source("functions.r"); ikern <- read.csv("/Users/soltesz/Downloads/out.csv", TRUE, sep=",") f<-factor(ikern$kernel_version, sort(unique(ikern$kernel_version)), sequence(length(unique(ikern$kernel_version)))) u<-ikern$uptime/(60*60*24) current_time <- as.numeric(format(Sys.time(), "%s")) i<-(current_time-ikern$install_date)/(60*60*24) plot(f,u) sites <- read.csv("/Users/soltesz/Downloads/sites.csv", TRUE, sep=",") f<-factor(sites$status, sort(unique(sites$status)), sequence(length(unique(sites$status)))) s<-sites$sliver_count res <- read.csv("/Users/soltesz/Downloads/out_resources.csv", TRUE, sep=",") library(lattice) cloud(memsize ~ disksize * cpuspeed|numcores, data=res) x<-c(res[2],res[4],res[5]) pairs(x) mdrc <- read.csv("/Users/soltesz/Downloads/out_resources.csv", TRUE, sep=",") stripchart(round(slices(mdrc)), method="jitter") hist(round(slices(mdrc)),breaks=30) hist(round(slices(mdrc)),breaks=30,xlim=c(0,32)) stripchart(round(slices(mdrc)), method="jitter", add=TRUE, jitter=30, at=50) # bottom, left, top, right par(mai=c(0,1,0.5,0.2)) hist(round(slices(mdrc)),breaks=30,xlim=c(0,32)) par(mai=c(1.0,1,0.5,0.2)) stripchart(round(slices(mdrc))-0.5, method="jitter", jitter=20, xlim=c(0,32), ylim=c(-25,25), ylab="Raw Samples", xlab="Slice count as a function of Mem, CPU, Disk") png("/Users/soltesz/Downloads/slices.png") par(mfrow=c(2,1)) par(mai=c(0,1,0.5,0.2)) hist(round(slices(mdrc)),breaks=30,xlim=c(0,32), main="Distribution of Slice Count as Function of Mem, CPU, Disk") par(mai=c(1.0,1,0.5,0.2)) stripchart(round(slices(mdrc))-0.5, method="jitter", jitter=20, xlim=c(0,32), ylim=c(-25,25), ylab="Raw Samples", xlab="Slice count as a function of Mem, CPU, Disk for live Planetlab Machines") #----------------------- f<-slices f<-slices_2 s2<- f(mdrc, FALSE); mdrc$score <- s2; df <- data.frame(mdrc); b<-30; # ---------------------- ### LOGINBASE unique_loginbase_length <- length(unique(mdrc$loginbase)); unique_lb <- list(loginbase=array(0,c(unique_loginbase_length)), score=array(0,c(unique_loginbase_length)), memsize=array(0,c(unique_loginbase_length)), disksize=array(0,c(unique_loginbase_length)), cpuspeed=array(0,c(unique_loginbase_length)) ) for ( i in 1:length(mdrc$loginbase) ) { r <- mdrc[i,]; v <- f(r, TRUE); unique_lb$loginbase[r$loginbase] <- r$loginbase; unique_lb$score[r$loginbase] <- unique_lb$score[r$loginbase] + r$score; } for ( i in 1:length(mdrc$loginbase) ) { r <- mdrc[i,]; v <- f(r, TRUE); rscore <- unique_lb$score[r$loginbase] unique_lb$memsize[r$loginbase] <- unique_lb$memsize[r$loginbase] + v[1]; unique_lb$disksize[r$loginbase] <- unique_lb$disksize[r$loginbase] + v[2]; unique_lb$cpuspeed[r$loginbase] <- unique_lb$cpuspeed[r$loginbase] + v[3]; } df<- data.frame(unique_lb) h<- hist(df$score, breaks=b); bins<-max(length(h$breaks),max(h$breaks)); c<- array(0,c(bins)); d<- array(0,c(bins)); m<- array(0,c(bins)); # foreach score value, find which range it falls into, # then in three columns for cpu, mem, disk, record the fraction of each. # then plot each sequence in a stacked graph, perhaps beside h$counts for ( i in 1:length(df$cpuspeed) ) { r <- df[i,]; s <- index_of_bin(h, r$score); # find bin position... # take fraction that each component contributes to the total, and add to sum m[s] <- m[s] + unique_lb$memsize[r$loginbase]; d[s] <- d[s] + unique_lb$disksize[r$loginbase]; c[s] <- c[s] + unique_lb$cpuspeed[r$loginbase]; } # ---------------------- ### HOSTS # --- get plot of contributing parts h<- hist(df$score, breaks=b); bins<-max(length(h$breaks),max(h$breaks)); c<- array(0,c(bins)); d<- array(0,c(bins)); m<- array(0,c(bins)); # foreach score value, find which range it falls into, # then in three columns for cpu, mem, disk, record the fraction of each. # then plot each sequence in a stacked graph, perhaps beside h$counts for ( i in 1:length(df$cpuspeed) ) { r <- df[i,1:6]; s <- index_of_bin(h, r$score); # find bin position... # take fraction that each component contributes to the total, and add to sum v <- f(r, TRUE); m[s] <- m[s] + v[1]/r$score; d[s] <- d[s] + v[2]/r$score; c[s] <- c[s] + v[3]/r$score; } #a <- array(c(c,d,m), dim=c(bins, 3)); a <- array(c(c), dim=c(bins, 3)); #png("/Users/soltesz/Downloads/slice_policy_1.png") par(mfrow=c(2,1)) par(mai=c(0.5,1,0.5,0.2)) barplot(c(0,h$counts), xlab="slice count", main="Distribution of Per-node 'Scores' Calculated from Mem/Disk/CPU", ylab="Total Frequency", ylim=c(0,160)) par(mai=c(1.0,1,0,0.2)); barplot(t(a), legend=c("CPUspeed (GHz)", "DISKsize (GB)", "MEMsize (GB)"), col=c("pink", "lightblue", "lightgreen"), ylim=c(0,160), ylab="Total with Break-down", xlab="Per-node Score", names.arg=h$breaks, ); #a <- list(cpuspeed=c, memsize=m, disksize=d); # barplot(t(a), legend=c("cpuspeed", "disksize", "memsize"), col = c("pink", "lightblue", "lightgreen"), ylab="Total Contribution by CPU, Disk, Mem ")