#!/bin/bash # # priority: 850 # # Manage settings for the Zabbix installtion and # other monitor-related things # # Stephen Soltesz # Copyright (C) 2008 The Trustees of Princeton University # # $Id$ # # Source function library and configuration . /etc/plc.d/functions . /etc/plc.d/monitor.functions . /etc/planetlab/plc_config local_config=/etc/planetlab/configs/site.xml MONITORPATH=/usr/share/monitor # Be verbose set -x function if_present_load () { file=$1 if [ -f $file ] ; then psql -d $ZABBIX_DB_NAME -U $ZABBIX_DB_USER < $file fi } function check_zabbix_schema_and_data() { schema_present=$( psql -U $ZABBIX_DB_USER $ZABBIX_DB_NAME -c "\d;" < /dev/null | grep hosts ) if [ -z $schema_present ] ; then echo "... initial import can take SEVERAL minutes. please wait ..." if_present_load "/usr/local/zabbix/misc/create/schema/postgresql.sql" if_present_load "/usr/local/zabbix/misc/create/data/data.sql" if_present_load "/usr/local/zabbix/misc/create/data/images_pgsql.sql" ## TODO: update ZABBIX Server entry, "update hosts set status=0, host='MyPLC Server' where hostid=10017" fi } function check_zabbix_templates_and_import () { # LOG IN COOKIE_FILE=/tmp/cookiejar.txt rm -f ${COOKIE_FILE} TEMPLATES_DIR=${MONITORPATH}/zabbix/templates curl -s --cookie $COOKIE_FILE --cookie-jar $COOKIE_FILE \ --form "enter=Enter" \ --form "name=Admin" \ --form "password=zabbix" \ "http://${PLC_MONITOR_HOST}/zabbix/index.php?login=1" deleted=$( grep 'deleted' $COOKIE_FILE ) if [ -n "$deleted" ] ; then echo "Login to the zabbix web server failed!!!" return 1 fi for file in ${TEMPLATES_DIR}/*.xml ; do # 0 - update , 1 - skip, 0 - add echo "############### IMPORTING $file" >> /var/log/monitor.log curl -s --cookie $COOKIE_FILE --cookie-jar $COOKIE_FILE \ --form "config=1" \ --form "import_file=@${file}" \ --form "rules[host][exist]=0" \ --form "rules[host][missed]=0" \ --form "rules[template][exist]=0" \ --form "rules[template][missed]=1" \ --form "rules[item][exist]=0" \ --form "rules[item][missed]=0" \ --form "rules[trigger][exist]=0" \ --form "rules[trigger][missed]=0" \ --form "rules[graph][exist]=0" \ --form "rules[graph][missed]=0" \ --form "import=Import" \ "http://${PLC_MONITOR_HOST}/zabbix/exp_imp.php" >> /var/log/monitor.log done } function check_zab_server () { ZABBIXCFG=/etc/zabbix TMP_FILE=`mktemp /tmp/zbxtmpXXXXXX` if [ -f ${ZABBIXCFG}/zabbix_server.conf ] ; then sed -e "s/#DBHost=.*/DBHost=$PLC_MONITOR_HOST/g" \ -e "s#DBName=.*#DBName=$ZABBIX_DB_NAME#g" \ -e "s#DBUser=.*#DBUser=$ZABBIX_DB_USER#g" \ -e "s#DBPassword=.*#DBPassword=$PLC_MONITOR_DBPASSWORD#g" \ -e "s#.*ExternalScripts=.*#ExternalScripts=${MONITORPATH}/zabbix#g" \ ${ZABBIXCFG}/zabbix_server.conf > $TMP_FILE cat $TMP_FILE > ${ZABBIXCFG}/zabbix_server.conf fi service zabbix_server start rm -f $TMP_FILE } function check_zab_agentd () { ZABBIXCFG=/etc/zabbix TMP_FILE=`mktemp /tmp/zbxtmpXXXXXX` if [ -f ${ZABBIXCFG}/zabbix_agentd.conf ] ; then HOST=`hostname` sed -e "s#Server=.*#Server=$PLC_MONITOR_HOST#g" \ -e "s#Hostname=.*#Hostname=$HOST#g" \ ${ZABBIXCFG}/zabbix_agentd.conf > $TMP_FILE cat $TMP_FILE > ${ZABBIXCFG}/zabbix_agentd.conf fi service zabbix_agentd start rm -f $TMP_FILE } function check_zab_webconfig() { # SETUP zabbix gui configuration ZABBIX_WEB_CFG=/var/www/html/zabbix/conf/zabbix.conf.php if [ ! -f $ZABBIX_WEB_CFG ] ; then touch $ZABBIX_WEB_CFG cat < $ZABBIX_WEB_CFG EOF chmod 644 $ZABBIX_WEB_CFG fi } case "$1" in start) MESSAGE=$"Bootstrap Zabbix (please wait...)" dialog "$MESSAGE" # DATABASE acces, creation, and data loading check_pg_hba $ZABBIX_DB_NAME $ZABBIX_DB_USER check_user_and_db $ZABBIX_DB_NAME $ZABBIX_DB_USER if [ -n "$WROTE_PG_CONFIG" ] ; then # NOTE: restart db to enable access by users granted above. service plc restart postgresql service plc restart httpd MESSAGE=$"Bootstrap Zabbix 2 (please wait...)" dialog "$MESSAGE" fi check_zabbix_schema_and_data check_zabbix_templates_and_import # START zabbix services. SETUP default config files. check_zab_server check_zab_agentd check_zab_webconfig result "$MESSAGE" ;; sync) MESSAGE=$"Syncing PLC db with Zabbix DB" dialog "$MESSAGE" # turn off zabbix server, etc. before writing to the db. service plc stop monitor-zabbix $MONITORPATH/zabbix/zabbixsync.py --setupids &> /var/log/monitor-server $MONITORPATH/zabbix/zabbixsync.py --setupglobal 2>&1 >> /var/log/monitor-server # import any templates check_zabbix_templates_and_import service plc start monitor-zabbix result "$MESSAGE" ;; delete) MESSAGE=$"Deleting Zabbix databases..." dialog "$MESSAGE" dropdb -U postgres $ZABBIX_DB_NAME dropuser -U postgres $ZABBIX_DB_USER result "$MESSAGE" ;; stop) MESSAGE=$"Stopping Zabbix" dialog "$MESSAGE" service zabbix_server stop service zabbix_agentd stop result "$MESSAGE" ;; esac exit $ERRORS