import sys from datetime import datetime, timedelta def d_from_l(l, key, using=None, key_as=str, using_as=None): d = {} for obj in l: if not str(obj[key]) in d: if using is None: d[key_as(obj[key])] = obj else: if using_as is None: d[key_as(obj[key])] = obj[using] else: d[key_as(obj[key])] = using_as(obj[using]) else: print "Two objects have the same %s key %s!" % (key, obj[key]) continue return d def dpcus_from_lpcus(l_pcus): d_pcus = d_from_l(l_pcus, 'pcu_id') return d_pcus def dnodes_from_lnodes(l_nodes): d_nodes = d_from_l(l_nodes, 'hostname') return d_nodes def dsites_from_lsites(l_sites): d_sites = d_from_l(l_sites, 'login_base') return d_sites def dsites_from_lsites_id(l_sites): d_sites = d_from_l(l_sites, 'login_base') id2lb = d_from_l(l_sites, 'site_id', 'login_base', int, str) return (d_sites, id2lb) def dsn_from_dsln(d_sites, id2lb, l_nodes): lb2hn = {} dsn = {} hn2lb = {} for id in id2lb: if id2lb[id] not in lb2hn: lb2hn[id2lb[id]] = [] for node in l_nodes: # this won't reach sites without nodes, which I guess isn't a problem. if node['site_id'] in id2lb.keys(): login_base = id2lb[node['site_id']] else: print >>sys.stderr, "%s has a foreign site_id %s" % (node['hostname'], node['site_id']) continue for i in id2lb: print i, " ", id2lb[i] raise Exception, "Node has missing site id!! %s %d" %(node['hostname'], node['site_id']) if not login_base in dsn: lb2hn[login_base] = [] dsn[login_base] = {} dsn[login_base]['plc'] = d_sites[login_base] dsn[login_base]['monitor'] = {} # event log, or something hostname = node['hostname'] lb2hn[login_base].append(node) dsn[login_base][hostname] = {} dsn[login_base][hostname]['plc'] = node dsn[login_base][hostname]['comon'] = {} dsn[login_base][hostname]['monitor'] = {} hn2lb[hostname] = login_base return (dsn, hn2lb, lb2hn) class Time: @classmethod def dt_to_ts(cls, dt): t = time.mktime(dt.timetuple()) return t @classmethod def ts_to_dt(cls, ts): d = datetime.fromtimestamp(ts) return d @classmethod def str_to_dt(cls, date_str, format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"): dt = datetime.strptime(date_str[:date_str.find('.')], format) return dt @classmethod def str_to_ts(cls, date_str, format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"): ts = time.mktime(time.strptime(date_str[:date_str.find('.')], format)) return ts