#!/usr/bin/python import plc api = plc.getAuthAPI() import database import reboot import time from datetime import datetime, timedelta import calendar import sys import time from monitor.model import * from monitor.common import * def get_filefromglob(d, str): import os import glob # TODO: This is aweful. path = "archive-pdb" archive = database.SPickle(path) glob_str = "%s*.%s.pkl" % (d.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), str) os.chdir(path) #print glob_str #file = glob.glob(glob_str)[0] files = glob.glob(glob_str) #print "loading %s" % file os.chdir("..") files_chng = [ file[:-4] for file in files ] return files_chng #fb = archive.load(file[:-4]) def fb_print_nodeinfo(fbnode, verbose, date=None): if verbose: print " state | ssh | pcu | bootcd | category | kernel" if 'checked' in fbnode: print "%11.11s " % diff_time(fbnode['checked']), else: if date: print date, else: print "Unknown", if fbnode['bootcd']: fbnode['bootcd'] = fbnode['bootcd'].split()[-1] else: fbnode['bootcd'] = "unknown" fbnode['state'] = color_boot_state(get_current_state(fbnode)) fbnode['boot_state'] = getvalue(fbnode, 'plcnode/boot_state') if len(fbnode['kernel'].split()) >= 3: fbnode['kernel'] = fbnode['kernel'].split()[2] print " %(state)5s | %(boot_state)s | %(ssh)5.5s | %(pcu)5.5s | %(bootcd)6.6s | %(category)8.8s | %(kernel)s" % fbnode def pcu_print_info(pcuinfo, hostname): print " Checked: ", if 'checked' in pcuinfo: print "%11.11s " % diff_time(pcuinfo['checked']) else: print "Unknown" print "\t user | password | port | hostname " print "\t %17s | %17s | %4s | %30s | %s" % \ (pcuinfo['username'], pcuinfo['password'], pcuinfo[hostname], reboot.pcu_name(pcuinfo), pcuinfo['model']) if 'portstatus' in pcuinfo and pcuinfo['portstatus'] != {}: if pcuinfo['portstatus']['22'] == "open": print "\t ssh -o PasswordAuthentication=yes -o PubkeyAuthentication=no %s@%s" % (pcuinfo['username'], reboot.pcu_name(pcuinfo)) if pcuinfo['portstatus']['23'] == "open": print "\t telnet %s" % (reboot.pcu_name(pcuinfo)) if pcuinfo['portstatus']['80'] == "open" or \ pcuinfo['portstatus']['443'] == "open": print "\t http://%s" % (reboot.pcu_name(pcuinfo)) if pcuinfo['portstatus']['443'] == "open": print "\t racadm.py -r %s -u %s -p '%s'" % (pcuinfo['ip'], pcuinfo['username'], pcuinfo['password']) print "\t cmdhttps/locfg.pl -s %s -f iloxml/Reset_Server.xml -u %s -p '%s' | grep MESSAGE" % \ (reboot.pcu_name(pcuinfo), pcuinfo['username'], pcuinfo['password']) def main(): import parser as parsermodule parser = parsermodule.getParser() parser.set_defaults(node=None, fields='state', fromtime=None) parser.add_option("", "--node", dest="node", metavar="nodename.edu", help="A single node name to add to the nodegroup") parser.add_option("", "--fields", dest="fields", metavar="key", help="Which record field to extract from all files.") parser.add_option("", "--fromtime", dest="fromtime", metavar="YYYY-MM-DD", help="Specify a starting date from which to begin the query.") config = parsermodule.parse_args(parser) path = "archive-pdb" archive = database.SPickle(path) if config.fromtime: begin = config.fromtime else: begin = "2007-11-06" if config.node is None and len(config.args) > 0: config.node = config.args[0] elif config.node is None: print "Add a hostname to arguments" print "exit." sys.exit(1) d = datetime_fromstr(begin) tdelta = timedelta(1) verbose = 1 while True: try: for file in get_filefromglob(d, "production.findbad"): #file = get_filefromglob(d, "production.findbad") #file = "%s.production.findbad" % d.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") fb = archive.load(file) if config.node in fb['nodes']: fb_nodeinfo = fb['nodes'][config.node]['values'] fb_print_nodeinfo(fb_nodeinfo, verbose, d.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")) del fb verbose = 0 except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.exit(1) except: #import traceback; print traceback.print_exc() print d.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), "No record" d = d + tdelta if d > datetime.now(): break if __name__ == "__main__": main()