source("functions.r"); # system(" 3 > rt_data.csv"); #t <- read.csv('rt_data.csv', sep=',', header=TRUE) t <- read.csv('rt_data_2004-2010.csv', sep=',', header=TRUE) par(mfrow=c(2,1)) h<-hist(log(log(t$replies)), breaks=50) lines(h$breaks[which(h$counts!=0)], h$counts[which(h$counts!=0)]) h<-hist(log(log(log(t$replies))), breaks=50) lines(h$breaks[which(h$counts!=0)], h$counts[which(h$counts!=0)]) par(mfrow=c(1,1)) t2 <- t[which(t$complete == 1),] d <- (t2$lastreply - t2$start)/(60*60) #start_image("rt_hist_ttc_1000.png") #hist(d[which(d<1000)], xlab="hours from creation to last reply", breaks=30) #end_image() # #start_image("rt_hist_ttc_200.png") #hist(d[which(d<200)], xlab="hours from creation to last reply", breaks=30) #end_image() # #start_image("rt_hist_ttc_50.png") #hist(d[which(d<50)], xlab="hours from creation to last reply", breaks=30) #end_image() # #start_image("rt_hist_ttc_10.png") #hist(d[which(d<10)], xlab="hours from creation to last reply", breaks=30) #end_image() # #d2 <- (t2$lastreply - t2$start) #h<-hist(log(d2), plot=F, breaks=50) #lines(h$breaks[which(h$counts!=0)], h$counts[which(h$counts!=0)]) # this doesn't work as I would like. I think the bins aren't as I expect #h <- hist(d, plot=F, breaks=c(seq(0,max(d)+1, .1))) #plot(h$counts, log="x", pch=20, col="blue", # main="Log-normal distribution", # xlab="Value", ylab="Frequency") #plot(log(d2)) #plot(ecdf(d2)) tstamp_45 <-unclass(as.POSIXct("2005-01-01", origin="1970-01-01"))[1] tstamp_56 <-unclass(as.POSIXct("2006-01-01", origin="1970-01-01"))[1] tstamp_67 <-unclass(as.POSIXct("2007-01-01", origin="1970-01-01"))[1] tstamp_78 <-unclass(as.POSIXct("2008-01-01", origin="1970-01-01"))[1] tstamp_89 <-unclass(as.POSIXct("2009-01-01", origin="1970-01-01"))[1] tstamp_90 <-unclass(as.POSIXct("2010-01-01", origin="1970-01-01"))[1] t_4 <- t2[which( t2$start < tstamp_45 ),] t_5 <- t2[which( t2$start >= tstamp_45 & t2$start < tstamp_56 ),] t_6 <- t2[which( t2$start >= tstamp_56 & t2$start < tstamp_67 ),] t_7 <- t2[which( t2$start >= tstamp_67 & t2$start < tstamp_78 ),] t_8 <- t2[which( t2$start >= tstamp_78 & t2$start < tstamp_89 ),] t_9 <- t2[which( t2$start >= tstamp_89 & t2$start < tstamp_90 ),] t_10 <- t2[which( t2$start >= tstamp_90 ),] par(mfrow=c(4,1)) plot_rt_hist(t_4) plot_rt_hist(t_5) plot_rt_hist(t_6) plot_rt_hist(t_7) plot_rt_hist(t_8) plot_rt_hist(t_9) par(mfrow=c(1,1)) start_image("rt_support_seasonal.png") par(mfrow=c(6,1)) par(mai=c(.3,.3,.3,.3)) # start dates on Sunday to align all weeks with weekend boundaries. year_hist(t_4, "2004", "2003/12/28", "2005/1/7", 85) year_hist(t_5, "2005", "2005/1/2", "2006/1/7", 85) year_hist(t_6, "2006", "2006/1/1", "2007/1/7", 85) year_hist(t_7, "2007", "2006/12/31", "2008/1/7", 85) year_hist(t_8, "2008", "2007/12/30", "2009/1/7", 85) year_hist(t_9, "2009", "2008/12/28", "2010/1/30", 85) end_image() h4<-year_hist(t_4, "2004", "2003/12/28", "2005/2/7", 0, type='month', fmt="%b") h5<-year_hist(t_5, "2005", "2005/1/2", "2006/2/7", 0, type='month', fmt="%b") h6<-year_hist(t_6, "2006", "2006/1/1", "2007/2/7", 0, type='month', fmt="%b") h7<-year_hist(t_7, "2007", "2006/12/31", "2008/2/7", 0, type='month', fmt="%b") h8<-year_hist(t_8, "2008", "2007/12/30", "2009/2/7", 0, type='month', fmt="%b") h9<-year_hist(t_9, "2009", "2008/12/28", "2010/1/30", 0, type='month', fmt="%b") hall<-year_hist(t2, "200x", "2004/1/1", "2010/3/28", 0, type='month', fmt="%b") threshold <- function (hall, d, from, to, type, fmt="%b") { dates <-seq(as.Date(from), as.Date(to), type) months <- format(dates, fmt) hbreaks<-unclass(as.POSIXct(dates)) x<-seq(1,length(hall$breaks)) a_x<-x[which(hall$counts>d)] a_y<-hall$counts[which(hall$counts>d)] b_x<-x[which(hall$counts length(b) ) { yy<- rbind(yy,hall$counts[b[i]:length(hall$counts)]) } else { yy<- rbind(yy,hall$counts[b[i]:b[i+1]-1]) } } yy[7,3:12]<-0 # no data for beyond feb. y2<-NULL ; for ( i in seq(1,12) ) { y2<-c(y2,sum(yy[,i])) } start_image('rt_aggregate_months.png', width=600, height=300) barplot(y2, space=.1, width=.9, col=c('blue','red', 'red', 'red', 'red', 'blue', 'blue', 'red', 'red', 'red', 'blue', 'blue'), xlab="Months", ylab="Sum of Tickets over 6 years") axis(1, labels=c('Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'), at=c(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11)+.5) end_image() cc<-NULL ; for (i in 1:length(yy)) { if ( t(yy)[i] < 80 ) { cc<- c(cc, 'blue') } else { cc<- c(cc, 'red') } } barplot(yy, col=cc) # skip 2007 start_image('rt_aggregate_months_no2007.png', width=600, height=300) y3<-NULL ; for ( i in seq(1,12) ) { y3<-c(y3,sum(yy[1:3,i], yy[5:7,i])) } barplot(y3, , space=.1, width=.9, col=c('blue','blue', 'red', 'red', 'red', 'blue', 'blue', 'red', 'red', 'red', 'blue', 'blue'), xlab="Months", ylab="Sum of Tickets over 6 years") axis(1, labels=c('Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'), at=c(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11)+.5) end_image() par(mai=c(0.7,0.7,0.7,0.7)) par(mfrow=c(1,1)) tstamp <-unclass(as.POSIXct("2008-01-01", origin="1960-01-01")) t_67 <- t2[which( t2$start < tstamp[1] ),] t_89 <- t2[which( t2$start >= tstamp[1] ),] # install.packages('sn') require(sn) par(mfrow=c(6,1)) par(mai=c(0.3,0.3,0.3,0.3)) #start_image("rt_hist_ttc_1000.png") time_hist <- function (t, lessthan, year, log=T, breaks=30, xlim=c(-4,10), ylim=c(0,150)) { d <- (t$lastreply - t$start)/(60*60) main = sprintf("Histogram of d<%s for %s", lessthan, year); if ( log ) { d <- log(d[which(d hbreaks[i] & t$start<= hbreaks[i+window]),] if ( length(t_sub$start) <= 1 ) { next } # take log, then sn.mle -> h d <- (t_sub$lastreply - t_sub$start)/(60*60) # hours d <- log(d) # log(hours) # sn.mle print (sprintf("length: %s", length(d))) q<-quantile(d) print(q) date_index <- c(date_index, round(i+window/2)) xx<- c(xx, hbreaks[round(i+window/2)]) q_list <- rbind(q_list, q) } m<- months[date_index] return (cbind(xx,q_list, m)) } mean_time_to_resolve_window <- function (t, from, to, window, fmt="%b") { # find 'type' range of days dates <-seq(as.Date(from), as.Date(to), 'week') months <- format(dates, fmt) hbreaks<-unclass(as.POSIXct(dates)) xx<-NULL; yy<-NULL; yy_sd_high<-NULL; yy_sd_low<-NULL; date_list <- NULL; x<-seq(-20,20,0.01) for ( i in seq(1,length(hbreaks)-window-1) ) { print (sprintf("round %s of %s", i, length(hbreaks)-window-1)) # get range from t t_sub <- t[which(t$start > hbreaks[i] & t$start<= hbreaks[i+window]),] if ( length(t_sub$start) <= 1 ) { next } # take log, then sn.mle -> h d <- (t_sub$lastreply - t_sub$start)/(60*60) # hours d <- log(d) # log(hours) # sn.mle print (sprintf("length: %s", length(d))) avg<-mean(d) s<-sd(d) r<-shapiro.test(d) #, mean=avg, sd=s) if ( r$statistic < 0.9 ){ print (r); } m<-dnorm(x, mean=avg, sd=s) print(avg) # find max of y y_peak <- x[which(m==max(m))] print(y_peak) # plot point date, max(y) xx<- c(xx, hbreaks[round(i+window/2)]) yy<- c(yy, y_peak) yy_sd_high<- y_peak + s yy_sd_low <- y_peak - s date_list <- c(date_list, dates[i]) # plot whisker2(x0,y0,y0_hi,y0_lo) } l<-length(months)-window-1 m<- months[1:l] return (rbind(xx,yy,yy_sd_high, yy_sd_low, m)) } require(sn) sknorm_time_to_resolve_window <- function (t, from, to, window, fmt="%b") { # find 'type' range of days dates <-seq(as.Date(from), as.Date(to), 'week') months <- format(dates, fmt) hbreaks<-unclass(as.POSIXct(dates)) xx<-NULL; yy<-NULL; yy_sd_high<-NULL; yy_sd_low<-NULL; date_list <- NULL; x<-seq(-20,20,0.01) for ( i in seq(1,length(hbreaks)-window-1) ) { print (sprintf("round %s of %s", i, length(hbreaks)-window-1)) # get range from t t_sub <- t[which(t$start > hbreaks[i] & t$start<= hbreaks[i+window]),] if ( length(t_sub$start) <= 1 ) { next } # take log, then sn.mle -> h d <- (t_sub$lastreply - t_sub$start)/(60*60) # hours d <- log(d) # log(hours) # sn.mle print (sprintf("length: %s", length(d))) h<-sn.em(y=d) if ( abs(h$cp['skewness']) > 0.95 ) { print(h) next # just skip it } # find dsn() using h parameters -> y m<-dsn(x,$cp)) # find max of y y_peak <- x[which(m==max(m))] # plot point date, max(y) xx<- c(xx, hbreaks[round(i+window/2)]) yy<- c(yy, y_peak) yy_sd_high<- y_peak + h$cp['s.d.'] yy_sd_low <- y_peak - h$cp['s.d.'] date_list <- c(date_list, dates[i]) # plot whisker2(x0,y0,y0_hi,y0_lo) } l<-length(months)-window-1 m<- months[1:l] return (rbind(xx,yy,yy_sd_high, yy_sd_low, m)) } # NOTE: Try something simpler, like median of the log of ttr. # it's going to be a lot of work to explain lsn distributions. something # more obvious would be a lot easier. par(mfrow=c(4,1)) par(mai=c(.3,0.3,0.3,0.3)) for ( s in c(7)) #,14,21) ) { d<- median_time_to_resolve_window(t2, "2004/1/1", "2010/2/28", s, "%b%y") plot(d[,1], exp(as.numeric(d[,5]))/24, type='l', lty=1, xlab="", axes=F, ylim=c(0.01, 15), ylab="Days to Resolve", col='orange') lines(d[,1], exp(as.numeric(d[,4]))/24, lty=1, col='red') lines(d[,1], exp(as.numeric(d[,3]))/24, lty=1, col='black') axis(1, labels=d[,7], at=d[,1]) axis(2, las=1) m<-round(max(exp(as.numeric(d[,4]))/24), 2) axis(2, labels=m, at=m, las=1) abline(h=m, lty=2, col='grey40') } # monitor d2<- median_time_to_resolve_window(m2, "2007/02/1", "2010/2/28", s, "%b%y") plot(d[,1], exp(as.numeric(d[,2]))/24, type='l', lty=1, xlab="", axes=F, ylim=c(0.01, 165), ylab="Days to Resolve", col='white') lines(d2[,1], exp(as.numeric(d2[,5]))/24, lty=1, col='red') lines(d2[,1], exp(as.numeric(d2[,4]))/24, lty=1, col='red') lines(d2[,1], exp(as.numeric(d2[,3]))/24, lty=1, col='black') axis(1, labels=d[,7], at=d[,1]) axis(2, las=1) m<-round(max(exp(as.numeric(d2[,4]))/24), 2) axis(2, labels=m, at=m, las=1) abline(h=m, lty=2, col='grey40') mean_time_to_resolve <- function (t, from, to, type, fmt="%b") { # find 'type' range of days dates <-seq(as.Date(from), as.Date(to), type) months <- format(dates, fmt) hbreaks<-unclass(as.POSIXct(dates)) xx<-NULL; yy<-NULL; yy_sd_high<-NULL; yy_sd_low<-NULL; date_list <- NULL; for ( i in seq(1,length(hbreaks)-1) ) { # get range from t t_sub <- t[which(t$start > hbreaks[i] & t$start<= hbreaks[i+1]),] if ( length(t_sub$start) == 0 ) { next } # take log, then sn.mle -> h d <- (t_sub$lastreply - t_sub$start)/(60*60) # hours d <- log(d) # log(hours) # sn.mle h<-sn.em(y=d) if ( abs(h$cp['skewness']) > 0.95 ) { print(h) } # find dsn() using h parameters -> y x<-seq(-8,10,0.01) m<-dsn(x,$cp)) # find max of y y_peak <- x[which(m==max(m))] # plot point date, max(y) xx<- c(xx, hbreaks[i]) yy<- c(yy, y_peak) yy_sd_high<- y_peak + h$cp['s.d.'] yy_sd_low <- y_peak - h$cp['s.d.'] date_list <- c(date_list, dates[i]) # plot whisker2(x0,y0,y0_hi,y0_lo) } m<- months[1:length(months)-1] return (rbind(xx,yy,yy_sd_high, yy_sd_low, m)) } par(mfrow=c(5,1)) par(mai=c(.3,0.3,0.3,0.3)) for ( s in c("10 days", "2 weeks", "3 weeks", "month", "2 months")) #for ( s in c("month") ) { d<- mean_time_to_resolve(t2, "2004/1/1", "2010/2/28", s, "%b%y") plot(d[1,], exp(as.numeric(d[2,]))/24, type='l', axes=F) points(d[1,], exp(as.numeric(d[2,]))/24, pch=23) axis(1, labels=d[5,], at=d[1,]) axis(2) } tstamp <-unclass(as.POSIXct("2007-05-01", origin="1960-01-01")) t_7a <- t_7[t_rep <- read.csv('rt_replies.csv', sep=',', header=TRUE) t2_rep <- t_rep[which(t_rep$complete == 1),] t2_rep <- t_rep[which(t_rep$diff != 0),] which(t_7$start < tstamp),] t_7b <- t_7[which(t_7$start >= tstamp),] #end_image() h4<-time_hist(t_4, 10000, "2004") h5<-time_hist(t_5, 10000, "2005") h6<-time_hist(t_6, 10000, "2006") #h7<-time_hist(t_7, 10000, "2007") h7a<-time_hist(t_7a, 10000, "2007") h7b<-time_hist(t_7b, 10000, "2007") h8<-time_hist(t_8, 10000, "2008") h9<-time_hist(t_9, 10000, "2009") tstamp <-unclass(as.POSIXct("2009-09-01", origin="1960-01-01")) m_9a <- m_9[which(m_9$start < tstamp),] m_9b <- m_9[which(m_9$start >= tstamp),] split_by_time <- function (t, datestr) { tstamp <-unclass(as.POSIXct(datestr, origin="1960-01-01")) a <- t[which(t$start < tstamp),] b <- t[which(t$start >= tstamp),] v<- list('before'=a, 'after'=b) return (v); } mh7 <- time_hist(m_7, 10000, '2007') sm_8 <- split_by_time(m_8, "2008-07-01") #mh8a <- time_hist(rbind(m_7, m_8$before, m_8$after), 10000, '2008') #mh8a <- time_hist(rbind(m_7[which(log((m_7$lastreply-m_7$start)/(60*60))>2),]), 10000, '2008') # m_7 is junk data mh_8 <- time_hist(sm_8$before, 10000, '2008') sm_9 <- split_by_time(m_9, "2009-09-01") mh_89 <- time_hist(rbind(sm_8$after, sm_9$before), 10000, '2009') mh_9 <- time_hist(sm_9$after, 10000, '2009') x<-seq(-8,10,0.01) #x<- exp(x)/24 #my7<-dsn(x,$cp)) my8<-dsn(x,$cp)) my89<-dsn(x,$cp)) my9<-dsn(x,$cp)) y4<-dsn(x,$cp)) y5<-dsn(x,$cp)) y6<-dsn(x,$cp)) y7a<-dsn(x,$cp)) y7b<-dsn(x,$cp)) y8<-dsn(x,$cp)) y9<-dsn(x,$cp)) start_image("rt_time_to_resolve.png") par(mfrow=c(1,1)) par(mai=c(1.0,0.7,0.7,0.7)) # monitor plot(x, my9, col='blue', type='l', axes=F, xlab="Days to Resolve", ylab="Density") axis(1, labels=c(0.0001, 0.01, 0.1, 1, 5, 20, 100), at=c(0.0001, 0.01, 0.1, 1, 5, 20, 100)) axis(2) lines(x, my8, col='dodgerblue') lines(x, my7, col='turquoise') abline(v=x[which(my8==max(my8))]) abline(v=x[which(my9==max(my9))]) # heavy lines(x, y7a, col='green3') lines(x, y4, col='green4') lines(x, y5, col='greenyellow') abline(v=x[which(y4==max(y4))]) abline(v=x[which(y5==max(y5))]) abline(v=x[which(y7a==max(y7a))]) # light lines(x, y7b, col='orange', type='l') lines(x, y6, col='orange3') lines(x, y8, col='firebrick2') lines(x, y9, col='firebrick4') abline(v=x[which(y7b==max(y7b))]) abline(v=x[which(y6==max(y6))]) abline(v=x[which(y8==max(y8))]) abline(v=x[which(y9==max(y9))]) end_image() whisker <- function (x0,y0,sd, length=0.05) { arrows(x0, y0, x0, y0+sd, code=2, angle=90, length=length) arrows(x0, y0, x0, y0-sd, code=2, angle=90, length=length) } whisker2 <- function (x0,y0, y0_high, y0_low, col="black", length=0.05) { arrows(x0, y0, x0, y0_high, code=2, angle=90, length=length, col=col) arrows(x0, y0, x0, y0_low, code=2, angle=90, length=length, col=col) } # NOTE: ** monthly averages might make a more compelling case than annual averages. start_image("rt_aggregate_times.png") par(mfrow=c(1,1)) par(mai=c(1,1,1,1)) par(mar=c(5,4,4,4)) s_list <- c(1519, 1596, 1112, 1591, 1019, 815) m_list <- c(0,0,0, 119, 229, 251) x_tick_list <- c(1, 2.5, 4, 5.5, 7, 8.5) x_tt_resolve_list <- c(1, 2.5, 4, 5.2,5.8, 7, 8.5) y_tt_resolve_list <- c( x[which(y4==max(y4))], x[which(y5==max(y5))], x[which(y6==max(y6))], x[which(y7a==max(y7a))], x[which(y7b==max(y7b))], x[which(y8==max(y8))], x[which(y9==max(y9))]) y_mean_list <- c( h4$cp['mean'], h5$cp['mean'], h6$cp['mean'], h7a$cp['mean'], h7b$cp['mean'], h8$cp['mean'], h9$cp['mean']) y_sd_list <- c( h4$cp['s.d.'], h5$cp['s.d.'], h6$cp['s.d.'], h7a$cp['s.d.'], h7b$cp['s.d.'], h8$cp['s.d.'], h9$cp['s.d.']) days_tt_resolve <- exp(y_tt_resolve_list)/24 days_tt_resolve_low <- exp(y_tt_resolve_list-y_sd_list)/24 days_tt_resolve_high <- exp(y_tt_resolve_list+y_sd_list)/24 my_mean_list <- c( mh_8$cp['mean'], mh_89$cp['mean'], mh_9$cp['mean']) my_sd_list <- c( mh_8$cp['s.d.'], mh_89$cp['s.d.'], mh_9$cp['s.d.']) mx_tt_resolve_list <- c(7, 8, 8.5) my_tt_resolve_list <- c(x[which(my8==max(my8))], x[which(my89==max(my89))], x[which(my9==max(my9))] ) mdays_tt_resolve <- exp(my_tt_resolve_list)/24 mdays_tt_resolve_low <- exp(my_tt_resolve_list-my_sd_list)/24 mdays_tt_resolve_high <- exp(my_tt_resolve_list+my_sd_list)/24 days_y_sd_list <- exp(y_sd_list)/24 mdays_y_sd_list <- exp(my_sd_list)/24 days_y_sd_list <- exp(y_sd_list)/24 mdays_tt_resolve <- exp(my_tt_resolve_list)/24 plot(x_tt_resolve_list, days_tt_resolve, type='p', pch=c(22), axes=FALSE, log='y', ylim=c(.01,350), xlab="Year", ylab='') #points(x_tt_resolve_list, days_tt_resolve, pch=c(22)) lines(c(x_tt_resolve_list[1:2], x_tt_resolve_list[4]), c(days_tt_resolve[1:2], days_tt_resolve[4]), col='red') lines(c(x_tt_resolve_list[3], x_tt_resolve_list[5:7]), c(days_tt_resolve[3], days_tt_resolve[5:7]), col='green') #lines(mx_tt_resolve_list, mdays_tt_resolve) #points(mx_tt_resolve_list, mdays_tt_resolve, pch=c(24)) lines(mx_tt_resolve_list, mdays_tt_resolve, col='blue') points(mx_tt_resolve_list, mdays_tt_resolve, pch=c(24)) ticks<-c(0,0.01, 0.1, 0.5,1,2,4,7,14,21, 28, 60, 120) axis(1, labels=c('2004', '2005', '2006', '2007', '2008', '2009'), at=x_tick_list) axis(2, las=1, labels=ticks, at=ticks) mtext("Days to Resolve Message", 2, line=3) #axis(2, labels=ticks, at=ticks) #for (i in 1:length(days_y_sd_list) ) { # whisker(x_tt_resolve_list[i], days_tt_resolve[i], days_y_sd_list[i]) #} #for (i in 1:length(mdays_y_sd_list) ) { # whisker(mx_tt_resolve_list[i], mdays_tt_resolve[i], mdays_y_sd_list[i]) #} for (i in c(1,2,4) ) { whisker2(x_tt_resolve_list[i], days_tt_resolve[i], days_tt_resolve_high[i], days_tt_resolve_low[i], col='red') } for (i in c(3,5,6,7) ) { whisker2(x_tt_resolve_list[i], days_tt_resolve[i], days_tt_resolve_high[i], days_tt_resolve_low[i], col='green') } for (i in 1:length(mdays_y_sd_list) ) { whisker2(mx_tt_resolve_list[i], mdays_tt_resolve[i], mdays_tt_resolve_high[i], mdays_tt_resolve_low[i], col='blue') } abline(h=120,col='grey80', lty=2) abline(h=21,col='grey80', lty=2) abline(h=7,col='grey80', lty=2) abline(h=2,col='grey80', lty=2) abline(h=0.5,col='grey80', lty=2) abline(h=0.1,col='grey80', lty=2) legend(1, .05, cex=0.7, legend=c("Unstable Periods", "Stable Periods", "MyOps Messages"), pch=c(22, 22, 24), col=c('red', 'green', 'blue'), lty=c(1, 1,1), merge=T) end_image() # install.packages('UsingR') require(UsingR) m<-min(t_4$start) d<-data.frame( '2004'=t_4$start-m, '2005'=t_5$start-m, '2006'=t_6$start-m) simple.violinplot(d) par(mfrow=c(3,3)) par(mai=c(.3,.3,.3,.3)) sp <- function (t) { d <- (t$lastreply-t$start)/(60*60*24) simple.violinplot(log(d)) } sp(t_4) sp(t_5) sp(t_6) sp(t_7) sp(t_8) sp(t_9) sp(m_8) sp(m_89) sp(m_9) t3 <- add_year (t2) m3 <- add_year (m2) par(mfrow=c(1,2)) par(mai=c(.5,.5,.5,.5)) t4<-t3[which((t3$lastreply-t3$start)/(60*60*24) < 20),] t4<-t3 simple.violinplot(log((lastreply-start)/(60*60*24)) ~ year, data=t4) m3[which((m3$lastreply-m3$start)< 0),] m4<-m3[which((m3$lastreply-m3$start)/(60*60*24) < 100),] simple.violinplot(log((lastreply-start)/(60*60*24)) ~ year, data=m4, log='y') meanof <- function (t, year) { tx <- t[which(t$year == year),] r<-sn.em(y=log((tx$lastreply-tx$start)/(60*60*24))) return (r) } t_sd <- p t_p <- c( meanof(t3,2004)$cp['mean'], meanof(t3,2005)$cp['mean'], meanof(t3,2006)$cp['mean'], meanof(t3,2007)$cp['mean'], meanof(t3,2008)$cp['mean'], meanof(t3,2009)$cp['mean'], meanof(t3,2010)$cp['mean']) points(t_p) for (i in 1:length(t_sd) ) { whisker(i, t_p[i], exp(t_sd[i])) } #for (i in 1:length(y_tt_resolve_list) ) { # whisker(x_tt_resolve_list[i], scale_by*y_tt_resolve_list[i], scale_by*2) #} #for (i in 1:length(my_tt_resolve_list) ) { # whisker(mx_tt_resolve_list[i], scale_by*my_tt_resolve_list[i], scale_by*2) #} # #end_image() #par(mfrow=c(2,1)) #plot_rt_hist(t_67) #plot_rt_hist(t_89) par(mfrow=c(1,1)) # system("./ 3> rt_replies.csv") t_rep <- read.csv('rt_replies.csv', sep=',', header=TRUE) t2_rep <- t_rep[which(t_rep$complete == 1),] t2_rep <- t_rep[which(t_rep$diff != 0),] mean_diff_time <- function (t, from, to, type, fmt="%b") { # find 'type' range of days dates <-seq(as.Date(from), as.Date(to), type) months <- format(dates, fmt) hbreaks<-unclass(as.POSIXct(dates)) xx<-NULL; yy<-NULL; yy_sd_high<-NULL; yy_sd_low<-NULL; date_list <- NULL; for ( i in seq(1,length(hbreaks)-1) ) { # get range from t t_sub <- t[which(t$prev > hbreaks[i] & t$prev <= hbreaks[i+1]),] if ( length(t_sub$start) == 0 ) { next } # take log, then sn.mle -> h d <- (abs(t_sub$diff)/(60*60)) d <- log(d) # log(hours) # sn.mle h<-sn.em(y=d) if ( abs(h$cp['skewness']) > 0.95 ) { print(h) } # find dsn() using h parameters -> y x<-seq(-8,10,0.01) m<-dsn(x,$cp)) # find max of y y_peak <- x[which(m==max(m))] # plot point date, max(y) xx<- c(xx, hbreaks[i]) yy<- c(yy, y_peak) yy_sd_high<- y_peak + h$cp['s.d.'] yy_sd_low <- y_peak - h$cp['s.d.'] date_list <- c(date_list, dates[i]) # plot whisker2(x0,y0,y0_hi,y0_lo) } m<- months[1:length(months)-1] return (rbind(xx,yy,yy_sd_high, yy_sd_low, m)) } par(mfrow=c(5,1)) par(mai=c(.3,0.3,0.3,0.3)) for ( s in c("2 weeks", "3 weeks", "month", "2 months")) #for ( s in c("month") ) { d<- mean_diff_time(t2_rep, "2004/1/1", "2010/2/28", s, "%b%y") plot(d[1,], exp(as.numeric(d[2,]))/24, type='l', axes=F) points(d[1,], exp(as.numeric(d[2,]))/24, pch=23) axis(1, labels=d[5,], at=d[1,]) axis(2) }