#!/usr/bin/python import sys from monitor import database from monitor.common import * from monitor.model import Record import glob import os import traceback import time import re import string from monitor.wrapper import plc api = plc.getAuthAPI() from monitor.util import file from monitor import config from monitor.sources import comon default_fields="name,resptime,sshstatus,date,uptime,lastcotop,cpuspeed,memsize,disksize" class NoKeyException(Exception): pass def daysdown_print_nodeinfo(co_nodeinfo, hostname): co_nodeinfo['hostname'] = hostname co_nodeinfo['daysdown'] = Record.getStrDaysDown(co_nodeinfo) co_nodeinfo['intdaysdown'] = Record.getDaysDown(co_nodeinfo) print "%(intdaysdown)5s %(hostname)-44s | %(state)10.10s | %(daysdown)s" % co_nodeinfo def co_print_nodeinfo(co_nodeinfo, hostname, fields=None): # co_nodeinfo['bootstate'] : unknown pattern co_nodeinfo['name'] = hostname if 'uptime' in co_nodeinfo and co_nodeinfo['uptime'] != "null": co_nodeinfo['uptime'] = diff_time(time.time()-float(co_nodeinfo['uptime'])) if 'date' in co_nodeinfo and co_nodeinfo['date'] != "null": co_nodeinfo['date'] = diff_time(float(co_nodeinfo['date'])) if fields == default_fields.split(','): print "%(name)-40s %(sshstatus)5.5s %(resptime)6.6s %(lastcotop)6.6s %(uptime)s" % co_nodeinfo else: format = "" for f in fields: format += "%%(%s)s " % f print format % co_nodeinfo def main(): from monitor import parser as parsermodule parser = parsermodule.getParser() parser.set_defaults(node=None, select=None, list=None, dns=False, listkeys=False, pcuselect=None, nodelist=None, daysdown=None, fields=default_fields) parser.add_option("", "--daysdown", dest="daysdown", action="store_true", help="List the node state and days down...") parser.add_option("", "--select", dest="select", metavar="key=value", help="List all nodes with the given key=value pattern") parser.add_option("", "--fields", dest="fields", metavar="key,list,...", help="a list of keys to display for each entry.") parser.add_option("", "--list", dest="list", action="store_true", help="Write only the hostnames as output.") parser.add_option("", "--nodelist", dest="nodelist", metavar="nodelist.txt", help="A list of nodes to bring out of debug mode.") parser.add_option("", "--listkeys", dest="listkeys", action="store_true", help="A list of nodes to bring out of debug mode.") parser.add_option("", "--dns", dest="dns", action="store_true", help="A convenience query for dns values") parser = parsermodule.getParser(['defaults'], parser) config = parsermodule.parse_args(parser) #if config.fromtime: # fb = None #else: # fb = None # lastcotop measures whether cotop is actually running. this is a better # metric than sshstatus, or other values from CoMon COMON_COTOPURL= "http://comon.cs.princeton.edu/status/tabulator.cgi?" + \ "table=table_nodeview&formatcsv" if config.dns: config.fields = "name,dns1udp,dns1tcp,dns2udp,dns2tcp" config.select = "dns1udp>0||dns1tcp>0||dns2udp>0||dns2tcp>0" if config.fields == "all": cotop_url = COMON_COTOPURL else: cotop_url = COMON_COTOPURL + "&dumpcols='%s'" % config.fields if config.select: cotop_url = cotop_url + "&select='%s'" % config.select if config.listkeys: cotop_url = COMON_COTOPURL + "&limit=1" cotop = comon.Comon() cohash = cotop.coget(cotop_url) if config.nodelist: nodelist = file.getListFromFile(config.nodelist) else: # NOTE: list of nodes should come from comon query. nodelist = cohash.keys() print "%(name)-40s %(sshstatus)5.5s %(resptime)6.6s %(lastcotop)6.6s %(uptime)s" % { 'name' : 'hostname', 'sshstatus' : 'sshstatus', 'resptime' : 'resptime', 'lastcotop' : 'lastcotop', 'uptime' : 'uptime'} for node in nodelist: config.node = node if node not in cohash: continue co_nodeinfo = cohash[node] if config.listkeys: print "Primary keys available in the comon object:" for key in co_nodeinfo.keys(): print "\t",key sys.exit(0) if config.list: print node else: if config.daysdown: daysdown_print_nodeinfo(co_nodeinfo, node) else: fields = config.fields.split(",") co_print_nodeinfo(co_nodeinfo, node, fields) if __name__ == "__main__": main()