source("functions.r"); median_time_to_resolve_window <- function (t, tg, window) { hbreaks<-tg$week_ts xx<-NULL; yy<-NULL; yy_sd_high<-NULL; yy_sd_low<-NULL; date_index <- NULL; q_list <- NULL; x<-seq(-20,20,0.01) for ( i in seq(1,length(hbreaks)-window-1) ) { print (sprintf("round %s of %s", i, length(hbreaks)-window-1)) # get range from t t_sub <- t[which(t$start > hbreaks[i] & t$start<= hbreaks[i+window]),] if ( length(t_sub$start) <= 1 ) { next } # take log, then sn.mle -> h d <- (t_sub$lastreply - t_sub$start)/(60*60) # hours d <- log(d) # log(hours) # sn.mle print (sprintf("length: %s", length(d))) q<-quantile(d) print(q) date_index <- c(date_index, round(i+window/2)) xx<- c(xx, hbreaks[round(i+window/2)]) q_list <- rbind(q_list, q) } return (cbind(xx,q_list)) } available_nodes <- function (ns, from, to, type, fmt="%b") { # find 'type' range of days dates <-seq(as.Date(from), as.Date(to), type) months <- format(dates, fmt) hbreaks<-unclass(as.POSIXct(dates)) xx<-NULL; yy<-NULL; for ( i in seq(1,length(hbreaks)-1) ) { # get range from ns ns_sub <- ns[which(ns$date > hbreaks[i] & ns$date <= hbreaks[i+1] & ns$status == 'BOOT'),] nodes <- length(ns_sub$date) xx<- c(xx, hbreaks[i]) yy<- c(yy, nodes) } m<- months[1:length(months)-1] return (rbind(xx,yy,m)) } open_tickets <- function (t, tg) { xx<-NULL; yy<-NULL; hbreaks<-tg$day_ts for ( i in seq(1,length(hbreaks)-1) ) { # identify any tickets with a start time in range, lastreply in range # or where both start is less and lastreply is greater than the range t_sub <- t[which( (t$start < hbreaks[i] & t$lastreply > hbreaks[i+1]) | (t$start > hbreaks[i] & t$start <= hbreaks[i+1]) | (t$lastreply > hbreaks[i] & t$lastreply <= hbreaks[i+1]) ),] tickets <- length(t_sub$start) xx<- c(xx, hbreaks[i]) yy<- c(yy, tickets) } return (rbind(xx,yy)) } online_nodes <- function (fb) { breaks <- unique(fb$timestamp) n<-NULL o<-NULL x<-NULL for (i in seq(1,length(breaks)) ) { ts <- breaks[i] sub <- fb[which(fb$timestamp == ts),] node_count <- length(unique(sub$hostname)) online_count <- length(unique(sub$hostname[which(sub$state=='BOOT')])) x<-c(x,ts) n<-c(n,node_count) o<-c(o,online_count) } print(length(x)) print(length(n)) print(length(o)) return (rbind(x,n,o)) } ##### # system(" --runsql"); # system(" 3 > rt_data.csv"); # t <- read.csv('rt_data_2004-2011.csv', sep=',', header=TRUE) #t <- read.csv(, sep=',', header=TRUE) draw_rt_data <- function (input_filename, output_filename, start_date, end_date, draw=TRUE, one=FALSE) { t <- read.csv(input_filename, sep=',', header=TRUE) t2 <- t[which(t$complete == 1),] tg <- time_graph_setup(start_date, end_date) ot <- open_tickets(t2, tg) if ( draw == TRUE ) { start_image(output_filename, width=600, height=400) } if ( one == TRUE ) { par(mfrow=c(1,1)) par(mai=c(0.8,1,0.4,0.1)) } else { par(mfrow=c(2,1)) par(mai=c(0,1,0.3,0.1)) } x1<-as.numeric(ot[1,]) y1<-as.numeric(ot[2,]) a_ot<-lowess_smooth(x1, y1) plot(x1, y1, col='grey80', type='l', axes=F, ylab="a) Open Tickets (tickets/day)", xlab="Date", ylim=c(0,120)) # , ylim=c(0,260)) lines(a_ot$x, round(a_ot$y), col='black') axis(2, las=1) if ( one == TRUE ) { axis(1, labels=tg$month_str, at=tg$month_ts, cex.axis=0.7) axis(1, labels=tg$year_str, at=tg$year_ts, cex.axis=0.7, line=1, lwd=0) } abline(h=15, lty=3, col='grey80') abline(h=25, lty=3, col='grey80') abline(h=40, lty=3, col='grey80') plc_releases(120) if ( one == FALSE ) { par(mai=c(1,1,0.1,0.1)) for ( s in c(5) ) { d <- median_time_to_resolve_window(t2, tg, s) # "2004/1/1", "2011/1/28", s, "%b") plot(d[,1], exp(as.numeric(d[,5]))/24, type='l', lty=1, xlab="", axes=F, ylim=c(0.01, 15), ylab="b) Resolution Time by", col='black', xlim=c(min(x1), max(x1))) mtext("Quartile (days)", 2, 2) lines(d[,1], exp(as.numeric(d[,4]))/24, lty=1, col='grey50') lines(d[,1], exp(as.numeric(d[,3]))/24, lty=1, col='grey75') axis(1, labels=tg$month_str, at=tg$month_ts, cex.axis=0.7) axis(1, labels=tg$year_str, at=tg$year_ts, cex.axis=0.7, line=1, lwd=0) axis(2, labels=c(0,1,4,7,14), at=c(0,1,4,7,14), las=1) m<-round(max(exp(as.numeric(d[,4]))/24), 2) } abline(h=1, lty=3, col='grey80') abline(h=4, lty=3, col='grey80') abline(h=7, lty=3, col='grey80') planetlab_releases(15) } if ( draw == TRUE ) { end_image() } } #system("./ 3 > rt_data_2004-2011.csv"); draw_rt_data('rt_data_2004-2011.csv', "rt_operator_support_2004-2011.png", "2004/1/1", "2011/6/1", TRUE, TRUE) #draw_rt_data('rt_data_monitor_2004-2011.csv',"rt_operator_monitor_2004-2011.png", "2004/1/1", "2011/4/1") #draw_rt_data('short_support_20110101.csv',"rt_short_2011.png", "2010/11/1", "2011/4/1", FALSE)