#!/usr/bin/python # This script is used to manipulate the operational state of nodes in # different node groups. These are basically set operations on nodes via the # PLC api. # # Take the ng name as an argument.... # optionally, # * get a list of nodes in the given nodegroup. # * set some or all in the set to rins. # * restart them all. # * do something else to them all. # from monitor import config from monitor import util from monitor import const from monitor import database from monitor import parser as parsermodule from monitor import reboot from monitor.wrapper import plc api = plc.getAuthAPI() import traceback from optparse import OptionParser from monitor.common import * from nodequery import verify,query_to_dict,node_select from monitor.model import * import os import time import bootman # debug nodes import mailmonitor # down nodes without pcu from monitor.wrapper.emailTxt import mailtxt import sys class Reboot(object): def __init__(self, fbnode): self.fbnode = fbnode def _send_pcunotice(self, host): args = {} args['hostname'] = host try: args['pcu_id'] = plc.getpcu(host)['pcu_id'] except: args['pcu_id'] = host m = PersistMessage(host, mailtxt.pcudown_one[0] % args, mailtxt.pcudown_one[1] % args, True, db='pcu_persistmessages') loginbase = plc.siteId(host) m.send([const.TECHEMAIL % loginbase]) def pcu(self, host): # TODO: It should be possible to diagnose the various conditions of # the PCU here, and send different messages as appropriate. print "'%s'" % self.fbnode['pcu'] if self.fbnode['pcu'] == "PCU" or "PCUOK" in self.fbnode['pcu']: self.action = "reboot.reboot('%s')" % host pflags = PersistFlags(host, 2*60*60*24, db='pcu_persistflags') #pflags.resetRecentFlag('pcutried') if not pflags.getRecentFlag('pcutried'): try: print "CALLING REBOOT!!!" ret = reboot.reboot(host) pflags.setRecentFlag('pcutried') pflags.save() return ret except Exception,e: email_exception() print traceback.print_exc(); print e # NOTE: this failure could be an implementation issue on # our end. So, extra notices are confusing... # self._send_pcunotice(host) pflags.setRecentFlag('pcufailed') pflags.save() return False elif not pflags.getRecentFlag('pcu_rins_tried'): try: # set node to 'rins' boot state. print "CALLING REBOOT +++ RINS" plc.nodeBootState(host, 'rins') ret = reboot.reboot(host) pflags.setRecentFlag('pcu_rins_tried') pflags.save() return ret except Exception,e: email_exception() print traceback.print_exc(); print e # NOTE: this failure could be an implementation issue on # our end. So, extra notices are confusing... # self._send_pcunotice(host) pflags.setRecentFlag('pcufailed') pflags.save() return False else: # we've tried the pcu recently, but it didn't work, # so did we send a message about it recently? if not pflags.getRecentFlag('pcumessagesent'): self._send_pcunotice(host) pflags.setRecentFlag('pcumessagesent') pflags.save() # This will result in mail() being called next, to try to # engage the technical contact to take care of it also. print "RETURNING FALSE" return False else: print "NO PCUOK" self.action = "None" return False def mail(self, host): # Reset every 4 weeks or so pflags = PersistFlags(host, 27*60*60*24, db='mail_persistflags') if not pflags.getRecentFlag('endrecord'): node_end_record(host) pflags.setRecentFlag('endrecord') pflags.save() # Then in either case, run mailmonitor.reboot() self.action = "mailmonitor.reboot('%s')" % host try: return mailmonitor.reboot(host) except Exception, e: email_exception(host) print traceback.print_exc(); print e return False class RebootDebug(Reboot): def direct(self, host): self.action = "bootman.reboot('%s', config, None)" % host return bootman.reboot(host, config, None) class RebootBoot(Reboot): def direct(self, host): self.action = "bootman.reboot('%s', config, 'reboot')" % host return bootman.reboot(host, config, 'reboot') class RebootDown(Reboot): def direct(self, host): self.action = "None" return False # this always fails, since the node will be down. def set_node_to_rins(host, fb): node = api.GetNodes(host, ['boot_state', 'last_contact', 'last_updated', 'date_created']) record = {'observation' : node[0], 'model' : 'USER_REQUEST', 'action' : 'api.UpdateNode(%s, {"boot_state" : "rins"})' % host, 'time' : time.time()} l = Log(host, record) ret = api.UpdateNode(host, {'boot_state' : 'rins'}) if ret: # it's nice to see the current status rather than the previous status on the console node = api.GetNodes(host)[0] print l print "%-2d" % (i-1), nodegroup_display(node, fb) return l else: print "FAILED TO UPDATE NODE BOOT STATE : %s" % host return None try: rebootlog = database.dbLoad("rebootlog") except: rebootlog = LogRoll() parser = parsermodule.getParser(['nodesets']) parser.set_defaults( timewait=0, skip=0, rins=False, reboot=False, findbad=False, force=False, nosetup=False, verbose=False, quiet=False, ) parser.add_option("", "--stopselect", dest="stopselect", metavar="", help="The select string that must evaluate to true for the node to be considered 'done'") parser.add_option("", "--findbad", dest="findbad", action="store_true", help="Re-run findbad on the nodes we're going to check before acting.") parser.add_option("", "--force", dest="force", action="store_true", help="Force action regardless of previous actions/logs.") parser.add_option("", "--rins", dest="rins", action="store_true", help="Set the boot_state to 'rins' for all nodes.") parser.add_option("", "--reboot", dest="reboot", action="store_true", help="Actively try to reboot the nodes, keeping a log of actions.") parser.add_option("", "--verbose", dest="verbose", action="store_true", help="Extra debug output messages.") parser.add_option("", "--nosetup", dest="nosetup", action="store_true", help="Do not perform the orginary setup phase.") parser.add_option("", "--skip", dest="skip", help="Number of machines to skip on the input queue.") parser.add_option("", "--timewait", dest="timewait", help="Minutes to wait between iterations of 10 nodes.") parser = parsermodule.getParser(['defaults'], parser) config = parsermodule.parse_args(parser) # COLLECT nodegroups, nodes and node lists if config.nodegroup: ng = api.GetNodeGroups({'name' : config.nodegroup}) nodelist = api.GetNodes(ng[0]['node_ids']) hostnames = [ n['hostname'] for n in nodelist ] if config.site: site = api.GetSites(config.site) l_nodes = api.GetNodes(site[0]['node_ids'], ['hostname']) hostnames = [ n['hostname'] for n in l_nodes ] if config.node or config.nodelist: if config.node: hostnames = [ config.node ] else: hostnames = util.file.getListFromFile(config.nodelist) fbquery = FindbadNodeRecord.get_all_latest() fb_nodelist = [ n.hostname for n in fbquery ] if config.nodeselect: hostnames = node_select(config.nodeselect, fb_nodelist) if config.findbad: # rerun findbad with the nodes in the given nodes. file = "findbad.txt" util.file.setFileFromList(file, hostnames) os.system("./findbad.py --cachenodes --increment --nodelist %s" % file) # TODO: shouldn't we reload the node list now? l_blacklist = database.if_cached_else(1, "l_blacklist", lambda : []) # commands: i = 1 count = 1 #print "hosts: %s" % hostnames for host in hostnames: #if 'echo' in host or 'hptest-1' in host: continue try: try: node = api.GetNodes(host)[0] except: email_exception() print traceback.print_exc(); print "FAILED GETNODES for host: %s" % host continue print "%-2d" % i, nodegroup_display(node, fb) i += 1 if i-1 <= int(config.skip): continue if host in l_blacklist: print "%s is blacklisted. Skipping." % host continue if config.stopselect: dict_query = query_to_dict(config.stopselect) fbnode = fb['nodes'][host]['values'] observed_state = get_current_state(fbnode) if verify(dict_query, fbnode) and observed_state != "dbg ": # evaluates to true, therefore skip. print "%s evaluates true for %s ; skipping..." % ( config.stopselect, host ) try: # todo: clean up act_all record here. # todo: send thank you, etc. mailmonitor.reboot(host) except Exception, e: email_exception() print traceback.print_exc(); print e continue #else: #print "%s failed to match %s: -%s-" % ( host, dict_query, observed_state ) #sys.exit(1) if not config.force and rebootlog.find(host, {'action' : ".*reboot"}, 60*60*2): print "recently rebooted %s. skipping... " % host continue if config.reboot: fbnode = fb['nodes'][host]['values'] observed_state = get_current_state(fbnode) if observed_state == "dbg ": o = RebootDebug(fbnode) elif observed_state == "boot" : if config.rins: l = set_node_to_rins(host, fb) if l: rebootlog.add(l) o = RebootBoot(fbnode) elif observed_state == "down": if config.rins: l = set_node_to_rins(host, fb) if l: rebootlog.add(l) o = RebootDown(fbnode) if o.direct(host): record = {'observation' : "DIRECT_SUCCESS: %s" % observed_state, 'action' : o.action, 'model' : "none", 'time' : time.time()} elif o.pcu(host): record = {'observation' : "PCU_SUCCESS: %s" % observed_state, 'action' : o.action, 'model' : "none", 'time' : time.time()} elif o.mail(host): record = {'observation' : "MAIL_SUCCESS: %s" % observed_state, 'action' : o.action, 'model' : "none", 'time' : time.time()} else: record = {'observation' : "REBOOT_FAILED: %s" % observed_state, 'action' : "log failure", 'model' : "none", 'time' : time.time()} print "ALL METHODS OF RESTARTING %s FAILED" % host args = {} args['hostname'] = host #m = PersistMessage(host, "ALL METHODS FAILED for %(hostname)s" % args, # "CANNOT CONTACT", False, db='suspect_persistmessages') #m.reset() #m.send(['monitor-list@lists.planet-lab.org']) l = Log(host, record) print l rebootlog.add(l) except KeyboardInterrupt: print "Killed by interrupt" sys.exit(0) except: email_exception() print traceback.print_exc(); print "Continuing..." time.sleep(1) if count % 10 == 0: print "Saving rebootlog" database.dbDump("rebootlog", rebootlog) wait_time = int(config.timewait) print "Sleeping %d minutes" % wait_time ti = 0 print "Minutes slept: ", sys.stdout.flush() while ti < wait_time: print "%s" % ti, sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(60) ti = ti+1 count = count + 1 print "Saving rebootlog" database.dbDump("rebootlog", rebootlog)