#!/usr/bin/python import sys from monitor.wrapper import plc from monitor.database.info.model import * import profile def dsites_from_lsites(l_sites): d_sites = {} id2lb = {} for site in l_sites: if not site['login_base'] in d_sites: d_sites[site['login_base']] = site id2lb[site['site_id']] = site['login_base'] else: #print "Two sites have the same login_base value %s!" % site['login_base'] #sys.exit(1) continue return (d_sites, id2lb) def dsn_from_dsln(d_sites, id2lb, l_nodes): lb2hn = {} dsn = {} hn2lb = {} for id in id2lb: if id2lb[id] not in lb2hn: lb2hn[id2lb[id]] = [] for node in l_nodes: # this won't reach sites without nodes, which I guess isn't a problem. if node['site_id'] in id2lb.keys(): login_base = id2lb[node['site_id']] else: print "%s has a foreign site_id %s" % (node['hostname'], node['site_id']) continue for i in id2lb: print i, " ", id2lb[i] raise Exception, "Node has missing site id!! %s %d" %(node['hostname'], node['site_id']) if not login_base in dsn: lb2hn[login_base] = [] dsn[login_base] = {} dsn[login_base]['plc'] = d_sites[login_base] dsn[login_base]['monitor'] = {} # event log, or something hostname = node['hostname'] lb2hn[login_base].append(node) dsn[login_base][hostname] = {} dsn[login_base][hostname]['plc'] = node dsn[login_base][hostname]['comon'] = {} dsn[login_base][hostname]['monitor'] = {} hn2lb[hostname] = login_base return (dsn, hn2lb, lb2hn) l_sites = None l_nodes = None l_pcus = None plcdb_hn2lb = None plcdb_lb2hn = None plcdb_id2lb = None def init(): import traceback #print "IMPORTING PLCCACHE: ", #traceback.print_stack() global l_sites global l_nodes global l_pcus global plcdb_hn2lb global plcdb_lb2hn global plcdb_id2lb print "initing plccache" print "collecting plcsites" dbsites = PlcSite.query.all() l_sites = [ s.plc_site_stats for s in dbsites ] print "collecting plcnodes" dbnodes = PlcNode.query.all() l_nodes = [ s.plc_node_stats for s in dbnodes ] print "collecting plcpcus" dbpcus = PlcPCU2.query.all() l_pcus = [] for s in dbpcus: pcu = {} for k in ['username', 'protocol', 'node_ids', 'ip', 'pcu_id', 'hostname', 'site_id', 'notes', 'model', 'password', 'ports']: pcu[k] = getattr(s, k) l_pcus.append(pcu) print "building id2lb" (d_sites,id2lb) = dsites_from_lsites(l_sites) print "building lb2hn" (plcdb, hn2lb, lb2hn) = dsn_from_dsln(d_sites, id2lb, l_nodes) plcdb_hn2lb = hn2lb plcdb_lb2hn = lb2hn plcdb_id2lb = id2lb return def GetNodesByIds(ids): ret = [] for node_id in ids: node = PlcNode.get_by(node_id=node_id) ret.append(node.plc_node_stats) return ret def GetNodesBySite(loginbase): site = PlcSite.get_by(loginbase=loginbase) return GetNodesByIds(site.plc_site_stats['node_ids']) def GetNodeByName(hostname): node = PlcNode.get_by(hostname=hostname) return node.plc_node_stats def GetSitesByName(sitelist): ret = [] for site in sitelist: site = PlcSite.get_by(loginbase=site) ret.append(site.plc_site_stats) return ret def GetSitesById(idlist): ret = [] for site_id in idlist: site = PlcSite.get_by(site_id=site_id) ret.append(site.plc_site_stats) return ret def deleteExtra(l_plc, objectClass=PlcSite, dbKey='loginbase', plcKey='login_base'): dbobjs = objectClass.query.all() dbobj_key = [ getattr(s, dbKey) for s in dbobjs ] plcobj_key = [ s[plcKey] for s in l_plc ] extra_key = set(dbobj_key) - set(plcobj_key) for obj in extra_key: print "deleting %s" % obj dbobj = objectClass.get_by(**{dbKey : obj}) dbobj.delete() def sync(): l_sites = plc.api.GetSites({'peer_id':None}, ['login_base', 'site_id', 'abbreviated_name', 'latitude', 'longitude', 'max_slices', 'slice_ids', 'node_ids', 'enabled', 'date_created' ]) l_nodes = plc.api.GetNodes({'peer_id':None}, ['hostname', 'node_id', 'ports', 'site_id', 'boot_state', 'version', 'last_updated', 'date_created', 'key', 'last_contact', 'pcu_ids', 'interface_ids']) l_pcus = plc.api.GetPCUs() print "sync sites" for site in l_sites: dbsite = PlcSite.findby_or_create(site_id=site['site_id']) dbsite.loginbase = site['login_base'] dbsite.date_checked = datetime.now() dbsite.plc_site_stats = site deleteExtra(l_sites, PlcSite, 'loginbase', 'login_base') deleteExtra(l_sites, HistorySiteRecord, 'loginbase', 'login_base') session.flush() print "sync pcus" for pcu in l_pcus: dbpcu = PlcPCU2.findby_or_create(pcu_id=pcu['pcu_id']) dbpcu.date_checked = datetime.now() for key in pcu.keys(): print "setting %s = %s" % (key, pcu[key]) setattr(dbpcu, key, pcu[key]) deleteExtra(l_pcus, PlcPCU2, 'pcu_id', 'pcu_id') deleteExtra(l_pcus, HistoryPCURecord, 'plc_pcuid', 'pcu_id') deleteExtra(l_pcus, FindbadPCURecord, 'plc_pcuid', 'pcu_id') session.flush() print "sync nodes" for node in l_nodes: dbnode = PlcNode.findby_or_create(node_id=node['node_id']) dbnode.hostname = node['hostname'] dbnode.date_checked = datetime.now() dbnode.plc_node_stats = node deleteExtra(l_nodes, PlcNode, 'hostname', 'hostname') deleteExtra(l_nodes, HistoryNodeRecord, 'hostname', 'hostname') deleteExtra(l_nodes, FindbadNodeRecord, 'hostname', 'hostname') session.flush() init() return if __name__ == '__main__': sync() else: init()