ETAGS=etags tags: find . -type f -a '!' '(' -name '*.x86' -o -name '*.x86_64' ')' | egrep -v '/\.(svn|git)/' | xargs $(ETAGS) .PHONY: tags ##### # make sync is a little more convoluted than the other variants # so we call it make bootcdsync for that reason # # it expects the following env variables # # export BUILD=2015.03.05--f21 # export # export GUESTNAME=2015.03.05--f21-1-vplc12 # export # export # export # # and it also expects there is a reference iso file KVMDIR=/vservers/$(BUILD)/qemu-$(NODE) KVMSSH=$(KVMHOST):$(KVMDIR) # initialize the workdir on the KVM side # mount iso file, and unwrap .img files into bootcd/ and overlay/ sync-unwrap: ssh root@$(KVMHOST) "(cd $(KVMDIR); [ -f $(NODE).iso.ref ] && exit 0; \ cp $(NODE).iso $(NODE).iso.ref; \ mkdir iso.ref; mount -o ro,loop $(NODE).iso.ref iso.ref; \ rsync -ad iso.ref/ iso/; \ mkdir bootcd.ref; ( cd bootcd.ref; gzip -dc ../iso/bootcd.img | cpio -diu); \ mkdir overlay.ref; ( cd overlay.ref; gzip -dc ../iso/overlay.img | cpio -diu); \ rsync -a bootcd.ref/ bootcd/ ; rsync -a overlay.ref/ overlay/; \ )" sync-clean: ssh root@$(KVMHOST) "(cd $(KVMDIR); [ -f $(NODE).iso.ref ] || exit 0; \ umount iso.ref; \ rm -rf iso.ref iso bootcd overlay bootcd.ref overlay.ref; \ mv -f $(NODE).iso.ref $(NODE).iso; \ )" # once sync-mount is OK you can start tweaking the contents of bootcd/ and overlay/ manually # # and then use this to rebuild a new .iso # same as in MKISOFS_OPTS="-R -J -r -f -b isolinux.bin -c -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table" sync-rewrap: ssh root@$(KVMHOST) "(cd $(KVMDIR); \ echo "Rewrapping bootcd.img"; \ (cd overlay && find . | cpio --quiet -c -o) | gzip -9 > iso/overlay.img; \ echo "Rewrapping overlay.img"; \ (cd bootcd && find . | cpio --quiet -c -o) | gzip -9 > iso/bootcd.img; \ mkisofs -o $(NODE).iso $(MKISOFS_OPTS) iso/; \ )"