2011-11-07 Thierry ParmentelatSetting tag sfa-1.1-2 sfa-1.1-2
2011-11-06 Thierry ParmentelatMerge branch 'thgeneric'
2011-11-05 Tony Macknodes should in a network
2011-11-05 Tony Mackadded some more element types
2011-11-05 Tony Mackinitial checkin
2011-11-05 Tony Mackwhoops
2011-11-05 Tony Mackinitial checkin
2011-11-03 Tony MackMerge branch 'master' of ssh://git.planet-lab.org/git/sfa
2011-11-03 Tony Macksfa/managers/vini no longer exists
2011-11-03 Thierry ParmentelatMerge branch 'master' into thgeneric
2011-11-03 Thierry Parmentelatbugfix (aka oops, my bad)
2011-11-03 Thierry Parmentelatadd /etc/sfa/topology to packaging
2011-11-03 Thierry Parmentelathardwire SfaTable as the storage system for now
2011-11-02 Tony Mackonly send the request to the aggregate manager module...
2011-11-02 Thierry Parmentelattweaks in sfascan
2011-11-02 Thierry Parmentelatsfascan has nicer output and shows version cache oldest...
2011-11-02 Thierry Parmentelatcosmetic comments
2011-11-02 Thierry Parmentelatadd a version cache to sfascan
2011-11-02 Thierry Parmentelatfix sfascan (don't pass timeout to xmlrpcprotocol)...
2011-11-02 Thierry Parmentelattrash unused sfa/client/soapprotocol.py
2011-11-02 Tony Mackuse sfa.util.topology insetad of sfa.managers.vini...
2011-11-02 Tony Mackinitial checkin
2011-11-02 Tony Mackinitial checkin
2011-11-02 Thierry Parmentelat-vvv should do the same as -vv
2011-11-02 Thierry Parmentelatbetter version.py yet
2011-11-02 Thierry Parmentelatmore realistic way to make version.py
2011-11-01 Thierry Parmentelatdont need scaffold anymore
2011-11-01 Thierry Parmentelatplcm is dead
2011-11-01 Thierry Parmentelatanother step of moving stuff around where it belongs
2011-11-01 Thierry Parmentelatcleanup the component server (no more flavour=plcm...
2011-11-01 Thierry Parmentelatisolate import tools in sfa/importer
2011-11-01 Thierry Parmentelata word on how to use the generic framework
2011-11-01 Thierry Parmentelatrename into pldriver and plshell
2011-11-01 Thierry Parmentelatsplit api and driver
2011-11-01 Thierry Parmentelatdefaultdict in sfa.util + minor/cosmetic
2011-11-01 Thierry Parmentelattake out ugly hack, not needed anymore
2011-11-01 Thierry Parmentelata bit more pythonic
2011-10-31 Tony Mackcommenting out normalize(), should no longer need it
2011-10-31 Thierry Parmentelatsolve merge conflict
2011-10-31 Andy BavierFix debug statement
2011-10-31 Tony Mackfix bug in List and Resolve
2011-10-31 Tony Mackuse sfa.util.xml instead of sfa.util.xmlstorage
2011-10-31 Tony Mackfix AttributeError
2011-10-31 Tony Mackupdated Xml.todict()
2011-10-31 smbakerfix for {"text":} dictionaries in record fields
2011-10-31 smbakerfix permissions
2011-10-31 smbakerfix error with datetime structs in parse_dict
2011-10-30 Tony Mackverify_slice_links accpets 'slice' argument
2011-10-30 Tony Mackprepare expected sites, interfaces and node tags in...
2011-10-30 Tony Mackpass slice into slices.verify_slice_links()
2011-10-30 Tony Mackfix various bugs
2011-10-30 Tony Mackfix bug
2011-10-30 Tony Macksfa/rspecs/elements/versions/pgv2Link.py
2011-10-30 Tony Mackid ipaddress attribute to interface tag
2011-10-30 Tony Mackprepare aggregate before calling verify_slice_links()
2011-10-30 Tony Mackfinish get_topo_rspec()
2011-10-30 Tony Mackfinish verify_slice_links()
2011-10-30 Tony Mackprepare_ methods accept a filter argument
2011-10-29 Tony Mackinitial checkin
2011-10-29 Tony Mackinitial checkin
2011-10-29 Tony Mackno longer use rspecHelper
2011-10-29 Tony Mackno llonger user rspec helper
2011-10-29 Tony Mackfix get_ticket()
2011-10-29 Tony MackMerge branch 'master' of ssh://git.planet-lab.org/git/sfa
2011-10-29 Tony Mackremove expired data
2011-10-28 smbakerfix permissions
2011-10-28 smbakerdon't delegate creds when agg supplied to createslivers
2011-10-28 smbakeradd import for deepcopy
2011-10-28 Thierry ParmentelatSetting tag sfa-1.1-1 sfa-1.1-1
2011-10-28 Thierry Parmentelatbump to 1.1
2011-10-28 Thierry Parmentelatbump release number to 1.1
2011-10-28 Thierry Parmentelattweaked module-dep graph tool
2011-10-27 Thierry Parmentelatprobable typo
2011-10-27 Thierry Parmentelatgeneric to handle the manager instance in the api too
2011-10-27 Thierry Parmentelatneed to rename sfa.plc.api into sfa.plc.plcsfaapi
2011-10-27 Thierry Parmentelatsolve conflicts
2011-10-27 Thierry Parmentelatbeginning/proof-of-concept of a generic/ module togethe...
2011-10-27 Tony Mack fix get_link_requests()
2011-10-27 Tony Mackmodified if
2011-10-27 Tony Mackuse Xrn to get interface name
2011-10-27 Tony Mackset default namespace to a dummy vvalue if the xml...
2011-10-27 Tony Mackfix missing imports
2011-10-27 Tony Mackimport os
2011-10-27 Tony Mackfix import
2011-10-27 Tony Mackfix import
2011-10-27 Thierry Parmentelatremove old code
2011-10-27 Thierry Parmentelatoops missing file
2011-10-27 Thierry Parmentelatsplit the various *Api classes into somethin more sensible
2011-10-27 Thierry Parmentelattrim unneeded fun
2011-10-27 Thierry Parmentelattrim imports and make pylint happy
2011-10-27 Thierry Parmentelatmore details on hack in comment
2011-10-27 Thierry ParmentelatMerge branch 'master' of ssh://git.onelab.eu/git/sfa
2011-10-27 Thierry Parmentelatturn ugly hack about dictionaries in records back on...
2011-10-27 Tony Mackuse PlXrn to generate component_id urn
2011-10-27 Tony Mackif checks if attribute is none
2011-10-27 Tony Mackfix component_id urn
2011-10-26 Tony Mackimport sfa.rspecs.elements.interface.Interface
2011-10-26 Tony MackvalidateCred should be validateCert
2011-10-26 Tony Mackremove refrences to decode_cred()
2011-10-26 Tony Mackfix attribute errors