import os import sys import pickle noserial=False try: from PHPSerialize import * from PHPUnserialize import * except: print >>sys.stderr, "PHPSerial db type not allowed." noserial=True import inspect import shutil from config import config config = config() DEBUG= 0 PICKLE_PATH="pdb" def dbLoad(name, type=None): return SPickle().load(name, type) def dbExists(name, type=None): #if self.config.debug: # name = "debug.%s" % name return SPickle().exists(name, type) def dbDump(name, obj=None, type=None): # depth of the dump is 2 now, since we're redirecting to '.dump' return SPickle().dump(name, obj, type, 2) def if_cached_else_refresh(cond, refresh, name, function, type=None): s = SPickle() if refresh: if not config.debug and s.exists("production.%s" % name, type): s.remove("production.%s" % name, type) if config.debug and s.exists("debug.%s" % name, type): s.remove("debug.%s" % name, type) return if_cached_else(cond, name, function, type) def if_cached_else(cond, name, function, type=None): s = SPickle() if (cond and s.exists("production.%s" % name, type)) or \ (cond and config.debug and s.exists("debug.%s" % name, type)): o = s.load(name, type) else: o = function() if cond: s.dump(name, o, type) # cache the object using 'name' o = s.load(name, type) # TODO: what if 'o' hasn't been converted... return o class SPickle: def __init__(self): pass def if_cached_else(self, cond, name, function, type=None): if cond and self.exists("production.%s" % name, type): o = self.load(name, type) else: o = function() if cond: self.dump(name, o, type) # cache the object using 'name' return o def __file(self, name, type=None): if type == None: return "%s/%s.pkl" % (PICKLE_PATH, name) else: if noserial: raise Exception("No PHPSerializer module available") return "%s/%s.phpserial" % (PICKLE_PATH, name) def exists(self, name, type=None): return os.path.exists(self.__file(name, type)) def remove(self, name, type=None): return os.remove(self.__file(name, type)) def load(self, name, type=None): """ In debug mode, we should fail if neither file exists. if the debug file exists, reset name elif the original file exists, make a copy, reset name else neither exist, raise an error Otherwise, it's normal mode, if the file doesn't exist, raise error Load the file """ if config.debug: if self.exists("debug.%s" % name, type): name = "debug.%s" % name elif self.exists("production.%s" % name, type): debugname = "debug.%s" % name if not self.exists(debugname, type): name = "production.%s" % name shutil.copyfile(self.__file(name, type), self.__file(debugname, type)) name = debugname else: # neither exist raise Exception, "No such pickle based on %s" % self.__file("debug.%s" % name, type) else: if not self.exists("production.%s" % name, type): raise Exception, "No such file %s" % name name = "production.%s" % name print "loading %s" % self.__file(name, type) f = open(self.__file(name, type), 'r') if type == None: o = pickle.load(f) else: if noserial: raise Exception("No PHPSerializer module available") s = PHPUnserialize() o = s.unserialize( f.close() return o # use the environment to extract the data associated with the local # variable 'name' def dump(self, name, obj=None, type=None, depth=1): if obj == None: o = inspect.getouterframes(inspect.currentframe()) up1 = o[depth][0] # get the frame one prior to (up from) this frame argvals = inspect.getargvalues(up1) # TODO: check that 'name' is a local variable; otherwise this would fail. obj = argvals[3][name] # extract the local variable name 'name' if not os.path.isdir("%s/" % PICKLE_PATH): os.mkdir("%s" % PICKLE_PATH) if config.debug: name = "debug.%s" % name else: name = "production.%s" % name f = open(self.__file(name, type), 'w') if type == None: pickle.dump(obj, f) else: if noserial: raise Exception("No PHPSerializer module available") s = PHPSerialize() f.write(s.serialize(obj)) f.close() return COMMAND_TIMEOUT = 60 ssh_options = { 'StrictHostKeyChecking':'no', 'BatchMode':'yes', 'PasswordAuthentication':'no', 'ConnectTimeout':'%s' % COMMAND_TIMEOUT} from select import select class CMD: def __init__(self): pass def run_noexcept(self, cmd): (f_in, f_out, f_err) = os.popen3(cmd) lout, lin, lerr = select([f_out,f_err], [], [], COMMAND_TIMEOUT*2) if len(lin) == 0 and len(lout) == 0 and len(lerr) == 0: # Reached a timeout! print "TODO: kill subprocess: '%s'" % cmd # TODO: kill subprocess?? return ("", "SCRIPTTIMEOUT") o_value = e_value = "" if o_value == "": # An error has occured e_value = o_value = o_value.strip() e_value = e_value.strip() f_out.close() f_in.close() f_err.close() return (o_value, e_value) def run(self, cmd): (f_in, f_out, f_err) = os.popen3(cmd) value = if value == "": raise Exception, value = value.strip() f_out.close() f_in.close() f_err.close() return value class SSH(CMD): def __init__(self, user, host, options = ssh_options): self.options = options self.user = user = host return def __options_to_str(self): options = "" for o,v in self.options.iteritems(): options = options + "-o %s=%s " % (o,v) return options def run(self, cmd): cmd = "ssh %s %s@%s '%s'" % (self.__options_to_str(), self.user,, cmd) return, cmd) def get_file(self, rmt_filename, local_filename=None): if local_filename == None: local_filename = "./" cmd = "scp -B %s %s@%s:%s %s" % (self.__options_to_str(), self.user,, rmt_filename, local_filename) # output : # errors will be on stderr, # success will have a blank stderr... return CMD.run_noexcept(self, cmd) def run_noexcept(self, cmd): cmd = "ssh %s %s@%s '%s'" % (self.__options_to_str(), self.user,, cmd) return CMD.run_noexcept(self, cmd) def runE(self, cmd): cmd = "ssh %s %s@%s '%s'" % (self.__options_to_str(), self.user,, cmd) if ( DEBUG == 1 ): print cmd, (f_in, f_out, f_err) = os.popen3(cmd) value = if value == "": # An error has occured value = value = value.strip() if ( DEBUG == 1 ): print " == %s" % value f_out.close() f_in.close() f_err.close() return value.strip() import time class MyTimer: def __init__(self): self.start = time.time() def end(self): self.end = time.time() t = self.end-self.start return t def diff(self): self.end = time.time() t = self.end-self.start self.start = self.end return t