a,f=(b[2]||"").replace(/\s+/g,",")):r(a.attributes,function(b){!e&&h[]&&(e=a,f=b.value)})}});e&&a(e,f?[f]:[])}function cc(b,a){var c=function(){b=v(b);if(b.injector()){var c=b[0]===U?"document":ga(b);throw Na("btstrpd",c);}a=a||[];a.unshift(["$provide",function(a){a.value("$rootElement",b)}]);a.unshift("ng");c=dc(a);c.invoke(["$rootScope","$rootElement","$compile","$injector","$animate", -function(a,b,c,d,e){a.$apply(function(){"$injector",d);c(b)(a)})}]);return c},d=/^NG_DEFER_BOOTSTRAP!/;if(R&&!d.test( c();,"");Pa.resumeBootstrap=function(b){r(b,function(b){a.push(b)});c()}}function hb(b,a){a=a||"_";return b.replace(dd,function(b,d){return(d?a:"")+b.toLowerCase()})}function Bb(b,a,c){if(!b)throw Na("areq",a||"?",c||"required");return b}function Qa(b,a,c){c&&M(b)&&(b=b[b.length-1]);Bb(F(b),a,"not a function, got "+(b&&"object"==typeof b?||"Object":typeof b));return b}function za(b,a){if("hasOwnProperty"===b)throw Na("badname",a);}function ec(b,a,c){if(!a)return b;a=a.split(".");for(var d,e=b,f=a.length,h=0;h "+b;a.removeChild(a.firstChild);Gb(this,a.childNodes);v(U.createDocumentFragment()).append(this)}else Gb(this,b)}function Hb(b){return b.cloneNode(!0)}function Ga(b){kc(b);var a=0;for(b=b.childNodes||[];a=V?(c.preventDefault=null,c.stopPropagation=null,c.isDefaultPrevented=null):(delete c.preventDefault,delete c.stopPropagation,delete c.isDefaultPrevented)};c.elem=b;return c}function Ha(b){var a=typeof b,c;"object"==a&&null!==b?"function"==typeof(c=b.$$hashKey)?c=b.$$hashKey():c===s&&(c=b.$$hashKey=db()):c=b;return a+":"+c}function Va(b){r(b,this.put,this)}function rc(b){var a,c;"function"== -typeof b?(a=b.$inject)||(a=[],b.length&&(c=b.toString().replace(se,""),c=c.match(te),r(c[1].split(ue),function(b){b.replace(ve,function(b,c,d){a.push(d)})})),b.$inject=a):M(b)?(c=b.length-1,Qa(b[c],"fn"),a=b.slice(0,c)):Qa(b,"fn",!0);return a}function dc(b){function a(a){return function(b,c){if(W(b))r(b,Ub(a));else return a(b,c)}}function c(a,b){za(a,"service");if(F(b)||M(b))b=n.instantiate(b);if(!b.$get)throw Wa("pget",a);return l[a+g]=b}function d(a,b){return c(a,{$get:b})}function e(a){var b=[], -c,d,f,g;r(a,function(a){if(!k.get(a)){k.put(a,!0);try{if(C(a))for(c=Ra(a),b=b.concat(e(c.requires)).concat(c._runBlocks),d=c._invokeQueue,f=0,g=d.length;f 4096 bytes)!"));else{if(m.cookie!==Z)for(Z=m.cookie,d=Z.split("; 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H={};e.$watchCollection(g,function(a){var g,h,l=f[0],n,y={},C,B,K,z,E,L,A=[];if(cb(a))E=a,n=q||p;else{n=q||s;E=[];for(K in a)a.hasOwnProperty(K)&&"$"!=K.charAt(0)&&E.push(K);E.sort()}C=E.length;h=A.length=E.length;for(g=0;gD;)u.pop().element.remove()}for(;A.length> -B;)A.pop()[0].element.remove()}var k;if(!(k=t.match(d)))throw Ye("iexp",t,ga(f));var l=c(k[2]||k[1]),m=k[4]||k[6],n=k[5],q=c(k[3]||""),r=c(k[2]?k[1]:m),x=c(k[7]),v=k[8]?c(k[8]):null,A=[[{element:f,label:""}]];z&&(a(z)(e),z.removeClass("ng-scope"),z.remove());f.empty();f.on("change",function(){e.$apply(function(){var a,c=x(e)||[],d={},h,k,l,q,t,w,u;if(p)for(k=[],q=0,w=A.length;q@charset "UTF-8";[ng\\:cloak],[ng-cloak],[data-ng-cloak],[x-ng-cloak],.ng-cloak,.x-ng-cloak,.ng-hide{display:none !important;}ng\\:form{display:block;}'); -//# +/* + AngularJS v1.3.0-beta.7 + (c) 2010-2014 Google, Inc. + License: MIT +*/ +(function (N, S, s) { + 'use strict'; function I(b) { return function () { var a = arguments[0], c, a = "[" + (b ? b + ":" : "") + a + "]" + (b ? b + "/" : "") + a; for (c = 1; c < arguments.length; c++) a = a + (1 == c ? "?" : "&") + "p" + (c - 1) + "=" + encodeURIComponent("function" == typeof arguments[c] ? arguments[c].toString().replace(/ \{[\s\S]*$/, "") : "undefined" == typeof arguments[c] ? "undefined" : "string" != typeof arguments[c] ? JSON.stringify(arguments[c]) : arguments[c]); return Error(a) } } function cb(b) { + if (null == b || Ca(b)) return !1; + var a = b.length; return 1 === b.nodeType && a ? !0 : x(b) || M(b) || 0 === a || "number" === typeof a && 0 < a && a - 1 in b + } function q(b, a, c) { var d; if (b) if (O(b)) for (d in b) "prototype" == d || ("length" == d || "name" == d || b.hasOwnProperty && !b.hasOwnProperty(d)) ||, b[d], d); else if (b.forEach && b.forEach !== q) b.forEach(a, c); else if (cb(b)) for (d = 0; d < b.length; d++), b[d], d); else for (d in b) b.hasOwnProperty(d) &&, b[d], d); return b } function Zb(b) { var a = [], c; for (c in b) b.hasOwnProperty(c) && a.push(c); return a.sort() } function dd(b, + a, c) { for (var d = Zb(b), e = 0; e < d.length; e++), b[d[e]], d[e]); return d } function $b(b) { return function (a, c) { b(c, a) } } function db() { for (var b = ka.length, a; b;) { b--; a = ka[b].charCodeAt(0); if (57 == a) return ka[b] = "A", ka.join(""); if (90 == a) ka[b] = "0"; else return ka[b] = String.fromCharCode(a + 1), ka.join("") } ka.unshift("0"); return ka.join("") } function ac(b, a) { a ? b.$$hashKey = a : delete b.$$hashKey } function w(b) { var a = b.$$hashKey; q(arguments, function (a) { a !== b && q(a, function (a, c) { b[c] = a }) }); ac(b, a); return b } function Q(b) { + return parseInt(b, + 10) + } function bc(b, a) { return w(new (w(function () { }, { prototype: b })), a) } function D() { } function Da(b) { return b } function $(b) { return function () { return b } } function A(b) { return "undefined" === typeof b } function F(b) { return "undefined" !== typeof b } function R(b) { return null != b && "object" === typeof b } function x(b) { return "string" === typeof b } function Cb(b) { return "number" === typeof b } function qa(b) { return "[object Date]" === } function M(b) { return "[object Array]" === } function O(b) { return "function" === typeof b } + function eb(b) { return "[object RegExp]" === } function Ca(b) { return b && b.document && b.location && b.alert && b.setInterval } function ed(b) { return !(!b || !(b.nodeName || b.prop && b.attr && b.find)) } function fd(b, a, c) { var d = []; q(b, function (b, f, g) { d.push(, b, f, g)) }); return d } function fb(b, a) { if (b.indexOf) return b.indexOf(a); for (var c = 0; c < b.length; c++) if (a === b[c]) return c; return -1 } function Ea(b, a) { var c = fb(b, a); 0 <= c && b.splice(c, 1); return a } function aa(b, a) { + if (Ca(b) || b && b.$evalAsync && b.$watch) throw Oa("cpws"); + if (a) { if (b === a) throw Oa("cpi"); if (M(b)) for (var c = a.length = 0; c < b.length; c++) a.push(aa(b[c])); else { c = a.$$hashKey; q(a, function (b, c) { delete a[c] }); for (var d in b) a[d] = aa(b[d]); ac(a, c) } } else (a = b) && (M(b) ? a = aa(b, []) : qa(b) ? a = new Date(b.getTime()) : eb(b) ? a = RegExp(b.source) : R(b) && (a = aa(b, {}))); return a + } function cc(b, a) { a = a || {}; for (var c in b) !b.hasOwnProperty(c) || "$" === c.charAt(0) && "$" === c.charAt(1) || (a[c] = b[c]); return a } function ya(b, a) { + if (b === a) return !0; if (null === b || null === a) return !1; if (b !== b && a !== a) return !0; + var c = typeof b, d; if (c == typeof a && "object" == c) if (M(b)) { if (!M(a)) return !1; if ((c = b.length) == a.length) { for (d = 0; d < c; d++) if (!ya(b[d], a[d])) return !1; return !0 } } else { + if (qa(b)) return qa(a) && b.getTime() == a.getTime(); if (eb(b) && eb(a)) return b.toString() == a.toString(); if (b && b.$evalAsync && b.$watch || a && a.$evalAsync && a.$watch || Ca(b) || Ca(a) || M(a)) return !1; c = {}; for (d in b) if ("$" !== d.charAt(0) && !O(b[d])) { if (!ya(b[d], a[d])) return !1; c[d] = !0 } for (d in a) if (!c.hasOwnProperty(d) && "$" !== d.charAt(0) && a[d] !== s && !O(a[d])) return !1; + return !0 + } return !1 + } function dc() { return S.securityPolicy && S.securityPolicy.isActive || S.querySelector && !(!S.querySelector("[ng-csp]") && !S.querySelector("[data-ng-csp]")) } function gb(b, a) { var c = 2 < arguments.length ?, 2) : []; return !O(a) || a instanceof RegExp ? a : c.length ? function () { return arguments.length ? a.apply(b, c.concat(, 0))) : a.apply(b, c) } : function () { return arguments.length ? a.apply(b, arguments) : } } function gd(b, a) { + var c = a; "string" === typeof b && "$" === b.charAt(0) ? c = + s : Ca(a) ? c = "$WINDOW" : a && S === a ? c = "$DOCUMENT" : a && (a.$evalAsync && a.$watch) && (c = "$SCOPE"); return c + } function sa(b, a) { return "undefined" === typeof b ? s : JSON.stringify(b, gd, a ? " " : null) } function ec(b) { return x(b) ? JSON.parse(b) : b } function Pa(b) { "function" === typeof b ? b = !0 : b && 0 !== b.length ? (b = u("" + b), b = !("f" == b || "0" == b || "false" == b || "no" == b || "n" == b || "[]" == b)) : b = !1; return b } function ga(b) { + b = y(b).clone(); try { b.empty() } catch (a) { } var c = y("
").append(b).html(); try { + return 3 === b[0].nodeType ? u(c) : c.match(/^(<[^>]+>)/)[1].replace(/^<([\w\-]+)/, + function (a, b) { return "<" + u(b) }) + } catch (d) { return u(c) } + } function fc(b) { try { return decodeURIComponent(b) } catch (a) { } } function gc(b) { var a = {}, c, d; q((b || "").split("&"), function (b) { b && (c = b.split("="), d = fc(c[0]), F(d) && (b = F(c[1]) ? fc(c[1]) : !0, a[d] ? M(a[d]) ? a[d].push(b) : a[d] = [a[d], b] : a[d] = b)) }); return a } function Db(b) { var a = []; q(b, function (b, d) { M(b) ? q(b, function (b) { a.push(za(d, !0) + (!0 === b ? "" : "=" + za(b, !0))) }) : a.push(za(d, !0) + (!0 === b ? "" : "=" + za(b, !0))) }); return a.length ? a.join("&") : "" } function hb(b) { + return za(b, + !0).replace(/%26/gi, "&").replace(/%3D/gi, "=").replace(/%2B/gi, "+") + } function za(b, a) { return encodeURIComponent(b).replace(/%40/gi, "@").replace(/%3A/gi, ":").replace(/%24/g, "$").replace(/%2C/gi, ",").replace(/%20/g, a ? "%20" : "+") } function hd(b, a) { var c, d, e = hc.length; b = y(b); for (d = 0; d < e; ++d) if (c = hc[d] + a, x(c = b.attr(c))) return c; return null } function id(b, a) { + function c(a) { a && d.push(a) } var d = [b], e, f, g = {}, h = ["ng:app", "ng-app", "x-ng-app", "data-ng-app"], m = /\sng[:\-]app(:\s*([\w\d_]+);?)?\s/; q(h, function (a) { + h[a] = + !0; c(S.getElementById(a)); a = a.replace(":", "\\:"); b.querySelectorAll && (q(b.querySelectorAll("." + a), c), q(b.querySelectorAll("." + a + "\\:"), c), q(b.querySelectorAll("[" + a + "]"), c)) + }); q(d, function (a) { if (!e) { var b = m.exec(" " + a.className + " "); b ? (e = a, f = (b[2] || "").replace(/\s+/g, ",")) : q(a.attributes, function (b) { !e && h[] && (e = a, f = b.value) }) } }); e && (g.strictDi = null !== hd(e, "strict-di"), a(e, f ? [f] : [], g)) + } function ic(b, a, c) { + R(c) || (c = {}); c = w({ strictDi: !1 }, c); var d = function () { + b = y(b); if (b.injector()) { + var d = b[0] === + S ? "document" : ga(b); throw Oa("btstrpd", d); + } a = a || []; a.unshift(["$provide", function (a) { a.value("$rootElement", b) }]); a.unshift("ng"); d = Eb(a, c.strictDi); d.invoke(["$rootScope", "$rootElement", "$compile", "$injector", "$animate", function (a, b, c, d, e) { a.$apply(function () {"$injector", d); c(b)(a) }) }]); return d + }, e = /^NG_DEFER_BOOTSTRAP!/; if (N && !e.test( return d(); =, ""); Qa.resumeBootstrap = function (b) { q(b, function (b) { a.push(b) }); d() } + } function ib(b, a) { + a = a || "_"; return b.replace(jd, + function (b, d) { return (d ? a : "") + b.toLowerCase() }) + } function Fb(b, a, c) { if (!b) throw Oa("areq", a || "?", c || "required"); return b } function Ra(b, a, c) { c && M(b) && (b = b[b.length - 1]); Fb(O(b), a, "not a function, got " + (b && "object" == typeof b ? || "Object" : typeof b)); return b } function Aa(b, a) { if ("hasOwnProperty" === b) throw Oa("badname", a); } function jc(b, a, c) { if (!a) return b; a = a.split("."); for (var d, e = b, f = a.length, g = 0; g < f; g++) d = a[g], b && (b = (e = b)[d]); return !c && O(b) ? gb(e, b) : b } function Gb(b) { + var a = b[0]; b = b[b.length - + 1]; if (a === b) return y(a); var c = [a]; do { a = a.nextSibling; if (!a) break; c.push(a) } while (a !== b); return y(c) + } function kd(b) { + var a = I("$injector"), c = I("ng"); b = b.angular || (b.angular = {}); b.$$minErr = b.$$minErr || I; return b.module || (b.module = function () { + var b = {}; return function (e, f, g) { + if ("hasOwnProperty" === e) throw c("badname", "module"); f && b.hasOwnProperty(e) && (b[e] = null); return b[e] || (b[e] = function () { + function b(a, d, e) { return function () { c[e || "push"]([a, d, arguments]); return p } } if (!f) throw a("nomod", e); var c = [], d = [], + l = b("$injector", "invoke"), p = { _invokeQueue: c, _runBlocks: d, requires: f, name: e, provider: b("$provide", "provider"), factory: b("$provide", "factory"), service: b("$provide", "service"), value: b("$provide", "value"), constant: b("$provide", "constant", "unshift"), animation: b("$animateProvider", "register"), filter: b("$filterProvider", "register"), controller: b("$controllerProvider", "register"), directive: b("$compileProvider", "directive"), config: l, run: function (a) { d.push(a); return this } }; g && l(g); return p + }()) + } + }()) + } function ld(b) { + w(b, + { bootstrap: ic, copy: aa, extend: w, equals: ya, element: y, forEach: q, injector: Eb, noop: D, bind: gb, toJson: sa, fromJson: ec, identity: Da, isUndefined: A, isDefined: F, isString: x, isFunction: O, isObject: R, isNumber: Cb, isElement: ed, isArray: M, version: md, isDate: qa, lowercase: u, uppercase: Fa, callbacks: { counter: 0 }, $$minErr: I, $$csp: dc }); Sa = kd(N); try { Sa("ngLocale") } catch (a) { Sa("ngLocale", []).provider("$locale", nd) } Sa("ng", ["ngLocale"], ["$provide", function (a) { + a.provider({ $$sanitizeUri: od }); a.provider("$compile", kc).directive({ + a: pd, + input: lc, textarea: lc, form: qd, script: rd, select: sd, style: td, option: ud, ngBind: vd, ngBindHtml: wd, ngBindTemplate: xd, ngClass: yd, ngClassEven: zd, ngClassOdd: Ad, ngCloak: Bd, ngController: Cd, ngForm: Dd, ngHide: Ed, ngIf: Fd, ngInclude: Gd, ngInit: Hd, ngNonBindable: Id, ngPluralize: Jd, ngRepeat: Kd, ngShow: Ld, ngStyle: Md, ngSwitch: Nd, ngSwitchWhen: Od, ngSwitchDefault: Pd, ngOptions: Qd, ngTransclude: Rd, ngModel: Sd, ngList: Td, ngChange: Ud, required: mc, ngRequired: mc, ngValue: Vd, ngModelOptions: Wd + }).directive({ ngInclude: Xd }).directive(Hb).directive(nc); + a.provider({ $anchorScroll: Yd, $animate: Zd, $browser: $d, $cacheFactory: ae, $controller: be, $document: ce, $exceptionHandler: de, $filter: oc, $interpolate: ee, $interval: fe, $http: ge, $httpBackend: he, $location: ie, $log: je, $parse: ke, $rootScope: le, $q: me, $sce: ne, $sceDelegate: oe, $sniffer: pe, $templateCache: qe, $timeout: re, $window: se, $$rAF: te, $$asyncCallback: ue }) + }]) + } function Ta(b) { return b.replace(ve, function (a, b, d, e) { return e ? d.toUpperCase() : d }).replace(we, "Moz$1") } function Ib(b, a, c, d) { + function e(b) { + var e = c && b ? [this.filter(b)] : + [this], m = a, k, l, p, n, r, t; if (!d || null != b) for (; e.length;) for (k = e.shift(), l = 0, p = k.length; l < p; l++) for (n = y(k[l]), m ? n.triggerHandler("$destroy") : m = !m, r = 0, n = (t = n.children()).length; r < n; r++) e.push(Ga(t[r])); return f.apply(this, arguments) + } var f = Ga.fn[b], f = f.$original || f; e.$original = f; Ga.fn[b] = e + } function xe(b, a) { + var c, d, e = a.createDocumentFragment(), f = []; if (Jb.test(b)) { + c = c || e.appendChild(a.createElement("div")); d = (ye.exec(b) || ["", ""])[1].toLowerCase(); d = da[d] || da._default; c.innerHTML = d[1] + b.replace(ze, "<$1>") + + d[2]; for (d = d[0]; d--;) c = c.lastChild; f = f.concat(, void 0)); c = e.firstChild; c.textContent = "" + } else f.push(a.createTextNode(b)); e.textContent = ""; e.innerHTML = ""; q(f, function (a) { e.appendChild(a) }); return e + } function U(b) { if (b instanceof U) return b; x(b) && (b = Y(b)); if (!(this instanceof U)) { if (x(b) && "<" != b.charAt(0)) throw Kb("nosel"); return new U(b) } if (x(b)) { var a; a = S; var c; b = (c = Ae.exec(b)) ? [a.createElement(c[1])] : (c = xe(b, a)) ? c.childNodes : [] } pc(this, b) } function Lb(b) { return b.cloneNode(!0) } + function Ha(b) { qc(b); var a = 0; for (b = b.childNodes || []; a < b.length; a++) Ha(b[a]) } function rc(b, a, c, d) { if (F(d)) throw Kb("offargs"); var e = la(b, "events"); la(b, "handle") && (A(a) ? q(e, function (a, c) { Ua(b, c, a); delete e[c] }) : q(a.split(" "), function (a) { A(c) ? (Ua(b, a, e[a]), delete e[a]) : Ea(e[a] || [], c) })) } function qc(b, a) { var c = b[jb], d = Va[c]; d && (a ? delete Va[c].data[a] : (d.handle && ($destroy && d.handle({}, "$destroy"), rc(b)), delete Va[c], b[jb] = s)) } function la(b, a, c) { + var d = b[jb], d = Va[d || -1]; if (F(c)) d || (b[jb] = d = ++Be, + d = Va[d] = {}), d[a] = c; else return d && d[a] + } function sc(b, a, c) { var d = la(b, "data"), e = F(c), f = !e && F(a), g = f && !R(a); d || g || la(b, "data", d = {}); if (e) d[a] = c; else if (f) { if (g) return d && d[a]; w(d, a) } else return d } function Mb(b, a) { return b.getAttribute ? -1 < (" " + (b.getAttribute("class") || "") + " ").replace(/[\n\t]/g, " ").indexOf(" " + a + " ") : !1 } function kb(b, a) { a && b.setAttribute && q(a.split(" "), function (a) { b.setAttribute("class", Y((" " + (b.getAttribute("class") || "") + " ").replace(/[\n\t]/g, " ").replace(" " + Y(a) + " ", " "))) }) } + function lb(b, a) { if (a && b.setAttribute) { var c = (" " + (b.getAttribute("class") || "") + " ").replace(/[\n\t]/g, " "); q(a.split(" "), function (a) { a = Y(a); -1 === c.indexOf(" " + a + " ") && (c += a + " ") }); b.setAttribute("class", Y(c)) } } function pc(b, a) { if (a) { a = a.nodeName || !F(a.length) || Ca(a) ? [a] : a; for (var c = 0; c < a.length; c++) b.push(a[c]) } } function tc(b, a) { return mb(b, "$" + (a || "ngController") + "Controller") } function mb(b, a, c) { + b = y(b); 9 == b[0].nodeType && (b = b.find("html")); for (a = M(a) ? a : [a]; b.length;) { + for (var d = b[0], e = 0, f = a.length; e < + f; e++) if ((c =[e])) !== s) return c; b = y(d.parentNode || 11 === d.nodeType && + } + } function uc(b) { for (var a = 0, c = b.childNodes; a < c.length; a++) Ha(c[a]); for (; b.firstChild;) b.removeChild(b.firstChild) } function vc(b, a) { var c = nb[a.toLowerCase()]; return c && wc[b.nodeName] && c } function Ce(b, a) { + var c = function (c, e) { + c.preventDefault || (c.preventDefault = function () { c.returnValue = !1 }); c.stopPropagation || (c.stopPropagation = function () { c.cancelBubble = !0 }); || ( = c.srcElement || S); if (A(c.defaultPrevented)) { + var f = + c.preventDefault; c.preventDefault = function () { c.defaultPrevented = !0; }; c.defaultPrevented = !1 + } c.isDefaultPrevented = function () { return c.defaultPrevented || !1 === c.returnValue }; var g = cc(a[e || c.type] || []); q(g, function (a) {, c) }); 8 >= P ? (c.preventDefault = null, c.stopPropagation = null, c.isDefaultPrevented = null) : (delete c.preventDefault, delete c.stopPropagation, delete c.isDefaultPrevented) + }; c.elem = b; return c + } function Ia(b) { + var a = typeof b, c; "object" == a && null !== b ? "function" == typeof (c = b.$$hashKey) ? c = + b.$$hashKey() : c === s && (c = b.$$hashKey = db()) : c = b; return a + ":" + c + } function Wa(b) { q(b, this.put, this) } function De(b) { return (b = b.toString().replace(xc, "").match(yc)) ? "function(" + (b[1] || "").replace(/[\s\r\n]+/, " ") + ")" : "fn" } function Nb(b, a, c) { + var d; if ("function" == typeof b) { if (!(d = b.$inject)) { d = []; if (b.length) { if (a) throw x(c) && c || (c = || De(b)), Ja("strictdi", c); a = b.toString().replace(xc, ""); a = a.match(yc); q(a[1].split(Ee), function (a) { a.replace(Fe, function (a, b, c) { d.push(c) }) }) } b.$inject = d } } else M(b) ? (a = b.length - + 1, Ra(b[a], "fn"), d = b.slice(0, a)) : Ra(b, "fn", !0); return d + } function Eb(b, a) { + function c(a) { return function (b, c) { if (R(b)) q(b, $b(a)); else return a(b, c) } } function d(a, b) { Aa(a, "service"); if (O(b) || M(b)) b = n.instantiate(b); if (!b.$get) throw Ja("pget", a); return p[a + m] = b } function e(a, b) { return d(a, { $get: b }) } function f(a) { + var b = [], c, d, e, h; q(a, function (a) { + if (!l.get(a)) { + l.put(a, !0); try { + if (x(a)) for (c = Sa(a), b = b.concat(f(c.requires)).concat(c._runBlocks), d = c._invokeQueue, e = 0, h = d.length; e < h; e++) { + var g = d[e], m = n.get(g[0]); + m[g[1]].apply(m, g[2]) + } else O(a) ? b.push(n.invoke(a)) : M(a) ? b.push(n.invoke(a)) : Ra(a, "module") + } catch (k) { throw M(a) && (a = a[a.length - 1]), k.message && (k.stack && -1 == k.stack.indexOf(k.message)) && (k = k.message + "\n" + k.stack), Ja("modulerr", a, k.stack || k.message || k); } + } + }); return b + } function g(b, c) { + function d(a) { if (b.hasOwnProperty(a)) { if (b[a] === h) throw Ja("cdep", k.join(" <- ")); return b[a] } try { return k.unshift(a), b[a] = h, b[a] = c(a) } catch (e) { throw b[a] === h && delete b[a], e; } finally { k.shift() } } function e(b, c, f, h) { + "string" === + typeof f && (h = f, f = null); var g = []; h = Nb(b, a, h); var m, k, l; k = 0; for (m = h.length; k < m; k++) { l = h[k]; if ("string" !== typeof l) throw Ja("itkn", l); g.push(f && f.hasOwnProperty(l) ? f[l] : d(l)) } b.$inject || (b = b[m]); return b.apply(c, g) + } return { invoke: e, instantiate: function (a, b, c) { var d = function () { }; d.prototype = (M(a) ? a[a.length - 1] : a).prototype; d = new d; a = e(a, d, b, c); return R(a) || O(a) ? a : d }, get: d, annotate: Nb, has: function (a) { return p.hasOwnProperty(a + m) || b.hasOwnProperty(a) } } + } a = !0 === a; var h = {}, m = "Provider", k = [], l = new Wa, p = { + $provide: { + provider: c(d), + factory: c(e), service: c(function (a, b) { return e(a, ["$injector", function (a) { return a.instantiate(b) }]) }), value: c(function (a, b) { return e(a, $(b)) }), constant: c(function (a, b) { Aa(a, "constant"); p[a] = b; r[a] = b }), decorator: function (a, b) { var c = n.get(a + m), d = c.$get; c.$get = function () { var a = t.invoke(d, c); return t.invoke(b, null, { $delegate: a }) } } + } + }, n = p.$injector = g(p, function () { throw Ja("unpr", k.join(" <- ")); }, a), r = {}, t = r.$injector = g(r, function (a) { var b = n.get(a + m); return t.invoke(b.$get, b, s, a) }, a); q(f(b), function (a) { + t.invoke(a || + D) + }); return t + } function Yd() { var b = !0; this.disableAutoScrolling = function () { b = !1 }; this.$get = ["$window", "$location", "$rootScope", function (a, c, d) { function e(a) { var b = null; q(a, function (a) { b || "a" !== u(a.nodeName) || (b = a) }); return b } function f() { var b = c.hash(), d; b ? (d = g.getElementById(b)) ? d.scrollIntoView() : (d = e(g.getElementsByName(b))) ? d.scrollIntoView() : "top" === b && a.scrollTo(0, 0) : a.scrollTo(0, 0) } var g = a.document; b && d.$watch(function () { return c.hash() }, function () { d.$evalAsync(f) }); return f }] } function ue() { + this.$get = + ["$$rAF", "$timeout", function (b, a) { return b.supported ? function (a) { return b(a) } : function (b) { return a(b, 0, !1) } }] + } function Ge(b, a, c, d) { + function e(a) { try { a.apply(null,, 1)) } finally { if (t--, 0 === t) for (; J.length;) try { J.pop()() } catch (b) { c.error(b) } } } function f(a, b) { (function ba() { q(E, function (a) { a() }); B = b(ba, a) })() } function g() { v = null; z != h.url() && (z = h.url(), q(ma, function (a) { a(h.url()) })) } var h = this, m = a[0], k = b.location, l = b.history, p = b.setTimeout, n = b.clearTimeout, r = {}; h.isMock = !1; var t = 0, J = []; + h.$$completeOutstandingRequest = e; h.$$incOutstandingRequestCount = function () { t++ }; h.notifyWhenNoOutstandingRequests = function (a) { q(E, function (a) { a() }); 0 === t ? a() : J.push(a) }; var E = [], B; h.addPollFn = function (a) { A(B) && f(100, p); E.push(a); return a }; var z = k.href, W = a.find("base"), v = null; h.url = function (a, c) { + k !== b.location && (k = b.location); l !== b.history && (l = b.history); if (a) { + if (z != a) return z = a, d.history ? c ? l.replaceState(null, "", a) : (l.pushState(null, "", a), W.attr("href", W.attr("href"))) : (v = a, c ? k.replace(a) : k.href = + a), h + } else return v || k.href.replace(/%27/g, "'") + }; var ma = [], K = !1; h.onUrlChange = function (a) { if (!K) { if (d.history) y(b).on("popstate", g); if (d.hashchange) y(b).on("hashchange", g); else h.addPollFn(g); K = !0 } ma.push(a); return a }; h.baseHref = function () { var a = W.attr("href"); return a ? a.replace(/^(https?\:)?\/\/[^\/]*/, "") : "" }; var L = {}, Z = "", G = h.baseHref(); h.cookies = function (a, b) { + var d, e, f, h; if (a) b === s ? m.cookie = escape(a) + "=;path=" + G + ";expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT" : x(b) && (d = (m.cookie = escape(a) + "=" + escape(b) + + ";path=" + G).length + 1, 4096 < d && c.warn("Cookie '" + a + "' possibly not set or overflowed because it was too large (" + d + " > 4096 bytes)!")); else { if (m.cookie !== Z) for (Z = m.cookie, d = Z.split("; "), L = {}, f = 0; f < d.length; f++) e = d[f], h = e.indexOf("="), 0 < h && (a = unescape(e.substring(0, h)), L[a] === s && (L[a] = unescape(e.substring(h + 1)))); return L } + }; h.defer = function (a, b) { var c; t++; c = p(function () { delete r[c]; e(a) }, b || 0); r[c] = !0; return c }; h.defer.cancel = function (a) { return r[a] ? (delete r[a], n(a), e(D), !0) : !1 } + } function $d() { + this.$get = + ["$window", "$log", "$sniffer", "$document", function (b, a, c, d) { return new Ge(b, d, a, c) }] + } function ae() { + this.$get = function () { + function b(b, d) { + function e(a) { a != p && (n ? n == a && (n = a.n) : n = a, f(a.n, a.p), f(a, p), p = a, p.n = null) } function f(a, b) { a != b && (a && (a.p = b), b && (b.n = a)) } if (b in a) throw I("$cacheFactory")("iid", b); var g = 0, h = w({}, d, { id: b }), m = {}, k = d && d.capacity || Number.MAX_VALUE, l = {}, p = null, n = null; return a[b] = { + put: function (a, b) { + if (k < Number.MAX_VALUE) { var c = l[a] || (l[a] = { key: a }); e(c) } if (!A(b)) return a in m || g++, m[a] = b, + g > k && this.remove(n.key), b + }, get: function (a) { if (k < Number.MAX_VALUE) { var b = l[a]; if (!b) return; e(b) } return m[a] }, remove: function (a) { if (k < Number.MAX_VALUE) { var b = l[a]; if (!b) return; b == p && (p = b.p); b == n && (n = b.n); f(b.n, b.p); delete l[a] } delete m[a]; g-- }, removeAll: function () { m = {}; g = 0; l = {}; p = n = null }, destroy: function () { l = h = m = null; delete a[b] }, info: function () { return w({}, h, { size: g }) } + } + } var a = {}; = function () { var b = {}; q(a, function (a, e) { b[e] = }); return b }; b.get = function (b) { return a[b] }; return b + } + } function qe() { + this.$get = + ["$cacheFactory", function (b) { return b("templates") }] + } function kc(b, a) { + var c = {}, d = "Directive", e = /^\s*directive\:\s*([\d\w\-_]+)\s+(.*)$/, f = /(([\d\w\-_]+)(?:\:([^;]+))?;?)/, g = /^(on[a-z]+|formaction)$/; this.directive = function m(a, e) { + Aa(a, "directive"); x(a) ? (Fb(e, "directiveFactory"), c.hasOwnProperty(a) || (c[a] = [], b.factory(a + d, ["$injector", "$exceptionHandler", function (b, d) { + var e = []; q(c[a], function (c, f) { + try { + var g = b.invoke(c); O(g) ? g = { compile: $(g) } : !g.compile && && (g.compile = $(; g.priority = g.priority || + 0; g.index = f; = || a; g.require = g.require || g.controller &&; g.restrict = g.restrict || "A"; e.push(g) + } catch (m) { d(m) } + }); return e + }])), c[a].push(e)) : q(a, $b(m)); return this + }; this.aHrefSanitizationWhitelist = function (b) { return F(b) ? (a.aHrefSanitizationWhitelist(b), this) : a.aHrefSanitizationWhitelist() }; this.imgSrcSanitizationWhitelist = function (b) { return F(b) ? (a.imgSrcSanitizationWhitelist(b), this) : a.imgSrcSanitizationWhitelist() }; this.$get = ["$injector", "$interpolate", "$exceptionHandler", "$http", "$templateCache", + "$parse", "$controller", "$rootScope", "$document", "$sce", "$animate", "$$sanitizeUri", function (a, b, l, p, n, r, t, J, E, B, z, W) { + function v(a, b, c, d, e) { + a instanceof y || (a = y(a)); q(a, function (b, c) { 3 == b.nodeType && b.nodeValue.match(/\S+/) && (a[c] = y(b).wrap("").parent()[0]) }); var f = K(a, b, a, c, d, e); ma(a, "ng-scope"); return function (b, c, d) { + Fb(b, "scope"); var e = c ? : a; q(d, function (a, b) {"$" + b + "Controller", a) }); d = 0; for (var g = e.length; d < g; d++) { + var m = e[d].nodeType; 1 !== m && 9 !== m || e.eq(d).data("$scope", + b) + } c && c(e, b); f && f(b, e, e); return e + } + } function ma(a, b) { try { a.addClass(b) } catch (c) { } } function K(a, b, c, d, e, f) { + function g(a, c, d, e) { var f, k, l, r, p, n, E; f = c.length; var Xa = Array(f); for (p = 0; p < f; p++) Xa[p] = c[p]; E = p = 0; for (n = m.length; p < n; E++) k = Xa[E], c = m[p++], f = m[p++], l = y(k), c ? (c.scope ? (r = a.$new(),"$scope", r)) : r = a, (l = c.transclude) || !e && b ? c(f, r, k, d, L(a, l || b)) : c(f, r, k, d, e)) : f && f(a, k.childNodes, s, e) } for (var m = [], k, l, r, p, n = 0; n < a.length; n++) k = new Ob, l = Z(a[n], [], k, 0 === n ? d : s, e), (f = l.length ? ha(l, a[n], k, b, c, null, [], + [], f) : null) && f.scope && ma(y(a[n]), "ng-scope"), k = f && f.terminal || !(r = a[n].childNodes) || !r.length ? null : K(r, f ? f.transclude : b), m.push(f, k), p = p || f || k, f = null; return p ? g : null + } function L(a, b) { return function (c, d, e) { var f = !1; c || (c = a.$new(), f = c.$$transcluded = !0); d = b(c, d, e); if (f) d.on("$destroy", gb(c, c.$destroy)); return d } } function Z(a, b, c, d, g) { + var m = c.$attr, k; switch (a.nodeType) { + case 1: ba(b, na(La(a).toLowerCase()), "E", d, g); var l, p, r; k = a.attributes; for (var n = 0, E = k && k.length; n < E; n++) { + var t = !1, B = !1; l = k[n]; if (!P || + 8 <= P || l.specified) { p =; r = na(p); Q.test(r) && (p = ib(r.substr(6), "-")); var J = r.replace(/(Start|End)$/, ""); r === J + "Start" && (t = p, B = p.substr(0, p.length - 5) + "end", p = p.substr(0, p.length - 6)); r = na(p.toLowerCase()); m[r] = p; c[r] = l = Y(l.value); vc(a, r) && (c[r] = !0); N(a, b, l, r); ba(b, r, "A", d, g, t, B) } + } a = a.className; if (x(a) && "" !== a) for (; k = f.exec(a) ;) r = na(k[2]), ba(b, r, "C", d, g) && (c[r] = Y(k[3])), a = a.substr(k.index + k[0].length); break; case 3: u(b, a.nodeValue); break; case 8: try { + if (k = e.exec(a.nodeValue)) r = na(k[1]), ba(b, r, "M", d, g) && + (c[r] = Y(k[2])) + } catch (z) { } + } b.sort(qb); return b + } function G(a, b, c) { var d = [], e = 0; if (b && a.hasAttribute && a.hasAttribute(b)) { do { if (!a) throw ia("uterdir", b, c); 1 == a.nodeType && (a.hasAttribute(b) && e++, a.hasAttribute(c) && e--); d.push(a); a = a.nextSibling } while (0 < e) } else d.push(a); return y(d) } function C(a, b, c) { return function (d, e, f, g, k) { e = G(e[0], b, c); return a(d, e, f, g, k) } } function ha(a, c, d, e, f, g, m, p, n) { + function E(a, b, c, d) { + if (a) { + c && (a = C(a, c, d)); a.require = H.require; a.directiveName = ca; if (L === H || H.$$isolateScope) a = zc(a, + { isolateScope: !0 }); m.push(a) + } if (b) { c && (b = C(b, c, d)); b.require = H.require; b.directiveName = ca; if (L === H || H.$$isolateScope) b = zc(b, { isolateScope: !0 }); p.push(b) } + } function B(a, b, c, d) { var e, f = "data", g = !1; if (x(b)) { for (; "^" == (e = b.charAt(0)) || "?" == e;) b = b.substr(1), "^" == e && (f = "inheritedData"), g = g || "?" == e; e = null; d && "data" === f && (e = d[b]); e = e || c[f]("$" + b + "Controller"); if (!e && !g) throw ia("ctreq", b, a); } else M(b) && (e = [], q(b, function (b) { e.push(B(a, b, c, d)) })); return e } function J(a, e, f, g, n) { + function E(a, b) { + var c; 2 > arguments.length && + (b = a, a = s); w && (c = Z); return n(a, b, c) + } var z, v, Xa, C, K, G, Z = {}, pb; z = c === f ? d : cc(d, new Ob(y(f), d.$attr)); v = z.$$element; if (L) { + var ba = /^\s*([@=&])(\??)\s*(\w*)\s*$/; g = y(f); G = e.$new(!0); ha && ha === L.$$originalDirective ?"$isolateScope", G) :"$isolateScopeNoTemplate", G); ma(g, "ng-isolate-scope"); q(L.scope, function (a, c) { + var d = a.match(ba) || [], f = d[3] || c, g = "?" == d[2], d = d[1], m, l, p, n; G.$$isolateBindings[c] = d + f; switch (d) { + case "@": z.$observe(f, function (a) { G[c] = a }); z.$$observers[f].$$scope = e; z[f] && (G[c] = b(z[f])(e)); + break; case "=": if (g && !z[f]) break; l = r(z[f]); n = l.literal ? ya : function (a, b) { return a === b }; p = l.assign || function () { m = G[c] = l(e); throw ia("nonassign", z[f],; }; m = G[c] = l(e); G.$watch(function () { var a = l(e); n(a, G[c]) || (n(a, m) ? p(e, a = G[c]) : G[c] = a); return m = a }, null, l.literal); break; case "&": l = r(z[f]); G[c] = function (a) { return l(e, a) }; break; default: throw ia("iscp",, c, a); + } + }) + } pb = n && E; W && q(W, function (a) { + var b = { $scope: a === L || a.$$isolateScope ? G : e, $element: v, $attrs: z, $transclude: pb }, c; K = a.controller; "@" == K && (K = + z[]); c = t(K, b); Z[] = c; w ||"$" + + "Controller", c); a.controllerAs && (b.$scope[a.controllerAs] = c) + }); g = 0; for (Xa = m.length; g < Xa; g++) try { C = m[g], C(C.isolateScope ? G : e, v, z, C.require && B(C.directiveName, C.require, v, Z), pb) } catch (ob) { l(ob, ga(v)) } g = e; L && (L.template || null === L.templateUrl) && (g = G); a && a(g, f.childNodes, s, n); for (g = p.length - 1; 0 <= g; g--) try { C = p[g], C(C.isolateScope ? G : e, v, z, C.require && B(C.directiveName, C.require, v, Z), pb) } catch (H) { l(H, ga(v)) } + } n = n || {}; for (var z = -Number.MAX_VALUE, K, W = n.controllerDirectives, + L = n.newIsolateScopeDirective, ha = n.templateDirective, ba = n.nonTlbTranscludeDirective, qb = !1, w = n.hasElementTranscludeDirective, u = d.$$element = y(c), H, ca, T, I = e, N, ja = 0, P = a.length; ja < P; ja++) { + H = a[ja]; var Q = H.$$start, V = H.$$end; Q && (u = G(c, Q, V)); T = s; if (z > H.priority) break; if (T = H.scope) K = K || H, H.templateUrl || (A("new/isolated scope", L, H, u), R(T) && (L = H)); ca =; !H.templateUrl && H.controller && (T = H.controller, W = W || {}, A("'" + ca + "' controller", W[ca], H, u), W[ca] = H); if (T = H.transclude) qb = !0, H.$$tlb || (A("transclusion", ba, H, + u), ba = H), "element" == T ? (w = !0, z = H.priority, T = G(c, Q, V), u = d.$$element = y(S.createComment(" " + ca + ": " + d[ca] + " ")), c = u[0], rb(f, y(, 0)), c), I = v(T, e, z, g &&, { nonTlbTranscludeDirective: ba })) : (T = y(Lb(c)).contents(), u.empty(), I = v(T, e)); if (H.template) if (A("template", ha, H, u), ha = H, T = O(H.template) ? H.template(u, d) : H.template, T = U(T), H.replace) { + g = H; T = Jb.test(T) ? y(Y(T)) : []; c = T[0]; if (1 != T.length || 1 !== c.nodeType) throw ia("tplrt", ca, ""); rb(f, u, c); P = { $attr: {} }; T = Z(c, [], P); var X = a.splice(ja + 1, a.length - (ja + 1)); + L && ob(T); a = a.concat(T).concat(X); F(d, P); P = a.length + } else u.html(T); if (H.templateUrl) A("template", ha, H, u), ha = H, H.replace && (g = H), J = D(a.splice(ja, a.length - ja), u, d, f, I, m, p, { controllerDirectives: W, newIsolateScopeDirective: L, templateDirective: ha, nonTlbTranscludeDirective: ba }), P = a.length; else if (H.compile) try { N = H.compile(u, d, I), O(N) ? E(null, N, Q, V) : N && E(N.pre,, Q, V) } catch (He) { l(He, ga(u)) } H.terminal && (J.terminal = !0, z = Math.max(z, H.priority)) + } J.scope = K && !0 === K.scope; J.transclude = qb && I; n.hasElementTranscludeDirective = + w; return J + } function ob(a) { for (var b = 0, c = a.length; b < c; b++) a[b] = bc(a[b], { $$isolateScope: !0 }) } function ba(b, e, f, g, k, p, r) { if (e === k) return null; k = null; if (c.hasOwnProperty(e)) { var n; e = a.get(e + d); for (var E = 0, t = e.length; E < t; E++) try { n = e[E], (g === s || g > n.priority) && -1 != n.restrict.indexOf(f) && (p && (n = bc(n, { $$start: p, $$end: r })), b.push(n), k = n) } catch (z) { l(z) } } return k } function F(a, b) { + var c = b.$attr, d = a.$attr, e = a.$$element; q(a, function (d, e) { "$" != e.charAt(0) && (b[e] && (d += ("style" === e ? ";" : " ") + b[e]), a.$set(e, d, !0, c[e])) }); + q(b, function (b, f) { "class" == f ? (ma(e, b), a["class"] = (a["class"] ? a["class"] + " " : "") + b) : "style" == f ? (e.attr("style", e.attr("style") + ";" + b), = ( ? + ";" : "") + b) : "$" == f.charAt(0) || a.hasOwnProperty(f) || (a[f] = b, d[f] = c[f]) }) + } function D(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, k) { + var m = [], l, r, E = b[0], t = a.shift(), z = w({}, t, { templateUrl: null, transclude: null, replace: null, $$originalDirective: t }), J = O(t.templateUrl) ? t.templateUrl(b, c) : t.templateUrl; b.empty(); p.get(B.getTrustedResourceUrl(J), { cache: n }).success(function (p) { + var n, + B; p = U(p); if (t.replace) { p = Jb.test(p) ? y(Y(p)) : []; n = p[0]; if (1 != p.length || 1 !== n.nodeType) throw ia("tplrt",, J); p = { $attr: {} }; rb(d, b, n); var v = Z(n, [], p); R(t.scope) && ob(v); a = v.concat(a); F(c, p) } else n = E, b.html(p); a.unshift(z); l = ha(a, n, c, e, b, t, f, g, k); q(d, function (a, c) { a == n && (d[c] = b[0]) }); for (r = K(b[0].childNodes, e) ; m.length;) { + p = m.shift(); B = m.shift(); var C = m.shift(), G = m.shift(), v = b[0]; if (B !== E) { var W = B.className; k.hasElementTranscludeDirective && t.replace || (v = Lb(n)); rb(C, y(B), v); ma(y(v), W) } B = l.transclude ? + L(p, l.transclude) : G; l(r, p, v, d, B) + } m = null + }).error(function (a, b, c, d) { throw ia("tpload", d.url); }); return function (a, b, c, d, e) { m ? (m.push(b), m.push(c), m.push(d), m.push(e)) : l(r, b, c, d, e) } + } function qb(a, b) { var c = b.priority - a.priority; return 0 !== c ? c : !== ? < ? -1 : 1 : a.index - b.index } function A(a, b, c, d) { if (b) throw ia("multidir",,, a, ga(d)); } function u(a, c) { + var d = b(c, !0); d && a.push({ + priority: 0, compile: $(function (a, b) { + var c = b.parent(), e ="$binding") || []; e.push(d); ma("$binding", + e), "ng-binding"); a.$watch(d, function (a) { b[0].nodeValue = a }) + }) + }) + } function I(a, b) { if ("srcdoc" == b) return B.HTML; var c = La(a); if ("xlinkHref" == b || "FORM" == c && "action" == b || "IMG" != c && ("src" == b || "ngSrc" == b)) return B.RESOURCE_URL } function N(a, c, d, e) { + var f = b(d, !0); if (f) { + if ("multiple" === e && "SELECT" === La(a)) throw ia("selmulti", ga(a)); c.push({ + priority: 100, compile: function () { + return { + pre: function (c, d, m) { + d = m.$$observers || (m.$$observers = {}); if (g.test(e)) throw ia("nodomevents"); if (f = b(m[e], !0, I(a, e))) m[e] = f(c), (d[e] || + (d[e] = [])).$$inter = !0, (m.$$observers && m.$$observers[e].$$scope || c).$watch(f, function (a, b) { "class" === e && a != b ? m.$updateClass(a, b) : m.$set(e, a) }) + } + } + } + }) + } + } function rb(a, b, c) { + var d = b[0], e = b.length, f = d.parentNode, g, m; if (a) for (g = 0, m = a.length; g < m; g++) if (a[g] == d) { a[g++] = c; m = g + e - 1; for (var k = a.length; g < k; g++, m++) m < k ? a[g] = a[m] : delete a[g]; a.length -= e - 1; break } f && f.replaceChild(c, d); a = S.createDocumentFragment(); a.appendChild(d); c[y.expando] = d[y.expando]; d = 1; for (e = b.length; d < e; d++) f = b[d], y(f).remove(), a.appendChild(f), + delete b[d]; b[0] = c; b.length = 1 + } function zc(a, b) { return w(function () { return a.apply(null, arguments) }, a, b) } var Ob = function (a, b) { this.$$element = a; this.$attr = b || {} }; Ob.prototype = { + $normalize: na, $addClass: function (a) { a && 0 < a.length && z.addClass(this.$$element, a) }, $removeClass: function (a) { a && 0 < a.length && z.removeClass(this.$$element, a) }, $updateClass: function (a, b) { var c = Ac(a, b), d = Ac(b, a); 0 === c.length ? z.removeClass(this.$$element, d) : 0 === d.length ? z.addClass(this.$$element, c) : z.setClass(this.$$element, c, d) }, $set: function (a, + b, c, d) { var e = vc(this.$$element[0], a); e && (this.$$element.prop(a, b), d = e); this[a] = b; d ? this.$attr[a] = d : (d = this.$attr[a]) || (this.$attr[a] = d = ib(a, "-")); e = La(this.$$element); if ("A" === e && "href" === a || "IMG" === e && "src" === a) this[a] = b = W(b, "src" === a); !1 !== c && (null === b || b === s ? this.$$element.removeAttr(d) : this.$$element.attr(d, b)); (c = this.$$observers) && q(c[a], function (a) { try { a(b) } catch (c) { l(c) } }) }, $observe: function (a, b) { + var c = this, d = c.$$observers || (c.$$observers = {}), e = d[a] || (d[a] = []); e.push(b); J.$evalAsync(function () { + e.$$inter || + b(c[a]) + }); return function () { Ea(e, b) } + } + }; var ca = b.startSymbol(), ja = b.endSymbol(), U = "{{" == ca || "}}" == ja ? Da : function (a) { return a.replace(/\{\{/g, ca).replace(/}}/g, ja) }, Q = /^ngAttr[A-Z]/; return v + }] + } function na(b) { return Ta(b.replace(Ie, "")) } function Ac(b, a) { var c = "", d = b.split(/\s+/), e = a.split(/\s+/), f = 0; a: for (; f < d.length; f++) { for (var g = d[f], h = 0; h < e.length; h++) if (g == e[h]) continue a; c += (0 < c.length ? " " : "") + g } return c } function be() { + var b = {}, a = /^(\S+)(\s+as\s+(\w+))?$/; this.register = function (a, d) { + Aa(a, "controller"); + R(a) ? w(b, a) : b[a] = d + }; this.$get = ["$injector", "$window", function (c, d) { return function (e, f) { var g, h, m; x(e) && (g = e.match(a), h = g[1], m = g[3], e = b.hasOwnProperty(h) ? b[h] : jc(f.$scope, h, !0) || jc(d, h, !0), Ra(e, h, !0)); g = c.instantiate(e, f, h); if (m) { if (!f || "object" != typeof f.$scope) throw I("$controller")("noscp", h ||, m); f.$scope[m] = g } return g } }] + } function ce() { this.$get = ["$window", function (b) { return y(b.document) }] } function de() { this.$get = ["$log", function (b) { return function (a, c) { b.error.apply(b, arguments) } }] } function Bc(b) { + var a = + {}, c, d, e; if (!b) return a; q(b.split("\n"), function (b) { e = b.indexOf(":"); c = u(Y(b.substr(0, e))); d = Y(b.substr(e + 1)); c && (a[c] = a[c] ? a[c] + (", " + d) : d) }); return a + } function Cc(b) { var a = R(b) ? b : s; return function (c) { a || (a = Bc(b)); return c ? a[u(c)] || null : a } } function Dc(b, a, c) { if (O(c)) return c(b, a); q(c, function (c) { b = c(b, a) }); return b } function ge() { + var b = /^\s*(\[|\{[^\{])/, a = /[\}\]]\s*$/, c = /^\)\]\}',?\n/, d = { "Content-Type": "application/json;charset=utf-8" }, e = this.defaults = { + transformResponse: [function (d) { + x(d) && (d = d.replace(c, + ""), b.test(d) && a.test(d) && (d = ec(d))); return d + }], transformRequest: [function (a) { return R(a) && "[object File]" !== && "[object Blob]" !== ? sa(a) : a }], headers: { common: { Accept: "application/json, text/plain, */*" }, post: aa(d), put: aa(d), patch: aa(d) }, xsrfCookieName: "XSRF-TOKEN", xsrfHeaderName: "X-XSRF-TOKEN" + }, f = this.interceptors = [], g = this.responseInterceptors = []; this.$get = ["$httpBackend", "$browser", "$cacheFactory", "$rootScope", "$q", "$injector", function (a, b, c, d, p, n) { + function r(a) { + function c(a) { + var b = + w({}, a, { data: Dc(, a.headers, d.transformResponse) }); return 200 <= a.status && 300 > a.status ? b : p.reject(b) + } var d = { method: "get", transformRequest: e.transformRequest, transformResponse: e.transformResponse }, f = function (a) { function b(a) { var c; q(a, function (b, d) { O(b) && (c = b(), null != c ? a[d] = c : delete a[d]) }) } var c = e.headers, d = w({}, a.headers), f, g, c = w({}, c.common, c[u(a.method)]); b(c); b(d); a: for (f in c) { a = u(f); for (g in d) if (u(g) === a) continue a; d[f] = c[f] } return d }(a); w(d, a); d.headers = f; d.method = Fa(d.method); (a = Pb(d.url) ? + b.cookies()[d.xsrfCookieName || e.xsrfCookieName] : s) && (f[d.xsrfHeaderName || e.xsrfHeaderName] = a); var g = [function (a) { f = a.headers; var b = Dc(, Cc(f), a.transformRequest); A( && q(f, function (a, b) { "content-type" === u(b) && delete f[b] }); A(a.withCredentials) && !A(e.withCredentials) && (a.withCredentials = e.withCredentials); return t(a, b, f).then(c, c) }, s], h = p.when(d); for (q(B, function (a) { (a.request || a.requestError) && g.unshift(a.request, a.requestError); (a.response || a.responseError) && g.push(a.response, a.responseError) }) ; g.length;) { + a = + g.shift(); var k = g.shift(), h = h.then(a, k) + } h.success = function (a) { h.then(function (b) { a(, b.status, b.headers, d) }); return h }; h.error = function (a) { h.then(null, function (b) { a(, b.status, b.headers, d) }); return h }; return h + } function t(b, c, f) { + function g(a, b, c, e) { B && (200 <= a && 300 > a ? B.put(s, [a, b, Bc(c), e]) : B.remove(s)); m(b, a, c, e); d.$$phase || d.$apply() } function m(a, c, d, e) { c = Math.max(c, 0); (200 <= c && 300 > c ? n.resolve : n.reject)({ data: a, status: c, headers: Cc(d), config: b, statusText: e }) } function k() { + var a = fb(r.pendingRequests, + b); -1 !== a && r.pendingRequests.splice(a, 1) + } var n = p.defer(), t = n.promise, B, q, s = J(b.url, b.params); r.pendingRequests.push(b); t.then(k, k); (b.cache || e.cache) && (!1 !== b.cache && "GET" == b.method) && (B = R(b.cache) ? b.cache : R(e.cache) ? e.cache : E); if (B) if (q = B.get(s), F(q)) { if (q.then) return q.then(k, k), q; M(q) ? m(q[1], q[0], aa(q[2]), q[3]) : m(q, 200, {}, "OK") } else B.put(s, t); A(q) && a(b.method, s, c, g, f, b.timeout, b.withCredentials, b.responseType); return t + } function J(a, b) { + if (!b) return a; var c = []; dd(b, function (a, b) { + null === a || A(a) || + (M(a) || (a = [a]), q(a, function (a) { R(a) && (a = sa(a)); c.push(za(b) + "=" + za(a)) })) + }); 0 < c.length && (a += (-1 == a.indexOf("?") ? "?" : "&") + c.join("&")); return a + } var E = c("$http"), B = []; q(f, function (a) { B.unshift(x(a) ? n.get(a) : n.invoke(a)) }); q(g, function (a, b) { var c = x(a) ? n.get(a) : n.invoke(a); B.splice(b, 0, { response: function (a) { return c(p.when(a)) }, responseError: function (a) { return c(p.reject(a)) } }) }); r.pendingRequests = []; (function (a) { q(arguments, function (a) { r[a] = function (b, c) { return r(w(c || {}, { method: a, url: b })) } }) })("get", + "delete", "head", "jsonp"); (function (a) { q(arguments, function (a) { r[a] = function (b, c, d) { return r(w(d || {}, { method: a, url: b, data: c })) } }) })("post", "put"); r.defaults = e; return r + }] + } function Je(b) { if (8 >= P && (!b.match(/^(get|post|head|put|delete|options)$/i) || !N.XMLHttpRequest)) return new N.ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); if (N.XMLHttpRequest) return new N.XMLHttpRequest; throw I("$httpBackend")("noxhr"); } function he() { + this.$get = ["$browser", "$window", "$document", function (b, a, c) { + return Ke(b, Je, b.defer, a.angular.callbacks, + c[0]) + }] + } function Ke(b, a, c, d, e) { + function f(a, b, c) { var f = e.createElement("script"), g = null; f.type = "text/javascript"; f.src = a; f.async = !0; g = function (a) { Ua(f, "load", g); Ua(f, "error", g); e.body.removeChild(f); f = null; var h = -1, t = "unknown"; a && ("load" !== a.type || d[b].called || (a = { type: "error" }), t = a.type, h = "error" === a.type ? 404 : 200); c && c(h, t) }; sb(f, "load", g); sb(f, "error", g); e.body.appendChild(f); return g } var g = -1; return function (e, m, k, l, p, n, r, t) { + function J() { B = g; W && W(); v && v.abort() } function E(a, d, e, f, g) { + K && c.cancel(K); + W = v = null; 0 === d && (d = e ? 200 : "file" == ta(m).protocol ? 404 : 0); a(1223 === d ? 204 : d, e, f, g || ""); b.$$completeOutstandingRequest(D) + } var B; b.$$incOutstandingRequestCount(); m = m || b.url(); if ("jsonp" == u(e)) { var z = "_" + (d.counter++).toString(36); d[z] = function (a) { d[z].data = a; d[z].called = !0 }; var W = f(m.replace("JSON_CALLBACK", "angular.callbacks." + z), z, function (a, b) { E(l, a, d[z].data, "", b); d[z] = D }) } else { + var v = a(e);, m, !0); q(p, function (a, b) { F(a) && v.setRequestHeader(b, a) }); v.onreadystatechange = function () { + if (v && 4 == v.readyState) { + var a = + null, b = null; B !== g && (a = v.getAllResponseHeaders(), b = "response" in v ? v.response : v.responseText); E(l, B || v.status, b, a, v.statusText || "") + } + }; r && (v.withCredentials = !0); if (t) try { v.responseType = t } catch (s) { if ("json" !== t) throw s; } v.send(k || null) + } if (0 < n) var K = c(J, n); else n && n.then && n.then(J) + } + } function ee() { + var b = "{{", a = "}}"; this.startSymbol = function (a) { return a ? (b = a, this) : b }; this.endSymbol = function (b) { return b ? (a = b, this) : a }; this.$get = ["$parse", "$exceptionHandler", "$sce", function (c, d, e) { + function f(f, k, l) { + for (var p, + n, r = 0, t = [], J = [], E = [], B = f.length, z = !1, q = !1, v = [], y = {}, K = {}; r < B;) if (-1 != (p = f.indexOf(b, r)) && -1 != (n = f.indexOf(a, p + g))) r !== p && (q = !0), t.push(f.substring(r, p)), r = f.substring(p + g, n), J.push(r), E.push(c(r)), r = n + h, z = !0; else { r !== B && (q = !0, t.push(f.substring(r))); break } t.length === J.length && t.push(""); if (l && z && (q || 1 < J.length)) throw Ec("noconcat", f); if (!k || z) { + v.length = t.length + J.length; var L = function (a) { for (var b = 0, c = J.length; b < c; b++) v[2 * b] = t[b], v[2 * b + 1] = a[b]; v[2 * c] = t[c]; return v.join("") }, Z = function (a) { + a = l ? e.getTrusted(l, + a) : e.valueOf(a); null === a || A(a) ? a = "" : "string" != typeof a && (a = sa(a)); return a + }; return w(function (a) { var b = a.$id || "notAScope", c = y[b], e = K[b], g = 0, h = J.length, k = Array(h), l, p = e === s ? !0 : !1; c || (c = [], p = !0, a.$on && a.$on("$destroy", function () { y[b] = null; K[b] = null })); try { for (; g < h; g++) l = Z(E[g](a)), l !== c[g] && (p = !0), k[g] = l; p && (y[b] = k, K[b] = e = L(k)) } catch (n) { a = Ec("interr", f, n.toString()), d(a) } return e }, { exp: f, separators: t, expressions: J }) + } + } var g = b.length, h = a.length; f.startSymbol = function () { return b }; f.endSymbol = function () { return a }; + return f + }] + } function fe() { + this.$get = ["$rootScope", "$window", "$q", function (b, a, c) { + function d(d, g, h, m) { var k = a.setInterval, l = a.clearInterval, p = c.defer(), n = p.promise, r = 0, t = F(m) && !m; h = F(h) ? h : 0; n.then(null, null, d); n.$$intervalId = k(function () { p.notify(r++); 0 < h && r >= h && (p.resolve(r), l(n.$$intervalId), delete e[n.$$intervalId]); t || b.$apply() }, g); e[n.$$intervalId] = p; return n } var e = {}; d.cancel = function (a) { + return a && a.$$intervalId in e ? (e[a.$$intervalId].reject("canceled"), clearInterval(a.$$intervalId), delete e[a.$$intervalId], + !0) : !1 + }; return d + }] + } function nd() { + this.$get = function () { + return { + id: "en-us", NUMBER_FORMATS: { DECIMAL_SEP: ".", GROUP_SEP: ",", PATTERNS: [{ minInt: 1, minFrac: 0, maxFrac: 3, posPre: "", posSuf: "", negPre: "-", negSuf: "", gSize: 3, lgSize: 3 }, { minInt: 1, minFrac: 2, maxFrac: 2, posPre: "\u00a4", posSuf: "", negPre: "(\u00a4", negSuf: ")", gSize: 3, lgSize: 3 }], CURRENCY_SYM: "$" }, DATETIME_FORMATS: { + MONTH: "January February March April May June July August September October November December".split(" "), SHORTMONTH: "Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec".split(" "), + DAY: "Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday".split(" "), SHORTDAY: "Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat".split(" "), AMPMS: ["AM", "PM"], medium: "MMM d, y h:mm:ss a", "short": "M/d/yy h:mm a", fullDate: "EEEE, MMMM d, y", longDate: "MMMM d, y", mediumDate: "MMM d, y", shortDate: "M/d/yy", mediumTime: "h:mm:ss a", shortTime: "h:mm a" + }, pluralCat: function (b) { return 1 === b ? "one" : "other" } + } + } + } function Qb(b) { b = b.split("/"); for (var a = b.length; a--;) b[a] = hb(b[a]); return b.join("/") } function Fc(b, a, c) { + b = ta(b, c); a.$$protocol = + b.protocol; a.$$host = b.hostname; a.$$port = Q(b.port) || Le[b.protocol] || null + } function Gc(b, a, c) { var d = "/" !== b.charAt(0); d && (b = "/" + b); b = ta(b, c); a.$$path = decodeURIComponent(d && "/" === b.pathname.charAt(0) ? b.pathname.substring(1) : b.pathname); a.$$search = gc(; a.$$hash = decodeURIComponent(b.hash); a.$$path && "/" != a.$$path.charAt(0) && (a.$$path = "/" + a.$$path) } function oa(b, a) { if (0 === a.indexOf(b)) return a.substr(b.length) } function Ya(b) { var a = b.indexOf("#"); return -1 == a ? b : b.substr(0, a) } function Rb(b) { + return b.substr(0, + Ya(b).lastIndexOf("/") + 1) + } function Hc(b, a) { + this.$$html5 = !0; a = a || ""; var c = Rb(b); Fc(b, this, b); this.$$parse = function (a) { var e = oa(c, a); if (!x(e)) throw Sb("ipthprfx", a, c); Gc(e, this, b); this.$$path || (this.$$path = "/"); this.$$compose() }; this.$$compose = function () { var a = Db(this.$$search), b = this.$$hash ? "#" + hb(this.$$hash) : ""; this.$$url = Qb(this.$$path) + (a ? "?" + a : "") + b; this.$$absUrl = c + this.$$url.substr(1) }; this.$$rewrite = function (d) { + var e; if ((e = oa(b, d)) !== s) return d = e, (e = oa(a, e)) !== s ? c + (oa("/", e) || e) : b + d; if ((e = oa(c, + d)) !== s) return c + e; if (c == d + "/") return c + } + } function Tb(b, a) { + var c = Rb(b); Fc(b, this, b); this.$$parse = function (d) { var e = oa(b, d) || oa(c, d), e = "#" == e.charAt(0) ? oa(a, e) : this.$$html5 ? e : ""; if (!x(e)) throw Sb("ihshprfx", d, a); Gc(e, this, b); d = this.$$path; var f = /^\/[A-Z]:(\/.*)/; 0 === e.indexOf(b) && (e = e.replace(b, "")); f.exec(e) || (d = (e = f.exec(d)) ? e[1] : d); this.$$path = d; this.$$compose() }; this.$$compose = function () { + var c = Db(this.$$search), e = this.$$hash ? "#" + hb(this.$$hash) : ""; this.$$url = Qb(this.$$path) + (c ? "?" + c : "") + e; this.$$absUrl = + b + (this.$$url ? a + this.$$url : "") + }; this.$$rewrite = function (a) { if (Ya(b) == Ya(a)) return a } + } function Ub(b, a) { this.$$html5 = !0; Tb.apply(this, arguments); var c = Rb(b); this.$$rewrite = function (d) { var e; if (b == Ya(d)) return d; if (e = oa(c, d)) return b + a + e; if (c === d + "/") return c }; this.$$compose = function () { var c = Db(this.$$search), e = this.$$hash ? "#" + hb(this.$$hash) : ""; this.$$url = Qb(this.$$path) + (c ? "?" + c : "") + e; this.$$absUrl = b + a + this.$$url } } function tb(b) { return function () { return this[b] } } function Ic(b, a) { + return function (c) { + if (A(c)) return this[b]; + this[b] = a(c); this.$$compose(); return this + } + } function ie() { + var b = "", a = !1; this.hashPrefix = function (a) { return F(a) ? (b = a, this) : b }; this.html5Mode = function (b) { return F(b) ? (a = b, this) : a }; this.$get = ["$rootScope", "$browser", "$sniffer", "$rootElement", function (c, d, e, f) { + function g(a) { c.$broadcast("$locationChangeSuccess", h.absUrl(), a) } var h, m, k = d.baseHref(), l = d.url(), p; a ? (p = l.substring(0, l.indexOf("/", l.indexOf("//") + 2)) + (k || "/"), m = e.history ? Hc : Ub) : (p = Ya(l), m = Tb); h = new m(p, "#" + b); h.$$parse(h.$$rewrite(l)); f.on("click", + function (a) { + if (!a.ctrlKey && !a.metaKey && 2 != a.which) { + for (var e = y( ; "a" !== u(e[0].nodeName) ;) if (e[0] === f[0] || !(e = e.parent())[0]) return; var g = e.prop("href"); R(g) && "[object SVGAnimatedString]" === g.toString() && (g = ta(g.animVal).href); if (m === Ub) { + var k = e.attr("href") || e.attr("xlink:href"); if (0 > k.indexOf("://")) if (g = "#" + b, "/" == k[0]) g = p + g + k; else if ("#" == k[0]) g = p + g + (h.path() || "/") + k; else { + for (var l = h.path().split("/"), k = k.split("/"), n = 0; n < k.length; n++) "." != k[n] && (".." == k[n] ? l.pop() : k[n].length && l.push(k[n])); + g = p + g + l.join("/") + } + } l = h.$$rewrite(g); g && (!e.attr("target") && l && !a.isDefaultPrevented()) && (a.preventDefault(), l != d.url() && (h.$$parse(l), c.$apply(), N.angular["ff-684208-preventDefault"] = !0)) + } + }); h.absUrl() != l && d.url(h.absUrl(), !0); d.onUrlChange(function (a) { h.absUrl() != a && (c.$evalAsync(function () { var b = h.absUrl(); h.$$parse(a); c.$broadcast("$locationChangeStart", a, b).defaultPrevented ? (h.$$parse(b), d.url(b)) : g(b) }), c.$$phase || c.$digest()) }); var n = 0; c.$watch(function () { + var a = d.url(), b = h.$$replace; n && a == h.absUrl() || + (n++, c.$evalAsync(function () { c.$broadcast("$locationChangeStart", h.absUrl(), a).defaultPrevented ? h.$$parse(a) : (d.url(h.absUrl(), b), g(a)) })); h.$$replace = !1; return n + }); return h + }] + } function je() { + var b = !0, a = this; this.debugEnabled = function (a) { return F(a) ? (b = a, this) : b }; this.$get = ["$window", function (c) { + function d(a) { a instanceof Error && (a.stack ? a = a.message && -1 === a.stack.indexOf(a.message) ? "Error: " + a.message + "\n" + a.stack : a.stack : a.sourceURL && (a = a.message + "\n" + a.sourceURL + ":" + a.line)); return a } function e(a) { + var b = + c.console || {}, e = b[a] || b.log || D; a = !1; try { a = !!e.apply } catch (m) { } return a ? function () { var a = []; q(arguments, function (b) { a.push(d(b)) }); return e.apply(b, a) } : function (a, b) { e(a, null == b ? "" : b) } + } return { log: e("log"), info: e("info"), warn: e("warn"), error: e("error"), debug: function () { var c = e("debug"); return function () { b && c.apply(a, arguments) } }() } + }] + } function ea(b, a) { if ("constructor" === b) throw Ba("isecfld", a); return b } function Za(b, a) { + if (b) { + if (b.constructor === b) throw Ba("isecfn", a); if (b.document && b.location && b.alert && + b.setInterval) throw Ba("isecwindow", a); if (b.children && (b.nodeName || b.prop && b.attr && b.find)) throw Ba("isecdom", a); + } return b + } function ub(b, a, c, d, e) { e = e || {}; a = a.split("."); for (var f, g = 0; 1 < a.length; g++) { f = ea(a.shift(), d); var h = b[f]; h || (h = {}, b[f] = h); b = h; b.then && e.unwrapPromises && (ua(d), "$$v" in b || function (a) { a.then(function (b) { a.$$v = b }) }(b), b.$$v === s && (b.$$v = {}), b = b.$$v) } f = ea(a.shift(), d); return b[f] = c } function Jc(b, a, c, d, e, f, g) { + ea(b, f); ea(a, f); ea(c, f); ea(d, f); ea(e, f); return g.unwrapPromises ? function (g, + m) { + var k = m && m.hasOwnProperty(b) ? m : g, l; if (null == k) return k; (k = k[b]) && k.then && (ua(f), "$$v" in k || (l = k, l.$$v = s, l.then(function (a) { l.$$v = a })), k = k.$$v); if (!a) return k; if (null == k) return s; (k = k[a]) && k.then && (ua(f), "$$v" in k || (l = k, l.$$v = s, l.then(function (a) { l.$$v = a })), k = k.$$v); if (!c) return k; if (null == k) return s; (k = k[c]) && k.then && (ua(f), "$$v" in k || (l = k, l.$$v = s, l.then(function (a) { l.$$v = a })), k = k.$$v); if (!d) return k; if (null == k) return s; (k = k[d]) && k.then && (ua(f), "$$v" in k || (l = k, l.$$v = s, l.then(function (a) { + l.$$v = + a + })), k = k.$$v); if (!e) return k; if (null == k) return s; (k = k[e]) && k.then && (ua(f), "$$v" in k || (l = k, l.$$v = s, l.then(function (a) { l.$$v = a })), k = k.$$v); return k + } : function (f, g) { var k = g && g.hasOwnProperty(b) ? g : f; if (null == k) return k; k = k[b]; if (!a) return k; if (null == k) return s; k = k[a]; if (!c) return k; if (null == k) return s; k = k[c]; if (!d) return k; if (null == k) return s; k = k[d]; return e ? null == k ? s : k = k[e] : k } + } function Me(b, a) { ea(b, a); return function (a, d) { return null == a ? s : (d && d.hasOwnProperty(b) ? d : a)[b] } } function Ne(b, a, c) { + ea(b, c); ea(a, + c); return function (c, e) { if (null == c) return s; c = (e && e.hasOwnProperty(b) ? e : c)[b]; return null == c ? s : c[a] } + } function Kc(b, a, c) { + if (Vb.hasOwnProperty(b)) return Vb[b]; var d = b.split("."), e = d.length, f; if (a.unwrapPromises || 1 !== e) if (a.unwrapPromises || 2 !== e) if (a.csp) f = 6 > e ? Jc(d[0], d[1], d[2], d[3], d[4], c, a) : function (b, f) { var g = 0, h; do h = Jc(d[g++], d[g++], d[g++], d[g++], d[g++], c, a)(b, f), f = s, b = h; while (g < e); return h }; else { + var g = "var p;\n"; q(d, function (b, d) { + ea(b, c); g += "if(s == null) return undefined;\ns=" + (d ? "s" : '((k&&k.hasOwnProperty("' + + b + '"))?k:s)') + '["' + b + '"];\n' + (a.unwrapPromises ? 'if (s && s.then) {\n pw("' + c.replace(/(["\r\n])/g, "\\$1") + '");\n if (!("$$v" in s)) {\n p=s;\n p.$$v = undefined;\n p.then(function(v) {p.$$v=v;});\n}\n s=s.$$v\n}\n' : "") + }); var g = g + "return s;", h = new Function("s", "k", "pw", g); h.toString = $(g); f = a.unwrapPromises ? function (a, b) { return h(a, b, ua) } : h + } else f = Ne(d[0], d[1], c); else f = Me(d[0], c); "hasOwnProperty" !== b && (Vb[b] = f); return f + } function ke() { + var b = {}, a = { csp: !1, unwrapPromises: !1, logPromiseWarnings: !0 }; this.unwrapPromises = + function (b) { return F(b) ? (a.unwrapPromises = !!b, this) : a.unwrapPromises }; this.logPromiseWarnings = function (b) { return F(b) ? (a.logPromiseWarnings = b, this) : a.logPromiseWarnings }; this.$get = ["$filter", "$sniffer", "$log", function (c, d, e) { + a.csp = d.csp; ua = function (b) { a.logPromiseWarnings && !Lc.hasOwnProperty(b) && (Lc[b] = !0, e.warn("[$parse] Promise found in the expression `" + b + "`. Automatic unwrapping of promises in Angular expressions is deprecated.")) }; return function (d) { + var e; switch (typeof d) { + case "string": if (b.hasOwnProperty(d)) return b[d]; + e = new Wb(a); e = (new $a(e, c, a)).parse(d, !1); "hasOwnProperty" !== d && (b[d] = e); return e; case "function": return d; default: return D + } + } + }] + } function me() { this.$get = ["$rootScope", "$exceptionHandler", function (b, a) { return Oe(function (a) { b.$evalAsync(a) }, a) }] } function Oe(b, a) { + function c(a) { return a } function d(a) { return g(a) } var e = function () { + var g = [], k, l; return l = { + resolve: function (a) { if (g) { var c = g; g = s; k = f(a); c.length && b(function () { for (var a, b = 0, d = c.length; b < d; b++) a = c[b], k.then(a[0], a[1], a[2]) }) } }, reject: function (a) { l.resolve(h(a)) }, + notify: function (a) { if (g) { var c = g; g.length && b(function () { for (var b, d = 0, e = c.length; d < e; d++) b = c[d], b[2](a) }) } }, promise: { + then: function (b, f, h) { var l = e(), J = function (d) { try { l.resolve((O(b) ? b : c)(d)) } catch (e) { l.reject(e), a(e) } }, E = function (b) { try { l.resolve((O(f) ? f : d)(b)) } catch (c) { l.reject(c), a(c) } }, B = function (b) { try { l.notify((O(h) ? h : c)(b)) } catch (d) { a(d) } }; g ? g.push([J, E, B]) : k.then(J, E, B); return l.promise }, "catch": function (a) { return this.then(null, a) }, "finally": function (a) { + function b(a, c) { + var d = e(); c ? d.resolve(a) : + d.reject(a); return d.promise + } function d(e, f) { var g = null; try { g = (a || c)() } catch (h) { return b(h, !1) } return g && O(g.then) ? g.then(function () { return b(e, f) }, function (a) { return b(a, !1) }) : b(e, f) } return this.then(function (a) { return d(a, !0) }, function (a) { return d(a, !1) }) + } + } + } + }, f = function (a) { return a && O(a.then) ? a : { then: function (c) { var d = e(); b(function () { d.resolve(c(a)) }); return d.promise } } }, g = function (a) { var b = e(); b.reject(a); return b.promise }, h = function (c) { + return { + then: function (f, g) { + var h = e(); b(function () { + try { + h.resolve((O(g) ? + g : d)(c)) + } catch (b) { h.reject(b), a(b) } + }); return h.promise + } + } + }; return { + defer: e, reject: g, when: function (h, k, l, p) { var n = e(), r, t = function (b) { try { return (O(k) ? k : c)(b) } catch (d) { return a(d), g(d) } }, J = function (b) { try { return (O(l) ? l : d)(b) } catch (c) { return a(c), g(c) } }, E = function (b) { try { return (O(p) ? p : c)(b) } catch (d) { a(d) } }; b(function () { f(h).then(function (a) { r || (r = !0, n.resolve(f(a).then(t, J, E))) }, function (a) { r || (r = !0, n.resolve(J(a))) }, function (a) { r || n.notify(E(a)) }) }); return n.promise }, all: function (a) { + var b = e(), c = 0, d = M(a) ? + [] : {}; q(a, function (a, e) { c++; f(a).then(function (a) { d.hasOwnProperty(e) || (d[e] = a, --c || b.resolve(d)) }, function (a) { d.hasOwnProperty(e) || b.reject(a) }) }); 0 === c && b.resolve(d); return b.promise + } + } + } function te() { + this.$get = ["$window", "$timeout", function (b, a) { + var c = b.requestAnimationFrame || b.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || b.mozRequestAnimationFrame, d = b.cancelAnimationFrame || b.webkitCancelAnimationFrame || b.mozCancelAnimationFrame || b.webkitCancelRequestAnimationFrame, e = !!c, f = e ? function (a) { var b = c(a); return function () { d(b) } } : + function (b) { var c = a(b, 16.66, !1); return function () { a.cancel(c) } }; f.supported = e; return f + }] + } function le() { + var b = 10, a = I("$rootScope"), c = null; this.digestTtl = function (a) { arguments.length && (b = a); return b }; this.$get = ["$injector", "$exceptionHandler", "$parse", "$browser", function (d, e, f, g) { + function h() { + this.$id = db(); this.$$phase = this.$parent = this.$$watchers = this.$$nextSibling = this.$$prevSibling = this.$$childHead = this.$$childTail = null; this["this"] = this.$root = this; this.$$destroyed = !1; this.$$asyncQueue = []; this.$$postDigestQueue = + []; this.$$listeners = {}; this.$$listenerCount = {}; this.$$isolateBindings = {} + } function m(b) { if (n.$$phase) throw a("inprog", n.$$phase); n.$$phase = b } function k(a, b) { var c = f(a); Ra(c, b); return c } function l(a, b, c) { do a.$$listenerCount[c] -= b, 0 === a.$$listenerCount[c] && delete a.$$listenerCount[c]; while (a = a.$parent) } function p() { } h.prototype = { + constructor: h, $new: function (a) { + a ? (a = new h, a.$root = this.$root, a.$$asyncQueue = this.$$asyncQueue, a.$$postDigestQueue = this.$$postDigestQueue) : (this.$$childScopeClass || (this.$$childScopeClass = + function () { this.$$watchers = this.$$nextSibling = this.$$childHead = this.$$childTail = null; this.$$listeners = {}; this.$$listenerCount = {}; this.$id = db(); this.$$childScopeClass = null }, this.$$childScopeClass.prototype = this), a = new this.$$childScopeClass); a["this"] = a; a.$parent = this; a.$$prevSibling = this.$$childTail; this.$$childHead ? this.$$childTail = this.$$childTail.$$nextSibling = a : this.$$childHead = this.$$childTail = a; return a + }, $watch: function (a, b, d) { + var e = k(a, "watch"), f = this.$$watchers, g = { + fn: b, last: p, get: e, exp: a, + eq: !!d + }; c = null; if (!O(b)) { var h = k(b || D, "listener"); g.fn = function (a, b, c) { h(c) } } if ("string" == typeof a && e.constant) { var m = g.fn; g.fn = function (a, b, c) {, a, b, c); Ea(f, g) } } f || (f = this.$$watchers = []); f.unshift(g); return function () { Ea(f, g); c = null } + }, $watchGroup: function (a, b) { var c = Array(a.length), d = Array(a.length), e = [], f = 0, g = this; q(a, function (a, b) { e.push(g.$watch(a, function (a, e) { d[b] = a; c[b] = e; f++ })) }, this); e.push(g.$watch(function () { return f }, function () { b(d, c, g) })); return function () { q(e, function (a) { a() }) } }, + $watchCollection: function (a, b) { + var c = this, d, e, g, h = 1 < b.length, k = 0, m = f(a), l = [], n = {}, p = !0, q = 0; return this.$watch(function () { + d = m(c); var a, b; if (R(d)) if (cb(d)) for (e !== l && (e = l, q = e.length = 0, k++), a = d.length, q !== a && (k++, e.length = q = a), b = 0; b < a; b++) e[b] !== e[b] && d[b] !== d[b] || e[b] === d[b] || (k++, e[b] = d[b]); else { + e !== n && (e = n = {}, q = 0, k++); a = 0; for (b in d) d.hasOwnProperty(b) && (a++, e.hasOwnProperty(b) ? e[b] !== d[b] && (k++, e[b] = d[b]) : (q++, e[b] = d[b], k++)); if (q > a) for (b in k++, e) e.hasOwnProperty(b) && !d.hasOwnProperty(b) && (q--, + delete e[b]) + } else e !== d && (e = d, k++); return k + }, function () { p ? (p = !1, b(d, d, c)) : b(d, g, c); if (h) if (R(d)) if (cb(d)) { g = Array(d.length); for (var a = 0; a < d.length; a++) g[a] = d[a] } else for (a in g = {}, d), a) && (g[a] = d[a]); else g = d }) + }, $digest: function () { + var d, f, g, h, k = this.$$asyncQueue, l = this.$$postDigestQueue, q, v, s = b, K, L = [], y, G, C; m("$digest"); c = null; do { + v = !1; for (K = this; k.length;) { try { C = k.shift(), C.scope.$eval(C.expression) } catch (F) { n.$$phase = null, e(F) } c = null }a: do { + if (h = K.$$watchers) for (q = h.length; q--;) try { + if (d = h[q]) if ((f = + d.get(K)) !== (g = d.last) && !(d.eq ? ya(f, g) : "number" == typeof f && "number" == typeof g && isNaN(f) && isNaN(g))) v = !0, c = d, d.last = d.eq ? aa(f) : f, d.fn(f, g === p ? f : g, K), 5 > s && (y = 4 - s, L[y] || (L[y] = []), G = O(d.exp) ? "fn: " + ( || d.exp.toString()) : d.exp, G += "; newVal: " + sa(f) + "; oldVal: " + sa(g), L[y].push(G)); else if (d === c) { v = !1; break a } + } catch (u) { n.$$phase = null, e(u) } if (!(h = K.$$childHead || K !== this && K.$$nextSibling)) for (; K !== this && !(h = K.$$nextSibling) ;) K = K.$parent + } while (K = h); if ((v || k.length) && !s--) throw n.$$phase = null, a("infdig", + b, sa(L)); + } while (v || k.length); for (n.$$phase = null; l.length;) try { l.shift()() } catch (x) { e(x) } + }, $destroy: function () { + if (!this.$$destroyed) { + var a = this.$parent; this.$broadcast("$destroy"); this.$$destroyed = !0; this !== n && (q(this.$$listenerCount, gb(null, l, this)), a.$$childHead == this && (a.$$childHead = this.$$nextSibling), a.$$childTail == this && (a.$$childTail = this.$$prevSibling), this.$$prevSibling && (this.$$prevSibling.$$nextSibling = this.$$nextSibling), this.$$nextSibling && (this.$$nextSibling.$$prevSibling = this.$$prevSibling), + this.$parent = this.$$nextSibling = this.$$prevSibling = this.$$childHead = this.$$childTail = this.$root = null, this.$$listeners = {}, this.$$watchers = this.$$asyncQueue = this.$$postDigestQueue = [], this.$destroy = this.$digest = this.$apply = D, this.$on = this.$watch = this.$watchGroup = function () { return D }) + } + }, $eval: function (a, b) { return f(a)(this, b) }, $evalAsync: function (a) { n.$$phase || n.$$asyncQueue.length || g.defer(function () { n.$$asyncQueue.length && n.$digest() }); this.$$asyncQueue.push({ scope: this, expression: a }) }, $$postDigest: function (a) { this.$$postDigestQueue.push(a) }, + $apply: function (a) { try { return m("$apply"), this.$eval(a) } catch (b) { e(b) } finally { n.$$phase = null; try { n.$digest() } catch (c) { throw e(c), c; } } }, $on: function (a, b) { var c = this.$$listeners[a]; c || (this.$$listeners[a] = c = []); c.push(b); var d = this; do d.$$listenerCount[a] || (d.$$listenerCount[a] = 0), d.$$listenerCount[a]++; while (d = d.$parent); var e = this; return function () { c[fb(c, b)] = null; l(e, 1, a) } }, $emit: function (a, b) { + var c = [], d, f = this, g = !1, h = { + name: a, targetScope: f, stopPropagation: function () { g = !0 }, preventDefault: function () { + h.defaultPrevented = + !0 + }, defaultPrevented: !1 + }, k = [h].concat(, 1)), m, l; do { d = f.$$listeners[a] || c; h.currentScope = f; m = 0; for (l = d.length; m < l; m++) if (d[m]) try { d[m].apply(null, k) } catch (n) { e(n) } else d.splice(m, 1), m--, l--; if (g) break; f = f.$parent } while (f); return h + }, $broadcast: function (a, b) { + for (var c = this, d = this, f = { name: a, targetScope: this, preventDefault: function () { f.defaultPrevented = !0 }, defaultPrevented: !1 }, g = [f].concat(, 1)), h, k; c = d;) { + f.currentScope = c; d = c.$$listeners[a] || []; h = 0; for (k = d.length; h < k; h++) if (d[h]) try { + d[h].apply(null, + g) + } catch (m) { e(m) } else d.splice(h, 1), h--, k--; if (!(d = c.$$listenerCount[a] && c.$$childHead || c !== this && c.$$nextSibling)) for (; c !== this && !(d = c.$$nextSibling) ;) c = c.$parent + } return f + } + }; var n = new h; return n + }] + } function od() { + var b = /^\s*(https?|ftp|mailto|tel|file):/, a = /^\s*(https?|ftp|file|blob):|data:image\//; this.aHrefSanitizationWhitelist = function (a) { return F(a) ? (b = a, this) : b }; this.imgSrcSanitizationWhitelist = function (b) { return F(b) ? (a = b, this) : a }; this.$get = function () { + return function (c, d) { + var e = d ? a : b, f; if (!P || + 8 <= P) if (f = ta(c).href, "" !== f && !f.match(e)) return "unsafe:" + f; return c + } + } + } function Pe(b) { if ("self" === b) return b; if (x(b)) { if (-1 < b.indexOf("***")) throw va("iwcard", b); b = b.replace(/([-()\[\]{}+?*.$\^|,:# c.msieDocumentMode) throw va("iequirks"); var e = aa(fa); e.isEnabled = function () { return b }; e.trustAs = d.trustAs; e.getTrusted = d.getTrusted; e.valueOf = d.valueOf; b || (e.trustAs = e.getTrusted = function (a, b) { return b }, e.valueOf = Da); e.parseAs = function (b, c) { var d = a(c); return d.literal && d.constant ? d : function (a, c) { return e.getTrusted(b, d(a, c)) } }; var f = e.parseAs, g = e.getTrusted, h = e.trustAs; q(fa, function (a, b) { + var c = u(b); e[Ta("parse_as_" + c)] = function (b) { return f(a, b) }; e[Ta("get_trusted_" + c)] = function (b) { + return g(a, + b) + }; e[Ta("trust_as_" + c)] = function (b) { return h(a, b) } + }); return e + }] + } function pe() { + this.$get = ["$window", "$document", function (b, a) { + var c = {}, d = Q((/android (\d+)/.exec(u((b.navigator || {}).userAgent)) || [])[1]), e = /Boxee/i.test((b.navigator || {}).userAgent), f = a[0] || {}, g = f.documentMode, h, m = /^(Moz|webkit|O|ms)(?=[A-Z])/, k = f.body &&, l = !1, p = !1; if (k) { + for (var n in k) if (l = m.exec(n)) { h = l[0]; h = h.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() + h.substr(1); break } h || (h = "WebkitOpacity" in k && "webkit"); l = !!("transition" in k || h + "Transition" in + k); p = !!("animation" in k || h + "Animation" in k); !d || l && p || (l = x(, p = x( + } return { history: !(!b.history || !b.history.pushState || 4 > d || e), hashchange: "onhashchange" in b && (!g || 7 < g), hasEvent: function (a) { if ("input" == a && 9 == P) return !1; if (A(c[a])) { var b = f.createElement("div"); c[a] = "on" + a in b } return c[a] }, csp: dc(), vendorPrefix: h, transitions: l, animations: p, android: d, msie: P, msieDocumentMode: g } + }] + } function re() { + this.$get = ["$rootScope", "$browser", "$q", "$exceptionHandler", + function (b, a, c, d) { function e(e, h, m) { var k = c.defer(), l = k.promise, p = F(m) && !m; h = a.defer(function () { try { k.resolve(e()) } catch (a) { k.reject(a), d(a) } finally { delete f[l.$$timeoutId] } p || b.$apply() }, h); l.$$timeoutId = h; f[h] = k; return l } var f = {}; e.cancel = function (b) { return b && b.$$timeoutId in f ? (f[b.$$timeoutId].reject("canceled"), delete f[b.$$timeoutId], a.defer.cancel(b.$$timeoutId)) : !1 }; return e }] + } function ta(b, a) { + var c = b; P && (V.setAttribute("href", c), c = V.href); V.setAttribute("href", c); return { + href: V.href, protocol: V.protocol ? + V.protocol.replace(/:$/, "") : "", host:, search: ?^\?/, "") : "", hash: V.hash ? V.hash.replace(/^#/, "") : "", hostname: V.hostname, port: V.port, pathname: "/" === V.pathname.charAt(0) ? V.pathname : "/" + V.pathname + } + } function Pb(b) { b = x(b) ? ta(b) : b; return b.protocol === Oc.protocol && === } function se() { this.$get = $(N) } function oc(b) { + function a(d, e) { if (R(d)) { var f = {}; q(d, function (b, c) { f[c] = a(c, b) }); return f } return b.factory(d + c, e) } var c = "Filter"; this.register = a; this.$get = ["$injector", function (a) { + return function (b) { + return a.get(b + + c) + } + }]; a("currency", Pc); a("date", Qc); a("filter", Qe); a("json", Re); a("limitTo", Se); a("lowercase", Te); a("number", Rc); a("orderBy", Sc); a("uppercase", Ue) + } function Qe() { + return function (b, a, c) { + if (!M(b)) return b; var d = typeof c, e = []; e.check = function (a) { for (var b = 0; b < e.length; b++) if (!e[b](a)) return !1; return !0 }; "function" !== d && (c = "boolean" === d && c ? function (a, b) { return Qa.equals(a, b) } : function (a, b) { + if (a && b && "object" === typeof a && "object" === typeof b) { + for (var d in a) if ("$" !== d.charAt(0) &&, d) && c(a[d], b[d])) return !0; + return !1 + } b = ("" + b).toLowerCase(); return -1 < ("" + a).toLowerCase().indexOf(b) + }); var f = function (a, b) { if ("string" == typeof b && "!" === b.charAt(0)) return !f(a, b.substr(1)); switch (typeof a) { case "boolean": case "number": case "string": return c(a, b); case "object": switch (typeof b) { case "object": return c(a, b); default: for (var d in a) if ("$" !== d.charAt(0) && f(a[d], b)) return !0 } return !1; case "array": for (d = 0; d < a.length; d++) if (f(a[d], b)) return !0; return !1; default: return !1 } }; switch (typeof a) { + case "boolean": case "number": case "string": a = + { $: a }; case "object": for (var g in a) (function (b) { "undefined" != typeof a[b] && e.push(function (c) { return f("$" == b ? c : c && c[b], a[b]) }) })(g); break; case "function": e.push(a); break; default: return b + } d = []; for (g = 0; g < b.length; g++) { var h = b[g]; e.check(h) && d.push(h) } return d + } + } function Pc(b) { var a = b.NUMBER_FORMATS; return function (b, d) { A(d) && (d = a.CURRENCY_SYM); return Tc(b, a.PATTERNS[1], a.GROUP_SEP, a.DECIMAL_SEP, 2).replace(/\u00A4/g, d) } } function Rc(b) { + var a = b.NUMBER_FORMATS; return function (b, d) { + return Tc(b, a.PATTERNS[0], + a.GROUP_SEP, a.DECIMAL_SEP, d) + } + } function Tc(b, a, c, d, e) { + if (null == b || !isFinite(b) || R(b)) return ""; var f = 0 > b; b = Math.abs(b); var g = b + "", h = "", m = [], k = !1; if (-1 !== g.indexOf("e")) { var l = g.match(/([\d\.]+)e(-?)(\d+)/); l && "-" == l[2] && l[3] > e + 1 ? g = "0" : (h = g, k = !0) } if (k) 0 < e && (-1 < b && 1 > b) && (h = b.toFixed(e)); else { + g = (g.split(Uc)[1] || "").length; A(e) && (e = Math.min(Math.max(a.minFrac, g), a.maxFrac)); g = Math.pow(10, e); b = Math.round(b * g) / g; b = ("" + b).split(Uc); g = b[0]; b = b[1] || ""; var l = 0, p = a.lgSize, n = a.gSize; if (g.length >= p + n) for (l = g.length - + p, k = 0; k < l; k++) 0 === (l - k) % n && 0 !== k && (h += c), h += g.charAt(k); for (k = l; k < g.length; k++) 0 === (g.length - k) % p && 0 !== k && (h += c), h += g.charAt(k); for (; b.length < e;) b += "0"; e && "0" !== e && (h += d + b.substr(0, e)) + } m.push(f ? a.negPre : a.posPre); m.push(h); m.push(f ? a.negSuf : a.posSuf); return m.join("") + } function vb(b, a, c) { var d = ""; 0 > b && (d = "-", b = -b); for (b = "" + b; b.length < a;) b = "0" + b; c && (b = b.substr(b.length - a)); return d + b } function X(b, a, c, d) { c = c || 0; return function (e) { e = e["get" + b](); if (0 < c || e > -c) e += c; 0 === e && -12 == c && (e = 12); return vb(e, a, d) } } + function wb(b, a) { return function (c, d) { var e = c["get" + b](), f = Fa(a ? "SHORT" + b : b); return d[f][e] } } function Vc(b) { var a = (new Date(b, 0, 1)).getDay(); return new Date(b, 0, (4 >= a ? 5 : 12) - a) } function Wc(b) { return function (a) { var c = Vc(a.getFullYear()); a = +new Date(a.getFullYear(), a.getMonth(), a.getDate() + (4 - a.getDay())) - +c; a = 1 + Math.round(a / 6048E5); return vb(a, b) } } function Qc(b) { + function a(a) { + var b; if (b = a.match(c)) { + a = new Date(0); var f = 0, g = 0, h = b[8] ? a.setUTCFullYear : a.setFullYear, m = b[8] ? a.setUTCHours : a.setHours; b[9] && + (f = Q(b[9] + b[10]), g = Q(b[9] + b[11]));, Q(b[1]), Q(b[2]) - 1, Q(b[3])); f = Q(b[4] || 0) - f; g = Q(b[5] || 0) - g; h = Q(b[6] || 0); b = Math.round(1E3 * parseFloat("0." + (b[7] || 0)));, f, g, h, b) + } return a + } var c = /^(\d{4})-?(\d\d)-?(\d\d)(?:T(\d\d)(?::?(\d\d)(?::?(\d\d)(?:\.(\d+))?)?)?(Z|([+-])(\d\d):?(\d\d))?)?$/; return function (c, e) { + var f = "", g = [], h, m; e = e || "mediumDate"; e = b.DATETIME_FORMATS[e] || e; x(c) && (c = Ve.test(c) ? Q(c) : a(c)); Cb(c) && (c = new Date(c)); if (!qa(c)) return c; for (; e;) (m = We.exec(e)) ? (g = g.concat(, 1)), e = + g.pop()) : (g.push(e), e = null); q(g, function (a) { h = Xe[a]; f += h ? h(c, b.DATETIME_FORMATS) : a.replace(/(^'|'$)/g, "").replace(/''/g, "'") }); return f + } + } function Re() { return function (b) { return sa(b, !0) } } function Se() { return function (b, a) { if (!M(b) && !x(b)) return b; a = Infinity === Math.abs(Number(a)) ? Number(a) : Q(a); if (x(b)) return a ? 0 <= a ? b.slice(0, a) : b.slice(a, b.length) : ""; var c = [], d, e; a > b.length ? a = b.length : a < -b.length && (a = -b.length); 0 < a ? (d = 0, e = a) : (d = b.length + a, e = b.length); for (; d < e; d++) c.push(b[d]); return c } } function Sc(b) { + return function (a, + c, d) { + function e(a, b) { return Pa(b) ? function (b, c) { return a(c, b) } : a } function f(a, b) { var c = typeof a, d = typeof b; return c == d ? ("string" == c && (a = a.toLowerCase(), b = b.toLowerCase()), a === b ? 0 : a < b ? -1 : 1) : c < d ? -1 : 1 } if (!M(a) || !c) return a; c = M(c) ? c : [c]; c = fd(c, function (a) { var c = !1, d = a || Da; if (x(a)) { if ("+" == a.charAt(0) || "-" == a.charAt(0)) c = "-" == a.charAt(0), a = a.substring(1); d = b(a); if (d.constant) { var g = d(); return e(function (a, b) { return f(a[g], b[g]) }, c) } } return e(function (a, b) { return f(d(a), d(b)) }, c) }); for (var g = [], h = 0; h < a.length; h++) g.push(a[h]); + return g.sort(e(function (a, b) { for (var d = 0; d < c.length; d++) { var e = c[d](a, b); if (0 !== e) return e } return 0 }, d)) + } + } function wa(b) { O(b) && (b = { link: b }); b.restrict = b.restrict || "AC"; return $(b) } function Xc(b, a, c, d) { + function e(a, c) { c = c ? "-" + ib(c, "-") : ""; d.removeClass(b, (a ? xb : yb) + c); d.addClass(b, (a ? yb : xb) + c) } var f = this, g = b.parent().controller("form") || zb, h = 0, m = f.$error = {}, k = []; f.$name = || a.ngForm; f.$dirty = !1; f.$pristine = !0; f.$valid = !0; f.$invalid = !1; g.$addControl(f); b.addClass(Ma); e(!0); f.$addControl = function (a) { + Aa(a.$name, + "input"); k.push(a); a.$name && (f[a.$name] = a) + }; f.$removeControl = function (a) { a.$name && f[a.$name] === a && delete f[a.$name]; q(m, function (b, c) { f.$setValidity(c, !0, a) }); Ea(k, a) }; f.$setValidity = function (a, b, c) { var d = m[a]; if (b) d && (Ea(d, c), d.length || (h--, h || (e(b), f.$valid = !0, f.$invalid = !1), m[a] = !1, e(!0, a), g.$setValidity(a, !0, f))); else { h || e(b); if (d) { if (-1 != fb(d, c)) return } else m[a] = d = [], h++, e(!1, a), g.$setValidity(a, !1, f); d.push(c); f.$valid = !1; f.$invalid = !0 } }; f.$setDirty = function () { + d.removeClass(b, Ma); d.addClass(b, + Ab); f.$dirty = !0; f.$pristine = !1; g.$setDirty() + }; f.$setPristine = function () { d.removeClass(b, Ab); d.addClass(b, Ma); f.$dirty = !1; f.$pristine = !0; q(k, function (a) { a.$setPristine() }) } + } function pa(b, a, c, d) { b.$setValidity(a, c); return c ? d : s } function Ye(b, a, c) { var d = c.prop("validity"); R(d) && b.$parsers.push(function (c) { if (b.$error[a] || !(d.badInput || d.customError || d.typeMismatch) || d.valueMissing) return c; b.$setValidity(a, !1) }) } function ab(b, a, c, d, e, f) { + var g = a.prop("validity"), h = a[0].placeholder, m = {}; if (! { + var k = + !1; a.on("compositionstart", function (a) { k = !0 }); a.on("compositionend", function () { k = !1; l() }) + } var l = function (e) { if (!k) { var f = a.val(), n = e && e.type; if (P && "input" === (e || m).type && a[0].placeholder !== h) h = a[0].placeholder; else if (Pa(c.ngTrim || "T") && (f = Y(f)), d.$viewValue !== f || g && "" === f && !g.valueMissing) b.$$phase ? d.$setViewValue(f, n) : b.$apply(function () { d.$setViewValue(f, n) }) } }; if (d.$options && d.$options.updateOn) a.on(d.$options.updateOn, l); if (!d.$options || d.$options.updateOnDefault) { + if (e.hasEvent("input")) a.on("input", + l); else { var p, n = function (a) { p || (p = f.defer(function () { l(a); p = null })) }; a.on("keydown", function (a) { var b = a.keyCode; 91 === b || (15 < b && 19 > b || 37 <= b && 40 >= b) || n(a) }); if (e.hasEvent("paste")) a.on("paste cut", n) } a.on("change", l) + } d.$render = function () { a.val(d.$isEmpty(d.$viewValue) ? "" : d.$viewValue) }; var r = c.ngPattern; r && ((e = r.match(/^\/(.*)\/([gim]*)$/)) ? (r = RegExp(e[1], e[2]), e = function (a) { return pa(d, "pattern", d.$isEmpty(a) || r.test(a), a) }) : e = function (c) { + var e = b.$eval(r); if (!e || !e.test) throw I("ngPattern")("noregexp", + r, e, ga(a)); return pa(d, "pattern", d.$isEmpty(c) || e.test(c), c) + }, d.$formatters.push(e), d.$parsers.push(e)); if (c.ngMinlength) { var q = Q(c.ngMinlength); e = function (a) { return pa(d, "minlength", d.$isEmpty(a) || a.length >= q, a) }; d.$parsers.push(e); d.$formatters.push(e) } if (c.ngMaxlength) { var J = Q(c.ngMaxlength); e = function (a) { return pa(d, "maxlength", d.$isEmpty(a) || a.length <= J, a) }; d.$parsers.push(e); d.$formatters.push(e) } + } function Bb(b, a) { + return function (c) { + var d; return qa(c) ? c : x(c) && (b.lastIndex = 0, c = b.exec(c)) ? (c.shift(), + d = { yyyy: 0, MM: 1, dd: 1, HH: 0, mm: 0 }, q(c, function (b, c) { c < a.length && (d[a[c]] = +b) }), new Date(d.yyyy, d.MM - 1, d.dd, d.HH, : NaN + } + } function bb(b, a, c, d) { + return function (e, f, g, h, m, k, l) { + ab(e, f, g, h, m, k); h.$parsers.push(function (d) { if (h.$isEmpty(d)) return h.$setValidity(b, !0), null; if (a.test(d)) return h.$setValidity(b, !0), c(d); h.$setValidity(b, !1); return s }); h.$formatters.push(function (a) { return qa(a) ? l("date")(a, d) : "" }); g.min && (e = function (a) { + var b = h.$isEmpty(a) || c(a) >= c(g.min); h.$setValidity("min", b); return b ? a : + s + }, h.$parsers.push(e), h.$formatters.push(e)); g.max && (e = function (a) { var b = h.$isEmpty(a) || c(a) <= c(g.max); h.$setValidity("max", b); return b ? a : s }, h.$parsers.push(e), h.$formatters.push(e)) + } + } function Xb(b, a) { + b = "ngClass" + b; return ["$animate", function (c) { + function d(a, b) { var c = [], d = 0; a: for (; d < a.length; d++) { for (var e = a[d], l = 0; l < b.length; l++) if (e == b[l]) continue a; c.push(e) } return c } function e(a) { if (!M(a)) { if (x(a)) return a.split(" "); if (R(a)) { var b = []; q(a, function (a, c) { a && b.push(c) }); return b } } return a } return { + restrict: "AC", + link: function (f, g, h) { + function m(a, b) { var c ="$classCounts") || {}, d = []; q(a, function (a) { if (0 < b || c[a]) c[a] = (c[a] || 0) + b, c[a] === +(0 < b) && d.push(a) });"$classCounts", c); return d.join(" ") } function k(b) { if (!0 === a || f.$index % 2 === a) { var k = e(b || []); if (!l) { var q = m(k, 1); h.$addClass(q) } else if (!ya(b, l)) { var t = e(l), q = d(k, t), k = d(t, k), k = m(k, -1), q = m(q, 1); 0 === q.length ? c.removeClass(g, k) : 0 === k.length ? c.addClass(g, q) : c.setClass(g, q, k) } } l = aa(b) } var l; f.$watch(h[b], k, !0); h.$observe("class", function (a) { k(f.$eval(h[b])) }); + "ngClass" !== b && f.$watch("$index", function (c, d) { var g = c & 1; if (g !== d & 1) { var k = e(f.$eval(h[b])); g === a ? (g = m(k, 1), h.$addClass(g)) : (g = m(k, -1), h.$removeClass(g)) } }) + } + } + }] + } var u = function (b) { return x(b) ? b.toLowerCase() : b }, Mc = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, Fa = function (b) { return x(b) ? b.toUpperCase() : b }, P, y, Ga, ra = [].slice, Ze = [].push, xa = Object.prototype.toString, Oa = I("ng"), Qa = N.angular || (N.angular = {}), Sa, La, ka = ["0", "0", "0"]; P = Q((/msie (\d+)/.exec(u(navigator.userAgent)) || [])[1]); isNaN(P) && (P = Q((/trident\/.*; rv:(\d+)/.exec(u(navigator.userAgent)) || + [])[1])); D.$inject = []; Da.$inject = []; var Y = function () { return String.prototype.trim ? function (b) { return x(b) ? b.trim() : b } : function (b) { return x(b) ? b.replace(/^\s\s*/, "").replace(/\s\s*$/, "") : b } }(); La = 9 > P ? function (b) { b = b.nodeName ? b : b[0]; return b.scopeName && "HTML" != b.scopeName ? Fa(b.scopeName + ":" + b.nodeName) : b.nodeName } : function (b) { return b.nodeName ? b.nodeName : b[0].nodeName }; var hc = ["ng-", "data-ng-", "ng:", "x-ng-"], jd = /[A-Z]/g, md = { full: "1.3.0-beta.7", major: 1, minor: 3, dot: 0, codeName: "proper-attribution" }, Va = + U.cache = {}, jb = U.expando = "ng-" + (new Date).getTime(), Be = 1, sb = N.document.addEventListener ? function (b, a, c) { b.addEventListener(a, c, !1) } : function (b, a, c) { b.attachEvent("on" + a, c) }, Ua = N.document.removeEventListener ? function (b, a, c) { b.removeEventListener(a, c, !1) } : function (b, a, c) { b.detachEvent("on" + a, c) }; U._data = function (b) { return this.cache[b[this.expando]] || {} }; var ve = /([\:\-\_]+(.))/g, we = /^moz([A-Z])/, Kb = I("jqLite"), Ae = /^<(\w+)\s*\/?>(?:<\/\1>|)$/, Jb = /<|&#?\w+;/, ye = /<([\w:]+)/, ze = /<(?!area|br|col|embed|hr|img|input|link|meta|param)(([\w:]+)[^>]*)\/>/gi, + da = { option: [1, '"], thead: [1, "", "
"], col: [2, "", "
"], tr: [2, "", "
"], td: [3, "", "
"], _default: [0, "", ""] }; da.optgroup = da.option; da.tbody = da.tfoot = da.colgroup = da.caption = da.thead; =; var Ka = U.prototype = { + ready: function (b) { function a() { c || (c = !0, b()) } var c = !1; "complete" === S.readyState ? setTimeout(a) : (this.on("DOMContentLoaded", a), U(N).on("load", a)) }, + toString: function () { var b = []; q(this, function (a) { b.push("" + a) }); return "[" + b.join(", ") + "]" }, eq: function (b) { return 0 <= b ? y(this[b]) : y(this[this.length + b]) }, length: 0, push: Ze, sort: [].sort, splice: [].splice + }, nb = {}; q("multiple selected checked disabled readOnly required open".split(" "), function (b) { nb[u(b)] = b }); var wc = {}; q("input select option textarea button form details".split(" "), function (b) { wc[Fa(b)] = !0 }); q({ + data: sc, inheritedData: mb, scope: function (b) { + return y(b).data("$scope") || mb(b.parentNode || b, ["$isolateScope", + "$scope"]) + }, isolateScope: function (b) { return y(b).data("$isolateScope") || y(b).data("$isolateScopeNoTemplate") }, controller: tc, injector: function (b) { return mb(b, "$injector") }, removeAttr: function (b, a) { b.removeAttribute(a) }, hasClass: Mb, css: function (b, a, c) { a = Ta(a); if (F(c))[a] = c; else { var d; 8 >= P && (d = b.currentStyle && b.currentStyle[a], "" === d && (d = "auto")); d = d ||[a]; 8 >= P && (d = "" === d ? s : d); return d } }, attr: function (b, a, c) { + var d = u(a); if (nb[d]) if (F(c)) c ? (b[a] = !0, b.setAttribute(a, d)) : (b[a] = !1, b.removeAttribute(d)); + else return b[a] || (b.attributes.getNamedItem(a) || D).specified ? d : s; else if (F(c)) b.setAttribute(a, c); else if (b.getAttribute) return b = b.getAttribute(a, 2), null === b ? s : b + }, prop: function (b, a, c) { if (F(c)) b[a] = c; else return b[a] }, text: function () { function b(b, d) { var e = a[b.nodeType]; if (A(d)) return e ? b[e] : ""; b[e] = d } var a = []; 9 > P ? (a[1] = "innerText", a[3] = "nodeValue") : a[1] = a[3] = "textContent"; b.$dv = ""; return b }(), val: function (b, a) { + if (A(a)) { + if ("SELECT" === La(b) && b.multiple) { + var c = []; q(b.options, function (a) { + a.selected && + c.push(a.value || a.text) + }); return 0 === c.length ? null : c + } return b.value + } b.value = a + }, html: function (b, a) { if (A(a)) return b.innerHTML; for (var c = 0, d = b.childNodes; c < d.length; c++) Ha(d[c]); b.innerHTML = a }, empty: uc + }, function (b, a) { + U.prototype[a] = function (a, d) { + var e, f; if (b !== uc && (2 == b.length && b !== Mb && b !== tc ? a : d) === s) { + if (R(a)) { for (e = 0; e < this.length; e++) if (b === sc) b(this[e], a); else for (f in a) b(this[e], f, a[f]); return this } e = b.$dv; f = e === s ? Math.min(this.length, 1) : this.length; for (var g = 0; g < f; g++) { + var h = b(this[g], a, d); e = + e ? e + h : h + } return e + } for (e = 0; e < this.length; e++) b(this[e], a, d); return this + } + }); q({ + removeData: qc, dealoc: Ha, on: function a(c, d, e, f) { + if (F(f)) throw Kb("onargs"); var g = la(c, "events"), h = la(c, "handle"); g || la(c, "events", g = {}); h || la(c, "handle", h = Ce(c, g)); q(d.split(" "), function (d) { + var f = g[d]; if (!f) { + if ("mouseenter" == d || "mouseleave" == d) { + var l = S.body.contains || S.body.compareDocumentPosition ? function (a, c) { + var d = 9 === a.nodeType ? a.documentElement : a, e = c && c.parentNode; return a === e || !!(e && 1 === e.nodeType && (d.contains ? d.contains(e) : + a.compareDocumentPosition && a.compareDocumentPosition(e) & 16)) + } : function (a, c) { if (c) for (; c = c.parentNode;) if (c === a) return !0; return !1 }; g[d] = []; a(c, { mouseleave: "mouseout", mouseenter: "mouseover" }[d], function (a) { var c = a.relatedTarget; c && (c === this || l(this, c)) || h(a, d) }) + } else sb(c, d, h), g[d] = []; f = g[d] + } f.push(e) + }) + }, off: rc, one: function (a, c, d) { a = y(a); a.on(c, function f() {, d);, f) }); a.on(c, d) }, replaceWith: function (a, c) { + var d, e = a.parentNode; Ha(a); q(new U(c), function (c) { + d ? e.insertBefore(c, d.nextSibling) : + e.replaceChild(c, a); d = c + }) + }, children: function (a) { var c = []; q(a.childNodes, function (a) { 1 === a.nodeType && c.push(a) }); return c }, contents: function (a) { return a.contentDocument || a.childNodes || [] }, append: function (a, c) { q(new U(c), function (c) { 1 !== a.nodeType && 11 !== a.nodeType || a.appendChild(c) }) }, prepend: function (a, c) { if (1 === a.nodeType) { var d = a.firstChild; q(new U(c), function (c) { a.insertBefore(c, d) }) } }, wrap: function (a, c) { c = y(c)[0]; var d = a.parentNode; d && d.replaceChild(c, a); c.appendChild(a) }, remove: function (a) { + Ha(a); + var c = a.parentNode; c && c.removeChild(a) + }, after: function (a, c) { var d = a, e = a.parentNode; q(new U(c), function (a) { e.insertBefore(a, d.nextSibling); d = a }) }, addClass: lb, removeClass: kb, toggleClass: function (a, c, d) { c && q(c.split(" "), function (c) { var f = d; A(f) && (f = !Mb(a, c)); (f ? lb : kb)(a, c) }) }, parent: function (a) { return (a = a.parentNode) && 11 !== a.nodeType ? a : null }, next: function (a) { if (a.nextElementSibling) return a.nextElementSibling; for (a = a.nextSibling; null != a && 1 !== a.nodeType;) a = a.nextSibling; return a }, find: function (a, c) { + return a.getElementsByTagName ? + a.getElementsByTagName(c) : [] + }, clone: Lb, triggerHandler: function (a, c, d) { c = (la(a, "events") || {})[c]; d = d || []; var e = [{ preventDefault: D, stopPropagation: D }]; q(c, function (c) { c.apply(a, e.concat(d)) }) } + }, function (a, c) { U.prototype[c] = function (c, e, f) { for (var g, h = 0; h < this.length; h++) A(g) ? (g = a(this[h], c, e, f), F(g) && (g = y(g))) : pc(g, a(this[h], c, e, f)); return F(g) ? g : this }; U.prototype.bind = U.prototype.on; U.prototype.unbind = }); Wa.prototype = { + put: function (a, c) { this[Ia(a)] = c }, get: function (a) { return this[Ia(a)] }, + remove: function (a) { var c = this[a = Ia(a)]; delete this[a]; return c } + }; var yc = /^function\s*[^\(]*\(\s*([^\)]*)\)/m, Ee = /,/, Fe = /^\s*(_?)(\S+?)\1\s*$/, xc = /((\/\/.*$)|(\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\/))/mg, Ja = I("$injector"); Eb.$$annotate = Nb; var $e = I("$animate"), Zd = ["$provide", function (a) { + this.$$selectors = {}; this.register = function (c, d) { var e = c + "-animation"; if (c && "." != c.charAt(0)) throw $e("notcsel", c); this.$$selectors[c.substr(1)] = e; a.factory(e, d) }; this.classNameFilter = function (a) { + 1 === arguments.length && (this.$$classNameFilter = + a instanceof RegExp ? a : null); return this.$$classNameFilter + }; this.$get = ["$timeout", "$$asyncCallback", function (a, d) { + return { + enter: function (a, c, g, h) { g ? g.after(a) : c.prepend(a); h && d(h) }, leave: function (a, c) { a.remove(); c && d(c) }, move: function (a, c, d, h) { this.enter(a, c, d, h) }, addClass: function (a, c, g) { c = x(c) ? c : M(c) ? c.join(" ") : ""; q(a, function (a) { lb(a, c) }); g && d(g) }, removeClass: function (a, c, g) { c = x(c) ? c : M(c) ? c.join(" ") : ""; q(a, function (a) { kb(a, c) }); g && d(g) }, setClass: function (a, c, g, h) { + q(a, function (a) { lb(a, c); kb(a, g) }); + h && d(h) + }, enabled: D + } + }] + }], ia = I("$compile"); kc.$inject = ["$provide", "$$sanitizeUriProvider"]; var Ie = /^(x[\:\-_]|data[\:\-_])/i, Ec = I("$interpolate"), af = /^([^\?#]*)(\?([^#]*))?(#(.*))?$/, Le = { http: 80, https: 443, ftp: 21 }, Sb = I("$location"); Ub.prototype = Tb.prototype = Hc.prototype = { + $$html5: !1, $$replace: !1, absUrl: tb("$$absUrl"), url: function (a, c) { if (A(a)) return this.$$url; var d = af.exec(a); d[1] && this.path(decodeURIComponent(d[1])); (d[2] || d[1]) &&[3] || ""); this.hash(d[5] || "", c); return this }, protocol: tb("$$protocol"), + host: tb("$$host"), port: tb("$$port"), path: Ic("$$path", function (a) { return "/" == a.charAt(0) ? a : "/" + a }), search: function (a, c) { switch (arguments.length) { case 0: return this.$$search; case 1: if (x(a)) this.$$search = gc(a); else if (R(a)) this.$$search = a; else throw Sb("isrcharg"); break; default: A(c) || null === c ? delete this.$$search[a] : this.$$search[a] = c } this.$$compose(); return this }, hash: Ic("$$hash", Da), replace: function () { this.$$replace = !0; return this } + }; var Ba = I("$parse"), Lc = {}, ua, Na = { + "null": function () { return null }, "true": function () { return !0 }, + "false": function () { return !1 }, undefined: D, "+": function (a, c, d, e) { d = d(a, c); e = e(a, c); return F(d) ? F(e) ? d + e : d : F(e) ? e : s }, "-": function (a, c, d, e) { d = d(a, c); e = e(a, c); return (F(d) ? d : 0) - (F(e) ? e : 0) }, "*": function (a, c, d, e) { return d(a, c) * e(a, c) }, "/": function (a, c, d, e) { return d(a, c) / e(a, c) }, "%": function (a, c, d, e) { return d(a, c) % e(a, c) }, "^": function (a, c, d, e) { return d(a, c) ^ e(a, c) }, "=": D, "===": function (a, c, d, e) { return d(a, c) === e(a, c) }, "!==": function (a, c, d, e) { return d(a, c) !== e(a, c) }, "==": function (a, c, d, e) { + return d(a, c) == e(a, + c) + }, "!=": function (a, c, d, e) { return d(a, c) != e(a, c) }, "<": function (a, c, d, e) { return d(a, c) < e(a, c) }, ">": function (a, c, d, e) { return d(a, c) > e(a, c) }, "<=": function (a, c, d, e) { return d(a, c) <= e(a, c) }, ">=": function (a, c, d, e) { return d(a, c) >= e(a, c) }, "&&": function (a, c, d, e) { return d(a, c) && e(a, c) }, "||": function (a, c, d, e) { return d(a, c) || e(a, c) }, "&": function (a, c, d, e) { return d(a, c) & e(a, c) }, "|": function (a, c, d, e) { return e(a, c)(a, c, d(a, c)) }, "!": function (a, c, d) { return !d(a, c) } + }, bf = { n: "\n", f: "\f", r: "\r", t: "\t", v: "\v", "'": "'", '"': '"' }, + Wb = function (a) { this.options = a }; Wb.prototype = { + constructor: Wb, lex: function (a) { + this.text = a; this.index = 0; = s; this.lastCh = ":"; this.tokens = []; var c; for (a = []; this.index < this.text.length;) { + = this.text.charAt(this.index); if ("\"'")) this.readString(; else if (this.isNumber( ||".") && this.isNumber(this.peek())) this.readNumber(); else if (this.isIdent( this.readIdent(), this.was("{,") && ("{" === a[0] && (c = this.tokens[this.tokens.length - 1])) && (c.json = -1 === c.text.indexOf(".")); + else if ("(){}[].,;:?")) this.tokens.push({ index: this.index, text:, json: this.was(":[,") &&"{[") ||"}]:,") }),"{[") && a.unshift(,"}]") && a.shift(), this.index++; else if (this.isWhitespace( { this.index++; continue } else { + var d = + this.peek(), e = d + this.peek(2), f = Na[], g = Na[d], h = Na[e]; h ? (this.tokens.push({ index: this.index, text: e, fn: h }), this.index += 3) : g ? (this.tokens.push({ index: this.index, text: d, fn: g }), this.index += 2) : f ? (this.tokens.push({ + index: this.index, + text:, fn: f, json: this.was("[,:") &&"+-") + }), this.index += 1) : this.throwError("Unexpected next character ", this.index, this.index + 1) + } this.lastCh = + } return this.tokens + }, is: function (a) { return -1 !== a.indexOf( }, was: function (a) { return -1 !== a.indexOf(this.lastCh) }, peek: function (a) { a = a || 1; return this.index + a < this.text.length ? this.text.charAt(this.index + a) : !1 }, isNumber: function (a) { return "0" <= a && "9" >= a }, isWhitespace: function (a) { + return " " === a || "\r" === a || "\t" === a || "\n" === a || "\v" === a || "\u00a0" === + a + }, isIdent: function (a) { return "a" <= a && "z" >= a || "A" <= a && "Z" >= a || "_" === a || "$" === a }, isExpOperator: function (a) { return "-" === a || "+" === a || this.isNumber(a) }, throwError: function (a, c, d) { d = d || this.index; c = F(c) ? "s " + c + "-" + this.index + " [" + this.text.substring(c, d) + "]" : " " + d; throw Ba("lexerr", a, c, this.text); }, readNumber: function () { + for (var a = "", c = this.index; this.index < this.text.length;) { + var d = u(this.text.charAt(this.index)); if ("." == d || this.isNumber(d)) a += d; else { + var e = this.peek(); if ("e" == d && this.isExpOperator(e)) a += + d; else if (this.isExpOperator(d) && e && this.isNumber(e) && "e" == a.charAt(a.length - 1)) a += d; else if (!this.isExpOperator(d) || e && this.isNumber(e) || "e" != a.charAt(a.length - 1)) break; else this.throwError("Invalid exponent") + } this.index++ + } a *= 1; this.tokens.push({ index: c, text: a, json: !0, fn: function () { return a } }) + }, readIdent: function () { + for (var a = this, c = "", d = this.index, e, f, g, h; this.index < this.text.length;) { + h = this.text.charAt(this.index); if ("." === h || this.isIdent(h) || this.isNumber(h)) "." === h && (e = this.index), c += h; else break; + this.index++ + } if (e) for (f = this.index; f < this.text.length;) { h = this.text.charAt(f); if ("(" === h) { g = c.substr(e - d + 1); c = c.substr(0, e - d); this.index = f; break } if (this.isWhitespace(h)) f++; else break } d = { index: d, text: c }; if (Na.hasOwnProperty(c)) d.fn = Na[c], d.json = Na[c]; else { var m = Kc(c, this.options, this.text); d.fn = w(function (a, c) { return m(a, c) }, { assign: function (d, e) { return ub(d, c, e, a.text, a.options) } }) } this.tokens.push(d); g && (this.tokens.push({ index: e, text: ".", json: !1 }), this.tokens.push({ index: e + 1, text: g, json: !1 })) + }, + readString: function (a) { + var c = this.index; this.index++; for (var d = "", e = a, f = !1; this.index < this.text.length;) { + var g = this.text.charAt(this.index), e = e + g; if (f) "u" === g ? (g = this.text.substring(this.index + 1, this.index + 5), g.match(/[\da-f]{4}/i) || this.throwError("Invalid unicode escape [\\u" + g + "]"), this.index += 4, d += String.fromCharCode(parseInt(g, 16))) : d = (f = bf[g]) ? d + f : d + g, f = !1; else if ("\\" === g) f = !0; else { + if (g === a) { this.index++; this.tokens.push({ index: c, text: e, string: d, json: !0, fn: function () { return d } }); return } d += + g + } this.index++ + } this.throwError("Unterminated quote", c) + } + }; var $a = function (a, c, d) { this.lexer = a; this.$filter = c; this.options = d }; $a.ZERO = w(function () { return 0 }, { constant: !0 }); $a.prototype = { + constructor: $a, parse: function (a, c) { + this.text = a; this.json = c; this.tokens = this.lexer.lex(a); c && (this.assignment = this.logicalOR, this.functionCall = this.fieldAccess = this.objectIndex = this.filterChain = function () { this.throwError("is not valid json", { text: a, index: 0 }) }); var d = c ? this.primary() : this.statements(); 0 !== this.tokens.length && + this.throwError("is an unexpected token", this.tokens[0]); d.literal = !!d.literal; d.constant = !!d.constant; return d + }, primary: function () { + var a; if (this.expect("(")) a = this.filterChain(), this.consume(")"); else if (this.expect("[")) a = this.arrayDeclaration(); else if (this.expect("{")) a = this.object(); else { var c = this.expect(); (a = c.fn) || this.throwError("not a primary expression", c); c.json && (a.constant = !0, a.literal = !0) } for (var d; c = this.expect("(", "[", ".") ;) "(" === c.text ? (a = this.functionCall(a, d), d = null) : "[" === c.text ? + (d = a, a = this.objectIndex(a)) : "." === c.text ? (d = a, a = this.fieldAccess(a)) : this.throwError("IMPOSSIBLE"); return a + }, throwError: function (a, c) { throw Ba("syntax", c.text, a, c.index + 1, this.text, this.text.substring(c.index)); }, peekToken: function () { if (0 === this.tokens.length) throw Ba("ueoe", this.text); return this.tokens[0] }, peek: function (a, c, d, e) { if (0 < this.tokens.length) { var f = this.tokens[0], g = f.text; if (g === a || g === c || g === d || g === e || !(a || c || d || e)) return f } return !1 }, expect: function (a, c, d, e) { + return (a = this.peek(a, c, d, + e)) ? (this.json && !a.json && this.throwError("is not valid json", a), this.tokens.shift(), a) : !1 + }, consume: function (a) { this.expect(a) || this.throwError("is unexpected, expecting [" + a + "]", this.peek()) }, unaryFn: function (a, c) { return w(function (d, e) { return a(d, e, c) }, { constant: c.constant }) }, ternaryFn: function (a, c, d) { return w(function (e, f) { return a(e, f) ? c(e, f) : d(e, f) }, { constant: a.constant && c.constant && d.constant }) }, binaryFn: function (a, c, d) { return w(function (e, f) { return c(e, f, a, d) }, { constant: a.constant && d.constant }) }, + statements: function () { for (var a = []; ;) if (0 < this.tokens.length && !this.peek("}", ")", ";", "]") && a.push(this.filterChain()), !this.expect(";")) return 1 === a.length ? a[0] : function (c, d) { for (var e, f = 0; f < a.length; f++) { var g = a[f]; g && (e = g(c, d)) } return e } }, filterChain: function () { for (var a = this.expression(), c; ;) if (c = this.expect("|")) a = this.binaryFn(a, c.fn, this.filter()); else return a }, filter: function () { + for (var a = this.expect(), c = this.$filter(a.text), d = []; ;) if (a = this.expect(":")) d.push(this.expression()); else { + var e = + function (a, e, h) { h = [h]; for (var m = 0; m < d.length; m++) h.push(d[m](a, e)); return c.apply(a, h) }; return function () { return e } + } + }, expression: function () { return this.assignment() }, assignment: function () { var a = this.ternary(), c, d; return (d = this.expect("=")) ? (a.assign || this.throwError("implies assignment but [" + this.text.substring(0, d.index) + "] can not be assigned to", d), c = this.ternary(), function (d, f) { return a.assign(d, c(d, f), f) }) : a }, ternary: function () { + var a = this.logicalOR(), c, d; if (this.expect("?")) { + c = this.ternary(); + if (d = this.expect(":")) return this.ternaryFn(a, c, this.ternary()); this.throwError("expected :", d) + } else return a + }, logicalOR: function () { for (var a = this.logicalAND(), c; ;) if (c = this.expect("||")) a = this.binaryFn(a, c.fn, this.logicalAND()); else return a }, logicalAND: function () { var a = this.equality(), c; if (c = this.expect("&&")) a = this.binaryFn(a, c.fn, this.logicalAND()); return a }, equality: function () { var a = this.relational(), c; if (c = this.expect("==", "!=", "===", "!==")) a = this.binaryFn(a, c.fn, this.equality()); return a }, + relational: function () { var a = this.additive(), c; if (c = this.expect("<", ">", "<=", ">=")) a = this.binaryFn(a, c.fn, this.relational()); return a }, additive: function () { for (var a = this.multiplicative(), c; c = this.expect("+", "-") ;) a = this.binaryFn(a, c.fn, this.multiplicative()); return a }, multiplicative: function () { for (var a = this.unary(), c; c = this.expect("*", "/", "%") ;) a = this.binaryFn(a, c.fn, this.unary()); return a }, unary: function () { + var a; return this.expect("+") ? this.primary() : (a = this.expect("-")) ? this.binaryFn($a.ZERO, a.fn, + this.unary()) : (a = this.expect("!")) ? this.unaryFn(a.fn, this.unary()) : this.primary() + }, fieldAccess: function (a) { var c = this, d = this.expect().text, e = Kc(d, this.options, this.text); return w(function (c, d, h) { return e(h || a(c, d)) }, { assign: function (e, g, h) { return ub(a(e, h), d, g, c.text, c.options) } }) }, objectIndex: function (a) { + var c = this, d = this.expression(); this.consume("]"); return w(function (e, f) { + var g = a(e, f), h = d(e, f), m; if (!g) return s; (g = Za(g[h], c.text)) && (g.then && c.options.unwrapPromises) && (m = g, "$$v" in g || (m.$$v = s, m.then(function (a) { + m.$$v = + a + })), g = g.$$v); return g + }, { assign: function (e, f, g) { var h = d(e, g); return Za(a(e, g), c.text)[h] = f } }) + }, functionCall: function (a, c) { var d = []; if (")" !== this.peekToken().text) { do d.push(this.expression()); while (this.expect(",")) } this.consume(")"); var e = this; return function (f, g) { for (var h = [], m = c ? c(f, g) : f, k = 0; k < d.length; k++) h.push(d[k](f, g)); k = a(f, g, m) || D; Za(m, e.text); Za(k, e.text); h = k.apply ? k.apply(m, h) : k(h[0], h[1], h[2], h[3], h[4]); return Za(h, e.text) } }, arrayDeclaration: function () { + var a = [], c = !0; if ("]" !== this.peekToken().text) { + do { + if (this.peek("]")) break; + var d = this.expression(); a.push(d); d.constant || (c = !1) + } while (this.expect(",")) + } this.consume("]"); return w(function (c, d) { for (var g = [], h = 0; h < a.length; h++) g.push(a[h](c, d)); return g }, { literal: !0, constant: c }) + }, object: function () { + var a = [], c = !0; if ("}" !== this.peekToken().text) { do { if (this.peek("}")) break; var d = this.expect(), d = d.string || d.text; this.consume(":"); var e = this.expression(); a.push({ key: d, value: e }); e.constant || (c = !1) } while (this.expect(",")) } this.consume("}"); return w(function (c, d) { + for (var e = {}, m = 0; m < + a.length; m++) { var k = a[m]; e[k.key] = k.value(c, d) } return e + }, { literal: !0, constant: c }) + } + }; var Vb = {}, va = I("$sce"), fa = { HTML: "html", CSS: "css", URL: "url", RESOURCE_URL: "resourceUrl", JS: "js" }, V = S.createElement("a"), Oc = ta(N.location.href, !0); oc.$inject = ["$provide"]; Pc.$inject = ["$locale"]; Rc.$inject = ["$locale"]; var Uc = ".", Xe = { + yyyy: X("FullYear", 4), yy: X("FullYear", 2, 0, !0), y: X("FullYear", 1), MMMM: wb("Month"), MMM: wb("Month", !0), MM: X("Month", 2, 1), M: X("Month", 1, 1), dd: X("Date", 2), d: X("Date", 1), HH: X("Hours", 2), H: X("Hours", + 1), hh: X("Hours", 2, -12), h: X("Hours", 1, -12), mm: X("Minutes", 2), m: X("Minutes", 1), ss: X("Seconds", 2), s: X("Seconds", 1), sss: X("Milliseconds", 3), EEEE: wb("Day"), EEE: wb("Day", !0), a: function (a, c) { return 12 > a.getHours() ? c.AMPMS[0] : c.AMPMS[1] }, Z: function (a) { a = -1 * a.getTimezoneOffset(); return a = (0 <= a ? "+" : "") + (vb(Math[0 < a ? "floor" : "ceil"](a / 60), 2) + vb(Math.abs(a % 60), 2)) }, ww: Wc(2), w: Wc(1) + }, We = /((?:[^yMdHhmsaZEw']+)|(?:'(?:[^']|'')*')|(?:E+|y+|M+|d+|H+|h+|m+|s+|a|Z|w+))(.*)/, Ve = /^\-?\d+$/; Qc.$inject = ["$locale"]; var Te = + $(u), Ue = $(Fa); Sc.$inject = ["$parse"]; var pd = $({ restrict: "E", compile: function (a, c) { 8 >= P && (c.href || || c.$set("href", ""), a.append(S.createComment("IE fix"))); if (!c.href && !c.xlinkHref && ! return function (a, c) { var f = "[object SVGAnimatedString]" ==="href")) ? "xlink:href" : "href"; c.on("click", function (a) { c.attr(f) || a.preventDefault() }) } } }), Hb = {}; q(nb, function (a, c) { + if ("multiple" != a) { + var d = na("ng-" + c); Hb[d] = function () { + return { + priority: 100, link: function (a, f, g) { + a.$watch(g[d], function (a) { + g.$set(c, + !!a) + }) + } + } + } + } + }); q(["src", "srcset", "href"], function (a) { var c = na("ng-" + a); Hb[c] = function () { return { priority: 99, link: function (d, e, f) { var g = a, h = a; "href" === a && "[object SVGAnimatedString]" ==="href")) && (h = "xlinkHref", f.$attr[h] = "xlink:href", g = null); f.$observe(c, function (a) { a && (f.$set(h, a), P && g && e.prop(g, f[h])) }) } } } }); var zb = { $addControl: D, $removeControl: D, $setValidity: D, $setDirty: D, $setPristine: D }; Xc.$inject = ["$element", "$attrs", "$scope", "$animate"]; var Yc = function (a) { + return ["$timeout", function (c) { + return { + name: "form", + restrict: a ? "EAC" : "E", controller: Xc, compile: function () { return { pre: function (a, e, f, g) { if (!f.action) { var h = function (a) { a.preventDefault ? a.preventDefault() : a.returnValue = !1 }; sb(e[0], "submit", h); e.on("$destroy", function () { c(function () { Ua(e[0], "submit", h) }, 0, !1) }) } var m = e.parent().controller("form"), k = || f.ngForm; k && ub(a, k, g, k); if (m) e.on("$destroy", function () { m.$removeControl(g); k && ub(a, k, s, k); w(g, zb) }) } } } + } + }] + }, qd = Yc(), Dd = Yc(!0), cf = /^(ftp|http|https):\/\/(\w+:{0,1}\w*@)?(\S+)(:[0-9]+)?(\/|\/([\w#!:.?+=&%@!\-\/]))?$/, + df = /^[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~.-]+@[a-z0-9-]+(\.[a-z0-9-]+)*$/i, ef = /^\s*(\-|\+)?(\d+|(\d*(\.\d*)))\s*$/, Zc = /^(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})$/, $c = /^(\d{4})-(\d\d)-(\d\d)T(\d\d):(\d\d)$/, Yb = /^(\d{4})-W(\d\d)$/, ad = /^(\d{4})-(\d\d)$/, bd = /^(\d\d):(\d\d)$/, ff = /(\b|^)default(\b|$)/, cd = { + text: ab, date: bb("date", Zc, Bb(Zc, ["yyyy", "MM", "dd"]), "yyyy-MM-dd"), "datetime-local": bb("datetimelocal", $c, Bb($c, ["yyyy", "MM", "dd", "HH", "mm"]), "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm"), time: bb("time", bd, Bb(bd, ["HH", "mm"]), "HH:mm"), week: bb("week", Yb, function (a) { + if (qa(a)) return a; + if (x(a)) { Yb.lastIndex = 0; var c = Yb.exec(a); if (c) { a = +c[1]; var d = +c[2], c = Vc(a), d = 7 * (d - 1); return new Date(a, 0, c.getDate() + d) } } return NaN + }, "yyyy-Www"), month: bb("month", ad, Bb(ad, ["yyyy", "MM"]), "yyyy-MM"), number: function (a, c, d, e, f, g) { + ab(a, c, d, e, f, g); e.$parsers.push(function (a) { var c = e.$isEmpty(a); if (c || ef.test(a)) return e.$setValidity("number", !0), "" === a ? null : c ? a : parseFloat(a); e.$setValidity("number", !1); return s }); Ye(e, "number", c); e.$formatters.push(function (a) { return e.$isEmpty(a) ? "" : "" + a }); d.min && (a = function (a) { + var c = + parseFloat(d.min); return pa(e, "min", e.$isEmpty(a) || a >= c, a) + }, e.$parsers.push(a), e.$formatters.push(a)); d.max && (a = function (a) { var c = parseFloat(d.max); return pa(e, "max", e.$isEmpty(a) || a <= c, a) }, e.$parsers.push(a), e.$formatters.push(a)); e.$formatters.push(function (a) { return pa(e, "number", e.$isEmpty(a) || Cb(a), a) }) + }, url: function (a, c, d, e, f, g) { ab(a, c, d, e, f, g); a = function (a) { return pa(e, "url", e.$isEmpty(a) || cf.test(a), a) }; e.$formatters.push(a); e.$parsers.push(a) }, email: function (a, c, d, e, f, g) { + ab(a, c, d, e, f, g); + a = function (a) { return pa(e, "email", e.$isEmpty(a) || df.test(a), a) }; e.$formatters.push(a); e.$parsers.push(a) + }, radio: function (a, c, d, e) { A( && c.attr("name", db()); var f = function (f) { c[0].checked && a.$apply(function () { e.$setViewValue(d.value, f && f.type) }) }; if (e.$options && e.$options.updateOn) c.on(e.$options.updateOn, f); if (!e.$options || e.$options.updateOnDefault) c.on("click", f); e.$render = function () { c[0].checked = d.value == e.$viewValue }; d.$observe("value", e.$render) }, checkbox: function (a, c, d, e) { + var f = d.ngTrueValue, + g = d.ngFalseValue; x(f) || (f = !0); x(g) || (g = !1); d = function (d) { a.$apply(function () { e.$setViewValue(c[0].checked, d && d.type) }) }; if (e.$options && e.$options.updateOn) c.on(e.$options.updateOn, d); if (!e.$options || e.$options.updateOnDefault) c.on("click", d); e.$render = function () { c[0].checked = e.$viewValue }; e.$isEmpty = function (a) { return a !== f }; e.$formatters.push(function (a) { return a === f }); e.$parsers.push(function (a) { return a ? f : g }) + }, hidden: D, button: D, submit: D, reset: D, file: D + }, lc = ["$browser", "$sniffer", "$filter", function (a, + c, d) { return { restrict: "E", require: ["?ngModel"], link: function (e, f, g, h) { h[0] && (cd[u(g.type)] || cd.text)(e, f, g, h[0], c, a, d) } } }], yb = "ng-valid", xb = "ng-invalid", Ma = "ng-pristine", Ab = "ng-dirty", gf = ["$scope", "$exceptionHandler", "$attrs", "$element", "$parse", "$animate", "$timeout", function (a, c, d, e, f, g, h) { + function m(a, c) { c = c ? "-" + ib(c, "-") : ""; g.removeClass(e, (a ? xb : yb) + c); g.addClass(e, (a ? yb : xb) + c) } this.$modelValue = this.$viewValue = Number.NaN; this.$parsers = []; this.$formatters = []; this.$viewChangeListeners = []; this.$pristine = + !0; this.$dirty = !1; this.$valid = !0; this.$invalid = !1; this.$name =; var k = f(d.ngModel), l = k.assign, p = null, n = this; if (!l) throw I("ngModel")("nonassign", d.ngModel, ga(e)); this.$render = D; this.$isEmpty = function (a) { return A(a) || "" === a || null === a || a !== a }; var r = e.inheritedData("$formController") || zb, t = 0, s = this.$error = {}; e.addClass(Ma); m(!0); this.$setValidity = function (a, c) { s[a] !== !c && (c ? (s[a] && t--, t || (m(!0), n.$valid = !0, n.$invalid = !1)) : (m(!1), n.$invalid = !0, n.$valid = !1, t++), s[a] = !c, m(c, a), r.$setValidity(a, c, n)) }; + this.$setPristine = function () { n.$dirty = !1; n.$pristine = !0; g.removeClass(e, Ab); g.addClass(e, Ma) }; this.$cancelUpdate = function () { h.cancel(p); n.$render() }; this.$$realSetViewValue = function (d) { n.$viewValue = d; n.$pristine && (n.$dirty = !0, n.$pristine = !1, g.removeClass(e, Ma), g.addClass(e, Ab), r.$setDirty()); q(n.$parsers, function (a) { d = a(d) }); n.$modelValue !== d && (n.$modelValue = d, l(a, d), q(n.$viewChangeListeners, function (a) { try { a() } catch (d) { c(d) } })) }; this.$setViewValue = function (a, c) { + var d = n.$options && (R(n.$options.debounce) ? + n.$options.debounce[c] || n.$options.debounce["default"] || 0 : n.$options.debounce) || 0; h.cancel(p); d ? p = h(function () { n.$$realSetViewValue(a) }, d) : n.$$realSetViewValue(a) + }; a.$watch(function () { var c = k(a); if (n.$modelValue !== c) { var d = n.$formatters, e = d.length; for (n.$modelValue = c; e--;) c = d[e](c); n.$viewValue !== c && (n.$viewValue = c, n.$render()) } return c }) + }], Sd = function () { + return { + require: ["ngModel", "^?form", "^?ngModelOptions"], controller: gf, link: function (a, c, d, e) { + var f = e[0], g = e[1] || zb; g.$addControl(f); e[2] && (f.$options = + e[2].$options); a.$on("$destroy", function () { g.$removeControl(f) }) + } + } + }, Ud = $({ require: "ngModel", link: function (a, c, d, e) { e.$viewChangeListeners.push(function () { a.$eval(d.ngChange) }) } }), mc = function () { return { require: "?ngModel", link: function (a, c, d, e) { if (e) { d.required = !0; var f = function (a) { if (d.required && e.$isEmpty(a)) e.$setValidity("required", !1); else return e.$setValidity("required", !0), a }; e.$formatters.push(f); e.$parsers.unshift(f); d.$observe("required", function () { f(e.$viewValue) }) } } } }, Td = function () { + return { + require: "ngModel", + link: function (a, c, d, e) { var f = (a = /\/(.*)\//.exec(d.ngList)) && RegExp(a[1]) || d.ngList || ","; e.$parsers.push(function (a) { if (!A(a)) { var c = []; a && q(a.split(f), function (a) { a && c.push(Y(a)) }); return c } }); e.$formatters.push(function (a) { return M(a) ? a.join(", ") : s }); e.$isEmpty = function (a) { return !a || !a.length } } + } + }, hf = /^(true|false|\d+)$/, Vd = function () { + return { + priority: 100, compile: function (a, c) { + return hf.test(c.ngValue) ? function (a, c, f) { f.$set("value", a.$eval(f.ngValue)) } : function (a, c, f) { + a.$watch(f.ngValue, function (a) { + f.$set("value", + a) + }) + } + } + } + }, Wd = function () { return { controller: ["$scope", "$attrs", function (a, c) { var d = this; this.$options = a.$eval(c.ngModelOptions); this.$options.updateOn ? (this.$options.updateOnDefault = !1, this.$options.updateOn = this.$options.updateOn.replace(ff, function () { d.$options.updateOnDefault = !0; return " " })) : this.$options.updateOnDefault = !0 }] } }, vd = wa(function (a, c, d) { c.addClass("ng-binding").data("$binding", d.ngBind); a.$watch(d.ngBind, function (a) { c.text(a == s ? "" : a) }) }), xd = ["$interpolate", function (a) { + return function (c, + d, e) { c = a(d.attr(e.$attr.ngBindTemplate)); d.addClass("ng-binding").data("$binding", c); e.$observe("ngBindTemplate", function (a) { d.text(a) }) } + }], wd = ["$sce", "$parse", function (a, c) { return function (d, e, f) { e.addClass("ng-binding").data("$binding", f.ngBindHtml); var g = c(f.ngBindHtml); d.$watch(function () { return (g(d) || "").toString() }, function (c) { e.html(a.getTrustedHtml(g(d)) || "") }) } }], yd = Xb("", !0), Ad = Xb("Odd", 0), zd = Xb("Even", 1), Bd = wa({ compile: function (a, c) { c.$set("ngCloak", s); a.removeClass("ng-cloak") } }), Cd = [function () { + return { + scope: !0, + controller: "@", priority: 500 + } + }], nc = {}; q("click dblclick mousedown mouseup mouseover mouseout mousemove mouseenter mouseleave keydown keyup keypress submit focus blur copy cut paste".split(" "), function (a) { var c = na("ng-" + a); nc[c] = ["$parse", function (d) { return { compile: function (e, f) { var g = d(f[c]); return function (c, d, e) { d.on(u(a), function (a) { c.$apply(function () { g(c, { $event: a }) }) }) } } } }] }); var Fd = ["$animate", function (a) { + return { + transclude: "element", priority: 600, terminal: !0, restrict: "A", $$tlb: !0, link: function (c, + d, e, f, g) { var h, m, k; c.$watch(e.ngIf, function (f) { Pa(f) ? m || (m = c.$new(), g(m, function (c) { c[c.length++] = S.createComment(" end ngIf: " + e.ngIf + " "); h = { clone: c }; a.enter(c, d.parent(), d) })) : (k && (k.remove(), k = null), m && (m.$destroy(), m = null), h && (k = Gb(h.clone), a.leave(k, function () { k = null }), h = null)) }) } + } + }], Gd = ["$http", "$templateCache", "$anchorScroll", "$animate", "$sce", function (a, c, d, e, f) { + return { + restrict: "ECA", priority: 400, terminal: !0, transclude: "element", controller: Qa.noop, compile: function (g, h) { + var m = h.ngInclude || + h.src, k = h.onload || "", l = h.autoscroll; return function (g, h, q, t, s) { + var E = 0, B, z, y, v = function () { z && (z.remove(), z = null); B && (B.$destroy(), B = null); y && (e.leave(y, function () { z = null }), z = y, y = null) }; g.$watch(f.parseAsResourceUrl(m), function (f) { + var m = function () { !F(l) || l && !g.$eval(l) || d() }, q = ++E; f ? (a.get(f, { cache: c }).success(function (a) { if (q === E) { var c = g.$new(); t.template = a; a = s(c, function (a) { v(); e.enter(a, null, h, m) }); B = c; y = a; B.$emit("$includeContentLoaded"); g.$eval(k) } }).error(function () { q === E && v() }), g.$emit("$includeContentRequested")) : + (v(), t.template = null) + }) + } + } + } + }], Xd = ["$compile", function (a) { return { restrict: "ECA", priority: -400, require: "ngInclude", link: function (c, d, e, f) { d.html(f.template); a(d.contents())(c) } } }], Hd = wa({ priority: 450, compile: function () { return { pre: function (a, c, d) { a.$eval(d.ngInit) } } } }), Id = wa({ terminal: !0, priority: 1E3 }), Jd = ["$locale", "$interpolate", function (a, c) { + var d = /{}/g; return { + restrict: "EA", link: function (e, f, g) { + var h = g.count, m = g.$attr.when && f.attr(g.$attr.when), k = g.offset || 0, l = e.$eval(m) || {}, p = {}, n = c.startSymbol(), + r = c.endSymbol(), t = /^when(Minus)?(.+)$/; q(g, function (a, c) { t.test(c) && (l[u(c.replace("when", "").replace("Minus", "-"))] = f.attr(g.$attr[c])) }); q(l, function (a, e) { p[e] = c(a.replace(d, n + h + "-" + k + r)) }); e.$watch(function () { var c = parseFloat(e.$eval(h)); if (isNaN(c)) return ""; c in l || (c = a.pluralCat(c - k)); return p[c](e) }, function (a) { f.text(a) }) + } + } + }], Kd = ["$parse", "$animate", function (a, c) { + var d = I("ngRepeat"); return { + transclude: "element", priority: 1E3, terminal: !0, $$tlb: !0, link: function (e, f, g, h, m) { + var k = g.ngRepeat, l = k.match(/^\s*([\s\S]+?)\s+in\s+([\s\S]+?)(?:\s+track\s+by\s+([\s\S]+?))?\s*$/), + p, n, r, t, s, E, B = { $id: Ia }; if (!l) throw d("iexp", k); g = l[1]; h = l[2]; (l = l[3]) ? (p = a(l), n = function (a, c, d) { E && (B[E] = a); B[s] = c; B.$index = d; return p(e, B) }) : (r = function (a, c) { return Ia(c) }, t = function (a) { return a }); l = g.match(/^(?:([\$\w]+)|\(([\$\w]+)\s*,\s*([\$\w]+)\))$/); if (!l) throw d("iidexp", g); s = l[3] || l[1]; E = l[2]; var z = {}; e.$watchCollection(h, function (a) { + var g, h, l = f[0], p, B = {}, F, C, u, x, D, w, A = []; if (cb(a)) D = a, p = n || r; else { p = n || t; D = []; for (u in a) a.hasOwnProperty(u) && "$" != u.charAt(0) && D.push(u); D.sort() } F = D.length; + h = A.length = D.length; for (g = 0; g < h; g++) if (u = a === D ? g : D[g], x = a[u], x = p(u, x, g), Aa(x, "`track by` id"), z.hasOwnProperty(x)) w = z[x], delete z[x], B[x] = w, A[g] = w; else { if (B.hasOwnProperty(x)) throw q(A, function (a) { a && a.scope && (z[] = a) }), d("dupes", k, x); A[g] = { id: x }; B[x] = !1 } for (u in z) z.hasOwnProperty(u) && (w = z[u], g = Gb(w.clone), c.leave(g), q(g, function (a) { a.$$NG_REMOVED = !0 }), w.scope.$destroy()); g = 0; for (h = D.length; g < h; g++) { + u = a === D ? g : D[g]; x = a[u]; w = A[g]; A[g - 1] && (l = A[g - 1].clone[A[g - 1].clone.length - 1]); if (w.scope) { + C = w.scope; + p = l; do p = p.nextSibling; while (p && p.$$NG_REMOVED); w.clone[0] != p && c.move(Gb(w.clone), null, y(l)); l = w.clone[w.clone.length - 1] + } else C = e.$new(); C[s] = x; E && (C[E] = u); C.$index = g; C.$first = 0 === g; C.$last = g === F - 1; C.$middle = !(C.$first || C.$last); C.$odd = !(C.$even = 0 === (g & 1)); w.scope || m(C, function (a) { a[a.length++] = S.createComment(" end ngRepeat: " + k + " "); c.enter(a, null, y(l)); l = a; w.scope = C; w.clone = a; B[] = w }) + } z = B + }) + } + } + }], Ld = ["$animate", function (a) { + return function (c, d, e) { + c.$watch(e.ngShow, function (c) { + a[Pa(c) ? "removeClass" : + "addClass"](d, "ng-hide") + }) + } + }], Ed = ["$animate", function (a) { return function (c, d, e) { c.$watch(e.ngHide, function (c) { a[Pa(c) ? "addClass" : "removeClass"](d, "ng-hide") }) } }], Md = wa(function (a, c, d) { a.$watch(d.ngStyle, function (a, d) { d && a !== d && q(d, function (a, d) { c.css(d, "") }); a && c.css(a) }, !0) }), Nd = ["$animate", function (a) { + return { + restrict: "EA", require: "ngSwitch", controller: ["$scope", function () { this.cases = {} }], link: function (c, d, e, f) { + var g, h, m, k = []; c.$watch(e.ngSwitch || e.on, function (d) { + var p, n = k.length; if (0 < n) { + if (m) { + for (p = + 0; p < n; p++) m[p].remove(); m = null + } m = []; for (p = 0; p < n; p++) { var r = h[p]; k[p].$destroy(); m[p] = r; a.leave(r, function () { m.splice(p, 1); 0 === m.length && (m = null) }) } + } h = []; k = []; if (g = f.cases["!" + d] || f.cases["?"]) c.$eval(e.change), q(g, function (d) { var e = c.$new(); k.push(e); d.transclude(e, function (c) { var e = d.element; h.push(c); a.enter(c, e.parent(), e) }) }) + }) + } + } + }], Od = wa({ + transclude: "element", priority: 800, require: "^ngSwitch", link: function (a, c, d, e, f) { + e.cases["!" + d.ngSwitchWhen] = e.cases["!" + d.ngSwitchWhen] || []; e.cases["!" + d.ngSwitchWhen].push({ + transclude: f, + element: c + }) + } + }), Pd = wa({ transclude: "element", priority: 800, require: "^ngSwitch", link: function (a, c, d, e, f) { e.cases["?"] = e.cases["?"] || []; e.cases["?"].push({ transclude: f, element: c }) } }), Rd = wa({ link: function (a, c, d, e, f) { if (!f) throw I("ngTransclude")("orphan", ga(c)); f(function (a) { c.empty(); c.append(a) }) } }), rd = ["$templateCache", function (a) { return { restrict: "E", terminal: !0, compile: function (c, d) { "text/ng-template" == d.type && a.put(, c[0].text) } } }], jf = I("ngOptions"), Qd = $({ terminal: !0 }), sd = ["$compile", "$parse", function (a, + c) { + var d = /^\s*([\s\S]+?)(?:\s+as\s+([\s\S]+?))?(?:\s+group\s+by\s+([\s\S]+?))?\s+for\s+(?:([\$\w][\$\w]*)|(?:\(\s*([\$\w][\$\w]*)\s*,\s*([\$\w][\$\w]*)\s*\)))\s+in\s+([\s\S]+?)(?:\s+track\s+by\s+([\s\S]+?))?$/, e = { $setViewValue: D }; return { + restrict: "E", require: ["select", "?ngModel"], controller: ["$element", "$scope", "$attrs", function (a, c, d) { + var m = this, k = {}, l = e, p; m.databound = d.ngModel; m.init = function (a, c, d) { l = a; p = d }; m.addOption = function (c) { + Aa(c, '"option value"'); k[c] = !0; l.$viewValue == c && (a.val(c), p.parent() && + p.remove()) + }; m.removeOption = function (a) { this.hasOption(a) && (delete k[a], l.$viewValue == a && this.renderUnknownOption(a)) }; m.renderUnknownOption = function (c) { c = "? " + Ia(c) + " ?"; p.val(c); a.prepend(p); a.val(c); p.prop("selected", !0) }; m.hasOption = function (a) { return k.hasOwnProperty(a) }; c.$on("$destroy", function () { m.renderUnknownOption = D }) + }], link: function (e, g, h, m) { + function k(a, c, d, e) { + d.$render = function () { + var a = d.$viewValue; e.hasOption(a) ? (w.parent() && w.remove(), c.val(a), "" === a && x.prop("selected", !0)) : A(a) && + x ? c.val("") : e.renderUnknownOption(a) + }; c.on("change", function () { a.$apply(function () { w.parent() && w.remove(); d.$setViewValue(c.val()) }) }) + } function l(a, c, d) { var e; d.$render = function () { var a = new Wa(d.$viewValue); q(c.find("option"), function (c) { c.selected = F(a.get(c.value)) }) }; a.$watch(function () { ya(e, d.$viewValue) || (e = aa(d.$viewValue), d.$render()) }); c.on("change", function () { a.$apply(function () { var a = []; q(c.find("option"), function (c) { c.selected && a.push(c.value) }); d.$setViewValue(a) }) }) } function p(e, f, g) { + function h() { + var a = + { "": [] }, c = [""], d, k, s, t, w; t = g.$modelValue; w = y(e) || []; var D = n ? Zb(w) : w, E, A, C; A = {}; s = !1; var G, I; if (r) if (v && M(t)) for (s = new Wa([]), C = 0; C < t.length; C++) A[m] = t[C], s.put(v(e, A), t[C]); else s = new Wa(t); for (C = 0; E = D.length, C < E; C++) { k = C; if (n) { k = D[C]; if ("$" === k.charAt(0)) continue; A[n] = k } A[m] = w[k]; d = p(e, A) || ""; (k = a[d]) || (k = a[d] = [], c.push(d)); r ? d = F(s.remove(v ? v(e, A) : q(e, A))) : (v ? (d = {}, d[m] = t, d = v(e, d) === v(e, A)) : d = t === q(e, A), s = s || d); G = l(e, A); G = F(G) ? G : ""; k.push({ id: v ? v(e, A) : n ? D[C] : C, label: G, selected: d }) } r || (u || null === + t ? a[""].unshift({ id: "", label: "", selected: !s }) : s || a[""].unshift({ id: "?", label: "", selected: !0 })); A = 0; for (D = c.length; A < D; A++) { + d = c[A]; k = a[d]; x.length <= A ? (t = { element: z.clone().attr("label", d), label: k.label }, w = [t], x.push(w), f.append(t.element)) : (w = x[A], t = w[0], t.label != d && t.element.attr("label", t.label = d)); G = null; C = 0; for (E = k.length; C < E; C++) s = k[C], (d = w[C + 1]) ? (G = d.element, d.label !== s.label && G.text(d.label = s.label), !== && G.val( =, d.selected !== s.selected && G.prop("selected", d.selected = s.selected)) : + ("" === && u ? I = u : (I = B.clone()).val("selected", s.selected).text(s.label), w.push({ element: I, label: s.label, id:, selected: s.selected }), G ? G.after(I) : t.element.append(I), G = I); for (C++; w.length > C;) w.pop().element.remove() + } for (; x.length > A;) x.pop()[0].element.remove() + } var k; if (!(k = t.match(d))) throw jf("iexp", t, ga(f)); var l = c(k[2] || k[1]), m = k[4] || k[6], n = k[5], p = c(k[3] || ""), q = c(k[2] ? k[1] : m), y = c(k[7]), v = k[8] ? c(k[8]) : null, x = [[{ element: f, label: "" }]]; u && (a(u)(e), u.removeClass("ng-scope"), u.remove()); + f.empty(); f.on("change", function () { + e.$apply(function () { + var a, c = y(e) || [], d = {}, h, k, l, p, t, w, u; if (r) for (k = [], p = 0, w = x.length; p < w; p++) for (a = x[p], l = 1, t = a.length; l < t; l++) { if ((h = a[l].element)[0].selected) { h = h.val(); n && (d[n] = h); if (v) for (u = 0; u < c.length && (d[m] = c[u], v(e, d) != h) ; u++); else d[m] = c[h]; k.push(q(e, d)) } } else { + h = f.val(); if ("?" == h) k = s; else if ("" === h) k = null; else if (v) for (u = 0; u < c.length; u++) { if (d[m] = c[u], v(e, d) == h) { k = q(e, d); break } } else d[m] = c[h], n && (d[n] = h), k = q(e, d); 1 < x[0].length && x[0][1].id !== h && (x[0][1].selected = + !1) + } g.$setViewValue(k) + }) + }); g.$render = h; e.$watch(h) + } if (m[1]) { var n = m[0]; m = m[1]; var r = h.multiple, t = h.ngOptions, u = !1, x, B = y(S.createElement("option")), z = y(S.createElement("optgroup")), w = B.clone(); h = 0; for (var v = g.children(), D = v.length; h < D; h++) if ("" === v[h].value) { x = u = v.eq(h); break } n.init(m, u, w); r && (m.$isEmpty = function (a) { return !a || 0 === a.length }); t ? p(e, g, m) : r ? l(e, g, m) : k(e, g, m, n) } + } + } + }], ud = ["$interpolate", function (a) { + var c = { addOption: D, removeOption: D }; return { + restrict: "E", priority: 100, compile: function (d, e) { + if (A(e.value)) { + var f = + a(d.text(), !0); f || e.$set("value", d.text()) + } return function (a, d, e) { var k = d.parent(), l ="$selectController") || k.parent().data("$selectController"); l && l.databound ? d.prop("selected", !1) : l = c; f ? a.$watch(f, function (a, c) { e.$set("value", a); c !== a && l.removeOption(c); l.addOption(a) }) : l.addOption(e.value); d.on("$destroy", function () { l.removeOption(e.value) }) } + } + } + }], td = $({ restrict: "E", terminal: !1 }); N.angular.bootstrap ? console.log("WARNING: Tried to load angular more than once.") : ((Ga = N.jQuery) ? (y = Ga, w(Ga.fn, + { scope: Ka.scope, isolateScope: Ka.isolateScope, controller: Ka.controller, injector: Ka.injector, inheritedData: Ka.inheritedData }), Ib("remove", !0, !0, !1), Ib("empty", !1, !1, !1), Ib("html", !1, !1, !0)) : y = U, Qa.element = y, ld(Qa), y(S).ready(function () { id(S, ic) })) +})(window, document); !angular.$$csp() && angular.element(document).find("head").prepend(''); +//# \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plugins/scheduler2/static/js/scheduler-SchedulerCtrl.js b/plugins/scheduler2/static/js/scheduler-SchedulerCtrl.js index 0bad9cc4..d89d8c0e 100755 --- a/plugins/scheduler2/static/js/scheduler-SchedulerCtrl.js +++ b/plugins/scheduler2/static/js/scheduler-SchedulerCtrl.js @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ myApp.factory('$exceptionHandler', function () { console.log(exception.message); var tmpScope = angular.element(document.getElementById('SchedulerCtrl')).scope(); - tmpScope.initSlots(_schedulerCurrentCellPosition, _schedulerCurrentCellPosition + SchedulerTotalVisibleCells); + //tmpScope.initSlots(_schedulerCurrentCellPosition, _schedulerCurrentCellPosition + SchedulerTotalVisibleCells); } }; @@ -31,11 +31,11 @@ myApp.factory('$exceptionHandler', function () { this.scope.errorMessage = null; = ""; //Pagin - this.scope.totalPages = 4; - this.scope.curPage = 0; + $scope.totalPages = 4; + $scope.curPage = 0; this.scope.pageSize = 25; - $scope.resources = SchedulerDataViewData; + $scope.resources = new Array(); $scope.slots = SchedulerSlotsViewData; //$scope.msg = "hello"; @@ -45,39 +45,57 @@ myApp.factory('$exceptionHandler', function () { //afterAngularRendered(); }); - $scope.initSchedulerResources = function (pageSize, filter) { + $scope.clearStuff = function() { + $scope.resources = new Array(); + $scope.$apply(); + } + + $scope.initSchedulerResources = function (pageSize) { + $scope.resources = new Array(); + for (var k = 0; k < pageSize; k++) { - if ($scope.resources.length < SchedulerData.length) - $scope.resources.push(jQuery.extend(true, {}, SchedulerData[k])); + $scope.resources.push(jQuery.extend(true, {}, SchedulerDataViewData[k])); $scope.resources[k].leases = []; } $scope.pageSize = pageSize; $scope.curPage = 0; - $scope.totalPages = parseInt(Math.ceil(SchedulerData.length / $scope.pageSize)); + $scope.totalPages = parseInt(Math.ceil(SchedulerDataViewData.length / $scope.pageSize)); $scope.initSlots(0, SchedulerTotalVisibleCells); }; $scope.setPage = function(page) { var tmpFrm = $scope.pageSize * page; var tmpTo = tmpFrm + $scope.pageSize; + tmpTo = SchedulerDataViewData.length < tmpTo ? SchedulerDataViewData.length : tmpTo; $scope.curPage = page; $scope.resources = []; + var j = 0; for (var k = tmpFrm; k < tmpTo; k++) { - if ($scope.resources.length < SchedulerData.length) - $scope.resources.push(jQuery.extend(true, {}, SchedulerData[k])); - $scope.resources[k].leases = []; + $scope.resources.push(jQuery.extend(true, {}, SchedulerDataViewData[k])); + $scope.resources[j].leases = []; + j++; } + //fix slider + $('#tblSlider').slider('value', 0); + //init Slots $scope.initSlots(0, SchedulerTotalVisibleCells); }; $scope.initSlots = function (from, to) { //init $scope.slots = []; + + var resourceIndex; //gia to paging //set for (var i = from; i < to; i++) { $scope.slots.push(SchedulerSlots[i]); + resourceIndex = $scope.pageSize * $scope.curPage; for (var j = 0; j < $scope.resources.length; j++) { - $scope.resources[j].leases.push(SchedulerData[j].leases[i]); + if (i == from) { + $scope.resources[j].leases = []; + } + $scope.resources[j].leases.push(SchedulerDataViewData[resourceIndex].leases[i]); + resourceIndex++; } } //apply @@ -101,7 +119,7 @@ myApp.factory('$exceptionHandler', function () { }; $scope.moveBackSlot = function(from, to) { - $scope.$apply(function() { + //$scope.$apply(function() { //try { // $scope.slots.pop(); // $scope.slots.unshift(SchedulerSlots[from]); @@ -113,12 +131,38 @@ myApp.factory('$exceptionHandler', function () { // alert("error"); //} - $scope.initSlots(from, to); - }); + $scope.initSlots(from, to); + //}); }; - $scope.getTimes = function (n) { - return new Array(n); + $scope.getPageNumbers = function () { + var totalNumbersShowned = ($scope.totalPages > 10 ? 10 : $scope.totalPages + 1 ); + var tmtNumDiv = totalNumbersShowned / 2; + //local + var numFrom = 1; + var numTo = totalNumbersShowned; + var rtrnArr = new Array(); + + if (totalNumbersShowned > 1) { + //set from - to + if ($scope.totalPages > totalNumbersShowned) { + if ($scope.curPage <= tmtNumDiv) { + //nothing + } else if ($scope.curPage >= $scope.totalPages - tmtNumDiv) { + numTo = $scope.totalPages; + numFrom = numTo - totalNumbersShowned; + } else { + numFrom = $scope.curPage - tmtNumDiv; + numTo = numFrom + totalNumbersShowned; + } + } + + for (var i = numFrom; i < numTo; i++) + rtrnArr.push(i); + } else { + rtrnArr.push(1); + } + return rtrnArr; }; // Return this object reference. diff --git a/plugins/scheduler2/static/js/scheduler-helpers.js b/plugins/scheduler2/static/js/scheduler-helpers.js index df9ac9ff..d6f32247 100755 --- a/plugins/scheduler2/static/js/scheduler-helpers.js +++ b/plugins/scheduler2/static/js/scheduler-helpers.js @@ -60,15 +60,23 @@ function schedulerGetSlots(slotSpan) { return slots; } -function schedulerGetLeases(slotSpan) { +function schedulerGetLeases(slotSpan, granularity) { + granularity = granularity / 60; if (slotSpan == 0) slotSpan = 10; var slots = []; var d = new Date(2014, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0); - var i = 0; + var i = 0; var j = 0; var g = 0; + var maxg = granularity / slotSpan; while (d.getDate() == 1) { //slots.push({ id: i, status: getRandomStatus() }); - slots.push({ id: i, status: "free" }); + slots.push({ id: i, status: "free", groupid: j, groupIndex: g }); d = schedulerAddMinutes(d, slotSpan); + //fix counters + g++; + if (maxg == g) { + g = 0; + j++; + } i++; } return slots; @@ -77,6 +85,7 @@ function schedulerGetLeases(slotSpan) { // //GetSlotId from time function schedulerGetSlotId(startTime, duration, granularity) { + //granularity in seconds startTime = parseInt(startTime); var d = new Date(startTime * 1000); var timespan = 60 / schedulerSlotsPerHour; @@ -85,13 +94,67 @@ function schedulerGetSlotId(startTime, duration, granularity) { slotid += d.getMinutes() / timespan; return slotid; } +// +//GetSlotId from time +function schedulerGetDateTimeFromSlotId(slotId, tmpDateTime) { + + var timespan = 60 / schedulerSlotsPerHour; + var totalMinutes = slotId * timespan; + var totalHours = totalMinutes / 60; + if (totalHours >= 1) { + totalHours = Math.floor(totalHours); + totalMinutes = totalMinutes - totalHours * 60; + } else { + totalHours = 0; + } + tmpDateTime.setHours(totalHours, totalMinutes, 0, 0); -function schedulerSelectSlot(slotId, resourceIndex) { - SchedulerDataViewData[resourceIndex].leases[slotId].status = 'selected'; + return tmpDateTime; } -function schedulerFreeSlot(slotId, resourceIndex) { - SchedulerDataViewData[resourceIndex].leases[slotId].status = 'free'; +// +//GetSlotId from time +function schedulerFindDuration(startTime, endTime, granularity) { + var duration = 0; + var fd = new Date(startTime * 1000); + var td = new Date(endTime * 1000); + while (fd < td) { + duration++; + fd.setMinutes(fd.getMinutes() + granularity); + } + return duration; } + +// +// Set Select - Free Slots *******Start +function schedulerSelectSlot(slotId, rowIndex, resourceIndex) { + _schedulerSetStatusSlot(slotId, rowIndex, resourceIndex, 'selected'); +} +function schedulerFreeSlot(slotId, rowIndex, resourceIndex) { + _schedulerSetStatusSlot(slotId, rowIndex, resourceIndex, 'free'); +} + +function _schedulerSetStatusSlot(slotId, rowIndex, resourceIndex, classText) { + var tmpVS = SchedulerDataViewData[rowIndex].leases[slotId]; // for the display + var tmpS = SchedulerData[resourceIndex].leases[slotId]; // for the data + tmpVS.status = classText; + tmpS.status = classText; + //select other from the group in the same granularity + var slotSpan = 60 / schedulerSlotsPerHour; + var maxg = (SchedulerData[resourceIndex].granularity / 60) / slotSpan; + + var startSlotId = tmpVS.groupIndex == 0 ? 0 : slotId - tmpVS.groupIndex; + for (var s = 0; s < maxg; s++) { + if (tmpVS.groupIndex != s) { + SchedulerDataViewData[rowIndex].leases[startSlotId].status = classText; + SchedulerData[rowIndex].leases[startSlotId].status = classText; + } + startSlotId++; + } + +} +// +// Set Select - Free Slots *******End + // //Find Resource By Id function schedulerFindResourceById(Resources, id) { @@ -120,4 +183,17 @@ function schedulerPadStr(i) { function schedulerAddMinutes(date, minutes) { return new Date(date.getTime() + minutes * 60000); +} + +function schedulerCompareOnDay(dateOne, dateTwo) { + if (dateOne.getYear() == dateTwo.getYear() && + dateOne.getMonth() == dateTwo.getMonth() && + dateOne.getDate() == dateTwo.getDate()) { + return 0; + } else if (dateOne > dateTwo) { + return -1; + } else { + return 0; + } + } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plugins/scheduler2/static/js/scheduler-table-selector.js b/plugins/scheduler2/static/js/scheduler-table-selector.js index 3a9a0705..abd8a69f 100755 --- a/plugins/scheduler2/static/js/scheduler-table-selector.js +++ b/plugins/scheduler2/static/js/scheduler-table-selector.js @@ -28,9 +28,10 @@ function rangeMouseDown(e) { //var allCells = $("#tblReservation td"); //dragStart = allCells.index($(this)); - if ( $(this).hasClass("free")) + if ( $(this).hasClass("free")){ $(this).addClass("selected_tmp"); - + $(this).siblings("td[data-groupid='" + $(this).data('groupid') + "']").addClass("selected_tmp"); + } schedulerTableIsDragging = true; //selectRange(); @@ -82,7 +83,8 @@ function selectRange(isTemp) { if (!schedulerCtrlPressed) $("#" + schedulerTblId + " td.selected, #" + schedulerTblId + " td.selected_tmp").each(function() { $(this).removeClass('selected selected_tmp').addClass('free'); - schedulerFreeSlot($(this).data('slotid'), $(this).siblings('th').data('resourceindex')); + $(this).siblings("td[data-groupid='" + $(this).data('groupid') + "']").removeClass('selected selected_tmp').addClass("free"); + schedulerFreeSlot($(this).data('slotid'), $(this).siblings('th').data('rowindex'), $(this).siblings('th').data('resourceindex')); }); tmp_scheduler_table_dragStart_td = scheduler_table_dragStart_td; @@ -116,38 +118,50 @@ function selectRange(isTemp) { switch (curClass) { case "free_tmp": $(cell).removeClass('selected_tmp selected free_tmp free'); - if (isTemp) + $(cell).siblings("td[data-groupid='" + $(cell).data('groupid') + "']").removeClass("selected_tmp selected free_tmp free"); + if (isTemp){ $(cell).addClass("free_tmp"); - else{ - schedulerFreeSlot($(cell).data('slotid'), $(cell).siblings('th').data('resourceindex')); + $(cell).siblings("td[data-groupid='" + $(cell).data('groupid') + "']").addClass("free"); + } else { + schedulerFreeSlot($(cell).data('slotid'), $(cell).siblings('th').data('rowindex'), $(cell).siblings('th').data('resourceindex')); $(cell).addClass("free"); + $(cell).siblings("td[data-groupid='" + $(cell).data('groupid') + "']").addClass("free"); } break; case "free": $(cell).removeClass('selected_tmp selected free_tmp free'); - if (isTemp) + $(cell).siblings("td[data-groupid='" + $(cell).data('groupid') + "']").removeClass("selected_tmp selected free_tmp free"); + if (isTemp){ $(cell).addClass("selected_tmp"); - else { - schedulerSelectSlot($(cell).data('slotid'), $(cell).siblings('th').data('resourceindex')); + $(cell).siblings("td[data-groupid='" + $(cell).data('groupid') + "']").addClass("selected_tmp"); + }else { + schedulerSelectSlot($(cell).data('slotid'), $(cell).siblings('th').data('rowindex'), $(cell).siblings('th').data('resourceindex')); $(cell).addClass("selected"); + $(cell).siblings("td[data-groupid='" + $(cell).data('groupid') + "']").addClass("selected"); } break; case "selected_tmp": $(cell).removeClass('selected_tmp selected free_tmp free'); - if (isTemp) + $(cell).siblings("td[data-groupid='" + $(cell).data('groupid') + "']").removeClass("selected_tmp selected free_tmp free"); + if (isTemp){ $(cell).addClass("selected_tmp"); - else { - schedulerSelectSlot($(cell).data('slotid'), $(cell).siblings('th').data('resourceindex')); + $(cell).siblings("td[data-groupid='" + $(cell).data('groupid') + "']").addClass("selected_tmp"); + } else { + schedulerSelectSlot($(cell).data('slotid'), $(cell).siblings('th').data('rowindex'), $(cell).siblings('th').data('resourceindex')); $(cell).addClass("selected"); + $(cell).siblings("td[data-groupid='" + $(cell).data('groupid') + "']").addClass("selected"); } break; case "selected": $(cell).removeClass('selected_tmp selected free_tmp free'); - if (isTemp) + $(cell).siblings("td[data-groupid='" + $(cell).data('groupid') + "']").removeClass("selected_tmp selected free_tmp free"); + if (isTemp){ $(cell).addClass("free_tmp"); - else { - schedulerFreeSlot($(cell).data('slotid'), $(cell).siblings('th').data('resourceindex')); + $(cell).siblings("td[data-groupid='" + $(cell).data('groupid') + "']").addClass("free_tmp"); + } else { + schedulerFreeSlot($(cell).data('slotid'), $(cell).siblings('th').data('rowindex'), $(cell).siblings('th').data('resourceindex')); $(cell).addClass("free"); + $(cell).siblings("td[data-groupid='" + $(cell).data('groupid') + "']").addClass("free"); } break; case "closed": diff --git a/plugins/scheduler2/static/js/scheduler2.js b/plugins/scheduler2/static/js/scheduler2.js index 7c4a9c75..6297ec9c 100755 --- a/plugins/scheduler2/static/js/scheduler2.js +++ b/plugins/scheduler2/static/js/scheduler2.js @@ -27,6 +27,8 @@ */ /* some params */ +var scheduler2; +var scheduler2Instance; //is ctrl keyboard button pressed var schedulerCtrlPressed = false; //table Id @@ -37,6 +39,7 @@ var schedulerSlotsPerHour = 6; var schedulerMaxRows = 12; var SchedulerData = []; var SchedulerSlots = []; +var SchedulerDateSelected = new Date(); var SchedulerDataViewData = []; var SchedulerSlotsViewData = []; var SchedulerTotalCells; @@ -46,211 +49,387 @@ var _schedulerCurrentCellPosition = 0; var _leasesDone = false; var _resourcesDone = false; //Enable Debug -var schedulerDebug = false; +var schedulerDebug = true; //tmp to delete var tmpSchedulerLeases = []; -(function ($) { - var scheduler2 = Plugin.extend({ +(function($) { + scheduler2 = Plugin.extend({ - /** XXX to check + /** XXX to check * @brief Plugin constructor * @param options : an associative array of setting values * @param element : * @return : a jQuery collection of objects on which the plugin is * applied, which allows to maintain chainability of calls */ - init: function (options, element) { - this.classname="scheduler2"; - // Call the parent constructor, see FAQ when forgotten - this._super(options, element); - - SchedulerSlots = schedulerGetSlots(60/schedulerSlotsPerHour); - //selection from table - $(window).keydown(function (evt) { - if (evt.which == 17) { // ctrl - schedulerCtrlPressed = true; + init: function(options, element) { + this.classname = "scheduler2"; + // Call the parent constructor, see FAQ when forgotten + this._super(options, element); + scheduler2Instance = this; + // We need to remember the active filter for datatables filtering + this.filters = Array(); + + + SchedulerSlots = schedulerGetSlots(60 / schedulerSlotsPerHour); + //selection from table + $(window).keydown(function(evt) { + if (evt.which == 17) { // ctrl + schedulerCtrlPressed = true; + } + }).keyup(function(evt) { + if (evt.which == 17) { // ctrl + schedulerCtrlPressed = false; + } + }); + $("#" + schedulerTblId).on('mousedown', 'td', rangeMouseDown).on('mouseup', 'td', rangeMouseUp).on('mousemove', 'td', rangeMouseMove); + + // Explain this will allow query events to be handled + // What happens when we don't define some events ? + // Some can be less efficient + + if (schedulerDebug) console.time("Listening_to_queries"); + /* Listening to queries */ + + this.listen_query(options.query_uuid); + this.listen_query(options.query_all_uuid, 'all'); + this.listen_query(options.query_all_resources_uuid, 'all_resources'); + this.listen_query(options.query_lease_uuid, 'lease'); + //this.listen_query(options.query_lease_uuid, 'lease'); + if (schedulerDebug) console.timeEnd("Listening_to_queries"); + + }, + + /* Handlers */ + + /* all_ev QUERY HANDLERS Start */ + on_all_ev_clear_records: function(data) { + //alert('all_ev clear_records'); + }, + on_all_ev_query_in_progress: function(data) { + // alert('all_ev query_in_progress'); + }, + on_all_ev_new_record: function(data) { + //alert('all_ev new_record'); + }, + on_all_ev_query_done: function(data) { + //alert('all_ev query_done'); + }, + //another plugin has modified something, that requires you to update your display. + on_all_ev_field_state_changed: function(data) { + //alert('all_ev query_done'); + }, + /* all_ev QUERY HANDLERS End */ + /* all_resources QUERY HANDLERS Start */ + on_all_resources_clear_records: function(data) { + //data is empty on load + }, + on_all_resources_query_in_progress: function(data) { + //data is empty on load + }, + on_all_resources_new_record: function(data) { + //alert(data.toSource()); + if (data.exclusive == true) { + var tmpGran = schedulerDebug && data.granularity == null ? 1800 : data.granularity; + SchedulerData.push({ + id: data.urn, + index: SchedulerData.length, + name: data.hrn, + granularity: tmpGran, + leases: schedulerGetLeases(60 / schedulerSlotsPerHour, tmpGran), + type: data.type, + org_resource: data + }); + /*if (schedulerDebug && SchedulerData[SchedulerData.length - 1].org_resource.network_hrn == 'omf') { + SchedulerData[SchedulerData.length - 1].granularity = 1800; + }*/ } - }).keyup(function (evt) { - if (evt.which == 17) { // ctrl - schedulerCtrlPressed = false; + //alert(data.toSource()); + + }, + on_all_resources_query_done: function(data) { + _resourcesDone = true; + this._initScheduler(); + }, + //another plugin has modified something, that requires you to update your display. + on_all_resources_field_state_changed: function(data) { + //alert('all_resources query_done'); + }, + /* all_resources QUERY HANDLERS End */ + /* lease QUERY HANDLERS Start */ + on_lease_clear_records: function(data) { console.log('clear_records'); }, + on_lease_query_in_progress: function(data) { console.log('lease_query_in_progress'); }, + on_lease_new_record: function(data) { + if (data.resource.indexOf("nitos") > -1) { + tmpSchedulerLeases.push({ + id: schedulerGetSlotId(data.start_time, data.duration, data.granularity), + end_id: schedulerGetSlotId(data.end_time, data.duration, data.granularity), + slice: data.slice, + status: 'reserved', + resource: data.resource, + network:, + start_time: new Date(data.start_time * 1000), + start_time_unixtimestamp: data.start_time, + end_time: new Date(data.end_time * 1000), + end_time_unixtimestamp: data.end_time, + lease_type: data.lease_type, + granularity: data.granularity, + duration: data.duration + }); } - }); - $("#" + schedulerTblId).on('mousedown', 'td', rangeMouseDown).on('mouseup', 'td', rangeMouseUp).on('mousemove', 'td', rangeMouseMove); + //console.log(data.toSource()); console.log('lease_new_record'); + }, + on_lease_query_done: function(data) { + _leasesDone = true; + this._initScheduler(); + // console.log('lease_query_done'); + }, + //another plugin has modified something, that requires you to update your display. + on_lease_field_state_changed: function(data) { console.log('lease_field_state_changed'); }, + /* lease QUERY HANDLERS End */ - // Explain this will allow query events to be handled - // What happens when we don't define some events ? - // Some can be less efficient - if (schedulerDebug) console.time("Listening_to_queries"); - /* Listening to queries */ - this.listen_query(options.query_uuid, 'all_ev'); - this.listen_query(options.query_all_resources_uuid, 'all_resources'); - this.listen_query(options.query_lease_uuid, 'lease'); - //this.listen_query(options.query_lease_uuid, 'lease'); - if (schedulerDebug) console.timeEnd("Listening_to_queries"); + // no prefix + on_filter_added: function(filter) { + this.filters.push(filter); + this._SetFiletredResources(this.filters); + //angular and UI + var tmpScope = angular.element(document.getElementById('SchedulerCtrl')).scope(); + if (SchedulerDataViewData.length == 0) { + $("#plugin-scheduler").hide(); + $("#plugin-scheduler-empty").show(); + tmpScope.clearStuff(); + } else { + $("#plugin-scheduler-empty").hide(); + $("#plugin-scheduler").show(); + tmpScope.initSchedulerResources(schedulerMaxRows < SchedulerDataViewData.length ? schedulerMaxRows : SchedulerDataViewData.length); + } + }, - }, + on_filter_removed: function(filter) { + // Remove corresponding filters + this.filters = $.grep(this.filters, function(x) { + return x == filter; + }); + this._SetFiletredResources(this.filters); + //angular and UI + var tmpScope = angular.element(document.getElementById('SchedulerCtrl')).scope(); + if (SchedulerDataViewData.length == 0) { + $("#plugin-scheduler").hide(); + $("#plugin-scheduler-empty").show(); + tmpScope.clearStuff(); + } else { + $("#plugin-scheduler-empty").hide(); + $("#plugin-scheduler").show(); + tmpScope.initSchedulerResources(schedulerMaxRows < SchedulerDataViewData.length ? schedulerMaxRows : SchedulerDataViewData.length); + } + }, - /* Handlers */ + on_filter_clear: function() { + this.filters = []; + this._SetFiletredResources(this.filters); + //angular and UI + var tmpScope = angular.element(document.getElementById('SchedulerCtrl')).scope(); + if (SchedulerDataViewData.length == 0) { + $("#plugin-scheduler").hide(); + $("#plugin-scheduler-empty").show(); + tmpScope.clearStuff(); + } else { + $("#plugin-scheduler-empty").hide(); + $("#plugin-scheduler").show(); + tmpScope.initSchedulerResources(schedulerMaxRows < SchedulerDataViewData.length ? schedulerMaxRows : SchedulerDataViewData.length); + } + }, - /* all_ev QUERY HANDLERS Start */ - on_all_ev_clear_records: function (data) { - //alert('all_ev clear_records'); - }, - on_all_ev_query_in_progress: function (data) { - // alert('all_ev query_in_progress'); - }, - on_all_ev_new_record: function (data) { - //alert('all_ev new_record'); - }, - on_all_ev_query_done: function (data) { - //alert('all_ev query_done'); - }, - //another plugin has modified something, that requires you to update your display. - on_all_ev_field_state_changed: function (data) { - //alert('all_ev query_done'); - }, - /* all_ev QUERY HANDLERS End */ - /* all_resources QUERY HANDLERS Start */ - on_all_resources_clear_records: function (data) { - //data is empty on load - }, - on_all_resources_query_in_progress: function (data) { - //data is empty on load - }, - on_all_resources_new_record: function (data) { - //alert(data.toSource()); - if (data.exclusive == null) - SchedulerData.push({ id: data.urn, index: SchedulerData.length, name: data.hrn, granularity: data.granularity, leases: schedulerGetLeases(60 / schedulerSlotsPerHour), type: data.type }); - //alert(data.toSource()); + // ... be sure to list all events here - }, - on_all_resources_query_done: function (data) { - _resourcesDone = true; - this._initScheduler(); - }, - //another plugin has modified something, that requires you to update your display. - on_all_resources_field_state_changed: function (data) { - //alert('all_resources query_done'); - }, - /* all_resources QUERY HANDLERS End */ - /* lease QUERY HANDLERS Start */ - on_lease_clear_records: function (data) { console.log('clear_records'); }, - on_lease_query_in_progress: function (data) { console.log('lease_query_in_progress'); }, - on_lease_new_record: function (data) { - tmpSchedulerLeases.push({ - id: schedulerGetSlotId(data.start_time, data.duration, data.granularity), - slice: data.slice, - status: 'reserved', - resource: data.resource, - network:, - start_time: data.start_time, - lease_type: data.lease_type, - granularity: data.granularity, - duration: data.duration - }); - //console.log(data.toSource()); console.log('lease_new_record'); - }, - on_lease_query_done: function (data) { - _leasesDone = true; - this._initScheduler(); - // console.log('lease_query_done'); - }, - //another plugin has modified something, that requires you to update your display. - on_lease_field_state_changed: function (data) { console.log('lease_field_state_changed'); }, - /* lease QUERY HANDLERS End */ + /* RECORD HANDLERS */ + on_all_new_record: function(record) { + //alert('on_all_new_record'); + }, + debug: function(logTxt) { + if (typeof window.console != 'undefined') { + console.debug(logTxt); + } + }, - // no prefix - on_filter_added: function (filter) { - var tmpScope = angular.element(document.getElementById('SchedulerCtrl')).scope(); - tmpScope.initSchedulerResources(schedulerMaxRows, filter); - }, + /* INTERNAL FUNCTIONS */ + _initScheduler: function() { + if (_resourcesDone && _leasesDone) { + SchedulerDataViewData = SchedulerData; + /* GUI setup and event binding */ + this._FixLeases(); + this._initUI(); + } + }, - // ... be sure to list all events here + _initUI: function() { + //alert(1); + if (schedulerDebug) console.time("_initUI"); + //init DatePicker Start + $("#DateToRes").datepicker({ + dateFormat: "yy-mm-dd", + minDate: 0, + numberOfMonths: 3 + }).change(function() { + //Scheduler2.loadWithDate(); + SchedulerDateSelected = $("#DateToRes").datepicker("getDate"); + if (SchedulerDateSelected != null && SchedulerDateSelected != '') { + for (var i = 0; i < SchedulerData.length; i++) { + SchedulerData[i].leases = schedulerGetLeases(60 / schedulerSlotsPerHour, SchedulerData[i].granularity); + } + scheduler2Instance._FixLeases(); + $('#tblSlider').slider('value', 0); + var tmpScope = angular.element(document.getElementById('SchedulerCtrl')).scope(); + tmpScope.initSchedulerResources(schedulerMaxRows < SchedulerDataViewData.length ? schedulerMaxRows : SchedulerDataViewData.length); + } else { + alert("Please select a date, so the scheduler can reserve leases."); + } + }).datepicker('setDate', SchedulerDateSelected); + /*.click(function () { + $("#ui-datepicker-div").css("z-index", 5); + })*/ + //End init DatePicker - /* RECORD HANDLERS */ - on_all_new_record: function (record) { - //alert('on_all_new_record'); - }, + //init Table + this._FixTable(); + //End init Table - debug : function (logTxt) { - if (typeof window.console != 'undefined') { - console.debug(logTxt); - } - }, + //init Slider + $('#tblSlider').slider({ + min: 0, + max: SchedulerTotalCells - SchedulerTotalVisibleCells, + value: 0, + slide: function(event, ui) { + //$("#amount").val("$" + ui.values[0] + " - $" + ui.values[1]); + //console.log(ui.value); + var angScope = angular.element(document.getElementById('SchedulerCtrl')).scope(); + if (_schedulerCurrentCellPosition > ui.value) { + angScope.moveBackSlot(ui.value, ui.value + SchedulerTotalVisibleCells); + } else if (_schedulerCurrentCellPosition < ui.value) { + angScope.moveFrontSlot(ui.value, ui.value + SchedulerTotalVisibleCells); + } + _schedulerCurrentCellPosition = ui.value; + } + }); + //End init Slider - /* INTERNAL FUNCTIONS */ - _initScheduler: function () { - if (_resourcesDone && _leasesDone) - { - /* GUI setup and event binding */ - this._FixLeases(); - this._initUI(); - } - }, - _initUI: function () { - //alert(1); - if (schedulerDebug) console.time("_initUI"); - //init DatePicker Start - $("#DateToRes").datepicker({ - dateFormat: "yy-mm-dd", - minDate: 0, - numberOfMonths: 3 - }).change(function () { - //Scheduler2.loadWithDate(); - }).click(function () { - $("#ui-datepicker-div").css("z-index", 5); - }); - //End init DatePicker - - //init Table - this._FixTable(); - //End init Table - - //init Slider - $('#tblSlider').slider({ - min: 0, - max: SchedulerTotalCells - SchedulerTotalVisibleCells - 1, - value: 0, - slide: function (event, ui) { - //$("#amount").val("$" + ui.values[0] + " - $" + ui.values[1]); - //console.log(ui.value); - var angScope = angular.element(document.getElementById('SchedulerCtrl')).scope(); - if (_schedulerCurrentCellPosition > ui.value) - angScope.moveBackSlot(ui.value, ui.value + SchedulerTotalVisibleCells); - else if (_schedulerCurrentCellPosition < ui.value) - angScope.moveFrontSlot(ui.value, ui.value + SchedulerTotalVisibleCells); - _schedulerCurrentCellPosition = ui.value; - } - }); - //End init Slider - - //other stuff - $("#plugin-scheduler-loader").hide(); - $("#plugin-scheduler").show(); - //fixOddEvenClasses(); - //$("#" + schedulerTblId + " td:not([class])").addClass("free"); - if (schedulerDebug) console.timeEnd("_initUI"); - }, + //btn Submit leases + $('#btnSchedulerSubmit').click(function () { + var leasesForCommit = new Array(); + var newLeaseStarted = false; + var tmpDateTime = SchedulerDateSelected; + for (var i = 0; i < SchedulerData.length; i++) + { + var tpmR = SchedulerData[i]; + for (var j = 0; j < tpmR.leases.length; j++) { + var tpmL = tpmR.leases[j]; + if (newLeaseStarted == false && tpmL.status == 'selected') { + //get date of the slot + tmpDateTime = schedulerGetDateTimeFromSlotId(, tmpDateTime); + var unixStartTime = tmpDateTime.getTime() / 1000; + //add lease object + leasesForCommit.push({ + resource:, + granularity: tpmR.granularity, + lease_type: null, + slice: null, + start_time: unixStartTime, + end_time: null, + duration: null + }); + newLeaseStarted = true; + } else if (newLeaseStarted == true && tpmL.status != 'selected') { + //get date of the slot + tmpDateTime = schedulerGetDateTimeFromSlotId(, tmpDateTime); + var unixEndTime = tmpDateTime.getTime() / 1000; + //upate end_time + var tmpCL = leasesForCommit[leasesForCommit.length - 1]; + tmpCL.end_time = unixEndTime; + tmpCL.duration = schedulerFindDuration(tmpCL.start_time, tmpCL.end_time, tmpCL.granularity); + newLeaseStarted = false; + } + } + } + + for (var i = 0; i < leasesForCommit.length; i++) { + //manifold.raise_event(scheduler.options.query_lease_uuid, SET_ADD, leasesForCommit[i]); + } + }); + // + + + //End btn Submit leases + + //other stuff + $("#plugin-scheduler-loader").hide(); + $("#plugin-scheduler").show(); + //fixOddEvenClasses(); + //$("#" + schedulerTblId + " td:not([class])").addClass("free"); + if (schedulerDebug) console.timeEnd("_initUI"); + }, _FixLeases : function () { for (var i = 0; i < tmpSchedulerLeases.length; i++) { var tmpLea = tmpSchedulerLeases[i]; - var tmpRes = schedulerFindResourceById(SchedulerData, tmpLea.resource); - if (tmpRes != null) { - //alert( + '-' + tmpLea.start_time); - tmpRes.leases[] = tmpLea; + if ((schedulerCompareOnDay(tmpLea.start_time, SchedulerDateSelected) == 0) || + (tmpLea.start_time <= SchedulerDateSelected && SchedulerDateSelected <= tmpLea.end_time) || + (schedulerCompareOnDay(tmpLea.end_time, SchedulerDateSelected) == 0)) { + var tmpRes = schedulerFindResourceById(SchedulerData, tmpLea.resource); + if (tmpRes != null) { + //Replace Lease with current lease from the manifold + var orgLease = tmpRes.leases[]; + tmpLea['groupid'] = orgLease.groupid; + tmpLea['groupIndex'] = orgLease.groupIndex; + if (orgLease.groupIndex != 0) { + if (!window.console) { + console.warn('there is an error with the leases of the resource :' + + '\n The lease start in the middle of the granularity!' + '\n The Scheduler plugin might not work!'); + } + } + tmpRes.leases[] = tmpLea; + this._ExtractLeaseSlots(tmpRes, tmpRes.leases[]); + } } } }, + _ExtractLeaseSlots: function (tmpRes, lease) { + var tmpStartDate = lease.start_time; + var tmpEndDate = lease.end_time; + var startLoop; var toLoop; + if (schedulerCompareOnDay(lease.start_time,lease.end_time) == 0) { + //in the same date + startLoop =; + toLoop = lease.end_id; + } else if (lease.start_time < SchedulerDateSelected && SchedulerDateSelected < lease.end_time) { + //one hole day (more than 3days) + startLoop = 0; + toLoop = tmpRes.leases.length; + } else if (schedulerCompareOnDay(lease.start_time, SchedulerDateSelected) == 0) { + //the same day and extends + startLoop =; + toLoop = tmpRes.leases.length; + } else if (schedulerCompareOnDay(lease.end_time, SchedulerDateSelected) == 0) { + //extends to the last say + startLoop = 0; + toLoop = lease.end_id; + } + //var minutGran = tmpRes.granularity * 60; + for (var li =; li < toLoop; li++) { + tmpRes.leases[li].status = 'reserved'; + } + + //reserved + //tmpRes.leases[ + }, + _FixTable: function () { var colWidth = 50; SchedulerTotalCells = SchedulerSlots.length; - $('#' + schedulerTblId + ' thead tr th:eq(0)').css("width", schedulerTblFirstColWidth); + $('#' + schedulerTblId + ' thead tr th:eq(0)').css("width", schedulerTblFirstColWidth); //.css("display", "block"); //this get width might need fix depending on the template var tblwidth = $('#scheduler-tab').parent().outerWidth(); SchedulerTotalVisibleCells = parseInt((tblwidth - schedulerTblFirstColWidth) / colWidth); @@ -263,8 +442,57 @@ var tmpSchedulerLeases = []; // SchedulerData.push({ name: 'nitos1', leases: schedulerGetLeases(60 / schedulerSlotsPerHour), urn: 'nitos1', type: 'node' }); //} var tmpScope = angular.element(document.getElementById('SchedulerCtrl')).scope(); - tmpScope.initSchedulerResources(schedulerMaxRows, null); + tmpScope.initSchedulerResources(schedulerMaxRows < SchedulerDataViewData.length ? schedulerMaxRows : SchedulerDataViewData.length); + + }, + + _SetFiletredResources : function (filters) { + if (filters.length > 0) { + SchedulerDataViewData = new Array(); + var tmpAddIt = true; + for (var i = 0; i < SchedulerData.length; i++) { + loopfilters: + for (var f = 0; f < filters.length; f++) { + tmpAddIt = this._FilterResource(SchedulerData[i], filters[f]); + if (tmpAddIt == false) break loopfilters; + } + if (tmpAddIt) { + SchedulerDataViewData.push(SchedulerData[i]); + } + } + } else { + SchedulerDataViewData = SchedulerData; + } }, + + _FilterResource: function (resource, filter) { + var key = filter[0]; + var op = filter[1]; + var value = filter[2]; + var colValue = resource.org_resource[key]; + var ret = true; + if (schedulerDebug && colValue == 'omf') colValue = 'nitos'; + + if (op == '=' || op == '==') { + if (colValue != value || colValue == null || colValue == "" || colValue == "n/a") + ret = false; + } else if (op == 'included') { + $.each(value, function (i, x) { + if (x == colValue) { + ret = true; + return false; + } else { + ret = false; + } + }); + } else if (op == '!=') { + if (colValue == value || colValue == null || colValue == "" || colValue == "n/a") + ret = false; + } + + return ret; + }, + _SetPeriodInPage: function (start, end) { } }); diff --git a/plugins/scheduler2/templates/scheduler.html b/plugins/scheduler2/templates/scheduler.html index ee0e9c41..d7cd16e6 100755 --- a/plugins/scheduler2/templates/scheduler.html +++ b/plugins/scheduler2/templates/scheduler.html @@ -2,6 +2,10 @@ loading

Loading Data...

+ - - \ No newline at end of file +
  1. free
  2. +
  3. selected
  4. +
  5. reserved
  6. +
  7. maintenance
  8. +
+ + + diff --git a/portal/ b/portal/ index a0018b0f..6997008a 100644 --- a/portal/ +++ b/portal/ @@ -129,9 +129,12 @@ def password_reset(request, is_admin_site=False, if flag == 0: messages.error(request, 'Sorry, this email is not registered.') - return render(request, themeview.theme, { + context = { 'form': form, - }) + 'theme': themeview.theme + } + return TemplateResponse(request, themeview.template, context,current_app=current_app) + ### end of email check in manifold ### opts = { diff --git a/portal/ b/portal/ index cf3e172a..6210d9db 100644 --- a/portal/ +++ b/portal/ @@ -69,12 +69,31 @@ def is_password_unusable(pw): # cc_myself = forms.BooleanField(required=False) class ContactForm(forms.Form): - first_name = forms.CharField(widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={'class':'form-control'})) - last_name = forms.CharField(widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={'class':'form-control'})) - authority = forms.CharField(widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={'class':'form-control'})) + first_name = forms.RegexField(widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={'class':'form-control'}), + regex=r'^[\w.@+-]+$', + max_length=30, + label=_("First name"), + error_messages={'invalid': _("This value may contain only letters, numbers and @/./+/-/_ characters.")}) + last_name = forms.RegexField(widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={'class':'form-control'}), + regex=r'^[\w.@+-]+$', + max_length=30, + label=_("Last name"), + error_messages={'invalid': _("This value may contain only letters, numbers and @/./+/-/_ characters.")}) + authority = forms.RegexField(widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={'class':'form-control'}), + regex=r'^[\w.@+-]+$', + max_length=30, + label=_("authority"), + error_messages={'invalid': _("This value may contain only letters, numbers and @/./+/-/_ characters.")}) email = forms.EmailField(widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={'class':'form-control'})) - subject = forms.CharField(max_length=100,widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={'class':'form-control'})) - description = forms.CharField(widget=forms.Textarea(attrs={'class':'form-control'})) + subject = forms.RegexField(widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={'class':'form-control'}), + regex=r'^[\w.@+-]+$', + max_length=100, + label=_("subject"), + error_messages={'invalid': _("This value may contain only letters, numbers and @/./+/-/_ characters.")}) + description = forms.RegexField(widget=forms.Textarea(attrs={'class':'form-control'}), + regex=r'^[\w.@+-]+$', + label=_("description"), + error_messages={'invalid': _("This value may contain only letters, numbers and @/./+/-/_ characters.")}) cc_myself = forms.BooleanField(required=False,widget=forms.CheckboxInput(attrs={'class':'form-control'})) class PassResetForm(forms.Form): diff --git a/portal/ b/portal/ index 213fd318..4d047271 100644 --- a/portal/ +++ b/portal/ @@ -58,6 +58,15 @@ class SliceRequestView (LoginRequiredAutoLogoutView, ThemeView): if 'myslice' in platform_detail['platform']: account_config = json.loads(account_detail['config']) user_hrn = account_config.get('user_hrn','N/A') + acc_auth_cred = account_config.get('delegated_authority_credentials','N/A') + + + # checking if pi or not + if acc_auth_cred == {}: + pi = "is_not_pi" + else: + pi = "is_pi" + # Page rendering page = Page(wsgi_request) @@ -74,11 +83,11 @@ class SliceRequestView (LoginRequiredAutoLogoutView, ThemeView): 'type' : 'slice', 'id' : None, 'user_hrn' : user_hrn, + 'email' : user_email, 'timestamp' : time.time(), 'authority_hrn' : wsgi_request.POST.get('authority_hrn', ''), 'slice_name' : wsgi_request.POST.get('slice_name', ''), 'number_of_nodes' : wsgi_request.POST.get('number_of_nodes', ''), - 'type_of_nodes' : wsgi_request.POST.get('type_of_nodes', ''), 'purpose' : wsgi_request.POST.get('purpose', ''), 'current_site' : current_site } @@ -116,6 +125,7 @@ class SliceRequestView (LoginRequiredAutoLogoutView, ThemeView): 'errors': errors, 'email': user_email, 'user_hrn': user_hrn, + 'pi': pi, 'cc_myself': True, 'authorities': authorities, 'theme': self.theme, diff --git a/portal/templates/activate_user.html b/portal/templates/activate_user.html index e81a060c..362f8792 100644 --- a/portal/templates/activate_user.html +++ b/portal/templates/activate_user.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@

You have registered to {{current_site}}


Please validate your email address by clicking the following link


Please validate your email address by clicking the following link

{{validation_link}} diff --git a/portal/templates/fed4fire/fed4fire_about.html b/portal/templates/fed4fire/fed4fire_about.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..76b96921 --- /dev/null +++ b/portal/templates/fed4fire/fed4fire_about.html @@ -0,0 +1,99 @@ +{% extends "layout_wide.html" %} + +{% block content %} +
+ +
+ + +

+ Fed4Fire Portal is a central place to get acess to all Fed4fire testbeds.In order to get access to the portal, + an experimenter needs to register to the portal. The portal administrative body + is responsible to accept or reject newly registered users. +


+ To learn more about Fed4fire visit: +


+ If you have any questions regarding using the portal visit our FAQ +


+ Fed4fire portal is a community effot. To get more information about Fed4fire portal team visit: + +


A ready-made and easily customisable user interface for your testbed.


+ MySlice is an ambitious project aiming to support researchers throughout the lifecycle of experiments that can run on a variety + of testbeds spanning different administrative domains and networking technologies. Its basic principle is to bring together + available resources with useful information (characteristics, performance, network measurements). +


+ MySlice inititiave started in Janury 2011 by offering annotation services for the first ederated experimental resources. Today, + MySlice has taken a big step toward becoming a tand-alone web framework, which will present all available resources from testbeds + across the world, interconnected through the Slice-based Facility Architecture (SFA) and annotated by the TopHat measurement system. +


+ Our framework is built with standard programming tools (python and javascript for the front-end and python for the back-end) + and has a modular structure based on the concept of plugins for implementing different core functionalities (query editing, + data display, and resource allocation). +


+ The goal is to enable developers with expertise on different testbed technologies and different experimental + practices to work in parallel for optimizing the tools presented to the users allowing them for a wide range of choices + according to their own requirements. Opening in this way the development of web-based user tools for experimentation and + sharing effort and information can increase significantly the chances for the achievement of our challenging objective. +


Portal Components

Myslice (Web Frontend)

+ MySlice is an ambitious project aiming to support researchers throughout the + lifecycle of experiments that can run on a variety of testbeds spanning different + administrative domains and networking technologies. Its basic principle is to bring + together available resources with useful information (characteristics, performance, network measurements). +


More Info:


Code: Git Repository (read only)


+ If you need write access to the git repository you need first to send your public key to +

+ + +
Manifold (Portal backend)

Manifold is the backend that is running behind the portal.




Code: Git Repository (read only)

+ +
Fed4fire Registry

Fed4fire registry is a SFA registry. SFA Registry is a specific installation mode of the SFAWrapper.


More Info: SFA Registry

+ + + + +{% endblock %} diff --git a/portal/templates/fed4fire/fed4fire_home-view.html b/portal/templates/fed4fire/fed4fire_home-view.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0414be91 --- /dev/null +++ b/portal/templates/fed4fire/fed4fire_home-view.html @@ -0,0 +1,116 @@ +{% extends "layout.html" %} +{% load portal_filters %} + +{% block content %} +
+{% widget '_widget_news.html' %} +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + {% if person %} + + + + +
+ +
+ {% if person.last_name %} + {{person.first_name}} {{person.last_name}}
+ {% endif %} + Email: {{}} +
+ {% else %} +
+ {% widget '_widget-login-user.html' %} + {% endif %} + + {% if person %} + +
Loading Slices
+ {% else %} + + {% endif %} +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + {% if person %} + + + + +
+ + {% else %} + + {% widget '_widget-login-manager.html' %} + {% endif %} + + {% if person %} + + {% endif %} + + {% if person %} + + {% endif %} +
+ +{% endblock %} diff --git a/portal/templates/fed4fire/fed4fire_slice-tab-testbeds.html b/portal/templates/fed4fire/fed4fire_slice-tab-testbeds.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..80b32ba9 --- /dev/null +++ b/portal/templates/fed4fire/fed4fire_slice-tab-testbeds.html @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +