SCREEN_COLS equ 80 SCREEN_ROWS equ 25 STACK_SEGMENT equ 09000h ; top of memory STACK_SIZE equ 00fffh ; 4K - 1 bytes of stack TEXT_COLOR equ 0x07 ; white on black jmp 07c0h:start message db "PlanetLab nodes require a boot cd at all times to function.",0 start: mov ax, cs mov ds, ax mov es, ax mov sp, STACK_SEGMENT ; setup stack (not really used) mov ss, sp mov sp, STACK_SIZE ;; clear out the screen, using the scroll down bios int. mov ah, 0x07 ; for int 0x10, 0x07 is scroll down window mov al, 0 ; entire window mov cx, 0 ; upper left corner = (0,0) mov dh, SCREEN_ROWS ; row of bottom mov dl, SCREEN_COLS ; column of right mov bh, 7 int 10h mov si, message strout: lodsb cmp al, 0 je done mov ah, 0x0E ; for int 0x10, 0xOE is char out mov bx, TEXT_COLOR int 0x10 jmp strout done: jmp done times 510 - ($ - $$) db 0 ; last two bytes are magic for x86 boot sectors dw 0aa55h