2018-12-04 parmentelattaking sliver-openvswitch out of fedora29
2018-12-04 parmentelatuse tweak in vsys for f29; add hostname to runtime
2018-12-03 parmentelatwe need hostname when building
2018-12-03 parmentelatremove 2 packages from f29 as they are no longer known
2018-12-03 parmentelattweaks in container building for f29
2018-12-03 parmentelatremove some complexity by dropping support for (quite...
2018-12-03 parmentelatuntabified
2018-12-03 parmentelatforget about network-scripts, go for NetworkManager
2018-12-03 runs on python3
2018-12-02 parmentelatmore packages in spawned vms
2018-12-02 parmentelatuse dnf instead of yum, and other untabifications
2018-12-02 parmentelatadd networks-scripts as a package in root install on f29
2018-11-30 parmentelatanother big fix to fedora-mirror for f29
2018-11-30 parmentelatfix fedora-mirror that was creating an extra x86_64...
2018-11-28 parmentelatf29
2018-11-28 parmentelatfedora mirror for f29 has a little different layout
2018-11-26 for f29
2018-11-26 parmentelatwelcome f29, by f25
2018-09-10 Thierry Parmentelatpyplnet
2018-05-29 Thierry Parmentelatdefault to f27
2018-02-22 Thierry Parmentelattests@master
2018-02-15 Thierry Parmentelatdont build omf sliceimage anymore
2018-02-15 Thierry Parmentelatsliceimage@master
2018-02-13 Thierry Parmentelatplcapi@master
2018-02-13 Thierry Parmentelatreinstante pcucontrol on f27; it will come without...
2018-02-13 Thierry Parmentelatpcucontrol@master
2018-02-13 Thierry Parmentelatplewww@master
2018-02-13 Thierry Parmentelatmyplc@master for the ssl startup script
2017-12-20 Thierry Parmentelatbypass pcucontrol on f27 for now
2017-12-20 Thierry Parmentelatadd elfutil-libef-devel on f27
2017-12-20 Thierry Parmentelattransforward
2017-12-20 Thierry Parmentelatpython-uuid rpm seems to have gone
2017-12-20 Thierry Parmentelatuse latest nodeimage for f27
2017-12-20 Thierry Parmentelatf27
2017-07-16 Thierry ParmentelatSetting tag myplc-5.3-4 5.3.14
2017-07-16 Thierry ParmentelatSetting tag nodeimage-5.2-8
2017-07-16 Thierry ParmentelatSetting tag plewww-5.2-8
2017-07-16 Thierry ParmentelatMerge branch 'master' of ssh://
2017-07-16 Thierry ParmentelatSetting tag transforward-0.1-11
2017-07-16 Thierry Parmentelatadopt tag plcapi-5.4-0 - in lxc only
2017-06-29 Thierry Parmentelatadding kernel-modules{,-extra} to bootcd and nodeimage
2017-05-29 Thierry Parmentelatplcapi from branch 'exp'
2017-05-19 Thierry Parmentelatadopt plewww
2017-02-15 Thierry Parmentelatmyplc
2017-02-15 Thierry Parmentelatplcapi
2017-02-15 Thierry Parmentelatnodeimage
2017-02-09 Thierry Parmentelattransforward
2017-02-08 Thierry ParmentelatSetting tag plcapi-5.3-11
2016-12-05 Thierry Parmentelatf25
2016-08-25 Thierry Parmentelatplcapi
2016-07-10 Thierry Parmentelatcannot build rvm-ruby on f14 at this point 5.3.13
2016-07-10 Thierry Parmentelatfix code that guesses if dnf is present in container
2016-07-10 Thierry Parmentelatsetting tag bootcd-5.4-1
2016-07-10 Thierry ParmentelatSetting tag tests-6.0-4
2016-07-10 Thierry ParmentelatSetting tag nodeimage-5.2-7
2016-07-10 Thierry ParmentelatSetting tag pyplnet-4.3-19
2016-07-10 Thierry ParmentelatSetting tag pyaspects-0.4.1-4
2016-07-10 Thierry ParmentelatSetting tag plewww-5.2-7
2016-07-10 Thierry ParmentelatSetting tag plcapi-5.3-10
2016-07-10 Thierry ParmentelatSetting tag nodemanager-5.2-19
2016-07-10 Thierry ParmentelatSetting tag transforward-0.1-10
2016-07-10 Thierry Parmentelatdo not install systemd-container in slice after all
2016-07-10 Thierry Parmentelatbe safe and install machinectl in slices as well
2016-07-10 Thierry Parmentelatnodeimage
2016-07-10 Thierry Parmentelatsystemd-container
2016-07-08 Thierry Parmentelatf24 missed systemd-udev in sliceimage as well
2016-07-08 Thierry Parmentelatfedora24 seems to require systemd-udev to be mentioned...
2016-07-07 Thierry Parmentelatbootcd
2016-07-07 Thierry Parmentelatplcapi for systemd.log_target=console
2016-07-06 Thierry Parmentelatpyplnet
2016-07-06 Thierry Parmentelattransforward
2016-06-28 Thierry Parmentelattweaks for f24
2016-06-27 Thierry Parmentelatf24
2016-06-27 Thierry Parmentelatpyaspects to pull from onelab first
2016-06-27 Thierry Parmentelatf24
2016-05-23 Thierry Parmentelatxenial
2016-04-06 Thierry Parmentelatplewww+nm
2016-01-19 Thierry ParmentelatSetting tag drupal-4.7-16 5.3.12
2016-01-19 Thierry ParmentelatSetting tag sliceimage-5.1-11
2016-01-18 Thierry Parmentelatoops
2016-01-18 Thierry Parmentelatrebuild guest rpm db after restoring from cache
2016-01-15 Thierry Parmentelatsliceimage
2016-01-11 Thierry Parmentelatdrupal
2016-01-10 Thierry ParmentelatSetting tag nodeupdate-0.5-14
2016-01-10 Thierry ParmentelatSetting tag bootmanager-5.3-4
2015-12-15 Thierry Parmentelattests
2015-12-08 Thierry ParmentelatSetting tag nodeupdate-0.5-13 5.3.11
2015-12-08 Thierry ParmentelatSetting tag bootmanager-5.3-3
2015-12-08 Thierry ParmentelatSetting tag bootcd-5.3-3
2015-12-08 Thierry Parmentelatnodeupdate
2015-12-07 Thierry Parmentelatbootmanager
2015-12-07 Thierry Parmentelatbootcd
2015-11-26 Thierry Parmentelatsfa
2015-11-17 Thierry Parmentelatadopting liboml latest tag 5.3.10
2015-11-17 Thierry ParmentelatMerge branch 'master' of ssh://
2015-11-17 Thierry Parmentelatnotes on the recent changes
2015-11-13 Thierry ParmentelatSetting tag tests-6.0-3
2015-11-13 Thierry ParmentelatSetting tag nodeimage-5.2-6
2015-11-13 Thierry ParmentelatSetting tag bootcd-5.3-2
2015-11-13 Thierry ParmentelatSetting tag nodemanager-5.2-18