2015-04-23 Thierry ParmentelatSetting tag sfa-3.1-15 sfa-3.1-15
2015-04-16 Thierry Parmentelatdo not rely on /etc/myplc-release to start or stop...
2015-04-16 Thierry Parmentelatcleanup startup script - no change
2015-04-14 Thierry Parmentelathopefully nicer and more helpful messages when verify_p...
2015-04-14 Thierry Parmentelatissue a warning when get_slivers is used against an...
2015-04-14 Thierry Parmentelatdisambiguate get_subject and pretty_subject
2015-04-14 Thierry Parmentelatlower noise due to alchemy session -> debug instead...
2015-04-14 Thierry Parmentelatmore compact, and hopefully nicer versions of pretty_cr...
2015-04-14 Thierry Parmentelatlower noise due to alchemy session -> debug instead...
2015-04-14 Thierry Parmentelatrename the 'cert' attribute of Certificate into 'x509'
2015-04-14 Thierry Parmentelatdo not use broken lxc-enter-namespace
2015-04-14 Thierry Parmentelatrenamed get_printable_subject into pretty_cert
2015-04-14 Thierry Parmentelattweaked verify_parent for more legible
2015-04-14 Thierry Parmentelatrename get_summary_tostring into pretty_cred
2015-04-14 Thierry Parmentelatclean up packaging wrt cortexlab that has now gone
2015-04-13 fsaintmaMerge branch 'iotlab_driver' into geni-v3
2015-04-13 fsaintmaMerge branch 'geni-v3' of ssh://git.onelab.eu/git/sfa...
2015-04-13 fsaintmaadd unused driver method
2015-04-13 fsaintmadelete cortexlab driver (obsolete) + write again Iot...
2015-04-09 Thierry Parmentelatcosmetic changes about pushing to pypi
2015-04-09 Thierry ParmentelatSetting tag sfa-3.1-14 sfa-3.1-14
2015-03-17 fsaintmaMerge branch 'geni-v3' of ssh://git.onelab.eu/git/sfa...
2015-03-17 fsaintmafix iot-lab driver bug ldap connection invalid
2015-03-17 Thierry Parmentelatremove spurrious print
2015-03-17 Thierry Parmentelatclean up code for python < 2.7
2015-03-17 Thierry ParmentelatMerge branch 'geni-v3' of ssh://git.onelab.eu/git/sfa...
2015-03-17 Thierry Parmentelatturn off server verification for python-2.7.9
2015-03-04 Loic BaronMerge branch 'geni-v3' of ssh://git.onelab.eu/git/sfa...
2015-03-04 Loic BaronFix: Reset GIDs works even if user has no pub_key
2015-03-02 Thierry Parmentelatfix typo that caused a syntax error
2015-03-02 Thierry Parmentelatclean up unneeded imports
2015-03-02 Thierry Parmentelatcosmetic
2015-03-02 Thierry Parmentelatsfi to log the url is uses to bootstrap client stuff
2015-03-02 Thierry Parmentelatforce not using systemctl if not present - suggested...
2015-01-20 Thierry Parmentelatfor fedora21
2015-01-20 Thierry Parmentelatnarrower text again
2015-01-20 Thierry Parmentelatadd debug trace when invoking xmlsec1
2015-01-08 fsaintmafix ldap bug account creation at each lease
2014-12-01 Thierry ParmentelatSetting tag sfa-3.1-13 sfa-3.1-13
2014-11-18 Thierry Parmentelatfix for Brecht; when forging the email we were adding...
2014-09-25 Thierry Parmentelatcheck for python-2.7 so that pip installs get a proper...
2014-09-15 Thierry ParmentelatSetting tag sfa-3.1-12 sfa-3.1-12
2014-09-15 Thierry Parmentelatprotect for cases where index.html and/or LICENSE.txt...
2014-09-15 Thierry Parmentelatremove setup.cfg and put everythin in setup.py
2014-09-15 Thierry ParmentelatSetting tag sfa-3.1-11 sfa-3.1-11
2014-09-15 Thierry Parmentelata first step towards publishing on pypi (so that one...
2014-09-15 Thierry Parmentelatprovide a more decent default to SCMURL for version...
2014-09-15 Thierry Parmentelatuse markdown for the README - updated that one with...
2014-09-10 Thierry ParmentelatMerge branch 'geni-v3' of ssh://git.onelab.eu/git/sfa...
2014-09-10 Thierry Parmentelatupdated licence
2014-09-04 Loic BaronRSpecs optional parameter expires to manage reservation...
2014-09-04 Loic BaronSFA RSpec ttl param set expires tag to 60 min as default
2014-09-04 Loic BaronMyPLC fix: slice expires set with UpdateSlice, not...
2014-09-02 Loic BaronReset GIDs in SFA DB - allows to use email in SubjectAl...
2014-09-02 Loic BaronGID using email in SubjectAltName
2014-08-22 Thierry ParmentelatAddPerson ignores 'enabled':True, need to issue an...
2014-08-20 Thierry ParmentelatSetting tag sfa-3.1-10 sfa-3.1-10
2014-08-20 Jordan AugéMerge branch 'geni-v3' of ssh://git.onelab.eu/git/sfa...
2014-08-20 Jordan Augéiotlab driver fixed for OneLab in Production
2014-08-20 Thierry Parmentelatallow allocate to receive an empty rspec, which is...
2014-08-20 Thierry Parmentelatdebug statements about verify_chain are very verbose...
2014-08-20 Thierry ParmentelatHopefully this version of plslices.py should be usable
2014-08-19 Thierry Parmentelatfurther refinements to plslices
2014-08-19 Thierry Parmentelatavoiding an API call if possible
2014-08-19 Thierry Parmentelatvarious bug fixes on the new release of verify_persons
2014-08-19 Thierry Parmentelatrewrote verify_persons
2014-08-18 Thierry Parmentelatcleanup
2014-07-31 Loic Baronofelia rspecs: default parameter for filter is None
2014-07-30 Loic Baroniotlab driver: wip fixing Timur's bug when a user alrea...
2014-07-30 Loic BaronMerge branch 'iotlab_fixes' into geni-v3
2014-07-30 Loic Baroniotlab driver: OAR rest API sends back error messages...
2014-07-30 Loic Baroniotlab driver: Applying Jordan's changes in iotlabslices.py
2014-07-30 Loic Baroniotlab driver: Removed the 4 minutes, which were added...
2014-07-30 Loic Baroniotlab driver: applying Jordan's fixes to the driver
2014-07-30 Loic Baroniotlab driver: Merge allowing to validate delegated...
2014-07-30 Loic BaronMerge branch 'geni-v3' of ssh://git.onelab.eu/git/sfa...
2014-07-30 Loic BaronTrying to fix iotlab driver, need to be tested
2014-07-23 Loic BaronMerge branch 'geni-v3' of ssh://git.onelab.eu/git/sfa...
2014-07-23 Loic BaronRSpec: added a ttl parameter, this duration will set...
2014-07-21 Thierry ParmentelatSetting tag sfa-3.1-9 sfa-3.1-9
2014-07-18 Thierry Parmentelataccept a 'reg-keys' argument as a simple string insted...
2014-07-18 Thierry Parmentelatprevious change was not correct
2014-07-18 Thierry Parmentelatdealing with reg-keys vs just keys
2014-07-18 Thierry Parmentelatremove 'geni_api' from the registry GetVersion (which...
2014-07-17 Thierry Parmentelathuge cleanup for removing mutables used as default
2014-06-05 Thierry ParmentelatSetting tag sfa-3.1-8 sfa-3.1-8
2014-06-05 Thierry Parmentelatbugfix - sfi remove was broken
2014-06-04 Thierry ParmentelatSetting tag sfa-3.1-7 sfa-3.1-7
2014-06-04 Thierry Parmentelatcleanup
2014-06-04 Thierry Parmentelatrestore default credential validity period to 28 days
2014-06-04 Thierry Parmentelatcosmetic, rename variable expected to be a datetime...
2014-06-04 Thierry Parmentelatbugfix for the issue reported by Brecht when using...
2014-06-03 Thierry Parmentelatmore cleanup on timestamps - issue with short-lived...
2014-06-03 Thierry Parmentelatdebug msgs
2014-06-03 Thierry Parmentelata little more robust against odd conditions
2014-06-03 Thierry Parmentelatsfi retcod should now be a bit more meaningful - maybe...
2014-06-02 Thierry Parmentelatmore accurate comment
2014-06-02 Thierry Parmentelatthis goes with previous commit
2014-06-02 Thierry Parmentelatdrop support for legacy credentials
2014-06-02 Thierry ParmentelatSetting tag sfa-3.1-6 sfa-3.1-6