# $Id: Makefile 11687 2012-08-12 20:51:25Z luigi $ # # Top level makefile for building ipfw/dummynet (kernel and userspace). # You can run it manually or also under the Planetlab build. # Planetlab wants also the 'install' target. # # To build on system with non standard Kernel sources or userland files, # you should run this with # # make KERNELPATH=/path/to/linux-2.x.y.z USRDIR=/path/to/usr # # We assume that $(USRDIR) contains include/ and lib/ used to build userland. # include Makefile.inc DATE ?= $(shell date +%Y%m%d) SNAPSHOT_NAME=$(DATE)-ipfw3.tgz BINDIST=$(DATE)-dummynet-linux.tgz WINDIST=$(DATE)-dummynet-windows.zip .PHONY: ipfw kipfw ########################################### # windows x86 and x64 specific variables # ########################################### # DRIVE must be the hard drive letter where DDK is installed # DDKDIR must be the path to the DDK root directory, without drive letter # TARGETOS (x64 only) must be one of the following: # wnet -> windows server 2003 # wlh -> windows vista and windows server 2008 # win7 -> windows 7 # future version must be added here export WIN64 export DDK export DRIVE export DDKDIR DRIVE ?= C: DDKDIR ?= /WinDDK/7600.16385.1 DDK = $(DRIVE)$(DDKDIR) TARGETOS=win7 _all: all clean distclean: -@(cd ipfw && $(MAKE) $(@) ) -@rm -rf kipfw-mod binary64/[A-hj-z]* all: kipfw ipfw @# -- windows only ifeq ($(OSARCH),Windows) # copy files ifeq ($(WIN64),) -@ cp ipfw/ipfw.exe kipfw-mod/$(OBJDIR)/ipfw.sys binary/ -@ cp kipfw/*.inf binary/ else -@ cp binary/* binary64/ -@ cp ipfw/ipfw.exe kipfw-mod/objchk_win7_amd64/amd64/ipfw.sys binary64/ endif # WIN64 endif # Windows win64: $(MAKE) WIN64=1 # kipfw-src prepares the sources for the kernel part. # The windows files (passthru etc.) are modified version of the # examples found in the $(DDK)/src/network/ndis/passthru/driver/ # They can be re-created using the 'ndis-glue' target # # We need a sed trick to remove newlines from the patchfile. ndis-glue: -@mkdir -p kipfw-mod cp $(DDK)/src/network/ndis/passthru/driver/*.[ch] kipfw-mod cat kipfw/win-passthru.diff | sed "s/$$(printf '\r')//g" | (cd kipfw-mod; patch ) kipfw-src: -@rm -rf kipfw-mod -@mkdir -p kipfw-mod -@cp -Rp kipfw/* kipfw-mod -@cp `find sys -name \*.c` kipfw-mod -@(cd kipfw-mod && $(MAKE) include_e) ifeq ($(OSARCH),Windows) make ndis-glue endif snapshot: $(MAKE) distclean (cd ..; tar cvzhf /tmp/$(SNAPSHOT_NAME) --exclude .svn \ --exclude README.openwrt --exclude tags --exclude NOTES \ --exclude tcc-0.9.25-bsd \ --exclude original_passthru \ --exclude ipfw3.diff --exclude add_rules \ --exclude test --exclude test_ \ ipfw3-2012 ) bindist: $(MAKE) clean $(MAKE) all tar cvzf /tmp/$(BINDIST) ipfw/ipfw ipfw/ipfw.8 kipfw-mod/ipfw_mod.ko windist: $(MAKE) clean -$(MAKE) all -rm /tmp/$(WINDIST) zip -r /tmp/$(WINDIST) binary -x \*.svn\* ipfw: @(cd ipfw && $(MAKE) $(@) ) kipfw: kipfw-src ifeq ($(WIN64),) # linux or windows 32 bit @(cd kipfw-mod && $(MAKE) $(@) ) else #--- windows 64 bit, we use build.exe and nmake rm -f kipfw-mod/Makefile mkdir kipfw-mod/tmpbuild # check mysetenv.sh bash kipfw/mysetenv.sh $(DRIVE) $(DDKDIR) $(TARGETOS) endif IPF3_REPO ?= svn+ssh://some.host/some/path/ipfw3-2012 planetlab_update: # clean and create a local working directory rm -rf /tmp/pl-tmp mkdir -p /tmp/pl-tmp/pl mkdir -p /tmp/pl-tmp/ol2 # get the trunk version of the PlanetLab repository # to specify the sshkey use the .ssh/config file (cd /tmp/pl-tmp/pl; \ svn co svn+ssh://svn.planet-lab.org/svn/ipfw/trunk) # get an updated copy of the main ipfw repository (cd /tmp/pl-tmp/ol2; svn export $(IPFW3_REPO) ) # copy the new version over the old one (cd /tmp/pl-tmp; cp -rP ol2/ipfw3/* pl/trunk) # files cleanup in the old version (cd /tmp/pl-tmp; diff -r ol2/ipfw3 pl/trunk | \ grep -v "svn" | awk '{print $$3 $$4}' | \ sed 's/:/\//' | xargs rm -rf) # local adjustments here rm -rf /tmp/pl-tmp/pl/trunk/planetlab/check_planetlab_sync # commit to the remote repo @echo "Please, revise the update with the commands:" @echo "(cd /tmp/pl-tmp/pl/trunk; svn diff)" @echo "(cd /tmp/pl-tmp/pl/trunk; svn status)" @echo "and commit with:" @echo "(cd /tmp/pl-tmp/pl/trunk; svn ci -m 'Update from the mail ipfw repo.')" openwrt_release: # create a temporary directory $(eval TMPDIR := $(shell mktemp -d -p /tmp/ ipfw3_openwrt_XXXXX)) # create the source destination directory $(eval IPFWDIR := ipfw3-$(DATE)) $(eval DSTDIR := $(TMPDIR)/$(IPFWDIR)) mkdir $(DSTDIR) # copy the package, clean objects and svn info cp -r ./ipfw ./kipfw-mod glue.h Makefile ./configuration README $(DSTDIR) (cd $(DSTDIR); make -s distclean; find . -name .svn | xargs rm -rf) (cd $(TMPDIR); tar czf $(IPFWDIR).tar.gz $(IPFWDIR)) # create the port files in /tmp/ipfw3-port $(eval PORTDIR := $(TMPDIR)/ipfw3) mkdir -p $(PORTDIR)/patches # generate the Makefile, PKG_VERSION and PKG_MD5SUM md5sum $(DSTDIR).tar.gz | cut -d ' ' -f 1 > $(TMPDIR)/md5sum cat ./OPENWRT/Makefile | \ sed s/PKG_VERSION:=/PKG_VERSION:=$(DATE)/ | \ sed s/PKG_MD5SUM:=/PKG_MD5SUM:=`cat $(TMPDIR)/md5sum`/ \ > $(PORTDIR)/Makefile @echo "" @echo "The openwrt port is in $(TMPDIR)/ipfw3-port" @echo "The source file should be copied to the public server:" @echo "scp $(DSTDIR).tar.gz marta@info.iet.unipi.it:~marta/public_html/dummynet" @echo "after this the temporary directory $(TMPDIR) can be removed." install: diff: -@(diff -upr $(BSD_HEAD)/sbin/ipfw ipfw) -@(diff -upr $(BSD_HEAD)/sys sys)