#!/usr/bin/python # # Copyright (c) 2003 Intel Corporation # All rights reserved. # # Copyright (c) 2004-2007 The Trustees of Princeton University # All rights reserved. # expected /proc/partitions format import os, sys, string import popen2 import shutil import traceback import time from Exceptions import * import utils import BootServerRequest import BootAPI def Run( vars, log ): """ Download core + extensions bootstrapfs tarballs and install on the hard drive Expect the following variables from the store: SYSIMG_PATH the path where the system image will be mounted PARTITIONS dictionary of generic part. types (root/swap) and their associated devices. NODE_ID the id of this machine Sets the following variables: TEMP_BOOTCD_PATH where the boot cd is remounted in the temp path ROOT_MOUNTED set to 1 when the the base logical volumes are mounted. """ log.write( "\n\nStep: Install: bootstrapfs tarball.\n" ) # make sure we have the variables we need try: SYSIMG_PATH= vars["SYSIMG_PATH"] if SYSIMG_PATH == "": raise ValueError, "SYSIMG_PATH" PARTITIONS= vars["PARTITIONS"] if PARTITIONS == None: raise ValueError, "PARTITIONS" NODE_ID= vars["NODE_ID"] if NODE_ID == "": raise ValueError, "NODE_ID" VERSION=vars['VERSION'] or 'unknown' except KeyError, var: raise BootManagerException, "Missing variable in vars: %s\n" % var except ValueError, var: raise BootManagerException, "Variable in vars, shouldn't be: %s\n" % var try: # make sure the required partitions exist val= PARTITIONS["root"] val= PARTITIONS["swap"] val= PARTITIONS["vservers"] except KeyError, part: log.write( "Missing partition in PARTITIONS: %s\n" % part ) return 0 bs_request= BootServerRequest.BootServerRequest(vars) log.write( "turning on swap space\n" ) utils.sysexec( "swapon %s" % PARTITIONS["swap"], log ) # make sure the sysimg dir is present utils.makedirs( SYSIMG_PATH ) log.write( "mounting root file system\n" ) utils.sysexec( "mount -t ext3 %s %s" % (PARTITIONS["root"],SYSIMG_PATH), log ) log.write( "mounting vserver partition in root file system\n" ) utils.makedirs( SYSIMG_PATH + "/vservers" ) utils.sysexec( "mount -t ext3 %s %s/vservers" % (PARTITIONS["vservers"], SYSIMG_PATH), log ) vars['ROOT_MOUNTED']= 1 # call getNodeFlavour try: node_flavour = BootAPI.call_api_function(vars, "GetNodeFlavour", (NODE_ID,) ) nodefamily = node_flavour['nodefamily'] extensions = node_flavour['extensions'] plain = node_flavour['plain'] except: raise BootManagerException ("Could not call GetNodeFlavour - need PLCAPI-5.0") # the 'plain' option is for tests mostly if plain: download_suffix=".tar" uncompress_option="" log.write("Using plain bootstrapfs images\n") else: download_suffix=".tar.bz2" uncompress_option="-j" log.write("Using compressed bootstrapfs images\n") log.write ("Using nodefamily=%s\n"%(nodefamily)) if not extensions: log.write("Installing only core software\n") else: log.write("Requested extensions %r\n" % extensions) bootstrapfs_names = [ nodefamily ] + extensions for name in bootstrapfs_names: tarball = "bootstrapfs-%s%s"%(name,download_suffix) source_file= "/boot/%s" % (tarball) dest_file= "%s/%s" % (SYSIMG_PATH, tarball) source_hash_file= "/boot/%s.sha1sum" % (tarball) dest_hash_file= "%s/%s.sha1sum" % (SYSIMG_PATH, tarball) time_beg=time.now() log.write( "downloading %s\n" % source_file ) # 30 is the connect timeout, 14400 is the max transfer time in # seconds (4 hours) result = bs_request.DownloadFile( source_file, None, None, 1, 1, dest_file, 30, 14400) time_end=time.now() duration=int(time_end-time_beg) log.write("Done downloading (%s seconds)\n"%duration) if result: # Download SHA1 checksum file log.write( "downloading sha1sum for %s\n"%source_file) result = bs_request.DownloadFile( source_hash_file, None, None, 1, 1, dest_hash_file, 30, 14400) log.write( "verifying sha1sum for %s\n"%source_file) if not utils.check_file_hash(dest_file, dest_hash_file): raise BootManagerException, "FATAL: SHA1 checksum does not match between %s and %s" % (source_file, source_hash_file) time_beg=time.now() log.write( "extracting %s in %s\n" % (dest_file,SYSIMG_PATH) ) result = utils.sysexec( "tar -C %s -xpf %s %s" % (SYSIMG_PATH,dest_file,uncompress_option), log ) time_end=time.now() duration=int(time_end-time_beg) log.write( "Done extracting (%s seconds)\n"%duration) utils.removefile( dest_file ) else: # the main tarball is required if name == nodefamily: raise BootManagerException, "FATAL: Unable to download main tarball %s from server." % \ source_file # for extensions, just print a warning else: log.write("WARNING: tarball for extension %s not found\n"%(name)) # copy resolv.conf from the base system into our temp dir # so DNS lookups work correctly while we are chrooted log.write( "Copying resolv.conf to temp dir\n" ) utils.sysexec( "cp /etc/resolv.conf %s/etc/" % SYSIMG_PATH, log ) # Copy the boot server certificate(s) and GPG public key to # /usr/boot in the temp dir. log.write( "Copying boot server certificates and public key\n" ) if os.path.exists("/usr/boot"): utils.makedirs(SYSIMG_PATH + "/usr") shutil.copytree("/usr/boot", SYSIMG_PATH + "/usr/boot") elif os.path.exists("/usr/bootme"): utils.makedirs(SYSIMG_PATH + "/usr/boot") boot_server = file("/usr/bootme/BOOTSERVER").readline().strip() shutil.copy("/usr/bootme/cacert/" + boot_server + "/cacert.pem", SYSIMG_PATH + "/usr/boot/cacert.pem") file(SYSIMG_PATH + "/usr/boot/boot_server", "w").write(boot_server) shutil.copy("/usr/bootme/pubring.gpg", SYSIMG_PATH + "/usr/boot/pubring.gpg") # For backward compatibility if os.path.exists("/usr/bootme"): utils.makedirs(SYSIMG_PATH + "/mnt/cdrom") shutil.copytree("/usr/bootme", SYSIMG_PATH + "/mnt/cdrom/bootme") # Import the GPG key into the RPM database so that RPMS can be verified utils.makedirs(SYSIMG_PATH + "/etc/pki/rpm-gpg") utils.sysexec("gpg --homedir=/root --export --armor" \ " --no-default-keyring --keyring %s/usr/boot/pubring.gpg" \ " >%s/etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-planetlab" % (SYSIMG_PATH, SYSIMG_PATH), log) utils.sysexec_chroot(SYSIMG_PATH, "rpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-planetlab", log) # keep a log on the installed hdd stamp=file(SYSIMG_PATH + "/bm-install.txt",'w') now=time.strftime("%Y-%b-%d @ %H:%M %Z", time.gmtime()) stamp.write("Hard drive installed by BootManager %s\n"%VERSION) stamp.write("Finished extraction of bootstrapfs on %s\n"%now) stamp.write("Using nodefamily %s\n"%nodefamily) stamp.close() return 1