import sys import xmlrpclib import cherrypy import turbogears from datetime import datetime, timedelta import time from monitor.wrapper import plc try: from import * from import * except: pass try: from PLC.Parameter import Parameter, Mixed except: def Parameter(a = None, b = None): pass def Mixed(a = None, b = None, c = None): pass def export_to_docbook(**kwargs): keywords = { "group" : "Monitor", "status" : "current", "name": None, "args": None, "roles": [], "accepts": [], "returns": [], } def export(method): def args(): # Inspect method. Remove self from the argument list. max_args = method.func_code.co_varnames[0:method.func_code.co_argcount] defaults = method.func_defaults if defaults is None: defaults = () min_args = max_args[0:len(max_args) - len(defaults)] defaults = tuple([None for arg in min_args]) + defaults return (min_args, max_args, defaults) keywords['name'] = method.__name__ keywords['args'] = args for arg in keywords: method.__setattr__(arg, keywords[arg]) for arg in kwargs: method.__setattr__(arg, kwargs[arg]) return method return export class MonitorXmlrpcServerMethods: @cherrypy.expose def listMethods(self): mod = MonitorXmlrpcServer() ret_list = [] for f in dir(mod): if isinstance(mod.__getattribute__(f),type(mod.__getattribute__('addDowntime'))): ret_list += [f] return ret_list def convert_datetime(d, keys=None): ret = d.copy() n = if keys == None: keys = d.keys() for k in keys: if type(d[k]) == type(n): ret[k] = time.mktime(d[k].utctimetuple()) return ret class MonitorXmlrpcServer(object): @cherrypy.expose def listMethods(self): mod = MonitorXmlrpcServer() ret_list = [] for f in dir(mod): if isinstance(mod.__getattribute__(f),type(mod.__getattribute__('addDowntime'))): ret_list += [f] return ret_list @turbogears.expose() def XMLRPC(self): params, method = xmlrpclib.loads( try: if method == "xmlrpc": # prevent recursion raise AssertionError("method cannot be 'xmlrpc'") # Get the function and make sure it's exposed. method = getattr(self, method, None) # Use the same error message to hide private method names if method is None or not getattr(method, "exposed", False): raise AssertionError("method does not exist") session.clear() # Call the method, convert it into a 1-element tuple # as expected by dumps response = method(*params) session.flush() response = xmlrpclib.dumps((response,), methodresponse=1, allow_none=1) except xmlrpclib.Fault, fault: # Can't marshal the result response = xmlrpclib.dumps(fault, allow_none=1) except: # Some other error; send back some error info response = xmlrpclib.dumps( xmlrpclib.Fault(1, "%s:%s" % (sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value)) ) cherrypy.response.headers["Content-Type"] = "text/xml" return response # User-defined functions must use cherrypy.expose; turbogears.expose # does additional checking of the response type that we don't want. @cherrypy.expose @export_to_docbook(roles=['tech', 'user', 'pi', 'admin'], accepts=[], returns=Parameter(bool, 'True if successful')) def upAndRunning(self,noop=None): """ This call can indicate to a script whether the server is up and running before trying any more sophisticated operations. """ return True # BOOTMAN SEQUENCE ------------------------------------------------------------ @cherrypy.expose @export_to_docbook(roles=['admin'], accepts=[Parameter(dict, "Auth struct"), Parameter(str, "The bootman sequence returned by MyOps"), Parameter(str, "The action string that identifies what to do when this sequence occurs")], returns=Parameter(bool, 'True on success.')) def setBootmanSequence(self, auth, sequence, action): """ Using this call, you can set a new sequence to identify an Unknown Error sqeuence returned by MyOps and associate it with a pre-defined action, (i.e. reboot, reinstall, or others). Please see the documentation for automated actions to see a list of supported actions. """ api = plc.getAuthAPI() api.auth = auth if api.AuthCheck(): bms = BootmanSequenceRecord.get_by(sequence=sequence) if not bms: bms = BootmanSequenceRecord(sequence=sequence, action=action) else: bms.action = action bms.flush() return True else: return False @cherrypy.expose @export_to_docbook(roles=['admin'], accepts=[Parameter(dict, "Auth struct")], returns=Parameter(list, 'Array of bootman sequences')) def getBootmanSequences(self, auth): """ Using this call, you can learn all currently defined bootman sequences and their associated actions. """ api = plc.getAuthAPI() api.auth = auth if api.AuthCheck(): ret_list = [] bms = BootmanSequenceRecord.query.all() for q in bms: d = q.to_dict() d = convert_datetime(d, ['date_created']) ret_list.append(d) return ret_list else: return [] # SITES ------------------------------------------------------------ @cherrypy.expose @export_to_docbook(roles=['tech', 'user', 'pi', 'admin'], accepts=[Parameter(dict, "Auth struct")], returns=Parameter(list, 'array of SiteStatus records')) def getSiteStatus(self, auth): """ This call returns a list that includes the status and observations of all sites, including those blacklisted. At this time, there is no indication which sites are blacklisted from this list. """ ret_list = [] sites = HistorySiteRecord.query.all() for q in sites: d = q.to_dict(exclude=['timestamp', 'version', ]) d = convert_datetime(d, ['last_checked', 'last_changed', 'message_created']) ret_list.append(d) return ret_list @cherrypy.expose @export_to_docbook(roles=['admin'], accepts=[Parameter(dict, "Auth struct")], returns=Parameter(bool, 'True on success.')) def clearSitePenalty(self, auth, loginbase): """ Rather than waiting for monitor to run automatically, this call will manually clear a site's penalties. """ sitehist = SiteInterface.get_or_make(loginbase=loginbase) sitehist.clearPenalty() #sitehist.applyPenalty() #sitehist.sendMessage('clear_penalty') sitehist.closeTicket() return True @cherrypy.expose @export_to_docbook(roles=['admin'], accepts=[Parameter(dict, "Auth struct")], returns=Parameter(bool, 'True on success.')) def increaseSitePenalty(self, auth, loginbase): """ Rather than waiting for monitor to run automatically, this call will manually increase a site's penalties.""" sitehist = SiteInterface.get_or_make(loginbase=loginbase) sitehist.increasePenalty() #sitehist.applyPenalty() #sitehist.sendMessage('increase_penalty') return True # NODES ------------------------------------------------------------ @cherrypy.expose @export_to_docbook(roles=['tech', 'user', 'pi', 'admin'], accepts=[Parameter(dict, "Auth struct")], returns=Parameter(list, 'array of NodeStatus records.')) def getNodeStatus(self, auth): """ This call returns a list of all nodes, including those blacklisted. The current observation and recorded status of each node is returned.""" ret_list = [] sites = HistoryNodeRecord.query.all() for q in sites: d = q.to_dict(exclude=['timestamp', 'version', ]) d = convert_datetime(d, ['last_checked', 'last_changed',]) ret_list.append(d) return ret_list @cherrypy.expose @export_to_docbook(roles=['tech', 'user', 'pi', 'admin'], accepts=[Parameter(dict, "Auth struct")], returns=Parameter(bool, 'True on success.')) def getRecentActions(self, auth, loginbase=None, hostname=None): """ Monitor takes various actions on sites (such as applying penalties) and nodes (such as repairing a node installation via BootManager). As well, it makes a log of every email message sent out, or believed to be sent. This call returns a list of all actions, filtered on site or for a specific node. """ ret_list = [] return ret_list # BLACKLIST ------------------------------------------------------------ @cherrypy.expose @export_to_docbook(roles=['tech', 'user', 'pi', 'admin'], accepts=[Parameter(dict, "Auth struct")], returns=Parameter(bool, 'True on success.')) def getBlacklist(self, auth): """ Return a list of all nodes and sites that are excluded from penalties. Currently there is no way to exclude a node or site from being monitored. """ bl = BlacklistRecord.query.all() ret_list = [] for q in bl: d = q.to_dict(exclude=['timestamp', 'version', 'id', ]) d = convert_datetime(d, ['date_created']) ret_list.append(d) return ret_list @cherrypy.expose @export_to_docbook(roles=['admin'], accepts=[Parameter(dict, "Auth struct"), Parameter(str, "hostname"), Parameter(int, "expires number of seconds from")], returns=Parameter(bool, 'True on success.')) def addHostToBlacklist(self, auth, hostname, expires=0): """ Add a host to the blacklist, with an optional expiration time""" bl = BlacklistRecord.findby_or_create(hostname=hostname, expires=expires) return True @cherrypy.expose @export_to_docbook(roles=['admin'], accepts=[Parameter(dict, "Auth struct"), Parameter(str, "loginbase"), Parameter(int, "expires number of seconds from")], returns=Parameter(bool, 'True on success.')) def addSiteToBlacklist(self, auth, loginbase, expires=0): """ Add a site to the blacklist, with an optional expiration time""" bl = BlacklistRecord.findby_or_create(hostname=hostname, expires=expires) return True @cherrypy.expose @export_to_docbook(roles=['admin'], accepts=[Parameter(dict, "Auth struct"), Parameter(str, "loginbase"), Parameter(str, "hostname"),], returns=Parameter(bool, 'True on success.')) def deleteFromBlacklist(self, auth, loginbase=None, hostname=None): """ Remove a host or site from the blacklist """ if (loginbase==None and hostname == None) or (loginbase != None and hostname != None): raise Exception("Please specify a single record to delete: either hostname or loginbase") elif loginbase != None: bl = BlacklistRecord.get_by(loginbase=loginbase) bl.delete() elif hostname != None: bl = BlacklistRecord.get_by(hostname=hostname) bl.delete() return True