#!/usr/bin/python import soltesz import plc from optparse import OptionParser import sys from reboot import pcu_name, get_pcu_values import sys from config import config def print_dict(dict): for key in dict.keys(): print "%30s : %s" % (key, dict[key]) parser = OptionParser() parser.set_defaults(withpcu=False, refresh=False) parser.add_option("-f", "--nodelist",dest="filename",default="", metavar="FILE", help="Provide the input file for the downnode list") parser.add_option("", "--refresh", action="store_true", dest="refresh", help="Refresh the cached values") config = config(parser) config.parse_args() if not config.run: k = config.__dict__.keys() k.sort() for o in k: print o, "=", config.__dict__[o] print "Add --run to actually perform the command" sys.exit(1) pculist = soltesz.if_cached_else_refresh(1, config.refresh, "pculist", lambda : plc.GetPCUs()) for pcu in pculist: #print pcu #sys.exit(1) if pcu['model'] == None: continue if True: # pcu['model'].find("APC AP79xx/Masterswitch") >= 0: host = pcu_name(pcu) values = get_pcu_values(pcu['pcu_id']) if 'portstatus' not in values: portstatus = "" else: if values['reboot'] == 0 or (not isinstance(values['reboot'],int) and values['reboot'].find("error") >= 0): portstatus = "22:%(22)s 23:%(23)s" % values['portstatus'] if values['reboot'] == 0: print "%6d %20s %50s %s" % (pcu['pcu_id'], pcu['password'], "%s@%s" % (pcu['username'], host), portstatus) #soltesz.dbDump("pculist", pculist, 'php')