import time import struct from monitor import reboot from monitor import util from monitor.wrapper import plc from datetime import datetime, timedelta from monitor.model import Message from import HistoryNodeRecord esc = struct.pack('i', 27) RED = esc + "[1;31m" GREEN = esc + "[1;32m" YELLOW = esc + "[1;33m" BLUE = esc + "[1;34m" LIGHTBLUE = esc + "[1;36m" NORMAL = esc + "[0;39m" def red(str): return RED + str + NORMAL def yellow(str): return YELLOW + str + NORMAL def green(str): return GREEN + str + NORMAL def lightblue(str): return LIGHTBLUE + str + NORMAL def blue(str): return BLUE + str + NORMAL def get_current_state(fbnode): if 'observed_status' in fbnode: state = fbnode['observed_status'] else: state = "none" l = state.lower() if l == "debug": l = 'dbg ' return l def color_pcu_state(fbnode): if 'plcnode' in fbnode and 'pcu_ids' in fbnode['plcnode'] and len(fbnode['plcnode']['pcu_ids']) > 0 : values = reboot.get_pcu_values(fbnode['plcnode']['pcu_ids'][0]) if values == None: return fbnode['pcu'] else: if 'pcu' not in fbnode: return 'NOPCU' else: return fbnode['pcu'] if 'reboot' in values: rb = values['reboot'] if rb == 0 or rb == "0": return fbnode['pcu'] + "OK " elif "NetDown" == rb or "Not_Run" == rb: return fbnode['pcu'] + "DOWN" else: return fbnode['pcu'] + "BAD " else: return fbnode['pcu'] + "BAD " def color_boot_state(l): if l == "dbg": return yellow("debg") elif l == "dbg ": return yellow("debg") elif l == "failboot": return yellow("debg") elif l == "diag": return lightblue(l) elif l == "diagnose": return lightblue(l) elif l == "safeboot": return lightblue(l) elif l == "disable": return red("dsbl") elif l == "disabled": return red("dsbl") elif l == "down": return red(l) elif l == "boot": return green(l) elif l == "rins": return blue(l) elif l == "reinstall": return blue(l) else: return l def diff_time(timestamp, abstime=True): import math now = time.time() if timestamp == None: return "unknown" if type(timestamp) == type( timestamp = time.mktime(timestamp.timetuple()) if abstime: diff = now - timestamp else: diff = timestamp # return the number of seconds as a difference from current time. t_str = "" if diff < 60: # sec in min. t = diff / 1 t_str = "%s sec ago" % int(math.ceil(t)) elif diff < 60*60: # sec in hour t = diff / (60) t_str = "%s min ago" % int(math.ceil(t)) elif diff < 60*60*24: # sec in day t = diff / (60*60) t_str = "%s hrs ago" % int(math.ceil(t)) elif diff < 60*60*24*14: # sec in week t = diff / (60*60*24) t_str = "%s days ago" % int(math.ceil(t)) elif diff <= 60*60*24*30: # approx sec in month t = diff / (60*60*24*7) t_str = "%s wks ago" % int(math.ceil(t)) elif diff > 60*60*24*30: # approx sec in month t = diff / (60*60*24*30) t_str = "%s mnths ago" % int(t) return t_str def getvalue(fb, path): indexes = path.split("/") values = fb for index in indexes: if index in values: values = values[index] else: return None return values def nmap_port_status(status): ps = {} l_nmap = status.split() ports = l_nmap[4:] continue_probe = False for port in ports: results = port.split('/') ps[results[0]] = results[1] if results[1] == "open": continue_probe = True return (ps, continue_probe) def nodegroup_display(node, fbdata, conf=None): node['current'] = get_current_state(fbdata) s = fbdata['kernel_version'].split() if len(s) >=3: node['kernel_version'] = s[2] else: node['kernel_version'] = fbdata['kernel_version'] if '2.6' not in node['kernel_version']: node['kernel_version'] = "" if conf and not conf.nocolor: node['boot_state'] = color_boot_state(node['boot_state']) node['current'] = color_boot_state(node['current']) if type(fbdata['plc_node_stats']['pcu_ids']) == type([]): node['pcu'] = "PCU" node['lastupdate'] = diff_time(node['last_contact']) pf = HistoryNodeRecord.get_by(hostname=node['hostname']) try: node['lc'] = diff_time(pf.last_changed) except: node['lc'] = "err" ut = fbdata['comon_stats']['uptime'] if ut != "null": ut = diff_time(float(fbdata['comon_stats']['uptime']), False) node['uptime'] = ut return "%(hostname)-42s %(boot_state)8s %(current)5s %(pcu)6s %(key)10.10s... %(kernel_version)35.35s %(lastupdate)12s, %(lc)s, %(uptime)s" % node def datetime_fromstr(str): if '-' in str: try: tup = time.strptime(str, "%Y-%m-%d") except: tup = time.strptime(str, "%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M") elif '/' in str: tup = time.strptime(str, "%m/%d/%Y") else: tup = time.strptime(str, "%m/%d/%Y") ret = datetime.fromtimestamp(time.mktime(tup)) return ret def get_nodeset(config): """ Given the config values passed in, return the set of hostnames that it evaluates to. """ from monitor.wrapper import plccache api = plc.getAuthAPI() l_nodes = plccache.l_nodes if config.nodelist: f_nodes = util.file.getListFromFile(config.nodelist) l_nodes = filter(lambda x: x['hostname'] in f_nodes, l_nodes) elif config.node: f_nodes = [config.node] l_nodes = filter(lambda x: x['hostname'] in f_nodes, l_nodes) elif config.nodegroup: ng = api.GetNodeGroups({'name' : config.nodegroup}) l_nodes = api.GetNodes(ng[0]['node_ids'], ['hostname']) elif site = api.GetSites( l_nodes = api.GetNodes(site[0]['node_ids'], ['hostname']) l_nodes = [node['hostname'] for node in l_nodes] # perform this query after the above options, so that the filter above # does not break. if config.nodeselect: fbquery = FindbadNodeRecord.get_all_latest() node_list = [ n.hostname for n in fbquery ] l_nodes = node_select(config.nodeselect, node_list, None) return l_nodes def email_exception(content=None, title=None): import config from monitor.model import Message import traceback msg=traceback.format_exc() if content: msg = content + "\n" + msg full_title = "exception running monitor" if title: full_title = "exception running monitor %s" % title m=Message(full_title, msg, False) m.send([config.exception_email]) return def changed_lessthan(last_changed, days): if - last_changed <= timedelta(days): #print "last changed less than %s" % timedelta(days) return True else: #print "last changed more than %s" % timedelta(days) return False def changed_greaterthan(last_changed, days): if - last_changed > timedelta(days): #print "last changed more than %s" % timedelta(days) return True else: #print "last changed less than %s" % timedelta(days) return False def found_between(recent_actions, action_type, lower, upper): return found_before(recent_actions, action_type, upper) and found_within(recent_actions, action_type, lower) def found_before(recent_actions, action_type, within): for action in recent_actions: if action_type == action.action_type and \ action.date_created < ( - timedelta(within)): return True return False def found_within(recent_actions, action_type, within): for action in recent_actions: #print "%s - %s %s > %s - %s (%s) ==> %s" % (action.loginbase, action.action_type, action.date_created,, timedelta(within),, action.date_created > ( - timedelta(within)) ) if action_type == action.action_type and \ action.date_created > ( - timedelta(within)): - action.date_created < timedelta(within): # recent action of given type. #print "%s found_within %s in recent_actions from %s" % (action_type, timedelta(within), action.date_created) return True print "%s NOT found_within %s in recent_actions" % (action_type, timedelta(within) ) return False