untabified all init scripts
[bootcd.git] / initscripts / pl_functions
2018-12-14 parmentelatuntabified all init scripts
2018-12-14 parmentelatfor firing up the network: no longer rely on ifconfig
2016-07-08 Thierry Parmentelatwhen resolv.conf is empty, always add
2016-07-07 Thierry Parmentelatreviewed to ensure maximal coverage of forensics traces
2012-04-06 Thierry Parmentelatdisplay /proc/net/dev in sanity checks
2012-04-05 Thierry Parmentelattry to ping boot server as part of the sanity check
2011-01-14 Thierry Parmentelatperforms various sanity checks at network init and...