slices <- function (x, components=FALSE) { m<-x$memsize; d<-x$disksize/250; c<-x$cpuspeed; r<-x$numcores; if ( components ) { a<-c(m,d,c*r); } else { a<-(m+d+c*r); } return(a/2); } slices_2 <- function (x, components=FALSE) { # Define an ideal, then scale each measurement relative to the ideal. # If it matches it will be more or less than 1 # does this scale (up or down) linearly, and why not? # 4, 2.4x2, 1000; 4, 3.2x1, 320; 1, 2.4x1, 160 ideal_m <- 3.4; # GB ideal_c <- 2.4; # GHz ideal_d <- 450; # GB ideal_r <- 2; m<-x$memsize/ideal_m; d<-x$disksize/ideal_d; c<-x$cpuspeed/ideal_c; r<-x$numcores/ideal_r; # ideal is 1 if ( components ) { a<-c(m,d,c*r); } else { a<-(m+d+c*r); } return (a/3*5); } slices_3 <- function (x, components=FALSE) { # Define an ideal, then scale each measurement relative to the ideal. # If it matches it will be more or less than 1 # does this scale (up or down) linearly, and why not? # 4, 2.4x2, 1000; 4, 3.2x1, 320; 1, 2.4x1, 160 ideal_m <- 3.4; #GB ideal_c <- 2.4; #GHz ideal_d <- 450; #GB ideal_r <- 2; ideal_bw <- 100000; #Kbps m<-x$memsize/ideal_m; d<-x$disksize/ideal_d; c<-x$cpuspeed/ideal_c; r<-x$numcores/ideal_r; b<-log(x$bwlimit)/log(ideal_bw); # ideal is 1 if ( components ) { a<-c(m,d,c*r,b); } else { a<-(m+d+c*r+b); } return (a/4*5); } slices_4 <- function (x, components=FALSE) { # Define an ideal, then scale each measurement relative to the ideal. # If it matches it will be more or less than 1 # does this scale (up or down) linearly, and why not? # 4, 2.4x2, 1000; 4, 3.2x1, 320; 1, 2.4x1, 160 ideal_m <- 3.4; #GB ideal_c <- 2.4; #GHz ideal_d <- 450; #GB ideal_r <- 2; ideal_bw <- 100000; #Kbps ideal_pcu <- 1; m<-x$memsize/ideal_m; d<-x$disksize/ideal_d; c<-x$cpuspeed/ideal_c; r<-x$numcores/ideal_r; b<-log(x$bwlimit)/log(ideal_bw); p<-x$pcustatus/ideal_pcu; # ideal is 1 if ( components ) { a<-c(m,d,c*r,b,p); } else { a<-(m+d+c*r+b+p); } return (a/5*5); # I know. Preserved for clarity and consistency with earlier examples } index_of_bin <- function (h, value) { index <- 0; for (i in sequence(length(h$breaks))) { # first bin if ( value < h$breaks[1] ) { index <- 1; break; } # last bin if ( i == length(h$breaks) ) { # end of line index <- i; break; } # all other bins if ( value > h$breaks[i] && value <= h$breaks[i+1] ) { index <- i+1; break; } } if ( index == 0 ) { warning("index == 0, no bin assigned for value: ", value); } return (index); } start_image <- function (name, width=480, height=480) { png(name, width=width, height=height); } end_image <- function () { } plot_rt_hist <- function (t, imagename=0) { d2 <- (t$lastreply - t$start) std_dev <- sd(log(d2)) m <- mean(log(d2)) print(sprintf("mean: %s, stddev: %s\n", m, std_dev)); if ( imagename != 0 ) { start_image(imagename) } h<-hist(log(d2), xlab="Hours between ticket creation and final reply", main="Time to Final Reply for RT Tickets", axes=FALSE) a<-exp(h$breaks)/(60*60) # convert units from log(secs) to hours axis(1,labels=signif(a,2), at=h$breaks) axis(2) x<-seq(min(h$breaks),max(h$breaks),length=500) y<-dnorm(x,mean=m, sd=std_dev) # scale y to the size of h's 'counts' vector rather than the density function lines(x,y*max(h$counts)/max(y)) if ( imagename != 0 ) { end_image() } } year_hist <- function (t, year, from, to, max, type="week", title="Histogram for Tickets in", fmt="%b-%d") { dates <-seq(as.Date(from), as.Date(to), type) months <- format(dates, fmt) hbreaks<-unclass(as.POSIXct(dates)) h<-hist(t$start, breaks=hbreaks, plot=FALSE) main<-sprintf(paste(title, "%s: MEAN %s\n"), year, mean(h$counts)) print(main); print(h$counts); if ( max == 0 ) { max = max(h$counts) } plot(h, ylim=c(0,max), main=main, axes=FALSE) axis(1, labels=months, at=hbreaks) axis(2) abline(mean(h$counts), 0, col='grey') #qqnorm(h$counts) #qqline(h$counts) return (h); } source("myImagePlot.R") reboot_image <- function (t, year, from, to, max=0, type="week", title="") { dates <-seq(as.Date(from), as.Date(to), type) months <- format(dates, "%b-%d") hbreaks<-unclass(as.POSIXct(dates)) rows <- NULL image <- matrix(data=0, nrow=max(as.numeric(t$hostname)), ncol=length(hbreaks)) #image <- matrix(data=0, nrow=length(unique(t$hostname)), ncol=length(hbreaks)) #for ( d in hbreaks ) for ( i in seq(1, length(hbreaks)) ) { # find the range : d plus a day d <- hbreaks[i] d_end <- d+60*60*24 # find unique hosts in this day range t_sub <- t[which(t$start > d & t$start <= d_end),] unique_hosts <- unique(t_sub$hostname) if (length(unique_hosts) == 0 ) { next } for ( host in unique_hosts ) { image[host,i] <- 1 } } myImagePlot(image, xLabels=months, yLabels=c(""), title=title) #found <- 0 #for ( block in blocks ) #{ #print(sprintf("date: %s, block: -%s, %s\n", d, block, host)); #print(sprintf("row: %s\n", row)); # find the range : 'block' days ago to 'd' # d_back <- d - 60*60*24 * block # t_back_sub <- t[which(t$start > d_back & t$start <= d),] # u <- unique(t_back_sub$hostname) # if ( length(u[u==host]) >= 1) # { # # add to block_count and go to next host. # found <- 1 # i <- as.character(block) # row[i] <- row[i] + 1 # break # } #} #if ( found == 0 ) #{ # # no range found # row['0'] <- row['0'] + 1 #} #} #rows <- rbind(rows, c('start'=d, row)) #rows <- data.frame(rows) #if ( max == 0 ) { # max = max(rows['0']) #} #main<-sprintf(paste(title, "%s: MEAN %s\n"), year, mean(rows$reboots)) #print(main); #barplot(rows$reboots, ylim=c(0,max), main=main, axes=FALSE, space=0) ##plot(h, ylim=c(0,max), main=main, axes=FALSE) #axis(1, labels=months, at=seq(1,length(hbreaks))) #axis(2) #abline(mean(rows$reboots), 0, col='grey') #qqnorm(h$counts) #qqline(h$counts) return (image); } add_year <- function (t) { t$year <- c(0) # assign new column with zero value initially for ( i in 1:length(t$start) ) { d <- as.POSIXlt(t$start[i], origin="1970-01-01") year <- d$year + 1900 # as.numeric(format(d, "%Y")) t$year[i] <- year } return (t); } add_timestamp <- function (t) { t$start <- c(0) # assign new column with zero value initially for ( i in 1:length(t$date) ) { tstamp <-unclass(as.POSIXct(t$date[i], origin="1970-01-01"))[1] t$start[i] <- tstamp } return (t); } convert_datestr <- function (t, format) { t$start <- c(0) # assign new column with zero value initially for ( i in 1:length(t$Date) ) { tstamp <-unclass(as.POSIXct(strptime(t$Date[i], format)))[1] t$start[i] <- tstamp } return (t); } abline_at_date <- function (date, col='black', lty=1, format="%Y-%m-%d", height=0) { ts <-unclass(as.POSIXct(date, format=format, origin="1970-01-01"))[1] if ( height == 0 ) { abline(v=ts, col=col, lty=lty) } else { lines(c(ts,ts),c(0,height), col=col, lty=lty) } return (ts); } tstamp <- function (date, format="%Y-%m-%d") { ts <- unclass(as.POSIXct(date, format=format, origin="1970-01-01"))[1] return (ts) } lowess_smooth <- function (x, y, delta=(60*60*24), f=0.02) { a<-lowess(x, y, delta=delta, f=f) return (a); } in_list <- function ( str, str_list ) { for ( f in str_list ) { if ( str == f ) { return (TRUE); } } return (FALSE); } col2hex <- function (colorname, alpha=1) { hex = "FFFFFFFF"; c_rgb <- col2rgb(colorname) c_rgb <- c_rgb / 255 hex <- rgb(c_rgb[1,1], c_rgb[2,1], c_rgb[3,1], alpha) return (hex); } printf <- function (...) { return(print(sprintf(...))); } time_graph_setup <- function (from, to) { # find 'type' range of days xlim <- c(tstamp(from, format="%Y/%m/%d"), tstamp(to, format="%Y/%m/%d")) begin_date <- as.Date(from) end_date <- as.Date(to) begin_day <- as.numeric(format(begin_date, "%j")) end_day <- as.numeric(format(end_date, "%j")) print(begin_day) date_days <-seq(as.Date(from), as.Date(to), 'day') date_weeks <-seq(as.Date(from), as.Date(to), 'week') date_months <-seq(as.Date(from), as.Date(to), 'month') date_years <-seq(as.Date(from), as.Date(to), 'year') day_str <- format(date_months, "%a") day_ts <- unclass(as.POSIXct(date_days)) week_str <- format(date_months, "%W") week_ts <- unclass(as.POSIXct(date_weeks)) month_str <- format(date_months, "%b") month_ts <- unclass(as.POSIXct(date_months)) year_str <- format(date_years, "%Y") year_ts <- unclass(as.POSIXct(date_years)) print(year_ts) year_ts_before <- year_ts l <- length(year_ts) print(l) if ( l == 1 ) { # center year between begin_day and end_day print("one year!") year_ts[1] <- (xlim[1] + xlim[2]) / 2.0 } else { print("multitple years!") # center first year between start day and last day of that year. print(year_ts) year_ts[1] <- year_ts[1] + ((365 - begin_day)/2.0)*60*60*24 print(year_ts) year_ts[l] <- year_ts[l] + ( -begin_day + end_day/2.0)*60*60*24 print(year_ts) if ( l > 2 ) { year_ts <- c(year_ts[1], year_ts[seq(2,l-1)] + (180 - begin_day)*60*60*24, year_ts[l]) } print(year_ts) } print(year_ts - year_ts_before) return (list(xlim=xlim, day_str=day_str, day_ts=day_ts, week_str=week_str, week_ts=week_ts, month_str=month_str, month_ts=month_ts, year_str=year_str, year_ts=year_ts)) } planetlab_releases <- function (height) { h = height tstamp_20040412 <-abline_at_date("2004-04-12", col='white', lty=0, height=h) tstamp_20041112 <-abline_at_date("2004-11-12", col='white', lty=3, height=h) tstamp_20050301 <-abline_at_date("2005-03-01", col='grey60', lty=3, height=h) tstamp_20050615 <-abline_at_date("2005-06-15", col='white', lty=0, height=h) tstamp_20051001 <-abline_at_date("2005-10-01", col='grey60', lty=3, height=h) tstamp_20060519 <-abline_at_date("2006-05-19", col='grey60', lty=3, height=h) tstamp_20070228 <-abline_at_date("2007-02-28", col='grey60', lty=3, height=h) tstamp_20070501 <-abline_at_date("2007-05-01", col='white', lty=0, height=h) tstamp_20071021 <-abline_at_date("2007-10-21", col='grey60', lty=3, height=h) tstamp_20080601 <-abline_at_date("2008-06-01", col='grey60', lty=3, height=h) tstamp_20080815 <-abline_at_date("2008-08-15", col='white', lty=0, height=h) tstamp_20090501 <-abline_at_date("2009-05-01", col='grey60', lty=3, height=h) tstamp_20100201 <-abline_at_date("2010-02-01", col='white', lty=0, height=h) tstamp_20100628 <-abline_at_date("2010-06-28", col='white', lty=3, height=h) tstamp_20110222 <-abline_at_date("2011-02-22", col='grey60', lty=3, height=h) # I think 5.0 was released 02/22/2011... not 03-09 text(x=c(tstamp_20040412, tstamp_20041112, tstamp_20050301, tstamp_20050615, tstamp_20051001, tstamp_20060519, tstamp_20070228, tstamp_20071021, tstamp_20080601, tstamp_20090501, tstamp_20100628, tstamp_20110222), y=c(h-h*0.05), #labels=c('Release', '3.0', '3.1', '', '3.2', '3.3', '4.0', '4.1', '4.2', '4.3')) labels=c('', '', '3.1', '', '3.2', '3.3', '4.0', '4.1', '4.2', '4.3', '', '5.0')) text(x=c(tstamp_20050301), y=c(h), labels=c("Releases")) } plc_releases <- function (height) { h = height tstamp_pre <-abline_at_date("2004-10-01", col='grey60', lty=3, height=h) tstamp_3_1 <-abline_at_date("2005-03-01", col='grey60', lty=3, height=h) tstamp_3_2 <-abline_at_date("2005-10-01", col='grey60', lty=3, height=h) tstamp_3_3 <-abline_at_date("2006-05-19", col='grey60', lty=3, height=h) tstamp_4_0 <-abline_at_date("2007-02-28", col='grey60', lty=3, height=h) tstamp_4_1 <-abline_at_date("2007-10-21", col='grey60', lty=3, height=h) tstamp_4_2 <-abline_at_date("2008-06-01", col='grey60', lty=3, height=h) tstamp_4_3 <-abline_at_date("2009-05-01", col='grey60', lty=3, height=h) tstamp_5_0 <-abline_at_date("2011-02-22", col='grey60', lty=3, height=h) text(x=c(tstamp_3_1, tstamp_3_2, tstamp_3_3, tstamp_4_0, tstamp_4_1, tstamp_4_2, tstamp_4_3, tstamp_5_0), y=c(h-h*0.05), labels=c('3.1', '3.2', '3.3', '4.0', '4.1', '4.2', '4.3', '5.0')) text(x=c(tstamp_pre), y=c(h), labels=c("Releases")) }