# $Id$ # $URL$ # #WEBFETCH := curl -H Pragma: -O -R -S --fail --show-error WEBFETCH := wget SHA1SUM = sha1sum # default - overridden by the build SPECFILE = madwifi.spec main.URL := http://mirror.onelab.eu/third-party/madwifi-trunk-r4132-20100921.tar.gz main.SHA1SUM := 67b16da3cba977028e5f1ffa8ba4d367b1acfaa1 main.FILE := $(notdir $(main.URL)) # Thierry - when called from within the build, PWD is /build SOURCEFILES := $(main.FILE) $(main.FILE): #FORCE @if [ ! -e "$@" ] ; then echo "$(WEBFETCH) $(main.URL)" ; $(WEBFETCH) $(main.URL) ; fi @if [ ! -e "$@" ] ; then echo "Could not download source file: $@ does not exist" ; exit 1 ; fi @if test "$$(sha1sum $@ | awk '{print $$1}')" != "$(main.SHA1SUM)" ; then \ echo "sha1sum of the downloaded $@ does not match the one from 'Makefile'" ; \ echo "Local copy: $$(sha1sum $@)" ; \ echo "In Makefile: $(main.SHA1SUM)" ; \ exit 1 ; \ else \ ls -l $@ ; \ fi sources: $(SOURCEFILES) .PHONY: sources PWD=$(shell pwd) PREPARCH ?= noarch RPMDIRDEFS = --define "_sourcedir $(PWD)" --define "_builddir $(PWD)" --define "_srcrpmdir $(PWD)" --define "_rpmdir $(PWD)" trees: sources rpmbuild $(RPMDIRDEFS) $(RPMDEFS) --nodeps -bp --target $(PREPARCH) $(SPECFILE) srpm: sources rpmbuild $(RPMDIRDEFS) $(RPMDEFS) --nodeps -bs $(SPECFILE) TARGET ?= $(shell uname -m) rpm: sources rpmbuild $(RPMDIRDEFS) $(RPMDEFS) --nodeps --target $(TARGET) -bb $(SPECFILE) clean: rm -f *.rpm *.tgz *.bz2 *.gz ++%: varname=$(subst +,,$@) ++%: @echo "$(varname)=$($(varname))" +%: varname=$(subst +,,$@) +%: @echo "$($(varname))"