#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "codemuxlib.h" #include "debug.h" #ifdef DEBUG HANDLE hdebugLog; int defaultTraceSync; #endif #define CONF_FILE "/etc/codemux/codemux.conf" #define DEMUX_PORT 80 #define PIDFILE "/var/run/codemux.pid" #define TARG_SETSIZE 4096 /* set aside some small number of fds for us, allow the rest for connections */ #define MAX_CONNS ((TARG_SETSIZE-20)/2) /* no single service can take more than half the connections */ #define SERVICE_MAX (MAX_CONNS/2) /* how many total connections before we get concerned about fairness among them */ #define FAIRNESS_CUTOFF (MAX_CONNS * 0.85) /* codemux version, from Makefile, or specfile */ #define CODEMUX_VERSION RPM_VERSION typedef struct FlowBuf { int fb_refs; /* num refs */ char *fb_buf; /* actual buffer */ int fb_used; /* bytes used in buffer */ } FlowBuf; #define FB_SIZE 3800 /* max usable size */ #define FB_ALLOCSIZE 4000 /* extra to include IP address */ typedef struct SockInfo { int si_peerFd; /* fd of peer */ struct in_addr si_cliAddr; /* address of client */ int si_blocked; /* are we blocked? */ int si_needsHeaderSince; /* since when are we waiting for a header */ int si_whichService; /* index of service */ FlowBuf *si_readBuf; /* read data into this buffer */ FlowBuf *si_writeBuf; /* drain this buffer for writing */ } SockInfo; static SockInfo sockInfo[TARG_SETSIZE]; /* fd number of peer socket */ typedef struct ServiceSig { char *ss_host; /* suffix in host */ char *ss_slice; short ss_port; int ss_slicePos; /* position in slices array */ } ServiceSig; static ServiceSig *serviceSig; static int numServices; static int confFileReadTime; static int now; typedef struct SliceInfo { char *si_sliceName; int si_inUse; /* do any services refer to this? */ int si_numConns; int si_xid; } SliceInfo; static SliceInfo *slices; static int numSlices; static int numActiveSlices; static int numTotalSliceConns; static int anySliceXidsNeeded; typedef struct OurFDSet { long __fds_bits[TARG_SETSIZE/32]; } OurFDSet; static OurFDSet masterReadSet, masterWriteSet; static int highestSetFd; static int numNeedingHeaders; /* how many conns waiting on headers? */ static int numForks; /* PLC netflow domain name like netflow.planet-lab.org */ static char* domainNamePLCNetflow = NULL; #ifndef SO_SETXID #define SO_SETXID SO_PEERCRED #endif /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ static SliceInfo * ServiceToSlice(int whichService) { if (whichService < 0) return(NULL); return(&slices[serviceSig[whichService].ss_slicePos]); } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void DumpStatus(int fd) { char buf[65535]; char *start = buf; int i; int len; sprintf(start, "CoDemux version %s\n" "numForks %d, numActiveSlices %d, numTotalSliceConns %d\n" "numNeedingHeaders %d, anySliceXidsNeeded %d\n", CODEMUX_VERSION, numForks, numActiveSlices, numTotalSliceConns, numNeedingHeaders, anySliceXidsNeeded); start += strlen(start); for (i = 0; i < numSlices; i++) { SliceInfo *si = &slices[i]; sprintf(start, "Slice %d: %s xid %d, %d conns, inUse %d\n", i, si->si_sliceName, si->si_xid, si->si_numConns, si->si_inUse); start += strlen(start); } for (i = 0; i < numServices; i++) { ServiceSig *ss = &serviceSig[i]; sprintf(start, "Service %d: %s %s port %d, slice# %d\n", i, ss->ss_host, ss->ss_slice, (int) ss->ss_port, ss->ss_slicePos); start += strlen(start); } len = start - buf; write(fd, buf, len); } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void GetSliceXids(void) { /* walks through /etc/passwd, and gets the uid for every slice we have */ FILE *f; char *line; int i; if (!anySliceXidsNeeded) return; for (i = 0; i < numSlices; i++) { SliceInfo *si = &slices[i]; si->si_inUse = 0; } for (i = 0; i < numServices; i++) { SliceInfo *si = ServiceToSlice(i); if (si != NULL) si->si_inUse++; } if ((f = fopen("/etc/passwd", "r")) == NULL) return; while ((line = GetNextLine(f)) != NULL) { char *temp; int xid; if ((temp = strchr(line, ':')) == NULL) goto next_line; /* weird line */ *temp = '\0'; /* terminate slice name */ temp++; if ((temp = strchr(temp+1, ':')) == NULL) goto next_line; /* weird line */ if ((xid = atoi(temp+1)) < 1) goto next_line; /* weird xid */ /* we've got a slice name and xid, let's try to match */ for (i = 0; i < numSlices; i++) { if (slices[i].si_xid == 0 && strcasecmp(slices[i].si_sliceName, line) == 0) { slices[i].si_xid = xid; break; } } next_line: if (line) xfree(line); } /* assume service 0 is the root service, and don't check it since it'll have xid zero */ anySliceXidsNeeded = FALSE; for (i = 1; i < numSlices; i++) { if (slices[i].si_xid == 0 && slices[i].si_inUse > 0) { anySliceXidsNeeded = TRUE; break; } } fclose(f); } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void SliceConnsInc(int whichService) { SliceInfo *si = ServiceToSlice(whichService); if (si == NULL) return; numTotalSliceConns++; si->si_numConns++; if (si->si_numConns == 1) numActiveSlices++; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void SliceConnsDec(int whichService) { SliceInfo *si = ServiceToSlice(whichService); if (si == NULL) return; numTotalSliceConns--; si->si_numConns--; if (si->si_numConns == 0) numActiveSlices--; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ static int WhichSlicePos(char *slice) { /* adds the new slice if necessary, returns the index into slice array. Never change the ordering of existing slices */ int i; static int numSlicesAlloc; for (i = 0; i < numSlices; i++) { if (strcasecmp(slice, slices[i].si_sliceName) == 0) return(i); } if (numSlices >= numSlicesAlloc) { numSlicesAlloc = MAX(8, numSlicesAlloc * 2); slices = xrealloc(slices, numSlicesAlloc * sizeof(SliceInfo)); } memset(&slices[numSlices], 0, sizeof(SliceInfo)); slices[numSlices].si_sliceName = xstrdup(slice); numSlices++; return(numSlices-1); } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void ReadConfFile(void) { int numAlloc = 0; int num = 0; ServiceSig *servs = NULL; FILE *f; char *line = NULL; struct stat statBuf; int i; if (stat(CONF_FILE, &statBuf) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "failed stat on codemux.conf\n"); if (numServices) return; exit(-1); } if (statBuf.st_mtime == confFileReadTime) return; if ((f = fopen(CONF_FILE, "r")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "failed reading codemux.conf\n"); if (numServices) return; exit(-1); } /* conf file entries look like coblitz.codeen.org princeton_coblitz 3125 */ while (1) { ServiceSig serv; int port; if (line != NULL) xfree(line); if ((line = GetNextLine(f)) == NULL) break; memset(&serv, 0, sizeof(serv)); if (WordCount(line) < 3) { fprintf(stderr, "bad line: %s\n", line); continue; } serv.ss_port = port = atoi(GetField(line, 2)); if (port < 1 || port > 65535 || port == DEMUX_PORT) { fprintf(stderr, "bad port: %s\n", line); continue; } serv.ss_host = GetWord(line, 0); serv.ss_slice = GetWord(line, 1); if (num == 0) { /* the first row must be an entry for apache */ if (strcmp(serv.ss_host, "*") != 0 || strcmp(serv.ss_slice, "root") != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "first row has to be for webserver\n"); exit(-1); } /* see if there's PLC netflow's domain name */ if (domainNamePLCNetflow != NULL) { xfree(domainNamePLCNetflow); domainNamePLCNetflow = NULL; } domainNamePLCNetflow = GetWord(line, 3); } if (num >= numAlloc) { numAlloc = MAX(numAlloc * 2, 8); servs = xrealloc(servs, numAlloc * sizeof(ServiceSig)); } serv.ss_slicePos = WhichSlicePos(serv.ss_slice); if (slices[serv.ss_slicePos].si_inUse == 0 && slices[serv.ss_slicePos].si_xid < 1) anySliceXidsNeeded = TRUE; /* if new/inactive, we need xid */ servs[num] = serv; num++; } fclose(f); #if 0 /* Faiyaz asked me to allow a single-entry codemux conf */ if (num == 1) { if (numServices == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "nothing found in codemux.conf\n"); exit(-1); } return; } #endif if (num < 1) { fprintf(stderr, "no entry found in codemux.conf\n"); exit(-1); } for (i = 0; i < numServices; i++) { xfree(serviceSig[i].ss_host); xfree(serviceSig[i].ss_slice); } xfree(serviceSig); serviceSig = servs; numServices = num; confFileReadTime = statBuf.st_mtime; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ static char *err400BadRequest = "HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request\r\n" "Content-Type: text/html\r\n" "\r\n" "You are trying to access a PlanetLab node, and your\n" "request header exceeded the allowable size. Please\n" "try again if you believe this error is temporary.\n"; /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ static char *err503Unavailable = "HTTP/1.0 503 Service Unavailable\r\n" "Content-Type: text/html\r\n" "\r\n" "You are trying to access a PlanetLab node, but the service\n" "seems to be unavailable at the moment. Please try again.\n"; /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ static char *err503TooBusy = "HTTP/1.0 503 Service Unavailable\r\n" "Content-Type: text/html\r\n" "\r\n" "You are trying to access a PlanetLab node, but the service\n" "seems to be overloaded at the moment. Please try again.\n"; /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void SetFd(int fd, OurFDSet *set) { if (highestSetFd < fd) highestSetFd = fd; FD_SET(fd, set); } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void ClearFd(int fd, OurFDSet *set) { FD_CLR(fd, set); } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ static int RemoveHeader(char *lower, char *real, int totalSize, char *header) { /* returns number of characters removed */ char h2[256]; int start, end, len; char *temp, *conn; sprintf(h2, "\n%s", header); if ((conn = strstr(lower, h2)) == NULL) return(0); conn++; /* determine how many characters to remove */ if ((temp = strchr(conn, '\n')) != NULL) len = (temp - conn) + 1; else len = strlen(conn) + 1; start = conn - lower; end = start + len; memmove(&real[start], &real[end], totalSize - end); memmove(&lower[start], &lower[end], totalSize - end); return(len); } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ static int InsertHeader(char *buf, int totalSize, char *header) { /* returns number of bytes inserted */ char h2[256]; char *temp; int len; sprintf(h2, "%s\r\n", header); len = strlen(h2); /* if we don't encounter a \n, it means that we have only a single line, and we'd converted the \n to a \0 */ if ((temp = strchr(buf, '\n')) == NULL) temp = strchr(buf, '\0'); temp++; memmove(temp + len, temp, totalSize - (temp - buf)); memcpy(temp, h2, len); return(len); } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ static int FindService(FlowBuf *fb, int *whichService, struct in_addr addr) { char *end; char lowerBuf[FB_ALLOCSIZE]; char *hostVal; char *buf = fb->fb_buf; char orig[256]; #if 0 char *url; int i; int len; #endif if (strstr(buf, "\n\r\n") == NULL && strstr(buf, "\n\n") == NULL) return(FAILURE); /* insert client info after first line */ sprintf(orig, "X-CoDemux-Client: %s", inet_ntoa(addr)); fb->fb_used += InsertHeader(buf, fb->fb_used + 1, orig); /* get just the header, so we can work on it */ StrcpyLower(lowerBuf, buf); if ((end = strstr(lowerBuf, "\n\r\n")) == NULL) end = strstr(lowerBuf, "\n\n"); *end = '\0'; /* remove any existing connection, keep-alive headers, add ours */ fb->fb_used -= RemoveHeader(lowerBuf, buf, fb->fb_used + 1, "keep-alive:"); fb->fb_used -= RemoveHeader(lowerBuf, buf, fb->fb_used + 1, "connection:"); fb->fb_used += InsertHeader(buf, fb->fb_used + 1, "Connection: close"); InsertHeader(lowerBuf, fb->fb_used + 1, "connection: close"); /* isolate host, see if it matches */ if ((hostVal = strstr(lowerBuf, "\nhost:")) != NULL) { int i; hostVal += strlen("\nhost:"); if ((end = strchr(hostVal, '\n')) != NULL) *end = '\0'; if ((end = strchr(hostVal, ':')) != NULL) *end = '\0'; while (isspace(*hostVal)) hostVal++; if (strlen(hostVal) > 0) { hostVal = GetWord(hostVal, 0); for (i = 1; i < numServices; i++) { if (serviceSig[i].ss_host != NULL && DoesDotlessSuffixMatch(hostVal, 0, serviceSig[i].ss_host)) { *whichService = i; free(hostVal); return(SUCCESS); } } free(hostVal); } } #if 0 /* see if URL prefix matches */ if ((end = strchr(lowerBuf, '\n')) != NULL) *end = 0; if ((url = GetField(lowerBuf, 1)) == NULL || url[0] != '/') { /* bad request - let apache handle it ? */ *whichService = 0; return(SUCCESS); } url++; /* skip the leading slash */ for (i = 1; i < numServices; i++) { if (serviceSig[i].ss_prefix != NULL && (len = strlen(serviceSig[i].ss_prefix)) > 0 && strncmp(url, serviceSig[i].ss_prefix, len) == 0 && (url[len] == ' ' || url[len] == '/')) { int startPos = url - lowerBuf; int stripLen = len + ((url[len] == '/') ? 1 : 0); /* strip out prefix */ fb->fb_used -= stripLen; memmove(&buf[startPos], &buf[startPos+stripLen], fb->fb_used + 1 - startPos); /* printf("%s", buf); */ *whichService = i; return(SUCCESS); } } #endif /* default to first service */ *whichService = 0; return(SUCCESS); } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ static int StartConnect(int origFD, int whichService) { int sock; struct sockaddr_in dest; SockInfo *si; /* create socket */ if ((sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP)) < 0) { return(FAILURE); } /* make socket non-blocking */ if (fcntl(sock, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK) < 0) { close(sock); return(FAILURE); } /* set addr structure */ memset(&dest, 0, sizeof(dest)); dest.sin_family = AF_INET; dest.sin_port = htons(serviceSig[whichService].ss_port); dest.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_LOOPBACK); /* start connection process - we should be told that it's in progress */ if (connect(sock, (struct sockaddr *) &dest, sizeof(dest)) != -1 || errno != EINPROGRESS) { close(sock); return(FAILURE); } SetFd(sock, &masterWriteSet); /* determine when connect finishes */ sockInfo[origFD].si_peerFd = sock; si = &sockInfo[sock]; memset(si, 0, sizeof(SockInfo)); si->si_peerFd = origFD; si->si_blocked = TRUE; /* still connecting */ si->si_whichService = whichService; si->si_writeBuf = sockInfo[origFD].si_readBuf; sockInfo[origFD].si_readBuf->fb_refs++; if (whichService >= 0) SliceConnsInc(whichService); return(SUCCESS); } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ static int WriteAvailData(int fd) { SockInfo *si = &sockInfo[fd]; FlowBuf *fb = si->si_writeBuf; int res; /* printf("trying to write fd %d\n", fd); */ if (fb->fb_used < 1 || si->si_blocked) return(SUCCESS); /* printf("trying to write %d bytes\n", fb->fb_used); */ /* write(STDOUT_FILENO, fb->fb_buf, fb->fb_used); */ if ((res = write(fd, fb->fb_buf, fb->fb_used)) > 0) { fb->fb_used -= res; if (fb->fb_used > 0) { /* couldn't write all - assume blocked */ memmove(fb->fb_buf, &fb->fb_buf[res], fb->fb_used); si->si_blocked = TRUE; SetFd(fd, &masterWriteSet); } /* printf("wrote %d\n", res); */ return(SUCCESS); } /* we might have been full but didn't realize it */ if (res == -1 && errno == EAGAIN) { si->si_blocked = TRUE; SetFd(fd, &masterWriteSet); return(SUCCESS); } /* otherwise, assume the worst */ return(FAILURE); } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ static OurFDSet socksToCloseVec; static int numSocksToClose; static int whichSocksToClose[TARG_SETSIZE]; /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void CloseSock(int fd) { if (FD_ISSET(fd, &socksToCloseVec)) return; SetFd(fd, &socksToCloseVec); whichSocksToClose[numSocksToClose] = fd; numSocksToClose++; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void DecBuf(FlowBuf *buf) { if (buf == NULL) return; buf->fb_refs--; if (buf->fb_refs == 0) { free(buf->fb_buf); free(buf); } } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void ReallyCloseSocks(void) { int i; memset(&socksToCloseVec, 0, sizeof(socksToCloseVec)); for (i = 0; i < numSocksToClose; i++) { int fd = whichSocksToClose[i]; close(fd); DecBuf(sockInfo[fd].si_readBuf); DecBuf(sockInfo[fd].si_writeBuf); ClearFd(fd, &masterReadSet); ClearFd(fd, &masterWriteSet); if (sockInfo[fd].si_needsHeaderSince) { sockInfo[fd].si_needsHeaderSince = 0; numNeedingHeaders--; } if (sockInfo[fd].si_whichService >= 0) { SliceConnsDec(sockInfo[fd].si_whichService); sockInfo[fd].si_whichService = -1; } /* KyoungSoo*/ if (sockInfo[fd].si_peerFd >= 0) { sockInfo[sockInfo[fd].si_peerFd].si_peerFd = -1; } } numSocksToClose = 0; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void SocketReadyToRead(int fd) { SockInfo *si = &sockInfo[fd]; int spaceLeft; FlowBuf *fb; int res; /* if peer is closed, close ourselves */ if (si->si_peerFd < 0 && (!si->si_needsHeaderSince)) { CloseSock(fd); return; } if ((fb = si->si_readBuf) == NULL) { fb = si->si_readBuf = xcalloc(1, sizeof(FlowBuf)); fb->fb_refs = 1; if (si->si_peerFd >= 0) { sockInfo[si->si_peerFd].si_writeBuf = fb; fb->fb_refs = 2; } } if (fb->fb_buf == NULL) fb->fb_buf = xmalloc(FB_ALLOCSIZE); /* determine read buffer size - if 0, then block reads and return */ if ((spaceLeft = FB_SIZE - fb->fb_used) <= 0) { if (si->si_needsHeaderSince) { write(fd, err400BadRequest, strlen(err400BadRequest)); CloseSock(fd); return; } else { ClearFd(fd, &masterReadSet); return; } } /* read as much as allowed, and is available */ if ((res = read(fd, &fb->fb_buf[fb->fb_used], spaceLeft)) == 0) { CloseSock(fd); if (fb->fb_used == 0 && si->si_peerFd >= 0) { CloseSock(si->si_peerFd); si->si_peerFd = -1; } return; } if (res == -1) { if (errno == EAGAIN) return; TRACE("fd=%d errno=%d errstr=%s\n",fd, errno, strerror(errno)); CloseSock(fd); if (fb->fb_used == 0 && si->si_peerFd >= 0) { CloseSock(si->si_peerFd); si->si_peerFd = -1; } return; } fb->fb_used += res; fb->fb_buf[fb->fb_used] = 0; /* terminate it for convenience */ // printf("sock %d, read %d, total %d\n", fd, res, fb->fb_used); /* if we need header, check if we've gotten it. if so, do modifications and continue. if not, check if we've read the maximum, and if so, fail */ if (si->si_needsHeaderSince) { int whichService; SliceInfo *slice; #define STATUS_REQ "GET /codemux/status.txt" if (strncasecmp(fb->fb_buf, STATUS_REQ, sizeof(STATUS_REQ)-1) == 0) { DumpStatus(fd); CloseSock(fd); return; } // printf("trying to find service\n"); if (FindService(fb, &whichService, si->si_cliAddr) != SUCCESS) return; // printf("found service %d\n", whichService); slice = ServiceToSlice(whichService); /* if it needs to be redirected to PLC, let it be handled here */ if (whichService == 0 && domainNamePLCNetflow != NULL && strcmp(slice->si_sliceName, "root") == 0) { char msg[1024]; int len; static const char* resp302 = "HTTP/1.0 302 Found\r\n" "Location: http://%s\r\n" "Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store\r\n" "Content-type: text/html\r\n" "Connection: close\r\n" "\r\n" "Your request is being redirected to PLC Netflow http://%s\n"; len = snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), resp302, domainNamePLCNetflow, domainNamePLCNetflow); write(fd, msg, len); CloseSock(fd); return; } /* no service can have more than some absolute max number of connections. Also, when we're too busy, start enforcing fairness across the servers */ if (slice->si_numConns > SERVICE_MAX || (numTotalSliceConns > FAIRNESS_CUTOFF && slice->si_numConns > MAX_CONNS/numActiveSlices)) { write(fd, err503TooBusy, strlen(err503TooBusy)); TRACE("CloseSock(): fd=%d too busy\n", fd); CloseSock(fd); return; } if (slice->si_xid > 0) { static int first = 1; setsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SETXID, &slice->si_xid, sizeof(slice->si_xid)); if (first) { /* just to log it for once */ fprintf(stderr, "setsockopt() with XID = %d name = %s\n", slice->si_xid, slice->si_sliceName); first = 0; } } si->si_needsHeaderSince = 0; numNeedingHeaders--; if (StartConnect(fd, whichService) != SUCCESS) { write(fd, err503Unavailable, strlen(err503Unavailable)); TRACE("CloseSock(): fd=%d StartConnect() failed\n", fd); CloseSock(fd); return; } return; } /* write anything possible */ if (WriteAvailData(si->si_peerFd) != SUCCESS) { /* assume the worst and close */ TRACE("CloseSock(): fd=%d WriteAvailData() failed errno=%d errstr=%s\n", fd, errno, strerror(errno)); CloseSock(fd); if (si->si_peerFd >=0) { CloseSock(si->si_peerFd); si->si_peerFd = -1; } } } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void SocketReadyToWrite(int fd) { SockInfo *si = &sockInfo[fd]; /* unblock it and read what it has */ si->si_blocked = FALSE; ClearFd(fd, &masterWriteSet); SetFd(fd, &masterReadSet); /* enable reading on peer just in case it was off */ if (si->si_peerFd >= 0) SetFd(si->si_peerFd, &masterReadSet); /* if we have data, write it */ if (WriteAvailData(fd) != SUCCESS) { /* assume the worst and close */ TRACE("CloseSock(): fd=%d WriteAvailData() failed errno=%d errstr=%s\n", fd, errno, strerror(errno)); CloseSock(fd); if (si->si_peerFd >= 0) { CloseSock(si->si_peerFd); si->si_peerFd = -1; } return; } /* if peer is closed and we're done writing, we should close */ if (si->si_peerFd < 0 && si->si_writeBuf->fb_used == 0) { CloseSock(fd); } } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void CloseReqlessConns(void) { static int lastSweep; int maxAge; int i; if (lastSweep == now) return; lastSweep = now; if (numTotalSliceConns + numNeedingHeaders > MAX_CONNS || numNeedingHeaders > TARG_SETSIZE/20) { /* second condition is probably an attack - close aggressively */ maxAge = 5; } else if (numTotalSliceConns + numNeedingHeaders > FAIRNESS_CUTOFF || numNeedingHeaders > TARG_SETSIZE/40) { /* sweep a little aggressively */ maxAge = 10; } else if (numNeedingHeaders > TARG_SETSIZE/80) { /* just sweep to close strays */ maxAge = 30; } else { /* too little gained - not worth sweeping */ return; } /* if it's too old, close it */ for (i = 0; i < highestSetFd+1; i++) { if (sockInfo[i].si_needsHeaderSince && (now - sockInfo[i].si_needsHeaderSince) > maxAge) CloseSock(i); } } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void MainLoop(int lisSock) { int i; OurFDSet tempReadSet, tempWriteSet; int res; int lastConfCheck = 0; signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); while (1) { int newSock; int ceiling; struct timeval timeout; now = time(NULL); if (now - lastConfCheck > 300) { ReadConfFile(); GetSliceXids(); /* always call - in case new slices created */ lastConfCheck = now; } /* see if there's any activity */ tempReadSet = masterReadSet; tempWriteSet = masterWriteSet; /* trim it down if needed */ while (highestSetFd > 1 && (!FD_ISSET(highestSetFd, &tempReadSet)) && (!FD_ISSET(highestSetFd, &tempWriteSet))) highestSetFd--; timeout.tv_sec = 1; timeout.tv_usec = 0; res = select(highestSetFd+1, (fd_set *) &tempReadSet, (fd_set *) &tempWriteSet, NULL, &timeout); if (res < 0 && errno != EINTR) { perror("select"); exit(-1); } now = time(NULL); /* clear the bit for listen socket to avoid confusion */ ClearFd(lisSock, &tempReadSet); ceiling = highestSetFd+1; /* copy it, since it changes during loop */ /* pass data back and forth as needed */ for (i = 0; i < ceiling; i++) { if (FD_ISSET(i, &tempWriteSet)) SocketReadyToWrite(i); } for (i = 0; i < ceiling; i++) { if (FD_ISSET(i, &tempReadSet)) SocketReadyToRead(i); } /* see if we need to close conns w/o requests */ CloseReqlessConns(); /* do all closes */ ReallyCloseSocks(); /* try accepting new connections */ do { struct sockaddr_in addr; socklen_t lenAddr = sizeof(addr); if ((newSock = accept(lisSock, (struct sockaddr *) &addr, &lenAddr)) >= 0) { /* make socket non-blocking */ if (fcntl(newSock, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK) < 0) { close(newSock); continue; } memset(&sockInfo[newSock], 0, sizeof(SockInfo)); sockInfo[newSock].si_needsHeaderSince = now; numNeedingHeaders++; sockInfo[newSock].si_peerFd = -1; sockInfo[newSock].si_cliAddr = addr.sin_addr; sockInfo[newSock].si_whichService = -1; SetFd(newSock, &masterReadSet); } } while (newSock >= 0); } } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ static int InitDaemon(void) { pid_t pid; FILE *pidfile; pidfile = fopen(PIDFILE, "w"); if (pidfile == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s creation failed\n", PIDFILE); return(-1); } if ((pid = fork()) < 0) { fclose(pidfile); return(-1); } else if (pid != 0) { /* i'm the parent, writing down the child pid */ fprintf(pidfile, "%u\n", pid); fclose(pidfile); exit(0); } /* close the pid file */ fclose(pidfile); /* routines for any daemon process 1. create a new session 2. change directory to the root 3. change the file creation permission */ setsid(); chdir("/"); umask(0); return(0); } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ static int OpenLogFile(void) { static const char* logfile = "/var/log/codemux.log"; int logfd; logfd = open(logfile, O_WRONLY | O_APPEND | O_CREAT, 0600); if (logfd < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "cannot open the logfile err=%s\n", strerror(errno)); exit(-1); } /* duplicate logfile to stderr */ if (dup2(logfd, STDERR_FILENO) != STDERR_FILENO) { fprintf(stderr, "cannot open the logfile err=%s\n", strerror(errno)); exit(-1); } /* set the close-on-exec flag */ if (fcntl(STDERR_FILENO, F_SETFD, 1) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "fcntl to set the close-on-exec flag failed err=%s\n", strerror(errno)); exit(-1); } return logfd; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int lisSock; int logFd; /* do the daemon stuff */ if (argc <= 1 || strcmp(argv[1], "-d") != 0) { if (InitDaemon() < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "codemux daemon_init() failed\n"); exit(-1); } } /* create the accept socket */ if ((lisSock = CreatePrivateAcceptSocket(DEMUX_PORT, TRUE)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "failed creating accept socket\n"); exit(-1); } SetFd(lisSock, &masterReadSet); /* open the log file */ logFd = OpenLogFile(); /* write down the version */ fprintf(stderr, "CoDemux version %s started\n", CODEMUX_VERSION); while (1) { numForks++; if (fork()) { /* this is the parent - just wait */ while (wait3(NULL, 0, NULL) < 1) ; /* just keep waiting for a real pid */ } else { /* child process */ MainLoop(lisSock); exit(-1); } } } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/