all: python build gcc vsh.c -o vsh ########## sync # for use with the test framework; push local stuff on a test node # howto use: go on testmaster in the build you want to use and just run # $ exp # cut'n paste the result in a terminal in your working dir, e.g. (although all are not required) # $ export BUILD=2013.07.02--lxc18 # $ export # $ export GUESTNAME=2013.07.02--lxc18-1-vplc01 # $ export # $ export # $ export # and then just run # $ make sync # this will attempt to compile vsh from vsh.c (and will push Makefile.vsh in /usr/sbin/) # so you might have to yum install gcc LOCAL_RSYNC_EXCLUDES := --exclude '*.pyc' RSYNC_EXCLUDES := --exclude .git --exclude .svn --exclude '*~' --exclude TAGS $(LOCAL_RSYNC_EXCLUDES) RSYNC_COND_DRY_RUN := $(if $(findstring n,$(MAKEFLAGS)),--dry-run,) RSYNC := rsync -e "ssh -i $(NODE).key.rsa" -a -v $(RSYNC_COND_DRY_RUN) $(RSYNC_EXCLUDES) ifdef NODE NODEURL:=root@$(NODE):/ endif sync: $(NODE).key.rsa ifeq (,$(NODEURL)) @echo "sync: You must define NODE on the command line" @echo " e.g. make sync" @exit 1 else +$(RSYNC) ./lxcsu ./lxcsu-internal ./vsh.c ./Makefile.vsh $(NODEURL)/usr/sbin/ ssh -i $(NODE).key.rsa root@$(NODE) make -C /usr/sbin -f Makefile.vsh vsh ssh -i $(NODE).key.rsa root@$(NODE) chown root:root /usr/sbin/lxcsu /usr/sbin/vsh ssh -i $(NODE).key.rsa root@$(NODE) chmod u+s /usr/sbin/lxcsu /usr/sbin/vsh endif ### fetching the key TESTMASTER ?= ifdef BUILD KEYURL:=root@$(TESTMASTER):$(BUILD)/keys/key_admin.rsa endif key: $(NODE).key.rsa $(NODE).key.rsa: ifeq (,$(KEYURL)) @echo "sync: fetching $@ - You must define TESTMASTER, BUILD and NODE on the command line" @echo " e.g. make sync BUILD=2010.01.22--1l-f8-32" @echo " note that for now all test builds use the same key, so any BUILD would do" @exit 1 else @echo "FETCHING key" +scp $(KEYURL) $@ endif